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Last active July 30, 2020 03:49
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"args": [
"$background: $reveal-overlay-background"
"calls": 1
"reveal-modal-base": {
"calls": 1
"reveal-modal-width": {
"calls": 4
"reveal-modal-fullscreen": {
"calls": 2
"foundation-reveal": {
"calls": 1
"grid-context": {
"calls": 2
"grid-row": {
"calls": 7
"grid-row-nest": {
"args": [
"$gutters: $grid-column-gutter"
"calls": 2
"grid-row-size": {
"args": [
"$size: $grid-row-width"
"calls": 4
"flex-grid-row": {
"calls": 2
"flex-grid-column": {
"calls": 1
"flex-grid-layout": {
"calls": 1
"flex-grid-size": {
"args": [
"$columns: null"
"calls": 1
"foundation-flex-grid": {
"calls": 1
"grid-column-gutter": {
"calls": 4
"grid-column-collapse": {
"calls": 1
"grid-col-gutter": {
"calls": 1
"grid-col-collapse": {
"calls": 2
"grid-column-margin": {
"calls": 1
"grid-column": {
"calls": 16
"grid-column-row": {
"calls": 1
"grid-col": {
"calls": 4
"grid-col-row": {},
"grid-column-position": {
"args": [
"calls": 2
"grid-column-unposition": {
"calls": 1
"grid-column-offset": {
"args": [
"calls": 2
"grid-column-end": {
"calls": 1
"grid-col-pos": {
"args": [
"calls": 1
"grid-col-unpos": {},
"grid-col-off": {
"args": [
"grid-col-end": {},
"flex-helpers": {
"calls": 1
"foundation-flex-classes": {
"calls": 1
"flex": {
"calls": 16
"flex-align": {
"args": [
"$x: null",
"$y: null"
"calls": 5
"flex-align-self": {
"args": [
"$y: null"
"calls": 1
"flex-order": {
"args": [
"$order: 0"
"calls": 1
"flex-direction": {
"args": [
"$direction: row"
"calls": 2
"foundation-normalize": {
"calls": 1
"foundation-global-styles": {
"calls": 1
"show-for": {
"args": [
"calls": 2
"show-for-only": {
"args": [
"calls": 1
"hide-for": {
"args": [
"calls": 2
"hide-for-only": {
"args": [
"calls": 1
"foundation-visibility-classes": {
"calls": 1
"inner-side-shadow": {},
"css-triangle": {
"calls": 1
"hamburger": {},
"background-triangle": {
"args": [
"$color: $black"
"calls": 1
"clearfix": {
"calls": 2
"auto-width": {
"args": [
"$elem: li"
"disable-mouse-outline": {
"calls": 3
"element-invisible": {
"calls": 2
"element-invisible-off": {
"calls": 1
"vertical-center": {},
"horizontal-center": {},
"absolute-center": {
"calls": 1
"-zf-each-breakpoint": {
"args": [
"$small: true",
"$auto-insert-breakpoints: true"
"calls": 3
"-zf-breakpoint-value": {
"calls": 3
"form-element": {
"calls": 1
"foundation-form-text": {},
"foundation-form-checkbox": {},
"form-label": {
"calls": 2
"form-label-middle": {
"calls": 1
"foundation-form-label": {},
"foundation-form-helptext": {},
"foundation-form-prepostfix": {},
"fieldset": {
"calls": 1
"foundation-form-fieldset": {},
"form-select": {
"calls": 1
"foundation-form-select": {},
"form-input-error": {
"calls": 1
"form-error": {
"calls": 1
"foundation-form-error": {},
"foundation-typography-base": {},
"foundation-typography-helpers": {},
"foundation-text-alignment": {},
"foundation-print-styles": {},
"button-base": {
"calls": 1
"button-expand": {
"args": [
"$expand: true"
"calls": 5
"button-style": {
"calls": 3
"button-hollow": {
"calls": 11
"button-hollow-style": {
"calls": 7
"button-disabled": {
"calls": 2
"button-dropdown": {
"calls": 1
"button": {
"calls": 30
"foundation-button": {
"calls": 2
"button-group": {
"calls": 6
"button-group-expand": {
"calls": 2
"button-group-stack": {
"calls": 1
"button-group-unstack": {
"calls": 2
"foundation-button-group": {
"calls": 1
"callout-base": {
"calls": 1
"callout-style": {
"args": [
"$color: $callout-background"
"calls": 2
"callout-size": {
"args": [
"calls": 2
"callout": {
"args": [
"$color: $callout-background"
"calls": 6
"foundation-callout": {
"calls": 1
"responsive-embed": {
"args": [
"$ratio: default"
"calls": 1
"foundation-responsive-embed": {
"calls": 1
"card-container": {
"calls": 1
"card-divider": {
"calls": 1
"card-section": {
"calls": 1
"foundation-card": {
"calls": 1
"progress-container": {
"calls": 1
"progress-meter": {
"calls": 2
"progress-meter-text": {
"calls": 1
"foundation-progress-bar": {
"calls": 1
"functions": {
"breakpoint": {
"args": [
"$val: $-zf-zero-breakpoint"
"calls": 79,
"returns": [
"'(orientation: #{$bp})';",
"'(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi)';",
"-zf-bp-serialize": {
"args": [
"returns": [
"-zf-map-next": {
"args": [
"returns": [
"map-get($map, nth($values, $i));"
"-zf-breakpoints-less-than": {
"args": [
"returns": [
"-zf-closest-named-breakpoint": {
"args": [
"returns": [
"-zf-get-bp-val": {
"args": [
"returns": [
"map-get($map, $value);",
"map-get($map, $anchor);"
"flex-grid-column": {
"args": [
"$columns: expand"
"calls": 8,
"returns": [
"grid-column": {
"args": [
"calls": 19,
"returns": [
"grid-col": {
"calls": 2,
"returns": [
"-zf-flex-justify": {
"args": [
"returns": [
"strip-unit": {
"args": [
"calls": 14,
"returns": [
"$num / ($num * 0 + 1);"
"rem-calc": {
"args": [
"$base: null"
"calls": 105,
"returns": [
"-zf-to-rem($values, $base);",
"-zf-bp-to-em": {
"args": [
"returns": [
"strip-unit($value) * 1em;"
"-zf-to-rem": {
"args": [
"$base: null"
"returns": [
"unitless-calc": {
"args": [
"$base: null"
"calls": 8,
"returns": [
"strip-unit($value) / strip-unit($base);",
"$value / strip-unit($base);",
"build_from_header-sizes": {
"args": [
"calls": 2,
"returns": [
"functionCalls": {
"map-has-key": 22,
"map-get": 20,
"darken": 16,
"unit": 14,
"type-of": 11,
"if": 10,
"nth": 9,
"index": 7,
"percentage": 7,
"scale-color": 7,
"lighten": 5,
"length": 4,
"append": 4,
"map-remove": 4,
"round": 4,
"map-keys": 2,
"global-variable-exists": 2,
"unitless": 2,
"map-merge": 2,
"map-values": 1,
"floor": 1,
"red": 1,
"green": 1,
"blue": 1,
"lightness": 1,
"inspect": 1,
"mix": 1,
"variable-exists": 1,
"saturate": 1,
"grayscale": 1
"ifs": [
"test": "nth(map-values($breakpoints), 1) != 0"
"test": "$bp == 'landscape' or $bp == 'portrait'",
"elseIfs": [
"$bp == 'retina'"
"test": "type-of($bp) == 'string'"
"test": "map-has-key($breakpoints, $bp)"
"test": "$dir == 'only' or $dir == 'down'"
"test": "$bp-max"
"test": "$bp > 0em or $dir == 'only' or $dir == 'down'"
"test": "$dir == 'only'"
"test": "$named == true"
"test": "$bp > 0em"
"test": "$bp-max != null"
"test": "$bp-max != null",
"elseIfs": [
"$dir == 'down'"
"test": "$named or $bp > 0em"
"test": "$max != null",
"elseIfs": [
"$bp > 0em"
"test": "global-variable-exists(-zf-size)"
"test": "$str == ''"
"test": "$bp != null and $bp <= $pbp"
"test": "(map-has-key($map, $key))"
"test": "($i > length($map) or $i == 0)"
"test": "($name == $key)"
"test": "not $found_key"
"test": "not $found"
"test": "unitless-calc($val) > $value"
"test": "type-of($map) == 'number'"
"test": "not map-has-key($breakpoints, $value)"
"test": "type-of($value) == 'number'",
"elseIfs": [
"map-has-key($map, $value)"
"test": "not $found"
"test": "map-has-key($map, $key)"
"test": "$key == $value"
"test": "map-has-key($breakpoints, small)"
"test": "map-has-key($breakpoints, medium)"
"test": "map-has-key($breakpoints, large)"
"test": "map-has-key($breakpoints, xlarge)"
"test": "map-has-key($breakpoints, xxlarge)"
"test": "$root"
"test": "index($behavior, nest) != null"
"test": "index($behavior, collapse) != null"
"test": "$cf"
"test": "$columns != null"
"test": "$size == expand"
"test": "index($behavior, nest) != null"
"test": "index($behavior, collapse) != null"
"test": "$base"
"test": "$columns != null"
"test": "$columns == shrink",
"elseIfs": [
"$columns != expand"
"test": "$columns == expand"
"test": "$columns != expand and $columns != shrink"
"test": "$-zf-size != $-zf-zero-breakpoint"
"test": "type-of($columns) == 'number'"
"test": "unit($columns) == '%'",
"elseIfs": [
"$columns < 1",
"type-of($columns) == 'list'"
"test": "length($columns) != 3"
"test": "$position == auto"
"test": "$grid-column-align-edge",
"elseIfs": [
"type-of($position) == 'number'",
"$position == center"
"test": "($flexbox-responsive-breakpoints)"
"test": "$size != $-zf-zero-breakpoint"
"test": "$x"
"test": "map-has-key($-zf-flex-justify, $x)"
"test": "$y"
"test": "map-has-key($-zf-flex-align, $y)"
"test": "$y"
"test": "map-has-key($-zf-flex-align, $y)"
"test": "not map-has-key($foundation-palette, primary)"
"test": "($body-antialiased)"
"test": "strip-unit($lower-bound-size) == 0"
"test": "$upper-bound-size == null"
"test": "$size != $-zf-zero-breakpoint"
"test": "($side == top)",
"elseIfs": [
"($side == left)",
"($side == right)",
"($side == bottom)"
"test": "($triangle-direction == down)"
"test": "($triangle-direction == up)"
"test": "($triangle-direction == right)"
"test": "($triangle-direction == left)"
"test": "unit($spacing) == 'px'"
"test": "$color-hover"
"test": "lightness($color) < 60%"
"test": "$global-flexbox"
"test": "not $small"
"test": "global-variable-exists(-zf-size)"
"test": "$auto-insert-breakpoints"
"test": "$name == auto and type-of($map) == 'map'"
"test": "type-of($name) == 'string'"
"test": "has-value($input-transition)"
"test": "has-value($input-transition)"
"test": "not $input-number-spinners"
"test": "$global-flexbox"
"test": "not $global-flexbox"
"test": "$global-flexbox"
"test": "has-value($input-prefix-border)"
"test": "$global-flexbox"
"test": "$global-flexbox"
"test": "$global-flexbox"
"test": "not $global-flexbox"
"test": "$base == null"
"test": "unit($base) == '%'"
"test": "unit($base) == 'rem'"
"test": "$count == 1"
"test": "unit($value) == 'px' or unitless($value)"
"test": "type-of($value) != 'number'"
"test": "unit($value) == 'em'"
"test": "unit($value) != 'rem'"
"test": "$value == 0rem"
"test": "$base == null"
"test": "unit($base) == '%'"
"test": "unit($base) == 'rem'"
"test": "unit($base) == 'em'"
"test": "unit($value) == '%'"
"test": "unit($value) == 'rem'"
"test": "unit($value) == 'em'"
"test": "unit($value) == 'px'"
"test": "unitless($value) and ($value > 10)"
"test": "$select-triangle-color != transparent"
"test": "has-value($input-transition)"
"test": "has-value($input-transition)"
"test": "$abide-inputs"
"test": "$abide-labels"
"test": "variable-exists(header-sizes)"
"test": "map-has-key($header-defs, font-size)",
"elseIfs": [
"map-has-key($header-defs, fs)",
"$size == $-zf-zero-breakpoint"
"test": "map-has-key($header-defs, line-height)",
"elseIfs": [
"map-has-key($header-defs, lh)",
"$size == $-zf-zero-breakpoint"
"test": "map-has-key($header-defs, margin-top)",
"elseIfs": [
"map-has-key($header-defs, mt)",
"$size == $-zf-zero-breakpoint"
"test": "map-has-key($header-defs, margin-bottom)",
"elseIfs": [
"map-has-key($header-defs, mb)",
"$size == $-zf-zero-breakpoint"
"test": "$anchor-text-decoration-hover != $anchor-text-decoration"
"test": "has-value($keystroke-radius)"
"test": "$size != $-zf-zero-breakpoint"
"test": "$print-transparent-backgrounds"
"test": "$print-hrefs"
"test": "$global-text-direction == 'rtl'"
"test": "(type-of($button-padding) == 'map')"
"test": "$expand"
"test": "$color == auto"
"test": "$background-hover == auto"
"test": "$color == auto"
"test": "$style == solid",
"elseIfs": [
"$style == hollow"
"test": "$expand"
"test": "$button-responsive-expanded"
"test": "$size != $-zf-zero-breakpoint"
"test": "$button-fill != hollow"
"test": "$button-fill != hollow"
"test": "$button-fill != clear"
"test": "$button-fill == hollow"
"test": "$global-flexbox"
"test": "$global-flexbox"
"test": "not $buttongroup-radius-on-each"
"test": "not $global-flexbox"
"test": "$global-flexbox"
"test": "$global-flexbox"
"test": "$global-flexbox"
"test": "not $buttongroup-radius-on-each"
"test": "$global-flexbox"
"test": "not $buttongroup-radius-on-each"
"test": "$button-fill != hollow"
"test": "type-of($ratio) == 'string'"
"test": "$global-flexbox"
"test": "$global-flexbox"
"test": "$global-flexbox"
"test": "has-value($progress-radius)"
"test": "has-value($progress-radius)"
"eaches": {
"$key, $value in $map ": 1,
"$name in $-zf-breakpoints-keys ": 1,
"$key, $val in $breakpoints ": 2,
"$dir, $prop in $-zf-flex-direction ": 2,
"$size in $breakpoint-classes ": 4,
"$hdir, $prop in $-zf-flex-justify ": 1,
"$hdir, $prop in map-remove($-zf-flex-justify, 'justify', 'spaced') ": 1,
"$vdir, $prop in $-zf-flex-align ": 1,
"$name in $list ": 1,
"$k, $v in $map ": 1,
"$size, $headers in $header-sizes ": 1,
"$header, $font-size in $headers ": 1,
"$size, $headers in $header-styles ": 1,
"$header, $header-defs in $headers ": 1,
"$align in (left, right, center, justify) ": 1,
"$size, $padding in $button-padding ": 1,
"$size, $value in map-remove($button-sizes, default) ": 2,
"$name, $color in $button-palette ": 6,
"$name, $color in $foundation-palette ": 2,
"$name, $ratio in $ratios ": 1
"fors": {
"$i from 1 through $grid-column-count ": 1,
"$i from 1 through $block-grid-max ": 1,
"$i from 1 through $flex-source-ordering-count ": 1,
"$i from 2 through $bars ": 2,
"$i from 2 through $max ": 1,
"$i from 1 through $count ": 1,
"$i from 2 through $buttongroup-expand-max ": 1
"whiles": {},
"extends": {
"%reveal-centered": 1,
".column; // sass-lint:disable-line placeholder-in-extend": 1,
"%input-group-child": 4,
"%features": 1,
".icon-check": 1,
"[class^=\"icon-\"]": 1,
".icon-duk": 1,
".solo": 1,
"%scrollbar;": 2,
".close.white;": 1
"errors": [
"'The first key in the $breakpoints map must have a value of \"0\".';",
"'Wrong syntax for grid-column(). Use the format \"n of n\".';",
"'Wrong syntax for grid-column(). Use a number, decimal, percentage, or \"n of n\".';",
"'In $foundation-palette, you must have a color named \"primary\".';"
"variablesCombined": {},
"nested": {
"descendant": 2,
">": 11,
"+": 2,
"lone": 22,
"pseudo-element": 20,
"pseudo-class": 210,
"class": 154,
"attr": 10
"stylesheets": {
"remote": 2,
"inline": 1
"sourcemaps": {
"count": 1,
"ext": {
"scss": 67
"scss": {
"size": 272864,
"stats": {
"variables": {
"$value": 68,
"$size": 63,
"$white": 61,
"$color": 61,
"$esa-neon": 60,
"$black": 49,
"$base": 41,
"$global-radius": 38,
"$medium-gray": 31,
"$esa-text-black": 31,
"$breakpoints": 31,
"$i": 30,
"$common-icons": 28,
"$font-weight-bold": 26,
"$name": 26,
"$basic-transition": 25,
"$global-right": 24,
"$global-left": 23,
"$bp": 23,
"$map": 23,
"$foundation-palette": 21,
"$column-gutter": 21,
"$esa-light-gray": 21,
"$esa-blue": 20,
"$primary-color": 20,
"$light-gray": 18,
"$global-flexbox": 18,
"$global-prototype-breakpoints": 18,
"$form-spacing": 18,
"$spacing": 17,
"$header-defs": 17,
"$key": 17,
"$ratio": 17,
"$table-background": 16,
"$esa-light-blue": 16,
"$important": 16,
"$fraction": 16,
"$dark-gray": 14,
"$body-font-color": 14,
"$global-margin": 14,
"$anchor-color": 14,
"$-zf-zero-breakpoint": 14,
"$background": 14,
"$filling": 14,
"$global-weight-normal": 13,
"$buttongroup-child-selector": 13,
"$empty-square-size": 13,
"$font-weight-regular": 12,
"$button-background": 12,
"$selector": 12,
"$icon": 12,
"$global-weight-bold": 11,
"$input-radius": 11,
"$table-color-scale": 11,
"$exponent": 11,
"$small-horizontal-line-width": 11,
"$header-styles": 10,
"$button-fill": 10,
"$input-padding": 10,
"$input-transition": 10,
"$table-hover-scale": 10,
"$rgb": 10,
"$values": 10,
"$font-size": 10,
"$str": 10,
"$padding": 10,
"$background-hover": 10,
"$vertical-position": 10,
"$element-type": 10,
"$global-width": 9,
"$table-stripe": 9,
"$main-content-padding-bottom-large": 9,
"$helper": 9,
"$color-hover": 9,
"$height": 9,
"$-list": 9,
"$-zf-size": 9,
"$font-size-temp": 9,
"$stripe": 9,
"$content-types": 9,
"$global-font-size": 8,
"$global-text-direction": 8,
"$small-column-gutter": 8,
"$input-font-size": 8,
"$large-page-padding": 8,
"$weight": 8,
"$val": 8,
"$bp-max": 8,
"$dir": 8,
"$horizontal-position": 8,
"$checked-indicator-size": 8,
"$footer-square-size": 8,
"$toggler-size": 8,
"$global-lineheight": 7,
"$body-background": 7,
"$lightness": 7,
"$button-radius": 7,
"$button-sizes": 7,
"$input-line-height": 7,
"$input-border-color": 7,
"$pagination-item-padding": 7,
"$field-tb-gutter-multiplier": 7,
"$v": 7,
"$input-border-width": 7,
"$header": 7,
"$bp-min": 7,
"$fill": 7,
"$colors": 7,
"$denominator": 7,
"$info": 7,
"$grid-gutter-multiplier": 7,
"$font-family-monospace": 6,
"$global-menu-padding": 6,
"$breakpoint-classes": 6,
"$paragraph-lineheight": 6,
"$paragraph-margin-bottom": 6,
"$anchor-color-hover": 6,
"$button-padding": 6,
"$button-color": 6,
"$input-color": 6,
"$input-border": 6,
"$alert-color": 6,
"$table-row-stripe-hover": 6,
"$esa-text-gray-dark": 6,
"$main-content-padding-bottom-devices": 6,
"$field-lr-gutter-multiplier": 6,
"$offset": 6,
"$max": 6,
"$old-zf-size": 6,
"$bp-next": 6,
"$hidpi": 6,
"$found": 6,
"$rgba2": 6,
"$parsed": 6,
"$line-height": 6,
"$download-icon-size": 6,
"$shadow-color": 6,
"$message-border-width": 6,
"$body-font-family": 5,
"$global-padding": 5,
"$button-margin": 5,
"$button-background-hover": 5,
"$button-palette": 5,
"$buttongroup-radius-on-each": 5,
"$esa-text-gray": 5,
"$pagination-font-size": 5,
"$pagination-item-color": 5,
"$table-padding": 5,
"$table-is-striped": 5,
"$table-head-background": 5,
"$table-foot-background": 5,
"$table-tr-even-bg-color": 5,
"$devices-page-padding": 5,
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"$side": 5,
"$triangle-color": 5,
"$triangle-direction": 5,
"$bars": 5,
"$num": 5,
"$header-sizes": 5,
"$breakpoints-hidpi": 5,
"$next_number": 5,
"$align": 5,
"$nest": 5,
"$contrast": 5,
"$prec": 5,
"$x": 5,
"$download-icon-text-gutter": 5,
"$gutter-type": 5,
"$crop-font-size": 5,
"$border-radius": 5,
"$label-font-color": 5,
"$input-size": 5,
"$input-focus-border-width": 5,
"$checked-indicator-color": 5,
"$footer-small-horizontal-line-width-devices": 5,
"$menu-items-gutter": 5,
"$languages-gutter": 5,
"$image-size": 5,
"$state-color": 5,
"$image-grid-item-empty-square-size": 5,
"$global-menu-nested-margin": 4,
"$font-weight-light": 4,
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"foundation-form-select": {},
"form-input-error": {
"calls": 1
"form-error": {
"calls": 1
"foundation-form-error": {},
"foundation-typography-base": {},
"breakpoint": {
"args": [
"calls": 120
"foundation-text-alignment": {},
"foundation-print-styles": {},
"button-base": {
"calls": 1
"button-expand": {
"args": [
"$expand: true"
"calls": 5
"button-fill": {
"calls": 8
"button-fill-style": {
"calls": 5
"button-style": {
"calls": 1
"button-hollow": {
"calls": 2
"button-hollow-style": {
"calls": 1
"button-clear": {
"calls": 2
"button-clear-style": {
"calls": 1
"button-disabled": {
"calls": 1
"button-dropdown": {
"calls": 1
"button": {
"calls": 34
"foundation-button": {
"calls": 2
"button-group": {
"calls": 7
"button-group-no-gaps": {
"calls": 1
"button-group-expand": {
"calls": 2
"button-group-stack": {
"calls": 1
"button-group-unstack": {
"calls": 2
"foundation-button-group": {
"calls": 1
"-zf-table-stripe": {
"args": [
"$stripe: $table-stripe"
"calls": 2
"-zf-table-unstripe": {
"calls": 2
"-zf-table-children-styles": {
"args": [
"$stripe: $table-stripe",
"$is-striped: $table-is-striped"
"calls": 2
"table": {
"calls": 4
"table-scroll": {
"calls": 1
"table-hover": {
"calls": 1
"table-stack": {
"args": [
"$header: $show-header-for-stacked"
"calls": 1
"foundation-table": {
"args": [
"$nest: false"
"calls": 1
"add-foundation-colors": {
"calls": 2
"pagination-container": {
"calls": 1
"pagination-item-current": {
"calls": 1
"pagination-item-disabled": {
"calls": 1
"pagination-ellipsis": {
"calls": 1
"foundation-pagination": {
"calls": 1
"responsive-embed": {
"args": [
"$ratio: default"
"calls": 1
"foundation-responsive-embed": {
"calls": 1
"show-for": {
"args": [
"calls": 2
"show-for-only": {
"args": [
"calls": 1
"hide-for": {
"args": [
"calls": 2
"hide-for-only": {
"args": [
"calls": 1
"foundation-visibility-classes": {
"calls": 1
"get-icon": {
"args": [
"$position: before",
"$map: $common-icons",
"$icon: default",
"$color: $black",
"$font-size: 1rem",
"$line-height: inherit",
"$only-icon: false"
"calls": 18
"align-absolutePosition": {
"args": [
"$top: 0px",
"$right: 0px",
"$bottom: 0px",
"$left: 0px"
"calls": 13
"page-gutters": {
"args": [
"$gutter-type: padding"
"calls": 6
"responsive-gutter": {
"args": [
"$property-multiplier-map:(property: (multiplier",
"calls": 99
"line-arrow": {
"args": [
"calls": 5
"button-animation": {
"args": [
"$shadow-width: $button-animation-width",
"$shadow-color: $esa-blue"
"calls": 5
"esa-decorative-lines": {
"calls": 6
"decorative-square": {
"args": [
"$color: $esa-neon"
"calls": 2
"create-radio-or-checkbox": {
"calls": 2
"functions": {
"strip-unit": {
"args": [
"calls": 17,
"returns": [
"$num / ($num * 0 + 1);"
"rem-calc": {
"args": [
"$base: null"
"calls": 231,
"returns": [
"-zf-to-rem($values, $base);",
"-zf-bp-to-em": {
"args": [
"returns": [
"strip-unit($value) * 1em;"
"-zf-to-rem": {
"args": [
"$base: null"
"returns": [
"unitless-calc": {
"args": [
"$base: null"
"calls": 8,
"returns": [
"strip-unit($value) / strip-unit($base);",
"$value / strip-unit($base);",
"build_from_header-sizes": {
"args": [
"calls": 2,
"returns": [
"breakpoint": {
"args": [
"$val: $-zf-zero-breakpoint"
"calls": 137,
"returns": [
"'(orientation: #{$bp})';",
"-zf-bp-join($bp-min, $bp-max);"
"-zf-bp-serialize": {
"args": [
"returns": [
"-zf-map-next": {
"args": [
"returns": [
"map-get($map, nth($values, $i));"
"-zf-map-next-number": {
"args": [
"returns": [
"-zf-breakpoints-less-than": {
"args": [
"returns": [
"-zf-closest-named-breakpoint": {
"args": [
"returns": [
"-zf-get-bp-val": {
"args": [
"returns": [
"map-get($map, $value);",
"map-get($map, $anchor);"
"-zf-current-breakpoint": {
"args": [
"$value: null",
"$default: null"
"returns": [
"-zf-bp-join": {
"returns": [
"color-luminance": {
"args": [
"calls": 3,
"returns": [
"0.2126 * nth($rgba2, 1) + 0.7152 * nth($rgba2, 2) + 0.0722 * nth($rgba2, 3);"
"color-contrast": {
"args": [
"calls": 4,
"returns": [
"color-pick-contrast": {
"args": [
"$colors: ($white",
"calls": 2,
"returns": [
"smart-scale": {
"args": [
"$scale: 5%",
"$threshold: 40%"
"calls": 8,
"returns": [
"scale-color($color, $lightness: $scale);"
"get-color": {
"args": [
"calls": 9,
"returns": [
"map-get($foundation-palette, $key);"
"gcd": {
"args": [
"calls": 3,
"returns": [
"gcd($b, $a % $b);",
"pow": {
"args": [
"$prec: 16"
"calls": 5,
"returns": [
"nth-root(pow($base, $exponent / $denominator), $prec2 / $denominator, $prec);",
"nth-root": {
"args": [
"$n: 2",
"$prec: 12"
"calls": 2,
"returns": [
"ratio-to-percentage": {
"args": [
"calls": 3,
"returns": [
"$h / $w * 100%;"
"zf-parse-fraction": {
"args": [
"calls": 3,
"returns": [
"(strip-unit($fraction), 100);",
"($fraction * 100, 100);",
"($fraction, null);",
"(nth($fraction, 1), nth($fraction, 3));",
"(null, null);"
"zf-is-fraction": {
"args": [
"$allow-no-denominator: false"
"calls": 1,
"returns": [
"not(nth($parsed, 1) == null"
"fraction-to-percentage": {
"calls": 3,
"returns": [
"percentage($parsed-nominator / $parsed-denominator);"
"tint": {
"args": [
"calls": 3,
"returns": [
"mix(white, $color, $percentage);"
"functionCalls": {
"map-get": 42,
"nth": 36,
"map-has-key": 26,
"if": 25,
"darken": 24,
"type-of": 18,
"unit": 15,
"transparentize": 12,
"length": 8,
"scale-color": 7,
"round": 6,
"append": 5,
"percentage": 3,
"map-merge": 3,
"index": 3,
"map-remove": 3,
"floor": 2,
"red": 2,
"green": 2,
"blue": 2,
"lightness": 2,
"global-variable-exists": 2,
"unitless": 2,
"mix": 2,
"variable-exists": 2,
"map-keys": 2,
"max": 2,
"join": 1,
"inspect": 1,
"map-values": 1,
"abs": 1
"ifs": [
"test": "not map-has-key($foundation-palette, primary)"
"test": "($body-antialiased)"
"test": "($side == top)",
"elseIfs": [
"($side == left)",
"($side == right)",
"($side == bottom)"
"test": "($triangle-direction == down)"
"test": "($triangle-direction == up)"
"test": "($triangle-direction == right)"
"test": "($triangle-direction == left)"
"test": "unit($spacing) == 'px'"
"test": "$color-hover"
"test": "lightness($color) < 60%"
"test": "$global-flexbox"
"test": "$breakpoints == auto",
"elseIfs": [
"type-of($breakpoints) == 'list'",
"type-of($breakpoints) == 'string'"
"test": "$zero-breakpoint == true",
"elseIfs": [
"$zero-breakpoint == false"
"test": "global-variable-exists(-zf-size)"
"test": "$name == auto and type-of($map) == 'map'"
"test": "type-of($name) == 'string'"
"test": "$bp-value != null"
"test": "has-value($input-transition)"
"test": "has-value($input-transition)"
"test": "not $input-number-spinners"
"test": "$base == null"
"test": "unit($base) == '%'"
"test": "unit($base) == 'rem'"
"test": "$count == 1"
"test": "unit($value) == 'px' or unitless($value)"
"test": "type-of($value) != 'number'"
"test": "unit($value) == 'em'"
"test": "unit($value) != 'rem'"
"test": "$value == 0rem"
"test": "$base == null"
"test": "unit($base) == '%'"
"test": "unit($base) == 'rem'"
"test": "unit($base) == 'em'"
"test": "unit($value) == '%'"
"test": "unit($value) == 'rem'"
"test": "unit($value) == 'em'"
"test": "unit($value) == 'px'"
"test": "unitless($value) and ($value > 10)"
"test": "$global-flexbox"
"test": "not $global-flexbox"
"test": "$global-flexbox"
"test": "has-value($input-prefix-border)"
"test": "$global-flexbox"
"test": "$global-flexbox"
"test": "$global-flexbox"
"test": "not $global-flexbox"
"test": "$select-triangle-color != transparent"
"test": "has-value($input-transition)"
"test": "has-value($input-transition)"
"test": "$abide-inputs"
"test": "$abide-labels"
"test": "variable-exists(header-sizes)"
"test": "map-has-key($header-defs, font-size)",
"elseIfs": [
"map-has-key($header-defs, fs)",
"$size == $-zf-zero-breakpoint"
"test": "map-has-key($header-defs, line-height)",
"elseIfs": [
"map-has-key($header-defs, lh)",
"$size == $-zf-zero-breakpoint"
"test": "map-has-key($header-defs, margin-top)",
"elseIfs": [
"map-has-key($header-defs, mt)",
"$size == $-zf-zero-breakpoint"
"test": "map-has-key($header-defs, margin-bottom)",
"elseIfs": [
"map-has-key($header-defs, mb)",
"$size == $-zf-zero-breakpoint"
"test": "$anchor-text-decoration-hover != $anchor-text-decoration"
"test": "($enable-cite-block == true)"
"test": "($enable-code-inline == true)"
"test": "has-value($keystroke-radius)"
"test": "nth(map-values($breakpoints), 1) != 0"
"test": "$bp == 'landscape' or $bp == 'portrait'"
"test": "type-of($bp) == 'string'"
"test": "map-has-key($breakpoints, $bp)",
"elseIfs": [
"map-has-key($breakpoints-hidpi, $bp)"
"test": "not $name and $dir == 'only'"
"test": "$dir == 'only' or $dir == 'up'"
"test": "$dir == 'only' or $dir == 'down'"
"test": "not $name",
"elseIfs": [
"test": "$hidpi"
"test": "global-variable-exists(-zf-size)"
"test": "$str == ''"
"test": "$bp != null and ($bp <= $pbp or $dir == down)"
"test": "(map-has-key($map, $key))"
"test": "($i > length($map) or $i == 0)"
"test": "type-of($v) == 'number' and $v > $number and ($next_number == null or $v < $next_number)"
"test": "($name == $key)"
"test": "not $found_key"
"test": "not $found"
"test": "unitless-calc($val) > $value"
"test": "type-of($map) == 'number'"
"test": "not map-has-key($breakpoints, $value)"
"test": "type-of($value) == 'number'",
"elseIfs": [
"map-has-key($map, $value)"
"test": "not $found"
"test": "map-has-key($map, $key)"
"test": "$key == $value"
"test": "($value != null)",
"elseIfs": [
"(variable-exists(-zf-size) and type-of($-zf-size) != 'number') and $-zf-size != null"
"test": "map-has-key($breakpoints, small)"
"test": "map-has-key($breakpoints, medium)"
"test": "map-has-key($breakpoints, large)"
"test": "map-has-key($breakpoints, xlarge)"
"test": "map-has-key($breakpoints, xxlarge)"
"test": "$size != $-zf-zero-breakpoint"
"test": "$print-transparent-backgrounds"
"test": "$print-hrefs"
"test": "$global-text-direction == 'rtl'"
"test": "(type-of($button-padding) == 'map')"
"test": "$expand"
"test": "$fill == hollow",
"elseIfs": [
"$fill == clear"
"test": "$fill == solid",
"elseIfs": [
"$fill == hollow",
"$fill == clear"
"test": "$color == auto"
"test": "$background-hover == auto"
"test": "$expand"
"test": "$button-responsive-expanded"
"test": "$size != $-zf-zero-breakpoint"
"test": "$button-fill == hollow"
"test": "$global-flexbox"
"test": "$global-flexbox"
"test": "not $buttongroup-radius-on-each"
"test": "not $global-flexbox"
"test": "$global-flexbox"
"test": "$global-flexbox"
"test": "$global-flexbox"
"test": "not $buttongroup-radius-on-each"
"test": "$global-flexbox"
"test": "not $buttongroup-radius-on-each"
"test": "$stripe == even",
"elseIfs": [
"$stripe == odd"
"test": "$is-striped == true",
"elseIfs": [
"$is-striped == false"
"test": "$nest"
"test": "$table-is-striped == true",
"elseIfs": [
"$table-is-striped == false"
"test": "$header"
"test": "$luminance2 > $luminance1"
"test": "($current-contrast - $contrast > $tolerance)"
"test": "($contrast-warnings and $contrast < 3)"
"test": "lightness($color) > $threshold"
"test": "map-has-key($foundation-palette, $key)"
"test": "map-has-key($foundation-palette, primary)"
"test": "map-has-key($foundation-palette, secondary)"
"test": "map-has-key($foundation-palette, success)"
"test": "map-has-key($foundation-palette, warning)"
"test": "map-has-key($foundation-palette, alert)"
"test": "$pagination-mobile-items"
"test": "$pagination-mobile-current-item"
"test": "$pagination-arrows"
"test": "type-of($ratio) == 'string'"
"test": "($b != 0)"
"test": "(floor($exponent) != $exponent)"
"test": "$exponent > 1",
"elseIfs": [
"$exponent < 1"
"test": "type-of($fraction) == 'number'"
"test": "unit($fraction) == '%'",
"elseIfs": [
"(unit($fraction) == '')"
"test": "$fraction < 1",
"elseIfs": [
"type-of($fraction) == 'list'"
"test": "$parsed-nominator == null"
"test": "$parsed-denominator == null"
"test": "type-of($denominator) == 'number'"
"test": "strip-unit($lower-bound-size) == 0"
"test": "$upper-bound-size == null"
"test": "$size != $-zf-zero-breakpoint"
"test": "$position == both"
"test": "$only-icon == true"
"test": "length($info) == 2"
"test": "$horizontal-position != left and $horizontal-position != right"
"test": "$vertical-position != top and $vertical-position != bottom"
"test": "$horizontal-position == left",
"elseIfs": [
" $horizontal-position == right"
"test": "$border-radius == 50%"
"eaches": {
"$bp in $-list ": 1,
"$k, $v in $map ": 2,
"$size, $headers in $header-sizes ": 1,
"$header, $font-size in $headers ": 1,
"$size, $headers in $header-styles ": 1,
"$header, $header-defs in $headers ": 1,
"$key, $value in $map ": 1,
"$name in $-zf-breakpoints-keys ": 1,
"$key, $val in $breakpoints ": 2,
"$size in $breakpoint-classes ": 3,
"$align in (left, right, center, justify) ": 1,
"$size, $padding in $button-padding ": 1,
"$size, $value in map-remove($button-sizes, default) ": 2,
"$filling in (solid hollow clear) ": 2,
"$name, $color in $button-palette ": 3,
"$name, $ratio in $ratios ": 1,
"$social, $info in $social-colors-icons ": 1,
"$media, $responsive-gutter-value in $media-responsive-gutter-values ": 1,
"$property, $info in $property-multiplier-map ": 1,
"$state, $rules in $message-states ": 1,
"$class, $icon in $icon-box-grid-icons ": 1,
"$ct, $icon in $content-types ": 2,
"$heading, $styles in map-get($header-styles, small) ": 1
"fors": {
"$i from 2 through $bars ": 2,
"$i from 2 through $max ": 1,
"$i from 1 through $count ": 1,
"$i from 1 through length($values) ": 1,
"$i from 2 through $buttongroup-expand-max ": 1,
"$i from 1 through 3 ": 1,
"$i from 2 through length($colors) ": 1,
"$i from 2 through $exponent ": 1,
"$i from 0 through -$exponent ": 1,
"$i from 0 through $prec ": 1
"whiles": {},
"extends": {
"%input-group-child": 4,
".cite-block;": 1,
".code-inline;": 1,
"%alternative-button": 2,
"%alternative-hollow-button;": 1,
"%remove-list-styles": 2,
"%paragraph-styles": 2,
"%external-link;": 2,
"%list-neutralizer;": 1,
"%remove-button-animation": 1,
"%social-buttons;": 2,
"%remove-list-styles;": 1,
"%inner-level-items": 1,
"%first-level-items;": 1,
"%first-level-items": 1,
"%remove-button-animation;": 1,
"%list-styles;": 1,
"%list-decoration;": 1,
"%list-neutralizer": 3,
"%list-numbering;": 1,
"%underlined-link;": 4,
"%download-link": 5,
"%rotate-icon-hover-effect": 1,
"%content-on-blue-background;": 1,
"%content-on-gray-background;": 1,
"%content-on-blue-background": 2,
"%content-on-gray-background": 1,
"%download-link-with-meta": 4,
"%rotate-icon-hover-effect;": 2,
"%grid-teaser-item": 1,
"%meta-social-label": 1,
"%meta-social-label;": 1,
"%fields-with-animated-labels;": 1,
".show-for-sr;": 2,
".button:focus;": 1,
"%grid-layout;": 1,
"%grid-items-3;": 2,
"%grid-items-3-sidebar;": 2,
"%grid-items-4;": 1,
"%grid-items-4-sidebar;": 1,
"%grid-layout": 2,
"%change-width-according-to-ct; // this way I've added all the above selectors in one placeholder that I can then use as a new selector. Have a look at the following blocks of code": 1,
"%error-page-button": 2,
"%grid-items-3-sidebar": 1,
"%grid-teaser-item;": 1
"errors": [
"'In $foundation-palette, you must have a color named \"primary\".';",
"'Wrong syntax for \"$breakpoints\" in \"-zf-each-breakpoint-in()\". Got \"#{$breakpoints}\" (#{type-of($breakpoints)}). Expected a breakpoint name, a list of breakpoints or \"auto\"';",
"'The first key in the $breakpoints map must have a value of \"0\".';",
"'given $key is not available in $foundation-palette';",
"'Wrong syntax for \"fraction-to-percentage()\". Use a number, decimal, percentage, or \"n of n\" / \"n/n\".';",
"'Error with \"fraction-to-percentage()\". A default \"$denominator\" is required to support absolute values';",
"\"$horizontal-position value should be left or right\";",
"\"$vertical-position value should be top or bottom\";"
"variablesCombined": {},
"nested": {
">": 77,
"+": 25,
"lone": 20,
"pseudo-element": 22,
"pseudo-class": 254,
"class": 93,
"attr": 16
"stylesheets": {
"remote": 2,
"inline": 0
"sourcemaps": {
"count": 2,
"ext": {
"scss": 103,
"css": 3
"scss": {
"size": 613315,
"stats": {
"variables": {
"$color": 97,
"$infix": 95,
"$value": 58,
"$breakpoints": 54,
"$radius": 48,
"$breakpoint": 48,
"$grid-breakpoints": 43,
"$fs": 40,
"$name": 39,
"$size": 37,
"$min": 28,
"$state": 27,
"$rfs-base-font-size": 22,
"$rfs-breakpoint": 22,
"$max": 22,
"$gutter": 21,
"$columns": 21,
"$enable-rounded": 19,
"$background": 19,
"$popover-arrow-width": 19,
"$popover-arrow-height": 19,
"$border-radius": 18,
"$transition": 18,
"$white": 18,
"$i": 15,
"$border": 15,
"$rfs-breakpoint-unit": 14,
"$rfs-rem-value": 14,
"$fs-unit": 14,
"$rfs-fluid": 14,
"$ignore-warning": 14,
"$length": 14,
"$input-border-width": 13,
"$custom-control-indicator-size": 13,
"$rfs-font-size-unit": 12,
"$rfs-factor": 12,
"$important": 12,
"$rfs-static": 12,
"$mq-value": 12,
"$return": 12,
"$caret-width": 12,
"$abbrev": 12,
"$theme-colors": 11,
"$grid-gutter-width": 11,
"$next": 11,
"$tooltip-arrow-height": 11,
"$popover-border-width": 11,
"$bd-purple-bright": 11,
"$rfs-suffix": 10,
"$start-color": 10,
"$end-color": 10,
"$container-max-width": 9,
"$container-max-widths": 9,
"$table-border-color": 9,
"$border-width": 9,
"$tooltip-arrow-width": 9,
"$parent": 9,
"$rfs-class": 8,
"$rfs-breakpoint-unit-cache": 8,
"$fs-min": 8,
"$breakpoint-names": 8,
"$n": 8,
"$hover-background": 8,
"$card-inner-border-radius": 8,
"$card-spacer-x": 8,
"$prop": 8,
"$black": 7,
"$font-size-base": 7,
"$line-height-base": 7,
"$link-decoration": 7,
"$enable-gradients": 7,
"$gray-700": 7,
"$btn-active-box-shadow": 7,
"$active-background": 7,
"$btn-focus-width": 7,
"$list-group-border-width": 7,
"$bd-purple": 7,
"$rfs-two-dimensional": 6,
"$rfs-safari-iframe-resize-bug-fix": 6,
"$rfs-base-font-size-unit": 6,
"$min-width": 6,
"$variable-unit": 6,
"$font-weight-normal": 6,
"$fallback-border-radius": 6,
"$num": 6,
"$count": 6,
"$lower": 6,
"$upper": 6,
"$table-border-width": 6,
"$enable-shadows": 6,
"$custom-control-gutter": 6,
"$custom-range-thumb-height": 6,
"$bg": 6,
"$border-color": 6,
"$link-color": 5,
"$grid-columns": 5,
"$input-padding-y": 5,
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"border-radius": {
"args": [
"$radius: $border-radius",
"$fallback-border-radius: false"
"calls": 50
"media-breakpoint-up": {
"args": [
"$breakpoints: $grid-breakpoints"
"calls": 47
"transition": {
"args": [
"calls": 17
"border-top-radius": {
"args": [
"calls": 10
"make-col": {
"args": [
"$columns: $grid-columns"
"calls": 9
"border-right-radius": {
"args": [
"calls": 8
"media-breakpoint-down": {
"args": [
"$breakpoints: $grid-breakpoints"
"calls": 8
"border-bottom-radius": {
"args": [
"calls": 7
"border-left-radius": {
"args": [
"calls": 7
"list-unstyled": {
"calls": 3
"img-fluid": {
"calls": 2
"img-retina": {
"args": [
"border-top-left-radius": {
"args": [
"border-top-right-radius": {
"args": [
"calls": 2
"border-bottom-right-radius": {
"args": [
"make-container": {
"args": [
"$gutter: $grid-gutter-width"
"calls": 4
"border-bottom-left-radius": {
"args": [
"calls": 2
"make-row": {
"args": [
"$gutter: $grid-gutter-width"
"calls": 2
"make-col-ready": {
"args": [
"$gutter: $grid-gutter-width"
"calls": 2
"table-row-variant": {
"args": [
"$border: null"
"calls": 2
"make-container-max-widths": {
"args": [
"$max-widths: $container-max-widths",
"$breakpoints: $grid-breakpoints"
"calls": 1
"make-col-auto": {
"calls": 1
"make-col-offset": {
"args": [
"$columns: $grid-columns"
"calls": 1
"row-cols": {
"args": [
"calls": 1
"media-breakpoint-between": {
"args": [
"$breakpoints: $grid-breakpoints"
"media-breakpoint-only": {
"args": [
"$breakpoints: $grid-breakpoints"
"gradient-bg": {
"args": [
"calls": 16
"form-validation-state": {
"args": [
"calls": 8
"form-validation-state-selector": {
"args": [
"calls": 7
"form-control-focus": {
"args": [
"$ignore-warning: false"
"calls": 1
"gradient-x": {
"args": [
"$start-color: $gray-700",
"$end-color: $gray-800",
"$start-percent: 0%",
"$end-percent: 100%"
"gradient-y": {
"args": [
"$start-color: $gray-700",
"$end-color: $gray-800",
"$start-percent: 0%",
"$end-percent: 100%"
"gradient-directional": {
"args": [
"$start-color: $gray-700",
"$end-color: $gray-800",
"$deg: 45deg"
"gradient-x-three-colors": {
"args": [
"$start-color: $blue",
"$mid-color: $purple",
"$color-stop: 50%",
"$end-color: $red"
"gradient-y-three-colors": {
"args": [
"$start-color: $blue",
"$mid-color: $purple",
"$color-stop: 50%",
"$end-color: $red"
"gradient-radial": {
"args": [
"$inner-color: $gray-700",
"$outer-color: $gray-800"
"caret": {
"args": [
"$direction: down"
"calls": 8
"button-size": {
"args": [
"calls": 3
"bs-callout-variant": {
"args": [
"calls": 3
"pagination-size": {
"args": [
"calls": 2
"reset-text": {
"calls": 2
"clearfix": {
"calls": 2
"sr-only": {
"calls": 2
"make-grid-columns": {
"args": [
"$columns: $grid-columns",
"$gutter: $grid-gutter-width",
"$breakpoints: $grid-breakpoints"
"calls": 1
"gradient-striped": {
"args": [
"$color: rgba($white",
"calls": 1
"button-variant": {
"args": [
"$hover-background: darken($background",
"calls": 1
"button-outline-variant": {
"args": [
"$color-hover: color-yiq($color"
"calls": 1
"caret-down": {
"calls": 1
"caret-up": {
"calls": 1
"caret-right": {
"calls": 1
"caret-left": {
"calls": 1
"nav-divider": {
"args": [
"$color: $nav-divider-color",
"$margin-y: $nav-divider-margin-y",
"$ignore-warning: false"
"calls": 1
"badge-variant": {
"args": [
"calls": 1
"alert-variant": {
"args": [
"calls": 1
"list-group-item-variant": {
"args": [
"calls": 1
"bg-variant": {
"args": [
"$ignore-warning: false"
"calls": 1
"bg-gradient-variant": {
"args": [
"$ignore-warning: false"
"calls": 1
"sr-only-focusable": {
"calls": 1
"text-truncate": {
"calls": 1
"text-emphasis-variant": {
"args": [
"$ignore-warning: false"
"calls": 1
"text-hide": {
"args": [
"$ignore-warning: false"
"calls": 1
"functions": {
"valid-radius": {
"args": [
"calls": 28,
"returns": [
"breakpoint-infix": {
"args": [
"$breakpoints: $grid-breakpoints"
"calls": 16,
"returns": [
"if(breakpoint-min($name, $breakpoints) == null, \"\", \"-#{$name}\");"
"breakpoint-min": {
"args": [
"$breakpoints: $grid-breakpoints"
"calls": 12,
"returns": [
"if($min != 0, $min, null);"
"breakpoint-max": {
"args": [
"$breakpoints: $grid-breakpoints"
"calls": 8,
"returns": [
"if($next, breakpoint-min($next, $breakpoints) - .02, null);"
"breakpoint-next": {
"args": [
"$breakpoints: $grid-breakpoints",
"$breakpoint-names: map-keys($breakpoints"
"calls": 6,
"returns": [
"if($n != null and $n < length($breakpoint-names), nth($breakpoint-names, $n + 1), null);"
"functionCalls": {
"if": 27,
"darken": 14,
"map-keys": 12,
"nth": 10,
"percentage": 7,
"type-of": 6,
"unit": 6,
"length": 6,
"mix": 6,
"append": 4,
"map-get": 4,
"lighten": 3,
"inspect": 2,
"max": 2,
"index": 2
"ifs": [
"test": "$enable-pointer-cursor-for-buttons"
"test": "type-of($rfs-factor) != \"number\" or $rfs-factor <= 1"
"test": "$rfs-base-font-size-unit == \"px\"",
"elseIfs": [
"$rfs-base-font-size-unit == \"rem\""
"test": "$rfs-breakpoint-unit-cache == \"px\"",
"elseIfs": [
"$rfs-breakpoint-unit-cache == \"rem\" or $rfs-breakpoint-unit-cache == \"em\""
"test": "not $fs-unit or $fs-unit != \"\" and $fs-unit != \"px\" and $fs-unit != \"rem\" or $fs == 0"
"test": "$fs-unit == \"px\"",
"elseIfs": [
"$fs-unit == \"rem\""
"test": "$rfs-font-size-unit == rem",
"elseIfs": [
"$rfs-font-size-unit == px"
"test": "$fs > $rfs-base-font-size and $enable-responsive-font-sizes"
"test": "$rfs-fluid == null"
"test": "$rfs-breakpoint-unit == em or $rfs-breakpoint-unit == rem",
"elseIfs": [
"$rfs-breakpoint-unit == px"
"test": "$rfs-class == \"disable\""
"test": "$rfs-two-dimensional"
"test": "$rfs-class == \"enable\""
"test": "$rfs-safari-iframe-resize-bug-fix"
"test": "$rfs-class == \"enable\""
"test": "$rfs-safari-iframe-resize-bug-fix"
"test": "type-of($value) == number"
"test": "$enable-rounded",
"elseIfs": [
"$fallback-border-radius != false"
"test": "$enable-rounded"
"test": "$enable-rounded"
"test": "$enable-rounded"
"test": "$enable-rounded"
"test": "$enable-rounded"
"test": "$enable-rounded"
"test": "$enable-rounded"
"test": "$enable-rounded"
"test": "$enable-grid-classes"
"test": "($extend-breakpoint)"
"test": "($breakpoint == $name)"
"test": "$enable-grid-classes"
"test": "$enable-grid-classes"
"test": "$min"
"test": "$max"
"test": "$min != null and $max != null",
"elseIfs": [
"$max == null",
"$min == null"
"test": "$min != null and $max != null",
"elseIfs": [
"$max == null",
"$min == null"
"test": "$columns > 0"
"test": "$grid-row-columns > 0"
"test": "$columns > 0"
"test": "$columns > 0"
"test": "not ($infix == \"\" and $i == 0)"
"test": "$border != null"
"test": "length($transition) == 0"
"test": "length($transition) > 1"
"test": "$value == null or $value == none"
"test": "$enable-transitions"
"test": "nth($transition, 1) != null"
"test": "$enable-prefers-reduced-motion-media-query and nth($transition, 1) != null and nth($transition, 1) != none"
"test": "$enable-shadows"
"test": "($state == \"valid\" or $state == \"invalid\")"
"test": "$enable-validation-icons"
"test": "$enable-validation-icons"
"test": "$enable-validation-icons"
"test": "$enable-gradients"
"test": "$enable-shadows"
"test": "$enable-gradients"
"test": "$enable-gradients"
"test": "$enable-shadows and $btn-active-box-shadow != none"
"test": "$enable-shadows and $btn-active-box-shadow != none"
"test": "$dropdown-padding-y == 0"
"test": "$enable-gradients"
"test": "$enable-caret"
"test": "$direction == down",
"elseIfs": [
"$direction == up",
"$direction == right"
"test": "$direction == left"
"test": "$enable-shadows"
"test": "$enable-shadows"
"test": "$enable-rounded"
"test": "$enable-transitions"
"test": "$enable-transitions"
"test": "$enable-prefers-reduced-motion-media-query"
"test": "$enable-gradients"
"test": "$enable-gradients"
"test": "$enable-gradients"
"test": "$size != 0"
"test": "$emphasized-link-hover-darken-percentage != 0"
"test": "$enable-print-styles"
"test": "$min"
"test": "$max"
"test": "$min != null and $max != null",
"elseIfs": [
"$max == null",
"$min == null"
"test": "$min != null and $max != null",
"elseIfs": [
"$max == null",
"$min == null"
"test": "type-of($rfs-factor) != \"number\" or $rfs-factor <= 1"
"test": "$rfs-base-font-size-unit == \"px\"",
"elseIfs": [
"$rfs-base-font-size-unit == \"rem\""
"test": "$rfs-breakpoint-unit-cache == \"px\"",
"elseIfs": [
"$rfs-breakpoint-unit-cache == \"rem\" or $rfs-breakpoint-unit-cache == \"em\""
"test": "not $fs-unit or $fs-unit != \"\" and $fs-unit != \"px\" and $fs-unit != \"rem\" or $fs == 0"
"test": "$fs-unit == \"px\"",
"elseIfs": [
"$fs-unit == \"rem\""
"test": "$rfs-font-size-unit == rem",
"elseIfs": [
"$rfs-font-size-unit == px"
"test": "$fs > $rfs-base-font-size and $enable-responsive-font-sizes"
"test": "$rfs-fluid == null"
"test": "$rfs-breakpoint-unit == em or $rfs-breakpoint-unit == rem",
"elseIfs": [
"$rfs-breakpoint-unit == px"
"test": "$rfs-class == \"disable\""
"test": "$rfs-two-dimensional"
"test": "$rfs-class == \"enable\""
"test": "$rfs-safari-iframe-resize-bug-fix"
"test": "$rfs-class == \"enable\""
"test": "$rfs-safari-iframe-resize-bug-fix"
"test": "type-of($value) == number"
"test": "$enable-rounded",
"elseIfs": [
"$fallback-border-radius != false"
"test": "$enable-rounded"
"test": "$enable-rounded"
"test": "$enable-rounded"
"test": "$enable-rounded"
"test": "$enable-rounded"
"test": "$enable-rounded"
"test": "$enable-rounded"
"test": "$enable-rounded"
"test": "length($transition) == 0"
"test": "length($transition) > 1"
"test": "$value == null or $value == none"
"test": "$enable-transitions"
"test": "nth($transition, 1) != null"
"test": "$enable-prefers-reduced-motion-media-query and nth($transition, 1) != null and nth($transition, 1) != none"
"eaches": {
"$color, $value in $colors ": 2,
"$color, $value in $theme-colors ": 11,
"$bp, $value in $grid-breakpoints ": 1,
"$value in $radius ": 2,
"$breakpoint, $container-max-width in $container-max-widths ": 2,
"$name, $width in $grid-breakpoints ": 1,
"$breakpoint, $container-max-width in $max-widths ": 2,
"$breakpoint in map-keys($breakpoints) ": 1,
"$breakpoint in map-keys($grid-breakpoints) ": 9,
"$state, $data in $form-validation-states ": 1,
"$value in $transition ": 2,
"$lang, $value in $custom-file-text ": 1,
"$size, $container-max-width in $container-max-widths ": 2,
"$value in $displays ": 2,
"$embed-responsive-aspect-ratio in $embed-responsive-aspect-ratios ": 1,
"$value in $user-selects ": 1,
"$value in $overflows ": 1,
"$position in $positions ": 1,
"$prop, $abbrev in (width: w, height: h) ": 1,
"$size, $length in $sizes ": 1,
"$prop, $abbrev in (margin: m, padding: p) ": 1,
"$size, $length in $spacers ": 2,
"$color, $value in $grays ": 1
"fors": {
"$i from 1 through $columns ": 2,
"$i from 1 through $grid-row-columns ": 1,
"$i from 0 through $columns ": 1,
"$i from 0 through ($columns - 1) ": 1
"whiles": {},
"extends": {
".container-fluid;": 1,
"%responsive-container-#{$breakpoint};": 1,
"%grid-column;": 2,
".btn-sm; ": 1,
".btn-lg; ": 1,
"%container-flex-properties;": 2,
"%container-navbar-expand-#{$breakpoint};": 2,
"%container-nesting-#{$breakpoint};": 2,
".bs-tooltip-top;": 1,
".bs-tooltip-right;": 1,
".bs-tooltip-bottom;": 1,
".bs-tooltip-left;": 1,
".bs-popover-top;": 1,
".bs-popover-right;": 1,
".bs-popover-bottom;": 1,
".bs-popover-left;": 1
"errors": [
"\"`#{$rfs-factor}` is not a valid $rfs-factor, it must be greater than 1.\";",
"\"`#{$rfs-font-size-unit}` is not a valid unit for $rfs-font-size-unit. Use `px` or `rem`.\";",
"\"`#{$rfs-breakpoint-unit}` is not a valid unit for $rfs-breakpoint-unit. Use `px`, `em` or `rem`.\";",
"\"`#{$rfs-factor}` is not a valid $rfs-factor, it must be greater than 1.\";",
"\"`#{$rfs-font-size-unit}` is not a valid unit for $rfs-font-size-unit. Use `px` or `rem`.\";",
"\"`#{$rfs-breakpoint-unit}` is not a valid unit for $rfs-breakpoint-unit. Use `px`, `em` or `rem`.\";"
"variablesCombined": {
"value": {
"--font-family-sans-serif": "#{inspect($font-family-sans-serif)};",
"--font-family-monospace": "#{inspect($font-family-monospace)};"
"name": {
"--#{$color}": "#{$value}",
"--breakpoint-#{$bp}": "#{$value}"
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"args": [
"$value: on"
"functions": {},
"functionCalls": {},
"ifs": [
"test": "$value == on"
"eaches": {},
"fors": {},
"whiles": {},
"extends": {},
"variablesCombined": {},
"nested": {
"pseudo-element": 2,
"pseudo-class": 2
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