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Axios Timing helper POC
import http = require('http')
import https = require('https')
import url = require('url')
import {AxiosInstance, AxiosInterceptorManager} from 'axios'
import {HttpRequestOptions as HttpFollowRequestOptions, http as httpFollow, https as httpsFollow} from 'follow-redirects'
import now = require('performance-now')
import httpAdapter = require('axios/lib/adapters/http')
import InterceptorManager = require('axios/lib/core/InterceptorManager')
export interface TimingData {
timingStart: number
timings: {
socket?: number
lookup?: number
connect?: number
response?: number
end?: number
interface MaybeRedirectableRequest extends http.ClientRequest {
_currentRequest?: http.ClientRequest
export function addAxiosTiming(axios: AxiosInstance) {
const axiosExt = setupAxiosHttpInterceptors(axios)
const pending: {req: MaybeRedirectableRequest, timingData: TimingData}[] = []
axiosExt.interceptors.httpRequest.use((req) => {
const timingStart = now()
const timings: TimingData['timings'] = {}
const timingData: TimingData = {
pending.push({req, timingData})
req.on('socket', (socket: import('net').Socket) => {
timings.socket = now() - timingStart
// `._connecting` was the old property which was made public in node v6.1.0
type SocketInternal = import('net').Socket & {_connecting?: number}
const isConnecting = (socket as SocketInternal)._connecting || socket.connecting
if (!isConnecting) return
const onLookupTiming = () => {
timings.lookup = now() - timingStart
const onConnectTiming = () => {
timings.connect = now() - timingStart
socket.once('lookup', onLookupTiming)
socket.once('connect', onConnectTiming)
// clean up timing event listeners if needed on error
req.once('error', () => {
socket.removeListener('lookup', onLookupTiming)
socket.removeListener('connect', onConnectTiming)
req.on('response', () => {
timings.response = now() - timingStart
// TODO: handle errors
axiosExt.interceptors.response.use((resp) => {
const i = pending.findIndex((entry) =>
entry.req._currentRequest === resp.request || entry.req === resp.request
if (i < 0) return resp
const timingData = pending.splice(i, 1)[0].timingData
timingData.timings.end = now() - timingData.timingStart
// fill in the blanks for any periods that didn't trigger, such as
// no lookup or connect due to keep alive
if (!timingData.timings.socket) {
timingData.timings.socket = 0
if (!timingData.timings.lookup) {
timingData.timings.lookup = timingData.timings.socket
if (!timingData.timings.connect) {
timingData.timings.connect = timingData.timings.lookup
if (!timingData.timings.response) {
timingData.timings.response = timingData.timings.connect
return {
export interface AxiosInstanceExtended extends AxiosInstance {
interceptors: AxiosInstance['interceptors'] & {
httpRequest: SyncInterceptorManager<http.ClientRequest>
httpResponse: SyncInterceptorManager<http.IncomingMessage>
interface CallbackInterceptor<V> {
fulfilled?(value: V): V | undefined
interface SyncInterceptorManager<V> {
use(onFulfilled?: (value: V) => V | void): number
eject(id: number): void
forEach(fn: (interceptor: CallbackInterceptor<V>) => void): void
// tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name
const SyncInterceptorManager = InterceptorManager as {
new<V>(): SyncInterceptorManager<V>
export function hasHttpInterceptors(axios: AxiosInstance): axios is AxiosInstanceExtended {
const interceptors = axios.interceptors as Partial<AxiosInstanceExtended['interceptors']>
return Boolean(interceptors.httpRequest && interceptors.httpResponse)
const isHttps = /https:?/
export function setupAxiosHttpInterceptors(axios: AxiosInstance): AxiosInstanceExtended {
if (hasHttpInterceptors(axios)) return axios
const axiosExtended = axios as AxiosInstanceExtended
axiosExtended.interceptors.httpRequest = new SyncInterceptorManager()
axiosExtended.interceptors.httpResponse = new SyncInterceptorManager()
const requestInterceptors = axiosExtended.interceptors.request as AxiosInterceptorManager<httpAdapter.Config>
requestInterceptors.use((config) => {
const parsed = url.parse(config.url!)
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-http-string
const protocol = parsed.protocol || 'http:'
const proxy = config.proxy
const isHttpsRequest = isHttps.test(protocol)
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-uninitialized
let rawTransport: httpAdapter.Transport
const isHttpsProxy = isHttpsRequest && (proxy ? isHttps.test(proxy.protocol || '') : true);
let isFollow = false
if (config.transport) {
rawTransport = config.transport;
} else if (config.maxRedirects === 0) {
rawTransport = isHttpsProxy ? https : http;
} else {
isFollow = true
rawTransport = isHttpsProxy ? httpsFollow : httpFollow;
const transport: httpAdapter.Transport = {
request(options: HttpFollowRequestOptions, requestCb) {
if (isFollow && config.maxRedirects) {
options.maxRedirects = config.maxRedirects
let req = rawTransport.request(options, (res) => {
axiosExtended.interceptors.httpResponse.forEach((interceptor) => {
if (interceptor.fulfilled) {
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-parameter-reassignment
res = interceptor.fulfilled(res) || res
axiosExtended.interceptors.httpRequest.forEach((interceptor) => {
if (interceptor.fulfilled) {
req = interceptor.fulfilled(req) || req
return req
return {...config, transport}
return axiosExtended
declare module 'axios/lib/adapters/http' {
import {RequestOptions, IncomingMessage, ClientRequest} from 'http'
import {AxiosRequestConfig, AxiosAdapter, AxiosPromise, AxiosProxyConfig} from 'axios'
function httpAdapter(config: httpAdapter.Config): AxiosPromise<any>
namespace httpAdapter {
interface ProxyConfig extends AxiosProxyConfig {
protocol?: string
interface Config extends AxiosRequestConfig {
transport?: Transport
proxy?: ProxyConfig
interface Transport {
request(options: RequestOptions, callback: (res: IncomingMessage) => void): ClientRequest
export = httpAdapter
declare module 'axios/lib/core/InterceptorManager' {
import {AxiosInterceptorManager} from 'axios'
interface Interceptor<V> {
fulfilled?: (value: V) => V | Promise<V>
rejected?: (error: any) => any
interface InterceptorManagerInternal<V> extends AxiosInterceptorManager<V> {
forEach(fn: (interceptor: Interceptor<V>) => void): void
interface InterceptorManager {
new<V>(): InterceptorManagerInternal<V>
const InterceptorManager: InterceptorManager
export = InterceptorManager
declare module 'follow-redirects' {
import * as coreHttp from 'http'
import * as coreHttps from 'https'
interface Scheme<Options, Callback, Request> {
request(options: Options, callback: Callback): Request
type WrappedScheme<T extends Scheme<any, any, any>> = T & {
options: (T extends Scheme<infer Options, any, any> ? Options : {}) & FollowOptions,
callback: T extends Scheme<any, infer Callback, any> ? Callback : never
): T extends Scheme<any, any, infer Response> ? Response : never
interface FollowOptions {
maxRedirects?: number
maxBodyLength?: number
export const http: WrappedScheme<typeof coreHttp>
export const https: WrappedScheme<typeof coreHttps>
export type HttpRequestOptions = coreHttp.RequestOptions & FollowOptions
export type HttpsRequestOptions = coreHttps.RequestOptions & FollowOptions
export function wrap<T extends {[key: string]: Scheme<any, any, any>}>(protocols: T): {
[K in keyof T]: WrappedScheme<T[K]>
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