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Created October 1, 2019 19:53
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[ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock
function Invoke-Expression
[Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[String] $__InputObject
$__originalFunctions = Get-ChildItem function:
$__destinationPath = Join-Path DynamicContent ("{0:0000}.ps1" -f $__dynamicContentCounter)
$__key = "$__dynamicContentCounter"
$__modification = $__modifications[$__key]
$__InputObject = $__InputObject | & $__modification
$__InputObject | Set-Content $__destinationPath
$__breakpoint = $__breakpoints[$__key]
& $__breakpoint
$SCRIPT:__dynamicContentCounter = $__dynamicContentCounter + 1
. $__destinationPath
## Propagate variables
$__changedVariables = Get-ChildItem variable:\ | Where-Object {
$__originalVariable = $_
-not (
Get-Variable -Name $_.Name -Scope 1 -EA IG | Where-Object { $_.Value -eq $__originalVariable.Value }
) }
$__variablesToPropagate = $__changedVariables | Where-Object Name -notin "args","error","input",
$__variablesToPropagate | Foreach-Object { New-Variable -Scope 1 -Name $_.Name -Value $_.Value -Force }
## Propagate functions
$__changedFunctions = Get-ChildItem function:\ | Where-Object {
$__currentFunction = $_
-not (
$__originalFunctions | Where-Object {
($_.Name -eq $__currentFunction.Name) -and
($_.Definition -eq $__currentFunction.Definition) }
) }
$__changedFunctions | Foreach-Object { Set-Item "function:\SCRIPT:$($_.Name)" -Value $_.ScriptBlock -Force }
function Write-TraceLog
param($Activity, $Detail)
if(-not (Test-Path Logs))
$null = New-Item -Type Directory Logs
if(-not (Test-Path logs\activity.csv))
"Date,Activity,Detail" > logs\activity.csv
([PSCustomObject] @{ Date = Get-Date; Activity = $Activity; Detail = $Detail}) | Export-Csv -Append -Path logs\activity.csv
Get-PSBreakpoint | Remove-PSBreakpoint
Set-PSBreakpoint -Script $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Line 31
$__modifications = @{
"1" = {
$input -replace 'Start-Process.*',
'Invoke-Expression ([System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString([Convert]::FromBase64String($e)))'
"2" = {
$input -replace '^.*\[System.Net.ServicePointManager\]','[System.Net.ServicePointManager]'
"3" = {
$input -replace ";}",";}`r`n" -replace "\);",")`r`n"
$__breakpoints = @{
"3" = {
Set-PSBreakpoint -Script DynamicContent\0003.ps1 -Line 37 ## Initial POST
Set-PSBreakpoint -Script DynamicContent\0003.ps1 -Line 37 -Action { Write-TraceLog "Initial POST" $i }
"4" = {
Set-PSBreakpoint -Script DynamicContent\0004.ps1 -Line 151 ## Invoke-ShellCommand
Set-PSBreakpoint -Script DynamicContent\0004.ps1 -Line 151 -Action { Write-TraceLog "Shell command invoke" "$cmd $cmdargs" }
Set-PSBreakpoint -Script DynamicContent\0004.ps1 -Line 279 -Action { Write-TraceLog "Returning output" ($output | Format-Table -wrap | Out-String) }
Set-PSBreakpoint -Script DynamicContent\0004.ps1 -Line 424 ## Start-AgentJob
Set-PSBreakpoint -Script DynamicContent\0004.ps1 -Line 424 -Action { Write-TraceLog "Starting agent job" $scriptString }
Set-PSBreakpoint -Script DynamicContent\0004.ps1 -Line 390 ## Start-DownloadJob
Set-PSBreakpoint -Script DynamicContent\0004.ps1 -Line 930 -Action { Write-TraceLog "Starting download job" $scriptString }
## Get-Task result
Set-PSBreakpoint -Script DynamicContent\0004.ps1 -Line 883 -Action {
if ($TaskData -and ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($TaskData) -eq $SCRIPT:DefaultResponse)) {
Write-TraceLog "Got default task response from C&C" ""
Set-PSBreakpoint -Script DynamicContent\0004.ps1 -Line 884 ## Get-Task actionable result
Set-PSBreakpoint -Script DynamicContent\0004.ps1 -Line 884 -Action { Write-TraceLog "Got actionable task" $TaskData }
Set-PSBreakpoint -Script DynamicContent\0004.ps1 -Line 615 ## Send-Message
Set-PSBreakpoint -Script DynamicContent\0004.ps1 -Line 615 -Action { Write-TraceLog "Responding with message" $Packets }
Set-PSBreakpoint -Script DynamicContent\0004.ps1 -Line 639 -Action { Write-TraceLog "Processing task" "$type $msg $ResultId" }
Set-PSBreakpoint -Script DynamicContent\0004.ps1 -Line 639 -Action {
if($msg -match 'Registry persistence established|Schtasks persistence')
Write-TraceLog "Neutralizing persistence task" ""
(Get-Variable Data -Scope 2).Value = ''
Set-PSBreakpoint -Script DynamicContent\0004.ps1 -Line 640 ## Process-Tasking
if(-not (Test-Path DynamicContent))
$null = New-Item -Type Directory DynamicContent
$SCRIPT:__dynamicContentCounter = 1
. $ScriptBlock
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