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  • Read [Node.js, Require and Exports][rblog] and [Organize Your Code with RequireJS][rblog2]
  • Fork This Gist
  • Respond in your forked gist with answers to the following questions
    • In the context of Node, what is a module?

      • A module in Node from my understanding, is a function that wraps other functions and basically copies/mimics the functionality and imports it into another file in order to be used as intended.

##Leap My code: here

  • Responder #1 (here) - This responder took largely the same approach as me but used this.isLeap vs me using a prototype method and the indentation is different.

  • Responder #2 (here) - This responder used a single line method that seems to use all the same steps that I did but could be considered less readable.

  • Responder #3 (here) - This responder took largely the same approach as me but used an && style if statement which took off the need for one of my else ifs.

  • Responder #4 (here) - This responder took a similar approach to me but used this.isLeap and did a single line return statement.

##Leap My code: here

  • Responder #1 (here) - This responder took largely the same approach as me but used this.isLeap vs me using a prototype method and the indentation is different.

  • Responder #2 (here) - This responder used a single line method that seems to use all the same steps that I did but could be considered less readable.

  • Responder #3 (here) - This responder took largely the same approach as me but used an && style if statement which took off the need for one of my else ifs.

  • Responder #4 (here) - This responder took a similar approach to me but used this.isLeap and did a single line return statement.

Game Time - Path Through Mod One

Iteration One

  • Get enemy blocks to cycle through canvas
    • blocks should have varying speed and size (larger faster)
    • block direction top right to bottom left

Iteration Two

Length Points Week
15 minutes 5 Week 1

ES6 Research

Throughout the module (and your journey to Google enlightenment while working on IdeaBox2.0) you may notice a few different ways that JavaScript code is being written.

That might have something to do with something called ES6 and ES5

Random Res


The Tinder for anyone hungry whom dislikes making the final decision on where to eat.


Indecision occurs all to often when groups or couples start talking about where to go for dinner. This leads to lost time and generic decisions.

Laner12 /
Last active October 4, 2016 21:21 — forked from ryanflach/
Common setup for a new Rails project
  1. rails new <project_name> -d postgresql --skip-test-unit --skip-turbolinks --skip-spring
  • -d postgresql sets up the project to use PostgreSQL
  • --skip-test-unit skips the creation of the test directory
  • --skip-turbolinks & --skip-spring creates a project that does not use turbolinks or spring
  1. In the Gemfile:
  • inside of group :development, :test:
    • gem 'rspec-rails'
      • bundle
      • rails g rspec:install
  • gem 'capybara
  • get "/artists" artists_path
  • get "/artists/42" artist_path(42)
  • get "/artists/42/edit" edit_artist_path(42)
  • put "/artists/42" artist_path(42)
  • get "/artists/new" new_artsit_path
  • post "/artists" artists_path
  • delete "/artists/42" artist_path(42)
  • get "/stickers" stickers_path
  • get "/stickers/42" sticker_path(42)
do the thing
What is a primary key?
* The id of a resource in this table.
What is a foreign key?
* The primary key from another table used as a link to find data.
Why would one row of data have both primary and foreign keys?
* If it was a join table or if the table had a one to many relationship.
What is Rails' convention for the column name of the primary key?
* id
What is Rails' convention for the column name of a foreign key?
* singular-table-name_id