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Last active December 16, 2015 23:19
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KoboldTouch physics collision demo code
// PhysicsCollisionSceneViewController.m
// _Feature-Demo-Template_
// Created by Steffen Itterheim on 01.05.13.
// Copyright 2013 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
#import "PhysicsCollisionSceneViewController.h"
@implementation PhysicsCollisionSceneViewController
-(void) createTest
KTPhysicsController* physicsController = [KTPhysicsController physicsControllerWithBox2D];
physicsController.gravity = CGPointMake(0, -10);
[physicsController constrainWorldToWindow];
[self addSubController:physicsController];
[self createBouncingIcon];
[self createSensorBody];
[self createFilteredBody];
KTPhysicsDebugViewController* debugVC = [KTPhysicsDebugViewController physicsDebugViewControllerWithPhysicsController:physicsController];
[self addSubController:debugVC];
-(void) createBouncingIcon
KTPhysicsBodyModel* bodyModel = [KTPhysicsBodyModel physicsBodyModelWithPhysicsController:self.sceneViewController.physicsController];
KTPhysicsBody* body = bodyModel.physicsBody;
body.contactDelegate = self;
body.position = CGPointMake(150, 40);
body.linearVelocity = CGPointMake(0, 5);
KTPhysicsShape* shape = [KTPhysicsCircleShape circleShapeWithRadius:22];
KTPhysicsFixture* fixture = [body createFixtureWithShape:shape];
fixture.restitution = 1.1f;
[fixture setContactCategory:@"icon"];
[fixture disableCollisionWithCategory:@"noIconContact"];
_iconSprite = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:@"Icon.png"];
KTViewController* vc = [KTViewController controller];
vc.rootNode = _iconSprite;
vc.model = bodyModel;
[self addSubController:vc];
#pragma mark Contact Callbacks (in the order they are being called)
-(void) beginContact:(KTPhysicsContact*)contact body:(KTPhysicsBody*)body otherBody:(KTPhysicsBody*)otherBody
_iconSprite.color = ccRED;
if (body.model.position.y > 250)
body.linearVelocity = CGPointZero;
body.angularVelocity = CCRANDOM_MINUS1_1() * 20.0f;
// get the body's only fixture
KTPhysicsFixture* fixture = [body.fixtures anyObject];
[fixture enableCollisionWithCategory:@"noIconContact"];
// only do this once because TTF string updates are sloooooow
if (_didChangeFilterString == NO)
_didChangeFilterString = YES;
[_filterLabel setString:@"Now I can Contact Icon!"];
-(void) preSolveContact:(KTPhysicsContact*)contact body:(KTPhysicsBody*)body otherBody:(KTPhysicsBody*)otherBody oldManifold:(KTPhysicsManifold*)oldManifold
// to ignore a specific contact until the next update you would do this:
//contact.enabled = NO;
-(void) postSolveContact:(KTPhysicsContact*)contact body:(KTPhysicsBody*)body otherBody:(KTPhysicsBody*)otherBody impulse:(KTPhysicsContactImpulse*)impulse
-(void) endContact:(KTPhysicsContact*)contact body:(KTPhysicsBody*)body otherBody:(KTPhysicsBody*)otherBody
_iconSprite.color = ccWHITE;
#pragma mark other colliding bodies
-(void) createSensorBody
KTPhysicsBodyModel* bodyModel = [KTPhysicsBodyModel physicsBodyModelWithPhysicsController:self.physicsController];
KTPhysicsBody* body = bodyModel.physicsBody;
body.position = CGPointMake(230, 170);
body.gravityScale = 0; // unaffected by gravity
body.allowSleeping = NO;
CCLabelTTF* label = [CCLabelTTF labelWithString:@"I'm a sensor body" fontName:@"GurmukhiMN-Bold" fontSize:40];
KTPhysicsShape* shape = [KTPhysicsRectShape rectShapeWithSize:label.contentSize];
KTPhysicsFixture* fixture = [body createFixtureWithShape:shape];
fixture.isSensor = YES;
[fixture setContactCategory:@"sensor"];
// this is where it all comes together
KTViewController* vc = [KTViewController controller];
vc.rootNode = label;
vc.model = bodyModel;
[self addSubController:vc];
-(void) createFilteredBody
KTPhysicsBodyModel* bodyModel = [KTPhysicsBodyModel physicsBodyModelWithPhysicsController:self.physicsController];
KTPhysicsBody* body = bodyModel.physicsBody;
body.position = CGPointMake(200, 60);
body.gravityScale = 0; // unaffected by gravity
body.allowSleeping = NO;
_filterLabel = [CCLabelTTF labelWithString:@"My contacts are filtered out" fontName:@"GurmukhiMN" fontSize:20];
KTPhysicsShape* shape = [KTPhysicsRectShape rectShapeWithSize:_filterLabel.contentSize];
KTPhysicsFixture* fixture = [body createFixtureWithShape:shape];
fixture.isSensor = YES;
[fixture setContactCategory:@"noIconContact"];
// this is where it all comes together
KTViewController* vc = [KTViewController controller];
vc.rootNode = _filterLabel;
vc.model = bodyModel;
[self addSubController:vc];
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