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Created October 16, 2021 03:25
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Helper function to convert the iOS app activity report into custom objects
function Convert-FromAppActivityReport {
Helper function to convert the iOS app activity report into custom objects
Get apps accessed iOS resources
Convert-FromAppActivityReport -Path $path -Type access | Select-Object accessor_id -Unique
Get the resources certain app accessed
Convert-FromAppActivityReport -Path $path -Type access | Where-Object accessor_id -EQ '' | Group-Object category
Get apps accessed network
Convert-FromAppActivityReport -Path $path -Type networkactivity | Select-Object bundleID -Unique
Get top 10 network activities
Convert-FromAppActivityReport -Path $path -Type networkactivity | Sort-Object hits -Descending -Top 10 | Select-Object bundleID, domain, hits, type
param (
# App Activity File Path
[ValidateSet("access", "networkactivity", "all")]
[string]$Type = "all"
begin {
try {
$ndjson = Get-Content $Path -ErrorAction Stop
} catch {
Write-Warning -Message "Unable to access the file: $Path"
try {
$report = $ndjson | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 10 -ErrorAction Stop
} catch {
Write-Warning -Message "Unable to convert the file as json: $Path"
process {
$entries = $report | Group-Object -Property type -AsHashTable
foreach ($e in $entries.access) {
$e | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'accessor_id' -Value $e.accessor.identifier
end {
switch ($Type) {
"all" { return $entries }
Default { return $entries.$Type }
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