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Last active December 21, 2015 06:18
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Save LaurentMazare/6263014 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Uniquely generate integer triples (a, b, c) such that 2*a*a + b*b = c*c with a+b+c <= max_s.
let rec gcd x y = if y = 0 then x else gcd y (x mod y)
let fold_prim init f max_s =
let rec loop acc m n =
let m2 = m * m in
let n2 = n * n in
let mn = m * n in
if max_s < m2 then acc
else if max_s < 2*n2 + mn then
let n = int_of_float (float_of_int m /. 1.415) in
loop acc (m+1) n
let acc =
if gcd m n == 1 then
if m land 1 = 1 then begin
if m2 <= 2*n2 && 4*n2 + 2*mn <= max_s then
f acc (2*mn) (2*n2 -m2) (m2 + 2*n2)
else acc
end else
if m2 <= 2*n2 then
let m2_2 = m2 / 2 in
f acc mn (n2 - m2_2) (m2_2 + n2)
else acc
else acc
loop acc m (n + 1)
loop init 1 1
let () =
let max_n = 10000 in
let nb =
fold_prim 0 (fun acc a b c -> acc + max_n / (a+b+c)) max_n
Format.printf "%d\n" nb
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