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Last active May 5, 2023 19:09
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This prints one line for each tx output: 1) the output's txid, 2) its index, 3) its age in units of txos since genesis before being spent, 9999999999 means a long time or currently unspent
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time, sys
from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy
api = AuthServiceProxy("http://lmr:lmr@")
# infinite retry
def api_retry(*args):
global api
while True:
return getattr(api, args[0])(*args[1:])
# sleeping is probably unneeded, but give the server
# a chance to recover, and also allows double-control-C
api = AuthServiceProxy("http://lmr:lmr@")
# any utxos beyond this age (in txos seen) are considered this age
# (so we don't get an accurate age for these, they're just "old")
maxage = int(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv) > 1 else 20_000_000
info = api_retry('getblockchaininfo')
tip_height = info['blocks']
# utxo_set[(txid,outindex)] = height
g_txo_count = 0
g_utxo_set = dict()
def cleanup():
global g_txo_count, g_utxo_set
to_delete = list()
for outpoint, txo_count in g_utxo_set.items():
if g_txo_count - txo_count > maxage:
(txid, output_index) = outpoint
print(format(txid, '064x'), output_index, 9_999_999_999, sep=',')
for outpoint in to_delete:
del g_utxo_set[outpoint]
for height in range(0, tip_height+1):
# if we don't do this cleanup periodically, the system runs out of memory
if height % 20_000 == 0:
blockhash = api_retry('getblockhash', height)
b = api_retry('getblock', blockhash, 2)
for tx in b['tx']:
txid = int(tx['txid'], 16)
for txi in tx['vin']:
if 'coinbase' in txi: continue
txi_txid = int(txi['txid'], 16)
output_index = txi['vout']
outpoint = (txi_txid, output_index)
if outpoint in g_utxo_set:
txo_count = g_utxo_set[outpoint]
del g_utxo_set[outpoint]
print(format(txi_txid, '064x'), output_index, g_txo_count - txo_count, sep=',')
for txo in tx['vout']:
g_utxo_set[txid, txo['n']] = g_txo_count
g_txo_count += 1
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LarryRuane commented May 5, 2023

Several updates:

  • track a UTXOs lifespan (time between creation and being spent) in units of transaction outputs (txos), not blocks
  • prevent memory exhaustion by deleting UTXOs from the map when they become more than (rather arbitrarily) 20m txos old
  • store the txid as an integer instead of a hex string; requires half as much memory

I think we want to construct the filter to contain long-life UTXOs, and the boundary between long-life and non-long-life will probably be less than 20m txos, I think, at least for the default cache size. If that's so, then we don't really need the exact lifetime when it's above 20m. When we do delete a long-running UTXO from the map, we print its age as 99999...9 (just so we know that's what happened).

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