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Created June 9, 2009 00:33
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CIS 282
Files Assignment
To turn in:
 Attach a file files_lastname.rb as an attachment to the assignment in Blackboard
 Subject line: CIS 282, Name, Files
To do:
Take your program from the Hash Assignment and modify it to use files for storing the data instead of initializing the data at run-time.
Write a program that will read a datafile to initialize its Hash on startup.
When the user selects Exit, your program should then write the Hash into the same data file so that it can be read the next time it is run. Any new items that are created by the user need to be written to the file at the same time.
The format of the file should be:
# Now that the loop is gone, the program exits after each option. I choose an option, it exits. Not supposed to exit until I pick the Quit option!
# Since I exit after each option, it doesn't save any new added items past the "Add" option exit. Writing new added items to the file -- as well as current products.txt items -- is one of the main points of the assignment.
# The new item also has to be saved and included when I run option 5, lowest and highest-priced products, which is not possible when it isn't saved past the end of the Add block.
# Still need to figure out how to reconfigure my #5 to display in a user-friendly way. "472hat1597" is right, but not clear.
# Now that the loop is gone, the program exits after each option. I choose an option, it exits. Not supposed to exit until I pick the Quit option!
# Since I exit after each option, it doesn't save any new added items past the "Add" option exit. Writing new added items to the file -- as well as current products.txt items -- is one of the main points of the assignment.
# The new item also has to be saved and included when I run option 5, lowest and highest-priced products, which is not possible when it isn't saved past the end of the Add block.
# Still need to figure out how to reconfigure my #5 to display in a user-friendly way. "472hat1597" is right, but not clear.
hash_hartman_startover = {}
files_assignment = "products.txt", "r")
files_assignment.each_line do |line|
id, name, price = line.chomp.split(',')
# same as:
# items = line.chomp.split(',')
# id = items[0]
# name = items[1]
# price = items[2]
hash_hartman_startover[id] = [name, price]
$stdout << hash_hartman_startover.inspect
while true
print "\n1. View all products
2. Add a new product
3. Delete a product
4. Update a product
5. View highest-priced product and lowest-priced product
6. View sum of all product prices
7. Quit \n
Choose an option: "
choice = gets.chomp.to_i
if choice > 7
print "That\'s not one of the choices. Try again: \n"
if choice == 1
hash_hartman_startover.each{ |key, value|
puts "#{key} - #{value[0]}, #{value[1]}"
if choice == 2
print "Enter the product name: "
name = gets.chomp.upcase
print "Enter the product price using a decimal (as in 44.99), with no dollar sign: "
price = gets.chomp.to_f
#generate random key, make sure it's unique
key = rand(899) + 100
while hash_hartman_startover.has_key?(key)
key = rand(899) + 100
puts hash_hartman_startover[key] = [name, price]
puts "You have entered a new product called #{name} with an assigned key of #{key}."
puts hash_hartman_startover.inspect.upcase
if choice == 3
hash_hartman_startover.each{ |key, value|
puts "#{key} - #{value[0]}, #{value[1]}"
print "Enter the key number of the product you wish to delete: "
keynum = gets.chomp.to_i
if hash_hartman_startover.has_key?(keynum)
puts hash_hartman_startover[keynum]
hash_hartman_startover.each{ |key, value|
puts "#{key} - #{value[0]}, #{value[1]}"
elsif ! hash_hartman_startover.has_key?(keynum)
print "This product is not in the list.\n"
if choice == 4
hash_hartman_startover.each{ |key, value|
puts "#{key} - #{value[0]}, #{value[1]}"
print "Enter the key number of the product you wish to update: "
keynumber = gets.chomp.to_i
if hash_hartman_startover.has_key?(keynumber)
puts hash_hartman_startover[keynumber]
print "Enter the name you want assigned to this product (it can be the same name as before): "
new_name = gets.chomp.upcase
puts new_name.upcase
print "Enter the price you want assigned to this product (it can be the same price as before): "
new_price = gets.chomp.upcase
hash_hartman_startover[keynumber] = new_name, new_price
hash_hartman_startover.each{ |key, value|
puts "#{key} - #{value[0]} - #{value[1]}"
elsif ! hash_hartman_startover.has_key?(keynumber)
print "This product is not in the list.\n"
if choice == 5
hash_hartman_startover.each{ |key, value|
puts "#{key} - #{value[0]}, #{value[1]}"
sorted = hash_hartman_startover.sort_by{|product| product[1] }
puts "The cheapest product is #{sorted.last}"
puts "The most expensive product is #{sorted.first}"
if choice == 6
sum = 0
hash_hartman_startover.each {|key, value|
puts "#{value[1]}"
sum += value[1]
puts sum
if choice == 7
#~ files_assignment="products.txt", "w")
#~ item_array = files_assignment.readlines
#~ item_array.each{ |i| i.chomp!.upcase! }
#~ files_assignment.puts item_array.join("\n")
#~ files_assignment.close
#~ exit
formatted_products = do |key, value|
formatted_products = formatted_products.join("\n")
# $stdout << formatted_products
files_assignment ="products.txt", "w")
files_assignment << formatted_products
#This is a debugging exit, get rid of it when finished programming
if choice == 8
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