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Last active April 19, 2023 06:12
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〰️ Line-to-Coordinates: Algorithm to draw a line between two coordinates
draw_line(x1, x2, y1, y2) {
x = 0, y = 0; // where each pixel of the line is drawn
xLength = abs(x1 - x2), yLength = abs(y1 - y2);
xRatio = 1, yRatio = 1; // Asserts how the line is weighted between the x and y axis
if (xLength > yLength) yRatio = yLength / xLength;
else if (xLength < yLength) xRatio = xLength / yLength;
// draw the line
xIterator = 0; // for progressing through the iteration
yIterator = 0; // based on the ratios of x and y separately
while ((x + x1) < x2 && (y + y1) < y2) {
xIterator += xRatio;
yIterator += yRatio;
draw_pixel(x, y);
// when x becomes 1 (due to x:1 relationship with y), then update the x coordinate at which we draw the line
// same principle for y
if (xIterator >= 1) { x1 > x2 ? --x : ++x; --xIterator; }
if (yIterator >= 1) { y1 > y2 ? --y : ++y; --yIterator; }
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