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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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// ==UserScript==
// @name Facebook - No Suggested Post or Suggested App.
// @description No suggested Post or App Boxes should show in the Home Page.
// The Users have right to read content without being forced to look at ads.
// Tested on FireFox 34.0
// Chrome 39.0.2171.65
// If it's broken send me an e-mail:
// @namespace Langerz.Facebook
// @include*
// @require
// @version 1.1
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
this.$ = this.jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true);
$(document).ready(function() { Remove_Suggestions(); });
$("#contentArea").bind("DOMSubtreeModified", function() { Remove_Suggestions(); });
function Remove_Suggestions() {
$(".userContentWrapper > div > span").filter(":contains('Suggested App'), :contains('Suggested Post')").parent().parent().parent().remove();
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