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CIS 282
Files Assignment
To turn in:
 Attach a file files_lastname.rb as an attachment to the assignment in Blackboard
 Subject line: CIS 282, Name, Files
To do:
Take your program from the Hash Assignment and modify it to use files for storing the data instead of initializing the data at run-time.
def print_out(string)
STDOUT << string
def products
@products ||= { 827 => {'name' => "ARM", 'price' => 349.99},
199 => {'name' => "LEG", 'price' => 224.75},
776 => {'name' => "FIRSTBORN", 'price' => 1499.95},
222 => {'name' => "LIFESAVINGS", 'price' => 49.99},
811 => {'name' => "RETIREMENT", 'price' => 49.99}
when 3
print "Enter the name of the product you want to delete: "
name = gets.chomp.upcase
findkey = product.index("name")
puts product.inspect.upcase
if ! product.has_key?[name, price]
print "This product is not in the list.\n"
def update_product
product.each{ |key, value|
puts "#{key} - #{value[0]}, #{value[1]}"
print "Enter the key number of the product you wish to update: "
keynumber = gets.chomp.upcase
print "Enter 9 to change the product name, or 10 to change the price: "
def products
@products ||= { 827 => ["ARM",349.99],
199 => ["LEG", 224.75],
776 => ["FIRSTBORN",1499.95],
222 => ["LIFESAVINGS",49.99],
811 => ["RETIREMENT",49.99]}
print "1. Add a product
product = {827 => ["ARM",349.99],
199 => ["LEG", 224.75],
776 => ["FIRSTBORN",1499.95],
222 => ["LIFESAVINGS",49.99],
811 => ["RETIREMENT",49.99]}
choice = 0
if choice <= 7