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Created February 17, 2014 01:02
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Save LeeBergstrand/9042954 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A simple python script to modify any element or group of elements in a CSV file using a Regex.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Created by: Lee Bergstrand
# Descript: A simple script that modifies the elements inside a column of a CSV by
# using a regular expression to find and replace charaters in those elements.
# Usage: <input.csv> <output.csv> <columnNumber> <regex> <replace>
# Example: myInput.csv myOutput.csv 6 ^[\t]+|[\t]$ replacement
import csv
import sys
import re
# If in proper number of arguments are passed gives instructions on proper use.
if len(sys.argv) < 6 or len(sys.argv) > 6:
print "CSV Modifier"
print "By Lee Bergstrand\n"
print "A simple script that modifies the elements inside a column of a CSV by\nusing a regular expression to find and replace charaters in those elements.\n"
print "Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " <input.csv> <ouput.csv> <columnNumber> <regex> <replacement>"
print "Examples: " + sys.argv[0] + ' myInput.csv myOutput.csv 6 ^[dec]+|[6]+ replacement'
exit(1) # Aborts program. (exit(1) indicates that an error occured)
# Stores stores argument data.
print ">> Opening CSV file..."
inFile = sys.argv[1]
outFile = sys.argv[2]
column = (int(sys.argv[3]) - 1) # Converts user specified column number (eg. 1-10) to proper list index
regex = sys.argv[4]
replace = sys.argv[5]
# File extension check
if not inFile.endswith(".csv"):
print "[Warning] " + inFile + " may not be a CSV file!"
print ">> Good file extention."
# Opens CSV file for reading.
readFile = open(inFile, "r")
reader = csv.reader(readFile) # opens file with csv module which takes into account verying csv formats and parses correctly
print ">> Good CSV file."
except IOError:
print "Failed to open " + inFile
# Determines if user specifies a column that does not exist and if he/she does exits
if (len(next(reader)) < (column + 1)) or (column < 0): # "column + 1" converts list index back to number of columns
print "Error: The column you want to change does not exist."
print "Exiting..."
exit(1) # Resets file iterator back to 0 so program does not skip first row.
# Opens CSV file for writing.
writeFile = open(outFile, "w")
writer = csv.writer(writeFile)
print ">> Output file created."
print ">> Writing Data..."
except IOError:
print "Failed to create " + outFile
# Modifies changes elements in column according to regex. New modified rows to new file.
for row in reader:
newElement = re.sub(regex, replace, row[column]) # Uses regex to replace a portion of an element string with a replacement string.
row[column] = newElement
writer.writerow(row) # writes new row to outgoing file.
print ">> Finished Writing."
print ">> Closing..."
print ">> Done!"
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