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  • Save LarryStanley/372f5e475b9b5f84aa34aa75196447d0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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let buyMessagesOther = [
`$name just found $amount keys in the parking lot, i hope they weren't yours`,
`$name just paid a keysmith to make them $amount keys`,
`$name just bought $amount keys to spite everyone`,
`Ooh, $name just bought $amount keys, but they're running low on eth, nows your chance!`,
`whoever $name is, they just bought $amount keys`,
`with putty and careful practice $name just made $amount keys out of molten metal!`,
let buyMessagesSelf = [
`Your keyring is now $amount keys heavier, jingle jingle`,
`After throwing your eth in a nearby bin, you find $amount keys on the floor`,
`You have paid a clever man to teleport $amount keys directly into your pocket`,
`Don't panic, you just gained $amount keys, they can sense fear`,
`Nice! You just bought $amount keys! Your name is now showing up on everyone's screen!`,
`Nice! You just bought $amount keys!`,
`Good job buying $amount keys rookie, let's hope you can retire off this batch`,
`Of the $amount keys you bought, only one of them is a funny shape, does that matter?`,
`You bought $amount keys, everyone else is being forced to read your name`,
`Here's the $amount keys you ordered`,
`The ethereum blockchain delivers $amount keys directly to your door`,
`We've deployed a drone to bring you the $amount keys you wanted`,
`$amount keys added to your keyring, maybe they open something`,
let withdrawMessagesOther = [
let withdrawMessagesSelf = [
let nameMessageOther = [
let nameMessagesSelf = [
let exitScamWin = [
`You clever bastard, you actually did it`,
let exitScamTheft = [
`You clever bastard, you actually did it`,
`You should probably never tell anyone this was you`,
`Dispatching the swat team to your location now`,
`You should probably start running... now.`,
`Agent 232 is currently being dispatched to your location, hide`,
`Are you dreaming? I'm going to make you pinch yourself`,
`Stash it under your mattress!`,
`Man taxes on that are going to suck`,
`I'm telling mom`,
`Everyone is gonna be so pissed`,
`Spend it on our next project`,
`You should put it all into the next round and see what happens`,
`you have to get a new identity now`,
`I hope didn't have a vanity name you wanted to use ever again`,
`You made it, don't lose it on etherroll`,
`You should marry me so i can keep half too`,
`You know you're famous now, everyone sees you did it`,
`You could share you know, you wont`,
`Honestly, exit scamming an ICO is kinda brag-worthy`,
`is that a lot`,
`If you screenshot this pretend i wasn't here`,
`Congratulations, Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations!`,
`Lambo now, or later?`,
`phew we didn't think anyone was ever going to win`,
`huh, probably don't attach your real name to this`,
`Winner winner, chicken dinner`,
`wait, no, give it back!`,
`You've betrayed those investors good`,
`Now that you're rich in a meme currency, what will you conquer next?`,
`Now that you've won at cryptocurrency, what do you have left to waste your time on?`,
`Tell everyone, make them jealous`,
`Pretend it wasn't you, even though your name is on it`,
`They can't prove you took it, can they?`,
`You're pretty much the best`,
`You have the patience of a man watching drying paint being applied by a paintbrush attached to a growing blade of grass`,
`You're welcome, you better thank the devs`,
`You botted didn't you? Thanks for the Divs`,
let exitScamLoss = [
`Damn i need text here`,
let buyButtonMessagePlayer = [
`Listen $player doesn't like you and you don't like $player but you need to buy a key and stop them.`,
`Wait is $player allowed to do that?`,
`Uhh $player is trying to take everything, stop them!`,
`$player isn't looking, quick buy a key and snatch away the lead`,
`$player left the next key just sitting there, quick steal it from them!`,
`$player stole your key, time to buy a new one`,
`At some point $player has to stop, buy another key and make them suffer`,
`$player is almost out of ETH, finish him, buy another key`,
`Hahaha look $player is almost out of ethereum, finish him, buy another key`,
`$player is getting tired, put them to bed, buy another key`,
`Do your part, stop $player at all costs. Buy 1 key.`,
`That $player guy is getting pissed, i can tell. Buy another key.`,
`Are you really gonna stop now? Buy a key and defeat $player`,
`$player has to give up soon, buy a key and take everything`,
`Does $player really deserve the pot more than you do? We don't think so, buy a key.`,
`Fight $player for your rightful throne of ethereum, take the lead with a single key`,
`If you buy another key and win, you won't have to wage slave ever again`,
`Getting out of wage slavery is within your grasp, just beat $player, you can do it`,
`Buy another key so $player can write a breakup album about this moment`,
`$player is a big guy, that pot should be for you.`,
`We're all gonna make it, just keep $player from winning`,
`Ugh $player is in the lead again, put your name up there instead`,
`What kind of awful name is $player what does that even mean? Make it say yours instead`,
`$player is doing so good right now, would be a shame if you were to ruin that`,
`If you win, there will be articles written about you`,
`Uncage the bear, take the lead from $player`,
`Don't buy another key, $player definitely deserves to take your ETH`,
`Are you with $player or are you against them? Probably against, buy a key.`,
`JUST buy another key`,
`$player is about to JUST everyone`,
`JUST in progress by $player, stop them!`,
`$player is probably a really mean person, karma requires you to buy a key and stop them`,
`Buy a key and you won't have to see $player 's name anymore`,
`Oh oops someone let $player into the lead, stop them?`,
`Right wait don't i recognize $player from somewhere? Oh right they're in the lead, that's bad`,
`Swiper no Swiping! Repeat $player name three times to stop them, or... buy a key?`,
`Man, don't you wish $player was eaten by a grue? You might have to do it`,
`Gee $player sure looks cute in that dress, don't be distracted though`,
`Did you see that, $player just said your name wasn't as good as theirs was, show them, make them read it`,
`Someone really needs to take the lead away from $player`,
`$player is like your archnemesis at this point, might as well piss them off with another key purchase`,
`$player is not FDIC approved, don't trust them with the eth`,
`Go ahead, make your day`,
`All right, Mr. $player, I'm ready for my close-up.`,
`look $player did it, they're really at the top! End those dreams`,
`Just imagine how sad $player will be when they realize you bought the lead`,
`Are you winning yet? $player is, take it away`,
`Ask yourself, are you ready to get`,
`Git gud, buy a key and slay $player`,
`We know, it's addictive, buy another`,
`It's not like you need your eth anyway, use it to stop $player`,
`hah $player bought the lead just to mess with you, fix that`,
`Moon when? When you buy another key is when`,
`Do you have strong hands? $player does, break them`,
`I hope you're not planning to sell these keys that you can't stop buying`,
`Someone should stop you... oh wait $player is trying`,
`buy it, this is the only key to $player 's heart!`,
`$player has triggered the self destruct sequence! Are you here to stop it?`,
`$player is currently the patriarchy, click here to tear them down`,
`$player lost the last round, rub it in`,
`$player hates cereal, they might not be human, don't let the robots win`,
`Why does $player keep buying keys when they know you're going to beat them?`,
`Man $player keeps spreading fud, and now they're buying keys, show em who's boss!`,
`You sure you don't know $player from somewhere?`,
`Betray $player even though you like the name`,
`Probably buy a key so $player 's name isn't on your screen anymore`,
`Buy a key to cycle the funny button text away from $player's name`,
`This round has gone on for too long, just let $player win maybe?`,
`$player is replacing you...`,
`$player is evicting you...`,
`$player is annexing everything in the pot, oh no!`,
`$player has a smug expression right now, ruin it`,
`Has $player ever been so far as to do want more look like?`,
`Wolves hunt in packs, Hunt $player`,
`If only you knew where $player lived so you could stop them with violence, oh well peaceful ethereum it is`,
`If $player keeps buying keys you should own, someone's going to get hurt`,
`Wow look at it, $player is actually trying to Exit Scam`,
`$player is no longer friends with you`,
`$player has informed you they won't be sharing`,
`$player is unable to understand the concept of love`,
`$player might be evil, can you take that chance?`,
`$player might use the wealth in boring ways, can you take that chance?`,
`$player might use the wealth in safe ways, can you take that chance?`,
`$player might use the wealth in exciting ways, can you take that chance?`,
`$player might just buy drugs with the winnings`,
`$player isn't even real, remind them`,
`$player is a figment of their own imagination, manifested upon your own reality. Buy a key and stop that`,
`Are you sure you want to do that to $player?`,
`Don't press this button, $player has children!`,
`Don't press this button, $player has a sick dog!`,
`Don't press this button, $player wants to eat dinner`,
`$player asked you to watch this cup of milk for them, do you tip it over?`,
`$player doesn't like chocolate milk, do they deserve good things?`,
`$player pronounces "gif" as "gif" , like the image format, do something!`,
`$player doesn't even know what ethereum is, or how they got here`,
`$player has no idea how they got up here`,
`Wait who is $player and why do they get to be up at the top?`,
`$player doesn't even know they're in the lead`,
`You should call a swat team on $player to get them to stop`,
`You should call $player's mom and make them go to bed`,
`That $player probably has a better sob story than you do for taking the money, who cares though`,
`You should probably start coming up with an excuse to backstab $player before you click this`,
`That $player is your friend, backstab them`,
`You should JUST $player`,
`$player will be JUSTED if you buy a key`,
`$player hasn't been JUSTED yet, get em`,
`set your transaction hounds on $player, buy a key`,
`$player is button now, button strong`,
`$player is big man now, head hancho yes, show them you boss.`,
`$player is hurting, hit em with a key`,
`If you press this button you're practically killing $player`,
`If you press this button you're emotionally damaging $player`,
`If you press this button you're physically scarring $player`,
`$player bought a vanity name, they're probably referring others for 10% of every purchase!`,
`Swipe left on $player`,
`Swipe right on $player, and force them to read your name`,
`$player is like itty bitty baby that needs to be crushed`,
`$player mistook this for his retirement plan, it's your turn to be the economy`,
`$Player is hoping if they win the jackpot they might afford a house. You could use a house.`,
`Buy a key, be $player 's korea fud`,
`You think $player will mind?`,
`$player is exitscamming, buy one key to... wait this should go up top`,
`Why would you shoot $player before throwing them out of a plane?`,
`Make $player curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal`,
`Curse $player and their sudden but inevitable betrayal`,
`Show $player this isn't even your final form`,
`$player is on your lawn, tell them to get off`,
`$player would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for those pesky kids and your key purchase`,
`You can't bring yourself to sabotoge $player ... can you?`,
`With friends like $player who needs enemies`,
`Press this button to downvote $player`,
`Press this button to compliment the hat $player is wearing`,
`Press this to nerf $player`,
`$player wants to go to the bahamas, snipe the ticket`,
`$player thinks they've got this, we'll see about that.`,
`$player supports <opposite political viewpoint of your own> you can't let them get away with that!`,
`$player can't keep getting away with this!`,
let buyButtonMessageAnon = [
`We're not sure who's in the lead, but it's not you. Buy a key and fix that.`,
`It's bad business if that timer hits 0, buy a key already!`,
`you dropped your last key, time to buy a new one!`,
`If you buy another key you'll have a bigger number of keys to look at`,
`If you buy another key you'll have an even number of keys`,
`If you buy another key you'll have an odd number of keys`,
`You're not going to let someone without a name win, are you?`,
`You're really going to let a no-name take this from you?`,
`Look at them, thinking they can win this anonymously, stop them`,
`Buy 1 key to make everyone stare at the screen for 30 more seconds in anticipation`,
`Look at how many people are playing, multiply that by 30 seconds and waste that much time by buying another key`,
`Buy 1 key to waste an amount of electricity that could power a home for a week`,
`Buy 1 key to help global warming get us a bit faster`,
`Buy the key to her heart right here, right now`,
`Every time you buy a key you make someone else REALLY frustrated, good job, keep it up!`,
`Do your part, DDOS ethereum with this one simple purchase of a key`,
`Are you really gonna stop now? Buy a key.`,
`You're committed, you might as well buy another one`,
`you know what would be nice right about now? You winning.`,
`Force your way to the top once again`,
`Fight them for your rightful throne of ethereum, take the lead with a single key`,
`Getting out of wage slavery is within your grasp, just beat them, you can do it`,
`we're all gonna make it, just keep them from winning and buy another key!`,
`You're going to share when you win right? Put yourself in the lead and find out`,
`Your seconds of fame is just the cherry on top`,
`Make everyone angry at you, buy a key`,
`Make everyone hate your name, buy a key`,
`Insider info says this is probably the last key anyone will buy`,
`TA Analysis says your key amount is looking bullish`,
`This is your key, there are many like it, but this one is yours`,
`This round has already taken too long, if you buy a key you'll just make everyone angier. Do it.`,
`Buy a key and show off your funny name to everyone else, what could you lose?`,
`If you buy one you could be independently, financially independently soon!`,
`Grow your eth stack with this one simple click`,
`Buy the key to her heart already`,
`Might be the keys to your lambo, find out?`,
`We promise if you buy this key you'll get one key`,
`Damn that "someone" guy keeps buying keys all the time can we just stop them already?`,
`Are we sure this is going to end? Buy a key and encourage the madness`,
`One small click for you, one giant leap for your wallet balance`,
`A new life is just one key away`,
`If you win you'll get loads o e-moni`,
`what if parrallel universe you clicked this button and won?`,
`They can't even afford a vanity name and you're going to let them win?`,
`She's waiting, buy her`,
`She's right there, just a key away`,
`Got keys?`,
`This is the second to last key, click twice to be sure`,
`"Hey kid, buy a key win me and we can have fun together" -the eth pot`,
`A key a day lets you afford to see the doctor when apples don't work`,
`1 key = 1 prayer`,
`1 key = 1 like`,
`You have an incoming call, you can only accept. Do you?`,
`You can only know the way, if you have keybola`,
`Proceeds from every key go towards feeding whoever else bought a key`,
`This key opens a lambo`,
`This is the key to winning, literally`,
`This is the major key to success`,
`This key might even open the door... to your mansion`,
`This key might B Major`,
`This key says "DO NOT COPY" on it, break the rules`,
`This key opens things you shouldn't be allowed to open, take it`,
`This key is a key, you know you want it`,
`If you can't resist, they can't resist`,
`If they can't resist, you can't resist buying another`,
`Betcha can't just buy one`,
`Some will be spent on entertainment, some on cheap wine, and the rest foolishly wasted`,
`Be a thorn in everybody's side`,
`There are no secrets (except the button)`,
`Don't press this, let it end already!`,
`Keep clicking, and we'll keep pissing everybody off for you`,
`This round is slowwww, might as well buy another key`,
`Buy a key, look up the fulling-davies-unruh effect, the action of movement is a particle`,
`You know you want it`,
`You know you don't want to buy another, you can stop`,
`You can stop now, just let them take it`,
`You should just let them keep it`,
`They aren't very nice are they, not letting you win`,
`Are you winning yet?`,
`Are we there yet? No? Make the trip longer`,
`Follow the eth they're spending, track down how big a wallet they have, wait.`,
`Press the button`,
`You should click this, it glows, it buys you keys, it makes you exit scam everyone you know and love`,
`Exit scam your friends, take a key, take the lead`,
`Take it`,
`Its yours, one click, do it`,
`It's yours isn't it? Take it`,
`You should probably buy P3D too`,
`This is technically just an ethereum faucet at this point`,
`Press this button to recieve ethereum later`,
`Authorized use only, (do not press)`,
`Don't press me, Dave...`,
`Come on do it. Do you want to live forever?`,
`Man someone's gonna be really rich at the end of this`,
`Faster than sound = Sonic Boom, Faster than Light = Light boom. Cherenkov radiation, look it up.`,
`This could be a way out`,
`The time has come for you to face destiny`,
`The time has come and so will you`,
`The time has come.`,
`Press me to chase your dreams`,
`Follow your dreams`,
`I had dreams once, now you could too`,
`If you break it you buy it`,
`Like a pinata full of ether`,
`If you think this is great, you should check out P3D`,
`P3D can earn you permanent dividends off a bit of Fomo3D's volume, check it out!`,
`Press on, you never know unless you've tried`,
`Don't give up, it's yours if you take it`,
`The real winners here are probably the ethereum miners`,
`You better be playing nice with the nice people in the discord`,
`The real lesson here is greed > friendship`,
`Buying this one key raises the sea level by approximately 2-5 picometres, depending on if china mines it or not`,
`Buying this key is a gross misuse of how awesome the ETH EVM is`,
`Vitalik probably hates this game, it's okay he's adorable`,
`Buy this key to give Team JUST enough funds to send mister skeleton(vitalik) a sweater`,
`If they fork ETH to stop this game you're gonna be so mad`,
`This button brings all the ETH to the yard.`,
`We made the buttons on the screen look so good you'll want to lick them`,
`click it or miss it`,
`someone's getting rich, might as well be you`,
`Come on buy a key, all the cool kids are doing it`,
`You might as well hold one, just to say you were here`,
`The longer this goes on, the higher the pot gets, and the longer it goes on, neat`,
`The higher this pot goes, the higher it goes`,
`You again?`,
`Key this guy's Lambo`,
`People are logical, reasonable and altruistic. Scam them anyway.`,
`Keys are Safu`,
`He bought, call the locksmith`,
`Buy a key, be the korea fud`,
`Buy a part of these million dollar memes`,
`What could possibly go wrong?`,
`What's the worst that could happen?`,
`*Record Scratch*, Freeze Frame. You may be wondering how you got into this situation`,
`Turn it up to 11`,
`Tell them to get off your lawn`,
`Get Jiggy wit it`,
`Press this to delay victory for everyone`,
`Each key is 30 seconds of fear and fud`,
`It's not like you have anything better to torment them with`,
`One key to rule them all`,
`Press this for a quick levelup`,
`Press this for the new patch notes: Hint you're at the top.`,
`If you press this you're here forever`,
`Don't forget, you're here forever`,
`Like bitconnect, but honest`,
`Make purple your favorite color`,
`By not buying a key, you are chosing not to win`,
`Money don't grow on trees, good thing this isn't a tree`,
`15 minutes could lose you 15% in dividends`,
`Unlike the lottery, you actually have a chance to win this`,
`What will your family think if you don't win this?`,
`Go ahead, don't press it`,
`Go ahead, press it`,
`Go ahead, wait for the timer to get lower`,
`ahhhhhhhhhhh you're not in the lead!!!!!`,
`They probably have a different political opinion than you, stop them`,
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