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Created November 18, 2018 17:52
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ISO8601DateFormatter with time interval parsing
extension ISO8601DateFormatter {
/// Parses an ISO8601 time interval string
/// For example: P5DT19H6M15S represents 5 days 19 hours 6 minutes and 15 seconds.
/// PT4M5S represents 4 minutes and 5 seconds
/// M and S are mandatory.
/// - Parameter from: An ISO8601 interval string.
/// - Returns: The time interval in seconds that the string represents (if it's valid)
func interval(from: String) -> TimeInterval? {
let regex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "P((?<d>[0-9]+)D)?T((?<h>[0-9]+)H)?((?<m>[0-9]+)M)((?<s>[0-9]+)S)")
guard let match = regex.matches(in: from, range: NSRange(location: 0, length: from.count)).first,
let minutesRange = Range(match.range(withName: "m"), in: from),
let minutes = Int(from[minutesRange]),
let secondsRange = Range(match.range(withName: "s"), in: from),
let seconds = Int(from[secondsRange]) else {
return nil
var interval = 0
if let dayRange = Range(match.range(withName: "d"), in: from), let days = Int(from[dayRange]) {
interval += days * (24 * 60 * 60)
if let hoursRange = Range(match.range(withName: "h"), in: from), let hours = Int(from[hoursRange]) {
interval += hours * (60 * 60)
interval += minutes * 60
interval += seconds
return Double(interval)
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