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Last active July 21, 2018 05:37
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Playing with recursion and ways to visualize it. And recursive tree traversal.
// Using code from recursionExample.js, modifying it to try to visualize with p5js
// ToC:
// - animateRecursivelyAddToTen(sum, frameQueue)
// - drawFrame(frameQueue, currentIndex)
// - Params for drawing, global vars: counter for clicks, frameQueue
// - Set up event listener and run clickHandler > run drawFrame
// - Set up p5js (setup() and unused draw() function)
function animateRecursivelyAddToTen(sum, frameQueue) {
console.log("called animateRecursivelyAddToTen with: " + sum);
// Push each value into a queue, return the queue
// Base case: when sum reaches 10, stop recursing!
if (sum >= 10) {
console.log("sum >= 10");
} else {
sum = animateRecursivelyAddToTen(sum + 1, frameQueue);
// The next lines only run AFTER all calls have been added
// to the stack. They'll run for each call that has been
// resolved, AFTER sum has already reached the base case.
// console.log("sum: " + sum);
return frameQueue;
// On every click, draw visualization based on frameQueue
function drawFrame(frameQueue, currentIndex) {
let currentValue = frameQueue[currentIndex];
// Coordinates for drawing: move from top to bottom:
let x = initialX;
let y = initialY + currentIndex * (nodeSize + margin);
// Clear each frame
// Draw a circle
fill( "lightblue" );
ellipse(x, y, nodeSize, nodeSize);
// Draw currentValue as text in the circle
// Set text size to no more than 60% of the nodeSize, or less based on number of digits
let numDigits = currentValue.toString().length;
textSize( Math.min(nodeSize/numDigits, nodeSize*0.6) );
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
text(currentValue, x, y);
// Params for drawing:
const canvasWidth = 900, canvasHeight = 500; // canvas dimensions
const nodeSize = 30; // given as diameter of each node
const margin = 10; // minimum margin between nodes
const initialX = nodeSize + margin;
const initialY = nodeSize + margin;
// and save output (frame queue) to use for drawing function
let frameQueue = animateRecursivelyAddToTen(0, []);
// Global var, easy for tracking # of clicks to iterate through frameQueue
let counter = 0;
console.log("framequeue: " );
// Run drawFrame() on each mouse click, iterating through frameQueue
document.addEventListener("click", handleClick);
function handleClick() {
let currentIndex = counter % frameQueue.length;
drawFrame(frameQueue, currentIndex);
console.log("Click count: " + counter);
console.log("Current index: " + currentIndex);
function setup() {
// Fix for retina disaplys (bug: claer() only clears top left corner of canvas)
createCanvas(canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
// 2 frames per second, easier for testing :)
// frameRate(2);
// Loops for animation, FPS controlled by frameRate() -- default is up to 60 if supported?
function draw() {
} // end draw()
// function mousePressed() {
// //iterations++;
// redraw();
// }
// First, a couple quick examples of a recursive function, to use for reference
// EXAMPLE 1: Output a simple sum
function recursivelyAddToTen(sum) {
console.log("called recursivelyAddToTen with: " + sum);
if (sum >= 10) {
console.log("sum >= 10");
// This is how we resolve the LAST (most recent) function call
// We must return sum here, to preserve the final value. Otherwise,
// after the last call is resolved, sum will be set to "undefined"
// and then the final output will be "undefined"!
return sum;
// Need to do this so that lines after this function call
// will "remember" the final sum; otherwise, final val will be 0!
sum = recursivelyAddToTen(sum + 1);
// The next lines only run AFTER all calls have been added
// to the stack. They'll run for each call that has been
// resolved, AFTER sum has already reached the base case.
console.log("sum: " + sum);
// This runs for EVERY functon call, and this is how we can
// remember" the final sum, and how we return it at the very end
return sum;
// EXAMPLE 2: Output an array of values
function recursivelyAddToTenArray (sum, collection) {
console.log("called recursivelyAddToTenArray with: " + sum);
// Push each value to array
if (sum >= 10) {
console.log("sum >= 10");
// In this case, it doesn't matter what we return, as long as we stop recursing!
// Because all other function calls already have a POINTER to the same array stored in memory
// That's an important difference between this example and example 1 (outputting a sum).
// ALTERNATE VERSION: don't need to call return here at all! Replace with an if/else structure.
// NOTE: don't need to do anything like sum = recursiveCall(sum+1) here, because
// we don't need to remember the final value of sum! We already have a pointer to
// the modified-in-place array!
// ...So I think if this used an immutable array instead, we would need to do
// collection = recursiveCall(sum+1, collection);
recursivelyAddToTenArray(sum + 1, collection);
// The next lines only run AFTER all calls have been added
// to the stack. They'll run for each call that has been
// resolved, AFTER sum has already reached the base case.
console.log("sum: " + sum);
// This runs for EVERY functon call, and this is how we
// return the final output at the very end
return collection;
recursivelyAddToTenArray(0, []);
// EXAMPLE 3: Output an array of values, using an IMMUTABLE array style
// NOTE: But I think this isn't a good solution, because it takes up A TON of memory,
// with all those extra copies of the array!
function recursivelyAddToTenArray (sum, collection) {
console.log("called recursivelyAddToTenArray with: " + sum);
// Push each value to array
collection = [...collection, sum];
if (sum >= 10) {
console.log("sum >= 10");
// In this case, it doesn't matter what we return, as long as we stop recursing!
// Because all other function calls already have a POINTER to the same array stored in memory
// That's an important difference between this example and example 1 (outputting a sum).
// ALTERNATE VERSION: don't need to call return here at all! Replace with an if/else structure.
return collection;
// NOTE: don't need to do anything like sum = recursiveCall(sum+1) here, because
// we don't need to remember the final value of sum! We already have a pointer to
// the modified-in-place array!
// ...So I think if this used an immutable array instead, we would need to do
// collection = recursiveCall(sum+1, collection);
collection = recursivelyAddToTenArray(sum + 1, collection);
// The next lines only run AFTER all calls have been added
// to the stack. They'll run for each call that has been
// resolved, AFTER sum has already reached the base case.
console.log("sum: " + sum);
// This runs for EVERY functon call, and this is how we
// return the final output at the very end
return collection;
recursivelyAddToTenArray(0, []);
let tree1 = {
"value": "01",
"leftChild": {
"value": 10,
"rightChild": {
"value": 11
let tree2 = {
"value": 1,
"leftChild": {
"value": 10,
"leftChild": {
"value": 100
"rightChild": {
"value": 101
"rightChild": {
"value": 11,
"leftChild": {
"value": 110
"rightChild": {
"value": 111
function recursiveSumDepthFirst (currentNode, sum) {
sum += currentNode.value;
console.log("Currently on: " + currentNode.value);
//console.log("New sum: " + sum);
if (currentNode.leftChild) {
console.log("Left child exists. Recursing!");
sum = recursiveSumDepthFirst(currentNode.leftChild, sum);
if (currentNode.rightChild) {
console.log("Right child exists. Recursing!");
sum = recursiveSumDepthFirst(currentNode.rightChild, sum);
return sum;
let stuff = recursiveSumDepthFirst(tree2, 0);
// function recursiveCollectionDepthFirst (currentNode, collection) {
// console.log("--------------------------");
// collection.push(currentNode.value);
// console.log("Currently on: " + currentNode.value);
// //console.log("New sum: " + sum);
// if (currentNode.leftChild) {
// console.log("Left child exists. Recursing!");
// recursiveCollectionDepthFirst(currentNode.leftChild, collection);
// }
// if (currentNode.rightChild) {
// console.log("Right child exists. Recursing!");
// recursiveCollectionDepthFirst(currentNode.rightChild, collection);
// }
// return collection;
// }
// let stuff = recursiveCollectionDepthFirst(tree2, []);
// console.log(stuff);
// function recursiveSumDepthFirst (currentNode, sum) {
// console.log("--------------------------");
// if (!currentNode || sum >= 200) {
// console.log("No more nodes I guess? Returning null");
// return sum;
// }
// sum += currentNode.value;
// console.log("Currently on: " + currentNode.value);
// console.log("New sum: " + sum);
// if (currentNode.leftChild) {
// console.log("Left child exists. Recursing!");
// recursiveSumDepthFirst(currentNode.leftChild, sum);
// }
// if (currentNode.rightChild) {
// console.log("Right child exists. Recursing!");
// recursiveSumDepthFirst(currentNode.rightChild, sum);
// }
// return sum;
// }
// recursiveSumDepthFirst(tree2, 0);
function recurseDepthFirst (currentNode, valueToFind) {
let foundValue = null;
if (!currentNode) {
console.log("No more nodes I guess? Returning null");
return foundValue;
console.log("Currently on: " + currentNode.value);
if (currentNode.value === valueToFind) {
return currentNode.value;
} else {
if (currentNode.leftChild) {
console.log("Left child exists. Recursing!");
foundValue = recurseDepthFirst (currentNode.leftChild, valueToFind);
if (currentNode.rightChild) {
console.log("Right child exists. Recursing!");
foundValue = recurseDepthFirst (currentNode.rightChild, valueToFind);
return foundValue;
// recurseDepthFirst(tree2, 110);
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