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Exports the owners and members of a Microsoft Teams team as a CSV file
// ****************************************************************************************************************************
// Abstract:
// This script is just a quick hack to export the UPN of the owners and members of a team as a CSV file without administrator permissions.
// This is a workaround for the problem that all information about the owners and members are displayed in one column.
// Usage:
// 1. Open MS Teams in Browser
// 2. Open your team
// 3. Select "Manage team" from its menu
// 4. Select the "Members" tab
// 5. Expand the "Owners" and "Members and guests" sections
// 6. Make sure to scroll down to the end of the owners and members lists to include all of them in your export (As the members are loaded on demand)
// 7. Open your browser console (press F12)
// 8. Copy and paste all the content of this script to the console and press "Enter"
// 9. The CSV file download should start automatically
// ToDo:
// - Parse tags to include them in the export
// ****************************************************************************************************************************
$(function() {
// **************
// Initialization
// **************
const csvFileName = 'team-membership-roster-export.csv'
const csvDelimiter = ','
const csvHeader = 'UPN' + '\r\n' // CSV header row
let csvContent = csvHeader // Initialize CSV content
const rosterLength = $('.td-member-display-name').length // Number of visible members
// Check if we're an owner of the team
let roleSelector = '.td-member-role' // Consider we're not an owner by default
if ($('.td-member-editable-role').length > 0) {
roleSelector = '.td-member-editable-role' // Override if we're an owner
// ************************
// Iterate over each member
// ************************
for (let index = 0; index < rosterLength; index++) {
// Extract the display name, title, location and role
const upn = $('.td-member-photo img').eq(index).attr('upn')
// Append to the CSV content
const csvRow = upn + '\r\n'
csvContent += csvRow
// Debug the export to console + ' members exported:')
// **********************************************************
// Dynamically generates a CSV file and triggers its download
// **********************************************************
// Create a dynamic "a" tag
var element = document.createElement('a')
// Set href link with content
'data:application/json;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(csvContent)
// Set downloaded file name
element.setAttribute('download', csvFileName)
// Hide the elemement and add it to the page = 'none'
// Launch download
// Remove element
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