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Last active July 14, 2024 11:08
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Solves Torus Puzzle on Exponential Idle on Android (no root)
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
# In[1]:
"""Solves Torus Puzzle on Exponential Idle on Android (no root)"""
__author__ = "Sunny Patel <>"
from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import dataclass, astuple
from itertools import groupby
from PIL import Image
from pprint import pprint
from pytesseract import pytesseract, image_to_string, image_to_data, Output
from sys import exit
from time import sleep
from typing import List
import numpy as np
import cv2, os, torus # Torus solver from
# Requires Python 3.7+
class Rect:
x0: int
y0: int
x1: int
y1: int
def cell(self, size) -> Rect:
dx, dy = int((self.x1 - self.x0) / size), int((self.y1 - self.y0) / size)
return Rect(x0=int(self.x0 + dx // 2), y0=int(self.y0 + dy // 2), x1=dx, y1=dy)
def __getitem__(cls, x):
return getattr(cls, x)
def __setitem__(cls, x, value):
return setattr(cls, x, value)
# In[2]:
# Phone specific coordinates of grid area. Change debug variable and get coordinates from temp_file (use paint)
grid = Rect(x0=57, y0=896, x1=1041, y1=1880)
debug = False
tess_config = '--dpi 420 --psm 6' # Use `adb shell wm density` to get the dpi
pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = r"C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract.exe"
# In[3]:
def batch(iterable, n=1):
l = len(iterable)
for ndx in range(0, l, n):
yield iterable[ndx:min(ndx + n, l)]
def capture(temp_file: str ="scr.png") -> Image:
os.system(r"adb exec-out screencap -p | perl -pe 's/\x0D\x0A/\x0A/g' > " + temp_file)
grey = cv2.bitwise_not(cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(temp_file), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY))
if not debug:
return Image.fromarray(cv2.threshold(grey, 152, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1])
def solve(image: Image) -> (List[(int, str, int)], int):
t = image_to_string(image.crop(astuple(grid)), config=f"{tess_config} --tessdata-dir ./tess -l digits").strip()
rows = t.count("\n") + 1
M = np.fromstring(t, sep=" ", dtype=int).reshape(-1, rows)
if len(np.unique(M)) != rows ** 2:
print(f"\n\n\nERROR: Didn't recognize every number: {len(np.unique(M))}\n\n\n")
return [(int(r), d, len(list(g))) for (d, r), g in groupby(torus.f(M.tolist()))], rows
def swipes(steps: List[(int, str, int)], rows: int) -> List[str]:
print(f"Solving with {len(steps)} swipes")
output, cell = [], grid.cell(rows)
for index, direction, count in steps:
coord = Rect(x0=cell.x0, y0=cell.y0, x1=cell.x0, y1=cell.y0)
if direction in "LR":
coord[f'x{"LR".index(direction)}'] += count * cell.x1
coord.y0 += index * cell.y1
coord.y1 = coord.y0
elif direction in "UD":
coord[f'y{"UD".index(direction)}'] += count * cell.y1
coord.x0 += index * cell.x1
coord.x1 = coord.x0
output.append(f"input touchscreen swipe {coord.x0} {coord.y0} {coord.x1} {coord.y1} 150")
return output
def tap(data: dict, idx: int) -> List[str]:
return [f"input touchscreen tap {data['left'][idx]} {data['top'][idx]}"]
def send_commands(commands: List[str]):
for batchset in batch(commands, 16): # 16 is used because of 1024 character limit of adb commands
command = " && sleep 0.1 && ".join(batchset)
if debug:
print(f"adb shell \"{command}\"")
os.system(f"adb shell \"{command}\"")
# In[4]:
while True:
image = capture()
text = image_to_string(image, config=tess_config).strip()
data = image_to_data(image, config=tess_config, output_type=Output.DICT)
if "Give Up" in text:
elif "Claim" in data['text']:
idx = data['text'].index("Claim")
send_commands(tap(data, idx))
elif "Play Torus Puzzle" in text:
idx = data['text'].index("Torus")
send_commands(tap(data, idx))
elif "Select Difficulty" in text:
idx = data['text'].index("Hard")
send_commands(tap(data, idx))
pprint("Required Text not Found!")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
def f(a):
d = len(a)
r = []
def V(j, b=-1):
b %= d
if d - b < b:
for k in range(d - b):
if r and r[-1] == 'U%d' % j:
r.append('D%d' % j)
b = a[-1][j]
for i in range(len(a) - 1):
a[-1 - i][j] = a[-2 - i][j]
a[0][j] = b
for k in range(b):
if r and r[-1] == 'D%d' % j:
r.append('U%d' % j)
b = a[0][j]
for i in range(len(a) - 1):
a[i][j] = a[i + 1][j]
a[-1][j] = b
def H(i, b=-1):
b %= d
if d - b < b:
for k in range(d - b):
if r and r[-1] == 'L%d' % i:
r.append('R%d' % i)
a[i] = (a[i])[-1:] + (a[i])[:-1]
for k in range(b):
if r and r[-1] == 'R%d' % i:
r.append('L%d' % i)
a[i] = (a[i])[1:] + (a[i])[:1]
b = sorted(sum(a, []))
for i in range(d - 1):
for j in range(d):
c = b.pop(0)
e = sum(a, []).index(c)
if e // d == i:
if j == 0:
H(i, e - j)
elif j < e % d:
if i:
V(e % d, 1)
H(i, j - e)
V(e % d)
H(i, e - j)
H(1, e - j)
V(j, 1)
if j == e % d:
H(e // d)
e += 1
if e % d == 0:
e -= d
if i:
V(j, i - e // d)
H(e // d, e - j)
V(j, e // d - i)
c = [b.index(e) for e in a[-1]]
c = [sum(c[(i + j) % d] < c[(i + k) % d] for j in range(d) for k in
range(j)) % 2 and d * d or sum(abs(c[(i + j) % d] - j)
for j in range(d)) for i in range(d)]
e = min(~c[::-1].index(min(c)), c.index(min(c)), key=abs)
H(d - 1, e)
for j in range(d - 2):
e = a[-1].index(b[j])
if e > j:
c = b.index(a[-1][j])
if c == e:
if e - j == 1:
c = j + 2
c = j + 1
H(d - 1, j - e)
V(e, 1)
H(d - 1, c - j)
H(d - 1, e - c)
V(e, 1)
return r
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