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Last active September 28, 2023 15:37
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Apple Script to open ChatGPT - useful for an Alfred Workflow
-- Establish whether Chrome is already open or not
tell application "System Events"
set isRunning to (name of processes) contains "Google Chrome"
end tell
-- Count the number of open windows. This is useful later on.
tell application "Google Chrome"
set windowCount to count windows
end tell
tell application "Google Chrome"
set targetURL to "" -- Desired URL
set NumberOfWindows to (count of (every window where visible is true)) -- Get window count
if isRunning is false then
-- If Chrome isn't running, launch it, wait, and open a tab with target URL
delay 0.5 -- give some time for Chrome to open its default window
set URL of active tab of front window to targetURL
else if windowCount = 0 then
-- If Chrome is running but there are no open windows, create a new window
make new window
-- Set the URL of the active tab of the new window to the target URL
delay 0.5 -- give some time for Chrome to open its default window
set URL of active tab of front window to targetURL
end if
set tabFound to false
set targetWindow to missing value
set targetTabIndex to missing value
set emptyTab to missing value
-- Loop through all windows and tabs to find the target URL or an empty tab
repeat with aWindow in every window
set tabIndex to 0
repeat with aTab in every tab of aWindow
set tabIndex to tabIndex + 1
if (URL of aTab) contains targetURL then
set tabFound to true
set targetWindow to aWindow
set targetTabIndex to tabIndex
exit repeat
else if (URL of aTab) is "about:blank" or (URL of aTab) contains "chrome://newtab" then
set emptyTab to aTab
end if
end repeat
if tabFound then exit repeat
end repeat
if tabFound then
-- Activate the window and the tab with the target URL
set active tab index of targetWindow to targetTabIndex
activate targetWindow
else if emptyTab is not missing value then
-- If an empty tab is found, use it to open the target URL
set URL of emptyTab to targetURL
-- If the URL isn't open and no empty tab is available, create a new tab with the target URL
tell front window
make new tab with properties {URL:targetURL}
end tell
end if
end tell
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