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Last active July 25, 2022 23:27
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findEasyPath - Tries to see if Manhatten Distance paths have no collision.
// Tries to see if Manhatten Distance paths have no collision.
// @param grid - A two-dimensional array containing the y-axis and x-axis in that order.
// @param start - A single array of the start coordinate start[0]=x, start[1]=y.
// @param start - A single array of the end coordinate end[0]=x, end[1]=y.
var findEasyPath = function (grid, start, end) {
var ts = G_TILESIZE; // 16 units in each grid coordinate.
var sx, sy, ex, ey;
sx = start[0];
sy = start[1];
ex = end[0];
ey = end[1];
sx = sx / ts;
ex = ex / ts;
sy = sy / ts;
ey = ey / ts;
var res = false;
//"easyPath: [sx,sy]:"+sx+","+sy);
//"easyPath: [ex,ey]:"+ex+","+ey);
// Sort out the x-axis row.
var xf = function (y) {
var c2 = (y % 1 == 0);
var fsx = Math.floor(sx), cex = Math.ceil(ex);
if (fsx != cex) {
var fy=Math.floor(y), cy=Math.ceil(y);
for (var i=fsx; i < cex; i++) {
if (c2) {
if (grid[fy][i]) {
return false;
else {
if (grid[fy][i] || grid[cy][i]) {
return false;
return [ex,y];
return true;
// Sort out the y-axis column.
var yf = function (x) {
var c2 = (x % 1 == 0);
var fsy = Math.floor(sy), cey = Math.ceil(ey);
if (fsy != cey) {
var fx=Math.floor(x), cx=Math.ceil(x);
for (var j=fsy; j < cey; j++) {
if (c2) {
if (grid[j][fx]){
return false;
else {
if (grid[j][fx] || grid[j][cx]) {
return false;
return true;
var success=0;
var xfsy = xf(sy);
var xfey = xf(ey);
var yfsx = yf(sx);
var yfex = yf(ex);
if ((start[0] == end[0] && yfsx) || (start[1] == end[1] && xfsy))
res = true;
success = 1;
if ((xfsy && yfex) || (xfey && yfsx)) {
res = true;
else {
return [];
if (res) {
var path = [];
if (success == 1) {
path = [[start[0],start[1]], [end[0],end[1]]];
return path;
else {
var d1 = (start[0] <= end[0]);
var d2 = (start[1] <= end[1]);
var dir = false;
if (d1) {
dir = (d2) ? false : true;
else {
dir = (d2) ? false : true;
if (success == 2) {
if (o)
path.push([sx*ts, ey*ts]);
path.push([ex*ts, sy*ts]);
log.warn("PathFind - Easy Path Detected!");"path: "+JSON.stringify(path));
return path;
return [];
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