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Created October 20, 2022 02:10
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20:42:06 From Varqa Kalantar to Everyone:
Bearing in mind everything we have said about participation in the discourses of society, let us now ask ourselves a fundamental question: How do we go about understanding and analyzing issues of social import in light of the Baha’i teachings? A moment of reflection on this question brings a host of others to mind: How did I develop the perception I have of this or that issue? To what extent are my views on social issues influenced by informal conversation with friends, neighbors, and coworkers? Given that I am constantly exposed to a wide range of convincing arguments, often stemming from conflicting ideological perspectives, each aggressively propagated by the media, how do I go about separating truth from propaganda?
20:42:07 From Varqa Kalantar to Everyone:
What criteria do I use to distinguish between fact and opinion? How do I avoid presenting as the Baha’i view on a particular issue a set of ideas in vogue that are superficially akin to certain beliefs of the Faith? How do I ensure that my thought pattern becomes more and more aligned with the Teachings? These are but a few of the questions we must be able to answer as we strive to enhance our capacity to converse on social issues.
21:00:04 From Quddús to Everyone:
21:03:53 From khotan to Everyone:
Scientific knowledge is the highest attainment upon the human plane, for science is the discoverer of realities. It is of two kinds: material and spiritual. Material science is the investigation of natural phenomena; divine science is the discovery and realization of spiritual verities. The world of humanity must acquire both. A bird has two wings; it cannot fly with one. Material and spiritual science are the two wings of human uplift and attainment. Both are necessary—one the natural, the other supernatural; one material, the other divine. By the divine we mean the discovery of the mysteries of God, the comprehension of spiritual realities, the wisdom of God, inner significances of the heavenly religions and foundation of the law. – Abdu’l-Baha, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 138.
21:09:48 From khotan to Everyone:
“Yet those who journey in the garden land of knowledge, because they see the end in the beginning.” Baha’u’llah, The Seven Valleys
21:30:44 From khotan to Everyone:
21:32:30 From Quddús to Everyone:
Much that is taken to be harmless, or even well-intentioned, is, on closer examination, serving to deepen social divides, fuel differences between opposing groups, and perpetuate disagreements, driving away possibilities for consensus and the search for solutions
(1 December 2019 – To all National Spiritual Assemblies)
21:34:29 From Janice to Everyone:
Reminds me of the roles of the three protagonists
21:41:59 From Quddús to Everyone:
Link? 😁
21:44:10 From Heeten Choxi to Everyone:
21:49:41 From Quddús to Everyone:
Or based on their means
21:56:17 From Janice to Everyone:
21:57:00 From Janice to Everyone:
2 March 2013 message 👆
21:59:32 From Alex Clarke to Everyone:
"The animal is the captive of nature and cannot transgress the rules and laws thereof. In man, however, there is a discovering power that transcendeth the world of nature and controlleth and interfereth with the laws thereof...Man, however, though in body the captive of nature is yet free in his mind and soul, and hath the mastery over nature.
Consider: according to the law of nature man liveth, moveth and hath his being on earth, yet his soul and mind interfere with the laws thereof, and even as the bird he flieth in the air, saileth speedily upon the seas and as the fish soundeth the deep and discovereth the things therein. Verily this is a grievous defeat inflicted upon the laws of nature."
- 'Abdu'l-Bahá, Tablet to Dr. August Forel
22:02:11 From khotan to Everyone:
Neil Postman on Technopoly (1992) -
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