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Created May 2, 2012 18:28
Flask browser detection
browser = request.user_agent.browser
version = request.user_agent.version and int(request.user_agent.version.split('.')[0])
platform = request.user_agent.platform
uas = request.user_agent.string
if browser and version:
if (browser == 'msie' and version < 9) \
or (browser == 'firefox' and version < 4) \
or (platform == 'android' and browser == 'safari' and version < 534) \
or (platform == 'iphone' and browser == 'safari' and version < 7000) \
or ((platform == 'macos' or platform == 'windows') and browser == 'safari' and not'Mobile', uas) and version < 534) \
or ('iPad', uas) and browser == 'safari' and version < 7000) \
or (platform == 'windows' and'Windows Phone OS', uas)) \
or (browser == 'opera') \
or ('BlackBerry', uas)):
return render_template('unsupported.html')
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Thanks a ton for this! 👍

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Cool do you mind if I use this in a site I am doing?

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LeZuse commented May 15, 2015

@james Sure, no prob.

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thank you so much for this solution. But it is showing opera browser as chrome. I am running Opera 38.0 on Ubuntu.

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mw3i commented Mar 23, 2020

WOOT WOOT thank you sir!

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miotke commented Nov 23, 2020

Thank you for this. Great solution for my use. :)

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Thank you too.

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thank you so much for this solution. But it is showing opera browser as chrome. I am running Opera 38.0 on Ubuntu.

It's because Opera is based on Chromium.

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