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Created March 8, 2023 08:26
Create a ptxdist BSP from scratch

Create a ptxdist BSP from scratch

  1. Install ptxdist itself and a suitable toolchain as described in the documentation
  2. Create an empty BSP folder
  3. Create the subfolders configs and configs/platform-foo (replace foo by something more sensible like v7a or x86_64)
  4. Create empty files configs/ptxconfig and configs/platform-foo/platformconfig
  5. Call ptxdist-2023.03.0 --force menu (or whatever version you installed in step 1, be sure to call the binary including the version number)
  6. Select menuconfig, do some changes, save
  7. Select platformconfig, do some changes, save
  8. Exit menu
  9. From now you have valid files configs/ptxconfig and configs/platform-foo/platformconfig and can call ptxdist menu (without version and --force)
  10. Initialize a Git repo in the folder and add those two files
  11. Happy hacking!
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