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Created January 24, 2024 00:56
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Unity EventManager
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public abstract class GameEvent
public class EventManager : MonoBehaviour, IDisposable
public bool LimitQueueProcessing { get; set; } = false;
public float QueueProcessTime { get; set; } = 0.0f;
private static EventManager _instance = null;
private ConcurrentQueue<GameEvent> _eventQueue = new();
public delegate void EventDelegate<T>(T e) where T : GameEvent;
private delegate void EventDelegate (GameEvent e);
private ConcurrentDictionary<Type, EventDelegate> delegates = new();
private ConcurrentDictionary<Delegate, EventDelegate> delegateLookup = new();
private ConcurrentDictionary<Delegate, Delegate> onceLookups = new();
public static EventManager Instance =>
_instance ??= GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(EventManager)) as EventManager;
private EventDelegate Add<T>(EventDelegate<T> @delegate) where T : GameEvent
if (delegateLookup.ContainsKey(@delegate))
return null;
EventDelegate internalDelegate = (e) => @delegate((T)e);
delegateLookup[@delegate] = internalDelegate;
if (delegates.TryGetValue(typeof(T), out var tempDel))
delegates[typeof(T)] = tempDel += internalDelegate;
delegates[typeof(T)] = internalDelegate;
return internalDelegate;
public void Subscribe<T>(EventDelegate<T> callback) where T : GameEvent
public void SubscribeOnce<T>(EventDelegate<T> callback) where T : GameEvent
var result = Add(callback);
if (result != null)
onceLookups[result] = callback;
public void Unsubscribe<T>(EventDelegate<T> callback) where T : GameEvent
if (delegateLookup.TryGetValue(callback, out var internalDelegate))
if (delegates.TryGetValue(typeof(T), out var tempDel))
tempDel -= internalDelegate;
if (tempDel is null)
delegates.Remove(typeof(T), out _);
delegates[typeof(T)] = tempDel;
delegateLookup.Remove(callback, out _);
public void UnsubscribeAll()
public bool HasListener<T>(EventDelegate<T> callback) where T : GameEvent
=> delegateLookup.ContainsKey(callback);
public void Trigger(GameEvent e)
var eType = e.GetType();
if (delegates.TryGetValue(eType, out var callback))
foreach (EventDelegate k in delegates[eType].GetInvocationList())
delegates[eType] -= k;
if (delegates[eType] is null)
delegates.Remove(eType, out _);
delegateLookup.Remove(onceLookups[k], out _);
onceLookups.Remove(k, out _);
Debug.LogWarning($"EventManager: Event : {eType} has no listeners.");
public bool Enqueue(GameEvent evt)
if (!delegates.ContainsKey(evt.GetType()))
Debug.LogWarning($"EventManager: QueueEvent() failed due to no listeners for event: {evt.GetType()}");
return false;
return true;
// Once per update cycle process the queue. Optionally limit processing time
void Update()
float elapsedTime = 0.0f;
while (_eventQueue.Count > 0)
if (LimitQueueProcessing && elapsedTime > QueueProcessTime)
if (_eventQueue.TryDequeue(out var evt))
if (LimitQueueProcessing)
elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime;
public void OnApplicationQuit()
public void Dispose()
_instance = null;
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