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Created September 5, 2019 16:31
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React Native "Field Group" Component for use w/Formik
import React from 'react';
import { Input } from 'react-native-elements';
import { Field } from 'formik';
import { utils } from '../theme';
import MoneyInput from './MoneyInput';
import PickerSelect from './PickerSelect';
import Text from './Text';
A component for rendering Formik fields with labels and errors.
Example Text Field:
<FieldGroup name="name" label="Name" />
Example Money Field:
<FieldGroup name="amount" label="Amount" type="money" />
Example Picker Field:
items={[{ id: 1, label: 'Alabama' }, { id: 2, label: 'Arkansas' }]}
const FieldGroup = ({ label, name, children, type = 'text', ...fieldProps }) => (
<Field name={name}>
{({ field, form }) => {
const componentFieldProps = {};
const fieldOverrideProps = {};
// Map "type" to "Component"
let Component = Input;
if (type === 'money') {
Component = MoneyInput;
} else if (type === 'select') {
Component = PickerSelect;
let elements;
if (children) {
elements = children({ field, form });
} else {
// map events depending on component
if (Component === PickerSelect) {
componentFieldProps.onValueChange = (value) => {
if (fieldProps.placeholder === false) {
fieldOverrideProps.placeholder = {};
} else {
componentFieldProps.onChangeText = form.handleChange(name);
componentFieldProps.onBlur = form.handleBlur(name);
if (!fieldProps.maxLength) {
if (Component === MoneyInput) {
fieldOverrideProps.maxLength = 10; // $99.999.99
} else {
fieldOverrideProps.maxLength = 255;
elements = (
return (
<Text label>{label}</Text>
<Text error small style={utils.my1}>
{(form.errors[name] && form.touched[name]) ? form.errors[name] : ' '}
export default FieldGroup;
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