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Being a fluffy mouse as always.

Ishat Gupta LePichu

Being a fluffy mouse as always.
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LePichu /
Last active July 25, 2023 17:57
Vanilla HTML Element Extensions (Utahraptor)

RFC 01 - Vanilla HTML Element Extensions for Utahraptor.


Through out the history of Metaframeworks in the Web Ecosystem, every one of them implements common abstractions to reach common goals, some of these include appending data to the <head> element, another is to have seamless routing between pages, and more.


  • Only rely on extending existing HTML Elements
  • Cover all major usecases, but also try to cover niche usecases
  • Expose extensions as opt-in attributes

State of Vue, Svelte, and Astro on Deno:

This gist is a quick summary of how JS Flavors do not work as in interop with Deno, primarily because Deno LSP does not know about them.

The True Issue

To understand the issue in depth, we need to begin with a sample snippet of some code. The following is an example snippet of Svelte code:

<script lang="ts">
import { example_map } from "some_source_in_my_import_map"
import { example_url } from "https://some.url/somefile.js"

Corruption is something so vile yet not rare in India. It affects us all in one way or another from the standpoint of either economy or politics. Corruption is like a plague spreading and threatening whatever it touches. It isn't different than treating an actual plague-infected individual, except it is on a much larger scale. However, we have failed as a democracy to address corruption over the years. The numbers speak for themselves. Notably, according to a report in 2005 held by transparency international, over 62% of Indians confirmed that they had to bribe a public official at some point to get something done or enjoy services provided by them (them being public officials). In 2019, the Corruption Perceptions Index ranked us at 40-49% and in 2021, we were at 85 out of 180 in the CPI grading. Let it be millions stashed in the Swiss Bank or corrupt government officials keeping black money as hidden stashes; Corruption has many forms. The causes of corruption in India primarily consist of excessive regulati

LePichu /
Last active July 6, 2021 09:37
[] This gist describes how Bedrock Edition's Format Versions work.

Format Versions

In this article, we will go over what Format Versions are, and how to use them. Format Versions are a part of Minecraft: Bedrock Edition's Addon System, they allow us to keep backwards compatibility, inter-addon compatibility, and let us utilize new technologies/methods. They are the "breaking changes" of the API. It also manages how the piece of content is registered into the game with its data. A Piece of data won't be registered if the Format Version is missing from the JSON File. Running something of a specific Format Version also depends on your Minecraft version, that is, for example, you can't run 1.16.100 code in 1.16.0, but can run 1.16.0 in 1.16.100.

Backwards Compatibility:

Backwards Compatability refers to keeping something functional in regards to older versions of the software, In simpler words, it's a system to keep old code being able to be executed even in newer versions without breaking anything. In the case of Bedrock Edition, we can achieve this by using old