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LeeBrown / README
Last active December 27, 2015 23:09
example call: salt -l debug -v NetMon_Sonoma state.sls ssh-keys.generate-host-key. generate-host-key is executed on NetMon_Sonoma. NetMon_Sonoma fires an event on the master. Master executes the sync-shared-keys.sls with data['data']['foo'] equal to 'mMaster', filters correctly How do I pass information to the fetch-host-keys when I execute the …
# salt -l debug -v NetMon_Sonoma state.sls ssh-keys.generate-host-key.
generate-host-key is executed on NetMon_Sonoma.
NetMon_Sonoma fires an event on the master.
Master executes the sync-shared-keys.sls with data['data']['foo'] equal to 'mMaster'. the ssh-keys/fetch-host-keys.sls is executed on the mMaster minion.
How do I pass information to the fetch-host-keys when I execute the sls?