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Created March 20, 2016 17:37
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# Python 2.7.9
# Uses pi_switch from
# See pi_switch readme for details on setup
from pi_switch import RCSwitchReceiver
import time
import csv
receiver = RCSwitchReceiver()
acceptedTypes = { 1 : "Indoor Light", 2 : "Indoor Temp", 3: "Indoor Humidity",4:"Outdoor Temp" }
def recordIncomingMeasurements(writer):
prev_value = 0L
while True:
if receiver.available():
value = receiver.getReceivedValue()
# print(value)
if value == prev_value:
numIdenticalInARow += 1
numIdenticalInARow = 1
# decode byte3
byte3 = (0xFF000000 & value) >> 24
typeID = int((0xF0 & byte3) >> 4)
seqNum = int((0x0F & byte3))
# decode byte2 and byte1
data = int((0x00FFFF00 & value) >> 8)
# decode byte0
checkSum = int((0x000000FF & value))
calculatedCheckSum = 0xFF & (typeID + seqNum + data)
if typeID == 4:
# Handle float values that can be negative from -327.67 to +327.67
# Bit 15 contains the sign flag,
# the rest of the word (max 0x7FFF) contains the float value * 100
floatResult = 0.0
if (data & 0x8000 > 0):
# this should be a negative value
data &=~(1 << 15)
floatResult = -data
data &=~(1 << 15)
floatResult = data
data = floatResult/100.0
# Sanity checks on received data
correctData = True
if calculatedCheckSum != checkSum:
# print("Incorrect checksum!")
correctData = False
elif typeID not in acceptedTypes:
# print("Incorrect ID!")
correctData = False
elif seqNum > 15:
# print("Incorrect SeqNum")
correctData = False
if correctData:
timeValue = time.ctime()
if numIdenticalInARow == 2:
# only store values if message was registred twice
# if registred more than two times, ignore the value
print(str.format("{0}: {1}={2} SeqNum={3}",timeValue,acceptedTypes[typeID],data,seqNum))
prev_value = value
with open('results.csv', 'w') as csvfile:
fieldNames = ['Time',acceptedTypes[1],acceptedTypes[2],acceptedTypes[3],acceptedTypes[4]]
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile,fieldnames=fieldNames)
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