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Last active April 11, 2016 13:51
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Start mysql if its not running
# Author: Laurens Laman
# Date: 2015-12-27
# URL:
# Sometimes MySQL randomly stops for no apparent reason. This can be an extreme pain in the *
# Use this scripts to start mysql when its not running. To make your life easy again.
# Stop mysql manualy (service mysql stop) and check the status message (service mysql status)
# Check if part of the status message is in the if statement below, if not add it and comment so i can update the script
# Run the script by hand and check if mysql is started
# Add script to cron: (run every minute)
# */1 * * * * /var/scripts/ > /var/logs/mysqlfix.log
mysqlStatus="$(service mysql status)";
if ([[ $mysqlStatus =~ "not running" ]] || [[ $mysqlStatus =~ "is stopped" ]] || [[ $mysqlStatus =~ "stop/waiting" ]])
echo "$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %T") -> MySQL is DOWN :( RESTARTING MySQL "
service mysql start > /dev/null
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