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Created January 21, 2018 20:59
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package mcjty.immcraft.config;
import mcjty.immcraft.items.BookType;
import net.minecraft.init.Items;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraftforge.common.config.ConfigCategory;
import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Configuration;
import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Property;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
import net.minecraftforge.registries.IForgeRegistry;
import java.util.*;
public class GeneralConfiguration {
public static final String CATEGORY_GENERAL = "general";
public static final String CATEGORY_BOOKS = "books";
public static boolean worldgen = true;
public static boolean rockRecipe = true;
public static float leavesDropSticksChance = .1f;
public static boolean allowRightClickPlacement = false;
public static boolean allowMakingStoneAxe = false;
public static float maxRenderDistance = 16.0f;
public static double maxRenderDistanceSquared;
public static float rockDamage = 2.0f;
public static float rockStickFireChance = 0.3f;
public static int worldgenStickAttemptsPerChunk = 30;
public static int worldgenRockAttemptsPerChunk = 10;
public static boolean flintOnRockMakesFlintAndSteel = true;
public static boolean lightingFurnaceWithTorch = true;
public static boolean lightingFurnaceWithTorchConsumesTorch = false;
public static boolean showDebugHandles = false;
public static boolean createWorkbench = false;
public static float basePageTurnVolume = 1.0f; // Use 0 to turn off
public static Map<String,String> validBooks = new HashMap<>();
public static Set<Item> validIgnitionSources = Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<>());
public static Set<Item> ignitionSourcesConsume = Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<>());
public static void init(Configuration cfg) {
IForgeRegistry<Item> itemRegistry = GameRegistry.findRegistry(Item.class);
basePageTurnVolume = (float) cfg.get(CATEGORY_GENERAL, "basePageTurnVolume", basePageTurnVolume,
"The volume for the page turning sound (0.0 is off)").getDouble();
worldgen = cfg.getBoolean("worldgen", CATEGORY_GENERAL, worldgen, "Enable worldgen for rocks and sticks");
rockRecipe = cfg.getBoolean("rockRecipe", CATEGORY_GENERAL, rockRecipe, "Enable recipe for rocks");
rockDamage = cfg.getFloat("rockDamage", CATEGORY_GENERAL, rockDamage, 0.0f, 1000000.0f, "How much damage does a thrown rock do");
rockStickFireChance = cfg.getFloat("rockStickFireChance", CATEGORY_GENERAL, rockStickFireChance, 0.0f, 1.0f, "The chance that right clicking a stick on a rock will start a fire");
flintOnRockMakesFlintAndSteel = cfg.getBoolean("flintOnRockMakesFlintAndSteel", CATEGORY_GENERAL, flintOnRockMakesFlintAndSteel, "If true then right clicking a flint on a rock will make flint and steel");
lightingFurnaceWithTorchConsumesTorch = cfg.getBoolean("lightingFurnaceWithTorchConsumesTorch", CATEGORY_GENERAL, lightingFurnaceWithTorchConsumesTorch, "If true then lighting a torch this way will consume the torch");
allowRightClickPlacement = cfg.getBoolean("allowRightClickPlacement", CATEGORY_GENERAL, allowRightClickPlacement, "If true then right clicking a tool on a block will place it. If disabled then only the placement hotkey will work");
allowMakingStoneAxe = cfg.getBoolean("allowMakingStoneAxe", CATEGORY_GENERAL, allowMakingStoneAxe, "If true then right clicking a rock on a stick will give a stone axe");
leavesDropSticksChance = cfg.getFloat("leavesDropSticksChance", CATEGORY_GENERAL, leavesDropSticksChance, 0.0f, 1.0f, "Chance that destroying a leaf block will spawn sticks (0 to disable this)");
createWorkbench = cfg.getBoolean("createWorkbench", CATEGORY_GENERAL, createWorkbench, "If true then right clicking a stone axe on two logs will create a workbench. Currently disabled because workbench isn't working properly");
maxRenderDistance = cfg.getFloat("maxRenderDistance", CATEGORY_GENERAL, maxRenderDistance, 1.0f, 1000000000.0f, "Maximum render distance for in-world items");
maxRenderDistanceSquared = maxRenderDistance * maxRenderDistance;
worldgenStickAttemptsPerChunk = cfg.getInt("worldgenStickAttemptsPerChunk", CATEGORY_GENERAL, worldgenStickAttemptsPerChunk, 0, 100, "Maximum amount of attempts to spawn sticks in a chunk");
worldgenRockAttemptsPerChunk = cfg.getInt("worldgenRockAttemptsPerChunk", CATEGORY_GENERAL, worldgenRockAttemptsPerChunk, 0, 100, "Maximum amount of attempts to spawn rocks in a chunk");
String[] ignitionSourcesStr = cfg.getStringList("validIgnitionSources", CATEGORY_GENERAL, new String[]{"minecraft:flint_and_steel", "minecraft:fire_charge", "minecraft:torch"}, "What ignition sources are valid:");
String[] ignitionSourcesConsumeStr = cfg.getStringList("ignitionSourcesConsumeList", CATEGORY_GENERAL, new String[]{"minecraft:fire_charge", "minecraft:torch"}, "What ignition sources should be consumed:");
for(String source : ignitionSourcesStr){
validIgnitionSources.add(itemRegistry.getValue(new ResourceLocation(source)));
for(String source : ignitionSourcesConsumeStr){
Item item = itemRegistry.getValue(new ResourceLocation(source));
public static void setupBookConfig(Configuration cfg) {
ConfigCategory category = cfg.getCategory(CATEGORY_BOOKS);
if (category.isEmpty()) {
// Initialize with defaults
addBook(cfg, Items.BOOK.getRegistryName().toString(), "*");
addBook(cfg, Items.ENCHANTED_BOOK.getRegistryName().toString(), "*");
addBook(cfg, Items.WRITABLE_BOOK.getRegistryName().toString(), "*");
addBook(cfg, Items.WRITTEN_BOOK.getRegistryName().toString(), "*");
addBook(cfg, "rftools:rftools_manual", BookType.BOOK_BLUE.getModel());
addBook(cfg, "rftoolscontrol:rftoolscontrol_manual", BookType.BOOK_GREEN.getModel());
addBook(cfg, "rftoolsdim:rftoolsdim_manual", BookType.BOOK_GREEN.getModel());
addBook(cfg, "deepresonance:dr_manual", BookType.BOOK_RED.getModel());
} else {
for (Map.Entry<String, Property> entry : category.entrySet()) {
validBooks.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getString());
private static void addBook(Configuration cfg, String name, String type) {
cfg.get(CATEGORY_BOOKS, name, type);
validBooks.put(name, type);
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