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Last active October 10, 2023 13:28
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MoCKoGE versioning draft

MoCKoGE Versioning


MoCKoGE heavily focuses on allowing code to be used on multiple versions

Semantic Versioning

Please read the SemVer 2.0.0 Specification before reading this document.


  • Releasing—publishing a non-staged version.
  • Publishing—uploading binaries to maven.
  • Staged—a version that has the STAGE element.
  • Source compatible—source code does not need to be changed.
  • Binary compatible—code does not need to recompile.
  • Feature—a class, function, or even an entire API.
  • Dependency—a library exposed as an API.





A release must go through three stages:

  1. alpha - development of the API, inherently unstable.
  2. beta - perfection of final details and bug fixing.
  3. rc - release candidate.
  4. Final release, not staged.

During a stage, an unstable build may be published. For every build published, increase the BUILD element. When changing the stage, the COUNT resets.

The COUNT starts at one.


Used for quick prototyping. Nothing is guaranteed.


Used for perfecting and bug-fixing. The current API is likely to be the final release.

Beta stages might devolve into alpha stages. In that case, return to the previous alpha count.

1.7.2 -> 1.7.3-alpha.1 -> 1.7.3-beta.1 -> 1.7.3-alpha.2 -> 1.7.3-beta.2

Release Candidate

Before releasing, a build must first be published as a release candidate. If no bugs are found, it may be fully released after a set time:

  • Major releases may release after two weeks,
  • Minor releases after two days, and
  • Patch releases after twenty minutes.

Additional release candidates must be candidated for the entire period, except for major release candidates, that may be candidated for one week instead of two.

Release candidates may be converted


Patch releases are binary compatible, and do not affect public API at all. This includes bugfixes that change relied-upon behaviour.

Patch releases may not update dependencies.


Minor releases change public API, preserving source compatibility, and may deprecate features.

Minor releases may update dependencies that haven't broken source compatibility, excluding deprecation errors (if a warning was issued at least two minor MoCKoGE releases earlier; see below).


Deprecated features have a replacement available or in development.

  • Deprecated features with a stable replacement, aka deprecated for removal, will be removed in the next major release, and issue a compilation warning when used.
    • Two minor versions after a feature was deprecated for removal, it must issue a (suppressible) compilation error instead. This is the only case when a minor release may break source compatibility.
  • Features whose replacement isn't stable do not issue a warning—they're deprecated solely to indicate that a replacement is being developed.


Major releases break backwards compatibility completely.

Do not release more than one major release per three months.

Major releases must update all dependencies to the latest possible.

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