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Created September 24, 2009 17:51
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(ns dk.bestinclass.ikeda
(:import (javax.swing JFrame JPanel)
(java.awt Color Graphics)
(java.awt.image BufferedImage)
(java.awt.event MouseListener)))
;= Definitions
(def x-axis [-10 10])
(def y-axis [-10 10])
(def width-axis (Math/abs (apply - x-axis)))
(def height-axis (Math/abs (apply - y-axis)))
(def width-screen 640)
(def height-screen 480)
(def globals (ref {}))
(def running (ref true))
(def animator (agent 0))
(def n (atom 0))
(def u 0.92) ; You're thinking.. why 0.92? :P
;= Logic
(defn ikeda [x y u]
(iterate (fn [[x_n y_n]]
(let [t_n (- 0.4 (/ 6 (+ 1 (* x_n x_n) (* y_n y_n))))]
[(inc (* u (- (* x_n (Math/cos t_n))
(* y_n (Math/sin t_n)))))
(* u (+ (* x_n (Math/sin t_n))
(* y_n (Math/cos t_n ))))]))
[x y]))
(def spawns (for [i (range 100)]
(let [x (+ (first x-axis) (rand-int width-axis))
y (+ (first y-axis) (rand-int height-axis))]
(atom (ikeda x y u)))))
;==== GUI
(defn >screencoordinate [coordinate]
" Takes a coordinate from our x-axis/y-axis coordinate system and
converts it to a pixel coordinate on screen "
(let [[x y] coordinate
xmin (first x-axis)
xmax (last x-axis)
ymin (first y-axis)
ymax (last y-axis)]
[(* (/ (- x xmin) (- xmax xmin)) width-screen)
(* (/ (- y ymin) (- ymax ymin)) height-screen)]))
(defn draw-ikeda-map [#^Graphics canvas]
" Walks through the spawn points, calling their next position from
ikeda and draws it on the canvas "
(.setColor canvas (Color. 50 50 50))
(doseq [spawnpoint spawns]
(let [point (>screencoordinate (first @spawnpoint))]
(.drawRect canvas (first point) (last point) 1 1)))
(doto canvas
(.setColor Color/WHITE)
(.fillRect 0 3 100 16)
(.setColor Color/BLACK)
(.drawRect -5 2 101 17))
(.drawString canvas (format "iteration %d" @n) 5 15))
(defn render [g]
"On first run it draws a white background on all other runs it
draws the ikeda maps next iteration"
(let [img (BufferedImage. width-screen height-screen BufferedImage/TYPE_INT_ARGB)
bg (.getGraphics img)]
(draw-ikeda-map bg)
(.drawImage g img 0 0 nil)
(.dispose bg)))
(defn animate [a]
" Calls next on all spawn points, leaving the next item for rendering at the
head "
(doseq [point spawns] (swap! point next))
(swap! n inc)
(.updateUI (:surface @globals))
(when (and @running (< @n 2000))
(send-off *agent* animate)))
(defn init-ui []
(let [frame (JFrame. "Ikeda map")
panel (doto
(proxy [JPanel] []
(paint [g] (render g))))]
(dosync (alter globals assoc :surface panel))
(doto frame
(.add panel)
(.setSize width-screen height-screen)
(send-off animator animate)))
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