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Last active March 26, 2019 18:50
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  • Save LearningNerd/64d586a024f718ad1bc208484d7398a7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save LearningNerd/64d586a024f718ad1bc208484d7398a7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My current vimrc file! A lot of this stuff is junk, some won't work out of the box (I forgot I DO have a plugin named AsyncRun and some stuff references a command line tool named grip), but maybe the key binding, search, autocompletion, and some of the other commands will be helpful :)
" Vim Code Dark (color scheme)
" with some customizations by Liz
" My directory structure is like:
" .vim/ folder contains:
" vimrc (file, notice there's no . before the name)
" colors/ folder containing several color themes, including this one
scriptencoding utf-8
set background=dark
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
let g:colors_name="codedark"
" Highlighting function (inspiration from
if &t_Co >= 256
let g:codedark_term256=1
elseif !exists("g:codedark_term256")
let g:codedark_term256=0
fun! <sid>hi(group, fg, bg, attr, sp)
if !empty(a:fg)
exec "hi " . a:group . " guifg=" . a:fg.gui . " ctermfg=" . (g:codedark_term256 ? a:fg.cterm256 : a:fg.cterm)
if !empty(a:bg)
exec "hi " . a:group . " guibg=" . a:bg.gui . " ctermbg=" . (g:codedark_term256 ? a:bg.cterm256 : a:bg.cterm)
if a:attr != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " gui=" . a:attr . " cterm=" . a:attr
if !empty(a:sp)
exec "hi " . a:group . " guisp=" . a:sp.gui
" ------------------
" Color definitions:
" ------------------
" Terminal colors (base16):
let s:cterm00 = "00"
let s:cterm03 = "08"
let s:cterm05 = "07"
let s:cterm07 = "15"
let s:cterm08 = "01"
let s:cterm0A = "03"
let s:cterm0B = "02"
let s:cterm0C = "06"
let s:cterm0D = "04"
let s:cterm0E = "05"
if exists('base16colorspace') && base16colorspace == "256"
let s:cterm01 = "18"
let s:cterm02 = "19"
let s:cterm04 = "20"
let s:cterm06 = "21"
let s:cterm09 = "16"
let s:cterm0F = "17"
let s:cterm01 = "00"
let s:cterm02 = "08"
let s:cterm04 = "07"
let s:cterm06 = "07"
let s:cterm09 = "06"
let s:cterm0F = "03"
" General appearance colors:
" (some of them may be unused)
let s:cdNone = {'gui': 'NONE', 'cterm': 'NONE', 'cterm256': 'NONE'}
let s:cdFront = {'gui': '#D4D4D4', 'cterm': s:cterm05, 'cterm256': '188'}
let s:cdBack = {'gui': '#1E1E1E', 'cterm': s:cterm00, 'cterm256': '234'}
let s:cdTabCurrent = {'gui': '#1E1E1E', 'cterm': s:cterm00, 'cterm256': '234'}
let s:cdTabOther = {'gui': '#2D2D2D', 'cterm': s:cterm01, 'cterm256': '236'}
let s:cdTabOutside = {'gui': '#252526', 'cterm': s:cterm01, 'cterm256': '235'}
let s:cdLeftDark = {'gui': '#252526', 'cterm': s:cterm01, 'cterm256': '235'}
let s:cdLeftMid = {'gui': '#373737', 'cterm': s:cterm03, 'cterm256': '237'}
let s:cdLeftLight = {'gui': '#3F3F46', 'cterm': s:cterm03, 'cterm256': '238'}
let s:cdPopupFront = {'gui': '#BBBBBB', 'cterm': s:cterm06, 'cterm256': '250'}
let s:cdPopupBack = {'gui': '#2D2D30', 'cterm': s:cterm01, 'cterm256': '236'}
let s:cdPopupHighlightBlue = {'gui': '#073655', 'cterm': s:cterm0D, 'cterm256': '24'}
let s:cdPopupHighlightGray = {'gui': '#3D3D40', 'cterm': s:cterm03, 'cterm256': '237'}
let s:cdSplitLight = {'gui': '#898989', 'cterm': s:cterm04, 'cterm256': '245'}
let s:cdSplitDark = {'gui': '#444444', 'cterm': s:cterm03, 'cterm256': '238'}
let s:cdSplitThumb = {'gui': '#424242', 'cterm': s:cterm04, 'cterm256': '238'}
let s:cdCursorDarkDark = {'gui': '#222222', 'cterm': s:cterm01, 'cterm256': '235'}
let s:cdCursorDark = {'gui': '#51504F', 'cterm': s:cterm03, 'cterm256': '239'}
let s:cdCursorLight = {'gui': '#AEAFAD', 'cterm': s:cterm04, 'cterm256': '145'}
let s:cdSelection = {'gui': '#264F78', 'cterm': s:cterm03, 'cterm256': '24'}
let s:cdLineNumber = {'gui': '#5A5A5A', 'cterm': s:cterm04, 'cterm256': '240'}
let s:cdDiffRedDark = {'gui': '#4B1818', 'cterm': s:cterm08, 'cterm256': '52'}
let s:cdDiffRedLight = {'gui': '#6F1313', 'cterm': s:cterm08, 'cterm256': '52'}
let s:cdDiffRedLightLight = {'gui': '#FB0101', 'cterm': s:cterm08, 'cterm256': '09'}
let s:cdDiffGreenDark = {'gui': '#373D29', 'cterm': s:cterm0B, 'cterm256': '237'}
let s:cdDiffGreenLight = {'gui': '#4B5632', 'cterm': s:cterm09, 'cterm256': '58'}
let s:cdSearchCurrent = {'gui': '#49545F', 'cterm': s:cterm09, 'cterm256': '239'}
let s:cdSearch = {'gui': '#4C4E50', 'cterm': s:cterm0A, 'cterm256': '239'}
" Syntax colors:
if !exists("g:codedark_conservative")
let g:codedark_conservative=0
let s:cdGray = {'gui': '#808080', 'cterm': s:cterm04, 'cterm256': '08'}
let s:cdViolet = {'gui': '#646695', 'cterm': s:cterm04, 'cterm256': '60'}
let s:cdBlue = {'gui': '#569CD6', 'cterm': s:cterm0D, 'cterm256': '75'}
let s:cdDarkBlue = {'gui': '#223E55', 'cterm': s:cterm0D, 'cterm256': '73'}
let s:cdLightBlue = {'gui': '#9CDCFE', 'cterm': s:cterm0C, 'cterm256': '117'}
if g:codedark_conservative | let s:cdLightBlue = s:cdFront | endif
let s:cdGreen = {'gui': '#608B4E', 'cterm': s:cterm0B, 'cterm256': '65'}
let s:cdBlueGreen = {'gui': '#4EC9B0', 'cterm': s:cterm0F, 'cterm256': '43'}
let s:cdLightGreen = {'gui': '#B5CEA8', 'cterm': s:cterm09, 'cterm256': '151'}
let s:cdRed = {'gui': '#F44747', 'cterm': s:cterm08, 'cterm256': '203'}
let s:cdOrange = {'gui': '#CE9178', 'cterm': s:cterm0F, 'cterm256': '173'}
let s:cdLightRed = {'gui': '#D16969', 'cterm': s:cterm08, 'cterm256': '167'}
if g:codedark_conservative | let s:cdLightRed = s:cdOrange | endif
let s:cdYellowOrange = {'gui': '#D7BA7D', 'cterm': s:cterm0A, 'cterm256': '179'}
let s:cdYellow = {'gui': '#DCDCAA', 'cterm': s:cterm0A, 'cterm256': '187'}
if g:codedark_conservative | let s:cdYellow = s:cdFront | endif
let s:cdPink = {'gui': '#C586C0', 'cterm': s:cterm0E, 'cterm256': '176'}
if g:codedark_conservative | let s:cdPink = s:cdBlue | endif
" Vim editor colors
call <sid>hi('Normal', s:cdFront, s:cdBack, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('ColorColumn', {}, s:cdCursorDarkDark, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Cursor', s:cdCursorDark, s:cdCursorLight, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('CursorLine', {}, s:cdCursorDarkDark, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Directory', s:cdBlue, s:cdBack, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('DiffAdd', {}, s:cdDiffGreenDark, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('DiffChange', {}, s:cdDiffRedDark, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('DiffDelete', {}, s:cdDiffRedLight, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('DiffText', {}, s:cdDiffRedLight, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('EndOfBuffer', s:cdLineNumber, s:cdBack, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('ErrorMsg', s:cdRed, s:cdBack, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('VertSplit', s:cdSplitDark, s:cdBack, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Folded', s:cdLeftLight, s:cdLeftDark, 'underline', {})
call <sid>hi('FoldColumn', s:cdLineNumber, s:cdBack, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('SignColumn', {}, s:cdBack, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('IncSearch', s:cdNone, s:cdSearchCurrent, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('LineNr', s:cdLineNumber, s:cdBack, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('CursorLineNr', s:cdPopupFront, s:cdBack, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('MatchParen', s:cdNone, s:cdCursorDark, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('ModeMsg', s:cdFront, s:cdLeftDark, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('MoreMsg', s:cdFront, s:cdLeftDark, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('NonText', s:cdLineNumber, s:cdBack, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Pmenu', s:cdPopupFront, s:cdPopupBack, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('PmenuSel', s:cdPopupFront, s:cdPopupHighlightBlue, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('PmenuSbar', {}, s:cdPopupHighlightGray, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('PmenuThumb', {}, s:cdPopupFront, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Question', s:cdBlue, s:cdBack, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Search', s:cdNone, s:cdSearch, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('SpecialKey', s:cdBlue, s:cdNone, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('SpellBad', s:cdNone, s:cdNone, 'undercurl', {})
call <sid>hi('SpellCap', s:cdNone, s:cdNone, 'undercurl', {})
call <sid>hi('SpellLocal', s:cdNone, s:cdNone, 'undercurl', {})
call <sid>hi('StatusLine', s:cdFront, s:cdLeftMid, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('StatusLineNC', s:cdFront, s:cdLeftDark, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('TabLine', s:cdFront, s:cdTabOther, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('TabLineFill', s:cdFront, s:cdTabOutside, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('TabLineSel', s:cdFront, s:cdTabCurrent, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Title', s:cdGreen, s:cdNone, 'bold', {})
call <sid>hi('Visual', s:cdNone, s:cdSelection, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('VisualNOS', s:cdNone, s:cdSelection, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('WarningMsg', s:cdOrange, s:cdBack, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('WildMenu', s:cdNone, s:cdSelection, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Comment', s:cdGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Constant', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('String', s:cdOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Character', s:cdOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Number', s:cdLightGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Boolean', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Float', s:cdLightGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Identifier', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Function', s:cdYellow, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Statement', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Conditional', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Repeat', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Label', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Operator', s:cdFront, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Keyword', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('pythonOperator', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Exception', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('PreProc', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Include', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Define', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Macro', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('PreCondit', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Type', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('StorageClass', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Structure', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Typedef', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Special', s:cdFront, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('SpecialChar', s:cdFront, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Tag', s:cdFront, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Delimiter', s:cdFront, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('SpecialComment', s:cdGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Debug', s:cdFront, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Underlined', s:cdNone, {}, 'underline', {})
call <sid>hi("Conceal", s:cdFront, s:cdBack, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Ignore', s:cdFront, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Error', s:cdRed, {}, 'undercurl', s:cdRed)
call <sid>hi('Todo', s:cdNone, s:cdLeftMid, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('htmlTag', s:cdGray, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('htmlEndTag', s:cdGray, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('htmlTagName', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('htmlSpecialTagName', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('htmlArg', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
" CSS:
call <sid>hi('cssBraces', s:cdFront, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssInclude', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssTagName', s:cdYellowOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssClassName', s:cdYellowOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssPseudoClass', s:cdYellowOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssPseudoClassId', s:cdYellowOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssPseudoClassLang', s:cdYellowOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssIdentifier', s:cdYellowOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssProp', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssDefinition', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssAttr', s:cdOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssAttrRegion', s:cdOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssColor', s:cdOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssFunction', s:cdOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssFunctionName', s:cdOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssVendor', s:cdOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssValueNumber', s:cdOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssValueLength', s:cdOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssUnitDecorators', s:cdOrange, {}, 'none', {})
" JavaScript:
call <sid>hi('jsVariableDef', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('jsFuncArgs', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('jsRegexpString', s:cdLightRed, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('jsThis', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
" Ruby:
call <sid>hi('rubyClassNameTag', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
" Golang:
call <sid>hi('goPackage', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goImport', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goVar', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goConst', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goStatement', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goType', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goSignedInts', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goUnsignedInts', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goFloats', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goComplexes', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goBuiltins', s:cdYellow, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goBoolean', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goPredefinedIdentifiers', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goTodo', s:cdGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goDeclaration', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goDeclType', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goTypeDecl', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goTypeName', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goVarAssign', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goVarDefs', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goReceiver', s:cdFront, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goReceiverType', s:cdDarkBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goFunctionCall', s:cdYellow, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goMethodCall', s:cdYellow, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goSingleDecl', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
" Liz's .vimrc file! :) Latest update: 2019-03-26
" Sources
" Some other cool thingies to try out?
" Color schemes to try?:
" Java Algorithms class macro for compile and run current file:
let @j = ':!clear && javac-algs4 % && java-algs4 %:r'
" Run jest test from within Vim and also pipe output to test file
" NOTE - or do tee -1 filename to append instead of overwrite!
let @t = ":!npm test | tee ~/Code/todo-timer/testoutput1.log\<CR>"
let @y = ":!npm test | tee ~/Code/todo-timer/testoutput2.log\<CR>"
let @r = ":!vimdiff ~/Code/todo-timer/testoutput1.log ~/Code/todo-timer/testoutput2.log\<CR>"
" Run Jest test from within Vim and open/reload file with test output
" **** Save this as a function so I can add a delay while test runs......
" [ADD QUOTE HERE] :AsyncStop\<CR>:AsyncRun npm test | tee testoutput.log\<CR>:e testoutput.log\<CR>:AsyncStop [ADD QUOTE HERE]
" Basic UI (colors, spaces/tabs, syntax highlighting)
syntax on " Syntax highlighting on by default
set number " Enable line numbers!
set wrap linebreak
" NOTE -- now using GFM plugin:
autocmd ColorScheme * highlight markdownH1 ctermfg=green
autocmd ColorScheme * highlight markdownH1Delimiter ctermfg=green
autocmd ColorScheme * highlight markdownH2 ctermfg=green
autocmd ColorScheme * highlight markdownH3 ctermfg=green
autocmd ColorScheme * highlight markdownH4 ctermfg=green
autocmd ColorScheme * highlight markdownH5 ctermfg=green
autocmd ColorScheme * highlight markdownH6 ctermfg=green
autocmd ColorScheme * highlight markdownHeadingDelimiter ctermfg=green
autocmd ColorScheme * highlight githubFlavoredMarkdownCode ctermfg=lightblue
colorscheme codedark " Color scheme (see /colors folder!)
set tabstop=2 " Number of visual spaces in a TAB
set softtabstop=2 " Number of spaces in TAB when editing
set expandtab " Convert TABs to spaces
set shiftwidth=2 " Number of spaces to use per autoindent level
set cursorline " Highlight current line
set showmatch " highlight matching brackets
" DO call GetSyntax() to see what highlight settings belong to text under
" cursor
function! GetSyntaxID()
return synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1)
function! GetSyntaxParentID()
return synIDtrans(GetSyntaxID())
function! GetSyntax()
echo synIDattr(GetSyntaxID(), 'name')
exec "hi ".synIDattr(GetSyntaxParentID(), 'name')
" Commands and Functionality
" allow backspacing over everything in insert mode
set backspace=indent,eol,start
set clipboard=unnamed " Use the system clipboard by default. Used brew instell vim and aliased vim to
" Used "brew install vim" and added this to my .profile to make this work: alias vim="/usr/local/bin/vim"
" To check for clipboard support (I now have +clipboard after the brew
" install), run this: vim --version | grep clipboard
set showcmd " Show most recent command
filetype plugin indent on " Load file-type specific plugins and indent files
set wildmenu " visual autocomplete for command menu
" set wildcharm=<C-z> " set Ctrl+z as the key for MARCOS that starts the wildmenu
" Autosave when leaving any buffer
set autowriteall
" Auto-save ALL open files every N milliseconds:
" maybe try adding silent! at the end to not show messages/errors ?
" maybe add event BufLeave to save automatically when closing a file
autocmd CursorHold * :wall
set updatetime=2000
" Automatically leave insert mode after N milliseconds of inaction
autocmd CursorHoldI * stopinsert
" set 'updatetime' to 4 seconds when in insert mode
au InsertEnter * let updaterestore=&updatetime | set updatetime=4000
au InsertLeave * let &updatetime=updaterestore
" If typing :W, just run :w -- typo fix! :)
cnoreabbrev <expr> W ((getcmdtype() is# ':' && getcmdline() is# 'W')?('w'):('W'))
" For autocompletion
" Indent if we're at the beginning of a line. Else, do completion.
function! InsertTabWrapper()
let col = col('.') - 1
if !col || getline('.')[col - 1] !~ '\k'
return "\<tab>"
return "\<c-p>"
inoremap <expr> <tab> InsertTabWrapper()
inoremap <s-tab> <c-n>
" Use the instant-markdown plugin via
" ***** Didn't like it, no emoji support. But I love the live reload. hrmph.
" set runtimepath^=~/.vim/after/ftplugin/markdown/
" Use the vim-livedown plugin via
" ****** THE BELOW ARE NOT WORKING. So, not using it. :(
" let g:livedown_autorun = 0
" let g:livedown_open = 1
" For Markdown
" via
" Use .md files as markdown files; not needed! (Maybe handled by GFM plugin?)
" autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPost *.md set filetype=markdown " .md = .markdown
let g:markdown_fenced_languages = ['html', 'javascript', 'python', 'bash=sh'] " syntax highlight in ```
" NOTE -- now using GFM plugin:
" **** See above for custom color/highlighting
" *** NOTE -- Using modified tpope markdown syntax file in
" .vim/syntax/markdown.vim to manually remove bold/italic delimiters and
" highlighting, to avoid the ***bolditalic* onlybold** bug!
" Upon opening a Markdown file, call grip for GitHub markdown previews
" and open the preview in the browser (bypassing the Hit Enter to Continue)
" NOTE - the open -g flag opens an application in the background. Yay!
function! MarkPreview()
sleep 200m
:AsyncRun grip "%:p" --user="LearningNerd" --pass="5d801f59129d01ba8210f285625093260b11caf3"
sleep 200m
:silent !open -g http://localhost:6419/
" TURNED OFF -- automatically run grip and open preview upon opening a
" markdown file .... I don't always want to see a preview. Annoying.
" autocmd FileType markdown map :md call MarkPreview()
" So instead: type :Md and Enter to run the command. Now also stops any previous
" processes (like if grip was running for a different file).
command Md call MarkPreview()<CR>
" -- *** set this key binding ONLY for markdown files.
" -- run grip on a whole directory and tab through multiple preview
" pages???
" TO TRY -- Open a skeleton file when opening a new file:
" **** how to open only for .md file in a specific folder?????
" :autocmd BufNewFile *.java 0r ~/vim/
" Open (in vertical split) the notes file for the current day, yesterday, or
" ...
command Today execute "vs ~/Notes/learning-notes/" . strftime("%F") . ".md"
command Yester execute "vs ~/Notes/learning-notes/" . strftime("%F", strftime("%s")-86400) . ".md"
" Expand expressions to date in yyyy-mm-dd format
cnoreabbrev <expr> today (strftime("%F"))
cnoreabbrev <expr> yesterday ( strftime("%F", strftime("%s")-86400) )
" Searching
set incsearch " search as characters are entered
set hlsearch " highlight matches
" Always keep cursor in center of screen
"set scrolloff=999
" Always center screen on cursor when navigating search results
:nnoremap n nzz
:nnoremap N Nzz
:nnoremap * *zz
:nnoremap # #zz
:nnoremap g* g*zz
:nnoremap g# g#zz
" Change search highlight color to be a bit more obvious
hi Search ctermbg=White
hi Search ctermfg=Red
hi IncSearch ctermbg=Green
hi IncSearch ctermfg=White
" nnoremap <leader><space> :nohlsearch<CR> " turn off search highlight
" Key bindings
" Mini-hard mode: disable arrow keys!
noremap <Up> <NOP>
noremap <Down> <NOP>
noremap <Left> <NOP>
noremap <Right> <NOP
" IDEA -- use arrow keys to jump between split panes:
noremap <up> <C-w><up>
noremap <down> <C-w><down>
noremap <left> <C-w><left>
noremap <right> <C-w><right>
" Always move to next visually-wrapped line
nnoremap j gj
nnoremap k gk
" Highlight last inserted text
" nnoremap gV `[v`]
" jk is escape
inoremap jk <esc>
" copy selection to clipboard without copying to Vim
" vnoremap cx :w !pbcopy<CR><CR>
" OLD WORKAROUND, no longer needed:
" copy selection to clipboard AND copy to Vim (also yanks it)
" noremap cx y:e ~/clipsongzboard<CR>P:w !pbcopy<CR><CR>:bdelete!<CR>
" nnoremap xv :r !pbpaste<CR><CR> " paste clipboard
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