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Script to render a sequence of ply files with Blender.
# Script to render a sequence of ply files with Blender. First, setup your scene
# and material for the imported meshes. Scene must be in "OBJECT"-mode.
# Fill in variables in options.
# References.
# See:
# and:
import bpy
# Options.
meshFolder = "" # Folder without ending "\\".
renderFolder = "" # Output folder (without ending "\\").
materialName = "" # Material name for the imported object. The Material already needs to be created.
AmountOfNumbers = 6 # Amount of numbers in filepath, e.g., 000010.ply
# Constants.
M_PI = 3.1415926535897932
# Helper.
def Deg2Rad(degree):
return degree * (M_PI / 180.0)
def SelectOnlyGivenObject(object):
# Firs deselect all.
for iterationObject in bpy.context.scene.objects: = False
# Then select the given object. = True
# Delete an object, see:
def DeleteObject(object):
# Cache the currrent mode we are in.
#oldMode = bpy.context.mode
# Set it to object mode.
#bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'OBJECT')
# Select only the given object.
# Delete the object and set the mode back to where it was.
#bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = oldMode)
def MeshPath(folder = "", frame = 0, fileEnding = "ply"):
return folder + "\\" + str(frame).zfill(AmountOfNumbers) + "." + fileEnding
def RenderPath(folder = "", frame = 0, fileEnding = "png"):
return folder + "\\" + str(frame).zfill(AmountOfNumbers) + "." + fileEnding
def RenderSequence(startFrame = 0, endFrame = 1):
# Loop over the frames.
for currentFrame in range(startFrame, endFrame):
# Import the object (Either obj or ply).
fullPathToMesh = MeshPath(folder = meshFolder, frame = currentFrame)
# bpy.ops.import_scene.obj(filepath = full_path_to_file)
bpy.ops.import_mesh.ply(filepath = fullPathToMesh)
# Get the just imported object.
importedObject = bpy.context.object
# Set its orientation. We need to do this,
# as PreonLab meshes have another up-axis.
importedObject.rotation_euler = (Deg2Rad(90), Deg2Rad(0), Deg2Rad(0))
# Get the smoke material. It has to be named that way.
material =[materialName]
# Set the material of the object.
if len(
# assign to 1st material slot[0] = material
# if there is no material append it
# Render the scene.['Scene'].render.filepath = RenderPath(folder = renderFolder, frame = currentFrame)
bpy.ops.render.render(write_still = True)
# Delete the imported object again.
# Run the script.
RenderSequence(startFrame = 1, endFrame = 20)
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