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Hexadecimal number to braille pattern conventer. Binary clock. Now on C!
* @file braille_binary_clock.c
* Hexadecimal number to braille pattern conventer. Binary clock.
* Created: 2023-04-26
* Updated: *never*
* @author Alexey Savin (LamberKeep)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <uchar.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
* Translates 16 or less base to UTF-8 braille pattern character.
* Caution! Don't use a base greater than 16, as well as dozens more than 15.
* List of all braille pattern characters:
* @param input the input value that will be converted to a character.
* @param base the number system of this value.
* @return The Unicode character code.
unsigned short hexToBraille(unsigned char input, unsigned char base) {
unsigned char intFirst = (unsigned char) input / base;
unsigned char intSecond = input % base;
unsigned char inputFirst = intFirst;
unsigned char inputSecond = intSecond;
if (intFirst % 2 != 0) {
intFirst -= 1;
if (intFirst == 0 || intFirst == 6) {
// pass
} else if (intFirst < 6) {
if (intFirst < 3) {
intFirst += 2;
} else {
intFirst -= 2;
} else {
if (intFirst % 4 == 0) {
intFirst -= 2;
if (inputFirst > 11) {
intFirst -= 2;
intFirst -= 5;
if (inputSecond > 7) {
intFirst += 8;
if (intSecond >= 8) {
intSecond -= 8;
if (intSecond >= 4) {
if (intSecond % 2 == 0) {
intSecond -= 3;
} else {
intSecond += 4;
} else if (intSecond % 2 != 0) {
intSecond += 7;
if (inputFirst % 2 != 0) {
intSecond += 4;
return (((unsigned short) 0x0280 + intSecond) << 4) + intFirst;
int main() {
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "");
while (1) {
time_t now = time(NULL);
struct tm tm = *localtime(&now);
L"%lc %lc %lc\n",
hexToBraille((unsigned char) tm.tm_hour, (unsigned char) 10),
hexToBraille((unsigned char) tm.tm_min, (unsigned char) 10),
hexToBraille((unsigned char) tm.tm_sec, (unsigned char) 10)
return 0;
Hexadecimal number to braille pattern conventer. Binary clock.
Created: 2022-11-17
Updated: 2023-04-26
@author Alexey Savin (LamberKeep)
def hexToBraille(value: int, base = 16):
Translates 16 or less base to UTF-8 braille pattern character.
Caution! Don't use a base greater than 16, as well as dozens more than 15.
List of all braille pattern characters:
@param input the input value that will be converted to a character.
@param base the number system of this value.
@return The Unicode character code.
intFirst = value // base
intSecond = value % base
if intFirst % 2 != 0:
intFirst -= 1
if intFirst == 0 or intFirst == 6:
elif intFirst < 6:
if intFirst < 3:
intFirst += 2
intFirst -= 2
else: # intFirst > 6
if intFirst % 4 == 0:
intFirst -= 2
if value // base > 11:
intFirst -= 2
intFirst -= 5
if value % base > 7:
intFirst += 8
if intSecond >= 8:
intSecond -= 8
if intSecond >= 4:
if intSecond % 2 == 0:
intSecond -= 3
intSecond += 4
elif intSecond % 2 != 0:
intSecond += 7
if value // base % 2 != 0:
intSecond += 4
return 0x2800 + intSecond * 16 + intFirst
def binaryClock(loop = True, print_numbers = False, base = 10, sep=" "):
Print binary clock as braille pattern characters.
@param loop repeat forever. Defaults to True.
@param print_numbers print time as numbers. Defaults to False.
@param base output number base. Defaults to 10.
@param sep string separator. Default: " ".
import time
while True:
t = time.localtime(time.time())
if print_numbers:
print(t[3], end=sep)
print(t[4], end=sep)
print(chr(hexToBraille(t[3], base)), end=sep)
print(chr(hexToBraille(t[4], base)), end=sep)
print(chr(hexToBraille(t[5], base)))
if not loop:
def testCharacters(path: str):
Debug function.
Compares the output of a function against a file of all symbols.
@param path the path to the file.
count = 0
passed = 0
for line in open(path).readlines():
items = line.split("\t")
correct_item = int(items[0], 16)
testing_item = hexToBraille(int(items[2] + items[3], 16))
print(f"{correct_item}\t{testing_item}", end=" ")
count += 1
if correct_item == testing_item:
passed += 1
print(f"\npassed: {passed}/{count} ({round(passed/count*100, 1)}%)")
def getAllCharacters(base = 16):
Debug function.
Prints all 255 braille pattern character, taking into account the number system.
@param base output number base. Defaults to 16.
for i in range(0, 254):
print(f"{i}\t{chr(hexToBraille(i, base))}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Starts binary clock.
binaryClock(False, sep=" ")
# Print one character.
# print(chr(hexToBraille(0xff))) # Returns ⣿
# print(chr(hexToBraille(12, 10))) # Returns ⡠ (in base 10)
# Get all characters from range 0-255.
# getAllCharacters(16)
# getAllCharacters(10) # won't work after 159 (look hexToBraille function description)
# Test all characters from characters.txt (debug).
# testCharacters("./characters.txt")
U+2800 ⠀ 0 0
U+2801 ⠁ 8 0
U+2802 ⠂ 4 0
U+2803 ⠃ C 0
U+2804 ⠄ 2 0
U+2805 ⠅ A 0
U+2806 ⠆ 6 0
U+2807 ⠇ E 0
U+2808 ⠈ 0 8
U+2809 ⠉ 8 8
U+280A ⠊ 4 8
U+280B ⠋ C 8
U+280C ⠌ 2 8
U+280D ⠍ A 8
U+280E ⠎ 6 8
U+280F ⠏ E 8
U+2810 ⠐ 0 4
U+2811 ⠑ 8 4
U+2812 ⠒ 4 4
U+2813 ⠓ C 4
U+2814 ⠔ 2 4
U+2815 ⠕ A 4
U+2816 ⠖ 6 4
U+2817 ⠗ E 4
U+2818 ⠘ 0 C
U+2819 ⠙ 8 C
U+281A ⠚ 4 C
U+281B ⠛ C C
U+281C ⠜ 2 C
U+281D ⠝ A C
U+281E ⠞ 6 C
U+281F ⠟ E C
U+2820 ⠠ 0 2
U+2821 ⠡ 8 2
U+2822 ⠢ 4 2
U+2823 ⠣ C 2
U+2824 ⠤ 2 2
U+2825 ⠥ A 2
U+2826 ⠦ 6 2
U+2827 ⠧ E 2
U+2828 ⠨ 0 A
U+2829 ⠩ 8 A
U+282A ⠪ 4 A
U+282B ⠫ C A
U+282C ⠬ 2 A
U+282D ⠭ A A
U+282E ⠮ 6 A
U+282F ⠯ E A
U+2830 ⠰ 0 6
U+2831 ⠱ 8 6
U+2832 ⠲ 4 6
U+2833 ⠳ C 6
U+2834 ⠴ 2 6
U+2835 ⠵ A 6
U+2836 ⠶ 6 6
U+2837 ⠷ E 6
U+2838 ⠸ 0 E
U+2839 ⠹ 8 E
U+283A ⠺ 4 E
U+283B ⠻ C E
U+283C ⠼ 2 E
U+283D ⠽ A E
U+283E ⠾ 6 E
U+283F ⠿ E E
U+2840 ⡀ 1 0
U+2841 ⡁ 9 0
U+2842 ⡂ 5 0
U+2843 ⡃ D 0
U+2844 ⡄ 3 0
U+2845 ⡅ B 0
U+2846 ⡆ 7 0
U+2847 ⡇ F 0
U+2848 ⡈ 1 8
U+2849 ⡉ 9 8
U+284A ⡊ 5 8
U+284B ⡋ D 8
U+284C ⡌ 3 8
U+284D ⡍ B 8
U+284E ⡎ 7 8
U+284F ⡏ F 8
U+2850 ⡐ 1 4
U+2851 ⡑ 9 4
U+2852 ⡒ 5 4
U+2853 ⡓ D 4
U+2854 ⡔ 3 4
U+2855 ⡕ B 4
U+2856 ⡖ 7 4
U+2857 ⡗ F 4
U+2858 ⡘ 1 C
U+2859 ⡙ 9 C
U+285A ⡚ 5 C
U+285B ⡛ D C
U+285C ⡜ 3 C
U+285D ⡝ B C
U+285E ⡞ 7 C
U+285F ⡟ F C
U+2860 ⡠ 1 2
U+2861 ⡡ 9 2
U+2862 ⡢ 5 2
U+2863 ⡣ D 2
U+2864 ⡤ 3 2
U+2865 ⡥ B 2
U+2866 ⡦ 7 2
U+2867 ⡧ F 2
U+2868 ⡨ 1 A
U+2869 ⡩ 9 A
U+286A ⡪ 5 A
U+286B ⡫ D A
U+286C ⡬ 3 A
U+286D ⡭ B A
U+286E ⡮ 7 A
U+286F ⡯ F A
U+2870 ⡰ 1 6
U+2871 ⡱ 9 6
U+2872 ⡲ 5 6
U+2873 ⡳ D 6
U+2874 ⡴ 3 6
U+2875 ⡵ B 6
U+2876 ⡶ 7 6
U+2877 ⡷ F 6
U+2878 ⡸ 1 E
U+2879 ⡹ 9 E
U+287A ⡺ 5 E
U+287B ⡻ D E
U+287C ⡼ 3 E
U+287D ⡽ B E
U+287E ⡾ 7 E
U+287F ⡿ F E
U+2880 ⢀ 0 1
U+2881 ⢁ 8 1
U+2882 ⢂ 4 1
U+2883 ⢃ C 1
U+2884 ⢄ 2 1
U+2885 ⢅ A 1
U+2886 ⢆ 6 1
U+2887 ⢇ E 1
U+2888 ⢈ 0 9
U+2889 ⢉ 8 9
U+288A ⢊ 4 9
U+288B ⢋ C 9
U+288C ⢌ 2 9
U+288D ⢍ A 9
U+288E ⢎ 6 9
U+288F ⢏ E 9
U+2890 ⢐ 0 5
U+2891 ⢑ 8 5
U+2892 ⢒ 4 5
U+2893 ⢓ C 5
U+2894 ⢔ 2 5
U+2895 ⢕ A 5
U+2896 ⢖ 6 5
U+2897 ⢗ E 5
U+2898 ⢘ 0 D
U+2899 ⢙ 8 D
U+289A ⢚ 4 D
U+289B ⢛ C D
U+289C ⢜ 2 D
U+289D ⢝ A D
U+289E ⢞ 6 D
U+289F ⢟ E D
U+28A0 ⢠ 0 3
U+28A1 ⢡ 8 3
U+28A2 ⢢ 4 3
U+28A3 ⢣ C 3
U+28A4 ⢤ 2 3
U+28A5 ⢥ A 3
U+28A6 ⢦ 6 3
U+28A7 ⢧ E 3
U+28A8 ⢨ 0 B
U+28A9 ⢩ 8 B
U+28AA ⢪ 4 B
U+28AB ⢫ C B
U+28AC ⢬ 2 B
U+28AD ⢭ A B
U+28AE ⢮ 6 B
U+28AF ⢯ E B
U+28B0 ⢰ 0 7
U+28B1 ⢱ 8 7
U+28B2 ⢲ 4 7
U+28B3 ⢳ C 7
U+28B4 ⢴ 2 7
U+28B5 ⢵ A 7
U+28B6 ⢶ 6 7
U+28B7 ⢷ E 7
U+28B8 ⢸ 0 F
U+28B9 ⢹ 8 F
U+28BA ⢺ 4 F
U+28BB ⢻ C F
U+28BC ⢼ 2 F
U+28BD ⢽ A F
U+28BE ⢾ 6 F
U+28BF ⢿ E F
U+28C0 ⣀ 1 1
U+28C1 ⣁ 9 1
U+28C2 ⣂ 5 1
U+28C3 ⣃ D 1
U+28C4 ⣄ 3 1
U+28C5 ⣅ B 1
U+28C6 ⣆ 7 1
U+28C7 ⣇ F 1
U+28C8 ⣈ 1 9
U+28C9 ⣉ 9 9
U+28CA ⣊ 5 9
U+28CB ⣋ D 9
U+28CC ⣌ 3 9
U+28CD ⣍ B 9
U+28CE ⣎ 7 9
U+28CF ⣏ F 9
U+28D0 ⣐ 1 5
U+28D1 ⣑ 9 5
U+28D2 ⣒ 5 5
U+28D3 ⣓ D 5
U+28D4 ⣔ 3 5
U+28D5 ⣕ B 5
U+28D6 ⣖ 7 5
U+28D7 ⣗ F 5
U+28D8 ⣘ 1 D
U+28D9 ⣙ 9 D
U+28DA ⣚ 5 D
U+28DB ⣛ D D
U+28DC ⣜ 3 D
U+28DD ⣝ B D
U+28DE ⣞ 7 D
U+28DF ⣟ F D
U+28E0 ⣠ 1 3
U+28E1 ⣡ 9 3
U+28E2 ⣢ 5 3
U+28E3 ⣣ D 3
U+28E4 ⣤ 3 3
U+28E5 ⣥ B 3
U+28E6 ⣦ 7 3
U+28E7 ⣧ F 3
U+28E8 ⣨ 1 B
U+28E9 ⣩ 9 B
U+28EA ⣪ 5 B
U+28EB ⣫ D B
U+28EC ⣬ 3 B
U+28ED ⣭ B B
U+28EE ⣮ 7 B
U+28EF ⣯ F B
U+28F0 ⣰ 1 7
U+28F1 ⣱ 9 7
U+28F2 ⣲ 5 7
U+28F3 ⣳ D 7
U+28F4 ⣴ 3 7
U+28F5 ⣵ B 7
U+28F6 ⣶ 7 7
U+28F7 ⣷ F 7
U+28F8 ⣸ 1 F
U+28F9 ⣹ 9 F
U+28FA ⣺ 5 F
U+28FB ⣻ D F
U+28FC ⣼ 3 F
U+28FD ⣽ B F
U+28FE ⣾ 7 F
U+28FF ⣿ F F
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