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Leandro de Lima LeandrodeLimaC

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TODO: Simplify this type by creating a PolymorphicComponentWithoutRef
first and then a PolymorphicComponentWithRef using React.ElementRef<'div'>
* Props for a polymorphic React component that includes a ref.
* @template E - The expected React element type.
* @template P - Additional props specific to the component.
LeandrodeLimaC / DistributiveOmit.ts
Created March 21, 2024 16:42
A utility type that omits specified keys from an object type in a distributive manner. It uses conditional types to distribute the operation over each property in `T`.
* A utility type that omits specified keys from an object type in a distributive manner.
* It uses conditional types to distribute the operation over each property in `T`.
* @template T - The input object type.
* @template TOmitted - The keys to be omitted from the input type.
export type DistributiveOmit<T, TOmitted extends PropertyKey> = T extends any
? Omit<T, TOmitted>
: never
LeandrodeLimaC / FixForwardRef.ts
Created March 21, 2024 16:40
This updated version of ForwardRef was created to be used with generics typescript can't infer correctly the type of the reference in this scenario. The downside is that using this function, we will lose the dsiplayName property and some other stuff like defaultProperties. ref:…
* This updated version of ForwardRef was created to be used with generics
* typescript can't infer correctly the type of the reference in this scenario.
* The downside is that using this function, we will lose the dsiplayName property
* and some other stuff like defaultProperties.
* ref:
export type FixedForwardRef = <T, P = {}>(
LeandrodeLimaC / axios-timing.ts
Created March 21, 2024 16:38 — forked from forivall/axios-timing.ts
Axios Timing helper POC
import http = require('http')
import https = require('https')
import url = require('url')
import {AxiosInstance, AxiosInterceptorManager} from 'axios'
import {HttpRequestOptions as HttpFollowRequestOptions, http as httpFollow, https as httpsFollow} from 'follow-redirects'
import now = require('performance-now')
import httpAdapter = require('axios/lib/adapters/http')
import InterceptorManager = require('axios/lib/core/InterceptorManager')
LeandrodeLimaC / click-outside.js
Last active March 9, 2024 02:36
Vue directive click outside element
// @ts-nocheck
import Vue from 'vue'
const events = ['click', 'touchstart', 'scroll']
function onClickOutside ({ event, el, handler }) {
const isClickOutside = !== el && !el.contains(
if (!isClickOutside) { return null }
LeandrodeLimaC / exercicios.sql
Last active February 12, 2024 23:13
Execícios finais do curso de SQLite Online: executando consultas SQL do Alura
-- Selecione os primeiros 5 registros da tabela clientes, ordenando-os pelo nome em ordem crescente.
Select * from Colaboradores
Order By nome
-- Encontre todos os produtos na tabela produtos que não têm uma descrição associada (suponha que a coluna de descrição possa ser nula).
SELECT * from HistoricoEmprego
WHERE datatermino IS NULL;
LeandrodeLimaC / Split.ts
Last active October 13, 2023 21:56
Simple implementation of a recursive Utility Type to extract substrings using a delimiter
* Splits a string based type into an tuple using a delimiter.
* @template S - The input string to be split.
* @template D - The delimiter string used for splitting.
* @template T - The resulting array of substrings.
* @returns A tuple of strings representing the segments of the original string after being split by the delimiter.
* @example
export function bufferPromise<
PromiseFactoryFn extends (...args: any) => Promise<T>
promiseFactoryFn: PromiseFactoryFn,
maxConcurrency = 5
) {
const activePromises: Array<Promise<T>> = [];
const queuedPromises: Array<() => Promise<T>> = [];
LeandrodeLimaC / index.ts
Created March 13, 2023 19:59
undoRedo function
type History<T> = Partial<T>[]
const undoRedo = <T extends Record<string, unknown>>(object: T) => {
const history: History<T> = [{...object}]
let currIndex = 0
const getState = (key: any) => {
const state = history[currIndex][key]
return state
LeandrodeLimaC / wrapperFactory.js
Last active December 26, 2022 19:44
Wrapper factory that receives if it's a ShallowMount or not. It's helpful to easy your (and mine) life when creating vue unit tests (You can extend this to import and use Router, Vuex, etc)
import Vue from 'vue';
import Vuetify from 'vuetify';
import { createLocalVue, shallowMount, mount } from '@vue/test-utils';
// I'do prefer to create a mocks file for those global fellas
// import mocks from './mocks';