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Forked from nathwill/pf.conf
Created April 14, 2021 23:03
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a dummy's sample pf.conf
# $OpenBSD: pf.conf,v 1.52 2013/02/13 23:11:14 halex Exp $
# See pf.conf(5) for syntax and examples.
# Remember to set net.inet.ip.forwarding=1 and/or net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1
# in /etc/sysctl.conf if packets are to be forwarded between interfaces.
### Macros
# system
ext_if = "em0"
ext_if_inet = ""
ext_if_inet6 = "2607:f700:1234:2::15"
int_if = "em1"
int_if_inet = ""
int_if_inet6 = "2607:f700:abcd:3::1"
# networks
int_inet_net = ""
int_inet6_net = "2607:f700:abcd:3::/64"
# hosts
bastion_int_inet = ""
app_int_inet = ""
app_ext_inet = ""
# other
### Tables
# black holes
table <bruteforce> persist
table <abusivehosts> persist
# extremely trusted hosts
table <trusted_hosts_inet> persist file "/etc/pf/trusted_hosts_inet"
table <trusted_hosts_inet6> persist file "/etc/pf/trusted_hosts_inet6"
### Policies
## sane default options
# only generate debug messages for serious errors
set debug urgent
# gather statistics for interface
# can only do one, may be expensive
set loginterface em0
# built-in optimizations for network environment
set optimization normal
# increase the default state limit from 10,000 on busy systems
# set limit states 100000
# dropping is less expensive than rejecting
set block-policy drop
# provide some protection against address spoofing
antispoof quick for { lo0 $int_if $ext_if }
# don't filter loopback
set skip on lo0
# default block policy
block log
# block undesired traffic up-front
anchor "blacklist" {
# block rate-limited bad actors
block quick log from { <bruteforce> <abusivehosts> }
# block unwanted services
block quick log on { $int_if $ext_if } \
proto {tcp, udp} \
from any to any port { 111 67 }
# scrub incoming packets
# no-df is so scrubbing plays nice with NFS,
# which is known to generate fragmented packets
# with the don't-fragment bit set... ;
# random-id is used due to some OS's rather
# pathetically predictable (zero) id headers
# this is only for improved security, though,
# so if it seems like it may be causing issues,
# feel free to pull it
match in all scrub (no-df random-id)
# provide outbound nat for permitted traffic
# but hold off on nat-ing until explicitly passed
match out on $ext_if from $int_inet_net to any \
nat-to $ext_if_inet
## start poking holes
# Permit rate-limited ICMP
pass inet proto icmp all icmp-type $icmp_types \
keep state (max-src-conn-rate 6/4, overload <abusivehosts> flush global)
pass inet6 proto icmp6 all icmp6-type $icmp_types \
keep state (max-src-conn-rate 6/4, overload <abusivehosts> flush global)
# Allow *very* trusted hosts
anchor "whitelist" {
pass out quick log on $ext_if from { $ext_if_inet, $ext_if_inet6 }
pass in quick log on $ext_if inet from <trusted_hosts_inet>
pass in quick log on $ext_if inet6 from <trusted_hosts_inet6>
anchor "proxies" {
# Port forward for bastion and prevent brute-forcing of SSHD
pass in log on $ext_if proto tcp from any \
to $ext_if_inet port 2222 flags S/SA synproxy state \
(max-src-conn 40, max-src-conn-rate 5/10, \
overload <bruteforce> flush global) \
rdr-to $bastion_int_inet port 22
anchor "nats" {
anchor "inbound" {
# 1:1 NAT
pass quick log on $ext_if from $app_int_inet binat-to $app_ext_inet
anchor "outbound" {
# Outbound SNAT
pass out log on $ext_if from $int_inet_net nat-to $ext_if_inet
### End Rules
# Comments
# One of the confusing things about pf is that the rules are
# applied as "last matching rule wins", which is counter-intuitive
# for any who learned packet filtering on Linux.
# The exception to this rule is the use of the "quick" keyword,
# which has the effect of cancelling any further rule-processing.
# This ruleset is designed to exercise a lot of the core concepts of
# pf (macros, tables, anchors and syntax) while providing a reasonable
# default gateway configuration. None of this is gospel best-practice,
# and adaptation to best suit the environment in which it is deployed
# is highly encouraged.
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