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Created September 27, 2020 15:53
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C++ Battleship simple game (EPQ)
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <Windows.h>
using namespace std;
class BattleShips // used a class as will have 2 instances, one for computer, one for human
const static int rows = 10;
const static int columns = 10;
int coOrd;
int maximumShips;
int matrix[rows][columns];
coOrd = 0;
maximumShips = 10;
void ClearGrid() // simple function to clear the matrix.
for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++) // loops while y is less than rows, and increments y
for (int x = 0; x < columns; x++) // loops while x is less than columns and increments x
matrix[y][x] = 0; // sets each matrix row and column to 0
void ShowGrid()
cout << " 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9" << endl;
cout << "-----------------------" << endl;
for (int x = 0; x < rows; x++)
cout << coOrd << "| ";
for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++)
cout << matrix[x][y] << " ";
cout << endl;
int numberOfShips() // very similar to other methods but returns an int value, this will be to check the amount of ships left after the user inputs their data
int c = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < rows; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < columns; y++)
if (matrix[x][y] == 1)
return c;
void setShips()
int ships = 0;
while (ships < maximumShips)
int xPos = rand() % 10; // modulo 10 to make an int between 0 and 9
int yPos = rand() % 10; // modulo 10 to make an int between 0 and 9
if (matrix[xPos][yPos] != 1)
matrix[xPos][yPos] = 1; // sets position to 1
bool Attack(int _x, int _y) // makes a function with a boolean return type
if (matrix[_x][_y] == 1) // checks if the given parameters are a 'ship' on the matrix
matrix[_x][_y] = 2; // sets the position to 2 so the same position can not be re used
return true; // returns a boolean 'true'
return false; // returns a boolean 'false'
class Boards // makes another class called boards, will be used to initiate the game boards the user can see
const static int rows = 10; // makes constants called rows and columns set to 10; to make the game board matrix
const static int columns = 10;
char grid[rows][columns]; // makes an multidimensional array of data type 'char'
void MakeBoards() // declares a function to make the game boards
for (int x = 0; x < rows; x++) // starts a for loop
for (int y = 0; y < columns; y++) // nested for loop
grid[x][y] = '-'; // sets the element in the position to a '-'
void updateBoards(bool i, int x, int y) // makes a function to update the game boards, takes 3 paramaters. a boolean, and two integers
int xPos = x; // sets two variables equal to the int values passed in
int yPos = y;
if (i == true) // checks if i is equal to 'true'
grid[xPos][yPos] = 'Y'; // sets the element in the position to 'Y'
grid[xPos][yPos] = 'N'; // sets the element in the position to 'N'
void PrintBoards() // makes a function to print the boards
int amt = 0; // sets an int called amt to 0
cout << " 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9" << endl; // prints the top line of coordinates
for (int x = 0; x < rows; x++) { // for loop
cout << amt << " "; // outputs the amount variable to the console + a space
amt++; // increments amt
for (int y = 0; y < columns; y++) { // nested for loop
cout << grid[x][y] << " "; // outputs the element of the grid to the console, plus a space
cout << endl; // outputs an endline character
int main() // this is what is run everytime the program starts
char rerun; // declares a char variable called rerun
srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); // to prevent sequence repetition between runs
BattleShips human; // instantiates the two objects
BattleShips cpu;
Boards humanBoard; // instantiates the Board objects
Boards cpuBoard;
human.ClearGrid(); // clears the existing matrix
human.setShips(); // sets the position of the ships
cpu.ClearGrid(); // clears the existing grid
humanBoard.MakeBoards(); // makes the gameboards
cout << "Your Board: " << endl;
humanBoard.PrintBoards(); // prints the new boards
cout << "CPU's Board" << endl;
int position1, position2; // makes two integers for the positions to be stored inside
char which; // makes a char variable called which, will be used to store the result of asking the user if they want to forfeit.
int found = 0; // makes an int called found, initializes it to 0
int toGo = 10; // makes an int called toGo, initializes it to 10
int cpuFound = 0; // ^ does the same for the cpu counters
int cpuToGet = 10;
bool isTrue; // initializes two boolean variables.
bool isTrueCpu;
while (found < 10 || cpuFound < 10) // loops while found is less than 10.
int cpuX = rand() % 10; // makes a random integer between 0 and 9, hence the mod 10.
int cpuY = rand() % 10;
if (cpu.Attack(cpuX, cpuY)) // checks the boolean output of the Attack function for the cpu
isTrueCpu = true; // sets isTrueCpu to true
cpuFound++; // increments cpuFound
cpuToGet--; // decrements cpuToGet
cout << "The Computer has found one of your battleships at: " << "(" << cpuX << ", " << cpuY << ")" << endl; // outputs the position that the cpu found a battleship at.
else // anything else
isTrueCpu = false; // sets isTrueCpu to false
cout << "The Computer did not find a battleship this time" << endl; // outputs that the cpu did not find a battleship this time.
position1 = 11; // sets position1 and position2 to 11
position2 = 11; // so that the while loop will initiate below
while (position1 > 9 || position2 > 9) // loops while position1 is more than 9 OR position 2 is more than 9.
if (cpuFound == 10 || found == 10)
cout << "Please input the location on the grid you think a battleship is: "; // prompts the user to enter co-ordinates.
cin >> position1 >> position2; // takes the keyboard input and stores it in position
while ( // this will inintiate if the user enters a non integer input.
cin.clear(); // clears the cin.
cin.ignore(); // ignores so it does not go in to an infinite loop
cout << "not int, try again: "; cin >> position1 >> position2; // re prompts the user to enter their input
if (human.Attack(position1, position2)) // checks if the boolean value for the Attack function is true
isTrue = true; // sets isTrue to true
found++; // increments found
toGo--; // decrements toGo
cout << "You have found: " << found << " battleships, you have: " << toGo << " to go" << endl; // alerts the user of how many battleships they have found, and how many more they need to get.
else // anything else
isTrue = false; // sets isTrue to false
cout << "there is no ship at that position, keep trying" << endl; // alerts the user that there is no ship in that position
cout << "There are: " << human.numberOfShips() << " left" << endl; // tells the user how many more ships there is
cout << "would you like to surrender (y/n)?: "; cin >> which; // asks the user if they want to surrender and stores the input into char.
system("CLS"); // clears the console to eliminate clutter
humanBoard.updateBoards(isTrue, position1, position2); // updates the boards
cpuBoard.updateBoards(isTrueCpu, cpuX, cpuY);
cout << "Your Board: " << endl;
humanBoard.PrintBoards(); // prints the new boards
cout << "CPU's Board" << endl;
if (which == 'y') // checks if which is equal to y
break; // breaks from the loop
else if (found == 10 || cpuFound == 10)
// this code is run when the loop is exited.
cout << "Game Over!" << endl; // outputs game over to the user
cout << "your grid: " << endl; // outputs the text "your grid"
cout << "The number 2 represents ships that have been hit" << endl;
human.ShowGrid(); // shows the human objects grid
cout << "----------------------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "CPU's Grid" << endl; // outputs "CPU's Grid"
cpu.ShowGrid(); // shows the cpu grid to the user
cout << "Would you like to rerun, or exit (r/e)"; cin >> rerun; // ask the user if they want to rerun, is stored in rerun.
} while (rerun == 'r' || rerun == 'R'); // part of the do while loop, checks if rerun is equal to 'y'
return 0;
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