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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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Airport Survey
The Washington Post Aiport Survey
We can't make this file beautiful and searchable because it's too large.
"I call a lot of airports by their code, not just DCA."
Because that's what it was called when I moved here.
honor a great President
"a great name, after a great President!"
I'll never speak the name of that president who fired air traffic controllers. It was a slap in the face to name an airport after him.
National belongs to everyone
"It was National, I just never adopted the new name when it changed."
His statue is on the airport for pete's sake.
Reagan Airport is the closest shorthand to the real name that still acknowledges the Reagan name change.
Don't care for the eponym.
"The airport located in northern Virginia that is not Dulles was introduced to me as ""Reagan National Airport"". As a District resident of four years, I affectionately refer to it now as simply ""Reagan"". "
"If I'm speaking, I call it National. If I'm typing, I usually type DCA."
It is the most concise name for the place
The renaming was unnecessary
Just have always called it National.
Reagan did not do anything so great that I would accept this change of name.
That was it's name when I moved here and there was no good reason to change it. I also still refer to the bank with the Stagecoach as Wachovia (better service to customers).
Because I'm a democrat.
"It will always be ""National"""
"The airport was named after George Washington, not the President from California."
"When I moved to DC in 2007, I was told that only tourists call it Reagan. "
Reagan fired all air traffic controllers. He should not have an airport named after him.
Because renaming it was forced on us and it made no more sense to name it after Ronald Reagan than it did to have renamed it Jerry Ford Airport. Actually that probably would have made sense--he lived in Alexandria and flew from National regularly.
I've always called it Washington National or National. Ronald Reagan has enough stuff named after him.
"I like the airport, but don't accept the mythology that surrounds the person for whom it was renamed"
It was National before the Republicans started naming everything after a certain president.
"Eliminates confusion, especially with out of towners."
Calling it Reagan is an abomination to air traffic controllers
"I call it National because as a former airline employee, I find it disrespectful to all airport and airline employees to call an airport by the name of the president who so completely and utterly disrespected the rights of air traffic controllers to protest for better working conditions."
I like saying National more than Reagan.
I refuse to call the airport anything with that atrocious President's name in it that begins with the letter between S and T.
I hate the fact that Congress feels like they can just rename things. I moved to DC in 1999 and it's always been National to me though I use Regan National or DCA when explaining to others what I mean.
i feel like that's what ive heard on the news a bunch
Reagan busted the air traffic controllers union. It's inappropriate to name the airport after him.
because too many things in dc are named Reagan
Refuse to say Reagan!
"That's it's name. The ""honor"" for President Reagan was forced on the Airport."
"Situation dependent: Social media & email to travel agent= DCA but I truly alternate between Reagan (casual conversation), National (taxi) and Reagan National (folks who aren't from area)"
Force of habit
"I do not care to be reminded of the star wars, bootstrap president who was so disingenuous about the budget, And this actors wife who miss used her positional to ""help"" the less fortunate by just saying NO. Just don't want to be reminded."
"People new to the area don't know what you're talking about if you just call it National. So Reagan National makes it more clear. For the record, I'm not a big fan of renaming places that already have perfectly good names. That goes for Republicans as well as Democrats."
"Even though I think it's ridiculous that it was renamed named after Ronald Reagan,-and that statue is horrible-I just broke down and started calling it Reagan cause it's easier. "
I alternate between DCA and Reagan. Typically use DCA much more. Not sure why.
"Not a fan of Reagan, and National was a fine name without the addition of the president's name!
I use the names of DCA and national interchangly
"Because I don't agree with it being named after someone who created the poor in his 'failed' trickle down economic policies. Also, I'm a stickler for keeping things simple and National is more easier and quicker to say than Ronald Reagan National Airport. "
If I'm talking to a younger person who is a frequent traveler I'll call it DCA but typically I call it Reagan
"Reagan fired all the controllers so he does not deserve his name on this airport. Also, this airport serves the local people of this area and it is actually in Arlington not DC. It shouldn't be named after a president. I prefer National airport but to be spiteful I call it Jimmy Carter National. If any president deserves this honor, it's Carter, the president of peace, rather than Reagan the president of illegal war. DCA will also do. "
always have
"Because Bob Barr forced the name change on everyone with strong arm tactics. He was an asshole.
We shouldn't honor someone who destroyed the country with backwards policies that rewarded greed and selfishness.
"I grew up with it as National, it will always be national. And the way congress made the name change against the wishes of the people who lived here was horrible. "
"It used to be called ""National Airport"" and then it became ""Ronald Reagan National Airport"" so ""Reagan National"" seems to be the clearest name in terms of getting the point across to a third-party (like a cab driver) about whom I have no information regarding whether they generally think of this airport as ""Reagan"" or ""National"" or something else."
because that's the name of the airport.
Renaming National after Reagan was just part of plot by Grover Norquist and others to enshrine him.
"1. That's what I've always called it.
2. Republicans trying to force people to call it something else (what they did with Metro funding was the worst) make me even less willing to change"
I was against some of Reagan's political actions.
"I'm old school, I've always known it to be ""National"". Kinda like I only call the Washington, DC area basketball team the ""Bullets"".
"I've always called it ""National"" or ""DCA"". I don't call BWI ""Marshall"" either. "
"If the airport's name doesn't transparently ""acronymize"" down to the airport code, I use the airport code."
That's what it was called when I first moved here in 1978.
"It's National Airport. The call signs are DCA. Both of those are fine.
Just because some folks want to change the name of everything to Ronald Reagan doesn't mean the rest of us have to acquiesce."
It will always be called National! REAGAN should have never been added on. Only right wing concerves loved him.
I find R. Reagan's policies to have been repugnant. To have our airport renamed after him was a kick in the face. Now there is a repugnant statue standing as a greeting to us as we drive into the facility. And we had to pay to have all the signage and maps changed so his name would appear! Congressman Barr was on a crusade to name as many govt. facilities as he could after RR. Unforgivable!
I refuse to honor a president who I feel was one of the worst we've had. Especially given his lack of action in addressing AIDS.
"It's what I grew up with. Plus, Reagan is the last person an airport should be named for."
The re-naming to Reagan was simply a political move by right-wingers and I don't support it.
Most concise title - why waste all those extra words!
Because I hate the GOP jerks who re-named it.
The airport was already named after our first president. Why would you slap on another president's name?
Ronald Reagan was the president who identified trees as a major source of air pollution.
"I used to have the whole ""I REFUSE to call it Reagan because he was a terrible person..blah..blah..blah""-type attitude. Then I grew up and decided to call the airport by its proper name (and realized that Reagan wasn't that different than any other President)."
That's what it was. The new name just never caught on with me.
"I also call it National sometimes, but only when talking to locals. "
"I watched it being built,
Reagan was the most troubling. President I remember, not even a good actor."
Because that's what it's called
"It's a habit from moving here since I didn't know the history. I have older very liberal friends (in their 50s+) who solely refer to the airport as National. I always want to correct myself but being that I am not a D.C. native, my habit is to call it what I've heard on the news which is Reagan. "
The name should have never been changed!!!
That is the best way to search for flights online.
"National. Can't be caught calling it that ""R"" word."
"The Reagan name was tacked on. Generally, I call it DCA, but it is otherwise definitely National. "
renamed the airport national only.
"When I got to DC in 2003, National is what the people I met here were calling it. It was probably partly political; none of them are Reagan fans. But I dont see people calling BWI Thurgood Marshall much, either, so habit was probably the biggest part of it."
Because I can't stand Ronald Reagan :-)
"I said National for the longest time, but now think got it as Reagan. I still say National every now and then though."
"It is highly offensive that the ""national"" airport is named after Reagan considering what he did to the air traffic controllers. That name should never be associated with an airport. "
"DCA is easier than confusing people, as some still call it National and some Reagan...people visiting from out of town easily get confused."
"I find older generations' reverence for him incomprehensible and think it's perverse that we named an airport after him to honor his many ""accomplishments."" Note that only the regional airports named after white men are referred to in this way. When was the last time anyone referred to BWI as ""Marshall""?"
"I call it by its pre Hollywood Republican name, by its CORRECT name."
I do not accept the renaming by Republicans to deify that President.
"Because the irony of calling it after the deeply partisan, political person who attacked air traffic controllers and government in general is just too much for me."
"Reagan was anti government and anti government workers, Remember Jerry della Femina's advertising slogan for Sony""From those wonderful folks who brought You pearl Harbor!"" "
"""Reagan"" is easier to say than ""national"""
When I moved into the area it was called National Airport.
Reagan was an awful person
"A great name, plus a great statue, of a great statesman!"
Because that's what it's called
"It's always been Reagan National to me. National airport kind of makes sense due to the proximity to Washington DC. But it'll always be Reagan, with the occasional National tossed in together."
"Reagan never really seemed to actually care for the DC area and vice versa so between that and his actions against the airport traffic controllers, it seems like we'd be better off not having an airport named for him or at least having the one named after him either be in an area of California he's still popular in or nearer to his hometown."
I call it DCA because it's shortest and least confusing.
Because I think that naming the airport after the person that fired the air traffic controllers is offensive
Because its identity as National was firmly established before Republicans decided to rename it in their orgy of adoration for Reagan. The same is true of BWI. No one calls it Marshall. And I bet no newspaper will ever ask why they don't.
I most commonly hear it referred to as Reagan on TV and at work
"I call the airport ""Reagan"" because it is named Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. I don't call Dulles International Airport the ""airport way out there in no man's land."""
"I'll actually use DCA, National, or Reagan interchangeably. I think I use Reagan more because the Metro calls it that."
DCA because I see that name written more than reagan. I fly out of dulles more though cause its cheaper.
Grew up here so it's always been National and always will be.
"I call it Reagan National because when I search for flights and put in ""DCA"" it usually comes up as ""Washington Reagan""."
out of protest. it was crazy to change the name in the first place. It was already named after a president - Washington
Habit. I grew up here and it was National then.
"It was Washington National Airport for the longest time. President Reagan already had a number of buildings, and an aircraft carrier, named after him. There was no need for Congress to rename National."
It had a fine name before becoming one of the too many places named after Reagan.
"When I moved to the region in 2001, that was what I learned it as."
"I don't know why I call it Regan, maybe because that's the first word in its official name. Peer pressure from liberal friends is pushing me toward calling it National. When I tell my boyfriend that we are flying out of Regan, he pretends not to understand what I'm saying until I give in and call it National."
"It's what I've always known it as. Reagan National, Reagan, I call it by its name. Dulles and BWI have their own name so why shouldn't we call it that? Everyone says National, National could be a bunch of things here in DC. National Museum, National Building, National Monument..."
I learned quickly that those in the know call it National and you can easily weed out the tourists that call it Reagan National Airport.
The airport was already named after a president of the United States: George Washington. Ronald Reagan had already been honored by having the second largest government building after the Pentagon named in his honor.
I grew up calling it National and still do.
"Airport code. Also DCA is conveniently D.C. Airport.
However If someone doesn't know what DCA is then simply ""National"". "
Airport abbreviations.
Reagan was a dick.
I still dislike Reagan
Because that's its name
"I'm split between Reagan, Reagan National and DCA. It's all interchangeable to me, but I probably use Reagan and DCA the most."
it was the name given to it
"I think it is crazy that they named an airport after someone who fired 10,000 air traffic controllers. "
Because that's it's name and I'm not so tediously partisan that I can't call something by its name just because I disagree with the president it's named after.
"I refuse to call it ""Reagan National"" because Reagan fired the air traffic controllers"
I never understood why it was ever named after Ronald Reagan. Have always called it National Airport.
"I'll call National ""Reagan"" when people start calling BWI ""Thurgood Marshall."" Reagan isn't the only figure in this country worthy of respect and admiration. "
I am still peeved that the Republican congress at the time jammed the new name of the airport down eveyone's throats with no study or $ (initially) to help wmata with signage. And at the time I leaned Republican.
"It was national when I was in school, when I moved back to dc proper its name had changed to Reagan. The other two airports I generally refer to as ""hell on earth."""
One word National instead of saying the full name ronald reagan national airport. it is just too long.
Because it was called National for most of its history until some GOP ass-clowns decided to tag on the name and statue of one of their kindred ass-clowns.
"That's the name of it, or at least it used to be ..."
The PATCO strike.
"To me - the correct name of airport was, is, and always will be NATIONAL. I have no problem correcting anyone who calls it Reagan or adds Reagan to National - whether they live here or are traveling here. The one deviation is that, on occasion, I will add ""DCA"" to assist those who may be traveling to the area. No offense to Mr. Reagan, but the name change was just another injustice perpetrated upon the citizenry of the District of Columbia, whom Congress unjustly treats as unworthy, unequal, and incapable of making its own decisions.
I refuse to call it Ronald Regan because of how a lot of things were renamed for him right after he finished office and I don't think he deserved the recognition
I don't like the name of the airport and who its named after. wish they would rename the airport.
"It's the name most similar to the name of the city. Also, I guess I'm still not used to the Ronald Reagan name :-("
That's just what I've grown up calling it. I know the official name but I never call it that.
"It's faster to say, besides that I will never use the mouthful-of-a-name that Republicans shoved down Washington DC areas throats. "
"I usually use DCA or National. I've refused to buy into the revisionist Reagan hype (AIDS, crack, deficits) and I don't like associating him with ""gateway"" to our city. If any president's name should be used, it's Washington's. However, I do refer to the Reagan building as the Reagan building."
Everybody knows which airport you are talking about when you say Reagan.
"Because ""Reagan"" is easier to say than ""Reagan National"". And ""Reagan"" is part of the name of the airport, whether we liked the guy or not. I am furthest from a republican and was born when he was president so obviously my loyalty isn't so strong. But people get all worked up about what to call it. ""Reagan"" is the name, so what's the big deal? People should channel that energy into changing the racist name of this city's football team "
Short and inoffensive
Airport code. Called it National and Reagan as well.
That's what the lady on the PA system calls it.
"Simple, it's the DC Area airport. Not the airport of that Republican guy that was president. "
He fired the air traffic controllers
the way Reagan handled the airport strikes and then they named an airport after him...
I am not a fan of Ronald Reagan and there are far too many things named after him. I either call it DCA or National.
"Based on the signs naming it Ronald Regan Natonal Airport I shortened it. Sometimes I may say Regan Natonal, but mostly just Regan."
"Probably because of my parents. I sometimes call it DCA though too, but only when I call Dulles, IAD. "
sharks have feet
"The problem with you survey is that as you point out by asking the question itself I do not stick to one name. I switch. I call it Reagan National, national reagan, reagan, national, etc. what we need is for the airport, airlines, websites (expedia, etc.) to name it for us."
"I used yo call IT Its original name, National. I just got used to its new name Reagan National"
It's non political
Because that's what it should be called. Tacking Reagan on there was pointless. He got a building downtown.
I call it National because it's easy to remember.
Reagan was awful to the FAA!
"""National"" is short and sweet. I also prefer to say the city name of an airport (if there is only one) as it is less confusing than other names."
"I will NEVER use Reagan .. no disrespect meant for our ex President. As someone who was born in DC, and has had family IN DC since the 1840s, I kind of felt disrespected that Congress (not from DC) took it upon themselves to rename it Without asking the locals what they thought of the name change."
The name National comes more naturally to me.
I'm not sure actually - probably a bit has to do with my parents calling it that and the other part is that Reagan was President when I was younger and then subsequently the airport was named after him ... and I called him Reagan not Reagan National (if that makes sense). My connection to him was as President not an airport
"It was the original name and when Bob Barr made the stink with Metro over the name, that was the end of any use of Reagan I used"
Because I hate Ronald Reagan and National sounds so much better.
"naming anything after Reagan - especially an airport, after the way he handled the air traffic controller strike - is a farce"
"Because that's it's name and I'm not so petty with political affiliations that I will refuse to call something by its name simply if I don't agree with the person its named after. Also, he was a former President not a war criminal, people need to get a grip."
"Because I don't want to celebrate Reagan, and I'm kind of a petty person. "
Everyone in my family calls it that!
"The name change was an ""excessive"" act, as a memorial already existed and/or was planned for the person it was named for; Also the name change was a bullying of local area governments and their lawful independence to govern the airports."
"I typically refer to airports by their 3 letter designations, except the non-intuitive ones like IAD because no one outside the DC area would know off hand that's Dulles. In fact, before I moved to the area I didn't know Dulles was a thing, I just thought a lot of people I met were flying to and from Dallas."
That's its name
"That's what it was called before it was renamed. Just like I can't quite say 'Thurgood Marshall' for BWI. It will always be National, Dulles and BWI. "
Fewer syllables than National.
When it was renamed It just never stuck with me. Always went by National.
"It's name is the Reagan National Airport, and to me ""Reagan"" is the shorthand for that. There is not a political dimension to my feeling about the name. "
To avoid calling it Reagan. I hate Reagan.
"I refuse to call it Reagan. Period. It's National, and maybe, if I have to, DCA. Never Reagan."
Reagan was a pretty awful president
Was not happy that DCA was renamed - always knew it as National. Even less happy after the giant statue was erected.
That's its non-Republican name. That group would change the name of everything in the country to Regan.
"Because fuck Ronald Reagan and the sycophantic losers that wanna put his name on everything. Reagan was bad for the country, his legacy is a blight on the world"
"I call it National, because that is it's name. I don't care WHO others may want to name it after. It had a PERFECT name and that there was never a need to attempt to change it. I grew up in Northern Virginia (Oakton/Vienna) I reside in Arlington today. I lived DC for a few years as well. God, I wish folks would just call it NATIONAL."
"Naming it after Reagan is insulting to air traffic controllers, and I grew up calling it National. I don't use BWI's full name, either."
I call it Regan or DCA but most often Regan.
"In reality, it's whatever comes out. Online it's DCA for booking flights. National seems to be best when taking to cabbies or others. Out of towners flying in get Reagan National. I got used to dropping honorary names, although calling it Ronald might be cute and amusing."
"Mostly to irritate my friends who insist on calling it National. Yea, I'm that guy. Started off as sort of ironic, now I've embraced it. "
That is its name. I never supported naming it for a president I did not support.
It's what people my age have implored me to call it.
That's how I learned it
"I am a supporter of organized labor, and am quite familiar with the story of how President Reagan crushed the PATCO strike. That's why I use the old name for the airport."
"That's its name. Ronald Reagan was a fine president, but the constant renaming of perfectly good entities (particularly when he was still alive!) leaves a bad taste in my mouth. "
"I use ""Reagan"" as short hand for the full name of the airport, rather than ""National"", because to me ""Reagan"" more specifically identifies the airport I'm speaking of as opposed to other ""national"" airports across the country. I work in the airport retail industry and there are many airports with ""national"" in their name, but only one Reagan. "
No one is ever confused which airport I mean. Not everyone knows their airport codes.
"Generally against naming things after Reagan, especially this airport which he had tried to close down."
I call it DCA because that's what I use to book my flights or I refer to it as Reagan. Never National although my family does.
Not calling something by its name is pedantic and childish.
Cause that's what we called it when I moves here in 1996
Because fuck Reagan.
"Not a huge fan of Ronald Reagan, the president."
"It was named after a perfectly good president prior to its name change. Now it's named after a president I don't feel should be honored in that particular way. I will continue to call it National, or , if that isn't understood, DCA."
"Because they can name an airport after Voldemort, but they can't make me say his name. "
"I used to interchangeably call it DCA or Reagan but after an older friend (and longtime DC resident) yelled at me for calling it Reagan, I pretty much just stick to DCA now... "
"I don't think the National should have been named after a person that disbanded air traffic controller. You can name anything else after him, but not that."
"I'm from an airline family, and Reagan fired all the air traffic controllers. Thus, we call it National."
"I'll never call it Reagan It's just, right wing propaganda. "
It's easier to say that Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. I'd also rather call it the Monica Lewinsky Washington National Airport first!
Because naming it Reagan was an asshole move made by a bunch of asshole
Because that's what it is. Nothing against that former President - but that's what it is. National Airport
"Because it is a National airport. Over the objections of the majority of Metro-DC residents, Republicans decided to ram through a controversial name-change. So much for local control."
An unnecessary rename for a president whose policies were often lacking in empathy. I was ALWAYS call it National.
Because Not everyone thinks calling it the Monica Lewinsky airport Is appropriate.
"It was National when I was a kid, will always be National."
Calling it
"Because it was National Airport before they named it after Reagan.
One note - my father was in the military; I lived in three places in Virginia before I was 18, for a total of about five years - three in Dale City, one in Richmond, one in Hampton. I went to UVA, and have been in the DC area since 1988."
"Because goddammit that's its name. NATIONAL. ALWAYS AND FOREVER. I do use DCA in chat/IM though, because it's faster."
DCA or National
"because call letters are easiest way not to get confused. ""Dulles"" and Reagan"" is not written on the ticket!"
"It's already named after one president, Washington. So it's Washington National Airport. Seems silly to name it after two: Washington Reagan National airport. Maybe in another 30 years we'll call it Washington Reagan Clinton National Airport."
"I used to switch between Reagan and DCA interchangeably. Then at a party I was stuck talking to annoying unattractive guy, who was trying to hit on me. I called it ""Reagan"" and he said ""ugh, you mean DCA - we don't use his name.""
And I've called it Reagan ever since. Something as trivial as the name of an airport shouldn't be so political. Interactions like the one above are so #ThisTown."
Reagan funded terrorists groups in Latin America. He illegally funded Iraqis. His domestic policies tripled the national debt. Not a fan.
I call 2/3 airports in the dc area by their call letters. Isn't Dulles the wierd one?
"When I was younger, I was not allowed to call it ""Reagan"" due to a family member's political views, and it stuck."
i tend to call it something like Reagan-DCA.
"It's a shortened version of it's name, Reagan National Airport."
Because National is an all encompassing name. Reagan has specific political affiliation and his name has been attached to far too many public places. National is D.C.
Because thats its official name.
Because naming an airport after the guy that fired the air traffic controllers is dumb.
"Habit, plus the irony of the re-naming isn't lost on me."
"I would call it DCA because I call most airports by their code, but most people don't seem to understand what DCA is right off the bat so I call it Reagan around other people. "
It's the airport nearest to DC
Because Reagan does not deserve the airport named after him. He did nothing for the airport and it was a congressional action to rename it. Metro spent good money that could have gone for other things changing all the signs. I believe Cnogress threatened action if they did not.
"When I moved to DC in 1999, everyone called it National. And people were still pissed off at its renaming and the cost to Metro of redoing all the signs. And it kind of stuck with me."
"Because I refuse to use Ronald Reagan's name to refer to such a wonderful public service, and I would call it ""National"" like we did when I was a kid but...transportation nerd."
Because that's it's real name. Reagan hated DC.
"That's what it was called when I moved here, so that's what it is in my mind. The more I hear ""Reagan National,"" though, I'm sure it will begin to stick. I'm no fan of Reagan, but I'm not opposed to calling it Reagan National because of that. It's just habit more than anything."
That's what I grew up calling it.
"I had a sorority sister nicknamed Reagan in college, and while people called her that all the time, she only answered to Laura when wasted. Same theory applies."
"It's a disgusting joke to name an airport after the man who broke the air traffic controllers' union, a key point in the now 30+ year effort by the corporate right to turn every job in the US into a crappy, low-paying one."
"While I am a political scientist rather than affiliating with any particular party, I thought it was ridiculous when Congress started naming everything in town after Ronald Reagan. Calling it National (which is what I always knew it as anyway) is my own little form of protest."
because that's what it was called growing up there...!
Because Reagan was such a dick.
That's what I've heard it be called?
It is just shorter to call it Regan and Regan is in the full name. Also I think if the subject is airports it's not necessary to say more - people know which one you mean if you just say Regan.
"It's easy to say and remember, and the name is distinctly different from the other two airports."
When I moved here in 2001 I was told the airport was named after President Ronald Reagan. I just called it Reagan for short like everyone else I heard around me.
It's shorter than Reagan national airport. I also use DCA when talking to friends
I dislike Reagan.
That's what I've always called it.
"That's what I use when searching for flights, so that's how I think of it. Also, it sounds like an early-90s rapper.
""Ay, yo, DCA, get on the mic!"""
Best name for it.
Just easiest to call it Reagan. :)
'Cuz it's the airport code and what I enter when searching for flights
Always called it that.
"That president has enough buildings named after him, the airport was already named after a president, and the political nonsense behind the recent renaming remains nonsense."
"Typically say ""National"" when speaking, but ""DCA"" when writing. "
Because fuck Reagan and the GOP.
"I sometimes call it Reagan, but mostly still call it National"
The way congress force the name on the DC area.....National is part of the official name...
My parents have always called it that.
"Our city airport is National Airport. This city never supported Ronald Reagan; he and his policies never supported us. His policies led to the disappearance of a safety net, the huge presence of homeless people, and the legalized theft of Social Security earned by government workers. I will never use Ronald Reagan's name in connection with my hometown airport -- something forced upon us by the same Congress that firmly insists upon our ongoing colonial status."
It's the airport code...
It's what my friends called it when I got to the DC area in it stuck!
"Tradition, old school"
"I call airports by their codes, and I won't say Reagan."
"I usually use the airport codes for all the airports I fly to/from (i.e.BWI, IAD, BDL, LAX, SFO). There are a select few I use the name for (O'Hare, Providence, Boston). "
(DCA) I thought that's was it's proper name
I'll call it Reagan when Republicans start referring to BWI as Marshall.
Parents lived in DC
Faster to say
Because that is its name.
I object to the deification of Reagan by the Republican Party and its adherents.
Ronald Reagan ignored the AIDS epidemic.
FUCK Reagan!
"Because Reagan doesn't need to have All The Things named after him. Also because it was National when I was growing up, and that's still it's name as far as I'm concerned."
That's its name.
"DCA is so easy and it's the official name, celebrities aside, I prefer to call airports by their codes."
Because I've been told only tourists call it Reagan and locals call it National.
"Because that is the name of the airport? Although being a fan if brevity, I shorten it to the first word only."
"Why would I call any airport that person's name...he hated government, fired air traffic controllers, and was a horrible President...defies belief that he was honored in this way. If they needed to rename it, why not call it Amelia Earhart National Airport, or after Sally Ride or Jerrie Mock or Anne Morrow Lindbergh or Jacqueline Cochran or the WASPS or any of the hundreds of others who brought honor to aviation....not The Lord Voldemort of Presidents. "
The name change was a terrible idea.
I refer to a lot of airports by their LOCID
oh god... so sick of the reagan circle-jerk.
Makes sense for me!
Ronald was a piece of shit.
A dislike of the man they named it for.
"I do a lot of travel for work and I always identify an airport by its code, since I also book all my trips. I always think of Dulles as ""IAD"" and so on. "
I like the name better.
"Regan, Regan National, it all depends on who I am speaking to (whether or not they are familiar with the airport of not.)"
It is the airport closest to the nation's capital.
Used to travel a lot for work and got used to referring to airports by their code.
It's simply National to me because I refuse to call it Reagan National Airport.
Reagan saved the airline industry.
Never understood why the airport was named after someone who fired air traffic controllers.
"It's the first word, Reagan National, Reagan. "
"Cus, like, the other name is, you know. Voldemortish."
Was National when I was growing up. Name change never stuck.
"The full name is too long, and I first knew it as National... so National it has stayed."
"The name was changed without input from the community. Why not change the name of Washington, DC to rehab city? Same difference."
"I call it National, but I don't act like a prick and pretend I don't know what ""Reagan"" is."
"I go back and forth between Reagan and National, it depends who I'm talking to and what their level of confusion would be based on what I call it. "
"""Reagan"" has the fewest syllables. Fucking duh."
I can't stand to call my beloved airport Reagan. It hurt to type it just now.
Reagan sucked.
I call most airports by their 3-letter designation
Washington National is the name that makes sense.
"I look at it like calling Dulles, Dulles it's the name of the airport. I would call BWI ""Marshall"" but nobody knows what you mean by that. BTW, thank you for weighing in on one of the great debates of our day. "
"It's ridiculous to name everything after Reagan. This is our nation's capital, so National is a fitting name."
9 times out of 10 I call it DCA. My parents 65+ call it National. Out of town friends call it Reagan.
"I really dislike Reagan, and refuse to refer to it after a guy that royally fucked up our economy and drove a wedge between parties, giving us this bipartisan shit-storm we've come to know and ignore. "
"I sometimes call it DCA, but most often call it Reagan."
"I previously called it Reagan, but most people are more familiar with ""DCA."""
I call it that because that's what it's always been. It was an insult to the city to impose Regan's name on it. It was a waste of money and resources.
because most people in this area call it that.
"DCA is just the easiest & quickest, rolls off the tongue."
"Sometimes I call it Reagan, but I'd rather not be reminded of the politician every time I have to fly. "
"That airport was named after a president after it was already named after a city that was named after a president. So I just use the part of the name that makes it most clear. I also call BWI BWI, not Marshall. And I just call Dulles Hell."
I call it Reagan or DCA due to flight options.
"Used to call it just ""Reagan,"" but picked up from lots of grumpy DC folks that it's ""NATIONAL,"" so i've compromised on ""Reagan National"" "
I don't believe Ronald Reagan deserves this honor nor my reverence.
i despise Reagan. and the overreaching of the GOP House during the 90s-early 2000s to name everything after him.
That's what we called it at Georgetown.
Because Reagan was a horrible person.
Boooo Reagan that jackass
We don't use the R word.
Only tourists call it Reagan.
"It will always be ""National"" in my heart, but people new to the area don't know what that is."
"DCA is shorthand and easier to say. I often call it National too. As a good Democrat, I never call it Reagan."
"DCA is clear, it is the airport code that pops up whenever you try to book a flight to or from there."
Reagan sucks.
Because Reagan was pure evil.
least number of syllables.
because I'm sick of everything being Reagan
"That was, is, and should be its name. Naming it for a president who broke the back of the Air Controllers Union is an injustice."
"It's not fucking Reagan! I don't know why republicans lionize that lying, deficit increasing, arms-to-terrorist-giving, fool. And why despite claiming a hatred of federal control and a preference for local controlthey continue to use their power over DC to overrule our local decisions and withhold our own money when we disobey. But the rest of us should not play along. Fuck them. "
"Because it'll always be National Airport to me. The addition of ""Ronald Reagan"" seemed silly and I've ignored it. I also call that bridge over the Potomac the Cabin John Bridge, because that's what it is to me. ;)"
Because not everything needs to be named after a dead politician.
"Because Reagan fired all the controllers. Why, again, is it named for him?"
"Because that's its name. Does anyone call BWI the ""Baltimore Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport""? Just because someone decides they want to slap a new name on something doesn't mean that the name actually changes."
"""National Airport"" was its longtime name, prior to be officially named for our 40th president. I like(d) Reagan, but I'm NOT a fan of re-naming things for people after those things already have a long-standing, familiar name. The full name, ""Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport,"" is so unwieldy, that ""National"" is my preferred name. It's what I grew-up calling it."
Calling it Reagan diminishes what is otherwise a respectable institution
That's what it was growing up; my dad was a pilot flying out of there.
"I objected to the renaming of the airport as ""Reagan""."
"Nostalgia, habit, and probably just a little bit because I'm not much of a Ronald Reagan fan."
I forgot what the original name was.
"Because it has always been National, and always will be."
"Combination of that's what I called it when I was little, and renaming it after Reagan was political and dumb."
"It all depends on who I am talking to. If I am talking to other airline people like myself, I will use DCA. But, if I am talking to family members, such as my mom, with little airpot knowledge, I will simply say 'Reagan', I think because I refer to Dulles as Dulles. Reagan is similar to Dulles (both 1 word, a last name, east to say)."
Because all the cool kids do it.
Because that's what it was called when I moved to the DC metro area in 2004.
Because Congress hijacked a local airport and renamed it without the consent of the local people. They renamed it for the President who fired all the air traffic controllers. And it was at great expense to local people because metro had to change all the signs. I refuse to acknowledge congress' overstepping its authority here.
That's what it was introduced to me as. I don't even know the full correct name.
That's original name and no one voted to change it. It should be called Marion S. Barry National airport! Regan just put his name on several buildings he had nothing do with and waste alot of taxpayers money changes sign and no one had any knowledge of it until his name appeared there.
"When I moved to DC to go to GW in 1996, that's what it is called. And cab drivers give you more respect if you ask them to take you to National or DCA."
"Thats what my mom would call it growing up and it just stuck with me. We do bounce between National, Reagan, and Reagan National. But we mainly just stick with National"
Don't like Reagan
"I still occassionally say Reagan National when telling the cab where to go, but I'm trying to break that habit and just say National or DCA. It should not have been named for Reagan. Refusing to call it Reagan is a mini-protest."
"I use both, to be honest, but probably say 'National' most often because it's more universally understood. "
"Never was a fan of Reagan and don't like the push to put his name on everything. Also, all presidents since forever live in DC, why should Reagan's name be on the airport? He didn't free slaves or further any particularly unique policy initiative (I mean trickle-down economics, really?!). And the Berlin wall was coming down regardless, Communism was not working. I'm sorry but history will not/does not give him credit for that.
National is a neutral, appropriate, and non-partisan name for DCA."
"The ""Washington"" comes from George Washington, not the city. The airport is in Virginia, not DC. Adding the name of Reagan is also inappropriate because of the conflict between him and the air traffic controllers union. "
... I don't know!
We would never call it by the awful president it is named after!
it was national for years and years and I don't see why it should have ever been named after a person. and that goes the same for all the other airports around here.
"It's National, DC should annex it. "
It's what my friends called it.
"I actually call it all of the names listed above, but most often it is Reagan National. "
It's easier to reference airports by the three letters.
"It is what I always knew it as, didn't think the name should have been changed for political reasons."
"I call it National or DCA. All 3 airports in the Washington, DC area have ""Washington"" in their name, so generally speaking I never use the word ""Washington"" when referring to an airport. National Airport was already named after a president (Washington) well before Reagan and his statue came along. I only use ""Reagan"" when needed for clarity--usually when talking to people outside the DC area--not all of them know what ""National"" means. As a frequent flyer I use ""DCA"" when I'm within my social circle of fellow travelers. Any frequent flyer will understand DCA, IAD, and BWI. "
"The official name of the airport is Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. There is no reason Ronald Reagan's name belongs before Washington's let alone on the same title. Whether the ability of Congress to rename the airport was constitutional is another question.
National because it was National. And honestly I think RR is completely overrated as a president and don't need to be reminded of his policies every time I fly.
Because that's the name of the airport.
Married a local who refuses to call it Reagan.
Renaming the airport Reagan was another push into local affairs by republicans.
I usually call it regan or national or regan national because that's what my parents call it
It is easier to just call it Reagan nothing too thought provoking
"Because that was its longtime name before it was changed for political symbolic reasons. It's fine for the official name to be ""Ronald Reagan National Airport,"" just like it's fine for the college in Palo Alto to have the formal name ""Leland Stanford Junior University."" "
"I used to refer to it as ""Reagan"" or ""National"" about 50/50, but DCA is easier. "
It's the national airport so it's called national
It's what my parents always called it. I've actually only flown out of it once.
Bc I'm not a tourist. Besides... It's fun to tell people you also fly out of Monica Lewinski Airport too
Because people told me to
"i refer to it as ""National"" b/c it's still ""Washington National"" to me. "
"After moving to DC 2.5 years ago, I learned the name of this airport was a point of contention for many people. Locals would call it National, newcomers like myself would call it Reagan. I just stuck with DCA as a safe medium. "
Called it that before it was Reagan National and never switched.
it's what i punch into web searches when looking for a flight. it's shortest.
It was DC National and should of stayed DC National
"I refuse to call it ""Reagan"" because of the issue with the air traffic controllers strike in the 1980s.
My wife works in a field related to the airline industry, so we tend to use the airport codes around the house. "
"It was National when I grew up and switching to Reagan was GOP bs. It was already designed to look like Mount Vernon, in honor of G. Washington. Anyway, since so many people do call it Reagan or Reagan National, I sometimes call it DCA, too."
It was introduced to me as Reagan National. I sometimes just say National but frequently catch myself saying Reagan National.
It's what we always called it.
"1. It's what I grew up calling it.
2. Don't see why Ronald Reagan should have been given the honor of having it renamed after him.
3. What was wrong with the original name?
4. Your question regarding ""what state"", GUESS WHAT??? DC is NOT a state. Or haven't you noticed..TAXATION W/O REPRESENTATION!!!"
"I cal the airport National due the fact it was National airport when I moved to Washington,DC in 1977."
"My husband is a third generation DC native and throws a fit if anyone refers to the airport as ""Reagan"" instead of ""National."" "
"Interesting that the name added to BWI isn't an issue but it is for the ""airport in Northern Virginia that is not named Dulles International""."
"It remains ""Washington National Airport,"" just with another name prepended to it. Even though I have taken flights to Canada from it, it's not really the ""inter""national airport for this area, either."
Because I'm a Democrat so it feels weird to call it Reagan. Plus my old boss's name was also Reagan so I just stopped right there. And I said National once and no one knew what I meant. My dad is also a United Airlines pilot so I'm used to calling places by their airport codes anyways. My flights are usually visits home to OMA.
"It's what my parents called it and what I grew up calling it (National). I'll sometimes call it DCA, when I'm talking about itineraries."
I can barely stand to say the R word.
"1) it was ""national airport"" before it was ""Reagan national""
2) see 1."
"The guy they tried to re-name it after has had his name plastered on enough stuff all over town, and his legacy doesn't merit the hagiography."
because that guy wasn't so great.
"Ronald Reagan was a despicable president. Not only did he ignore the AIDS epidemic, but he fired 11,000 air traffic controllers for trying to procure better working conditions and wages. To name our Nation's Capital's airport after him is the height of irony."
Because it annoys my boss.
For an airport to be named after a former president and not call that airport by the said presidents name is disrespectful to his legacy. Especially true when the airport is named for such a great man in our nations history.
"because it's National, dammit. and calling it by that other name is an insult to the people who make sure the planes take off and land safely."
"In general, I refer to DCA as DCA because it is easy to say and it sounds like DC. But I tend to call airports with longer names by their digits. "
Look up flights by airport codes all the time
"National bc is the National/ Capital airport, AND because I will not call it Reagan."
"it bugs my republican dad when i don't glorify the ""good old days"" of by saying ""Reagan"". also, it was national airport first, before the renovation."
"Stupid to change the name after all these years.
Same with Houston Intercontinental airport. BUSH??
But I don't like that they name sports stadiums after corporations. "
Because that s what it is National Airport. DCA!!! That is the name I grew up with and knew for over half my life.
"DCA is shorter/cleaner than the Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. The super long name, and choosing which of those words to use, is stupid and wastes time."
Parents called it that.
First thing I think of
Because it had a name before the republican congress forced Reagan's name on to it over the will of the local residents.
"I know I should call it ""National"" if I really want to fit in...but Reagan rolls right off the tongue."
My dad was a pilot for Delta and that's what I always remember hearing it called.
"My wife and I refer to this airport as 'National' airport. Naming this airport after a President is politically driven, and provides no additional benefit to the taxpayers from which the funds are allocated for such a name change. We would prefer naming the airport 'National Airport', 'Capital Airport', 'DC National Airport', 'VA National', etc."
Because it's fucking National Airport!
"Airport code. Easy to find in search engines. I call Dulles ""IAD."""
"I use a mix of the names you mention in the first question, but it's ""National"" more often than the others. I remember before it was named after Ronald Reagan so making the switch the the paragraph-long name hasn't stuck so quickly. It's just National in my head."
When I moved to DC that's what I heard my peers call it
It's its name...
"Because ""Reagan National"" is too long."
I've always called it that or DCA when people give me a blank stare.
"Reagan National, so both sides of the argument understand what I mean "
National Airport/DCA has always been National Airport/DCA and always should be. The R president has plenty of other things named for after him.
Because that's its name and there is no reason to change it.
"'Cause that's what says on the ticket, man."
I refuse to call it Reagan. It's always been National to me!
National is easy and people always know what you are talking about.
Did you not learn your nation's airport codes in high school?
"Saying ""National"" causes a lot of people who haven't lived here long to ask ""You mean Reagan?"" -- not as a statement, but for clarity. Among a different crowd, saying ""Reagan"" leads to a different conversation I'm tired of having. ""DCA"" is an easy, unambiguous and uncontroversial term for the airport that doesn't lead to being interrupted or diverted from the conversation taking place."
To confuse people who don't live in the D.C. area.
"I grew up calling it National, so it kind of stuck, but I also think it's stupid that they named it after Reagan. I occasionally call it DCA if I'm talking to someone who might not know what I mean by National."
I call it National or DCA because I don't want to say Reagan.
I refuse to call it by the name of a certain 40st president!
I don't like the push to rename things in honor of Reagan.
"I refer to most airports by their codes. Though occaisionally I call it Reagan, I'm trying to switch to calling it National (not a big Reagan fan)"
I use both DCA and Reagan
"I grew up in the waning days of Peoples, Hechinger, Hecht's, and Woodies. We shopped at Wheaton Plaza and flew out of National. Now, all of those names are gone, and for the most part, I've adapted. But it'll always be National to me."
"Reagan was a bad president, plus it shows I'm actually from DC."
"Reagan's threats to retaliate against the striking air traffic controllers, makes it a travesty that an airport was named after him."
"Because everytime I use another name, I get corrected! If I don't call it DCA (or people don't understand what DCA means) I call it ""National"" - if people are from out of town, and don't know what ""National"" means, then have to spell out the full name ""Ronald Reagan National Airport"""
"I resist calling it Reagan in part because of my own political views -- but also because there is no need to. BWI's code does not reflect Thurgood Marshall, IAH's code does not reflect Bush, so it is more logical to refer to them as ""Baltimore"" and ""Houston."" This differs from JFK and LGA, which use names to differentiate two New York airports (which, for the record, I refer to as ""JFK"" and ""LaGuardia."")"
...because everyone knows that President Reagan was one of the worst presidents of the 20th century and the honor of nomenclature should be given to either Marion Barry or Monica Lewinsky.
"Enough has been named for the President that held office through much of the 80's. That airport doesn't need a ""memorial"" designation - it's an airport designed to serve the entire country, and as such, should refer specifically to its location without becoming a mouthful. After that renaming, is it any wonder that some of our Metro stops have names like ""NOMA/Galludet/New York Ave""? Seriously. One name. BWI is never referred to as ""Thurgood Marshall Baltimore Washington International"" except by announcers on the radio. Why should the airport across the river?"
"'cause that's what we called it in the 90s. Doesn't Reagan already have, like, a government office building named after him??"
Ronald Reagan (the person) sucks.
"Because it's offensive to me that an airport be named after a president who fired 11,000 air traffic controllers for striking. "
Easier to say
The name of the airport is Washington National Airport.
I dunno.
It will always be National to me. I never thought it appropriate to attach the former President's name to it in the manner that Congress did.
"I would call it DCA the same as I would call it BWI or IAD as it makes it easier, simpler when searching for flights online. If I wasn't using DCA, I'd always say ""National"". Never anything else."
"It's always been National and it always will be. That other, newer, name doesn't exactly fall off the tongue gracefully."
"Because that's what it was called when I moved here. Or at least, that's what I was told."
Because that's what I've known it as since I moved here in 2004.
"When I moved here in 2003, locals called it National - only tourists and hardcore Republicans called it Reagan. "
I'm an Air Traffic Controller. Thats what we call it.
"""National Airport"" is the iconic name of the airport. As an airline industry professional, the ""Reagan"" name always felt like a political hack job that should have been reserved for some airport in California as an honor to his heritage. National Airport should be the airport for ALL of the American people. To name the primary gateway to Washington D.C. after a politician, of any party, is disrespectful of the bi-partisan ideal we should stand for."
I can't being myself to name an airport after the guy responsible for the biggest air traffic controller strike on record.
I dislike Reagan and can never remember to call it National which seems more appropriate.
Reagan inaction is one of the main reasons HIV/Aids is still an epidemic today!!!
I refuse to use that man's name.
"Because it's Washington National Airport. Plus calling it Reagan, after he fired all the air controllers, is insulting."
short term memory loss. Called it national for many years and hard to change that particular brain cell. President Reagan fan by the way. Husband was United airline pilot and I used to drive him/pick him up at national a lot. Hard to change old habits if not that important.
I go back and forth between National and Reagan but I think I have recently been more with Reagan than national. It's kind of like Price Club slowly becoming Costco in my vernacular
Work in airport planning where codes are typically used. The only exceptions are O'Hare and Dulles for some reason.
"Historical, not political. I always thought that National was a great name for the airport that servces our nation's capitol. Never understood why they changed it."
"I know it's supposed to be National, but times are changin, it's DCA or Reagan nowadays!"
Sometimes National sometimes DCA but never after that Republican President. I was flying in and out of there before it was renamed
The fact that you posed this question proves you are not quite right in the head.
The airport in Northern Virginia that's not Dulles
"Force of habit. I learned it as National. And was here for the name change, but still call it National."
Sounds presidential.
National is easier to say than Reagan National and that's just what I've always called it. Not sure when it was renamed but I moved to DC in 1999.
Not a fan of Reagan.
"National is short and to-the-point -- and the ""Reagan"" moniker was shoved down the throats of DC residents by overzealous congressional Republicans that don't care about us."
Because that's its airport code.
Using his full name makes it easier for me to distinguish it from the other one and for some reason it helps me remember it's the one with the metro connection.
The name change in the late 90s just never stuck with me. I left to go study in Europe in 2001 and was gone for roughly 10 years. Was quite surprised when I finally moved back to the US and flew into Washington National and other people calling it Reagan National.
Shortest and most recognizable.
The FIRST thing I was told when I moved to DC in 2010 was that the airport was DCA or National. The second was to stand right and walk left.
Because He Who Shall Not Be Named National Airport is too much of a mouthful.
"My conservative parents call it that and I've stuck with it. I am decidedly more liberal than them, but I won't turn my nose up at using a Republican President's name for the airport... Not calling it Reagan seems like a petty way to demonstrate your disagreement with the beliefs of a President who is dead. And Reagan has a nice ring to it! It isn't generic and rolls off the tongue, unlike DCA, National, or Washington National."
"If it were the only thing in DC named after the man, I might have switched over. But he already got the building downtown and he wasn't even dead yet when they changed the name."
That's just what I have always known it as.
"The original name still fits best. I'll use the airport code (DCA) secondarily, but I do that for a lot of different airports. "
Iran-Contra means he does Not get anything named after him!
I call it Reagan but I know it's Airport code is DCA.
"Don't want to ""honor"" Ronald Reagan.
And generally, there are a few airports whose three letter code are just easier or more convenient to use: LAX, SFO, PDX. DCA falls into this category for me"
It makes sense to call it this as it is the closest airport to the Nationals Capitol.
I don't think the busiest airport in the area should have been named after the person that put in scabs to control air traffic.
Fuck Reagan.
"Acronyms are just easier. Especially for things like Kayak. Easier to punch in an acronym than ""National,"" which also could populate multiple results. "
I refuse to call the airport 'Reagan.' The man was a lousy President and a terrible human.
The renaming was inappropriate and unnecessary. I try to avoid saying Reagan national.
Im a pilot...duh
No airport should be named for the guy who stuck it to all the air traffic controllers. National Airport is everybody's national airport -- not the Republican airport.
Supporting tradition is a conservative value.
Wasn't it originally just National? It's what I've always called it.
I call it Reagan because that's the name of the airport. I'll also call it National and everyone knows what that means. Or DCA. Or 'the airport' because IAD and BWI are for suckers. Any controversy over what to call it is so #thistown.
It's easy to say.
That is the code you use when booking.
I came to DC almost yearly to visit family friends growing up. It was always National or DCA
Because our 40th president can fuck himself.
I always have--this is always what I've heard it called in Baltimore!
The change of name was political not popular.
I am not one who appreciates/appreciated the leadership of that President.
At least dca is consistent.
"""National"" sounds too general, ""DCA"" will confuse people."
"If five syllables is good enough for BWI, it's good enough for Reagan National!"
Most unique single word
I have no idea why I call it that
Easily understood
"Srsly, FUCK Ronald Reagan"
"The renaming was dodgily done (although to be fair, so was the renaming of JFK), and I'm old enough to remember the air traffic controller debacle, so honoring Reagan with an airport just seemed so wrong. But I'll give in some day....just as soon as everyone calls BWI ""Marshall."""
"Because of the irony associated with naming DC's airport for a president who fired over 10,000 air traffic controllers."
Because that's what my grandparent's called it.
Because I can't bring myself to call it Reagan. The man hated government. Why on earth would we name things after him??
"I'm in an aviation family, so we use the designator for most airports. "
"Was told shortly after moving here that it's DCA, only ""noobs"" call it Reagan. "
short sweet and to the point it represents the Washington area
"White House Press Briefing Oct. 15, 1982
Q: Larry, does the President have any reaction to the announcementthe Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, that AIDS is now an epidemic and have over 600 cases?
Q: Over a third of them have died. Its known as gay plague. (Laughter.) No, it is. I mean its a pretty serious thing that one in every three people that get this have died. And I wondered if the President is aware of it?
MR. SPEAKES: I dont have it. Do you? (Laughter.)
Q: No, I dont.
MR. SPEAKES: You didnt answer my question.
Q: Well, I just wondered, does the President
MR. SPEAKES: How do you know? (Laughter.)
Q: In other words, the White House looks on this as a great joke?
MR. SPEAKES: No, I dont know anything about it, Lester.
Q: Does the President, does anybody in the White House know about this epidemic, Larry?
MR. SPEAKES: I dont think so. I dont think theres been any
Q: Nobody knows?
MR. SPEAKES: There has been no personal experience here, Lester.
Q: No, I mean, I thought you were keeping
MR. SPEAKES: I checked thoroughly with Dr. Ruge this morning and hes had no(laughter)no patients suffering from AIDS or whatever it is.
Q: The President doesnt have gay plague, is that what youre saying or what?
MR. SPEAKES: No, I didnt say that.
Q: Didnt say that?
MR. SPEAKES: I thought I heard you on the State Department over there. Why didnt you stay there? (Laughter.)
Q: Because I love you, Larry, thats why. (Laughter.)
MR. SPEAKES: Oh, I see. Just dont put it in those terms, Lester. (Laughter.)
Q: Oh, I retract that.
MR. SPEAKES: I hope so.
Q: Its too late."
i refuse to call anything Reagan
My Texas parents emphatically and intentionally call it Reagan. My DC friends emphatically and intentionally call it National. I call it Reagan National.
It's short and simple.
Because fuck Reagan.
Washington National sounds much more elegant and refined.
"Depends on who I'm talking to... to out-of-town visitors, it's Reagan National. To folks that have lived in DC for longer than I have, it's National. In my head, I suppose it's Reagan."
Reagan National is part of it's name.
"Because it was already named after a president before Reagan, Washington."
"Because everybody called it that? I don't know, I always used Dulles."
Don't like Reagan!
"I refer to it a National or Reagan. It depends on with whom I'm speaking, and if they are from the area or not. "
"I hate calling it Reagan because I disagree with him politically, and it was only recently named Reagan anyway."
"I call it Reagan, but I don't LIKE calling it Reagan."
Because it was National during my childhood and then they stuck a former president's name on it for no reason.
"I used to call it just Reagan until I had a point in my life where j would take many trips via plane. Got intrigued by airport codes so I call airports by their airport codes. I sometimes call Dulles, IAD. "
what it was called before 1998. Love Ronald Reagan but he wouldn't have wanted the airport to be named after him.
"I called it National before it changed to Reagan National, so that's what it was to me, and I see no need to call it anything else. Everyone knows what National Airport is, regardless of whether I say the word Reagan before it!"
Disdain for Reagan
"its what my dad's always called it, so i kinda picked up on it"
Reagan was an asshole. It will always be National to me.
Hate that I call it Reagan
"Someone tried to name it Reagan before he died, which is not legal. And he costarred with Bonzo the Chimp...."
"Because Ronald Reagan was a horrible, disgraceful president and one who is entirely undeserving of the honor of having this airport named after him. His inaction on AIDS killed thousands of members of my community. I refuse to utter his name."
"Having lived in Northen Virginia my whole life but having spent time in other areas (including now, in Connecticut), calling it just National is not very recognizable for other people. Reagan National (or even just Reagan) seems to be more commonly known outside of the DC area"
"Because I want to call it by its correct name and since I will never call it Reagan, I will call it by its Airport code."
Because I didn't like Reagan or renaming the airport for him.
I call it DCA because that's the FAA designation
Its what I have always called it.
"Old habit, and purposefully not honoring that awful president. "
"I grew up calling it Washington National. My dad flew out of it on business trips. Nowadays, calling it Reagan just gets an eye roll in return. Same with Intercon in Houston. Nobody calls it Bush. "
that's what shows up on my boarding pass!
"I tend to use DCA and National interchangeably, although I use DCA a touch more (which is why I chose it). This sounds childish, but I just don't like to call the place Reagan for political reasons."
I refuse to give Ronald Reagan's memory the satisfaction.
That is what my parents called it. Also it's ridiculous to name an airport (of all things) after Ronald Reagan.
Because Reagan doesn't deserve to have anything named after him.
Fewest syllables
"Reagan is shorter than saying National, and using DCA requires too much thinking!"
"Not entirely sure - it's probably what I first heard when I moved out here. It's quick to say, and everyone in the area will know what you mean. Some will not know DCA, especially if they aren't from/living in the area, so I avoid saying that out of habit."
"I don't like Ronald Reagan, the way he fired the air traffic controllers in 1981, or the way Congress forced the name change on the airport and then refused to even pay for WMATA to change its signs. "
"I don't like when names change, so I still call it National. Also, calling it National is a good signifier to know who is really a DC-area native. No one calls BWI ""Thurgood Marshall."""
He who must not be named.
I used to work for ARC and we always used codes
"Because.... isn't that the actual name of it?
I've never heard DCA... I assume that means DC airport? And if you call it Ronald Reagan, as my friend has before, it can lead to a confusing conversation as to why the president ruined your day.
Reagan National is the clearest title. "
"I refer to most airports by their IATA code. If I didn't call it DCA, I'd call it Reagan."
"I refuse to acknowledge the renaming by Congress. There's more than enough named for him here, and his name should be removed from the airport. I call it National, or DCA if i'm talking to someone not from this area, or booking a flight on the phone. "
"No one should have an airport named after them if they were responsible for laying off roughly 11K air traffic controllers that were striking for better working conditions. I refuse to acknowledge that the name was updated, and I even go so far as to refer to the Washington Hilton as the ""Hinkley Hilton"". Reagan was a horrible president. "
That's what it was called when I moved here in 1986. No reason to call it anything else.
That's the term I heard from people when I moved to the area.
Reagan has enough stuff named after him. He's not getting the damn airport.
National because I'm not calling it two presidents names.
Because it's the easiest one to say - two syllables. Done.
General antipathy toward our country's 40th president.
I call it Reagan National or by it's airpot code DCA.
"I'm split between Reagan and DCA becuase my father is an airline pilot and we have always used airport codes. When I speak with family we use airport codes but everytime I've been in a cab and said that I want to go to the airport, then I'll just say Reagan."
You can probably tell from my survey answers but my parents hated Reagan so we refused to use the new name. :)
"I don't like Reagan, but I love this airport."
"After what Reagan did to the air traffic controllers, there's no way in hell I'm calling it that. Also, he and Bush I did their level best to kill my friends by cutting AIDS funding, so stiff bickies. "
"Because to this day I still cannot wrap my brain around calling the airport ""Reagan"" after the guy who fired the Air Traffic controllers. I work in the travel industry and have never, not once, ever referred to National/DCA as ""Reagan"". I cannot. I suppose there are people in New York who still call JFK Idelwild, too, though. If my view of Reagan, the man, is slightly less harsh as the years pass, DCA will always, to me, be National Airport."
"I had coworkers speak up very strongly and tell me ""It's not Reagan. It's NATIONAL."" This was in 2011 or so. They told me about the air traffic controllers' strike and Reagan's subsequent actions and I read up a bit on them (nothing serious, just Wikipedia). I liked their conviction not to call it Reagan, so I did it too."
Because screw Reagan.
"Because it is already named after Washington, and Ronald Reagan was no friend to the flight industry. It's almost like a fuck you to those who do."
"Because it's the airport in DC, the NATIONAL airport. It's not a memorial. "
Parents grew up in DC and called it National all the time. Name stuck with me.
"Because there was no need to change the name. And I was not a fan of Regean -- and there are other buildings etc. in the area named after him. Why add the cumbersomeness of changing an easy airport name to a long one. BWI is still BWI, even on signs -- though being named for Thurgood Marshall is wonderful, as he doesn't have other major things named after him. But it's still BWI."
Airport code
"Hate the fact that the name was forced down everyone's throats, and that it was named after Reagan while he was still alive. (I also didn't like Reagan, but that's not even the main issue.)"
I've heard it called that before.
"Since we live 50 minutes from each airport (BWI, IAD and DCA) I learned the hard way a few times that it's easy to head towards the wrong one or read a ticket mistakenly. Since ""Dulles"" is what I call IAD in my head ""DCA"" makes more sense as the acronym (Or ""DIA"" or ""DWA"" really...). D, Dulles, DCA... I don't know. L, Los Angeles, LAX. B, Baltimore, BWI. It how's where my brain goes first. Since Ronald Reagan National Airport has no ""D""s in the title it makes it even 'trickier.' (I'm a smart woman, I promise. I can handle an initial quirk. Hah! But you asked so I'm explaining!) RRN or NDC or RNA etc makes more sense to me. IAD and DCA has confused me and my visitors more than once. So to keep it safe the airports are: BWI, Dulles and Reagan. No issue!"
"I have called it Reagan and Reagan National before. I might refer to it as DCA if I flew more, but I don't typically refer to airports by their letter names."
"my parents would call it National. So, naturally, it just stuck with me."
"See above response. You should totally have asked people what they call the park where the drum circle happens on Sunday. I bet you that ""National"" people are also ""Malcolm X"" people. :)"
"Mr. Regan does not deserve to have his name everywhere. Especially as he has a, shall we say, not stellar record with the air traffic industry."
"I refuse to use the name reagan for this airport given my severe loathing of him and his time in office.
Bea Land"
That's just what I've heard it called most by my friends who live in the area.
"50% because I grew up hearing it called National, 50% cause fuck Reagan."
Washington National was named after a perfectly good President before the Congress demanded a name change against the will of local leaders and the public.
"Reagan fired air traffic controllers because they stood up for their rights. Putting his namesake on an airport, of all things, was a deliberate slap in the face to anyone who cares about about labor rights. "
"That's how it's identified when I make flight reservations, so it's just easier to stay consistent. I do refer to it as ""Reagan"" sometimes, though."
"Because it makes my boyfriend mad because he calls it ""National"" because he's from here. Sometimes i call it DCA too. "
"I feel like most of the people I know call it Reagan or National. I will call it both, but call it Reagan more. The ones who call it National are way more likely to have been born locally. "
"I like airplanes and airports, so I'm used to airport codes."
"REpublicans (Bob Barr--dubious political pedigree-- rammed the ""new"" name down the throats of DC area residents as a politcal F-bomb. If we needed to name an airport after that president, it should be from where he came- Santa Barbara or somewhere else in California. Washington National would be named after a president--aka the Nation's first president."
"The airport is, and forever shall be, known as National Airport. I refuse to refer to it by any other name."
Because Ronald Reagan was the worst thing that ever happened to the airline industry and the people who work for it and it is an insult to those people to have named an airport after him.
I call the airport Reagen because that is what I have always heard family members call it. Also when I go on line to book flights it is listed under Ronald Reagen Regional Airport.
"Some people know it as Reagan and some know it as National, so . . . Reagan National and everybody knows what you're talking about "
Easy to say.
"Because ""National"" is elegant and to the point."
"Cause fuck Reagan it's not his airport. Always has been national, always will be!"
Some airports are easier to identify by code. Also it has DC in the code and it helps to remember this airport is the closest to DC.
Because that's it's name :-)
"I used to call it National, but then when I started to fly 5+ times a year I started calling airports by their airport code often so DCA, IAD etc. So I tend to interchange those 2."
"I want to call it National, but Reagan always slips out first."
My parents call it that
I actually flip back and forth between Reagan and DCA
Ronnie Reagan was and continues to be a joke.
That is why my parents always called it.
Peer pressure due to the politics around its renaming.
There is already a federal building in DC named after President Reagan.
"I usually call it Reagan, but I make a very weak effort to call it National, because that seems to be the thing all the cool kids are doing and I want to fit in. "
Because I don't want to call it Reagan
I hate Ronald Reagan.
"The name DCA corresponds most closely to the city it represents ""DC."" Also, I don't agree with Reagan's legacy. "
That's what it's named.
"It was disgusting that they changed it to Reagan while he was still alive. In the one place in the country that never voted for him, besides Minnesota. "
"Because Ronald Reagan had ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the construction or development of NATIONAL Airport, and there was no reason to put his name on it."
It's what I heard it called when I first learned of it.
"I resented the name change when they did it, and still refuse to call it by the new name. I feel strongly that the president honored in the new name did not deserve it. I also feel that airports should not have their name changed. I still call BWI BWI, not Marshall, even thought I approve of that honorary name. I also remember when it was called Friendship, but have reluctantly made the switch to BWI."
That's that the metro stop is called.
"I call it ""DCA"" for clarity and simplicity (I'm an engineer). If I'm not talking about a particular flight and I'm around my wife or her family (who are DC natives), I'll call it ""National"", because they have opinions about this."
That's what I was told what it was called when I moved here.
"I go between calling it National and Reagan, just depends what pops into my head. It's called Reagan national Airport... Why that's so hard for people to rememebr is beyond me! It's also a great airport and easily accessible by metro. "
That's it's name. Isn't it?
It's Washington National Airport. I refuse to partake in the Republican scheme to rename everything after Reagan.
Out of respect for the Air Traffic controllers who lost their job as a result of Reagan's response to their strike. I have always felt naming an airport after him was disrespectful.
"Raygun shd hv been impeached, Iran-Contra he sold arms to the Iran!"
Ronald Regan is not a guy i'm fond of. I'm afraid he'll appear like voldemort...
It was stupid to change its name.
Thats what I hear others call it
"I'm not sure. Sometimes I call it dca if I have recently been searching for a flight, but most of my peers recognize it as Reagan. "
"Liberal family friends in the DC area boycotted the name change to Reagan when it happened and continued to call it National. So when I moved to DC (where I lived from 2009 to earlier this year) I called it National on principle. I also refer to it as DCA sometimes as well, and as Reagan if people really don't understand what I'm talking about."
"I love National Airport! It is a well-designed delight from my point of view as a passenger. Reagan did many things to set this country in the wrong direction. He did not deserve to have this wonderful airport named after him. It should be called Washington National Airport, which is a descriptive name."
"Because Reagan was a bad president and the GOP won't stop naming crap after him until there are as many things as named after Kennedy, because the GOP are angry, spiteful old white men."
Ronald Reagan did not do anything to deserve having something named in his honor.
because it's called National
The airport was named after our first president. Reagan was antagonist towards the air traffic controllers. Naming any airport after him would have been sad; changing the name of this airport was tragic.
"Because Congress overruled the sentiments of the local community when they officially gave it a new name, honoring a president who dismantled the traffic controllers union."
"Tradition, and a dislike for Ronald Reagan."
I call it DCA from my time in the airline industry. Otherwise I call it National Airport.
"Reagan should have been impeached for Iran-Contra, not had an airport named after him. The cynical strategy of getting something in every county in the United States named for this failed president hit its apotheosis with the renaming of National. (Of course, Dulles shouldn't have been named for Dulles, either, but there you go.)"
#%$< reagan x forever!
I grew up calling it national but I think they renamed it? So I've been calling it Reagan for a while now.
I do not like Reagan's administration and will refuse to use his name to identify the airport.
"The airport was named for a perfectly fine president, George Washington (thus the name Washington National Airport). It was a waste of money, which is Ironic because Reagan claimed to be a cost conscious president."
I moved to DC in 2010 and that's what everyone always called it around me!
That's the only name I knew it had.
Because Ronald Reagan was a dick.
"Airport names have become as sprawling as the airports themselves. BWI is now a mouthful ""Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport"" and DCA is ""Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport"" when the shorter ""BWI"" and ""National"" roll off the tongue with greater ease. The former airport has three men's names and the latter has two men's names. It's time we stop this madness."
I really had no idea anyone called it anything else.
"It's a deliberate snub of Reagan, a president I didn't like. That said, not acknowledging that it's called Reagan National is a bit like a conservative calling JFK Airport ""Idlewild."""
My dad works in airlines so we use the codes when we talk about every airport
"I moved here in 1982. I did a lot more traveling back then, learned to called it National, and can't break the habit."
"Because ""National"" is its name, regardless of what any of these young whippersnappers say."
"Can't stand Reagan as a president, won't utter the name. "
I call it National because it feels weird to name an airport after a president that broke the Air Traffic Controllers Union.
"The renaming of National was forced upon the metro region by congressional conservatives....led by Grover a way of giving the finger to liberals. Reagan fans, who claim to believe in letting people in localities decide their own affairs, were gleeful about ramming this down the throats of ALL of the Metro-area governments who loudly protested this."
The name I know/ have heard
Reagan was just rotten to airport workers. Doesn't seem appropriate to name an airport after him.
"I heard my boss say once that she refused to call it Reagan, because she hated him. I'm too young to remember him and actually was in the Philippines when he was president so I'm indifferent... but I liked her resoluteness so I decided to follow suit and only call it National."
"It's straight, to the point, leaves no confusion as to which airport I'm speaking of, and I don't have to mention a certain evil president's name."
"I don't buy into the Reagan deification for many reasons, but the airport renaming was especially offensive, given the air traffic controller issue. The only thing worse would be to rename the Whitman-Walker clinic after Reagan the Overrated."
Because I don't like change.
"It's the shortest name, and the locals called it Reagan when I first started attending college in Crystal City."
"Will never, ever call it Reagan, an airport named after a president that broke the air traffic controllers strike? HA. I also use National interchangeable with DCA. "
Because The Monica Lewinsky National Airport is not yet its official name.
"Because that is its international designation. The Reagan part is ignored by most people. Many do not even know Reagan is part of the name.
"It was ""National"" for many years for me before it ever got the other name. In addition, I never want to speak the ""other name"" because it reminds me of a person who was responsible for many deaths due to his hateful response to HIV"
Because Reagan was broke up the air controllers strike. Naming an airport after him is ridiculous and insulting.
Because it's bullshit to name an airport after the president who fired all the air traffic controllers.
"1. That is the correct name.
2. The whole Ronald Reagan etc. name is too wordy.
3. I do not agree with naming an airport after a president that is already named after a president."
"I think they typically refer to it as Reagan national airport in most news media, specifically radio, so Reagan is just the simple, easy way to refer to this airport."
It's just how I know the ariport.
Because I don't like Reagan. He was the incarnation of evil.
ronald regan washington national airport...
I grew up in Montgomery County and that's just what everyone called it.
That's its name?
The official name was forced on the area against its will by republicans in congress.
Because it's the permanent reference letters. Even if it were renamed to Barack Obama International tomorrow it would likely stay DCA.
"Habit, and the fact that Reagan was AGAINST air traffic controllers in the 1980s.
The last time I heard someone call it Reagan"" my brain heard a name, and then I thought they were heading to the airport far to the west of DC."
"My understanding is that a Republican-led Congress coerced metro to replace all its signage to read ""Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport"" by threatening to pull funding if it didn't. My sense is that Congress and outside conservative groups pressured for this name change against the wishes of DC residents. It doesn't help that the airport is technically in Virginia although as I understand that land once belonged to the District many years ago. I also don't care for many of Ronald Reagan's policies, particularly his legacy as ramping up the war on drugs."
"Washington National Airport was already named after a President, and a pretty great one at that. I don't see why we renamed it after another President."
"It was renamed National to Reagan many years ago, so I call it what it has been renamed. "
"It was always called Washington-National -- one of the names was after the Father of our Country. It was only changed because the Republicans in Congress had Clinton over a barrel when they voted to change it and it was something of a F-U to the largely left of center residents of DC and Northern Virginia. And it was a giant insult to the air traffic controllers who were fired by Reagan, making the skies less safe. It should never have been renamed to begin with, but renaming it after Reagan -- a man who claimed to hate Washington -- was just idiotic."
Because Reagan was a horrible president who for some reason has been deified by the right.
Because I refuse to call it Reagan
"The idea of naming an airport after someone who fired 11,345 air traffic controllers is baffling to me. "
"Because ""Washington National Airport"" is a much better name and I dislike Reagan. The Republicans crammed the ""Ronald Reagan"" part onto the name - they can call it that if they want, but I won't. "
"When I moved to NOVA the first time in 1995 everyone called it National, so that's just what I've always called it. "
Because that's what its called.
"DCA is too technical. I'm not a fan of Reagan's politics, but he's got a great sounding name."
Because that's its name!
"It will always be ""National"""
"I don't use the ""R-Word."""
"Because I am a giant poopyface.....
..........How the hell should I know why I call it that?"
"Grew up that way -- though I only have a slight preference for 'National.' I call it 'Reagan' a fair amount as well (probably 66% National, 33% Reagan). I find myself using 'Reagan' more when talking with people who aren't from the area. "
"Washington National Airport was already named after a President, and a pretty great one at that. I don't see a good reason for renaming it."
"The people I worked with when I moved here were Republicans. So I just started calling it what they did not knowing any better. After 5 years here, I'm trying really hard to remember to call it National. "
Because I refuse to acknowledge the b.s. name foisted upon DC by GOP lawmakers from other states.
I mostly call it Reagan but somtimes I call it National. To me they are almost interchangeable
"When I was younger I leaned more to the right politically, and called it 'Reagan' as a matter of principle. At this point I've heard people use both names, and I'm less committed to the ""conservative"" one, so my own usage has become mixed."
"Because National is the real name, and calling it Ronald Reagan is a silly and they shouldn't have made the change. "
"Because the name is elegant and reflects its connection to the Capital City. The ""other"" name is too politicized for an airport whose name should represent all, not the partisan flavor of the day."
Seems what people call it
"I also use DCA. But I do not refer to it by a person's name due to a frustration with the large number of facilities being named after that person that did not deserve that level of recognition. However, I will admit that habit also mean I still call BWI ""BWI"" and not ""BWI Marshall"" even though I feel that person does deserve the honor. "
Because I didn't like the president it is named after.
"I used to call it Reagan before I lived here. Once I moved down to DC in 2009, I realized none of the locals called it Reagan, so I started to refer to it as National. Also, my party affiliation might have something to do with his, however, I wouldn't be referring to the airport as National if there weren't other locals doing so."
It's what I hear most frequently so I say it.
"The airport name was well established before Congress butted into local affairs to change it. The metro stop also bore the airports real name for a long time. Reagan was a criminal President, one of our worst. I begrudgingly call the building downtown by his name, but will not call the airport after him. "
I call it National out of habit. It was National Airport for many years.
Reagan fired PATCO but gets an airport? Irony not lost.....
"For some reason, I tend to think of airports in their three letter code names. Not sure why, but in my head when I think of Dulles I call it IAD. Same goes for most airports. When I talk to my wife about which airport to fly out of I call it DCA, but with people flying in from out of town, I ask them to also check flights to ""Reagan National"". Not sure why that code switch happens."
"I call it ""National"" because it has always been ""National""."
"because we should have a national airport, and we do/did. And I don't like Reagan - plus he's already got a building downtown."
"Reagan fired 11,000 air traffic controllers in a single day, worsening flight safety for 10 years; naming an airport after him is a joke."
"I don't own a car, so I take Uber to the airport. I've had Uber drivers before who didn't speak English very well, and I have this phobia that they'll accidentally drive me to Dulles, so in trying to be clear where I want to go I usually panic and use all of the possible names in a word salad - ""DCA Ronald Reagan Washington National DCA airport."" But I think of it as DCA."
I don't speak of overrated presidents.
"My parents and grandparents grew up in Arlington and refuse to call it anything but National. I didn't even know it had ""Reagan"" in the official name until I went to college up here and flew in by myself."
"Because Reagan is stupid. (I didn't live here before '98, but my dad did, so I always knew it as National. And I lived in Fredericksburg in '97-2000.)"
"I can't imagine using the ""R"" word to describe National Airport until and unless I've had a full frontal lobotomy, and possibly not even then."
I thought that's its official name.
"You have to be kidding. It was already named after our Founding President George Washington. Ronnie Reagan isn't GW material. Total insult to Washington by GOP types pandering to Grover Norquist. I'd say the same thing regarding Obama, etc..."
Because I refuse to call an airport after the union-busting former President Reagan.
There's only one airport in the area with the name Reagan. People know what you're talking about
"I call it DCA, regan national, but national the most "
"I would never disrespect the airport that is geographically the closest to our national institutions by naming it after the man who was responsible for incredible economic destruction and extremes that continue to inhibit us today decades later, let alone let thousands of people die or get infected by HIV/AIDS before taking action because of his own lack of moral compass, leadership, and unconscionable bigotry."
"Because there are multiple airports in the region, I call it DCA because calling it by it's code makes sense. Plus, I wouldn't call it National cause that's stupid, and won't call it Reagan cause that unpatriotic. "
To avoid calling it Reagan.
"It's the older, shorter, and more neutral name. It's just easier to call it National."
I refuse to call it Reagan.
I was upset that they renamed National airport. Reagan has his name on enough buildings and I wasn't a fan of his presidency.
"""Reagan"" is a horrible slap in the face to air traffic controllers. I'm old enough to remember the labor dispute."
Renaming local stuff to score political points is silly. Has nothing to due with my feelings about Reagan.
"I typically call the airport ""National"", or else it's more formal/traditional name: ""Washington National"" named after a city that was *already* named for a U.S. president!"
Because it's the airport's code when searching for flights.
The airport should not have been named after Ronald Reagan.
I flew into National many times before a bunch of numbnuts decided to honor their spiritual leader with a poorly sculptured monument in the middle of a medium that makes it looks like he has down syndrome and an affinity for birdies.
I don't like Pres. Reagan.
That's the name of the name of the metro stop
"Because it is ridiculous that they named an airport for Ronald Reagan after the air traffic controllers' strike and what he did, and also because National is a better name for it. Alternatively I sometimes call it (or type) DCA for shorthand. Never Reagan. "
Air traffic controllers
"I think it is easier. Most of my professional interactions are with non-US born young professionals and they might not be familiar with airport codes or identify which airport they correspond to, especially if they come to DC for a short-term. Also, ""national"" alone means nothing if they are not locals or lived in the area before. For some reason ""Reagan"" alone worked most of the time and I ended up adopting it in my regular conversations. Never say ""Ronald Reagan"" because it's too long. My second best option is ""the airport on the yellow line""."
I can't stand Ronald Reagan but don't want to be a dick about it like the people who still refer to JFK as Idlewild.
I call it b National because that was the original name. I otherwise refer to it as DCA.
It's what my parents (who moved from Michigan in the early 80s) called it.
Its the original and most commonly used name
"It should be called Marion Berry! Ronald Reagan did not care a whit for the people of the District, ever. Why should they do the same?"
I have nothing but utter contempt for Ronald Reagan and the damage he caused this country. To call the airport anything but National would be to acknowledge him.
To avoid confusion between both names
Because that is the legitimate name. There is absolutely no reason to acknowledge a has been actor turned reactionary politician.
"Even though I am a big fan of President Reagan, it will never be anything except National to me."
"I grew up calling it that. I sometimes use Reagan or DCA, depending who I'm talking to, but my default is National."
"I've always called it Reagan in personal use, because I just thought that's what everyone called it. But I work for a research company and I call it National to our interviewing staff stationed there and DCA to clients. Similarly, I occasionally call Dulles IAD."
I would still call it National but after years of working the shuttle from NYC I settled of DCA
I'm a Reagan hayta
"I think I recall when it was renamed Reagan National, and have gone back and forth between that and just ""National."""
My wife grew up in DC and has always called it National; I picked it up from her.
"When I moved to DC last January I mistakenly called the DC-area airport which is not Dulles or BWI ""Reagan,"" and my new Craigslist roommates (both of whom went to American and had at that point lived in DC for five years) gasped in shock. ""Are you a Republican?"" they asked. ""Are you kidding?"" I replied. ""Then call it National. Or DCA. But really, National. Never, ever, call it Reagan.""
And that's that. I've called it National ever since. "
I used to call it Reagan but it made me uncomfortable. I don't think you should speak the names of the evil undead. Like V--demort.
"It's the most memorable? ""National"" sounds like it could be anything. ""Ronald Reagan"" is a person. ""Reagan National"" is too long. I don't know if other people would understand me if I said ""DCA."" And anyway, ""Reagan"" is how the airport was first referenced to me, so it's what I think of it as."
"DCA clearly delineates that you're not talking about either BWI or Dulles to anybody in town, regardless of how long they've been a resident."
It was the original name. I also don't support the Repugs slapping Reagan's name on everything.
"I was appalled when they named it after Reagan and will never call it that. I sometimes call if National and sometimes DCA, but multiple answers wasn't an option so I chose National, which I probably use more often."
Because I refuse to call it Reagan. The man who fired all the traffic controllers? Really? An airport? In Virginia? Bah!
"Because of Reagan's idiotic actions against the air traffic controllers, I will never call it Reagan. It is and always will be Washington National Airport."
Because I refuse to call it Reagan
"It is still concerns me that National Airport was renamed after a president who had only left office nine years prior and was still alive. There was no perspective on the impact of his presidency or how he would be remembered. In addition, it seems disrespectful to name a landmark after a conservative figure in a very liberal region which never voted for the man."
Because War Criminal Memorial Airport takes too long to say.
"the signs on the metro say ""Ronald Reagan ... Airport"", but it's easier to just say ""Reagan"" "
Because that's what it is called.
"I just can't call it ""Reagan."""
"When I book my flights, it's just easiest to think of them as BWI, DCA, and Dulles (never IAD, for some reason), so in conversation I find myself also saying BWI, DCA, and Dulles. I used to call it Reagan sometimes, but I now know the political reasons for not calling it Reagan (firing the air traffic controllers), so if I don't call it DCA, I'm trying to train myself to call it National. But mostly I call it DCA."
"That is what I grew up knowing it as, and especially since moving here. For me it is how I differentiate between the two local DC airports, BWI seems more like Baltimore than DC in my opinion."
"Because I'm a Democrat & it was National Airport when I moved here & I can't bear to call it the new name. I also may have fantasies of the new statue being toppled like that statue of Saddam every time I drive in. The name change was bad enough but the statue Is unbearable. Yes, I realize this is a somewhat ridiculous reaction. "
Naming it after a President who regularly supported policies that harmed the District's residents is offensive.
That's what I have always known it to be.
I do not wish to honor him.
"I didn't like the name change initially, but noticed myself calling it Reagan after awhile. "
"Cause Reagan is awesome & screw the air traffic controllers union.
Also, I probably fly out of all 3 airports equally - just depends on what is most convenient for each trip I'm taking. I hate BWI, but if I've got a quick direct out of there, that's easier than a connection via Reagan."
"It is usually Reagan, unless I'm using airport codes through the whole conversation (ie, my flight is DCA-LAX), but I might tell someone that ""I'm flying out of Reagan this week."""
Because that's the shortened version of its name.
"It's appalling that after the last big federal building downtown was named after Reagan the airport was renamed as well, particularly given his history with the air traffic controllers. I will NEVER use the full, official name."
"Because it's the original name, and to rename it in honour of someone who fired air traffic controllers is political nonsense and insulting"
"When I first moved to the DC area, I lived in PG County, MD. My closest airport was BWI. Everyone referred to that airport as such. So, when I moved to Alexandria, I continued to refer to my closest airport by its code, DCA."
"Because I firmly believe that public spaces/buildings/ships, etc. should not be named for someone still living."
"It has the smallest number of syllables and I avoid a lot of polysyllabic terminology (like ""polysyllabic terminology""). "
"1. The old days
2. Didn't like Reagan and hats that they named the airport after him"
That's its name :-)
"Because it is ridiculous to name an airport after someone who broke the air traffic controllers strike. Whether you agree with the strike or not, it is just ridiculous to then name the AIRPORT after the guy. Name a park."
It's short and easy to remember.
That's just what it's called.
I've always known it by that name. I'm sure my parents passed it along to me. They raised me in DC.
what my dad (someone who worked in DC all his post college life and flew out of that airport often) called it while I was growing up
DC penchant for acronyms.
Because I despise Ronald Reagan and all that he stood for. I will not in any way contribute to the deification of this horrible man.
"It has always been National Airport, just like Costco is Price Club. "
Because fuck Ronald Reagan... excuse my French. He can trickle down my ass... sorry again.
"my brain is often a bit foggy. I say whatever comes to mind first, or whatever I think will make the most sense to the person to whom I am speaking."
That's what I've always heard it called by others.
"Because naming an airport after Reagan, who broke the PATCO strike, was and is an insult."
Because Ronald Reagan has nothing positive to do with the airport. The name was imposed on the airport unilaterally by Republicans.
Trying to find middle ground so everyone knows what airport I'm talking about.
"One, it was always named after a president and doesn't need two president's names attached to it.
Two, the second president set back this country by decades and doesn't deserve to have anything named after him."
I actually call it Reagan or DCA. Reagan is what I say locally. When I talk with folks from other states I say DCA. No real reason. Reagan just seems like what I hear a lot when I'm at home.
"Grew up calling in National, hate the deification of Reagan, especially insulting to have airports and epa building named after him the way he went after the environment and air traffic controllers."
I call that OTHER other airport National.
"Most people I know call it Reagan. But I've been told that Democrats call it National and Republicans call it Reagan. I try to remember to call it National, but I guess I was just taught that it's Reagan. Sorry, dems."
"When I moved to DC at 18, I started dating a local. He called it National, so I followed suit. At the time, I didn't know the names of any of DC's airports (I traveled by car or train)."
It was National Airport when I was using it a lot as a lobbyist in the 1980s. Name just stuck.
"The name changed when I was a kid, and my parents enforced a rule in our house that we never refer to the airport by the name ""Reagan"" because of the way he treated air traffic controllers in the 1980s. "
"I've always thought that in DC, it's polite to call it simply ""National,"" since you don't know what someone's political affiliations are."
Because that's it's name!
"It's National. I don't call BWI Thurgood Marshall, either.
Because Ronald Reagan was instrumental in systematically destroying the air traffic controllers and it's horrible irony to name an airport after him.
Have you seen Bedtime for Bonzo? Thats why.
"When I'm talking, I call it Reagan. If typing, probably DCA (I refer to many airports by their codes via email... frequent traveler!)."
"My parents are raging liberals, so I call it Reagan to mess with them. Since I grew up here, I'm used to National."
"For many years I called it ""National"" because my mom did. She grew up in DC. During my college days, I referred to it as ""Reagan."" But damned if my liberal arts college didn't change me enough to eschew calling it after He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named. Now, DCA seems the easiest and least politically-laden name. Plus, as an expat, my foreign (and well-traveled) friends understand that moniker the most. Win-win."
"air traffic controllers strike at DCA, and we name the airport after the guy who dismantled unions, helped implement the deregulation of the airline industry, and nearly ran our economy into the ground? Really?"
Not sure why.
It's the original name I've always called it.
Because that's its name.
National or DCA.
Washington National Airport is already named after a president....George Washington.
"I grew up hearing my parents refer to it as Reagan, or National, on and off, and stuck with Reagan for some reason. "
"It's what my Expedia ticket says in big bold letters, much like BWI. So. "
Because that is what someone else told me it was called.
I call it both DCA and Reagan with equal frequency.
"to paraphrase Jim Moran, at the time of the name change, ""gag me with a spoon, the airport is already named after a president!"""
It's always been National to me. In the same way they added Thurgood Marshall's name to BWI airport the only time it's called BWI Marshall is on the weather report on TV. Everyone else calls it BWI. Same for National. I'll sometimes call it DCA but I never call it Reagan.
"Rebranding name changes don't register. See...Montgomery Mall, MCI Center. BTW, Washington DC isn't a state. :)"
Because I don't think we should name anything after Ronald Reagan...
"In support of the fired Air Traffic Controllers. A former union president (Reagan) became a ""union buster."" Somehow I'm happy to say ""BWI Marshall"" in honor of Maryland born civil rights attorney and Supreme Court Justice. Reagan--not so much."
"because that's the airport code.
Truth be told, I use Regan, Regan National, and DCA all equally."
"I usually call it National, but sometimes DCA. Never Reagan, I'm not a tourist."
"I sometimes call it DCA. It's naturally been ""National"" to me since the time I was growing up. "
"Usually I call it Washington National, but sometimes I call it National... because that's what I thought it was called. :) My parents live in NoVa currently."
"It's always been National to me. DCA is fine. I wasn't thrilled when they added Reagan and studiously avoided it for years, but all the Reagan stuff bothers me less now that he's dead than it did while he was still living."
"He's just one more dead white murderous president from the history books to me. Also, I live maybe half a mile from it."
"I am all in favor of renaming things to honor people, however, I find it very rude and disrespectful to name something after someone, and then come back and rename it after someone else. Washington National Airport was already named after someone - President George Washington, and I think it was disrespectful to strip his name off the airport and rename it for another president. There are plenty of airports with just generic names that could have been renamed in President Reagan's honor, so I don't understand why we had to change the name of one that already had a presidents name attached to it. "
"Two reasons:
1. Everyone I knew when I moved to DC called it National, including the airlines and airport staff.
2. The man who ruined social economics and is the direct reason we have so many homeless on the streets of DC, should not be honored in this way. Ever. "
That's what I've always called it.
Because I grew up calling it that.
I won't call it Reagan
"This airport had not been named after Ronald Reagan when I was growing up. Also, not being the biggest fan of Ronald Reagan, I never really felt the need to change what I had been calling this airport since I can remember."
"I sometimes call it DCA now that I have to use booking codes online, but it's usually Reagan. I'm confused when people say just National"
because that is what its called.
"it's just National Airport. always has been.
sidenote: Reagan was a racist homophobic asshole that should have nothing named in his honor. (see also, The War on Drugs, and Silence = Death)"
"I only use DCA when looking for flights. When talking to friends, I say that I'm flying out of National. I try never to say Reagan in a sentence."
It avoids any arguments about National Vs Regan. Neither party can claim it isn't DCA tho.
"The locals I fell in with call it National and it's always stuck! If they change Union Station's name, I'll probably still keep calling it ""Union Station."""
I do call it Reagan sometimes. But DCA is shorter. Also use airport codes as shorthand for some cities so maybe it's just a habit.
"So as not to call it by the imposed name of Reagan, who is not a figured cherished by DC. Washington National was the perfect name."
"I refer to all airports by IATA code. But when I don't, it's ""National."""
"It has the fewest syllables and I avoid using polysyllabic terminology (like ""polysyllabic terminology"")."
I moved to DC about 2 years ago and that's what my friends and peers called it.
Why would you name an airport after a President who fired air traffic controllers?
It seems antithetical to name government buildings after a President who didn't believe in government.
"It's always been National, and I resent it being changed to honor a president I do not respect."
I don't memorize airport codes because I'm not a terrorist and Reagan has the fewest number of syllables.
"Because I am hardheaded. Yes, I switched to calling the Verizon Center the Verizon Center, but I still mess up sometimes and call it the MCI center. No one likes change. "
Ease of use.
It's the short version of the full name.
"Reagan and Dulles, the best nicknames are short and distinguishable."
Because democrats call it National.
"I've always heard it referred to as Reagan or DCA, similar to how Dulles is...well, Dulles or IAD."
Usually DCA. Often I call it National. Never Reagan.
"My only problem with National Airport renamed for Ronald Reagan is he had NO positive impact on that airport in any way. Politics aside. if you are going to rename things such as an Airport it should honor someone local who had a positive impact on society.
Firing air traffic controllers is NOT a positive impact. And it would have made better sense if an airport in Ronald Reagan's home town or state (Illinois) gave him that sort of ""honor"". And it doesn't have to be a big or busy airport. Here in Georgia we have a Jimmy Carter Regional Airport in Americus GA, which is very close to his hometown of Plains.
At least the George Bush Houston Intercontinental Airport was built while George Bush was the local congressman who has some involvement in that airport being built in the 1960s. Reagan had nothing to do with National Airport.
And I'd say the same about JFK as he wasn't from New York. But Boston's (General Edward Lawrence) Logan Airport was already established. And having lived between LaGuardia and JFK I heard very few people call it Idlewild and most of those have died off now of old age."
Because Reagan is the worst!!!!
"Before my union friends educated me, I simply called it Reagan. Now I stick to National or DCA.
Sometimes with cabs I'll say ""Reagan National"" because I'm not sure they know just ""National."" But in casual conversation, I keep it to ""National"" or ""DCA."""
Would prefer not to have another giant structure named after Reagan- I already work in the RRB!
My father was an air traffic controller in the 1980's.
Because the name is just one more example of Congressional republicans giving residents of the District the finger.
I am not sure
Because that's what it's called.
"I most frequently call the airport DCA, but I've probably called it all of the options listed at one point or another (except for calling it Ronald Reagan; I've never called it Ronald Reagan)."
That's what my parents always called it I guess. They are also Locals (both born in 1961) if that means anything.
"It was named after a president we didn't need to add another.
Because that's what my sister calls it and she lives next door to it.
A past republican congress changed the Airports name Regan National
"Because that is what I hear when I land in a shortened form.
In correspondence with locals, I'll simply call it DCA."
Short and sweet.
"I have no problem with Reagan as a president, just prefer airports to have non-political names. That said, who was Dulles anyway? Also - prefer ""Triboro"" over ""RFK bridge"" - not changing on that either. "
Because I didn't agree with the name change. I also still call Chicago's tallest building the Sears Tower.
Fuck Ronald Reagan.
Call it DCA and Reagan both pretty regularly but Reagan was the first thing that came to mind before reading the choices
Because I'm not a Ronald Reagan fan
"Reagan was an awful president and person, and should not be rewarded with an airport, or a hot bucket of spit"
Because that's it's name -- it's right on the sign!
"Because it ticks off the liberal elite such as those who would rig a poll by splitting ""Reagan"" into three choices to dilute the statistics and make something else come out on top. Do a roll-up of all the three of those choices when you finish your unscientific poll. Shame on The Washington Post."
I call it either National or DCA mostly because that's what my parents called it.
"My dad flew frequently to D.C. for work when I was a kid. He always calls it Reagan, so I adopted the usage from him, I think."
"Never supported R. Reagan, he was an actor"
"It's what I see online when I am booking flights through the Internet, so it is what sticks to my mind!"
Because that's what it's called.
I'm not a fan of Reagan.
"Ronald Reagan ignored the AIDS crisis for years. That kind of behavior is inexcusable. Also, his statement that ""government is not the solution; government is the problem"" is what created our current intractable political situation. "
its the shortest way to identify the airport without saying DCA and it sounds better
"I have lived in the DC area my whole life. It was National my whole life. And then they had to go and change the name! And they changed it to THAT. Like the building downtown wasn't enough? He wasn't even DEAD when they changed it. And WMATA had to spend a zillion dollars to update the signs, remember that? Mainly I feel like DC is a city of transients and newcomers, and I can tell who's a local and/or liberal by who calls it National. Transplants and conservatives call it the other thing. It will always be National to me."
Because that's its name
"not a fan of Ronny. and it truly is a ""national"" ap located in our nation's capital."
"I call it Regan as calling it Ronald is weird and no one associates it as well compared to calling it Regan. All other shortening just does not roll off the tongue well either. I guess, this is how I heard it and I have stuck with it ever since."
"Because that was it's name when I flew to and from it as a kid. I actually alternate between National and DCA about equally. I found the renaming of it to be silly, especially considering that President Reagan was still alive at the time and since it was only 10 years since he had been president."
"Because that was its name when I began to refer to it and I disagreed strongly with the decision to rename it. Also, I don't like saying Reagan all the time."
That's what my parents called it.
That's the airport code that is used in booking sites. It has stuck with me through those searches.
"I actually will call it National or Reagan more often than any other, though I'll also say DCA from time to time. I started off calling it Reagan because I'd never been to DC before moving here, so ""Reagan National Airport"" shortened to ""Reagan"" because two syllables works better for me than three (""National""/""DCA""). Most people around here tend to call it National, so it's been easier to gravitate toward that lately."
That's what it was called when I moved here in 1997.
Born at Georgetown and lived within 6 miles of the airport all my life.
National gets across that it's the airport for the capital city.
"as it has always been was called that way, at least after I came to the States in 1986, and before it was changed to Reagan National... "
I refuse to call it Reagan.
Because the other name (not to mentioned in this text) is not one I care to use. It leaves a bad taste to say it (or hear it said)--or see it in print.
Reagan's policies and ideology hurt too many people for me to regularly use his name.
Starting to call it national more (think that's what most people here call it) but it goes against what seems like a lifetime of me calling it Reagan
That's what I've always heard it called growing up.
"Because it's still National airport, no matter who's name they attached to it. I will admit I was annoyed when they changed the name to a president I did not believe in. However, I also don't go around referring to the ""other"" VA airport as John Foster Dulles and I don't call BWI anything other than BWI. So I would say that my calling it National still is mostly out of a lifelong habit (I have flown quite a bit out of that airport) . But there is a little partisanship behind it too. I will NEVER refer to it as Reagan National!"
"Reagan's lack of support for HIV/AIDS research/funding, supporting gay men's healthcare."
That's what everyone around me in NoVa calls it.
It's what my family called it.
Because a President who ignored a national health crisis because it was only killing gay people is not a leader I want to honor.
"National is what it was called when I was a kid, I don't think it anyone who grew up in the DC area (who's parents are also local) ever calls it Reagan --it makes you sound like a n00b."
I'm offended that it was named Regan
Reagan was no friend to the District.
My parents always called it Reagan
It is a complete slap in the face to residents in our nation's capitol to name an airport after a president that openly despised DC and worked to break up the air traffic controller's union labor dispute. Shame on the Gingrich Republicans that defaced this wonderful aiport by renaming it for that jerk.
I have just always known it as Reagan. But I constantly confuse IAD and DCA abbreviations.
"Distinct three-letter code, equivalent to IAD."
Fuck Ronald Reagan
"I most often call it DCA (and in fact my iPhone knows it well enough to automatically put it in all-caps), but I occasionally call it National. "
I heard it called National Airport after moving to Virginia when I was a kid and it stuck.
Not a Reagan fan plus the irony of naming it after him.
I am NOT a fan of Ronald Reagan.
Its the call letters used in making reservations. Its short. Its not Ron Reagan.
I call it National because that's what my parents who grew up in Silver Spring and Rockville knew it as.
"Because the president who its now named for refused to utter the word ""Aids"", I refuse to itter his name."
"The airport was named during the time when everything was being named after Reagan long before history had a chance to analyze his Presidency. Don't get me wrong there were some high points but this was pure politics, plain and simple. "
"It is a slap in the face to the workers at National Airport to have put Reagans name on the airport. And the fact that his statue stands in front of the old terminal, the same terminal as a child that I walked the picket line with the air traffic controllers is ridiculous. This is the Nations Capital. National airport is the appropriate name!"
"Because that's the name. It wasn't named that other name in the beginning, why change it now? Ya feel me"
My parents raised me not to refer to it by the name of that president. We don't want to give him any credit and are upset that the airport name was changed.
"I grew up in Calvert County and we always flew out of Dulles (international) and BWI (national). When my husband and I moved to PG in 2004 he began travelling for work. He began using Reagan, and called it Reagan, so I seem to call it Reagan (or DCA... or National... but mostly Reagan). "
I grew up calling it National so in my mind that is what it will always be.
"That's its name, duh."
That is what it was called when I lived in the DC area (mid90s)
"I never used it until after it was re-named to Reagan so maybe that's why...or maybe it's because I'm a child of the 80s and as a kid, I liked Reagan because he was the President. Now I hate him, and I wish they would rename it. How about Pocahontas National Airport?
"It's not Reagan National, it's National. Just like BWI is BWI, not BWI Thurgood Marshall. There's nothing partisan about this, people are just creatures of habit."
"I don't think the ""national"" airport should be diluted with any name, certainly not a polarizing one like Reagan. I also don't like the partisan rush to name tons of things after Reagan in particular. "
The spate of renaming by republicans of everything in sight was disgusting.
Reagan is an embarrassment to American politics and history.
"A National airport should be representative of the nation, not a political figure that represents one party."
"I grew up hearing it called National. As an adult I learned the airport code, DCA, and sometimes call it that. Also Reagan was a lousy president, and doesn't deserve an airport named after him."
"It's what I've always called it. I sometimes call it DCA. It was named for Reagan when he was still alive, which I did not think was proper. Plus I'm a true blue Dem."
Cause i'm old school. Also Reagan was an idiot.
"I remember it mostly being called Washington National, then it became Reagan and there was no way in hell I was going to call it that."
"It's the airport code. I traveled a lot in graduate school (75,000+ miles/year), so I called all my airports by code: SBN, DTW, BNA, ATL, DCA, BWI, SFO, DEN, etc. Now that I've lived in DC for a couple years, and I fly less, I sometimes catch myself calling it ""National."""
It's already named for President George Washington. A second president in the name was both unnecessary and served to dishonor our nation's first president.
I thought that was the name of the airport.
"That's what the metro system calls it. Also, I think my Dad hates Reagan enough for two of us. "
"I book a lot of travel for work, so I tend to refer to airports by their airport code, rather than the colloquial name."
"I am not a Reagan fan and given that he nationalized air traffic controllers to thwart their attempt negotiate for better working conditions, I don't like using his name to refer to an airport. "
I work in the aviation industry and most of my peers refer to it as Reagan or Washington Reagan.
I'm a Democrat. Reagan=ugh.
"I call it National or DCA, interchangeably. "
"because that's what i called it ['National'] growing up. and, ok, the fact that Ronald Reagan is not my favorite person further contributes."
"I know it as Reagan National, so I call it Reagan for short. "
Republicans naming spree of everything after Reagan was overboard.
The guy who broke the FAA in the 1980s shouldn't have an airport named after him.
... because that's what it's called ...
"I disliked Reagan as a President, and I think that we shouldn't name an airport after the man who smashed the air traffic controllers' union."
I hate Ronald Reagan. It's as simple as that.
"Covers more bases, creates less confusion."
Trolling for readership demographics? This is low even by WP standards.
I called it DCA because I refer to most airports by their code... because I'm a travel nerd.
"I think my parents call it that, so I do, too -- ""we're flying out of Reagan"" or ""we have to go down to pick them up from Reagan""."
Online booking calls it that.
Because that's what it's always ben called.
"Because saying both ""Reagan"" and ""National"" is bipartisan and covers all my bases."
"I called it Reagan when I first moved here in 2002, and then a DC native told me that it will always be National to her. So now I split the baby."
I don't want to give the Reagan memory any more attention. He destroyed our nation.
Reagan shut down the TSA union; why name an airport after him?
It has been and always will be national airport to me. Who likes Reagan anyway?
"There's just an unease for me about naming an airport after a President who fired 11,000 striking air traffic controllers."
"Because I can never remember which one is which, and the 3-letter codes are the least ambiguous thing to enter in online searches."
"I have always heard it called just ""National"" in casual conversation, ""Reagan National"" when someone is trying to be very clear or formal about it. I have only been in the airport a few times though, since as a child my family preferred to fly in and out of Dulles Airport."
I refuse to call the airport by the name of the man who fired all of the air traffic controllers in a labor dispute.
They can't name everything after Reagan!
Reagan cut funding for air traffic controllers-- why was the airport named after him?
that's what it was called the first time i lived here and it just stuck.
"Because I book a lot of travel there, so I use the airport code."
That's what I've always heard it called.
"Politics aside, Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport is a really cumbersome name. "
"It's really originally Washington Nartional, and that honors our first president."
Fuck Reagan.
"Reagan's mismanagement of the Patco strike directly lead to the Air Florida crash that killed 78 people. Naming the airport after the chief architect of that disaster was callous and completely tactless. We don't name bus depots after the DC Sniper, so why would we name an airport after the man who let 78 people die rather than negotiate with the people responsible for the safety of America's airways?"
"It was called Washington National Airport then I heard they wanted to ""name it after a president"" and started calling in Regan National Airport. It WAS named after a president!!! WASHINGTON! "
Reagan was too anti-labor and pro wealthy. He created this top ten control the wealth mess we're in now. I won't call the airport by his name.
"Formally, I hear it often as Reagan National, but that's a mouthful when talking about an airport, so I've always called it Reagan. Most people in my peer group also call it Reagan, so we've likely all influenced each other to call it that."
"When a cab driver asks me... I call it National, then I call it Reagan, then I call it DCA. And if they still have no clue, I get out of the car."
Hate Reagan
"It's a great name, the region should proudly embrace it. "
Short & to the point. The full name is just too long.
No way am I calling the airport Reagan! I correct anyone who says that to just call it National or DCA.
"When I was growing up my grandparents lived in Arlington and we flew out to visit them a lot before Reagan was added to the name. So, National just stuck with me."
"Airport codes are a bit more precise, esp. because so many a far enough away as to barely be in the geographic region at all. Dulles is a good hour from my house on a good day. It barely qualifies as Washington."
Most identifiable as Reagan. Second place definitely goes to DCA.
This is what the airport has been referred to by my peers and when people talk about it online.
A guy who fired air traffic controllers shouldn't get a airport named after him.
"Quickest, understood by cabbies, and avoids the naming controversy."
"Shorter version of ""Reagan National."""
"It's either Reagan National or DCA, depending on who I am speaking to.
I have a friend who is an air traffic controller.
"Reagan is the first word in its name. I moved to DC in 2004, so I didn't have a history or calling it anything else."
"Because Ronald Reagan was an asshole and a terrible President, and I refuse to call National Airport by any other name than its name, National Airport. Slapping Reagan's name on the airport was a slap in the face to labor, and to NoVA. "
"I grew up knowing it as National, and I prefer that name."
I refuse to call it Reagan. It'll always be National or DCA to me!
"Ronald Reagan has more than his share of places named after him. Enough is enough. He got rid of the traffic controllers union, etc "
Not a fan of Reagan
"Growing up, it was DC-National... and in all my trips to DC, it has always been DC-National or DCA."
Because fuck a Ronald Reagan. The man who broke PATCO has no right to have a major airport named for himself.
I cannot in good conscience call it Reagan National because of his actions during the air traffic controller strike.
"It sounds right to me. I've heard it referred as Regan and National separately, and combined.
Great survey. I live in Colorado now but fly through BWI often to see family. Still keep up with Wash. Post and I look forward to the results (I still don't know what to call the said airport)."
"Fist off... Fix your states options. Im from Puerto Rico and even though that is not a state it still part of the US. Guess what else is not a state? DC!
Its called National or Reagan... everyone knows this. "
"I actually use Reagan, National and DCA interchangeably. "
"You're not going to say Ronald Reagan, so you just call it Reagan and everybody knows what you are talking about."
Reagan or Reagan National
"It's always just been National Airport. No need to lengthen what I call it, no matter whose name they decide to tack on."
"Too many things named Reagan in DC. And as the president who destroyed the economy for years after, he doesn't deserve having National include his name. "
I don't like calling it after a Republican president. AND I also grew up calling it National.
"Close friends and family in the metro DC area always referred to National as National when I moved to the area at the age of 18. When I asked why they dropped the Reagan, they explained the farce of naming an Airport after a president who fired over 11,000 controllers and banned the the FAA from ever hiring them again. I agreed. National it is. "
Felt as though the re-christening of National was crammed politically down our collective throats.
Grew up calling it National [also think it's a bit strange to name an airport after the president who fired striking air traffic controllers]
"Beside the fact that I grew up calling it National or DCA, the fly-by-night way the GOP re-named it before Reagan was even dead was bothersome. That time period they were slapping his name on anything that wouldn't move. Had they succeeded re-naming 16th St NW, I think I would have had a postal-moment!"
I don't understand why we idolize RR.
I have no idea why I call it DCA. All of my friends call it Reagan to the point that when I mention I'm flying out of DCA at least one person will ask which airport that is.
I call it DCA because of the label system used by all airports.
"1. That's what it was for my entire childhood.
2. I find it silly to name an airport for the president who presided over the largest air-traffic control strike in US history."
"that is its name - or the shorthand for its name. sometimes I say Reagan National, but mostly just Reagan. I fly out of whatever airport is the cheapest. you made me put in a value for that question but I wouldnt consider it valid."
"Because it was ""re-named"" by a congress that was naming everything after a senile president. Further, it was first named after President George Washington, thus became the National airport. "
Tradition. Was never a fan of the name change.
"Because I refuse to acknowledge that the airport was named for a treasonous tyrant, due to the efforts of treasonous tyrants."
"It will ALWAYS be Washington National Airport!
Never, ever, ever the name forced on the airport/MWAA/DC area residents by Congressional interference in local affairs!
It is already named after a former (dead) president. I'll happily supply the rotten eggs to anyone willing to hurl them at St. Ronnie's statue!
I work in the industry and that is what it is listed as in forecasting data searches.
National Airport because that is its name. This is a silly article....
"I object to calling it by the name of a man who I think did more harm than good for the country, and who was not primarily responsible for some of the good things that he is credited with. "
that's its name?
"DCA- I am a gallaudet university student in the heart of DC. The university is 15-20 minutes away from the airport I use. Because of the close proximity to the airport, I feel that it is still in dc and combining DC with airport gives us DCA! "
"That's what I've always heard it called, though I've never been there."
Because the renaming for Ronald Reagan was a ridiculous act of political theater that went against local wishes And was. Completely unnecessary since he already had a huuuuge federal building in DC named for him.
I've always considered it our national airport; perhaps because of the history of the name and perhaps because of what you see upon arrival and it's proximity to Capitol Hill. I don't mind the name Reagan being a part of it at all but I seldom use it.
Will not call the airport Reagan.
"I lived in the DC area long enough to remember it simply as ""Washington National Airport."" Everyone I knew called it ""National"" for simplicity's sake, so I followed suit.
For particularly personal reasons, I am NOT a fan of Mr. Reagan. His actions or more perhaps more accurately his lack thereof affected people I care about in my family and community. I refuse to even honor naming a porta-potty after him. "
"Mainly because I've always called it National, my family's always called it National, I've heard it called National all while growing up.
And (moreso as I got older) because Reagan did some pretty terrible things as president, and I don't think the airport should be named after him."
I've heard it called that more frequently and just picked it up myself.
I would rather not refer to a particular president any more often than is absolutely necessary.
Because that's the name of the metro station that stops there.
Husband works for USDOT and refers to all airports by their codes. It has rubbed off on me.
Not a Ronald Reagan fan and refuse to call it such - have the same issue with Intercontinental in Houston.
"I work as an airport consultant, and have since 1988. It has always been National to me, and my mind has never flipped that switch to call it anything else."
"It is - and will always be - National. It should never have been renamed, especially for a president who harmed the country in numerous ways."
I moved to DC in 1999 and everyone Called it National so I did too!
"Reagan is fine, he was a great president, actor, and American. "
Lived there when It was National (1963-1970)
"I moved to Alexandria when I was 9, in the summer of 1994. The airports' name is National. The end. :)"
"It was always designated as DCA and that designation has never changed, so I see no need to change how I refer to it. I also sometimes refer to it as National, which also has always been part of its official name."
"It has always beeen Washington National Airport to me. When Congress chose to add Ronald Reagan's name to DCA's title, it didn't sit well with me.....and it still doesn't. DCA serves Washington, DC. There is no geographic area called ""Reagan"". "
"There is no way we need another memorial to Reagan--particularly not an airport, given what he did to the air traffic controllers."
That's how it is (more or less) on the Metro map.
Because that is what it is called?
Because fuck Reagan
Just what I've always known it as.
"I used to just call it National, but that seems to confuse people so now I can it Regan National to capture both"
My dad was an air traffic controller. Screw Reagan.
"I used to call it Washington National for years after the name change. Since other people stopped calling it that I dropped Washington. My dislike of the insult to air traffic controllers in renaming an airport after Ronald Reagan has kept me from using the new name.
Since there are no other major commercial ""national"" airports, just airports carrying the designation ""international"", calling it National is enough.
The airport should have been named George Washington National Airport, due to its proximity to Mount Vernon."
"I grew up right next to Dulles so I never even thought about ""that other airport."" I started calling it Reagan National because that's what I'd heard it called, and now I make sure to use both names in case I'm talking to someone who only knows it as one or the other."
I consider it THE NATIONAL airport -- nothing else will do!
"I call it the airport because that's exactly what it is; I don't bother with the other two for domestic flights unless it's half the price. Most of my travel is domestic, but I did manage to catch a flight "
I remember the controversy over the name change in 1998 and how silly and stupidly political it was. Reagan wasn't even dead yet! It felt like a slap in the face to air-traffic controllers for no real reason other than spite.
"""DCA"" just rolls off the tongue faster."
"Because that's it's name! It actually took me a couple of years before I got used to adding ""Reagan"" to ""National,"" but I still keep the word ""National"" in there because I'm still used to using that word for that place."
"I think they need to pry the names off most public buildings and airports.
'National' Airport belongs to the 'nation' and should not be named after anyone."
"I work for a company that does a lot of international travel, so I speak in a lot of airport codes, in general!"
"because that's what it's called.
but seriously, because that's the fewest syllables."
I refuse to call any airport by the name of a President who illegally fired air traffic controllers and ordered members of the military to scab across a picket line.
It was National when I landed there in 1983 after immigrating from South Korea and it will always be National.
That's always what I've heard it called.
I think it comes from my mom who grew up in Maryland but I'm not sure. I sometimes call it National as well and even use DCA ocasssionally in texts/emails.
Because it was National as I was growing up and I'm annoyed they changed the name.
I call it National because it's name is National. Sometimes I call it DCA.
That's what it used to be called!
"I am not a fan of Reagan's fiscally irresponsible tenure as president (not to mention my opinions on his social policies), so I can't bring myself to acknowledge that he has things named after him."
"1) that was its original name
2) how on earth do you come up with the balls to call an airport after a man who laid off air traffic controlers? "
Because of the code. Also I heard it when I first arrived in DC. I heard it called DCA and Reagan
"That's the original name, and it's already named for a president (George Washington)"
Because Ronald Reagan is the most overrated president of the last century.
"it was always National, and it will always be National."
"Because Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport is way too long and no one would know what I'm talking about if I said RRWNA. Also, ""Reagan National"" is a good combo of the old and the new."
"Please don't call it ""Reagan""!!!"
"It already had a name, was already named after a president and I won't give that presidency any more lip service than I already must.
If a cabbie refers to it by the R word I will find another cab."
Its National because its National
"Because that's what its called? It's named after him, correct? Question answered. "
"Lived in DC for 4-5 years and knew it then as National Airport, but then MWAA changed its name. I've always referred to it since then as Regan National."
"It is the only appropriate choice. It is ""the National Airport."" Should not be named for any politician. "
"First of all, DCA had a perfectly good name before the change.
It's terrible to name any airport for Reagan--he fired the air traffic controllers!
He has a very large building downtown named for him.
The change was made by Congress and not by locals. I know because I worked on the Senate Commerce Committee which handled the legislation and it was hurried through in order to be a birthday present for Nancy to give to Ronnie. If the Republicans want less centralized government, they should not have forced the name change."
The airport already had a president's name; it didn't require a second.
The airport code is unambiguous shorthand. I do it for most airports but it is especially helpful with a complicated name like this airport has!
"that was the name the way I remember it since birth! I know it was changed to Reagan National but ""old dogs, new tricks""!!"
It will always be National.
Because I will never call it the name of the anti-worker president who made it a mission to destroy the middle and working classes.
Because I'm not a fucking moron.
You can't rename a building after someone that is till alive. That is not how renaming works.
Since there's so many local airports it just helps to avoid confusion
"Why did we rename everything after Reagan? Especially airports -- didn't he deregulate the FAA? I've lived here since 1984, and I am a Democrat, so I call it National. Also, no one calls BWI ""Thurgood Marshall Baltimore Washington International."" You can tell if someone is from here, because they call it ""National."" All those interlopers call it ""Reagan."" I still think it's weird."
"I write and think DCA or National, but for speaking, 'Reagan National' rolls off the tongue most elegantly, and it's a coded way to tell people 'I have more important things to do in life than worry about the political litmus test of the name of a the f&^cking airport.'"
"It was petty of the Republicans to try to name everything after Reagan, but it's petty to refuse to call something by its name."
Because Ronald Reagan is a beatified asshole who proved government doesn't work by taking it apart. Also the AIDS crisis.
DCA or Reagan
"Because that's what its name has always been, and because Ronald Reagan was a crappy human being and we wouldn't have an airport named for him if there wasn't some Republican fetish about his legacy."
Because it's what I search for when looking up flights online.
Airport codes are non negotiable on what they mean
"The three letter distinction of DCA, although easy enough to remember does not roll off of the tongue. I never referred to O'hare in Chicago as ORD, I would not do the same here. Furthermore, although it doesn't matter to me, "
"It's National Airport or DCA, but those are the only acceptable names, period. Nobody else knows what you're talking about if you ever call it anything else, and my husband will yell at me if I use the R word."
"Paerially because that's what I've always known it as, and partially because naming an airport after the man who fired all of the air traffic controllers, would be akin to naming a police station after a convicted cop killer. "
It's what I mostly heard it called.
It was another name when I first moved to DC and the renaming was a political act and does not reflect the values or the diversity of the DMV area.
"Heck, I still call the one in Maryland ""Friendship""."
"It's brief. I also sometimes call it Reagan or National, but more often DCA."
"I traveled to and from DC frequently before eventually moving to the area, so it's always been National for me."
"I also call it DCA.
Anyway, because it's National."
"I refuse to call it Reagan... only partially because of the political affiliation. I am an Airport Planner and am annoyed by the trend of renaming airports after people, particularly when it's political. Same goes for BWI and ATL, and I'm sure many others."
'Goatfucker' kind of says it all.
"I refer to this airport as the following: DCA, Reagan, and National. "
I have a rudimentary knowledge about how DCA was renamed as part of Grover Norquist's overtly political plot to name various things after Reagan and control how a conservative president's tenure would be remembered.
Airport codes FTW!
"I'd like to call it National, but by the time I got here, it was already Reagan."
I call it DCA because the taxi drivers recognize that term. I also call it national - I must have heard others refer to it that way.
"I guess I heard it referred to as Reagan first, and was never aware (until reading this survey and some comments on it) that some people had strong feelings against calling it Reagan. I'm no fan of Reagan, but that's just the name by which I know the airport. Same way I would use the name Bush when flying through the huge airport in Houston."
I have only lived in the area since May of 2013.
"Because airline websites refer to the airport as DCA. When I'm telling friends which airport to fly into, I refer to it as DCA so they know what that is when they see it listed on the airline site. Saying ""Reagan"" confuses people, even though I sometimes call that airport ""Reagan"" to locals, because saying ""DCA"" sounds weird. "
"Least number of syllables, maybe?"
Cause I don't like Reagan
"Because Reagan had nothing to do with the airport, and because he busted PATCO and deregulated the airlines, leading to the mess we have now."
"I am not a fan of the Reagan presidency, and suspect that history will not treat his term in office as kindly as we currently do. I think Republicans know this, and are scrambling to name everything they can after him before we all recognize that Reagan ushered in the Era of the Great Bamboozling
I prefer the historical name.
it's the short version of it's official name
"There was no good reason to rename the airport, and Bush II was a terrible president and made terrible decisions, so I refused to call it Reagan. However, it just stuck and taxi drivers don't always understand if you just say ""National,"" so I call it Reagan National. I work really hard to say just ""National,"" though."
It's named after a president and you refer To presidents by their last name.
"You made a mistake here. The choices should not be either ""grew up in a state"" or ""not in the U.S.""
You might remember from your high school U.S. history course that our country has territories that are not states or the District of Columbia. They are classified as just that: U.S. territories. Still, even though they are not states, or DC, people live there and come from there. When their backgrounds are negated, even in frivolous polls like this, it matters. "
old habits die hard; probably a little anti-republican sentiment sneaking in as well.
Because that is how it was referred to on the radio station I listened to when I moved here (WTOP).
"1) If you use the word ""Reagan"" to describe it, you're declaring yourself to be a Republican or a tourist.
2) If I refer to it as ""Reagan,"" my non-Republican friends will pretend to not know what I'm talking about.
3) Simplicity - DCA (or ""National"") is as straightforward as it gets. The full name is way too long, anyway."
When I used to travel there a lot it was called National. Now I hear it called Reagan or Reagan National but National just sounds right to me and only one word is needed. Two words is just to cumbersome.
It's just easier to say.
Not a Reagan fan and National is just easier like Dulles rather than John Foster Dulles and BWI rather than Thurgood Marshall BWI.
Because many of the folks I talk to are not from this area and they don't know what National is.
"it was called National Airport when I started college at GWU in 1974. Considering that Ronald Reagan fired all the air traffic controllers during his tenure as President, it seems more than just a bit ironic to name an airport after him."
I was taught that those from DC call it National. Those not from DC call it Reagan-National. I occasionally call it DCA.
"I think Christopher Hitchens once said something to the effect of ""Washington National Airport is already named after a president, and a good one at that."""
"I grew up calling it 'National', but after the name changed 'Reagan' became easier. I'm not sure if it's the difference in two syllables vs three, but 'Reagan' seemed to have an easier cadence in conversation."
You know why.
to be sure I am understood. otherwise I use DCA.
"I call it DCA to avoid the whole ""Reagan vs National"" debate"
"I work in the aviation industry. Before I had this job, I called it National."
"I'm an air traffic controller, and I can't call an airport by the name of a man who did so much to harm my profession specifically and labor generally. "
I used to call it Natonal until it was changed to Regan National. I only use DCA when booking a flight. I don't know anyone who calls it that.
National is the name given to the airport when it was opened and there was no reason to change it - particularly to honor a former president who broke the air traffic controllers union - how inappropriate.
Trying to get us to call the airport that serves a huge portion of the federal government by the name of the man who started the malicious campaign to tear down the federal government is perverse.
It was called National Airport when I first came to Washington in 1962. That's what everyone called it then; that's what I still call it today.
It's less ambiguous and easy to search for online.
I actually call it both national and DCA because that is the name I grew up with and because I have no interest in honoring Reagan.
Because I refuse to honor the man who let so many people die of AIDS. He was an awful president and even worse human being.
President Ronald Reagan doesn't deserve a national airport named after him.
"Because I refuse to call it ""Reagan."" That airport in Houston that's not Hobby will always be ""IAH"" or ""Intercontinental"" to me."
"I try very hard to call it ""National,"" but ""Reagan"" slips out of my mouth more often than not. I really have to make a conscious effort to call it ""National,"" which I try to do. Reagan (the president) created the MWAA, I know, but I question whether that merits his name being attached to the airport. More importantly, though, it's really DC's airport, and I'd much rather keep it, and its name, as apolitical as possible."
Because that's what it's called ;)
States rights to name their own airport.
Because I did not like that president.
I've always called it National or DCA
Because that's what I called it before it was renamed.
Because that's it's name... DUH! Why politicize this?
It just ends up that way when I speak.
"The airport was already named after a president when it was simply called Washington National Airport. Now it's named after two presidents? What's next, Barack Obama George H.W. Bush International?
Beyond that bit of pedantry, though, there is something nice about claiming to be our ""National"" airport. It's the closest airport to the nation's capital, so calling it National just makes sense."
"Because you can always spot a tourist when they refer to the airport using the ""R"" word. "
"The full name is ""Ronald Reagan National Airport,"" I think? The ""Airport"" part is usually implied by context--I'm not flying out of ""Ronald Reagan National Petting Zoo,"" right? Dropping the ""Ronald"" is a pretty obvious thing to do, I think. So ""Reagan National"" is what's left. I do sometimes shorten it to just ""Reagan,"" though, but that's not my default."
"Hate Ronald Reagan, honestly"
"I think at the very beginning I used to call it National, but then I saw Reagan's statue in the airport and ever since I startes including his name "
I don't think airports should have ironic names.
"I use DCA, National, and Reagan National interchangeably. Depends on who I'm talking to and how familiar they are with the area. DCA seems the quickest way to say it, but if you're using a longer name, it must be National or Reagan National. "
I just always remember it being called Reagan growing up.
"It's short, everyone knows what it means, and it avoids debate. (Plus St. Reagan fatigue.)"
Because Reagan was a hack.
It was National when we moved to the DC area and it has stayed National (to me) ever since.
Just a habit. Still don't agree with the renaming of so many airports for President'. I think naming aircraft carriers for past presidents is a true honor...there are few of those very powerful ships...just like the number of people who have had the honor of being president.
"Nothing should be named after Ronald Reagan. Ever.
"First: naming the airport after a certain president who was in office in the 80's is an offense the hardworking men and women who make our national air travel network work. Busting their union was unndemocratic and a violation of basic workplace rights. Then, to name an airport after him, when he was still alive? Simply unnecessary.
So why do I call it national? ""Washington National"" is too long and DCA is an airport code, not a name. When was the last time you heard someone call Dulles ""IAD"". BWI only makes sense because it's an acronym for the airport's full name.
Therefore, ""National""."
"Because that was it's name before the ""Reagan"" fetish set in."
It's the least confusing.
I refuse to call it Reagan. Yuck. It's National or DCA. Period. And I totally judge when Republicans call it Reagan.
It was National to me when I moved to DC... so it will always be National to me.
Is easier to remember
To hell with republicans and Ronald Reagan.
Because that's the name.
I'm a private pilot.
"My parents are from DC, and they always have referred to it as National. They lived their before the unfortunate renaming. "
I grew up in the early 80s and early to mid 90's flying into it at least 2 times per year - always been National to me
That's its name. I dislike Reagan and refuse to call that airportby his name.
"Reagan did profound damage to the values of this country, nurturing a dangerous mistrust of government and favoring the rich over the everybody else. He was also a macho cowboy in foreign affairs. I can't bear to use his name for this airport. (But then to be fair, I admire Thurgood Marshall hugely, but can't shake calling his airport BWI.) "
Grew up calling it National.
"Part of the reason it was renamed, supposedly, was so it could be named after a U.S. President. Which is fitting for the nation's capital. But who on earth do you think WASHINGTON National Airport was named after? "
"""Reagan National,"" because that is its name. I will also use ""Reagan"" or ""National."""
Anything but Reagan. The irony of naming an airport after the guy who broke the air traffic controllers union (and so much else) is just too much.
I don't think every item of public infrastructure should be named after a prominent figure or business. Let public works maintain their own importance in service to people who live there. Recent example of folly: turning the Triboro Bridge into the RFK Bridge. It cost $4 million to change signage but nobody calls it the RFK Bridge. I don't think we need a bridge to remember the importance of Robert F. Kennedy.
"Because I think it is ludicrous that National, of all the airports in the nation, would be named after a guy that busted the air traffic controllers union and IMHO was the WORST President we have ever had!!! :-) Thank You for trying to settle this important matter once and for all!"
"Sometimes I also call it DCA or Reagan National. ""Reagan"" is just easier to say."
"Because I have known DCA as National airport for 50 years and because I object to the ""Republican Revolution's"" renaming of an airport that wasn't theirs to rename. It was already named for our first president."
Because George Bush is an asshole for naming an airport after Reagan. WASHINGTON NATIONAL AIRPORT 4EVA!
Name change to Reagan pushed by a Republican congressman from Georgia over objections of local officials. Reagan name is not appropriate for National since Reagan had few local ties and fired the air traffic controllers.
"It was always referred to as National, or Washington National, when I was growing up in MD circa 1972-1990. Also, as a Democrat my family and friends were not huge fans of Reagan."
"I don't like calling it ""Reagan"" and ""National"" sounds strange."
"B/c Reagan didn't want anything named after him until 25 years after he died... let alone while he was still alive. Also, it was a slap in the face to the air traffic controllers."
"It has always been just ""National Airport"" to me and appending the name of a former President was a political move to attempt to solidify his perceived ""greatness"". I don't identify myself as a Democrat or Republican, but I am definitely not part of the group that continues to deify Reagan."
I call it Reagan National because that is the name of the airport.
It was called National when I was a college student in DC.
"Always been National to me always will be
"I've always called it that, for 60 years. It's a habit I can't change "
"I never say the proper name. I don't like that word, and I don't want to sound like a tourist."
"1. I never agreed with the idea that Reagan was a wonderful president.
2. I resented the bullying from the republican congress to force the name change in metro, etc.
3. I also resented the changing of Cape Kennedy back to Canaveral. Asassinated president vs. the great (?) actor?"
"I think the bigger issue here is branding, which could have serious negative impacts on positive revenue. The fact that this survey exists is an indicator of a lack of identity."
Not a fan of the name they changed it to.
I refuse to recognize the name it was given in 1998. The way it happened was disgraceful and insulting to the idea of local home rule. And the fact that an airport is named for someone who fired thousands of air traffic controllers is just absurd.
No real rhyme or reason... just what comes to mind at a given moment. I've never once said Reagan/National/DCA and had anyone give me a look of confusion.
I knew it as National but recognize its now named after Reagan so I say Reagan National to be safe.
because it is Regan National
"The name has been butchered for years even by the airlines. DCA provides the least bit of confusion. Reagan National would come in second...Although lacks the reference of ""DC,"" thus I don't bother. "
Because is was such a cynical and disgusting display by politicians to name the airport after someone who treated air traffic controllers the way he did.
"I do a lot of travel arrangements for work, so I refer to the airport as its airport code."
Cannot stand Ronald Reagan and he did nothing to help the airport. He laid off all the air traffick controllers.
I have been flying through National for years. I find people who know the airport call it National and those who are not as familiar call it Reagan National. I have a parent who is a flight attendant and they too call it National or DCA
"I call it National because I always have, and because I loathe Reagan, and because Reagan broke the aircraft controllers' strike and union."
Ain't nobody from here voting for Regan.
"Airport should not have been renamed after a still-living person; such honors should always be posthumous. (It is entirely irrelevant that the condition was achieved subsequently.)
But even more importantly, ""National"" is an important attribute that should remain prominent."
"When I'm talking to Airport/Airline staff or people new to the area, I call it Washington's Reagan National or Reagan National -- they get confused.
Naming an airport after a guy who broke a strike at the FAA is unethical, and I won't do it unless I have to."
Because it already had a distinct identity as washington national before people insisted we start calling it something else.
"I will always. All it National Airport, because I never believed Ronald Reagan deserved to have an airport named after him - at least not in the DC area. He was an OK president, but while everyone thought Reagan did a great job, we learned the hard way that ""Reaganomics"" ultimately hurt us economically. He is not responsible for the fall of the iron curtain. He was just an OK president. Not one who made enough difference to get an airport in this area. He was a pretty good actor, name or build an airport after him around Hollywood or maybe a small air park near his ranch."
"That's what it was called on my flight ticket and Metro maps, so I didn't realize it might be called anything else until I'd already used it a couple times."
It never needed a new name and certainly not one given on a partisan basis.
Reagan screwed over Air Traffic controllers and mismanaged deregulation of air travel. Putting his name on an airport is insult added to injury.
Because I don't like reagan
Because ketchup is not and never will be a vegetable.
"I grew up with my parents calling it National. At some point, I learned that some people called it Reagan National, so it made sense to keep dropping the 'Reagan' as shorthand."
Because that's what it was and the political Reagan project was a colossal waste of taxpayer money to rename everything. He already has the Reagan building and the GWU ED. What did he do to improve this country? Nothing.
Named after our nation's 1st President and every flight flies over his estate....
"Concise to use one word. The acronym is confusing at times, as in I forget it."
"In DC this airport is very political and referring to it as ""Reagan"" vs. ""National"" is very telling of a person's political standings. I choose to call it National not just for political reasons, but as a nod to the airport's history. "
Washington National
Becaiuse it's the first word in its official name!
"I'm not calling an airport ""Reagan"" after he dissolved the air traffic controllers union (even if it did recharter)."
"I remember National Airport back in the early 90's, before the re-model/expansion and before it was renamed after Ronald Reagan, when I used to visit family in the area. Great Airport and my favorite of all. "
"I prefer the name. Always have, always will."
It is obscene to name an airport after the man who busted the air-traffic controller strike.
"It varies, but I either call it DCA or Reagan the most. "
"First thing that comes to mind. I call it DCA or Reagan. I used to take the metro by it everyday, I think I called it National more often before that. "
That's what I type in when I'm looking to book a flight.
"I call it DCA because it clearly indicates which airport I mean. Sometimes I say ""National"" but that's so vague. I would never call it ""Reagan"" because a) I never hear anyone call it that and b) Reagan was terrible."
"DCA is easier to rattle off than Reagan, Reagan National, National, etc. Also it immediately clears up any confusion or questions when interacting with airline staff."
"I'm not a fan of anything named for people, or corporations. Things like airports, stadiums, etc. should relate to the people that live in that area."
Because that's what it was called when I first knew it. Also I don't believe in honorific names for people who are (at the time) still alive.
That's it's name :)
Because I'm sure as hell not going to call it Reagan!
"Have called it by all the names listed above. Usually refer to it as Reagan or DCA a majority of the time. Refer to the airport as Reagan mostly due to the is the beginning name of the airport. Refer to it as DCA when I'm discussing flight plans with fellow travelers. Unlike other co-workers, I do not correct people when they call the airport by a name they don't prefer/like/feel appropriate. "
"I'm a historian; I like historical names. I also study the Art Deco period. In addition, I had great objection to the rapid effort to name everything after President Reagan while he was still alive."
"National. That's what it is, that's what it was. The people who lived, used and identified with the airport were never given any choice in what it was to be called. I will always call it National, no matter what politician it is named after. Same with BWI!
I call it DCA because Reagan does not deserve to have an airport named after him.
"After the 1981 air traffic controller strike and Reagan's response of firing EVERYONE on strike (and coincidentally enough Air Florida Flight 90 crashed just a couple months after he fired everyone), I will die before I call the airport ""Reagan"". "
"It's what others around me called it so naturally, I followed."
"I specialize in marketing research regarding airports on behalf of Airport Authorities, Airlines, Concessionaires and other entities interested in the opinions of air travelers. As a result, I tend to refer to airports the way most airport personnel do... either by the three digit code (DCA) or by name but your survey did not allow me to select two answers. If you would like additional insights into what air travelers think of DCA, IAD or BWI feel free to contact me:"
Refuse to call it Reagan. An airport shouldn't be partisan.
Because naming an airport after the guy who fired all the air traffic controllers is moronic.
Don't want to call it Reagan.
"Ahem.... Thank you for asking. It's called NATIONAL airport. That is what I call it, and that is what I will always call it "
See political affiliation.
Because REAGAN
"I refuse to call it Reagan because they never should have changed the name. Same reason I call BWI, BWI and not Marshall "
"it is the most logical name for the airport, also traditional, most appropriate, neutral name"
"I went to Georgetown and heard most people call it Reagan. That, or the first time I heard people talk about it they called it Reagan and it stuck. I didn't have many opportunities to use it since most round trip flights to California fly through Dulles. "
"The question you're asking is flawed. BWI and IAD are not DC airports. Getting to BWI from DC requires a car or multiple transit transfers, and IAD has no transit connection."
That's its name. :)
I think it's because of how I heard others around me refer to it (I went to high school in Howard County).
"I call it National when really should be called Washington National because it is located in the Washington DC metro area.
The only reason it is named Reagen is because the Republicans could do it. Reagen does deserve to have something named after him in every state any more than Clinton deserves to have something named after him in each state. The airport is not located in Reagan,VA or the metro area of Reagan,DC, yet."
That's what it was called growing up here.
Because only filthy carpetbagger conservative tourists would call the airport by the name of the worst President of the 20th Century.
"same reason I sometimes call Costco ""price club"". Same difference. "
"Reagan had nothing to do with the airport, and he wasn't a particularly good president. This name is a piece of politics proclaiming the legitimacy of one brand of politics over another (but, then again, so is the full name of BWI)."
I seem to use IATA codes for every airport.
The only acceptable names are DCA and National.
Naming an airport after a president that intentionally busted the AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS' union was an incredibly insensitive and callous decision. So I refuse to call it by that name.
Because it is the industry standard such as BWI Marshall
Reagan sux
Because I remember a certain Republican congressman who threatened to block appropriations and spending on a plethora of important federal programs if the signs referring to National Airport were not immediately emblazoned with the name of a certain former president who authorized Iran-Contra and liked jelly beans.
"Have always called it National. Find it absurd to name everything after a dreadful president and a dreadful human being, and in particular an airport. "
I refuse to call it Reagan because I do not support the man or his policies. And DCA is the easiest!
"The same reason I call Dulles, Dulles. Because that is its fucking name."
"I'm annoyed at the people who feel the need to plaster Reagan's name everywhere.
In addition, as one person put it, naming an airport after the man who fired the air traffic controllers is like renaming Atlanta ""Shermantown""."
"Because that is its name. I don't take pride in who it is named after - that is irrelevant. If it was named Walter Mondale National Airport, I'd call it Mondale. People who go through pains to call it something other than its name are trying to make a political point. Grow up and deal with it."
"It's just so much easier to say ""Reagan"" because it's one word and I'm lazy."
It's quick and easy. In writing though I call it DCA or national because I cannot seem to spell Reagan correctly without autocorrect.
I grew up in Northern Virginia and we always called it National. Even after it's name was changed.
Ronald Reagan ignored AIDS.
"takes too long to say ""reagan national"" so i just say reagan. however, i have noticed that i say DCA if im travelling in other cities or abroad, because no one else seems to call it that outside of this area. "
"1. It was National when I moved here.
2. Boo on Reagan! (See political affiliation question.) There was a group lobbying to name *everything* after Reagan at the time. So irritating that the airport namers have in. Plus it seemed tacky to name an airport after a former president who was still alive at the time."
"The name given to it by Republicans is an insult to DC, to the airline industry, and to the population in general. I absolutely refuse to call it that. And I will correct people who do call it that in my presence. "
Airport code
"Honestly, I use Reagan, DCA, and National interchangeably, but Reagan probably the most."
I usually call it Washington National as it was already named for a president.
Because everyone I met in DC told me to call it National or DCA and I was told never to call it Reagan
Who is this Reagan fellow some people are talking about?
It's an insult to air traffic controllers and workers in general To have named an airport after the President who broke the air traffic controllers' strike.
Not a clue.
"DCA is accurate without being partisan for or against Reagan or his legacy, which works well for me. Also, considering Reagan busted the PATCO strike, I'm at a loss for why anyone would name an airport after him - seems like a middle finger to the people who keep us safe in the air. (And no, I don't know a single controller.)"
"It's what it's always been, plus I didn't like the way the name was changed. (I wasn't a big fan of Reagan, although in retrospect he wasn't that bad!)
I've heard Reagan National enough that it doesn't startle me, and when I'm booking flights for work I think of it as DCA."
I'm not a big fan of RR.
"Family history.
Also a private pilot - national is most common "
"The absurdity of naming the airport in honor of the person who broke the air controller union and endangered the flying public is beyond belief. For that matter I will only call ""Dulles"" IAD."
I grew up with National Airport. Naming it Reagan was an trying to change the name of DC Stadium to RFK.
Reagan was an awful President.
"Ronald Reagan is not as great a president as the GOP (who would not welect him today because he wasn't conservative enough) would have you believe. He is falsely credited with the fall of the iron curtain. We learned the hard way that ""Reaganomics"" ultimately hurt us. He was an OK president; he was not a president who should have an airport named after him -at leat not to n the DC area. (Besides, he fired air traffic controllers, it seems a bit odd to name any airport after him.) he was a decent actor name an airport or air park after him around Hollywood or near hai ranch."
"When I was growing up everybody called it ""National"" so I just stuck with that."
"I work in the aviation industry, and am accustomed to calling airport by their FAA code."
Because it is National to me and I correct after I call it that to the political name they gave it.
When I first moved here a new friend who had been in this area for years called it National and the name stuck. I often call the airport both National and Reagan.
I either call it DCA or sometimes National Airport. It's the quickest and clearest (there are lots of things called Reagan).
I'm active duty AF and it's the airports code
Because that is its real name. It was named after the 1st President of the U.S.
It's what I heard it called once and it just stuck.
Not sure why I mostly call it DCA. I sometimes call it Reagan.
went to an aviation school
"I call it National but only locals know that. I call it DCA sometimes, more peers (not born here) recognize that..."
"That is what it was called when I was flying in and out of it. I also do not like naming things after recent presidents, let them marinate a while and see how things shake out."
Although I sometimes forget and call it National I think the renaming to honor an influential president deserves the recognition.
Because I dislike Reagan and because that seems to be what most of the locals call it.
It's a short abbreviation.
"In theory I'd love to just call it National or DCA, but it is Reagan and I'm fine with that. "
Because of the arbitrary renaming of National Airport.
"I use National and DCA almost equally, but I use National just a bit more."
"Most often I call it Reagan but sometimes National.
Why do we really do anything?"
"""Didn't you learn your airport codes in high school?"" - Kenneth Parcell"
I typically refer to airports by their code.
"When I do it not on purpose: because that's what it was called when I learned to talk
When I do it on purpose: because I'm still bitter about the Metro signage fiasco perpetrated by idiots"
Least amount of syllables.
"Ronald Reagan broke an air traffic controller strike when I was a kid in a really nasty way. If you want to honor an ex-president, how about you don't name a thing that represents a specific bad decision he made after him? I've got no beef with naming stuff ""Reagan"" but an airport? Really?
Also -- it did not need a new name. National has been National all my life.
"IMO, Reagan was one of the very worst presidents for the country. He increased the national debt more than all the presidents before him combined, set us back environmentally, and set in motion the assault on the middle class that has created so many continuing problems. I refuse to honor the decision pushed through by Republicans in Congress to name this airport after him."
"It was and always will be Washington National Airport. In fairness, BWI isn't Thurgood Marshall Airport either."
"Because once upon a time, calling the airport that serves the nation's capital ""National Airport"" was a politically neutral, socially acceptable compromise. Forcing a demographic that overwhelmingly votes democratic to fly home into the welcoming arms of a conservative messianic figure seems overly cruel."
Because that was the name
I heard it called Reagan or Reagan national and I guess just started calling it Reagan. Once lived there I was told natives called it National
"Um, that's its name. Damned Liberal blowhards..."
Because that's it's damn name
"I don't like the association with Ronald Reagan, and DCA comes more naturally to me than ""National"" "
The Reagan Administration crushed the Union and made things less reliable for a time at least at the Airport in question and never did anything to merit having his name put in its title. It would be more accurate to put his second wife's name on it since she was the one that manipulated the name change.
"I don't live in the DC area, but I visit fairly often for work. I didn't know Democrats didn't call it Reagan until I visited DC for the first time when I was 18. On that trip, my late-night flight back was cancelled and I ended up spending the night in the terminal, unable to sleep because of construction noise and the overly-cheery security intermittently warnings playing through the radio, and being asked to move a few times. It was a rough night.
For that reason, because I associate that airport with a really unpleasant experience, I have no problem calling it ""Reagan National."""
"I call it either DCA or National, because I refuse to call it Reagan. Congressional Republicans' antics in forcing our hand in naming the airport, and later threatening to withhold Metro funding unless Metro signage changed, makes me especially stubborn on this point."
My aunt and cousins lived in Burke when I was a kid and my mom used to call it National-- she never switched to calling it Reagan so I grew up calling it National.
The name change was not locally-sponsored. It was rammed down our throats using threats and intimidation.
"That's the name of the airport, why would I call it something different? To make some passive-aggressive jab at a great president I dislike? That'd be dumb and petty."
I call it national or DCA. I don't love that it's now named Reagan_
That's how it was described to me.
Because I'm against slapping Reagan's name on things.
"I don't do it consciously, but I remember it being changed in the late 90s and I've just always called it National. "
I call virtually every airport by its three letter code. DFW and DAL are my hometown airports. I call the other Northern Virginia airport IAD.
Because its called Reagan National Airport. Reagan is the first word and is more descriptive. I call other airports JFK and Dulles too because they were named after people
I use Reagan and National interchangably.
thats what the sign says
I call all airports by their airport code.
"DCA is good for airport code, Reagan is simpler and more memorable. National airport is a boring name. Reagan National is just pushing it, I mean come on. Ronald Reagan is a little redundant; we all know which Reagan we're talking about."
The which airport do I use most frequently question forces me to give an answer that isn't entirely accurate. I've used BWI more this year but I use whichever airport is most convenient/least expensive for when I need to fly.
"It never occurred to me to call it anything but ""national"". "
"I use initials for all airports in the area.
Ex: IAD, BWI, thus, DCA"
"Because it's our national capitol, and should not be named after any specific president. "
"It's the traditional and proper name. I object to taking a perfectly good name (National) and changing it to Reagan, as if he were the second coming of the Messiah. He was a pretty good President, and I even voted for him once, but he is not worthy of our worship either now or in the afterlife."
So we're supposed to call that airport that same name of the president broke a strike of airport workers & broke the social contract the federal government had with it's citizens? the irony!!!
"my parents call it reagan national, but more often than not shorten it to just reagan"
That is what it always was in my life - Ronald Reagan had nothing to do with it.
I call it DCA or National interchangeably.
I grew up knowing it as National and Reagan was a piece of shit.
I won't call the Airport after the man that so damaged labor rights generally and air traffic controllers and the industry's working men and women specifically.
"Its the height of arrogance to name or call after a president who disrespected and fired over 10,000 air traffic controllers who entered into a negation for better work conditions. Hence, that is why it is still National Airport to me. "
Because it was a dumb idea to rename our capitol's airport after a president who's legacy continues to be divisive.
Because the official name is Reagan National.
I call it National Airport because it's short and easy to say. I'm glad that the airport is named after Ronald Reagan because he deserves the honor but it is too cumbersome to use the entire name of the airport in conversation.
"I call it both National and DCA, but I say National more often. I think I wanted to fit in when I moved to DC in 2002-- knowing what to call the airport was part of that!"
I like airport codes:)
"It was, is, and always will be National. The do or did live in the D.C. area should be followed by ""do you or did you work in the D.C. area. For me that is a yes."
Because that's it's name and what almost everybody else calls it. And what you need to know to search for it on travel sites.
That's what it was when I was growing up. And I never liked Reagan. "
It's what my parents/family called it.
I call it National or DCA. I refuse to use the name of the President who busted the air traffic controllers union when referring to the airport. I actually think it's kind of offensive that they named it after him.
I always have.
"That's just what I knew it as when I was growing up, but more frequently when I'm booking flights to & from it now I just use the code DCA. "
I'll also use national and Reagan national...but usually Reagan. I lived in dc 2003-2007. Didn't fly a much then but always wanted a Reagan flight because metro access.
National Airport has been its name for a long time. Renaming after a second president (and a mediocre one at that) is offensive.
"I started flying into National in the 60s. It was National then, and it remains National to me."
"I get confused by airport abbreviations, and my first impression of the airport is still the statue of Reagan. So that's why I call it Reagan."
"Because Reagan was a terrible president whose disease made it so he didn't know what was going on during 80% of his presidency. He made the rich richer, and the poor poorer. Trickle down economy never works. His ""family values"" policy was crap, he didn't provide any family leave or national benefits. He put the country in awful debt. He doesn't deserve an airport named after him. "
"DCA because that's what it is!
airline code....."
that's what my family called it
"I think that's what my parents call it. I think Reagan national, but say national."
"The Metro station is called ""Reagan National Airport,"" so that's what I call it. I've been in DC for two years, and am only now just starting to learn about the dispute over the name of this airport."
"It was called Washington National Airport. We don't call BWI Marshall airport, even though it has Thurgood Marshall's name attached to it. "
I don't give in to Republican trolling.
"I call it National because that's how I always knew it; new names are difficult to switch to. And ""Reagan National"" hardly trips off the tongue."
I call it DCA or just plain old Reagan. Don't know's just been that way since I can remember!
I will not participate in the Neo-Con fetishizing of what history has proven to be a very mediocre president and worse actor.
That's its name. I don't call BWI anything but BWI either.
"It was the original name of the airport, and is more representative of our nations capitol. It is a name that will resonate with international and domestic passengers. An airport with a name like Reagan is not presentative of the city."
"It seems to be the name I've always remembered associated with it ""Reagan National"" - I didn't even know it was only called ""National"" in the past till fairly recently. "
I'm taking an absolute guess.
"I used to call it National, I don't want to call it Reagan. "
"As a diehard liberal, I refuse to call it anything other than National due to Reagan's treatment of the striking PATCO controllers as well as his overall anti-labor bonifides. "
"Fewest syllables, easily recognizable."
It's easier to say...I never say the entire airport name especially if it begins with someone's name.
Because I didn't like reagan economics or the Iran/contra shenanigans.
Always have
Because that is what I grew up calling it and I always thought the name change was stupid.
I see that's the name on the wmata map.
It is representative of our nation's capital city and should be referred to as such.
"Because I'm against Republicans trying to name everything after Reagan and ""National"" is still an accurate descriptor"
"Not fond of galloping Reagan hagiography.
"For the same reason I don't call BWI ""Thurgood Marshall Baltimore Washington International Airport."" It's shorter and the name that's always been used."
I hate Reagan
My parents call it that so that's what I say too.
It's what I've always called it from when I was a child before it was renamed.
"1. ""National"" clearly associates the airport with the city of DC (the nation's capitol) and the people who live there.
2. Reagan clearly associates the airport with Congressional Republicans, most of whom only live in DC begrudgingly as a function of their jobs.
3. It's silly to name things after living presidents, especially just a decade after they left office.
4. I don't really care about JFK in NY as a comparison -- I don't live there, and to be perfectly honest, I think think Idlewild is a far more interesting and evocative name."
"Among other things, it is absurd to name an airport after someone who broke the air traffic controllers' strike."
National Airport
"I often refer to the airport as Reagan, National , or DCA. It varies. "
Because PATCO
Don't like calling it Reagan
Reagan is a joke.
You can't name an airport after the President who busted the air traffic controllers union.
Because we say SFO in SF.
I like shorter names
They are a customer of ours.
"I alternately call it Reagan, DCA and National, but most often DCA because that's the code for booking flights and how I most often see it written."
Regan fired the controllers. No reason to name an airport after him.
It's what I've heard.
Short and quick. But Reagan was an awful president who died not at all deserve all these accolades. Change it to Tim Howard national airport after someone who deserves it.
Sometimes I call in Reagan and sometimes national
Because it's the name of the airport I landed at when I came to DC to be a Congressional summer intern in 1993.
Because Reagan was an idiot.
"There's Reagan, BWI, and Dulles. That's how I know the airports."
I work for an airline. We call our own non-transport facilities by the airports nearby. There's no reason to be less exact when referring to the airports themselves.
"My parents were very against it being named after Reagan and always called it National and I picked up the habit. I personally use both Reagan and National sometimes, but the majority of the time I say National."
"My parents both went to George Mason, and we traveled to DC fairly frequently when I was growing up, which at least in part factored into my decision to move here. They always referred to it as ""National"" and as a result so do I."
No Airport should be named after reagan after he destroyed the air traffic controllers union.
Fuck Reagan
"Until everyone starts calling BWI ""Marshall Airport,"" I refuse to switch to ""Reagan."""
"I was born at Georgetown Hospital and our family lived just south of Old Town Alexandria. My entire childhood, I would watch the planes flying up (or down) the Potomac, on their way into or out of National Airport. That's what it was called. Whenever we traveled, we always flew in and out of National. I was angry that they changed the name. It was a silly waste of money and still causes confusion. As a matter of principal, I will only refer to it as National, or DCA."
Short and sweet. Rocking Reagan down the runway
"Because that's the true name of the airport.
I also call it DCA/National."
It's the airport code. I like to refer to airports by their three letter code.
"I'm a travel agent from long before they renamed it after that president. I refuse to use his name. I've got a feeling that MDW in Chicago will be renamed Obama-Midway Airport. As I spent most of my life in Chicago and I'm a screaming liberal I will have no problem using that name.
"honestly, i call it by most of those things interchangeably - ""National"", ""Reagan"" and ""DCA"""
Because I don't believe in naming Airports after Presidents.
Because that is its name
That's what it was originally called. I usually use the original Metro station names too (e.g. New York Avenue vs. NoMa). Not everything needs to be named after Reagan
"Its airport code DCA is the easiest and most accurate way to distinguish it from BWI or IAD. I also refer to it as National Airport, because it's the nation's airport! Ronald Reagan had nothing to do with it, and has enough stuff named after him."
It was already named for a president... Washington National Airport.
its interchangable between DCA and Reagan
Because it is DCA
It's an insult to the people of DC to call it Reagan.
What I grew up calling it.
Because it is already named for one President (Washington). It makes no sense to use the names of two.
I don't care for the beification of the deceased former president for who that airport was renamed.
"That's what I've heard from everyone else, ever since I moved to DC in 2001"
"I call a lot of airports by their code (like IAD, CVG, etc). And yes, it is political, too. I don't wish to recognize a president that contributed to the plight of people in the U.S. with HIV/AIDS because he refused to acknowledge it due to his own prejudices."
Because there is no way in hell I am accepting the deification of such a horrible president. Maybe we should rename it Mitch Snyder Airport in honor of someone who worked for those most affected by the Reagan administration's policies.
I honestly don't know why.
"They could have named lots of other thing after Reagan. It's insting that that named an airport after him, considering what he did to the air traffic controllers. "
I use Reagan because he was a good man
It's a short name. Easy to say.
It's what my parents called it
"Never Reagan. The guy who canned the air traffic controllers?
"I feel there is enough Reagan imagery to warrant a title that includes ""Reagan"", like it's intended to be called that. But I also recognize that locals call it National. So I usually say ""Reagan National""."
Because it is National Airport. Always will be.
I call it National because it's a travesty to name it after Ronald Reagan after the air traffic controller's strike.
stubborn. It was called national my first trip to D.C. and it stuck. The Reagan cult of personality didn't help.
How they name an airport after a guy who fired air traffic controllers I don't know. Well I do. It was a pot shot at labor and controllers. And is another notch in the belt of the guy who wants to rename everything for that guy.
"When I first moved to the area I knew it as Reagan National but I quickly was informed by my progressive friends (labor and LGBT rights activists mostly) that no one here calls it Reagan. Also, I alternate betweent Washington National and DCA mostly because I book flights online and quickly type in the airport code."
Because I use airport codes for everything.
National. Because that's what it's called. Naming Ronald Regan National Airport was ridiculous.
"When I book a flight on kayak or through my work travel center, I search by DCA airport code."
Because I don't want to legitimize Congress' colonization of DC.
That's what my grandparents and parents call it.
Because it was always national. Changing it's name Ronald Reagan - Washington National Airport decades after it was built is rather presumptuous. Especially when you consider that locals do not think Ronald Reagan should be so venerated.
Because a bunch of big-government Republicans decided to meddle in local activities with no input from the community that they run roughshod over.
Because Ronald Reagan is a huge douche.
"Because Reagan did nothing for District residents. It's just another case of Congress ramming their will down our throats. It should be renamed to ""Marion Barry Washington National Airport."""
I refuse to honor Ronald Reagan.
It was National when I was a teenager. I'm not gonna call it Reagan. If I called it Reagan people would think I was a newbie and/or a conservative making a point of being a jerk.
"The jerks in Congress can re-name an Airport, but it doesn't mean I have to follow it like a lemming."
Fuck Reagan. He was a murderous bastard.
"It's been referred to as National Airport for most of my life, so why not continue to refer to it by that name?"
I call it by its designated name!
I disliked the name change when it happened because Reagan never did anything to deserve the accolades some chose to give him. I do think that the name makes me think poorly of the airport overall.
I use airport codes when speaking because I book travel for my boss frequently.
Washington National Airport. Because that is its name and co-opting it was not appropriate. Political muscle was unfairly exercised to rename the airport.
I call it National Airport because that's what it is. So there.
Will not call it Reagan. It was already named after our first president and flights to DCA go over his house! It was an insult to change it.
The way Congress treated Arlington County regarding signage at the Metro station at National turned this from a way of honoring someone that Republicans admire into a petty dispute. And I can be just as petty as Congresscritters when it comes to names.
That's what they call it on tv
"I usually say Reagan, occasionally 'DCA.' I know a lot of lefties intentionally eschew the word, so I use it intentionally, in the spirit of defiance if nothing else."
"I've lived here for 40 years and think ""National"" is a simple, clear, bipartisan name."
I've always called it National or DCA. I can't think of a reason other than that's what I first heard it called.
I think you guys will figure it out based on my survey answers.
"I tend to call all airports by their three character code, and old scheduling habit. Well, that and, when I was a staff assistant on Capitol Hill, I called it Regan and my Chief of Staff said, ""NEVER call it that EVER again!"" I thought he was being a bit too touchy, myself, but I haven't called it Regan since."
The man most responsible for destroying the air traffic controller's union and sparking a race to the bottom in flight staff work standards does not deserve an airport in his name. Period.
Don't believe that Ronald Reagan deserves to have an airport named after him.
"When talking to friends about flying, I often call it DCA because of the airport code... "
Shorthand name
"bwi was changed, too. very few people refer to it as marshall-bwi. national was named for george washington -- as in washington national airport -- it does not need to be named after two presidents. besides, reagan was not in washington league as a president."
It is National airport. Fuck Reagan
I call it either DCA or Reagan
"I'm an air traffic controller, and we controllers call it anything BUT Reagan. Some call it Washington National or National or just DCA. Reagan fired controllers back in the 80s for striking on working conditions and pay. "
Reagan makes perfect sense for a political city.
"Lived in Fairfax County almost my entire life. Called it ""National"" until about 3-4 years ago, when I started calling it ""Reagan"". I blame it on moving to a job where I work with a lot of people new to the area."
I will never call an airport by the name of a man who fired air traffic controllers.
I've always called it Reagan and I had no idea there was a debate. Fascinating!
Habit. That's what I was introduced to it as. I do call it DCA or national sometimes too though.
"Because it's National Airport, ding dangit."
"I lived in Fauquier County, VA all my life until I graduated college. However, from birth to fourth grade, I traveled daily to be cared for my Grandparents at their house in Alexandria, VA. My mother is an Alexandria, VA native and I consider it my second home. My mom still calls it National, but I have combined the new and old names."
It is the closest to the nation's capital.
I do not believe that an airport in the nation's capital should be named after a president who was so divisive for so many.
Because I usually mention that airport among decent human beings.
"i call airports by their call sign, just a habit"
"Ronald Regan is too long/is a person - but is usually what comes out of my mouth in conversation since the topic gauges that were already talking about airports.
However, Regan National is the best name imho. It's short, and specifies the discrepancy in airport. (National vs. International) "
"That's what I called it growing up. And Reagan fired a bunch of striking air traffic controllers, so I'm not cool with naming an airport after him."
I work for an airline.
Reagan was a terrible president.
"I call many airports by their IATA codes, but I do refer to it as ""National"" when I'm not calling it DCA."
"My mom grew up in Fairfax Co., so I visited my grandparents a lot when I was a kid. They always called it Reagan National. They are super Republican. I'm in the middle, but my gut instinct is to call it Reagan National, followed by National, followed by DCA."
Refuse to call it Reagan.
That is what I was told it was called when we lived there.
"Habit - I also was/am offended that an airport should be named for a President who actively opposed the Air Traffic Controllers' job action.
p.s. I always thought that the parkway, Pentagon and airport land on the Va side of the Potomac was not part of the post-Civil War rescission and remains part of DC. Could you clarify that in your follow-up article? "
DCA is the airport code.
Because that's its name?
I go back and forth between DCA and Reagan. I almost never call it National.
"Habit. I have to think to call it Reagan, but if I just blurt it out I call it National, everyone knows what you are talking about either way so I never bother to call it Reagan."
"Have lived here about 13 years now. I alternate between Reagan and National, but most often use National. DCA is just for bookings, too impersonal - doesn't identify with anything whereas Reagan and National clearly do."
"Although I didn't grow up in the DC area, my father's family is all in the area and we visited at least once a year. They all refer to it as National, and so do I."
"The only airport named after a president that I'm okay with is JFK, since it's more patriotic than partisan. I'll only refer to the airport here as either DCA or National for that reason. "
"I think that I just tend to call most airports that I fly into/out of by their airport code - BWI, JFK, LAX..."
"I call it National because it is National.
Because Ronnie Raygun was a gigantic dick and shouldn't be memorialized.
He who must not be named did not deserve to have an airport named after him
"I should remember to not call it Reagan National, as it's a travesty, and I hate Reagan. But dammit, it has gotten into my regular usage despite myself :("
Dated a flight attendant just got used to speaking in airport code.
i remember seeing a statue of ronald reagan in the airport so the name stuck with me
"I call it Reagan because that's what it's called. Efficient, effective. "
"Annoyed by effort to name everything Reagan. Generally, don't like places to be named after people (Dulles is, but who knows who Dulles is anymore?)."
"bc i refuse to call it the ""full"" name. and it was a ROYAL waste of $$$ changing it. "
"Because it looks good, its convenient but when youre in for the long haul it just doesnt get the job done. Like Ronald. "
"Aunt who lives in northern VA corrected me the first time I flew in, ""We call it National. Not Reagan."""
"My first job in DC, I said I was going to go catch a flight at ""Reagan."" My boss (super liberal) overheard me and said ""you're a Democrat, you say National."" And I've stuck with it ever since."
Called it Reagan until I moved to DC four years ago and was told only republicans call it that. National doesn't roll off the tongue as well as DCA.
I also call it Reagan National.
Just always stuck. Easy to say
Simplest and most specific
Because john McCain made a decision that belonged in local hands
National or DCA are both names I use for it.
I use Google Flights booking and constantly look at the flight code trying to find the best deal that I can
Because that's its name.
It's just easy
"Used to call it National, but I work as an air quality consultant for airports, so have gotten into the habit of calling it Reagan National over the past 10 years - since I write reports using that title. "
Ronald Reagan does not deserve the honor of having an airport named after him. I have no need to buy into the Republican fetishization of him.
Just habit.
"Not entirely clear. May be political affiliation. But I would call it either ""DCA"" or ""National"". I fly quite a bit (5-10 times a month), but I call other airports a mixture of their actual name (e.g. Heathrow, Logan, Port Columbus, Dulles), and the airport code (LAX, JFK, CDG, BWI)."
That's the name of the airport.
"1. Because I'm a long-time Washingtonian.
2. Reagan was not my favorite president."
It's the name.
Because that's its name...
"George Bush Airport is in Texas, Bill Clinton Airport is in Arkansas. Why can't Ronald Reagan Airport be in California? Even if you don't care about being local, go with someone the locals actually like. JFK wasn't from New York, but at least New York voted for him--and they get to name their own airports. DC didn't even vote for Regan when he won 49 states!"
Because Reagan was a shitty president and the republicans are lionizing him through revisionist histories.
Because that's the name. National.
"Close family members have lived in the DC/Baltimore area for decades and refer to the airport as National, which is where I picked it up."
Because it's called National Airport.
"It's always been National and always will be. That some jerks went on a naming spree while a former President was still alive is an affront to America. Ironic how no one ever attempted to name it ""the Ronald Reagan memorial trillion dollar deficit."" Nevermind that dude fired all the air traffic controllers because they had the nerve to go on strike to dispute unsafe working conditions.
"I grew up in Stafford County and National was the airport we used probably 75% of the time, both for family trips and for relatives flying into town to visit us (which was code for: ""Have a free place to crash while we tour DC""). While my first inclination is to refer to it simply as ""National"" from sheer force of habit, I shudder at the thought of disrespecting Ronnie. It feels unnatural to just say ""Reagan,"" though. The compromise I hit on was to refer to it as ""Reagan National,"" which is probably the equivalent of my grandma using compounds like ""tuna fish"" or ""ink pen."" But there you go."
"Ironic to name an airport after someone who was so unforgiving toward air traffic controllers. In addition, I came of age during the Reagan era, and it and the highly partisan politics that followed from it define my political consciousness. While I am a green, not a democrat, I have been and remain particularly offended by many of the social policies of the political right. "
DCA because that's the official abbreviation for the airport.
Very very very very very much not a fan of Reagan or his politics
National Airport is historic. Reagan National isn't.
I call it National because that's the name of the airport. Reagan has enough crap in this country named after him. The republicans were in control of congress the year the name was changed and rammed it down our throats. They even threatened metro with a loss in funding if they didn't change the name of the metro stop.
Because nobody wants to call it Reagan
"I don't remember the Reagan years fondly, nor the effect of his politics on the nation's economy."
I call it National too. Anything but Reagan.
"When I fly in to National, I'm corrected by my family (all Democrats), who call it Reagan. But I just can't get used to the new name, even though it's not new any more. I was always proud to be flying into National Airport when I was a kid--proud that this was the nation's capital and it was also my home airport.
Naming the airport after a politician doesn't offer the same inclusive appeal. DC is the entire nation's capital--we all agree on that. Ronald Reagan wasn't the entire nation's favorite president."
"I am a creature of habit. It was once National, and will remain National."
I will always call it National Airport. The name never should have been changed.
I like using the call letters.
"It's always been National airport to me.
Plus, Reagan was just terrible."
"I actually call it ""Reagan National"" only to people who might be confused, to my friends and family I refer to it as ""the Great Satan."""
Reagan was a terrible presidenthe inflicted damage on this country that we're still dealing with today. I'm not using his name.
"I grew up 5 miles away from the airport, and it was always National. Still kind of grates when I hear people call it Reagan, because I'm not used to it."
It will always be National Airport to me.
Ronald Reagan was no George Washington.
Because: It had a name before the Reganification of all things.
"Brevity, specificity"
It will always be National.
"Because Reagan pointedly refused to recognize or fund aid for the AIDS crisis until 36,058 Americans had been diagnosed with AIDS and 20,849 had died. So what if he was in a movie with a monkey? That didn't make him a good president. And air travel is aggravating enough without being reminded of this legacy right before entering the George W. Bush Security Screening Theater. "
Seems the most appropriate....that and I hate Reagan.
"It's always been National to me. National, Dulles and BWI nothing more, nothing less"
"Getting preoccupied with a name just maximizes the amount frivolous semantic gridlock that's already holding our society back. There are lots of things out there that are named after assholes. For example, The Edison Victrola or The X-Men."
"I lived with my parents in Fauquier County when I was young, but my mom would take me to my grandparents' house in Alexandria for school, and we'd stay there for most of the week."
I call it Washington National. I think George was a more important president than Ron
not a Reagan fan
"Because Reagan is awesome and the Nationals suck, so gotta go with Reagan"
It's just easy to say DCA.
"Most people I knew when I moved to DC called it National. But I refer to it DCA around fellow aviation geeks.
Also, I grew up in the Philippine, in the latter part of the notorious regime of the dictator Ferdinand Marcos. His most prominent US supporter: Ronald Reagan."
"It really still is ""National"" to me, but few people call it that because of the ""Reagan"" bit. You can definitely tell the age and whether the person grew up in this area by how they call that airport. It is definitely not ""Reagan""--- that never took on and no one ever calls it that. ""Reagan National"" is a mouthful and only stewardesses ever call it that, when they're announcing landing. So, to shorthand and make sure everyone is always on the same page, whether you grew up in the area or not, e we most often call it -- DCA. But, I have called it all of those things, including ""that other airport in Nova."" :P "
"I use ""Reagan"" and ""DCA"" interchangeably. "
Because National was its name before and naming it for the president who fired striking workers there is rubbing salt in the wound.
"When I moved here in 2011, I was told that ""real"" Washingtonians call it ""National""."
"Because it's easier than saying Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. I guess I could start calling it Ronald. I think I might, actually. I like that better."
The name should not have been changed to honor the president who fired all the air traffic controllers when they were on strike. Union solidarity!
It's our national Airport. I don't buy into the fabricated sainthood of a certain Former President.
I mostly call it National but sometimes will say Reagan.
Because to hell with Ronald Reagan.
Ronald Reagan has too many things named after him already. Naming an airport after a man who tried to fire striking air traffic controllers is obscene.
"It's always been National to me, and I thought Ronald Reagan ascended to Godhood a little early."
"After moving away I forgot what it's called so I looked it up, and that's what I found. I never flew when I lived in the area."
To not give Reagan's ghost the satisfaction
Opposed to the lionization of Reagan
My boyfriend calls it that
I didn't even know there was another airport up there
It's always been National to me.
It's what it has always been. Real natives never call it by that President it's named after.
Ronald Regan was a terrible president.
He busted the air traffic controller's union and it was a political decision.
"National or DCA (when typed out) is what everyone else I knew and worked with called it when I moved here. I appreciate the region refraining from ""Reagan."""
I try to ignore the fact that the airport is named after...that President...and insist on calling it National.
People know what I mean when I say DCA. Otherwise I would just say DC.
"The first time I came to DC, I was told by a longtime resident that the airport is ""National"" not ""Reagan"" and that only out of towners call it that. That stuck and now I pass the advice along. It is National Airport, or DCA if we're talking in airport code. It is never Reagan. That's just wrong."
I'm your typical anti-Reagan liberal so I don't want to invoke his name when I don't have to.
"Congressional overreach. It is our airport, not theirs. "
'DCA' is the quickest name and also the most distinct.
Dysfunctional City Airport aka DC Airport aka DCA
"As a pilot, I tend to use DCA, but when talking to other people I use National. I moved to the DC area in 1999 when the rename was still recent and the old name of National was still in regular use."
I don't want to call it Reagan. Should be renamed Clinton National Airport
"Because the Reagan fetish is silly, and DC *should* be the home of our ""national"" airport, just like it's the home of so many other ""national"" things, not to mention the Nationals."
It is National Airport. This business of retroactively renaming long standing structures for political/sentimental reasons just creates more confusion and additional costs all the way around. Congress/Senate should do what they were elected to do...
It's a slap in the face to name an airport after the president who summarily fired most of the air traffic controllers. I refuse to acknowledge it. The airport was National and will remain so unless the name is changed to something less offensive.
"Reagan shut airport down.
Kind of insulting to name it after him."
That's what people called it when I moved here 15 years ago :)
"It was National when I moved here at the age of 4 and it will always be National -- and everyone knows what you're talking about when you call it National. I loved Ronald Reagan, but I can't call this airport Reagan National."
Don't think we should have an airport i like so much named after someone i don't like so much.
"Because road signage and Metro all refer to it as Reagan National, but saying or writing Reagan is simpler. "
Ronald Reagan sucks
I cannot bring myself to call it by the official name because it is abhorrent that a man who fired all the air traffic controllers has an airport named for him.
I think Reagan stands for the Republicans' misunderstanding of the actual world.
Old school name
It was National when I moved here in 1993.
Dca or National. Never Reagan. I fly in and out 5 or more times a week.
I think it's what my dad calls it.
Because I thought that was its name...
easiest to say
It was already named after a president when I moved here. I never saw a reason to rename it.
Because its name is Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport.
I switch between and Reagan and DCA -- the shortest possible ways to say it. :)
"I have never flown into or out of the airport that's in Northern Virginia that isn't Dulles. Not that I can remember, anyway. I can't usually remember the airport code off the top of my head, but if I could, I'd probably refer to it that way. When I was a kid, we called it National and it was considered the worst. When they changed the name, I still called it National for a while until I heard my parents (who live in northern Maryland) call it Reagan National and I think that just makes sense for me."
Because that's it's name. :)
"The lack of DC voting rights leads me to reject impositions by Congress (regardless of party) on the people of DC. The airport insult is a perfect example of the treatment of DC residents by politicians of both parties. An airport was renamed without our input, deviating monies that are better used for DC citizens - all to rename an airport for a mediocre leader with little concern for full democracy for the ""third class citizens' of DC."
"I think it's kind of stupid to only name things after people who we admire. Reagan was a significant historical figure. Let's name more stuff after Carter and Clinton too. I object to the total ""de-Communization"" of street names, place names, etc. in Eastern Europe, where I now live, for the same exact reason. Nobody thinks the medieval kings and queens that streets here are often named for were saints."
"Because Reagan busted the Air Traffic Controllers Union., to name ANY airport after him is an insult to working men and women everywhere."
My parents always called it National.
Because they named the airport before he passed away. We should wait until politicians pass away before we honor them with monuments or major institutions.
"I actually used to call it Reagan, but was admonished by ""locals""/longtime residents. In an effort to be more authentic to my new city of residence, I switched to National."
"Because I refuse to much honor Ronald Reagan.
National Airport. That's what it's called.
I refuse to use he-who-shall-not-be-named because it was a travesty to name it for him. Not least becaus of his treatment of the air traffic controllers.
"Reagan doesn't deserve the honor. Plus, I've known is as National since my youth."
Because it was National first and I also refuse to give Reagan any credit. The Reagan era was a scam.
Reagan is quick and easy and people tend to know immediately what you're talking about.
Entire Maryland calls it Reagan. Stop inventing the wheel!
"An honorific name is superfluous and not necessary for everyday use. So I always say ""National."" And it's not political for me - you notice there isn't a poll about what to call BWI (which could certainly be called Marshall)."
"Although it's not technically in DC, I call it ""the DC airport"" because it's right on the border. More important, this name differentiates it from the two airports that are a little far from actual DC.
I'm not into things named after people without exciting histories or legacies, but that's beside the point. "
"DC - as part of the call letters, what I say in my head when I'm looking at flights.
National - to help my friends distinguish...its not Dulles. "
It wAS alway national Now it is Reagan national
"I call it ""National"" or ""Reagan National,"" but I find that ""National"" is clear enough for most people to know what I'm talking about, plus it's shorter than saying ""Reagan National."" I don't call it ""Reagan"" alone because it makes more sense to me for an airport to be referred to by a name that indicates the area it serves which, in this case, is the nation's capital, hence ""National."""
"What I've always heard it called, really. And my mom hates it if I call it 'Reagan'..."
"Because if DC had the same autonomy as every other major American city, there is zero chance that they would name their airport after Reagan, a man who busted the air traffic controllers union and led to the birth of the modern conservative movement, a movement despised by most DC residents."
"At a previous job in Bethesda, I'd occasionally traveled for work. All my co-workers called it Reagan Airport, and so I did too. It just stuck at that point."
I refuse to call it Reagan.
Renaming airports is stupid. Same with BWI (Thurgood Marshall).
Shortest name.
IATA airport code. Shortest name with no chance for confusion. Entering DCA usually brings up the correct airport on websites.
Just a short version of the name.
Disagree with republicans trying to name everything after Reagan
"The first time I flew into it, it was called Nation. Plus, Reagan really didn't do anything to deserve an airport, especially one in D.C., being named after him. His legacy hasn't been tested over time either. "
"If just flows in conversation. ""Yea, I'm flying out of Reagan tomorrow. "
"I think re-naming buildings in honor of politicians is arrogant. Also, I chose ""I did not grow up in the US"" although I did because before the age of 18, I lived in no one place longer than any other."
Object to everything in DC being named after Reagan by people who do not live in the area.
Because it's named after a man undeserving of the honor.
Reagan destroyed this once-great country.
"When I moved to DC 3 years ago I was told that Democrats refuse to call the airport ""Reagan"". Everyone around me called it National or DCA, so that's what I've gotten used to calling it."
"I called it National for a long time, but I think seeing the signs for it all the time made me change what I call it. Sometimes I use National, other times Reagan, other times Reagan National. "
Reagan was forced upon the airport. It's National. I correct people when they say Reagan (I am really fun at parties)
That's what my DC friends in their 30s call it.
"I call it National because when I first moved to D.C. in 2007, a D.C. native told me no one who lives in the District calls it anything else. I didn't want to be doing it wrong!"
It will always be national. Also can't stand Regan.
That's its shortened name.
Ronald Reagan silently sat and did nothing in the 80s while thousands of people died from AIDS. I don't believe him to be the great man people paint him to be.
That is it's name I thought.
"National, because it's what I learned first. "
I call all airports by their flight symbol
That's it's name now!
"""Reagan National"" prevents ambiguity."
I was corrected by several people who grew up in the DC-area and DCA is easier to remember after booking so many flights to/from the airport.
"Its National or DCA - Always will be. It was a completely political play by the Republicans who wouldn't even vote for that person anymore because he's too liberal for them. Why can't it be named after a famous Virginian? Oh wait, it was."
Because I feel like washing my mouth out with soap if I ever refer to it as Reagan.
Because Reagan was an asshole.
"When I first moved here two years ago I called it ""Reagan"" but someone who had grown up here told me that pointed me out as not from here and true locals call it National. I immediately switched."
"As a kid it was national, my parents worked in Crystal City I grew up and it changed to Reagan national"
No one should get an airport named after himself when he's still alive. Wasn't he even still in office?
"That's what I heard other people calling in when I moved here. I most often call it Reagan, but not exclusively. DCA is a close second, and Reagan National is third."
Reagan is the man!
"It's what I heard my parents call it, and they lived in the DC area since the mid-70s."
I don't like calling it Reagan!
"I just have trouble with airports with people's whole names. Especially actors. I refuse to call it Ronald Reagan National Airport and I refuse to believe that John Wayne Airport is a real place that exists.
(Also, when you say Ronald Reagan National Airport, it sounds like you're saying two places. It's just too much of a mouthful.)"
disrespectful to the air traffic controllers.
Because I hate Reagan.
"National is silly because lots of airports are ""national."" It's like calling any international airport ""international."""
I can't bring myself to call an airport after President Reagan. It's bad enough that my friends who work for USAID have to call their work place after him.
It's the least number of syllables.
I call it by its airport code designation because that is simple and non partisan.
"To confuse the people who use this as a stupid, political litmus test."
Because Reagan deserves nothing in his honor.
Because that's what I use when I book my flights.
Because I'm not a fan of rebranding.
Ronald Reagan ruined the country.
I don't want to call it Reagan.
You know why.
"It was only around 2 years ago that I started flying out of Reagan/DCA/whatever-it's-called and I use all of the aforementioned names interchangeably. If I'm feeling lazy: DCA. If I'm around my father, a staunch Democrat who can't understand why an airport would be named after a man who fired unionized air traffic controllers: National. To people not from the area: Reagan National, to limit confusion. What a funny mess!"
Cuz Ronnie Raygun fired the ATCs and does not deserve an airport named after him.
Because when I moved here a friend told me that only non-locals call it Reagan.
I fly a lot. Which means I tend to think of airports according to their airport code instead of by name.
DCA. I'm an air traffic controller.
"I was pretty young when the name changed, and this way seems clearest. Lots of things in DC are ""National."""
"I also call it ""that airport that looks like a military installation."""
It's called National or DCA.
"A. Because that's what I grew up with.
B. Because when they were planning on changing it I heard a quote from someone who worked in aviation who said they would rather have a red hot poker in their eye than name it after Reagan so I did some research and learned a lot more about the Reagan/airline ""problems"". "
"I usually use DCA because I often refer to airports by their 3-letter designation (PHX, ORD, LAX), likely as a result of growing up in a family of pilots and being familiar with the aviation industry. Rarely, I will refer to it as Reagan National."
Fucking santification of Reaganbas a false god bothers me.
I call it Reagan national because that's the name I grew up with.
"I've always been offended by using Reagan
- he destroyed the air traffic controller's union
- and the drive to get his name on everything reeks of some strange right-wing idolatry."
Because that it what I learned it as...
"I first learned about it as a kid by the name ""National"". I think of it as DCA sometimes, but would almost never call it that out loud. Republicans wanted to name it after their favorite recent president, but because of Reagan's air controller union issues that always felt like a slap in the face to labor. So National it remains. Also, it makes sense - it's the airport closest to our nation's capital. "
"It's what locals call it, so that's what I call it. I'm not a tourist or an idiot, so I call it National. Why name an airport after the president who caused air traffic controllers so much strife? Why name an airport after a president who was horrible? It will always be National to me."
"I fly a lot, so airport codes are useful shorthand, and I almost always refer to all airports by their three digit codes. However, when I ask a taxi driver to take me to the airport that is not BWI or Dulles, I ask for ""National."" I do find that I studiously avoid any reference to ""Ronald Reagan"" in the name."
"'Cause that's what I and my family have always called it. Also, I despise Congress's handling of it with the renaming of an airport that serves the local population, not the nation, Further, they should have taken the tab for the associated costs (Metro signs, etc.) since they created that cost."
"National or DCA is fine.
Reagan is one of the worst presidents we've ever had."
Because that's it's name.
Because Propaganda is insidious.
"I call it National or DCA. I pass by it every day, twice a day, on the metro. When I first moved here, all the Metro conductors all called it National. Now most call it by the full name, ""Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport"", although those that do not call it by the full name refer to it as ""National"" -- I hear it about once or twice a week."
"I used to be an EA and one of the people I supported didn't know which airport was Reagan and showed up to the wrong airport once for a flight after she screamed at me, I will not called them, ""Dulles"" or ""Reagan"" but by their three letter codes. "
That is its name!
It was National airport for years..and to me that's all it is
Too many things named after Reagan. He wasn't that good.
"I work for an airline so tend to use the three letter airlport code. However, when not calling it DCA, I'd call it Reagan."
Not a fan of Reagan as a political figure
Reagan is a buffoon.
"""Reagan"" doesn't seem to be specific enough. And, it doesn't sound like you're talking about an airport if you said Reagan. ""Reagan National"" does the trick."
"I use the terms DCA, Reagan, and National -- though I use DCA most often. But I generally call most US airports by their code-- except for Dulles. IAD is just annoying to say, it doesn't roll off the tongue, so to speak."
Refuse to call it Reagan. I sometimes call it National.
When I moved here in 1976 it was National
I do not believe Reagan deserves having an airport named after him. His policies were discriminatory and hurt our country.
"We've lived here only since about 2010. That's what others have called it, and it's short."
"For a party that is based on the concept of local control, it was beyond hypocritical to require local governments change the name and absorb significant costs to do so.
It is an ultimate insult to flight controllers who were based at National who were trying to point out major issues with the system and who were totally shut down by Reagan. I always correct out of towners when they use the wrong name."
Because that's its name.
I use DCA and National but NEVER Reagan!
I'm a Native Washingtonian- I was going to that airport for years before they changed the name and I just can't make the switch!
"Around the world people admire USA, so when they land in the DC Airport, they need something that makes them feel proud and energized.
Its a pride thing."
Ronald Reagan National Airport. Short hand drop the 'Regan'
"I usually look for tickets using DCA, but in conversation I use DCA and Reagan interchangeably"
Why use two names when just one will communicate the point?
"Whatever my opinion of Reagan and his policies, the name change was done by the legitimate authority and the name belonged to a President of this nation. Because the office of the President and the power of Congress deserve respect by virtue of what they are, not who they are, I use the name Reagan. Because most of my neighbors call it National, I also include that as part of the descriptor. "
I don't like Ronald Reagan. His administration started us down the path to massive inequality and corporatization.
"Ugh, because Reagan is awful "
"I didn't like that it was named after a living person (plus i never loved him), and now I'm just used to calling it National."
There are better presidents that could have been honored eponymously.
"Washington National Airport has already been named for a president, and a fine one at that. Those who seek to rename it are royalist usurpers.
Least confusing name of all the options
I used to call it National and the fell into the habit of calling it Reagan. I still use National occasionally.
"It's DCA because I book online - if I use another name I probably opt for Reagan over the other options.
That's what I've always heard it called on the news.
"Most of my left friends scoff when I call the airport Reagan, but it's just a name. "
"Despite my political bias, ever since I moved to DC 8 years ago the most common way I've heard the airport mentioned has been discussed is Reagan National. "
Shorter name and old habits die hard
Because it's National.
It is shorter than calling it Reagan National.
Naming an airport after the president that locked out the air traffic controllers is just silly.
"Because it is and always will be National Airport. It has a better ring to it. It's a National Capital area airport, and no president should have the claim to that. So, simply, it should be National. "
Because the name change to Reagan was done without the consent or feedback of local residents - we called it National before the name change and still call it National. An act of Congress does not change that.
Easier for others to look up when booking flights.
"It will always be National Airport, even if the GOP can't find enough things to scribble the Gipper's name on. "
That's what I knew it as when I moved to the DC area.
I have a problem with naming an airport after the man who fired all the air traffic controllers and busted the pilots' union.
"I split calling it DCA, National, or Reagan National. Mostly DCA because it's most efficient."
"I call the airport Reagan. But saying that man's name necessitates spitting on the ground, saying ""I'll see you in hell, Ronnie"", or a micro-polemic about what an evil, soulless pieces of trash that man was. "
I do not like Reagan or the GOP but I made a conscious decision to just call it what it is and move on. He was US president and I will respect that.
"When I came to Maryland in 1993 it was called National, despite the change personally I prefer to continue to call. When I fly I prefer to jet from BWI."
"I've always heard it called ""Ronald Reagan National Airport"" and I know it's DCA from the amount of times I've had to type that in when scheduling a flight. But neither of those are easy ways to refer to the airport, so ""Reagan"" is what I call it--for simplicity's sake and because everyone knew which airport I was referring to."
I refuse to refer to the nation's Capitol airport after a president who busted the air traffic controllers strike.
"I vowed it never call it Reagan National, but Reagan is two syllables and National is three, so Reagan just kind of slips out."
Because Ronald Reagan was a national nightmare!
"Because while I'd rather say ""DCA"" or ""National"" to avoid uttering Reagan's name, half the time people either don't know what I'm talking about or will correct me, so I've just given up and usually call it Reagan now."
"Because I refuse to call it Reagan anything, for the obvious political reasons!"
Because Regan is a stupid name.
"Because that's what we've always called it, and the effort to change its name was heavy handed and honors someone I don't particularly care for."
"The airport code is DCA. I use that in my head when I think of it, but to friends who are looking to fly in, I say Reagan."
His legacy...
Because that's its name. Washington National Airport. Newt Gingrich can go f*** himself.
I call it DCA or National because it was so designated for a long time. I *refuse* to call it Reagan considering what he did to air traffic controllers.
"I find Ronald Reagan to have been the worst President of modern time. We are still recovering from his disasterous ineptitude. The man was a ""B"" grade actor and an ""F"" grade President.
There is no way that I will ever ""attribute"" any honor to him. "
Against the deification of President Reagan.
Regan was not the friend of air traffic controllers. It was therefore an insult to name an airport after him.
It is the national airport for our nation's capital. It shouldn't be named after a dem or a repub.
"I generally don't like public infrastructure renamed after presidents or anyone else - especially for people who are still living when the renaming occurs. Therefore I always refer to that airport as either ""National"" or ""Washington National"". In fact Washington National Airport was already named for a president - president Washington - and it didn't need to have another president's name tacked onto it.
This way of thinking is not related to my being a ""Democrat"" - I think the full name of BWI (Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport) is ridiculous and way too long, even though I appreciate Thurgood Marshall's good work on the Supreme Court."
Because the president before Bush I doesn't deserve the honor or having an airport named after him. He has done more to destroy government that anyone since Newt Gingrich.
"Easy to understand -- also don't have to use the ""r"" word."
"Name ""Reagon"" was forced on the airport by Congress after all local jurisdictions opposed it. The correct name is Washington National."
I don't like Ronald Reagan. I usually call it National or DCA.
Reagan is the name I always heard most so that's what I ended up calling it...
It's what I've heard my family (from ohio) call it
"""Reagan"" is a stupid name for an airport - there was no reason to change the name, so I'll continue to call it ""National"" (which at least associates it somehow with D.C., in my opinion)"
It was already named after a perfectly good president--George Washington.
"Last time I checked, Washington was a president... Washington National Airport!"
"I've called it all those names;
Tend to use Reagan now more frequently. Before that it was Washington National. "
That other name has soiled history enough already...
It's a disgrace to refer to the best airport in the U.S. by the name of a president who did so many atrocious things.
I actually call it Reagan or DCA depending on what I'm doing.
"Because that's its name.
And because renaming DCA was part of one congressman's efforts to idolize a president who frankly cared very little for the residents of the Nations Capital. It was a flagrant, cynical political effort, in direct opposition of the views of the citizens who live in and around DC. "
"My family has mostly called it ""Reagan."" I think it's easier to say the two syllable ""Reagan"" than three syllables for ""D C A."" I almost always used ""DCA"" when I would have flights booked by a travel agency for a lobbying organization. "
I honestly fluctuate between Reagan and DCA. I suppose I use Reagan more often. I call it Reagan because of the people around here. I call it DCA because that's the airport code. I've gravitated to using airport codes to clarify which airport it is exactly. I actually often call DCA the DC airport as well. Because the other two are further away.
"Easy to say, unambigious, and people who fly or work at airports can look up."
Because it'll be a cold day in hell when I call it Reagan.
I've just always heard it called Reagan
"In all seriousness, I call it DCA. I will not call it Reagan due to my dislike/disdain for President Reagan and his policies."
I am in the airport business and use the 3 letter airport designation.
"I always heard it called Reagan, and have called it that myself, but my boss is an avid Democrat and asked me to please call it National! "
Ronald Reagan is from California. Let them name their airports after him.
"I stick with the widely-known name rather than the new name, which sometimes takes extra explaining"
"I think DCA has officially been named after Reagan for most of my conscious life, but my parents, including my PG-county-native mother, never called it by anything other than ""National,"" so I never did. I think this is actually due only in small part to force of habit, and due mostly to their virulent dislike of Ronald Reagan (which I also inherited). "
"It's a convenient shorthand to say ""DCA"" (and IAD and BWI for the other two). "
"There was no reason to rename it. In my mind, Ronald Reagan is synonymous with trickle down economics, a vastly misguided policy which has led to the massive economic inequality of our day. Some legacy!"
Because using the airport code is accurate and no one will be confused.
I already know the name of this airport.
"I wouldn't use the 40th president's name for the airport in any case, but given the fact that he busted the ATC union - are you kidding me?"
I *think* that's the name everyone else uses?!
IT will never be Reagan after what he did to air traffic controllers
I'm not a fan of Pres. Reagan.
It is the wrong thing to use to honor a man who fired the striking Air Traffic Controllers.
"I call it National, because Reagan was a fucking monster."
"Because National used to be its full name. To me, if you call it Reagan, you've moved here more recently (or are just visiting)."
"At this point, habit. I think it started because I was told when I moved here that locals called it National and i wanted to fit in like a local."
"It's what I've always called it, and is what I've heard it called most frequently by others."
"I've never thought about it but I probably call it ""Reagan"" because that's the quickest/easiest thing to call it (has the fewest syllables). That's my guess anyways."
"That's what it is called. The runways are short, it's crappy and dangerous feeling so Reagan seems to be fitting. "
"It allows me to leave my friends with a hilarious catch phrase: ""Thank you for coming!"" "
On principle I refuse to Reagan's legacy
"My immediate answer, as I'm listing off DC airports, was 'Reagan'. But as I thought about it more, there are certain contexts or phrases in which I would say 'Reagan National', like if I were giving a taxi destination. And I would definitely expect media coverage to something at least a little less shorthand, like 'Reagan National [Airport]'. And then, to complicate things further, when I put a flight into my calendar, I always use the IATA code."
"I will never call anything the ""R"" word."
Based on standard of airport 3-Letter codes.
"I call it DCA because I think Reagan was a terrible president, whose policy decisions I disagree with, and I'd rather not use his name or proliferate it in society. "
National or DCA
Naming the airport after the president who fired all the air traffic controllers is absurd.
"Honestly, I call it multiple things depending on who I'm talking to. Other travelers, people outside of DC get DCA. People in DMV get Reagan or National, though never Ronald Reagan or Reagan National. "
Ronald Reagan was pure concentrated evil.
I don't like Reagan so I never want to associate this airport with him!
Union family
Reagan and the air traffic controllers' strike
To call this airport Reagan is an affront to air traffic controllers and labor in general. I refer to it as Barry National for someone who actually did something for this city and its citizens.
"It's a mix of Reagan National and National, but much more erred toward National. ""Are you flying into national?"" ""No I'm flying to BWI, its $40 cheaper"" ""You can get your self here on your own then, a taxi here is going to cost you like $100 and I'm not driving to BWI, shoulda flown to National or Dulles""."
It's the shortest name for it and easier to remember than DCA
2 honor ms. reagan's fertile pu$$i
"The first time I heard someone talk about it, they called it Reagan "
"Because the guy who fired the air traffic controllers shouldn't have an airport named after him. (And while we're on the subject, the guy who allegedly abhorred government waste shouldn't have a massive federal building named after him, either.)"
" I never understood why Congress felt the need to displace one former President's name in favor of another.
Plus, it was Washington National when I moved here in 1985 so that's what I'm sticking with. "
That's the airport code when searching for flights online...
It's what everyone else I know calls it.
"It had a perfectly good name, one that worked, before it was renamed. I see no reason to use the new name."
"When flying to ""DC"" I fly into ""DCA"". Seems logical enough."
That's it's original name. The addition of Reagan politicized it.
It's one of the names I've heard it referred to. Short reference yet people know what you're talking about.
"I call it DCA or Reagan because that's what my parents called it. I'm a first generation American and I have lived in DC, PG, and Montgomery County. I attended primary, secondary, undergraduate and graduate school on Maryland"
Not a fan of that president and since I am given a choice of names I'll choose to call it National.
It's the airport code used on all of websites.
Had no respect for Reagan as a president. Less than no respect.
"Older Dems won't call it Reagan... people that have been in DC a longer time are accustomed to saying National. Younger people will likely be less impacted by these factors and say Reagan, regardless of political affiliation... it's just what they are now used to now."
It was called that when I was a kid. It was insulting that the name was changed to honor a republican president in a city that that party refuses to give home rule to or honor its choices.
"Because it's the centrally located airport for the nation's airport. Also, because there's no sense in blindly following in the hero worship of a semi-competent war criminal."
" I think because my dad who flies a lot always calls it ""National"". "
"Wasn't it ""Ronald Reagan International Airport""? Maybe I'm remembering wrong. Either way, I just called it Reagan for short."
"Because it only flies domestic flights, duh."
I'm used to it now.
"National now, National tomorrow, National forever!"
The best name on facebook check-in is Monica Lewinski International Airport. We should change the name to this!
"It was National when I was growing up, and renaming it after someone I don't like or respect didn't make me want to spend one iota of time or energy reprogramming my brain to call it the new thing."
"In the Clinton-Gingrich years, there was a GOP orgy of naming key DC places after Republicans. Reagan was a two-term president beloved by Republicans and I guess was entitled to some naming honor, but he was a recent and controversial president, and his most notable action in aviation was to fire all the air traffic controllers for striking, so naming the airport after Reagan was really sticking it to Democrats and labor in an unseemly way."
"Because that's what it's called... Okay, sure, it's also called Reagan and the call letters are DCA, but it's just called National. "
"Considering the PATCO lockout, calling any airport Regan just seems... well, let's just say I can't bear the irony."
"It's what everyone else calls it. I don't like him, but that's what it's called. I have the same problem in Houston.
"Ronald Reagan is too long. Few out of towners know ""Reagan"" as the airport. DCA is succinct, but not enough people know the airport code. National is just as long as DCA, and different enough from Dulles."
A couple of reasons...1) It was called National when I was growing up and lived in NoVa. 2) I have fundamental issues with Ronald Reagan's beliefs and behavior as president.
"It's a shortened version of the full name that I see on the metro maps. I've only been to that airport once, but I pass it nearly every day on the metro."
I say Reagan or DC nothing behind it
"Habit, mainly, but also because I was a Capitol Hill staffer when the Republicans changed the name and was just shocked by the petty and ostentatious glee they took in it. (They raised money off it as well.) It was a sign of things to come, and seemed less about honoring Reagan and more about annoying people who were not big fans of the Reagan years. The idea that most of the people of DC and the immediate area opposed the idea was just a sweetener for those erstwhile guardians of local control. "
Because fuck Ronald muthafuckin Reagan
cause that's its name
"Because when I moved to the area in 2011, I was told that calling it Reagan was gauche. I make a point to call it National when around people from the D.C. area, but when I'm talking to non-DMV people, I slip and call it Reagan"
"Three reasons: !. It's what I grew up with. 2. It's shorter. 3. As comedian Will Durst once pointed out, they named the nation's airport after the guy who fired the air traffic controllers?!? You can't make up stuff like that."
"I use airport codes because it's more accurate. My name for the airport shifts depending on who I'm talking to and the scenario, but I don't have a deep undying love for one name over another. "
"It's what I've always known it to be, though I now know the airport was only recently renamed"
Because calling it Reagan is a non-starter.
"Because that is its airport code. Dulles is ""Dulles"". BWI is ""BWI"". My second choice is ""Reagan National""."
I think renaming National was a political stunt.
"It's Washington National and will forever be Washington National because that's it's rightful name. I wouldn't call it its new name just because some knuckle-dragging Republicans went and changed it to suit their need to worship a horrible person.
I resent the way it was renamed. It's too wordy now. Galling
National and DCA are both acceptable. It's always been National to me and Bob Barr was never going to change that.
"No clue, but I'm sufficiently shamed into referring to it as National from now on because you guys won't shut up about it."
"Reagan is known for union-busting ATC and did nothing to deserve having his name appended to every Fed'l Bldg, park, Post Office, fire hydrant and large tree."
Because that's it's name.
Family is full of travel agents. We tend to use three letter codes for airports.
"Considering the area that the Airport is in, Washington, DC. I feel that naming it an individual's name is inappropriate. I would like to think though that my opinion goes beyond party affiliation. I am a Democrat, yes, but I do respect and honor the many contributions and feats Reagan was able to accomplish during his tenure as President. But considering his presidency is not as aged as some of predecessors, I feel that the specific name of 'REAGAN National' is a huge stretch to be granted. He did already have a building in his name (I believe) before the airport added the President's name. If the airport was in name of George Washington - the city for whom it is named for, I believe I would have been more accepting as he is one of the many key, if not a MAJOR contributor in the creation of this nation - NOT Reagan. Reagan's term was limited to just dealing with the Russian/Communist 'threat.' I tend to also look at more... ""historical"" peoples. So those that were present during the creation of the Nation. And if not George Washington, then at least dedicate the name to honor the Native Americans... As Americans, I believe that is our CONTINUOUS faulting in life as we do little to respect the ancestry that was here before colonization had occurred. This area is rich in Native American history as well (Just look at the name Potomac for goodness sake!). But yes, the airport should just strictly be NATIONAL and identified as no person's name. I also feel that, nowadays, people find reasons or excuses to name buildings/structures after people. There are better ways to do that. Are their accomplishments and contributions to society's betterment not enough?? BWI should have also stayed BWI. I ignore the Thurgood Marhsall name as much as I do Ronald Reagan."
Either Reagan or DCA for brevity.
It's here in Arlington where Republicans don't stand a chance at office (unless the Democrats loose themselves in streetcar issues). I resent that the other name was foisted on us by a Republican from Arizona! Go name your own airport after whomever you wish and leave us alone!!!
National was its name when I first started flying into it as a kid. I also thought it was odd that we'd honor the man who fired all the air traffic controllers by naming our capital's airport after him.
It seems most natural to call it DCA. Though I had a very international/flight-heavy upbringing so airport codes might make more sense for me to use than others.
"When booking a flight online, it's easiest to type in DCA to search for the airport. So that has entered my vernacular"
Reagan was an asshole
That is how I have heard it referred to...
Reagan is the slimmed-down version of what it's called on the WMATA Metro map.
Reagan fired the ATCs. I disapprove of using the same name for the airport.
Because that's what it's called until that arriviste gadfly Grover Norquist got his conservative friends to agitate to call it after a made-up idol who hated Washington.
"I also call it DCA although it's true and original name of National is far better.
I refuse to use ""Reagan"" as he doesn't deserve this honor. He may have done many great things for our country - but he also did a lot to hurt us, including not uttering the word ""AIDS"" until the crisis was far into its time. Ronnie could have stood up for and likely stopped what has been a scourge on our country and our world by advancing medical practice around HIV and AIDS sooner.
He also presented us with trickle down economics - which just doesn't work. "
Ronald Reagan was a horrible human being and one of the worst presidents this country has ever seen. He should have nothing named after him.
"I live near the Braddock road metro stop. Since I travel past the airport often, I use Reagan or Reagan National, though I do not care about Ronald Reagan at all. "
Renaming airports after politicians (Dem or GOP) is stupid.
"I call it Reagan because it offends my liberal friends. It doesn't bother me when people use different names, but I especially enjoy calling it Reagan after some liberals repeatedly attempt to scold me for referring to the airport as Reagan. I'm with Reagan; slayer of Soviets. "
Because I don't want to call it Reagan.
That's the original name.
Because the airport was named National going back to when it was built in the 1940s. The rename was rammed through by Congress in 1998 and was not popular with anyone in the DC metro area.
I'm a democrat and a creature of habit.
"Because its official name was imposed on DC by Congress, against the wished of the people in DC. It should be named after a president the people here actually like."
"Because my friend, a DC native with liberal family, makes me."
"Sometimes I say DCA, but I get nervous that DCA might sound too much like Dulles with a cab driver."
"While I grew up in Massachusetts, my father grew up in the DC area and his father and brother had never left, so we flew to DC a couple times a year. It was National. It remains National, and for so many reasons -- including as a DC resident myself for several years as an adult -- I object to Congress having foisted that other name on it."
"I don't feel the need to prove my DC-ness by calling it National, it marginalizes those who weren't here before the change and is just a pretentious thing to care about really."
"My parents called it National, they've been around since before they renamed the airport."
I refuse to call anything by the Reagan moniker.
That's what I heard other people call it when I first moved here. Don't see any reason to change. Everyone knows what you mean when you call it 'National.'
I usually identify airports by their acronyms.
That's it's name.
Because Ronald Reagan was a terrible president. I'm from Arkansas. Flying from clinton to Reagan is too depressing to handle.
"Because that is its goddamn name, now and forever"
"Airports need common names; I'm used to JFK, Logan, Bradley, O'Hare... It's simply just easier..."
"Because, that is what it is called."
Can't stand Reagan (the person)
It has always just been National to me. I assume it is because I knew it as National before it was dedicated to Reagan.
"Reagan was a bad president. (Iran-Contra, AIDS, deficits, etc.) Name should come from locals, and it was already named for a president-Washington. "
"Because it is and always has been National airport. If it was going to be renamed for a President, let's make it a President who has been long dead and is not divisive in the region."
Because Reagan fired all the air traffic controllers and that's pretty badass tbh
"because its already named after a president, Washington!!!!"
"I lived in Northern Virginia as a kid from 1985 to 1993. We used two airports - National and Dulles - I don't recall ever stepping foot into BWI, and there certainly was nothing called ""Reagan"" for us to fly out of."
I thought the idea to change the name to Reagan was ridiculous.
Reagan was and forever will be a total and complete fraud. He defunded the air traffic controllers and they named an airport after him? It still boggles the imagination.
Because I am not a fan of Ronald Reagan.
I felt like I was losing the National vs the R-word debate with taxi drivers. So I went all in...mayor For Life International Airport (MFL) for short.
I'm in the aviation business and we all use the three letter codes when talking about airports.
"It's absurd to name an airport for a man who compromised air safety for a decade by firing over 10,000 air traffic controllers, then vindictively banning them for life from civil service. "
Because I'm sure as hell not calling it Reagan.
Because I'm still ticked off that the name was changed to honor the man who fired all of the air traffic controllers.
Because when the name change was announced I thought it was a travesty of hypocrisy and vowed never to call it anything but National. I have stuck by my vow and will continue to do so.
Because the nation's capital doesn't belong to a president or a party.
Either Reagan or DCA
"I rew up calling it ""National,"" but I've adopted ""Reagan"" because that's what most of my co-workers call it."
"Ronald Reagan is one of history's greatest monsters, a man who has wrought violence against the poor both home and abroad. I will not speak his name in honor - only in disgust."
"It was the name when I was growing up, and Reagan National sounds ridiculous."
"I realize that most DC natives call it National...but I'm not a DC native. When I came to DC 3 years ago for school, most other students weren't from around here either, so everyone called it Reagan. Only over the past year or so have I come to realize that most natives cringe when they hear it referred to as Reagan. So, now that school is almost over, and I will officially be living in the city come graduation in the spring, I've been trying to break the habit of calling it Reagan and calling it National instead. But I must confess to calling it Reagan. "
National Airport is its original name. I am not a fan of renaming airports for politically motivated reasons. That include the renaming of BWI.
"I checked ""Reagan"" because I use that name most often. If I had to guess at my usage:
60% Reagan
30% DCA
10% National"
"It's shorter and easier, most people know what you're talking about and, quite frankly, I don't feel the need to refer to anything named after Ronald Reagan any more often than absolutely necessary."
Because he was the greatest president of our generation and only democrats deny him this honor. Suck it up liberals.
what I was thought to call it
"I use all of them, really, but Reagan has been beaten into my brain at this point"
"I grew up in Houston and grew up calling IAH, Intercontinental. National was always National. I'm not a fan of naming airports after recent presidents as there is too much political yuck tied to a name. So like National, Bush Intercontinental will always remain just Intercontinental to me."
Reagan sucks
"My sister lived in Arlington, and it was very convenient to get to her from the airport in question. I just used the name I heard at that time (2004-09 approx)"
"I call most airports by their 3-letter name. Also, RR was socioeconomically retarded."
"It's National Airport, damn it! I'm not going to call it Reagan (and when I accidentally do, am mad at self)."
Because Reagan doesn't deserve an airport.
I call it National because that was its best official name that befits an airport in the nation's capital. Ronald Reagan did nothing to deserve an airport to be named after him. Let's keep it neutral!
That's what it was called when I first moved to the DC area.
Because Reagan fired the air traffic controllers and should never have been given an airport.
"Sometimes I will admittedly call it ""Reagan National"" in a more official contact, but usually I just call it Reagan. Most usually in a ""Are you flying out of Reagan or Dulles?"" (I guess it's the most parallel)"
Because that's it's name! (Shortened)
Because I refuse to call it Regan. It is a disgrace that any airport was renamed for him.
"I'm not a Ronald Reagan fan, and National is the more appropriate DC name."
"Ronald Reagan doesn't deserve to have an airport named after him. ""National"" works just fine."
Reagan sucks.
"The name National Airport is free of politics, I would so like for it to be free of political control. Wouldn't mind if it were free of the advantages given politicions "
"Was told that that's what the locals call it, and object to naming everything after President Reagan."
"Dislike Reagan, dislike renaming long-named things"
"I alternate between DCA and Reagan National. When talking to peers in the DC area, I find myself saying DCA. When I talk with people who aren't in the area, I most frequently say Reagan National. I think there's more name recognition with Reagan National. I rarely have to explain myself when I say that, whereas if I refer to it as DCA, there's often some explanation that it's the the ""Reagan National airport"" or the ""airport just across the river from the city""."
"I like the sound of it. ""National"" makes it sound distinguished. And I hate the thought of tying it to Ronald Reagan, who was a terrible President, in my opinion."
"Airport had a name prior to the Republican Sainthood Frenzy, and it was named after a US president...."
Hate the name Reagan.
I disliked many aspects of Reagan's presidency.
"I think it's strange to name airports after living people. Before President Reagan died I called it National or DCA, but after he died I started alternating between ""DCA"" and ""Reagan."" In writing I still use DCA but in speaking I frequently use Reagan."
"While I am a faithful Democrat, it says Reagan on the goddamn Metro map now and I don't have some weird crusade against our 40th President, despite his unfortunate fan club in Congress. If Democrats really want to push their absurd tack on this, let's call it FDR Airport or something."
Ronald Reagan was a horrible president. Why would I want to refer to the airport with his name?
"Democrat's don't call it ""Reagan."""
"We called it that when I was a kid, the name has stuck in my mind. "
Because Ronal Reagan was a terrible human being. The only thing named in his honor should have been a toxic waste dump and then possible it could have become an eponym so that many years in the future all anyone should know when they saw the word Reagan that they should stay away and might get sick.
Because that is its name.
Because that's what it's called!
"A combination of growing up with that name, and respect for the air traffic controllers in NY who were my colleagues during a summer internship for an FAA airspace redesign taskforce. (They refused to use the new name, which I shall not speak aloud.)"
It was a sorry day for America when Ronald Reagan broke the air traffic controller's union.
DCA and Reagan National are interchangeable. I prefer DCA as it is less syllables.
"When I first thought about the question I came up with National, but as I thought harder to make sure (before even looking at the choices- just based off the headline) I thought perhaps it was Reagan National."
"Ronald Reagan was a horrible president and Congress's move to rename our airport in his honor was idiotic. Rename it for a local figure. Hell, rename it George Washington National!"
"Because its always been National Airport, regardless of unnecessary acts of Congress. "
"I am lazy. Reagan is the first word in its proper name. I call BWI either ""BWI"" or ""Baltimore"" and Dulles is ""Dulles""."
"It was born ""National"" and should remain so until someone worthy comes along that merits having it named after her. "
I refuse to acknowledge a group of GOP legislators' Orwellian decision to rename an airport named for a great president (Washington) for one whose only meaningful contribution to air travel was an anti-labor move to fire air traffic controllers.
"It has always been National. DCA is also good. Only outsiders and transplants say Regan, ew. "
"I'll use all of its names, but I use National most frequently. Probably because that's what it was named when I first learned of it."
I call it Regan probably because of my parents but will use DCA as well.
"I book some travel for events so I call it by the airport code. I sometimes call dulles, IAD also."
"Because that's what it was called. It's also why I call BWI ""BWI."""
Because it's National airport.
"I called it ""Reagan"" once in front of my mother and she told me not to say his name. We don't acknowledge him."
I still call it National because that's what I called it growing up and I'm bad at change.
Because fuck Reagan.
I think naming stuff after people who are still alive at the time is tacky.
"I insist on calling it National because Reagan was, and remains, an inappropriate person to honor in that way.
His term was not remembered for any particular accomplishments of note, but is notable as the rise to power of a new set of political ideologies - neoconservative foreign policies coupled with neoliberal economic policies.
That new form of conservative ideology was, and remains, very controversial and polarizing. It hasn't won the perpetual assent of the governed and is rejected by voters as often as it is embraced.
The naming-honor for a great civic instutition of that kind should be bestowed upon figures that unite residents of the region and the nation, not those that divide them."
"I grew up in Falls Church (no option for that so I put Fairfax county, which was right down the road from my house), so I grew up knowing it as National. The name change happened right as I was reaching an age where I was conscious of politics, and I specifically rebelled against it at the time. I continue to make a point of calling it National to differentiate myself from the non-DC-area-natives and conservatives I work with. Sadly, some of the younger folks have no idea what I'm talking about when I call it National so for the sake of clarity I will sometimes call it DCA. "
Reagan fired the air traffic controllers and they named an airport after him? That's just grotesque.
"I don't think things should be named after recent presidents. Reagan was still alive when the airport was renamed, and much like the law against putting living people on currency, people shouldn't have things named after themselves until after their deaths."
I've always called it that and I do not support honoring Ronald Regan. Keep it what it was!
"I fly in once a year for a convention. ""Reagan"" is the easiest to say, and I've never known it as anything else. "
Because no one calls BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport.
Because that is it's name
Can't stomach calling it Reagan.
"Sometimes I call it National, sometimes I call it Reagan, but I most often just call it DCA."
"Because it was always National. I'm not going to honor Republican attempts to slap their dear leader's name all over everything, as if we were living in (ironically) some sort of communist dystopia. "
"To locals, I use ""DCA"". To out of town folks, I say ""National"" or ""Reagan National"". "
"Original name, same as BWI is still BWI, not Thurgood Marshall BWI."
National or DCA.
"My parents always called it National Airport, and frequently remarked that it was a shame to name it after a person who caused a strike by the air-traffic controllers. Real locals (people who grew up in the area) call it National Airport. "
Politics. Hate Reagan.
"I don't agree it should be named after that president. I prefer ""DCA,"" which is more precise anyway. "
"Ronald Reagan's fanboy posse wishes he had been as good a president as National is an airport. Which American airport is overrated yet under capacity, with delusions of gravitas and the sort of incompetence that ruins everything around it for decades to come? Let's name THAT one ""Reagan."" "
Sometimes I start to say Reagan but then I catch myself because I really don't want to call it that. I usually say DCA because I'm an aviation geek and that's what a pilot would say.
I'm a DC democrat. The name is clear.
"Because there is also a Reagan building in DC and the cab drivers get confused. Plus, Reagan sucked."
Because I don't support the Congressional overreach that led to the airport's renaming.
National or DCA are the only choices.
"I like using airport code letters!
Call LA airport LAX
Dallas is DFW
etc. "
"That has always been its name and I cringe at naming it for the man who broke the air traffic controllers union, making flying less safe for everyone."
"Besides the silliness of the debate surrounding renaming the Capital's airport after a President who was no friend of those who work in the airline industry, I visited my grandparents in Northern Virginia at least twice a year during my childhood. Though we mostly flew to Dulles, I at least knew of National as an option should flights to Dulles be unavailable or too expensive. So I was raised calling it National, and see no reason to change it as a DC resident who uses the airport frequently.
I used to say national but heard Reagan National used enough it stuck
"I will never, ever submit to the defacing of the airport's name with the second-worst GOP president ever. "
"Because I refuse to let President Reagan be honored with an airport, or have to remember him each time I fly."
"That's its name. The ""Reagan"" bit is partisan politicization that is offensive and inappropriate to the nation's capital."
Because I don't want to honor Ronald Regan
"I grew up calling it National, and don't want to call it Reagan. However, I also feel weird calling it National because that's no longer the name. It would be like referring to Fedex Field as Jack Kent Cooke Stadium.
Thus: DCA."
"Primarily out of habit. I grew up with the name National.
Secondary reason is a bit of civil disobedience. Renaming the airport was a silly decision. It already carried a POTUS name, Washington. Also worth noting that Reagan hated Washington and he despised big govt. Most inappropriate to honor him by renaming a government facility.
"Because other people are more likely to know what I'm talking about if I say 'Reagan"" rather than ""DCA."" I only call it DCA when I'm talking to other people who travel frequently. Just like we call Dulles ""IAD,"" or Charlotte ""CLT."" There's no political reason behind my word choice."
I grew up in the area and refuse to call it Reagan
"That's what my parents have always called it, so its what I call it
it's easy the 3 letter code
Because that's its proper name.
"I remember it as National from when I was a kid, then I remember when it changed names. And Regan National was the transition name that stuck for me. "
I lived in Virginia during the air traffic controllers strike. Calling an airport after the president that killed that union is an abomination. I will never refer to it as anything but National or Washington National. It was already named after one President of the United States - isn't that enough?
Because there is no GOOD reason to re-name the airport after Ronald Reagan.
Reagan hated DC and all it represented and did all he could to tear down the city (metaphorically speaking).
"Had local governments had any say in the name changing, MAYBE I would go along with it, but I still doubt it. Some of it's political (not a Reagan fan), some of it's because I grew up knowing it as National, but more than anything it's politics. It's about Congress stepping into local issues where they aren't wanted. Which is sorta ironic since Reagan wasn't a fan of big, overstepping government. "
"Partially habit, and partially because I came down strongly on the side of those who resisted the name change when it happened, and found the change insulting to air traffic controllers. "
It is and always will be National Airport. period.
"It's an insult to the air traffic controllers, for one thing."
That dead president broke the airport flight-controller union. Naming an airport after him was a slap in the face of those that keep airports functioning safely.
"I hate that it is named for Reagan. I am a leftist. Not a liberal or a Democrat or a neoliberal. I have been embarrassed by the name ""Reagan National"" since it was created."
1) it was ALREADY named after a president (Washington) 2) I can't possibly STAND to call it by it's official name.
Refuse to call it Reagan Nationals!
Because I fucking hate Ronald Reagan
"Because that is its name. The primary Washington DC airport before Dulles or BWI. It was re-named -- prematurely - after a former president who was still alive at the time -- against the laws for naming things after presidents -- and against the wishes of the majority of local residents, NoVa included. I will never call it the R word."
"That is what is named when I moved here, and I'm also not a big Ronald Reagan fan "
I call it DCA or national. I have never called it Reagan.
"My parents told me I wasn't allowed to call it Reagan. When I grew up, I understood why. "
Because for some reason D.C.A. doesn't roll off the tongue quite like BWI or LAX or JFK does.
"Well, I was taught that it's called ""Reagan National Airport"", and later learned it's call number is ""DCA"", but I immediately thought of ""Reagan"" when I first read the question."
Reagan was not a big fan nor supporter or the DC area. Why recognize him with a local airport?
"Because changing the name was yet another example of Congress grandstanding and imposing its will on local residents. If I recall correctly, the name change also forced Metro to redo all of its maps and station signs, at an extremely high cost."
Because we called it National before the name was changed and never really supported the change.
"It used to be ""National"" then it became ""Reagan"", so I figure ""Reagan National"" covers all the bases with folks."
Because I don't want to call it Reagan.
"Don't like political affiliation, also feel National more traditional name. DCA close second."
Using the airport's IATA 3 letter code just makes it easier
"I will occasionally refer to the airport as Reagan National for clarity, but I knew it as National from a young age. I also find it against Reagan's small-government ethos to spend time naming everything after him."
"Reagan fired the atc force in the 80's after they striked for better pay/conditions. If the atc refuse to call it Reagan national, I'll do the same"
"Used to call it national, but after the name change, I couldn't call it Reagan, and national old."
It was named Reagan as an insult to the air traffic controllers; not something I wish to perpetuate.
It's simple and easy to say National compared to Reagan National.
I hate airports attaching the names of politicians to them of any party. I prefer the old school names.
I remember Reagan breaking the air traffic controller strike and find it utterly reprehensible that Congressional republicans would interfere in local authority and rename the airport named for our first president without consulting the people who live here.
"To me it has always been National airport - it doesn't connect with me that it has been ""officially"" named in the recent past."
I call it DCA or Reagan.
"Because that is what it was called in my house when I was growing up. Both my parents worked for airlines, and that is what they called it."
"what i've heard
"I have always called it that, having grown up here."
Anyone who grew up in the Washington area before National was renamed calls it National!
It used to be called Washington National and then they wanted to call it Ronald Reagan Airport but decided to call it Reagan National.
"Because Reagan was a shitty president and I don't care if a Republican-dominated Congress wanted to throw him a bone for screwing over PATCO, back in the day. I don't think the man should be honored with an airport named after him, even if it is as bad a one as National.
"Because it's hypocritical to name any airport, let alone the one that services our nation's capital, after a President who treated air traffic controllers so horribly."
"I have a lot of flight attendants friends, and most airports, when discussed, are called by their Airport Code. There are three airports near DC, IAD, DCA, and BWI. "
"I was in a media law class at GW and a professor made some remark about National Airport and as an aside, he added that nobody who's actually from D.C. ""calls it by that other name."" It struck me that calling it National Airport would be a good way to generate a little street-cred for myself and look a little less like your typical not-from-around-here-originally D.C. college student."
Isn't having to drive on Jefferson Davis Highway to get there horrendous and embarrassing enough? I like to minimize the amount of glorification of right wing nutjobs.
It's the airline code and what you use to search flights. Just easier.
"The airport ""Washington National"" is already named after a good president. We don't need to name it again after a bad one."
Why would I refer to an airport by the name of a mane that fired striking air traffic controllers?
That was the name when I first moved here.
"It's DCA. Because that's just what it is. If I don't call it DCA, I'll call it National."
"When my flight is delayed, or I'm running late, or anything else terrible is happening to me re: the airport, then I call it Reagan."
That's the name of the airport
I recognize 'Reagan' and 'Reagan National' and 'DCA' but usually I say 'National'. My sister lives in DC S. E and I was a senate intern in the1994 summer session. I fly to DC about once a year.
Would much rather call it Fred Hampton National Airport.
"I use the first name because it's easier. If it was called Jimmy Carter National Airport, I'd call it Carter. The moniker of national and international is the same as domestic and international in my mind. I understand why it's so controversial so the name isn't of political choice for me, just what easier and what it was called when I started visiting and moved to DC."
"I call it Reagan, Ronald Reagan, or dca. "
Union sympathizer.
I'm not going to call it that other name.
"I remember it being called Reagan. I left the area in 98, and my parents were super conservative at the time. It's called Ronald Reagan, right?"
i very much don't care for Reagan for reasons too numerous to name.
"I refuse to recognize the uber-racist, former President whose name was forced upon DCA."
It's the code I need to type in to find a flight!
I have always called it national but no one in DC that wasn't born in the area seems to know what I'm referring to so I switched to calling it DCA because I refuse to call it Reagan.
What my family called it growing up
Refuse to call it Reagan - generally for political reasons
That's what it was originally and what I got used to calling it.
"When I got here in 2002, everyone called it National, so I did too.
It's also pretty insulting to name an airport after the killer of the air traffic controller's union."
That's what it says on the metro map stops.
"It was called National when I was in college, and it just seems weird to call it anything else. "
"I would really call it ""The U.S. Congress's Personal Commuting Airport"" but I chose ""DCA"" because it's the shortest (in letters) and clearest (it's what you type into airline search engines) of the choices."
Because its historical name is Washington National and if it should have been named after a president it should have been FDR because he's the one who got its construction funded.
"I wish I could've voted for 2 names, because I regularly refer to is as either ""Reagan"" or ""DCA,"" depending on who I'm talking to. Locals will understand ""Reagan,"" whereas visiting family and friends from Georgia will get ""DCA,"" which matches the name they see on flight searches online. Both are quick and easy, unlike ""Reagan National."""
Reagan was an criminal disgrace.
"beats me, heard it referred to as DCA and I guess it stuck"
I usually call it 'National' but the idea that you would name an airport after a guy who destroyed the lives of airport workers (and the passengers who had to deal with poorly staffed control towers for the next decade) after those very workers bucked tradition to support him in the election against Carter is the height of political cynicism and a sign of everything that is wrong with American politics. Calling National 'Reagan' is the sort of thing that makes people hate DC.
"I grew up in DC hearing it referred to as ""National Airport."" Old habits die hard, I guess.
Plus, Reagan? I'll pass. Welcome to the District."
two syllable
"I call it either DCA or national, mostly because I don't want to call it Reagan, and because I fairly regularly simply call airports by their three letter code. If I'm talking with someone not from the area I call it washington national."
Because that's its name.
"I was informed that, even though it's officially called Reagan, ""D.C. people"" still call it National."
"Reagan= meh, a time of American politics for which I have little to no love. Moreover, I'm used to identifying airports by their short code (DCA). "
"I'm told it's what the locals call it! And since I've lived here for almost 10 years, when in Rome, as they say."
President Reagan = worst president ever
Refuse to call it after the hateful bigot.
Because I'm not a neocon.
Yet I still refer to the Houston airport that isn't Hobby as Intercontinental.
"Because that's its name! DCA is also acceptable. Also, naming an airport after the president who screwed the air traffic controllers over is terrible. But I also don't call BWI by Marshall either even though I like who it's named after."
Because that man gets too much credit for far too little.
The name is an abomination. Such a divisive name has no place representing the nation's capital or our entire diverse region.
"If the airport authority wants to rename it, fine. If Newt and his buddies want to force a name on it, that's different."
"When I'm home(in VA), I call it National. When I'm out of town (frequent business trips), I call it DCA."
"I've known it as National Airport longer than it's other name. Also, considering how Reagan handled the Traffic Controller strike, it's very much like naming a civil rights monument after Strom Thurman."
Because Reagan is a strike breaker who doesn't deserve an airport named after him.
Not a fan of Reagan.
Refuse to acknowledge the name change. Would much prefer Ellington.
I call it National because that's its name.
That's what its call sign is to air controllers. And we don't need another place or building named after Reagan.
Because fuck Reagan.
Because that's what it's called.
"Because that's it's name, duh. "
My college friend is from Arlington and educated us thusly
"""Washington National"" because that's the major city that it serves and ""National"" distinguishes it from ""Washington Dulles"". BWI will always be the ""Baltimore"" airport."
"Anything but ""Reagan"""
"I grew up in NJ, so the same reason why I call EWR ""Newark"" and not ""Newark Liberty"" - it's what the local's called it. "
The airport closest to the nation's capital should not be named after one president or political person. I think it should be free of partisanship and favorites.
"It's two syllables and I like names. For example, I call that road that goes through Rockville, ""Rockville Pike"" or ""the Pike"" rather than ""355"" because there's more character and local significance that way."
"I called it National for a while and noticed that wasn't okay with some folks when we moved here in 2008.
Then I called it Reagan National to capture everyone and get a nod -- the conductor on metro calls it that so it works.
In all honesty, I am more likely to say DCA to folks just because I feel like it is easier when talking to travelers to say it that way. "
I'll try not calling anything Reagan if I can avoid it.
I call it National and DCA equally but could only choose one.
that's what I've always called it since birth.
"Because that's what the DC Airport Authority called it, and we all called, it, before jackass Republicans in Congress inflicted their will on our local area and named it after their god."
"I refuse to say ""Reagan"" both because I didn't like him as a president and because it's specifically insulting to ATC."
"I call it either National or DCA (you should have check boxes!). I call it that because when the airport reopened as Reagan Airport, there was a big outcry because Ronald Reagan famously crushed the air traffic controllers strike, so it's messed up that of all the things they could name after him, they chose an airport."
"I switch from DCA to Reagan. I used to call it Reagan when I lived in DC or when I talk to people in DC, but since I live and spend more time in California, I refer to it by airport code when talking to people on the West Coast."
Reagan was a terrible president
National sounds dignified as the airport of our nation's capital.
I refuse to acknowledge Reagan.
"It's always been National and it always will be, regardless of political naming tomfoolery.
Because screw Congress and its picking on DC. That's why.
"I moved to the DC area four years ago, and picked up the nomenclature from my locally-raised boyfriend. The first time I tried to book a flight out of DC, it took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out what DCA stood for."
"When I moved to DC, that was what the ""cool"" kids called it--cool kids meaning Democratic-leaning twentysomethings who had actually grown up in there, or at least spent significant time there. I learned to fit in."
It was already named after a president - Washington.
"The idea that Congressmen can come into town from all across the country, and force a new name on our local airport, is all kinds of offensive. It's not some Federal Government building on the Mall, after all.
The idea of naming a public airport after the man who fired the Air Traffic Controllers adds insult to injury.
Let them rename their own airports or schools or whatever back where they came from and (hopefully) will return to, not bother us anymore."
"I called it both Reagan National and DCA depending on who I was talking to. Most of my friends who flew for work also called it DCA, tourists and those that didn't fly much called it Reagan National."
Because it is called National. DCA also works. Anything else makes you sound like a tool.
"""DCA"" avoids the debate altogether. "
"That's what my mother called it, that's what I always called it. I find myself slipping in Reagan more and more, but around family it's always ""I'm flying out of National."" I still call Jiffy Lube Live the Nissan Pavilion, and I still slip in MCI Center sometimes when talking about the Verizon Center."
"Never liked the Republican determination to brand buildings across country after Reagan. And in DC it was a sort of ""we are doing this becauSe we can"" moment against the majority of the community. "
"I'm a daughter of an airline mechanic -- we always use call letters -- DCA. But, I have always called it National in polite company. Never got used to Reagan. "
Because reasons
I fly alot and got used to calling it DCA
"That's what I grew up calling it. ""Reagan"" sounds weird."
I call it National but been using Reagan or DCA more often. I don't usually fly out of National anymore.
It was already named for the first POTUS and it's status as the airport of the Nation.
Reagan does not deserve the honor. He was involved in criminal arms activity and/or was demented while still in office and others were running the show.
Because that's its name.
"Not a big fan of Reagan, so still call it National."
It's what my parents call it.
I can't stand the thought of the airport being named after Ronald Reagan. It makes me want to vomit.
"That's what it was called when I was growing up, and I rather dislike Reagan."
Because airports shouldn't be named after divisive political figures.
Reagan sucks
Everyone I know calls it National so thats the name that stuck with me when I moved to DC 10 years ago.
"Well, that's what my parents call it. "
"I refuse to honor the memory of a president who did so much damage to the American economy, not to mention his willful neglect of the burgeoning AIDS crisis."
"I hate that you now have to add ""Reagan"" to ""National"", but to most under-40 folk, it's always been Reagan, so there's just no fighting it anymore."
That's what my parents always called it.
"It was Washington National Airport and it honored our first President. Reagan was a horrible president, and I refused to associate his name with anything except racism, homophobia, and pandering to the rich. "
IT's just National.
"My parents lived in Prince George's County from 1979 until 1982 while my father attended dental school at Howard. It was called ""National"" then and it will always be ""National"" to me."
"So my democratic roommates, all from Bethesda, don't yell at me for being a republican!"
"Because the name was imposed by Congress with no respect for the will of the local population. Something Reagan would, himself, realized was wrong."
"It's not political. That is just the first name that comes to mind. Sometimes I will say ""National"" instead of ""Reagan""."
Reagan was a horrible president
Because that's what it's name is.
"If you say ""reagan airport"" I feel most people don't immediately identify the name. If you say ""national"" or ""dca"" people are more familiar. "
"I use most of the names interchangeably but sometimes specialize for certain audiences. I usually say National when talking to most of my friends and colleagues in DC. When talking to people from out of town I usually say DCA. When I'm with Republicans in DC, I say Reagan, and with older non-DC relatives (all Republican) I say Reagan National. Mainly I try to avoid saying Reagan to my hardcore liberal friends (unless I want a laugh), it really seems to set them off."
"That president did a tremendous disservice to aviation, to working people and to the country as a whole"
That's the damn name. People should get used to it.
I am used to it.
"I'd rather call it ""National"" or ""Washington National,"" but more people immediately recognize what airport I'm talking about if I just say ""Reagan."""
Because Reagan is easiest to say/remember and National is the name of a band.
I refuse to call it Reagan because of what he did to the air traffice controllers union. Reagan is not the god that Republicans make him out to be.
"When I moved to DC in 2011, everyone I knew called it Reagan or Reagan National. I typically just call it Reagan because it is shorter than Reagan National."
"Because that's the Name Ronald Regan National Airport, I also use the airport code DCA interchangeable.
Liberals are just stupid. Conservatives don't worry that the airport on Long Islands is Named after a democrat... John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Liberals need to find a better use for all that free time and rage."
It wasn't called Ronald Reagen back in the day and he was a crappy president
"I have no idea, I've been calling it that since I moved to DC in 2005. 'Flying out of reagan' just rolls off the tongue the easiest. "
"Habit, and it's easier."
That's always been the name... Nice that they renamed it I honor Reagan... But I'm never gonna call it that...
"Because I'm a democrat, and only conservatives and out-of-towners/tourists call it Reagan! "
I call it National because that is what it was for years before it became Reagan National - similar to why I still call it the Cabin John Bridge.
Because A bunch of fools tried to name it after an actor playing the role of president of the United States.
"I found it insulting that after firing all the air traffic controllers, the airport was named after that former movie actor who had fired them all. Insult to injury."
"I still call the Fairfax County Parkway ""7100"" when talking to locals. I feel like most locals still call it National, independent of any feelings towards President Reagan."
That's its name.
I call it National because that what is was always called before the change and I disagree with renaming places after people on principle.
"Because of the political, quick and totally obnoxious way the Repulicans forced this president's name onto the airport, supplanting the FIRST president's name. Not to mention the fact that the man forest "
Ronald Reagan sold arms to the Ayatollah and sponsored murder squads in Central America.
"Tradition, habit, not a big fan of Reagan. Also, it REALLY pissed me off when WMATA was forced to spend all that money editing signage in every metro stop in the region just because a private land owner decided to make a political statement. "
"I think most people I speak with use Reagan or National interchangeably, and I do too. I would prefer to use National, only, but I'm not in the habit of doing so! If anything, I think I use Reagan more often."
Because that's what it's called
I think it's the name of the Metro stop
Because it was National when I first moved to DC and I'm not a fan of Ronald Reagan
I knew it as either National or Regan. (I am aware of its airport code too but I don't use it.)
"Washington National is too long, and Reagan National is too long as well and hurts my ears. If Congress hadn't insisted this was an issue due to Metro signs, I think it would be less of an issue. No one corrects anyone else when they leave Thurgood Marshall out of BWI's name."
"Because that's its name. There's really no debate here. Without using the designation ""DCA"", no planes would ever land there. Okay, maybe if you told a pilot to wave their wings at the folks plane-watching at Gravelly Point, they might just land at DCA... but that's the only exception I'll accept. KayThanksBye."
I'm not particularly fond of Ronald Reagan.
"My dad worked for United Airlines (in Pittsburgh) and it was always referred to as National. Plus, I consider it to be the nation's airport. "
Congress renaming it is another example of how DC suffers under taxation without representation.
"We, the locals, didn't ask for a name change. And what a slap in the face to rename the airport for the guy who busted the ATC. "
"Somehow, I just started ended up saying ""Reagan"", even through I grew up with National and swore I would never, ever change. I blame the media. "
Because Ronald Reagan was a virus upon this nation.
Because that is the name. Just like Thurgood Marshall is the name at BWI. Just because you don't like a particular political party or president does not mean you should disrespect the honor of them man for whom the public building is named.
Just how I came to know it I guess
I call it Washington National or DCA. Never Reagan! Seems to me that Washington (the first president) National is appropriate and should never have been changed!!!
I think it's ridiculous that National was named after a guy who treated airport employees union so terribly.
"When I moved to VA in '63, it was, of course, National. When Reagan's name was added, the people I came in contact with referred to it as Reagan National, so it followed I did as well."
"When I moved to DC, I was told that out-of-towners call it Reagan, and locals call it National. I wanted to be local."
I call it Reagan because that's what it's called.
"Because I don't want my airports to be a political statement. It was renamed ""Reagan"" by a bunch of right-wing cultists who idolize a mediocre president."
"""National"" is a non-political name and reflects the general business of the area."
I can't believe the national airport is named for the President that fired the air traffic controllers
I refer to most airports by their IATA code
"That's what I grew up calling it before it was re-christened with, well, you know who."
"Because ""National"" has too many syllables. "
"National was its first name. That's the proper name. Plus, former President Reagan said he didn't want anything named after him until he had been dead for 25 years and he was still alive when the airport's name was changed. "
I use National and DCA interchangeably
"National. Because I refuse to all it Reagan and DCA sounds weird for non-travels agents,"
"I call it DCA because its shorter. I'd prefer to call it National, because I don't like naming things for politicians."
"I honestly call it ALL of the choices listed, but I think I most frequently use ""Reagan National"". It is my impression that Liberals do not like calling it ""Reagan"" or ""Reagan National"" since they do not like the political leanings of Ronald Reagan. From my point-of-view: 1. While I identify as a Democrat, I come from a Republican family and have a great deal of respect for Ronald Reagan. and 2. I don't really see the airport's name as a political issue/statement. It is named after a former president--just like a million other things in this country. Simple as that, in my opinion. By calling it such is to respect the Office and our Tradition of honoring those who have led the country. Whether you agree with their policy or not, they dedicated themselves to the United States in the highest office. That is worth a legacy in and of itself."
"While I didn't live in the area pre-1998, I did visit regularly. Also, not a big Ronald Reagan fan."
"I call it National because it's just rude to name an airport after the President who broke the air traffic controllers' union. Also, I believe there's good reason for waiting 50 years to name something after a person, and this case shows why. It should be an honor, not a political raspberry."
Because why should the citizens of DC be constantly reminded of Ronald Reagan's presidency?
I first knew it as Washington National. Old habits die hard.
Because thats the name of it
"It's certainly not ""Reagan"" and DCA feels too technical. I like the old school ""National"""
"For me, it's always been National Airport. "
It's named after the greatest president to have ever served the United States.
Because i am lazy and calling it dca makes me sound like a pretentious frequent flying asshole.
Not a Reagan fan.
"I'm a Congressional scheduler and book a ton of flights for my boss, so I usually refer to airports by their airport code. I also sometimes call this airport National when talking about it with people who aren't as familiar with flying. "
"I use either ""DCA"" or ""National."" Ronald Reagan was one of the worst things to ever hit this country, and I find the naming of anything after him appalling."
Because fuck Ronald Reagan.
"Because that is what it is, it's NATIONAL! :) "
"Never a supporter of Reagan, or the Republicans for that matter. I've always considered the renaming a finger in the eye for local residents and labor supporters, since this was the setting for Reagan's breaking of the '81 PATCO strike. Vindictive and smug, but nothing new when it comes to American conservatism."
"I have lived in Virginia for the majority of my life. I think that I've always called it national airport. I'm not a fan of Ronald Reagan but I don't think influences how I reference that airport. I wouldn't call it Clinton National Airport if it had been named after that president, either. National suffices. "
Regan was a racist neo conservative jackass.
"it had a perfectly good, recognizable name before. and not a fan of Reagan."
It's National. Reagan was terrible to air traffic controllers. A rename was a slap in the face. I also like calling it National to identify myself as a DC native.
"because I see the statue of the ""great communicator"" every time I pass the terminal on the departure roadway..."
It has always been National - no reason to change it :)
"Everyone seems to know what you're talking about if you say Reagan or Reagan national. But just national is too broad/vague. You'd have to say ""national airport"" in most contexts. "
I'm totally against any efforts to rename buildings/sites that are entirely based in political reasons.
"My father's political inculcation. He did not want the name ""Reagan"" uttered in our house."
"I didn't much care for Reagan. More importantly, the airport was named after him not as a simple honor for his service, but by Republicans to make a political statement. I resent that. National is a simple, straightforward and politically neutral name."
"No idea why I call it that. I've never lived in the DC area, so someone must have mentioned ""Reagan Airport"" and I didn't question it.
I'm not old enough to remember living through the Reagan presidency. I remember Bush I, and name of the airport in Houston feels uncomfortable for me to say and take seriously. "
Those are the letters on the ticket.
"Simplest name, everybody knows what you mean. Its Reagan"
Because that's what everyone calls it.
"I actually go back and forth between calling it ""Reagan"" and ""DCA""."
"Washington is the Nation's Capital, the airport should maintain the name of the city, not a divisive president."
"An aversion to calling it Reagan, I suppose."
"I call it ""Reagan"" because it's short for Reagan National Airport and also my parents always called it that. I love that airport."
"It's National Airport. That's a name to be proud of. Calling it ""Reagan"" is just cruel and insulting... and makes me vomit in my mouth a little."
That's the airport code when booking my flight.
Everyone else calls it Reagan...
"Don't know its just what I have always called it. I call BWI, BWI, DCA, Regan and IAD, Dulles"
"I think I like the word ""National"" better than the word ""Reagan"". Also the statue at the airport is a little creepy. "
Because that's what it's called and was called for decades! you can't just slap some politicians name on it and alter history in order to scratch some politically-motivated wish.
"I dislike calling it Reagan because I don't like his politics, but it's the most distinct name since ""national"" sounds super vague to me and DEE-CEE-AY doesn't roll off the tongue (and we don't need more acronyms around here, either). Suggest an alternate and I will happily convert."
It was wrong to rename the airport for Ronald Reagan. He had no personal connection to the airport AND he was the president who fired air traffic controllers. The renaming offended me. The name National Airport had been fine enough in previous decades.
An aversion to politicians that spend their free moments wasting their time naming things after their favorite other politicians.
"1. Because I grew up calling it Washington National.
2. It was already named for a local President
3. I'm pretty sure it was built once owned by our 1st First lady!"
"DCA in print, but Reagan out loud. Don't know why but that's how it always comes out! "
Reagan doesn't deserve an airport. Maybe a dump...but not an airport.
Can't bring myself to call it Reagan.
"I tend to switch between DCA & National, but, ultimately, I actively work to NOT call it Reagan. Eff that guy. "
Air traffic controllers
"I call it either Reagan or DCA. The name of the airport is Ronald Reagan National Airport, so much like Fiorella LaGuardia Airport (LaGuardia), I go by the last name of the person it's named for. DCA is also easy because its the airport code. "
"1) that's what I've always called it;
2) extraordinary disrespect shown by Pres Reagan to the air traffic controllers made naming the airport after him a farce
I sometimes call it DCA. Maybe 30% of the time. "
"How do you book travel? Online.
How do online travel sites make you search for airports? By airport codes.
Do it enough and you realize it's way more efficient to just bloody type DCA in the box than accidentally book a flight at one of those other ""WAS - Washington All"" airports."
"It was National growing up. Then, when I moved to DC in 2004, a bunch of people started naming everything after Reagan. I felt they wouldn't stop until the District had been renamed Reagan, DC. So I decided to draw the line there.
And seriously... naming an airport after the PATCO strike-buster: yeah, we get it guys. Har har. Funny."
"National is a pure name, fitting the airport of our nation's capital (okay, VA). Perfection.
Adding a name of any political figure soils the perfection. "
"There's a bronze statue in front of the airport that I do not care for, so I call the airport National (or sometimes Washington National or just DCA). "
"It was always ""national"" to me. I also drop political names from other airports... nobody calls it ""Houston George Bush Intercontinental Airport"" either."
I refused to call it Ronald Reagan!
Ronald Reagan fired ATC employees and so he lost his right to have an airport named after him.
"democrat, and reagan fired airport employees"
"That's what it was, that's what it still is."
Why would one of the most liberal metropolitan areas have an airport named after one of the most conservative presidents?
"This is a huge issue in my family, mostly because of my grandmother. In her words: ""what did Ronald Reagan ever do for the FFA or Virginia?"". Also, it was a waste of money to change the name on all the signs and whatnot. However, my number one reason: the airport was already named after President George Washington-why name it after two presidents?"
Because that is its name
Because it was National Airport when I first started going there. Didn't like Reagan much.
"It is an abomination that this airport is named after Reagan, after he declared war on workers by firing air-traffic controllers. "
It's its airport code. Same as BWI.
The real name is too long. I also refer to it by DCA.
because that's what it's called.
"That's what it's named? Saw this thread on reddit, it's a stupid question, I'll admit.
If it was named the Barack Obama national socialist airport, I would call it Obama, no questions asked.
You know, because I'm not a bigot. "
because that's it daggone name!
"The ""Reagan"" name just reflects Republicans' fetish for naming everything they possibly can after Reagan, even if there's no connection.
I would have no problem with it being named after a Republican if it made sense; if it was a Virginia Republican, or a Congressman who was known for always flying home to his district through DCA.
It's probably the airport in the world that's most associated with politicians. Yet, rather than naming it for the congressmen who frequently use it, they named it after someone who likely rarely entered DCA. (As California Governor, Reagan would have visited infrequently, and as President, he used presumably used Air Force One at Andrews AFB).
Finally, it's a real twist of the knife to name DCA after a guy who so screwed over air traffic controllers.
It's National."
I use airport codes easier.
"I will never call it Reagan. First, i think he did terrible (sometimes illegal) things as President. Second, the airport should not be named after any president. It should just be ""National"" - our nation's airport. Third, I'm sick of things named ""Reagan"" - there is a nonprofit organization entirely dedicated to naming things after Reagan. Hence, he has more things named after him than any president. Ridiculous. "
Refuse to call it Reagan. National is easier.
Its the name of my favorite President!
I have always known the airport as National Airport even before I moved to the DC area in 2001. I also find it troubling to call the airport I use most often by the name of the President who caused such destitution for my family when I was growing up.
"I did not admire Reagan when he was president, and he did not deserve to have such an important international airport named after him."
That's the code I use when searching Priceline for tickets!
"My ex-boyfriend was from the Maryland suburbs (but pretended he was from D.C.) and always talked about how insulting it was that the airport was named after Reagan when Reagan did unconscionable things to the air traffic controllers (union?) or something. (I'm not Googling so you know genuinely how much of that I actually remember/ know. Evidently, very little. But judging from the questions, I'm assuming something important happened around 1998.)
It's just as easy for me to call it National, so in support of people who know more than I do about the ethics of this, I call it National. The only thing that's wrong with referring to it as National is when I'm trying to find when the next metro train is coming to pick me up at the airport. the stop -- on the alphabetical list of metro station -- is listed as Reagan National. Small price to pay, I guess, for sensitivity to those air traffic controllers. "
Because it is National Airport. Naming after Reagan was a political power-move done by Newt Gingrich and Co after they took over Congress.
Reagan is horrible.
"It was called Washington National, until after Ronald Reagan served, then name Reagan National Airport in his honor. "
"It was called National for the longest time, then at some point it became Reagan etc etc. National is a way better name that some crappy cowboy president who ruined America!"
It's easier and catchy.
I fly out of BWI or DCA mostly and its just I use the three letter monikers I guess.
I call it what I always called it before it was renamed. Mostly out of inertia.
"The name of the airport was National, there was no reason to change it. Unlike Dulles, which was renamed Washington-Dulles because people were confusing it with Dallas."
"Because since Reagan couldn't mention AIDS in public for years, I see no reason to honor him by calling my preferred airport by his name."
Because that's what Kayak calls it.
Because all my friends and everyone at my grad school called it Reagan.
"Same reason I still accidentally call the Verizon Center ""MCI"" and meet ""by the old Nathan's"" in Georgetown - once something has a name, it's stuck. "
"I think I only used that airport once before college (my family lives closer to BWI), when I was probably too young to remember the name, just that we had a layover in DC. I went to University of Maryland starting in 2007, and probably first learned of the name when I saw it on the metro map/signs in DC. "
Washington National Airport is my preferred name for that NOVA airport.
"I try to call it National because I understand that that was its name and the change of name rubbed many people--especially DC residents--the wrong way. However, Reagan National sometimes comes out because that's how it's officially referred to, but most often I tend to say DCA because I do work with airport codes more than most people, so I see the codes more often than the name of the airport. "
It's National Airport. It was National Airport and is still National Airport.
"I would never call anything after that scoundrel, the 40th president."
"National Airport is a dignified name befitting the airport serving the nation's capital. The name was changed by Congress despite the wishes of local leaders in D.C. and Virginia, and the process was a monument to everything wrong with the relationship between the federal government and the region in which it is based."
"I didn't at first, but the airlines started calling it ""Reagan"" so I started calling it, ""Reagan National."" Actually, I think it not a fitting monument to the man... he deserves a bigger airport, like SFO or LAX... and one in California."
Reagan sucks
Because Reagan was a fuck. He has a building.
"If I were in a meeting with transportation officials who take pride in working at that airport, I might consider calling it by its full name, but because I'm never at such a meeting, I'll avoid speaking the name of that former president. I would much prefer to name airports after local leaders and innovators. Banneker National Airport has a better ring to it. "
Other people call it that & I assimilated.
"It's national.... the rest of your ""survey"" is bullshit."
It's just what I have heard it referred to.
"I refuse to speak that man's name b/c he actively denied, refused to fund, and joked about the AIDS epidemic during the first years. He is responsible for the rampant homophobia during his administration and the death of thousands of people. He does not deserve to have ANYTHING named after him for his lack of foresight and vileness. "
"Because that's what it was called when it opened -- adding a president's name on it seemed random and unnecessary.
Also adding RR's name to it makes it sooooo long!
Ronald Regan Washington National Airport. Yesh.
"Reagan was a terrible president. I hated that an airport was named for him, and so I continued with the name I had previously used (""National"")."
All of my friends call it Reagan too
I think it's inappropriate to major buildings/sites/etc. after people while they are still alive.
Sometimes I also call it DCA
"It seems like Republicans stuck Reagan's name on a bunch of buildings without real regard for his true place in history. We have 43 other Presidents, several of which were Republicans and many other people in History deserving of the name. If California named an airport after him, where he was also Governor, it would have been more appropriate."
It's quick. I also use Reagan.
"I normally call it Reagan, but Reagan National or National are also things I've called it."
"First off, it is the airport most associated with the Nation's Capital so National makes sense. Secondly, I believe Ronald Reagan was a terrible president and is indirectly or directly responsible for many of the issues we still face and cannot dignify his presidency by using his name for National."
I think because that is what I type into search engines. My recollection is that I called it National until I started making reservations on the internet.
I'm airline crew :)
"I use Reagan, National, and DCA interchangeably, but I most frequently use DCA as the name for the airport in Northern Virginia that is not Dulles."
Because fuck naming things after Ronald Reagan.
"Not a fan of President Reagan, but that doesn't change that this is what the airport is called!"
"Same reason I call JFK ""JFK"" and IAH ""Bush"". We honor our Past presidents, regardless of party.
Except Polk. Nobody honors Polk. "
"I've been told that locals call it ""National,"" people from out of town or who recently moved to DC call it ""Reagan"". I find it easiest to just go with the airport code :)"
Because that's its correct name. It should never have been renamed.
I say Reagan National because I worry that people I'm talking to won't know what I'm referring to if I only say Reagan or National. I really don't expect them to know DCA.
"Not on board with the over-romanticization of Reagan and his presidency. Conservatives deified him before he was even dead. Now, they seem to be less enraptured."
"It was always National growing up, so it still is National."
Reagan was a moron.
National is the first name I ever knew the airport by. I also disagree with renaming it. I am neither a fan of President Reagan nor the act of Congress that renamed the airport.
Mostly refer to it as National if talking to locals; otherwise as Reagan National.
"I would still call it National, but from flight sims, I know it as KDCA, and actually started calling it that as its both accurate and lacks ""Reagan"""
National. Can't bring myself to call it Reagan!
It's always been National.
It's called National because it's the national airport rather than the international one.
"In order to not refer to it as ""Ronald Reagan"" "
"I call it Reagan, but every time I do I wish I called it National instead! (See: my political affiliation)"
Locals all call it National
Always have
don't like Reagan.
Maybe it's a Georgetown thing? Graduate of '14
He was renowned for disliking the government and the ways of DC- it was an insult to rename this city's airport after him. It already was named after a President-- Washington National. Probably made more sense to rename an airport in the California he loved to return to. There was already a massive office building in the capital and an aircraft carrier named after him.
"It used to just be called ""National"" - at some point, it was renamed. So, Reagan National, just like BWI was renamed Thurgood Marshall. "
I think that's what I personally first heard it called.
Because that's what it's called!
For many years we always referred to it as National. Then someone decides to rename it after the President who decided to fire all of the Air Traffic Controllers
It's national and it will always be national just like the Sears tower will always be the Sears tower and the World Trade Center will never be the freedom tower.
that was its name the first time I flew into it.
"Removing the name Washington to make room for the name of the man who stabbed air traffic controllers in the back was spiteful knife-twisting. PATCO endorsed Reagan, after all."
Reagan was a dreadful dripping monster.
"Can't bring myself to participate in the lionization of Ronald Reagan. His administration ushered in a radical shift to the right on social issues and a wreck less attitude towards fiscal responsibility. Horrible.
"Growing up, others I knew called it Reagan - so I reference the name of the airport as Reagan."
"""National"" was and continues to be an appropriate name. What else would I call it?"
"Habit, and an aversion to that R-name. (Actually, to both the football team's R-name and the the former President's R-name.)"
I call most airports by their three letter code.
"Because that is the first word of what the airport is called (Reagan National Airport), so it is the most obvious shorthand."
"I often say DCA because that's the airport code I have to use when booking my flight! Although a very, very close second is ""Reagan,"" which I probably say because it's one word."
"Because it is the Washington National Airport. It was essentially already named after a president. Not to take away Senator Allard's only accomplishment of his entire career, but seriously, that was unnecessary. "
"After moving to DC in 2003, I noticed that only tourists called it Reagan. I do sometimes call it National too. "
Reagan will eventually go down in history as one the worst and most corrupt presidents of all time (more members of his administration were indicted and convicted of felonies than any other president). I hate that a dysfunctional Congress foisted that name on an area that generally loathes any mention of the man.
It's always been National or DCA
Fuck Reagan.
"I call it National because it's ridiculous to name the District's airport after any one president, let alone one who served just a few decades ago. Also, I don't particularly like that president. "
I've always called it National. It was ridiculous to name it after a president who walked all over the air traffic controllers.
"I grew up in the DC Metropolitan area, the child of Black Federal Government employees. I remember discussions at our family dinner table about Reagan's presidency, trickle-down economics, the firing of the Air Traffic Controllers, ""Welfare Queens"", ketchup-as-a-vegetable, etc. I understood that Ronald Reagan was a very polarizing figure, and that he was not ""a friend"" of Black Americans or the poor/working class.
When the Naming-Everything-After-Ronald-Reagan Frenzy began, I remember feeling, even as a teen, that it was a slap in the face. Naming landmarks after this president was an insult, especially in the DC area, a heavily Democratic region.The hagiography of Ronald Reagan is baffling to many, given the fact that thirty years later, his presidency and the policies that he advocated are revealed to have been a massive failure, creating the foundation of many of the crises that encumber us today. (Of course, Blacks, the poor and working class people could have told you that in the eighties, but no one was trying to hear that then. ""Stop complaining and Get back to pulling yourself up by those Boostraps, Fella!"")
It is deeply symbolic that Washington DC's airport is named after a figure who is so representative of the widening chasms that divide Americans. The presidential candidate who chose to invoke the importance of ""States' Rights"" just a few miles from Philadelphia, Mississippi at one of his first campaign speeches is a perfect figurehead for the sad, frightened people who ""want their country back.""
The airport for the Nation's Capital will always be ""National"" to me. "
"I call it either ""National"" or ""Reagan National"". It's been National Airport forever, and since I admire Reagan, I sometimes call it Reagan National."
"I didn't at first, but the airlines started calling it ""Reagan"" so I started calling it, ""Reagan National."" Actually, I think it not a fitting monument to the man... he deserves a bigger airport, like SFO or LAX... and one in California."
"It will always be National and never the name foisted upon it by asshole Republicans who talk a lot about devolving power to local government, except when they have an opportunity to screw the people who live in and around the nation's capital. "
"I don't call it Reagan, because it's offensive to name an airport after the guy who fired all the air traffic controllers. I don't call it Washington because the city of Washington was dissolved in 1871, so we really have to stop using that name for everything.
I'd complain that giving an airport three names is a bit excessive, but I live by the U Street/African-American Civil War Memorial/Cardozo Metro stop, so who am I to say.
Just trying to keep it real
It's the code it's easier.
"I call it Reagan or National interchangeably for short hand. When asked for its proper name I say Reagan National Airport.
I've heard it be referred to as either throughout my life."
"Because I'm not a fan of Ronald Reagan, and I don't think the name should have been changed from Washington National to anything else. It was originally named for the city, which was named for our first President, and thus by extension the airport was already named after someone. Furthermore, unnecessary public funds were spent to change signage to reflect the new name."
Reaganomics ruined America.
I call it National Airport because it should never be named after any President!
Was National for most of my childhood. And I was never a huge Reagan fan.
"Because Reagan was a jerk, particularly to air-traffic controllers. "
I refer to all airports by their 3 letter identifiers
I used to call it National but I'm a Reagan fan so I switched to Reagan.
"It was National before, and Reagan doesn't deserve an airport."
There is no reason any landmark should be named after that horrific president. I give the statue the finger every time I pass it.
It's the only name I ever knew it by.
"I can't believe you stayed, ""In which state..."" DC is not a state!!! "
Not worth it to fight political battles over the name of an airport.
"It's Washington National Airport, or National. What a waste of money to change the name on every highway sign and every sign throughout the entire metro system!"
"I refuse to call an airport after truly awful man who was an unrepentant racist, and an enemy of air-traffic controllers."
"I think it's ridiculous to change the name of an airport without the consent of the local community. I also think the Republican party has a complete delusion about who Reagan was and what he did. I think he was a fairly good Republican president, but anathema to the party today, which seems to remember him as a stalwart against taxes and a tea party god."
"I like the name ""Reagan."" "
"Because Ronnie was terrible to air traffic controllers, from what I recall."
I'm not giving that president any due
"Reagan fired the air traffic controllers while in office. It's like spitting in their face to have the airport named after him. I'll never use his name while talking about the airport.
Also, National sounds oddly formal. It sounds more like it belongs to DC when it starts with the letters DC. Plus, as a DC resident, I use acronyms all the time. May as well add another one to the pile."
"Because nuts to the Reagan naming project and its top down attempt to lionize that guy. The residents of the DC area didn't want the change, but we know how ""local control"" goes out the window when push comes to shove for the party of local control. National or DCA til I die. "
That's what most media outlets call it.
It's always been National. One day someone decided to spend $100000s to change it's name to Reagan-National but that's just needless cronyism.
I will never acquiesce to calling the airport by the name the Republicans jammed down our throats against our will.
Never should Ronald Reagan ever have a reference to an airport after what he did to the air traffic controllers in the 80s.
I thought that was the name
"I also occasionally also call it DCA. I call it National, b/c that's what all of my left-leaning, grew up in DC friends always called it. It just feels right."
"Only tourists seem to call the airport ""Reagan."" I call it DCA if I'm talking to a flight-related service provider, otherwise ""National."""
"See question #9, duh."
Don't like Reagan or Republicans
That's what it was called the first time I flew from there.
That's the code used when I buy my ticket online and it's not DC if you don't use an acroynm.
Because that's what it's called.
It's what it was when I moved here in 1991 AND I refuse to call it Reagan
Because Reagan screwed up labor relations when he fired the air traffic controllers. He doesn't deserve to have an airport named after him.
"DCA has always been National or DCA. The only ones I hear calling it Reagan National are young flight attendants and
Metro train drivers.
"Part habit - I came to know the airport as National first. And part objection to the (IMO) ridiculous campaign to name a public building in every state for a certain relatively recent era president not named Obama, Bush, Clinton, or Carter. ;)"
The same folk who forced the name change and meddle in DC affairs screech loudly in favor of States Rights and Local Control and the Overreaching Federal Government.
"Because I can stand neither the man after whom the airport was so rudely re-named, nor the hagiography that his latter-day admirers have developed around him. "
I work in the aviation sector and regularly call airports by their three letter identifier.
"As a Democrat, I'd rather stick with the old name than go with Reagan."
It's the name !
"National or DCA is acceptable, but not the name of he who will not be named."
They should have remamed LAX as Los Angeles Reagan -- that's where he made his mark.
It represents the nation's capital and should never have been renamed.
I don't like to call it Reagan
It's shorter?
"DCA is the fastest to say, otherwise I refer to it as ""National"" - never ""Reagan"" !!!"
"Used to travel a lot for work, so I call airports by their abbreviations. I still call it National or Reagan National as well."
That's what I heard other people calling it.
"If I'm booking flights or talking to other people who travel, I'll refer to it as DCA. In general conversation though, Reagan probably trumps. "
"Because ""Reagan"" is a shorter version of the airport's actual name"
"I live on Capitol Hill and work with older adults who have lived in the community for years, if I call it Reagan, they correct me and say that it is National."
"It's what comes out of my mouth, but I wish it didn't. I am trying to switch to National."
"The airport is called National. I am willing to say DCA. I will never, EVER call it Reagan. This is a conversation I've had with every guest I've had. I tell people that DC residents will not use any name other than National. "
I hate the name Ronald Reagan
cause its the easiest to fly out of for domestic flights to chicago (midway)
It's the name that I have heard the most. But I would say I call it DCA or Reagan about equally.
Well mostly I end up saying every word just in case someone doesn't know what I am talking about. Reagan National DCA... you know the one in Crystal City?
Because I fucking hate Ronald Reagan
"Partly I resist calling the airport Reagan simply because I don't endorse President Reagan's political legacy; but also, the renaming of the airport felt particularly gratuitous. One of my relatives used to joke that he too was going to change his name to Ronald Reagan, as a personal contribution to the effort to rename all of DC in honor of the President. (Incidentally I don't much mind referring to the International Trade Center as the Reagan Building; naming a federal building after a President seems reasonable, and since it's never had a different name, it's efficient to recognize it as such. Changing the name of the airport, by contrast, only introduced friction.)"
because thats its name
"For the same reason I call Dulles, Dulles, named after someone and that is first part of the full name."
Because that's its name.
because fuck Reagan.
"When I moved here, I was informed that only Republicans called the airport in question Reagan (or any variation of Reagan). "
Because Reagan screwed up labor relations in this country when he fired the air traffic controllers.
They are all just names. I say whatever comes to mind at the moment or how the person I'm taking with refers to it.
Because that's what it's bleeping called. Period. I was in college when the name change happened and WMATA spent who knows how many million dollars on changing all the station signs. Reagan had numerous buildings named after him in the '90s and early '00s. The airport didn't need to be one of them.
"Its national, or dca, because that is the way I learned it. Only airport we flew into as a young adult. "
"Cause that's its nonpartisan name RayGun fiddled while the HIV epidemic raged, Iran-Contra, James Watt, I could go on"
Reagan has the fewest syllables and that's the first thing I heard it called.
"Since I rarely fly in the DC area, I think of the airport in the DC area as Reagan International because that's the airport I've flown through - just to transfer - most often."
"Ronald Reagan should never have anything named after him. Ronald Reagan stole our country's integrity and never gave it back. Most importantly, the airport was already named after a president when it was called ""Washington National""."
Because There never seems to be a correct name and I'm usually abbreviating it.
Bc that's what it's called
Call it Reagan if a permanent AIDS quilt display is installed.
"Ronald Reagan destroyed the air traffic controllers' union. Naming this airport after him -- along with a ridiculous number of other buildings -- was a travesty that I decline to facilitate.
I call it DCA with people who speak airport-name-code. I don't call the Houston airport ""Bush"" or BWI ""Thurgood Marshall,"" either."
"Ive only... And always known it as National.
Not to mention; NOT a Reagan fan"
I studied meteorology in college and the weather stations at airports are identified by their FAA IDs like DCA. Also it gets around having to decide to use sometimes contentious Reagan part of the name.
"Two syllables, easy to say."
"It is the airport closest to our nation's capitol, and so calling it ""National Aiport"" seems appropriate. Also, it is what I had always heard it called before I moved to DC in 1996. I do sometimes call it DCA now because that's what a lot of other people in the area call it, but I find that people OUTSIDE of DC get confused by ""DCA"""
I stopped at Reagan National on the metro every day of high school. Blame the metro for beating it in my head.
"Honestly, I learned it as ""Reagan,"" and it's hard to quit what you learned. I've tried to change my ways bc of the negative connotation for left-leaning folks, but old habits die hard."
"As much as possible I try to use the IATA code for any airport because it's shorter and quickly recognizable. (SFO, LAX, etc.) Plus DCA is DCA no matter your political affiliation and it always has been!"
Because I grew up calling it National and because I don't think Reagan deserves to have an airport named after him. Especially not that one.
"Because the airport already had a perfectly good name.
Because fuck Reagan.
Because there is enough other shit named after him."
That's what I've always called it.
Because that was its name when I was growing up...I think.
"Though I answered ""National"" to the first question, I use ""National"" and ""DCA"" almost equally.
I don't refer to Reagan because during the name change hoopla, I remember reading something that said the name should be changed to honor a great president. But it was already named after a great president. Plus, the full, official name is long and unwieldy."
Because that's what it's called.
"It's the airport of the nation's capital - of course it's National Airport. You can rename it whatever you want, it will always be National Airport."
"1. Habit-that's what I was used to calling it before it was renamed.
2. I disagree with so much of what Reagan did as president."
"I don't think Reagan was a good president and he was certainly polarizing. I think the naming of an airport after him was simply political. If the airport was to be named after anyone, it should have been a neutral founding father, such as Washington, since it serves the nation's capital."
"A GOP Congressman got all huffy and threatened to withhold money from WMATA unless it changed the name of the airport to ""Reagan"" on all of Metro's signage. True story. If he can be petty and political, then so can I. DCA it is. (To me, at least.)"
It's the airport code
"Because that's what the name of the airport is... Sort of... It is the ""Washington National Airport"" and the Metro station was National Airport. Technically the airport is named after George Washington."
"DCA is the call sign, nobody seems to call it National, and I'll be damned if I'm calling it that other thing."
"For whatever reason, using the airport code just works. I think I like that ""DC"" is in it. "
That's what everyone else seemed to refer to it as.
I generally call it Reagan accidentally and then my family yells at me to call it National.
"The name of the airport was changed through Grover Norquist's efforts to honor Ronald Reagan. I do not believe he is worthy of being honored. I also do not believe that the name should be changed in a way that forces us to use Reagan's name. BWI did a similar name change but kept BWI first, which still honors Thurgood Marshall without forcing the name change for the airport itself. "
"I would love to call it National, or DC, but whenever I do that people don't know what I mean, or they think Dulles. It's a 7 min metro ride from our house, so I just break down & say Reagan, to make sure people fly to the correct place! "
That's just always what I've heard it called.
It's the easiest to remember
No ambiguity by calling it DCA. Airport codes are pretty known to everyone in the area so it's the easiest language to speak.
Two syllables. The shortest name.
Because the 40th president laid off my father.
"If we had to try and rename the airport for a former president, we should have named it for Truman in recognition of his leadership during the Berlin Airlift."
"to enhance my creds as a washingtonian. ""when in rome..."""
The full name is so clunky! Plus I've always had a strong aversion to Reagan politics
"I've been in the DC area for 8 years, and ""Reagan National"" is how the airport was first mentioned to me by others, and is the only thing I've heard it called since, other than on airline websites, where I look it up by typing DCA."
"not really an answer to this question, but I probably say National 50% of the time and DCA the other 50%. "
that is the name by which it was called when I first flew in in 1970
"Calling it ""Reagan"" is a slap in the face to air traffic controllers. "
Fuck Ronald Reagan.
Because that's the way God intended for it to be called.
"I couldn't tell you why I call it that, but I am interested in finding out what the most popular choice is. "
Call it Reagan National because I'm bi-partisan! Can't we all just get along?
That is what it has always been called.
"I actually think I vacillate pretty fluidly among: ""DCA,"" ""Regan National,"" and ""National."" I'd say I come down slightly on the side of calling it ""DCA"" because I also do all of my own travel booking for my work, and so I spend a fair amount of time using airport acronyms, "
That's what I've heard it called during the time I've lived in the area (almost 10 years now).
"I use Reagan and DCA interchangeably, but most often Reagan. It just feels right to me. "
I honestly couldn't tell you.
Because if they want to name an airport after the worst President in the 20th Century they should do it in Orange County or someplace that actually cares about him.
"I actually flip between ""DCA"" and ""National"" depending upon the circumstances. Airport/airline people get ""DCA"" to avoid confusion. DC locals get ""National."""
"I know airports by their codes, so DCA it is.
But also - it's already named for a president: Washington!!"
"DCA is National.... I'm not going to call it Reagan National when National works just as well (or better). It is more efficient. Plus I'm not a Reagan fan. I'll use his name when referring to the Reagan building (and Int'l Trade Center) downtown, but the airport too? Overkill."
Because Reagan was a homophobic politician who sat idle during the HIV/AIDS crisis.
I call it DCA or National. There is so reason it should be called Reagan so I don't call it that. Simple
"It seems everything in this town is name after President Reagan, so since the airport was renamed, I can't bring myself to call it Reagan National Airport."
I won't use the name of a union-busting president who won't be named when there is a perfectly good alternative available.
Because Ronald Reagan was a piece of shit.
"I don't remember, but that is what I have always called it."
It should be National and not named after a devisive recent president.
Ronald Reagan is not deserving of having an airport named after him.
"I call it that, because that's its name!"
I will not mention that President's name in a positive context. We still have not recovered from the damage he inflicted on the country and he is to blame for the economy that works almost exclusively for the wealthy.
"I grew up in Orlando, which is called ""OIA,"" (short for Orlando International Airport) and I love having an airport with an actual name. "
Things should not be named after people before they die.
I refuse to call an airport built using federal funds by FDR after a President who didn't believe in government. It's like if they changed weight watchers to Mario Batali's weight watchers.
because that's what it is
"I refuse to use the Republican name, considering Reagan's approach to the Air-Traffic Controllers' strike. "
"I didn't live in DC, but my father (born in 1942) lived in Fairfax for many years while I was growing up. I flew into National when I went to see him. He called it National, so I did too. Now, I refuse to call it Reagan given that his administration busted PATCO and labor unions more generally."
That's the correct name (more or less)
Because that's its name. duh.
"National Airport, airport code DCA. Please reinstate this name! "
I try to call it national because I work in democratic politics but it's in my brain as reagan. Petty dems annoyingly correct me.
Because calling it Reagan is an abomination.
"When I moved to DC in '99 everyone where I worked refused to call it ""Regan"" and decided to name it after a DC native instead."
I've always heard it referred to as Reagan in the few times I've heard it. When I took a trip that landed their last week my boss referred to it as Reagan as well.
The name is National. Why change it?
"My dad is from the Maryland Suburbs, and that what's he called it. "
Because Reagan is not a god.
Because that was the original name and too much adoration is paid to President Reagan as it is.
Do not want any reference to Reagan.
"I refuse to call it Reagan National Airport. Putting his name on the place won't change what he failed at in his presidency, and I feel it was grandstanding on the part of the Repubs to do so. "
"It was National when I moved here. The renaming was initiated by non-locals for reasons of ideological cheerleading and passed by sheet budgetary blackmail. It was a waste of money, and it was bullying. Not having it. "
"I call it DCA when I'm sharing flight details with someone.
I call it ""National"" when I'm talking to someone who grew up in the DC area (I moved here when I was 12).
I call it ""Reagan National"" and ""DCA"" when I'm talking to someone who's not from the area and is making travel plans."
To me it was and always will be National Airport
Fuck Reagan.
That's what it's called.
"I've noticed on flights into DCA, it's referred to by pilots and stewards as Washington National Airport.
Never been a big fan of Ronald Reagan. Plus, no one calls BWI ""Thurgood Marshall."" "
airport authority called it that
"Because that's how I came to know it first. And also, Reagan's stance against the air traffic controllers makes naming an airport after him, um, particularly ironic. "
"Dulles and BWI are both International airports, so really the only identifier the other needs is ""National"" which also works since it's literally in DC so it doubles as being the airport in the capital. "
"Ronald Reagan busted the air traffic controllers union. Its an insult to them and all unions to name an airport after him. Also, DC voters did NOT want to rename the airport. Once again, we have no democratic rights in the district and our voice meant nothing in this decision. Finally, its already named after a President - WASHINGTON!"
Because that's its real name.
Because it's what all right thinking people call it.
"As a family, we refused to go along with the name change."
Because that's what my family called it
I don't support the ongoing beatification of a certain mediocre former president.
"I understand the motives behind calling this National, but I grew up here and Reagan National is what is has always been named to me. That being said, I try to be mindful of what I call it depending on who I am around. I don't want a bunch of progressives in a tizzy about something that is just far from the core issues that we REALLY need to be thinking about. "
Fuck Ronald Reagan.
"Because the Republican Congress, giddy with their newfound power, named as many things after Reagan as they could, including things that Reagan himself cut funding for (airports & USAID), which was particularly obnoxious. "
"I call National ""National"". Sometimes I will refer to it as DCA. I never call it Reagan, and cannot fathom why anyone would ever name an airport after the man who fired 11,345 air traffic controllers. What next - the ""Ronald Reagan Center for AIDS Research""?"
"Because ""the Gaper"" does not deserve an airport to be named after him. "
Because president Reagan fired the air traffic controllers. This was just a ridiculous way to honor him.
It has always been national airport and I resent congessional efforts to rename all of our landmarks.
"Reagan was an ignorant jerk, and the airport already has a fine name. "
Because that's its name.
"IATA?ICAO codes are important and necessary for precise communication. Also fuck Reagan, he's got enough shit named after him. "
Because calling it regan is offensive to the air traffic controllers who will never forget the way he callously disregarded their labor rights
"I refuse to call it Reagan because he spent he majority of his term ignoring AIDS, deregulating businesses, lowering taxes on the rich, and making people paranoid about marijuana. I'd prefer to keep his name out of my mouth as much as possible. :-)"
"When I first moved to DC, it was National. But FYI, if I'm writing about the airport, then it is DCA."
I refuse to call it Reagan.
Been admonished for calling it Reagan. DCA not likely to offend anyone.
How dare they honor a president who had the most corrupt administration in U.S. history.
"Two reasons: 1. When I moved to DC in 2001, everyone I knew called it National. 2. Ronald Reagan? No, thanks."
My parents would never call it Reagan so it caught on.
Because Reagan was an asshole.
It's what I've always called it. Not sure why.
I've always called it Reagan
Reagan fired all of the air traffic controllers and it is an insult to name the airport after him.
"It's about political autonomy. Forcing the Reagan name down our throats - and then refusing to pay to change the signage - is just another example of the Legislative Branch not giving a ""flying"" fuck about this area."
"I have always heard it called Reagan or Reagan National, but most people shorten it to Reagan when talking about it."
Because screw that guy.
"I use National only slightly more often than I use DCA. When I first moved to DC in 2004, I used National because I wanted to sound like an old local to the taxi drivers. ""Take me to National, please."" It just stuck."
The whole Bob Barr trying to withhold funding for Metro until WMATA changed the station name. F*ck that guy.
It's what my parents and grandparents called it.
It was obnoxious of Congress to impose upon us a name change.
Laziness - it has the least number of syllables so it is the fastest to say.
"I call the airport ""Reagan National"" because:
1) As president, Ronald Reagan was at least in the top 10% of all presidents, and certainly the best American president post-Vietnam.
2) My bed wetting leftist friends need reminder of #1.
3) No, seriously. They need reminding. Like in every time they take a flight into DC. "
I'm not calling by a certain past-President's name. You can't make me.
Reagan was a monster.
That's what my family called it when my brother attended GWU in the late 90s.
"In the words of Killer Mike:
""I leave you with four words - I'm glad Reagan dead."""
I grew up calling it National Airport
"""Reagan"" is a contrived neologism for a man who has been lauded and memorialized far more than he deserves. Moreover, this country has had 43 presidents. One of the main entrepots to its capital city should not throw favor on one of them. "
Opposite of international
"Cause that's its fucking name, retard."
It's the technical abbreviation/luggage code
"Because my parents call it that, so I grew up with that as its name, and because it's silly to call that airport Reagan when it's located in the most Democratic county in Virginia. "
"People around here know what I mean, and it's less of a mouthful."
"It has always been ""National "" for me and will always be "
National is what I grew up calling it.
Reagan was one of the worst Presidents of all time.
Reagan is a terrible president and shouldn't have shit named after him.
"Because that's what it's always been called. The whole fiasco with the name George Washington Ronald Reagan National Airport, or whatever it is, is just ridiculous."
It's already named after a president: Washington!
I use Reagan colloquially and DCA if I'm using in the context of airport routing and typing it.
I call it Reagan with people who know the area but live elsewhere. To locals I tend to say DCA.
"The only people who call it Reagan aren't from here. I have no issue with honoring Reagan, but you can't rename something over 50 years after it opened."
"Didn't like Reagan as a president, don't agree with the practice of renaming places. Also, had 20+ years of referring to it as National."
"In support of the ATC worker that Pres Reagan fired, I refuse to refer to this airport named after him"
I called it the R word the first time I ever flew there and was corrected. Now I correct people.
Because Ronald Reagan should not have an airport named after him because he was an asshole.
DCA is the location code I use when booking flights.
I grew up here. I'm not a big fan of Reagan one way or the other. Besides the change was too new to stick. I sometimes still say MCI Center.
Ronald Reagan is not someone I want to honor.
"Everything in DC is presidential, right?"
Not a fan of RR. Refuse to call it that if I have a choice.
Because fuck Reagan and all of his lackeys.
because it is national airport!
thought that it was its new name
"I call the airport either Reagan or National, I'm guessing since that's what my parents call it. "
Because I remember PATCO.
Because it has always been national
Because Ronald Reagan sucks.
I think my parents called it that? I don't remember.
Because its current two names are completely idiotic. I also have the joy of working in the Ronald Reagan building downtown.
They should not have named it after a person that was alive at the time.
Cus thats the name.
"I grew up calling it National, because that was its name for the majority of its existence. Also, National Airport was renamed after Ronald Reagan prior to his death. I believe it is an insult to name someone, or something, after a person who is still living, as they are not yet finished building their reputation."
"R was a great president in my book. But enough with the naming of schools, airports, roads, buildings, etc. after him. And MLK for that matter, too."
"I call it DCA or National. Whoever reads this please note and put in your article the irony of naming an airport after a president that fired 11,000 air traffic controllers
"The only reason National Airport was named after Ronald Reagan is because one well-connected groupie made it happen despite overwhelming objection.
It makes no sense to name an airport after someone who put the flying public in danger by firing all the air traffic controllers. Where is the logic in that? Besides, Reagan already has an ugly building and an aircraft carrier named after him.
Washington National Airport is already named after a president--President Washington. Why does the airport need to be named after two presidents? On the other hand, why not name it after numerous presidents, e.g., the Washington, Taft, Reagan, Jackson, Tyler Airport. Yeah, that's the ticket! I wonder if Metro can make signs big enough to hold that name? "
After what he did to the air traffic controllers? Come on.
Reagan is an imperial name imposed on the airport by Congress. Changing the name is disrespectful to the first president.
"I think I have heard both ""Reagan"" and ""National"" for short. I think most people called it ""Reagan National Airport"", so I just shortened it to Reagan."
"It's what I remember hearing on the metro while paying attention to my book. ""rrrrooorrrrenn National Airport. The doors are closing."""
the metro stop says ronald Reagan washington National airport and i shorten it to reagan national
"I call it reagan, national, or reagan national interchangeably "
It's what I remember it being called most often when I was younger. Less frequently Reagan National or National but mostly Reagan.
That's what i grew up calling it. The other acceptable term is DCA
"Sometimes I call it DCA but mostly ""Reagan National"". I think I've gotten used to calling it Reagan National because that's what local traffic reporters call it?"
"It's an easy way to fit in with native Washingtonians. You don't move to Los Angeles and then say ""I'm on interstate/freeway/highway 10."" You say ""I'm on the 10."""
That's how my family has always referred to it as.
I call it by its name.
"I'm a traditionalist and I'm stubborn. Calling it Reagan seems just the teensiest bit like being forced to do something against my will. That said, depending on the company (e.g., cab driver), I sometimes ask to be taken to Reagan National, just to cover all my bases."
"There's a statue of the dude out front. Also, the Metro stop makes it pretty easy.
P.S.: Runner up name is DCA. Not National though. Definitely not National. Ugh."
"It was National when it was created and always will be to me. I'm not a fan of changing the names of things that already have fine names. I still call the Richmond airport Byrd Field and had to actively think about saying ""Verizon Center"" for years instead of ""MCI Center."" I know Thurgood Marshall has been added to one of the other airports, but can't recall which one and don't need to as I never plan on referring to it as that."
Congress didn't have the legal authority to change it's name and out of respect to my father (who despised Reagan).
"Because by calling it the name of a strong republican president, I think that is doing a disservice to a region that desperately needs to try to be non-partisan wherever possible. I would say the same thing if it was clinton, carter or obama airport..."
"1. It is the original name of the airport. It's a great name. No need to change it.
2. It is an insult to air traffic controllers for this (or any) airport to bear the name of Ronald Reagan. "
"It's both National and DCA for me, bit I pledge no allegiance to either. I just like my airports metro accessible. Maybe I'll just call it metro airport from now on..."
"Work in aviation industry, commonly refer to airports by three letter designator."
I'll be deep in the cold cold ground before I recognize Ronald Reagan.
"Naming National after that actor-turned-Democrat-turned-Republican is a joke after what he did with the Air Traffic Contollers... so for me, it will always be National."
You can automatically tell that someone just moved here if they call it Ronald Reagan. It is old school to call it National and that is the way it should be!
I hate the words Reagan and National.
Because that's how it was referred to by all my coworkers/friends/associates when I moved here and that's how I shall always refer to it. It's not a partisan thing though--I won't say BWI Thurgood Marshall either.
"I call most airports by their call sign, except Sky Harbor, I think."
You know why I don't call it Reagan :)
"When I first moved to DC in 2004, I called it Reagan National but then I'd be quickly admonished by left-leaning friends and co-workers, as well as natives of the area, for acknowledging the Reagan part. So I quickly switched to calling it, simply, National. Although, on occasion I do also call it DCA."
Because that's what it is. Reagan fired air traffic controllers and the airport's named after him?!?
Because that is it's name
"Family in Charles County and in the District, so that's what everyone I know has always called it."
"It was ALREADY named for a president -- Washington National Airport!
Oh, and Patco."
"That was the name before Congress over rode Virginia's right to name its own airport after someone who was born and raised in the state, ie, Pres. Washington. Plus Congress made the citizens of Virginia pay to change the signs - an unfundef mandate! If they tried to change the name of, for example, the Dallas Airport to Obama International Airport, there would be a HUGE revolt! Why should Vurginians feel any differently than Texans on this matter? "
"If I'm flying SW I call it National if I'm flying anything else it's Reagan, cause seriously the terminal SW uses is like a different airport."
"When I make searches online (i.e. Kayak) I just have become so familiar to using the acronyms IAD, DCA, and BWI. However, although I refer to DCA and BWI by the acronyms, I refer to IAD as Dulles."
"(1) I don't like Reagan worship; and (2) ""DCA"" rolls of the tongue more easily than ""National."""
"I don't see why the airport should be named after Ronald Reagan and I would rather call it ""National"". There are already how many buildings and landmarks named after Ronald Reagan?"
"Because naming an airport ""Reagan"" has to be the most asinine thing you could do. He laid off the air traffic controllers! "
"Reagan- it's in the first part of the official name. When I think about the airport, I think ""DCA"", but that seems too nerdy to say aloud. My liberal friends (I consider myself a moderate Dem) hate that I say Reagan, but I figure, whether I liked him or not, he was an elected US President, and that's the name of the airport."
I definitely call it DCA now because I tend to call ALL airports by their airport codes. The more then 10 above is more like 30 so yeah. Before that though and if I'm talking to non-frequent flyers it is definitely national or national airport.
It's short and rolls off the tongue easily.
It's fun to call an airport by a President's name.
"I call it National with friends and family and folks that don't travel much.
If I'm with folks that travel a lot (like myself), I call almost all airports by their short code....DCA, ATL, IAD, et cetera."
"1). Ronald Reagan was a pretty amoral president
2). I don't think that the Nation's capital airport should have such a partisan name. George Washington's home of Mount Vernon is a mere 5 miles down the road - Why not George Washington National Airport. Pure politics in the name."
Fundamental hatred of Ronald Reagan
fuck reagan
"for the same reason nobody calls BWI ""Thurgood Marshall"" "
Because that's how it was designated when I first used it. Plus it's much more reasonable a name.
Because that's what it's called??
My parents are native Washingtonians and have always called it National Airport.
Because that is the first word of the name of the metro stop. I say DCA too.
No way will I ever honor Reagan by calling that airport after him!
Original name.
I hate Reagan the president
"Ronald Reagan National Airport shortens nicely to National Airport, and that's what it was called when I moved to DC and started flying into it."
Because Ronald Ray-Gun ain't never do SH!T for the Disctrict of Columbia. GTFOHWTS.
"I think of it as National airport, but I frequently refer to it as DCA, as I'm usually referring to it to people not from in here in coordination with a visit they are making which involves social time with me."
I have great affection for the airport codes.
"Because it's named after our first president and after our national capital city. That is real patriotism, not partisanship."
The Dulles brothers were just as bad as Reagan!
"Because bleargh. I mean duh. Why would they choose something so stupid and controversial. I live in Europe now and it is totally embarrassing to even have the conversation about how Washington National is really the same thing. I repeat, bleargh. "
I always heard my friends and family refer to it as Reagan so that's what's in my mind.
Because technically it is named Ronald Reagan National Airport- whether I like it or not!
Because it sounds cool
"It was originally called Washington National Airport, then, decades later, it was dedicated to former President Ronald Reagan."
Because screw Ronald Reagan and his union busting assholishness.
"My boss told me when I moved here in 2011, ""No one calls it Reagan."" I called it National for a while, but because I spend a lot of time booking travel I've started using airport codes. :/"
"Because ""Enabler of Atrocities in Latin America National Airport"" is a little cumbersome."
It is short and easy to remeber. DCA sounds too much like Dullas.
I'm an air traffic controller.
That's just what people insisted it was called when I came to DC as a college student in 2002.
It's National. It just is.
"in part for the same reason that I call the road in NYC that's between Fifth Avenue and Seventh Avenue by its original name - SIxth Avenue - and not some dressed-up name, and in part because I am not a fan of the President whose name has been appended to DCA's name."
I want to rename it after Marion Barry
"Because Reagan sucked and the airport says ""Washington National Airport"" right on the front. That's it's name, that's ALWAYS been it's name, so why the hell did they change it in the first place. "
"I heard years ago that Republicans call it ""Reagan"" and Democrats call it ""National"". While I consider myself neither one, I don't like lauding Reagan more than he already is. I often call it ""DCA"" but also call it ""Reagan National"" because ""Reagan"" is easier to say than ""National"" and.. now that I think about it... calling it both at once doesn't make sense.
A true independent - don't like either side but there's no better option."
the full name is too long. Raegan is easily recognized.
"I'm a military aviator. Three letter airport identifiers are convention. Though we used to trick junior copilot's to use ""Reagan Tower"" when checking in on ATC frequencies. Sometimes the call wouldn't be answered until they repeated it several times and we told them to use ""National/Washington Tower"". Even then, I've heard: ""aircraft calling, you're on the National Tower frequency, are you lost?"""
"Mostly, I'm not terribly inclined to use the name of a terrible president for an airport I like and use a lot."
That's what they call it on wtop traffic and weather together on the 8s
Because my folks forbid me from calling it Reagan Airport. They're big labor people and are still smarting from the ATC firings under his admin.
"There was something pure and beautiful about the (admittedly unintentional) concept of a non-partisan ""National Airport"" of the United States for our nation's capital. No matter party or politics--which changed over every few years anyway--everyone flew in and out of the ""National Airport."" It was steady and the name was above any partisan agendas or squabbles.
When they renamed National, it wasn't like renaming the Little Rock Airport after former multi-term Governor who grew up in the state and went on to become President of the US (though I'm sure naming that airport after the Clintons was a controversial decision, in its own right, it had some justification).
The National renaming was different because Ronald Reagan wasn't from DC or the metro area and he did not represent ""Washington"" or ""Government"" any more than any other President does/has. It was a forced elevation of a recent President above all others for specifically partisan purposes and to codify a specific storyline and partisan legend--long before history had its chance to form its own objective opinion. That alone--and the related formal campaign to name something in every county in the United States for Reagan, a man who's performance was too recent and too symbolic of a movement for objective evaluation--were so cynical and made something so objective and pure, this idea of a non-partisan ""National Airport,"" into a forever tainted symbol of the partisanship and mind-games that make people hate politics.
When you threw in the shady way the voting occurred to make it happen, the blackmail of WMATA (Republicans in congress were willing to threaten the local economy and public transportation on a regional level to force station name and sign changes that WMATA and Arlington were not obligated to make...and would come out of other budget funded by local riders, who opposed the changes) the whole thing still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. For that reason, it stays ""National"" to me...occasionally ""DCA."""
I hate Ronald Reagan.
"It's either Reagan or DCA. If you call it anything else, you're insane"
"Ronald Reagan was an over-rated, disaster of a President, after whom Republicans rushed to name everything because they hadn't had a decent President since Teddy Roosevelt, even though Reagan's only contribution to air traffic was busting the PATCO Union of professionals who working to keep air traffic safe. "
Because Ronald Reagan had no significant contribution to the airport & because DC is and was about much more than one President.
"I used to call it Reagan when I first moved to DC in 2008 (that's what my parents call it when they fly through). However, after hearing friend's refer to it as National over and over again, I slowly made the switch. "
It's the easiest and everyone knows what I'm talking about
I don't like saying Reagan so I used to say national but now I'm used to airport codes so dca
It's what I've always called it.
"DCA for time's sake
Washington Regan because that's what parents called it"
"DCA is the most recognizable and unambiguous. Reagan is a President and most of my friends are transplants who don't recognize ""National"""
My parents call it Regan. (They're Republicans who have spent their whole lives in Montgomery County
My grandparents have lived in the DC area for quite a while. They're also solid Democrats. They call it National.
"In my opinion, National Airport is easier to say - it flows better."
That's what it was introduced to me as and I have trouble remembering to call it anything else.
"I hate the new trend of naming government facilities (airports, ships, buildings, what have you) after politicians, especially before they've died. We are neither a banana ""republic"" nor a backwards monarchy. (Or are we?)"
That's what I heard.
Screw Reagan.
It was National for my entire childhood and I am NOT a fan of Ronald Reagan.
"I call it either DCA or National; never Ray-Gun. It was already named for a president, and I saw no reason to add another president to its name. More important, naming it after Ronald Ray-Gun was intended as a slap in the face by the Gingrich Congress to a city that hasn't voted for a Republican President in decades."
Because that's its name.
Because that's what it's called.
"""Reagan"" is a short name. It's only two syllables. It reflects the full proper name."
Because they named it after a senile President
"Raegan is a terrorist, but more to the point that's the original name.."
"It was National, then Reagan. I don't like Reagan and think it was stupid that they named it for a still living president with no tie to the area. So, I call it National. "
"I flip between DCA, Reagan National or National. Reagan National flows off the tongue and you hear it whenever you are at the airport, so it kind of sticks."
"As an Air Transport rated pilot and a former USAF pilot, I can read what the official name of KDCA is. Reagan National sounds different from ""anything else"" National or International and thus reduces confusion. And we have JFK International Airport already named after a former president."
My father was a pilot based out of Dulles for 10+ years (pretty much all of the 90's) and that's what he called it. I figure a DC pilot would know better than anyone.
I didn't like that Congress gave WMATA an unfunded mandate to change all the signs when the metro system was so badly underfunded.
Hate Reagan
Screw Reagan.
"I think it should be called Marion Barry Washington National Airport.
No, but seriously, screw making Ronald Reagan into a god. Let's stop deluding ourselves.
-a MD-to-Wisconsin Quaker Green transplant"
"It was called that when I moved to D.C. after college in 2008. However, my habit is blasphemy to my Democratic family - including a few career DCites - who are shocked and offended by any other name than National. "
Because Reagan shouldn't get an airport and an international center both!
"I call it Reagan, Reagan National, and DCA depending on the context, but most frequently use Reagan. I work in TV news."
"Because Ronald Reagan sucked giant donkey balls, hated everything that made this country good and fun. "
My parents called it that.
That's what everyone else calls it... or they call it National. I just got used to calling it Reagan!
"I think Reagan was a bigot who instilled and inspired poorly conceived policies not only in the United States but also in Latin America. Much of this violence continues today, and I am ashamed I choose to patron an airport with this dictatorial statue placed out front. But really, is flying out of Dulles (You know, Guatemalan massacre creator) any better?"
That's what it was when I moved here and that's what it should have stayed. Reagan wasn't such a great man to have an airport named after him.
"I say ""Reagan"" sometimes, too. No reason on this. "
I've been warned never to call it Reagan lest I be mistaken for a Rabid Republican! But I had to learn that lesson when I moved here in 2009. I called it the R word before then.
"After what he did to the air traffic controllers, it's blaphemous to call any airport the R-word."
"There's no way I'll ever call it Reagan. I don't like him. Besides, no one I know uses ""Reagan"" in any part of the name of the airport. We all call it DCA, National, or Washington National "
I'm a Dem.
"The capitol's airport should not be named for a politician, especially one who traded guns for hostages, ignored the AIDS crisis and ushered in an era of rapidly widening economic inequality."
"I nearly puke every time I hear it referred to as Reagan (a politician whose ideological descendants oppose nearly all public works investments. It's terribly ironic for it to be officially named after a Republican.
DCA instead of National because people don't know what I'm talking about when I say National."
B/c Reagan was a terrible president.
"I have family who lived in the areabefore I moved here and they always called it National. I moved here in 1999 and was surprised to see the man who fired striking air traffic controllers in the 80s now had his name on the airport. When Bob Barr demanded that Metro spend so much money to change the signage throughout the Metro system, it was vlear that the cult of Reagan had gone too far. "
Reagan was a disgrace.
"Because Reagan was a jerk to the air traffic controllers union, and Republicans can't get away with naming everything on earth after him"
I have no idea.
"National. Was, is, and always will be. "
I'm a general aviation pilot. We usually use the identifier vs name
"When I first moved to DC, I called it Reagan Airport. After noticing that everyone else called it National, I started referring to it as Reagan National or National depending who I was talking to."
Reagan has always been what I've called it. Never heard anyone call it DCA before. For a long time I thought Reagan was Dulles. Whoops.
"Because that is its name. I don't believe naming things after living people is wise, and as we learn more about Ronnie and the affect his policies are still having on America, it's clear NOTHING should be named for him."
"After living in DC for quite some time now and having spoken with many locals (a rarity in the district these days) who felt as though Reagan (former president) didn't do what was best for their socio-economic class, they refuse to pay him tribute/homage by calling DCA Reagan or Reagan National. I empathisize with them and thus have chosen to call it National-it's initial name, as well. "
"Ive built a few shops there and it seems to be what the employees call it.
"I thought it was named after Ronald Reagan and because I thought/think such, I find it is easier to say Reagan than to say Ronald Reagan National, Reagan National, or even Ronald Reagan, just say Reagan."
I call it National because calling it Reagan or Reagan National would be bringing shame upon this country.
Because that's it's name.
"I don't find it necessary to call it the name of a Republican hero, though I was only a child during his presidency. I don't recall my parents voting for him or having nice things to say about him. So I don't use that name for my most frequent air travel!"
"I don't hate George Washington, or see any reason to stop calling it ""Washington National."" Also, PATCO"
"That's what my parents call it, and everyone I know from the area. Sometimes it's Reagan National, but usually Reagan"
"I refuse to honor Reagan in anyway (thanks for immigration reform, but you're still a jerk) "
"I don't identify RonAld Reagan with DCA. Similarly, I don't identify Thurgood Marshall with BWI. Only in the case of IAD do I think of Mr Dulles...but which one: Alan or John Foster?"
Why name an airport after a President who fired all the air traffic controllers and has the most expensive office building in the District named after him?
"Habit, I suppose? I've been corrected by my fellow Democrats to say ""National"" instead, but I can't seem to shake the name. It's like how some people call de Gaulle airport in France ""Roissy"" \_()_/"
I refuse to call it after the person that is named after.
DC looooooves acronyms and I've started defaulting to them now.
That's the name on the metro stop. I also know it as DCA by way of booking it online
B/c eff Reagan's legacy right in the ear.
Because I was never down with the Reagan love-fest that led to the naming-spree that happened at that point in time.
"National is named after a vehemently anti-gay conservative politician whose economic legacy left us with the great recession, and whose foreign policy gave way to the terrorist groups we battle today. It's ""official"" name is a great example of the foolish GOP deification of a President whose legacy is still playing out today--and not for the better."
"Because it's weird to say ""Take me to National."""
Probably because that's what my parents call it.
Reagan-National covers both bases to me. Everyone in both camps knows which one I'm talking about.
Reagan hurt the airline industry so I dont give him the benefit of having the airport named after him
I really don't like Ronald Reagan.
It's what they called it in my university
I prefer a name that does not have political ties. National is the people's airport.
It was national first.
That's what most of my friends called it when I lived there.
"Renaming things for Reagan is stupid, but especially airports because he fired all the controllers."
"You know why! Progressives don't call the aiport in question anything else but ""National""...
"because Reagan was awful and his legacy should be mourned, not celebrated"
"After flying like crazy over the past two years, I started referring to airports by their three-letter airport codes. That said, ""Reagan National"" and ""National"" are interchangeable, since I know what folks are referring to either way."
I liked Reagan in college. Maybe his policies were misguided but his heart was in the right place. Also there's a freakin' statue of Reagan right in front of the place!
Easiest to say. Only two syllables.
Because that's its name.
"My husband is a DC native and has always called it national, which is where I picked it up."
because that's what it's called
I went to high school in aleaxandria from 1989-1992. I knew it as National first
Because that's what I have always called it and re-naming an airport with a perfectly good name is just an exercise in politics. I call the airport in Maryland BWI.
"Everyone called it ""National Airport"" when it was named after George WashingtonI'm not going to change now for Reagan. It was built on George Washington's land, they should have left it named after him, instead of hustling through a name change when people were in mourning."
Reagan was a dick.
"As ""Washington National"" it had already been named for a president, why add another?"
"I worked at JetBlue for nearly 3.5 years, so I always call an airport by it's code to avoid confusion."
Because I live in Atlanta now and that airport is a tiny bullshit airport. Mostly like the ideas of the man its named after.
"Nancy Regan was opposed to it just as much as I am, just for different reasons "
Because I hate change. And Reagan.
Why would I call an airport by the name of the man who fired all the air traffic controllers? Why on Earth would anyone do that?
"That is what it was first called, although I can also call it Reagan National and when I'm booking online, DCA"
That's what I've always called it...and I'm certainly not going to change my nomenclature to honor a man who fired so many striking airport workers. Change the name back!
Alaska shows it as Reagan-National and I drop the National part when saying it.
"Because that's its name, damn it. "
"You can find the check in with the Monica Lewinsky name on Facebook. I find it hysterical and have started to use it. In casual conversation, I'll use DCA. "
"I'm old enough to remember the airport as National. I'm not a big fan of Ronald Reagan so I was not in favor of adding his name to the airport. Also, the shorter the name, the better."
"I just got in the habit of calling it Reagan, because that's what it's called now. I used to call it National, still sometimes do, still sometimes call it Reagan National. But if it's the name everyone else is using -- cab drivers, visitors from out of town, etc. -- it doesn't do a lot of practical good to call it something else out of principle."
Reagan or DCA. Reagan because it's the shortest you can get from the original name
"After what Reagan did to air traffic controllers, naming an airport after him was an insult - couldn't they have renamed Union Station if they had to rename something?!"
because that's it's NAME. Congress forced this down our throats.
Because I can't bring to use the name of the worst President in my lifetime.
It is the first word on the name of the metro stop. I also call it DCA.
"Not a fan of Reagan at all, but I never knew it by any other name..."
"Because that's its name, and has been since before there even WAS a Dulles or a BWI. Plus, I thought it silly to rename it after one of our worst presidents. "
That's what it started out as. Didn't particularly like Reagan. Old habits die hard.
I call it National because it was re-named Reagan only recently and this is not a change I am in favor of.
I do not wish to honor a man who systematically destroyed the livelihoods of and social protections for millions of working poor here in the U.S. - among the innumerable other evils committed by him and his administration. Etc. Ew.
Because I think Reagan was a terrible president and I refuse to participate in the pathetic fetishization of his memory practiced by today's conservatives.
I've just always called it that.
Tradition and the irony that any airport would be named after Ronald Reagan.
It is National airport.
"Because it's the right answer, naturally. :)"
Because that's the correct name.
"Used to work with TSA, so I call most airports by their designation. That said, naming an airport after Reagan is incredibly insulting after his behavior with PATCO, so there is no way I would ever call National by his name."
"I refuse to call the airport ""Reagan"" especially over our first President and founding father, George Washington... Washington National Airport. It has and will will always be National or just DCA to me."
"AIDS, ignoring mental illness, homelessness, you know, the usual"
2 reasons: I've always called it that and I couldn't stand the guy.
I've just always called it Reagan National.
I try to just call it National but usually I dont think about it and just call it Reagan National because that's what I'm used to but I hate myself afterwards
Because that is the name -it is on the sign outside of the airport. People who don't like Reagan love to argue about it but it's just silly.
I don't want to credit it to that president who shall not be named. The actor.
Because that's the way God intended for it to be called.
That's what my family has always called it. End of question.
"Most importantly, to express solidarity with DC and align with home rule / statehood movement
Added bonus: I hate Ronald Reagan"
My parents have always called it that. They also grew up in the DC area.
That's what it has always been.
I like Reagan
"It was always National when I was growing up. President Reagan fired the air traffic controllers, so I don't see why anyone would name an airport after him. "
I used to fly out of National quite frequently - in the 1990s - so it's a habit. And I'm not a big fan of Reagan.
"The word ""Reagan"" makes me throw up in my mouth a little."
Fuck Reagan.
"It's national and I refuse to kowtow to Repubs that insisted on naming it for ole ""Alzheimer's Reagan."
"I just moved to the DC area, so I'm just calling it what they call it on the Metro when I ride to the airport."
"I call it National because I don't think we should name airports after mediocre actors, or mediocre presidents. Also, it's super cheesy to name something after someone while that person is still alive."
It was the first name I heard it called.
"It's already named for one president, it doesn't need to be named for a second, no matter how much of a demagogue he was then & idol he is now to the GOP."
Not favorable regarding the politics of Ronald Reagan
because ronald reagan was awful
Reagan wasn't a remarkable enough president. He thought ketchup should count as a school lunch vegetable.
I guess because I think it is the clearest. But I don't love it since I know it wasn't always called that and I'm not a huge Reagan fan.
"The name of the airport was and is Washington National Airport. The renaming, like everything Congress has ever done with respect to DC, does not represent those of us living there and was done with zero input. "
"I always though it was Reagan, before I moved to DC (and before I thought much about this airport at all). But then I moved to DC and learned the error of my ways. Never could get the hang of National. DCA is my compromise position."
"I use airport codes pretty regularly, I guess a habit of traveling often. "
Because that's the name? I also refer to it as DCA and occasionally Reagan.
"It's usually the quickest thing to tell people and it's what the Metro announcement calls it. Ironically, when I write about it I call it DCA"
It's what I hear it called on the metro most often.
"because Washington National is named after a President, the FIRST ONE, Washington.
some group of GOP A-holes decided to attach another name to ""National Airport""; they should have named an airport in California for that guy instead!!!!!!!!"
DCA or National.
It's just easiest
"probably because most people around me call it that...i am not particularly a fan of Reagan and wish I called it National. In fact, I call it National quite often. I also sometimes call it DCA. But I would say most often I call it Reagan."
People don't always know airport codes.
"My parents both grew up in District Heights, MD, and later lived in DC for a while. I blame them. "
"""Reagan National"" is just what I got used to hearing. Don't the weathermen on WTOP always call it that when they give the temperature reading from there?"
"I call it DCA because I was sick of having ""locals"" (that is, people who were in the DC area before me) correct me if I called it ""Reagan"" or ""National"" or ""Reagan National"" or whatever. "
"Using the airport code is more efficient. Also, F the Republican movement to name everything after Reagan."
Although from California I have no connection to Regan
That's what I grew up calling it. I'm from Richmond.
National- it's simple and quick to say.
"I first started coming to the DC area in 2004. I flew bi-weekly in and out of DCA for a few years before moving to the area 5 years ago. I never knew what to call the airport initially. Some called it Reagan, some National, some Reagan National. Cabbies responded to any of these. But because I arranged so many flights to ""DCA,"" I got accustomed to calling it that. Cabbies understood it as well, so I went with it. I also like it. It's kind of like PDX for Portland, except decidedly less hip."
"I learned it as National airport- it was that way on all the metro signs as I learned the subway system when I came to college. Besides, I'm from Hamilton County, Ohio. They named the cross county highway after that same dude, after they spent nearly my entire life building it under the name Cross County highway. Just like the airport, I may it by a number or initials, but I rarely call it anything else unless my interlocutor is pressed for understanding. "
Ronald Reagan was a crappy president.
Reagan sucked
It's the code to book the flight.
"I think the name ""Ronald Reagan Airport"" was illegally and unfairly applied at the time. There was nothing wrong with the name ""National Airport"" and wouldn't object if the name change was properly proposed and fairly debated."
I've never been a fan of Ronald Reagan. The Republican propensity to name structures after him is shamefully politically motivated and has become irritating.
"Now that I fly often, I probably call it DCA almost as much as ""National.""
I call it National because 1) that is what it was named when I was growing up 2) At some point I was told anyone who calls it Reagan isn't from the area...I believe it."
"(1) most people I met when I first moved here 12 yrs ago said National
(2) not a fan of Pres Reagan"
That's what everyone calls it.
"Because that's its name. Period. Full stop. The GOP made a crass political move to rename the airport unnecessarily, to honor a man they would not elect in today's Tea Party fever.
As a gay man, the idea that I should have to invoke the name of someone who had so little respect for my people he let us die in the streets is beyond insulting. If Ronald Reagan can make jokes about gay people dying en mass, then I can be forgiven for not connecting his name to anything I have to deal with in my daily life. Ronald Reagan was the worst modern president, by far, and is the reason we are now reeling from rightwing nuttiness, massive debt, and a military that's out of control (and much more than you'll care to hear me complain about.)
DCA IS our national airport and its name reflects that. There was no need to change it in 1998 and there's no reason to respect that change since it doesn't reflect the values I, and most Americans, hold dear. Fuck Ronald Reagan."
"Reagan waited till 1985 to talk about AIDS, worked dillgently to curb progress on gay rights, and was part of the botched response of the aids epidemic."
"It's Washington National Airport (calling it ""Washington National"" wasn't an option in the poll!). Off-putting to replace Washington's name with Reagan's."
That's just what you call the airport.
isn't that the name???
"Probably call it DCA because that's what I put in search engines for plane tickets. I do still refer to it as ""Reagan"" -usually when taking Uber or Lyft since that is how the drivers are able to find directions using GPS."
"If it's going to be named after a president, it should be WASHINGTON National. "
"I don't accept the name change to Reagan National because it was done by Congress against the wishes of locals, as well as MWAA officials, and political leaders in Northern Virginia and Washington, D.C. The airport was already named after a President: President Washington."
Because it was always National Airport. They just added a name that belonged to one of the worst presidents in modern US history.
The Republicans in Congress wasted a lot of money just to change the name of DCA to Reagan. That's why I always call it National
I like acronyms.
"It's national airport, they should have named an airport in California after Ronald Reagan, not DC."
"National or DCA.
I'm opposed to calling it Reagan for two reasons:
-Gingrich saddled DC with the costs of paying to rename the airport.
-Reagan was (objectively and statistically) one of the worst presidents this country has had."
"I'm employed in aviation and we usually call airports by their airport designation (DCA vs IAD). Although I usually call it DCA, I will also refer to it as Reagan and sometimes Reagan National. "
"Because that's its name.
I think most people want to call it National because they just don't like Ronald Reagan, and neither do I, but every other airport named after a person is called by the person's name.
JFK, Laguardia, Charles de Gaulle, Lambert, etc..."
It's just what I've always called it?
Because its name is National (and Bob Barr is crazy).
"It was just always called national, and then it was renamed Ronald Regan, but there was some disappointment in naming an airport after the person who broke the air traffic control strikes. "
"I use DCA, National and Reagan interchangeably, but I sometimes forget if Reagan or National are Dulles, so DCA is most clear. That's what I use when choosing flights online."
"Because it is Washington National Airport.
I'm not particularly interested in having anything else named after Ronald Rayguns."
Seems like what everyone else calls it... unless they're old.
The airport has been officially named. It is Reagan National.
"The name change came at a time where a group was trying to get something in every county in every state in the United States named after President Reagan. I did, and do, find this not only unappealing, but also wasteful and ridiculous. I worked in the US Senate when the bill to change the airport's name was voted on. My boss voted yes, and I stood in the office hallway giving him grief as he came back from the Senate floor. It will always be National to me."
It's the first word in the title
I don't know. That's what everyone called it.
I will not use his name.
The airport code is always the most effective way to identify any airport
"I was born in DC, and grew up two blocks across Western Avenue in MD. DC is the town, and National is its airport. That other name is something someone made up for political purposes. :-)"
"I'd prefer to call it just National, but I'm trying to be neutral and avoid any confusion."
"It is a supreme irony that Congress renamed it after the man who broke the air traffic control union.
"Because it was already named for a President, George Washington National Airport. How many landmarks are named for more than one president?"
I refer to ALL airports by their original names. I think it's disgusting to name anything to honor a politician!
"Because it's Reagan and National... Now that I think of it, I'm not really sure"
No idea!
"Mostly bc its the easiest when I search via Kayak or other online bookings. Also, I am a Democrat, so probably in my subconscious somewhere its because its named after Reagan."
"It's ""Democratic,"" not ""Democrat,"" guys."
"I think it is the only airport named after a president, Reagan, that was already named after a president, Washington. I expect that in 20 years it will officially be called the Clinton, Reagan, Bush, Bush, Washington National Airport. "
Because my family calls it that?
Least number of syllables -- seriously.
"That's how my Dad always referred to it when I was growing up, and I don't like that they changed the name. I lived here for the first time in 2003, and it was soon enough after the change that most people still called it National, and that's how I've always thought of it."
"""Reagan"" is easier than saying ""Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport"".
I could just say ""National"", but why pass up a chance to say ""Reagan"", especially if you're a Republican? And there's also the delicious irony of Reagan having his name affixed to an major national airport after firing all the air traffic controllers in '81.
DCA? Too stuffy. Not many outside the Beltway even know what this is."
"I don't mean to be overtly political by avoiding naming it ""Reagan National"", but I do think that my aversion to Reagan and Conservative politics is a part of the reason why I instinctually avoid using Reagan's name."
"I most frequently use DCA, but often I call it National. I would NEVER call it Reagan. It's insane that there's an airport named for a person who had the kind of involvement Reagan had in the air traffic controllers strike. Also, Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport is too long and clunky."
Because I don't like Ronald Reagan.
Because the name of the airport is Washington National Airport. I don't believe there is any other designation for this airport.
"Using the airport code is easiest. Also, fuck Ronald Reagan."
Because that's its name. The switch was bs.
"Because I won't call it ""Reagan."" I even correct other people who don't call it National."
"I've used that airport for business and/or pleasure since the mid-80s.
I see/saw no reason to change the name. Fabulous for tourists or business travelers because there is no need for a cab or to rent a car. To me, it is also a national treasure.
The man who let his handlers create policies that began the destruction of middle class is not."
The name I grew up with.
"We refer it as both DCA and Reagan, with only marginal preference for Reagan. "
It was National Airport when it was built and it will always be National Airport in my household.
"I'm a seasoned traveler, in an international long distance relationship and used to travel for work ALL the time. I call all airports by their codes, it's just easier. If I don't say DCA, I say ""National"" because honestly, ""Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport"" just sounds dumb. Why I don't say ""Reagan""? Unsure. Always just heard it referred to as ""National"" until a couple of years ago, all the tourists call it Reagan.
Also, maybe a question could be directed at the people who live south of DCA on the Yellow/Blue lines. We pass it twice a day, and they always announce it with the ridiculously long full name."
"My mom calls it that. She was born in 1971, has lived in Fairfax County since 1995, flies less than once per year, and is Republican."
"While living in the DC area, I would always call it National, since moving away two years ago to Chicago I started calling it DCA. "
Never heard it called anything else
"Congressional Republicans, who claim to be supporters of local control of government, shoved the name change down the throats of DC area local governments who preferred retaining the original Washington National name."
"If I think about it, I call it National. But to be totally honest, sometimes if I'm not thinking I call it Reagan National, because I've seen it come up that way on travel sites, I think. Mostly I fly out of Dulles or BWI, though. It depends on what's the cheapest. Fortunately, we just moved back east to be closer to family, so I shouldn't have to undergo the special hell that is traveling by airplane, especially with small children, very often anymore. "
Reagan sounds good. DCA is better but people are not always familiar with that name
"The answer can be found in the song ""Reagan"" by the hip-hop performer Killer Mike. "
"If a guy's got an airport named after him I'm going to call it by his name, or last name at least."
"I grew up calling it ""National Airport,"" and I'm none too fond of Reagan."
Isn't that it's name?
"Because that's what it was called before they changed the name. Also, because I don't agree with naming anything after Ronald Reagan."
"""Reagan"" or ""Ronald Reagan"" is the least ambiguous name of the airport in question as it cannot possibly be confused with any other airport in the region. When I hear ""Reagan,"" I think of the airport rather the President. The former has done much more for me than the latter. "
Not to be political
"My mother is from DC, so she always knew the airport as ""National."" She didn't agree with calling an airport by the name of a living President. However, I have an additional reason. While my mom is a moderate Republican, I am a liberal Democrat. I refuse to call that airport Reagan."
It's what we all called it growing up.
"Honestly, I use all of those names interchangeably, but probably use National the most. "
"It's the historic, place-based name. What connection does Reagan have to OUR airport, anyway?"
"Cause that's what it's always been called
"I do sometimes call it ""Reagan National,"" but ever since it was renamed ""Reagan"" just seemed like the easiest abbreviation for the airport. It's two syllables instead of the three syllable ""na-tio-nal."""
Because calling it Reagan honors the most bad ass president to ever serve our Nation.
I always have.
"I get mad at myself when I say Reagan, but it comes more naturally to me than saying National for some reason. "
Because that's what it's called.
It that it's name? Reagan National?
I do not say that person's name.
There's no way I'm referring to an airport by the name of the guy who fired the air traffic controllers.
I just thought that's what it was called.
I use Reagan or DCA interchangeably.
It was national when I first started using it.
It was named soon after I moved to DC.
That's its name. Period.
I'll never call any airport Reagan. Especially after what he did to air traffic controllers. Fuck that douche. Rest his soul.
"Reagan is always what my Maryland born and raised parents called it. I think it is partially due to the fact that they both grew up in Democratic families, and where not thrilled the airport was named as a Republican. My parents frequent refer to ""Reagan"" in a negative way too, like the name is another way to hate on the airport aside from it's issues with delays and lack of flights. "
"My parents always called it National. They knew it as that before the name switch, and they stuck with what they had always called it. "
Because Ronald Reagan is a war criminal and his name should not be on anything.
That's what my parents call.
"Because that's what it's called. Same way I still call BWI, BWI and not Thurgood Marshall BWI, as much as I love and respect him. "
Just do.
Reagan's Strike-breaking history. Refuse to call it Reagan airport.
"The all have people names. Virginia has Dulles, Washington has Reagan, and Baltimore has Thurgood Marshall."
I am not a Reagan fan!
"It was National when I first started using it
I cannot bear the thought of calling it Reagan. It belongs to all of us, regardless of party
(I would not suggest naming it for a Democratic leader either)"
Because that's it's name!
I don't like when things get re-named. A name is forever.
"My family never traveled when I was a kid, so there wasn't much airport discussion at all that I can remember. By the time I was old enough to be flying around, it had ""Reagan"" attached to it. I can tell this hurts my liberal bona fides, but oh well."
Airport Codes are easier than full names. My home airport is always referred to as ABE or LVI depending on the person.
It's the shortest way to say the name.
"Because that's it's name. Always was, and always will be."
that's the original name!
I flip flop between National and Reagan but I probably call it Reagan more often.
Because that's its name
"Because I refuse to call anything Reagan. He didn't care about me or my people, why should I care about him?"
"I used to call it Reagan but was recently chided by my fellow liberal friends. ""That's not what we call that airport. It's National."""
One time someone told me that natives call this airport National and I've stuck to it ever since because I guess i wanted to be a DC native
I refer to all airports by their abbreviations -- too many stints on Kayak and Hipmunk.
"Shortest, clearest, most efficient, least amount of syllables"
Because that's it's damn name.
Because Reagan should NOT be the name on any airport.
"Upon moving to the region, I was informed by locals that the proper name for the airport was National (not Reagan)."
What a slap in the face of all the air traffic controllers fired by Ronald Reagan. To name the airport after him is disgusting!
Because that's its name!
"Because that's it's name! And it's offensive that it was re-named ""Reagan"" after he laid off so many air traffic controllers. It's like naming the upcoming African American museum the Jim Crow Museum. All around wrong."
"I still call it National out of force of habit, although the political tenor doesn't hurt. The annoying this is that I live in the Midwest now, and have people ask me ""oh, you mean Regan?"""
"Reagan busted the air traffic controller's union. Can't call that airport ""Reagan""!!"
It's more distinctive than national... Though lately I've been calling it DCA because I've been reminded by my friends how terrible Reagan was
Because of the airport code when I book it.
"that's what my grandmother always called it, so it stuck."
I refuse to call is Reagan. Insult to air traffic controllers. Figure dca is most fair bc it's the code.
"You forgot an important question - does someone in your life (parent, spouse, etc) call it something in particular. My mom grew up in the DC area in the 1960s, and both my parents lived here in the mid 1970s. Therefore, both of them call it National. Hence, that's what I think of it as/call it."
That's what my parents called it
That's what it used to be called.
I heard other people refer to it that way
"During my freshman year in college I had not quite worked out the different local airports and when a friend offered to share a cab to IAD, I happily agreed... Only to find out upon arrival that my flight left from DCA and my only option was to pay another $70.00 to get there before my flight left without me.
I have never forgotten the two airport codes since then, and will occasionally refer to DCA as Reagan.
"A friend made it clear that it is ""National!"""
I call it DCA or National. I will never call it Reagan.
"It was National Airport when I lived in DC from 1992-1998. I didn't like the Republican Congress' efforts to rename everything after their hero, so I still refer to DCA as National Airport even now."
"I resent unnecessary changes in airport names. If the President was born nearby, that would be different. It seems to me that George Washington National Airport is the most appropriate name given its proximity to Mt Vernon and our first President."
"It was already named for a president: George Washington. Also, I thought that Reagan was a particularly bad president especially for our economy and for the middle class. Most of all, naming an airport for the president who fired all the air traffic controllers is the height of bad political irony. Fianlly, the statue of Reagan outside of National Airport reminds me of Lenin. ""Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that statue!"""
That is the airport identifier
"I moved to DC when the airport was called ""National"" and I lived in dc when Reagan was in office and I neither liked or voted for him. I vowed never to call the airport Reagan when they amended the name!
Ronald Reagan should not have an airport named after him.
"The biggest asset is the airport's proximity to Washington DC. Therefore to attract business/passengers that needs to be in the name. Neither ""National airport nor Reagan airport"" tells you its the closest airport to Washington DC."
"As a child growing up in western VA, I always called it National. At some point I started calling it Reagan, but I honestly can't remember when. Well after the name switched. I was probably in college when I started just calling it Reagan. "
"Because it is - and should be - recognized as our National airport
The airport connects us to the rest of our nation.."
Because he who shall not be named ruined everything! I'd sooner call it Voldemort National Airport.
"Because they added ""Reagan"" to the name, and I used to call it National, so Reagan-National is the shortest, quickest way to call it."
"Always hated Reagan and never accepted the change in name. I call it National or sometimes DCA IN THE SAME WAY I occasionally order a National Beer. For some reason Natty Boh just sounds wrong.
Great survey!"
"Because the ""proper name"" attached to the airport is abhorrent to me!"
"Washington National was the name it was given when it was established -- identifying the city it serves as well as honoring our nation's first president. It doesn't need to be renamed for another president, especially one who was so hostile to the air travel industry."
Because it was National and GOP hysteria made them want to force everything to be called Reagan. Locals will always call it National.
"Well, first of all, it's name is ""National."" The airport is already named for one president (Washington). And calling it anything else is continuing to submit to the rule of a bunch of yahoos unelected by anyone in the District they purport to ""govern."""
"I'm not exactly a Ronald Reagan fan, so I don't really want to call the airport ""Reagan"" or some variation of that. I feel that ""National"" isn't descriptive enough, particularly if I'm talking to relatives out of town."
Because National is what it has always been and is an appropriate name for the airport that serves our nation's capital. Reagan was no friend to airline employees and the name was forced on something by misguided individuals who had a bad case of 80's nostalgia.
because its national
It has always been called National in our family. That has also stuck because my parents were both RIFed by Reagan in the 1980's so they prefer not to speak his name.
"Short, sweet, right to the point. Didn't like Reagan as a President though."
because that is it's name. there are enough 'things' named after Regan.
Because that's its REAL name.
Since when did Washington stop being the father of this country?
Why should an airport honor someone who has destroyed the workforce of people in the industry?
Airlines call it Reagan National Airport
"Resent renaming, but it is now part if its name. "
With God as my witness I will never refer to that airport or its metro stop by the name imposed on this area by a Republican Congress against the wishes of the local populace.
"The airport nearest the heart of the nation's capitol is NATIONAL. It's simple, emblematic, and non-partisan."
I am an air traffic controller. I cannot fathom referring to Washington National in any way that would suggest reverence to an individual who fired nearly all the air traffic controllers while in office.
It was always National Airport! Reagan is from California. Name stuff in California after him!
Because no true Washingtonian calls it anything else.
"I call it Reagan cuz it's short, simple, and most people I know refer that airport as just ""Reagan"" airport."
That's what my family called it. But I have lived in and out of DC so perhaps Reagan is more common outside of the DC area.
"""National"" is how I've always known it. ""Reagan"" and ""DCA"" are too formal. National is just the way..."
Thought that the Reagan name sucked
why would they rename an airport that serves a majority black city after a president that enacted so many policies hostile to that same community. it's a slap in the face now and it was then.
I hate Reagan
"My Dad is gay, and Reagan hated gays, and pretended AIDS didn't exist. I'm very happy Ronald Reagan is dead."
"Because it infuriates democrats. Plus, that's its shorthand name. Pretty good reasons if you ask me. ; ) "
"When flying domestically, that is what I type in when I search for flights so I can specify DCA and not Dulles or BWI (I live closest to DCA). That seems to carry over to when I talk about the airport in person. "
He fired the friggin airport controllers!!!
"Naming it ""Reagan"" was a partisan stick-in-the-eye to Democrats. It was a self-conscious effort to name everything after a substandard leader quickly before history had its say. The only things appropriate about the new name is that it was wildly over-budget and behind schedule. "
Because that is the name it was given.
That's its name.
Fuck Ronald Reagan
"When I came here in 1992 the airport in question was called Washington National, and the metro signs said National. I flew 10-15 times a year on business in the 90s and preferentially used National. I was not a fan of naming an airport after a president who said he didn't want things named after him (I work at the Reagan International Trade Center, so oh well). So I use National in protest. I get that airlines and the metro now use Reagan, but if I have to communicate with someone who doesn't get ""National"" I use ""DCA."" And yes, I'm a Democrat. But now I feel for people who lived near Idlewild Airport.... which yes I call JFK."
"It was National before, I refuse to recognize any name change to it."
"Until DCA is actually allowed to freely serve the nation beyond the perimeter, I will refuse to call it National. "
"Because Reagan was president during my college years, and I, in general, hatred most of his policies."
My family called it National before the name was officially changed and continued to do so because we're no fans of Ronald Reagan.
"""DCA"" has the benefit of brevity; when I use ""Reagan National"" it tends to be disparaging, for example ""the architecture here has been outdated and ugly since before the 1990s--but that's Reagan National for you!"""
"Reagan was a plague, an actor who facilitated Republicans' ability to elevate optics over substance. He evidenced his disgusting era when he opened his presidential campaign at one of the most racially radioactive locations in American history, Philadelphia, Mississippi. His cleaving unto the coded ""states' rights"" was vile ... and he KNEW it. Maybe had it been named after Nancy...."
" Because I can't bring myself to utter Reagan's name in this context: IE a republican congress celebrating Reagans
action against the Air Traffic Controllers union by renaming
the only airport they had the power to. And, bye the bye not providing one nickle to pay for it.........."
"Because as Washington National Airport, it's already named after a Great President, and it should not be named after a thoroughly average president who destroyed the people that worked there."
Everyone calls it National Airport. Period.
It's what my parents call it
"I think most people that grew up in northern virginia would agree that it is called reagan. I have a theory that the closer you live to Dulles, the more likely it is called Reagan."
Because that's it's name?
Why isnt falls church listed as one of the cities/counties?
It's the closest airport to the Nation's Capitol.
I work in the aviation industry. I spent four years traveling to DC fours times per year because MWAA was a client. My clients called it National. I also got a behind the scenes tour of the original (now closed) terminal.
"I was corrected around 2003 or 2004 by someone who had gone to college in Washington (Go AU Eagles!) in the 1980's. Therefore, I'd been calling it National most of the time for about a decade. Now, my boyfriend (who I've been dating for just over a year) did grow up in the DC area, works in transportation, and knows the political and financial implications of the name change, and he feels very strongly that it's still National. His opinion based on the history makes a lot of sense to me, which only reinforces what I was already doing. "
Fuck the Gipper.
Cause airport codes are the most efficient way of addressing airports. Especially when there are 3 airports in a city's area.
The other name makes me ill.
Because National is it's name.
There was absolutely nothing wrong with the name and you don't name airports after living people.
"It's old and small and that's what it was called in the days I flew through it going to and from Wisconsin from Norfolk, VA, while I was in the USN in 1958-1960."
I have always known it as National or DCA
It's National. Because screw that R-named guy.
"Well, I call Orange County, that, not John Wayne. And Burbank, that, not Bob Hope "
"To have a regional or local airport forcibly changed due to Congress is unexceptable. Not to mention the cost to the taxpayers when the name change and threats of Congress to withhold District funding if Metro didn't change the name throughout their station. The airports are independently run and any name changes should have been required to be approved by DC and NOVA voters. Reagan did nothing for aviation except firing uniquely skilled ATC - it took a few accidents and many, many years to regain the experience lost when Reagan fired the ATCs. I bet no other cities airport would tolerate even the suggestion of having their airport renamed after a President who didn't even come from the city or state for which the airport is located. "
"Grew up calling it that, parents (who have lived in the area since 1980) call it that. "
Old habits die hard. (I still call the arena in Chinatown the MCI Center without noticing that's odd - and I still call Chinatown Chinatown.)
Old school. And unambiguous.
"I hate that it was renamed for Reagan, but Reagan is the easiest to say and seems to be the most recognizable name for it in contemporary society."
"Washington National Airport was already named for a president. No need to name it for 2. Plus, after what President Reagan did the the air traffic controllers, we should not have an airport named for him."
"Because when I was a kid, it was called National, so that has stuck. "
"First time I flew into it it was called National. And then Reagan got added at a time when there seemed to be a cult mentality that everything should be named after Reagan and that he was the greatest American hero of all time - so I've avoided calling it that, and will call it National at times...but frankly, DCA is most simple, distinct, and to the point. Say it, and everyone knows what you're talking about."
"I pretty much use National and DCA interchangeably. I lived in DC from when I was born until I was 7, then moved back when I was 21 (2006)."
That's what it was called the first time I lived in this area.
"Habit, I suppose. There is generally no reason I call it National, Reagan, or Reagan National in any particular instance; one just or another just comes to mind."
"I never use the ""R"" word....."
Cause Reagan turned his back on the AIDS Crisis.
Because Reagan doesn't deserve it....
"When I first got to DC in 2007 I called it ""Reagan"" or ""Reagan National"" because that is what I heard others call it. However, I began to find it objectionable after reading about the GOP effort to rename every monument, building and bridge under the sun after the man. I don't have a problem with things being named after noteworthy individuals, particularly if there's a unique/historical connection to that person, but seeking naming rights for landmarks in order to deify an individual is politicization at its worst. I now call the airport ""DCA."""
It's a local airport. Congress shouldn't have changed the name over the objections of locals.
It will never be called Reagan.
Because that's its name Ronald Reagan Airport.
"National has always been a great shortcut name for my favorite airport. I like to use DCA too.
The whole presidential naming thing is not to my liking anyway."
"Because that's what it's called! I don't love Ronald Reagan either, but c'mon, it's not a fight worth fighting. I would rather we got rid of Jefferson Davis Highway first..."
"That's what my family has always called it. We're a military family so we moved around a lot, but we lived in Alexandria more than anywhere else. My Mom grew up there and Reagan has always been the airport we used. My Mom's been going there since it was just the original building which is now used as Terminal 1."
It's easy to say and Reagan was a bad president.
It has been National for a long time and National is still part of its name.
It's embarrassing for any airport to be named after Reagan. He does not deserve that honor.
Too wordy to call it the official name.
"DCA, Reagan, National, they all work!"
"I use ""National"" and ""DCA"" pretty much interchangeably. When I moved here in 2004 it was made pretty apparently that locals don't call it Reagan (just like it's the Metro, not the subway). "
Because that is what it's named.
Because I hated Reagan.
Beginning in 1983 when I was a flight attendant for Pan Am and flew weekly from DCA to go to work at JFK the airport was called Washington National Airport and since that time I have always called the other airport in Northern Virginia that is not Dulles :: National Airport!
The name never should have been changed to honor a president who fired protesting air traffic controllers. The irony (and the gall of 105th Congress Repubs who pushed the change).
"I always thought it was named after Ronald Reagan, so I've always called it ""Ronald Reagan International Airport"" if I'm calling it by the full name, or ""Ronald Reagan Airport."" "
"That's what I've always called it, I didn't care for Reagan as president, and there's already a huge office building downtown that's named for him. "
"I call it either Reagan or DCA, depending on who I am talking to, but I mostly call it Reagan. As a last name, it is the biggest identifier of it's true title. When are those who know the airports, I call it DCA because that is also an easy identifier. People outside of the DC area, however, have no idea what DCA is."
Because I hate that they changed the name to Reagan.
"They changed the name without any consultation with those of us who lived here at the time, including the residents of Washington - which before and after the change was part of the name. I think it was completely illegit and have never accepted the name change. "
"I try to use the word ""Reagan"" as little as possible in my life."
Because that's what it was called. I used to hang there as a kid. I wanted to be a pilot. They used to let me go on planes in the hangars; I once got a ride on a Vickers Viscount that they were taking to the hangar at the North end and even got to hang out in the control tower a couple of times. It'll always be National to me.
"That other airport's name was changed illegally since the law says that airports can only be named after people after they die. Also, I abhorred the huge cost of the name change: signage, databases, airlines information, "
"DCA...its short and sweet, and thats what Travelocity calls it"
"The airport is already named after the first president and should not be renamed after a second. Thus, to lessen confusion, I call it National airport. "
Presidents that go to war against airport workers don't deserve to have airports named after them.
"I actually call most airports by their codes - pilot father. Still, ""O'Hare"" seems less weird to me than ""Reagan"" for some reason."
"1. Not a big Reagan fan.
2. That's what I first heard it called when I moved here, and it stuck.
3. It just makes sense - closest airport to the Capital, so....."
That's what I generally hear others calling it.
"Regan fired the air traffic controllers. I don't like the executive to take that kind of power and think it was an attempt to shame people on the otherwise of the debate by naming an airport ""Regan."""
"Because it was National Airport when I lived in Alexandria, and I don't care much for Ronald Reagan."
"Because I refuse to acknowledge the concept of honoring what I believe to be one of the worst Presidents in recent times: a man who is held up as some kind of deity by republicans but who actually accomplished none of what they give him credit for.
Good luck with settling this once and for all."
Heard it on TV before moving here.
"When I started working on Capitol Hill I was told Democrats call it National, and Republicans call it Reagan. So I followed suit! "
"That is the most commonly used term I've heard at, and when flying into that airport. I use ""DCA"" as well, in conversation and for booking purposes. "
The only Airport I recognize to be named after a Cowboy actor is SNA.
It's funnier that way. Also I can't say the R-word without tasting bile.
Anything but Reagan.
Simple is good.
I just grew up calling it that. Then they changed the name. But it's still national airport. But I'm not a jerk about it either like a lot of folks.
People call it something other than National?!
I refuse to recognize yet another landmark named after an utterly unremarkable and mediocre former president. I generally prefer to check in to the 'Monica Lewinskey National Airport' on Facebook.
Fewest syllables. Sounds good. What everyone else calls it.
That was it's name before it became Reagan. I still call it National.
"Two reasons -- one, old habits die hard (it was National Airport when I lived there) and, two, I don't look back fondly on the Reagan era. I think if it had been renamed to honor a president I supported I'd still call the airport National, but I wouldn't shudder the way I do when I hear it called Reagan."
"Not sure. I wasn't aware of the controversy with the name until I lived in DC. I think its stupid though really - the man was our President, regardless of what party, we should respect that and the name. I wasn't a big fan of Bush, but I'd still call his airport by its name."
"Nobody calls BWI Thurgood Marshall either, and he's way more deserving of an airport in his name."
It was named Reagan while he was still alive which I don't think was correct to do. He fired the Air Traffic controllers when they went on strike so we should not honor him with an airport named after him. I was not a fan and feel he is undeserving of the title. Its National Airport!
I don't believe it should have been renamed.
I think it was a huge mistake to rename the airport after Reagan - one of our worst presidents ever.
I object to the way the renaming was shoved down our throats.
more PC... I don't want to choose sides in the political BS that is the name of this airport. new idea: rename it after me?
Not much respect for Reagan.
"Even though I know the actual name of the airport in Northern Virginia that's not Dulles, I think it would easier to just say the airport code once (not two or three times) so my friends will book their flight tickets at the airport that will be convenient for me to pick them up."
"My mother said it was tacky to name something after a person who hadn't died yet. Also, Ronald Reagan sucks."
"As a gay man, Ronald's legacy of not even *mentioning* AIDS for as long as he didn't -- that legacy is the main reason I refuse to call my favorite airport by his name. Besides, that statue is super-creepy. "
Just hearing US Air folks call it that so frequently.
It was called National Airport when I moved to VA in 1967 and that's what I've called it ever since. Ronald Reagan National Airport is too much of a mouthful.
It's what I generally hear others calling it.
Because I work in the travel industry. I will say Washington Reagan. Or Dulles to differentiate the 2.
tbh it is just something I remember hearing
I used to call it National Airport. I still actually would prefer to but I know it's Reagan National so I just caved and call it that now.
Ronald Reagan was a piece of sh*t and does not deserve such a memorial.
That's what I've always known it as.
I'm always booking my own flights and that's how I think about it.
Because I heart freedom and democracy
Isn't that it's name?
Ronald Reagan did his damndest to break the back of the working man
Washington National is the only proper name for the Nation's airport. Ronnie and Nancy hated DC and the air traffic controllers Union which he summarily fired and gutted. The Stalinist-style Reagan statute is a ridiculously appropriate reminder of this stupid decision to memorialize this horse arse.
Because FUCK Ronald Reagan. He de-unionized airport workers and this is just a slap in their faces. And the GOP loves him. Fuck that noise.
"The first time I heard anyone refer to the airport, they called it Reagan National, so the name just stuck with me."
Because that is what is was called when I was growing up and that is how it will be remembered!
I've been told by DC Democrats that calling it Reagan makes you sound like a tourist!
Because the name change was pushed through against the wishes of almost all the local populace.
refuse to call it Reagan and DCA is easier and comes to mind first
"A family we knew growing up was one chief architect of the name change. We're Democrats, a few of us to the left than that, but also never much liked them because they were self satisfied about it. And we make it a point to call it National Airport, and maintain many Republican friends.
My dad is from NYC and doesn't call it Idlewild, which might tell you something."
It seems to be the name that most easily rolls off the tongue.
because it has always been National.
"I moved to DC in 1996, learned the airport was called ""National"" and called it that ever since."
"Mayor 4 Life! Also, I haven't lived in DC since 1990, but naming it after Re*g*n is SOME OLD BULLSHIT"
"I tend to refer to all airports by their airport code, ORD, MDW, MCO, etc. "
"A progressive-minded friend yelled at me the first time I called it ""Reagan"""
I've just always known it as Reagan.
Because that's what I grew up calling it. It will always be National Airport to me. Tacking on Reagan's name and wasting money to update metro signage doesn't change that.
Grew up calling it that. I have no desire to honor a man who did so much harm in Central America.
That is its code
"""Washington National Airport"" seems the most appropriate name for the airport closest to the capitol. That was the name it used for years prior to 1998. Further, I'm opposed to naming public facilities after politicians former presidents or otherwise. "
"Reagan personally fired over 10,000 air traffic controllers because they had the temerity to strike for improved conditions, then banned the lot of them from public service. It was National when I was born here and I'll call it National because calling it Reagan is a sick joke."
fuck Ronald Reagan.
"I call it Reagan rather than Reagan National because it's much simpler to refer to it that way. Much like I don't call Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport by it's full name (just Hartsfield-Jackson or Atlanta), I don't call Reagan National Airport by it's full name (just Reagan or D.C.)."
It is the airport code.
I refuse to acknowledge Ronald Reagan. I think it is wrong to honor the man who fired air traffic controllers and did so much damage to the nation.
Naming an airport after the president who denied air traffic controllers the right to strike was a vulgar act.
I lived through Reagan and I'm not naming an airport after him.
I actually vacillate between DCA and National depending on context. I also go to the airport a lot more frequently than I fly because I participate in Honor Flight and entertain WWII vets at the gate.
I don't want to call it Reagan
I'm fairly sure I've just heard others call it Reagan. In a text I'd definitely refer to it as DCA -- but otherwise would probably say Reagan in a conversation.
"Because my parents have refused to call it R----n for as long as I've lived. They told me that the GOP Congress threatened to cut DC's funding unless that paid to have all the signage changed to say R----n. Seems ridiculous that one of our nation's finest airports in one of our nation's finest cities would be named after someone as unpopular in the region as Reagan (there! I said it!).
I prefer to pretemd that the airport is named after Dr. Bernice Johnson Reagon -- the great singer, activist, academic and (most importantly) Washingtonian!"
Airports should not be named after people that make flying more dangerous.
"Because my dad, grandmother, and aunt live in DC and call it that? "
Sounds familiar to me.
"Because I am a Democrat, and because the Congress imposed that name against local wishes."
"I vary between National and Reagan National, but call it National most often. It's short, and I'm not a fan of Mr. Reagan. It's my favorite DC airport, and I think its a shame that it is named after one of the most polarizing Presidents in recent history. "
It's the only name I know for it.
"Because it's National Airport, and it always will be."
Because it's what I grew up with and I don't like they names it Reagan.
Its name is its name.
Because Reagan already has enough stuff named after him.
Reagan was instrumental in breaking the airport union in the 80s. It is a slap in the face to call it Reagan National Airport.
It's easiest to go by airport codes - makes sure there's no confusion; I'm unlike my dad who calls it National because he hates Reagan.
Everyone knows what I'm referring to when I say Reagan
Because that is the name it had when I first heard about it.
"I moved to DC in 2007, after the name was changed, so I've never known it as anything else. I think of it as DCA primarily, but most people outside of the district don't recognize that, so I call it Reagan out loud."
" I've always know it was named after a president so when someone starts throwing our potential and immediate yo respond ""yes"" to Reagan. "
"I call it 'Reagan' because that is the name.
I don't call it 'National' for the same reason I don't get in a cab and ask to go to 'International airport, please.' when flying out of Dulles.
I don't call it 'Ronald Reagan' for the same reason I don't get in a cab and ask to go to 'John Foster Dulles airport, please.'"
"easier to say. I also use DCA sometimes cuz <3 airport codes, but reagan is shorter."
It is National Airport period.
Because that's what the name is.
The name of the airport is Reagan. Insisting on calling it National just isn't a priority.
"I call the airport National Airport because that is its original name, which I think appropriately describes its location near Washington DC. I do not want to ""honor"" it with the name of Ronald Reagan, who fired thousands of air traffic controllers in 1981."
Don't like to mention Reagan
It started as DC Airport and its call letters are still DCA so that is what I call it.
"I'm a snotty Democrat. It annoys me that the airport was renamed after Ronald Reagan when, as I always point out, by being called Washington National it was ALREADY named after a president - George Washington. (My mom makes the same argument.) By refusing to call it Reagan, I stage a little personal protest against modern Republicans' ludicrous Reagan worship. I also think it is indicative of Congress's (particularly Congressional Republicans') casual disrespect to the Washington area; they think nothing of renaming our infrastructure on a political whim."
My DC friends have informed me that calling it Reagan makes me sound like a tourist
"It was always Washington National, or DCA for shorthand."
"For the same reason that I call the tallest mountain in the U.S Denali and not McKinley. Changing the names of things that belong to everyone to the name of one person never sticks. Denali, the Great One, is the name if the mountain; National is the name of the airport."
"I travel very frequently, and often find it easier to remember the 3-letter airport code than the name of the airport. "
I grew up calling it National and Ronald Reagan did not live in this region. There was no need to change the name.
Regan who????
"It was National when I went to school here and flew home from, so I guess it will always be National to me.
Since moving back to DC, there is a wee bit of pride in calling it National as well --for this is The Nation's Airport."
"I am familiar with all versions of the name because I work in a tourism industry and give travel advice, but my coworkers mostly call it Reagan so I do too. "
Habit. Not a Reagan fan.
"I grew up calling it Reagan or National (my parents called it that way- they both grew up in the area as well). But I found it very confusing for non-locals. And, I travel very often-- especially when I attended graduate school in Boston. I found myself flying back and forth from DCA to Boston monthly and it was just easier to call it DCA so attendants, agents, or everybody would know what I was talking about."
"Because it is the first name that comes to mind. However, I understand what people mean when they say Reagan as well. "
"Ronald Reagan was a nightmare from which the country is still trying to recover. He ran up massive deficits fighting a phony psychological war. He did nothing as thousands of Americans contracted HIV and died on his watch. He tried to break the air traffic controllers' union. Hence, that airport is ""NATIONAL""."
hate the glorification of recently dead people. let's give it a minute to assess legacy.
Easiest to say and avoids confusion.
"I find it very odd that an airport is named after the man that laid off air traffic controllers. Therefore, I refuse to call it by the name of that president. "
I refuse to call it Reagan.
"Pretty much it's political. The ghost of Reagan looms so large over today's ideological spectrum that slapping his name on an airport is little more than political posturing. The foundering effort to name Union Station after Truman is just the next step. (I mean, Truman?!?)"
"It was called National when I was young so that's how I knew it. Sometimes I say Reagan National now to try to be ""proper"". If I am talking specifically about booking flights, I may call it DCA."
"It was National when I started flying into it, I spent 5 years making monthly or weekly trips there and never broke the habit."
no matter how you try to destroy the name of it....a rose is always a rose....
I lived in Baltimore from age 11 to 18 and left before the airport was renamed. You could change the name a hundred times and it will always be National to me.
I do not agree with the reasons and methods congress used to name it. Mr. Reagan had nothing to do with this airport.
National! Don't like Ronald Reagan or his administration
It was originally National airport and will always be National airport to me.
Fuck Reagan
Because that's the name airport has.
"I just got in the habit of calling it Reagan. I always preferred National, but just ended up making the switch. Reagan National and Ronald Reagan are just too long, though."
"Because Reagan had nothing to do with aviation other than firing air traffic controllers, and he made it hip to disrespect Washington."
Metro calls it Reagan
"That's what it was when i lived there, and i hate Reagan."
Reagan is a syllable shorter than National. And I think it's hilarious because of the whole air traffic controller thing. Makes me giggle.
"That's the airport code name -- and it just makes sense to me to call it that! (Although, to be fair, I call CAK in my hometown Canton-Akron Airport when talking about it...soo....there goes that argument of mine!) "
More to pose as old school than to thumb my nose at those that named it after Ronald Reagan.
I've always heard it called Reagan.
"It always seemed that naming it after Reagan was a pointless and arbitrary change, so I never started using the new name."
"I always, always used to call it Reagan until I interned for a very progressive California Congresswoman. One day, I made the mistake of calling the airport ""Reagan"" in the office and the staffers refused to acknowledge what I had said until I corrected myself to ""National Airport"". I still almost always call it Reagan, but now sometimes pepper in ""National"" or ""DCA"", but I find everyone knows what ""Reagan"" is even if they don't know what ""DCA"" is. "
Isn't that its name?
"National is a word that already exists that is used for other things? If someone tells me they're going to Reagan, it's pretty clear. But if someone tells me they're going to National, it takes my brain a minute to catch up and eliminate other possibilities to arrive at the logical conclusion. Reagan is just more effective as a name."
Because renaming it after Reagan was an insult.
"I am a born and raised DC native (apparently rare, or so I'm told when I explain this to people I meet), it will ALWAYS be National Airport, end of story. The Reagan part is irrelevant to me, and anyone else who is a native Washingtonian."
It's been National airport all my life and thats what it will always be.
Naming that airport after the man that destroyed the Air Traffic Controllers Union was the most cynical choice and I will never use that name.
"Both reasons: I have always called it that and I refuse to change, and I hate Ronald Reagan. "
"I call it DCA the most, because that is what it is called online when I'm making flights. But I also call it Reagan occasionally. "
"I find naming an airport, or all things, after Ronald Reagan an insult to my intelligence and memory of 80s US history."
Naming it Reagan was one of a long line of Republican decisions demonstrating that they run DC how they see fit and damn the opinion of its residents.
Because that is the name...
"It's what we always called it growing up. My mom refused to call it Reagan when it was renamed, she said he didn't support airports and it was absurd to name one for him.
I just had to explain the renaming, and local refusal to acknowledge it, to a Lyft driver a few weeks ago when I ask for a ride to National. "
I call it Reagan because that's how I've heard it referred to by other people since I've lived in DC.
I also refer to it as DCA
"Ronald Reagan sucked and doesn't deserve to have so many things named after him -- *especially* an airport.
(Also, thank you for having an ""Other"" gender option!)"
I'm unclear what Reagan accomplished as a president that warrants any sort of important building bearing his name. Also opposed to the millions of dollars the name change cost to implement.
"I refuse to speak the names of evil. Plus National is a fine, descriptive name."
"It is the official name of the facility as per the FAA."
That was the first name I knew
It's what my dad called it when transporting students from Georgetown to Reagan as a favor (usually happened every time the semester was ending)
Because the official name is Ronald Reagan national airport.
"I think of it as National, but I remember the name change often enough to append Reagan to it"
The airport in question already had the name of a president. How did it occur to anyone that another president could or should trump Washington?
National is the perfect name for the DC airport.
"Living primarily in Howard County, that is what I have always heard it called, although that was definitely the least used and talked about airport in the area. If you're taking a domestic flight, you go to bwi, dulles for international."
DCA is the airport code name and I use those a lot for many air ports not just Reagan (the other name I call it). :)
"Because my (left-leaning) friends who have been here longer than I told me never to call it ""Reagan""."
"Because it's short, and that's its name."
Because that is its name.
"Thats what my parents call it, and I dont like calling it Reagan."
"It's always been National, and it will always be National. Naming an airport after the POTUS who broke up the air traffic controller union is like having sex for virginity's sake."
It is what its called for short here in Baltimore.
"Because Reagan was a terrible human being to DC, to air traffic controllers, and in general. "
I call it National airport because that is what it is... It was meant to be an airport that represents the nations capital and not to pander to political bs. Plus other than being president Reagan had no part of dc heck let's rename it to be Clinton or Obama or bush
Because honoring Reagan with anything is a horrible idea.
"I'd rather call it just ""National"" or DCA, but nobody I know does that. I don't want people to think I'm deliberately slighting Reagan even though I don't care for him and wish they didn't name it after him. Honestly, I think Dulles was a worse man, but I'm so used to that name. "
Because that is what it should be called.
Because the man it's named after did nothing about AIDS.
"Because I rode the metro every day and the stop is ""Ronald Reagan, Washington National..."""
I also call it DCA
That's what it says on the airport sign...
"In conversation I use Reagan.. In planning travel I use DCA.. It's almost 50/50 actually.. But I would say Regean airport is more common.. For example.. 'I would say.. ""Tomorrow I fly out of Reagan"" in a conversation.."
"That's what my parents called it when I was growing up in Northern Virginia. I feel like that's what I always heard it called on tv, too."
"Because Reagan was a horrible influence on this country and I refuse to recognize the validity of the renaming. Also, that's what my parents call it. It's a bit ironic that we named an airport after Reagan of all people considering his complete lack of humanity towards the air controllers during the strike."
Because that's what it was for so many years. Sometimes (when making reservations) I call it DCA.
"When you book flights, they go by airport code not airport name, so it's the way I've learned to identify it. I used to fly a lot. "
"Because that's what I've always heard it called.
It's Dulles, BWI, & Reagan. *shrug*"
"I vary what I call it but either National or Regan, Btw I'm from Falls Church, but just checked the Fairfax box"
Either Reagan or DCA. DCA is confusing for people not in the area though because they think the D stands for Dulles
The other name attached to the airport was not selected by locals at all.
Because it's an abomination to name an airport after the president who fired the PATCO union workers!
"I wish I didn't call it Reagan/Reagan National, but that's what I always heard most frequently."
I went to GWU undergrad and have lived in DC for over 20 years. It's always been National airport to me. Never agreed with the name change.
Because that's just what it's called lol
B/c my boyfriend who is from Maryland told me to call it that.
Because Fuck Reagan
"Because I did not like Reagan, I will never call it Reagan or Reagan National."
b/c that is its name.
It is right on the metro stop sign?
It was National when I moved to the area in 1964 and I never saw a reason to change it.
That's the airport code when booking a flight
"It was named after George Washington, not Ronald Reagan. Plus, it's a bit odd that that Congress has forced Ronald Reagan's name on an airport in a city that he railed against. Name a damn airport in Simi Valley after him or hell for that matter. "
Other people around me do so
because Reagan already has a library and a huge building dedicated to him. don't see the reason for an airport.
Horrible decision to name it Reagan!
"It's named after a Republican, and I just can't."
Cause I refuse to speak the name of someone that murdered inner cities
"That's what it was called when I first moved here. Plus, I didn't like the idea of the naming the airport closest to the Capitol after a person. It should be an exception, like the District of Columbia."
"I actually use most of the options available, depending on the situation. If I'm searching for a flight online, I call it DCA. If I'm talking to my parents, I call it National. If I'm talking to someone from out of the area, I'll call it Reagan or Reagan National."
I also sometimes call it DCA because my sister works in the airline industry. But mostly I call it National out of fierce loyalty.
"I refuse to call this airport, Reagan. "
Because I will never ever call it Reagan Airport!!! (but I also sometimes refer to it at DCA)
"I had to pick one, but I pretty much use ""Reagan"" and ""DCA"" interchangeably. "
I call all airports by their airport code.
"The republicans made the name change without any regard to what the local citizens thought of the idea - much the same as they named the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center. Given its size and cost, it's rather ironic they did this. Anyhow - I know of no one who calls National by its official name."
That's it's name!
Because I refuse to refer to it as Reagan after the way he ruined DC.
I don't believe in naming public spaces after political figures.
"It's just easiest. ""Washington National"" is too long and ""Washington"" is just confusing because everything is ""Washington something"" in that area. Even though I was in my teens when the name changed, ""Reagan"" still sounds wrong, but sometimes I will say ""Reagan National"". ""National"" is the common denominator between all name permutations and does have a certain amount of power and grandeur behind it."
"Honestly, I think of it as ""National,"" but to cab drivers I say ""Reagan."" Not sure why... maybe they won't know what I'm talking about if I say National? Seems silly, but true. "
I refuse to honor President Reagan because his silence about AIDS killed thousands of people.
There's no way I would honor Ronald Reagan.
"As a hotel concierge all travelers call it dca it, just makes life easier. "
"I know it's not smiled upon by fellow Democrats, but that's just what I've called it since I moved here. My brain hasn't switched to National yet. "
"It was ""National"" when I first moved here in 1988. "
"That's what it was called when I moved here. Plus, I don't think it should be named after anyone in particular expect maybe George Washington. Maybe."
"As a hotel concierge all travelers call it dca it, just makes life easier. "
"It was already named after a president, Washington. I don't see a need to con-volute it. "
"I used to refer to the airport as National, but since the name changed, I now refer to it as Reagan."
Force of habit and the giant Josef Reagan statue they installed out front
"National landmarks should not be named after people, especially self-serving politicians (from all political parties)."
"Because cab drivers have admonished me for years about how it's ""National,"" not Reagan. Now I admonish new drivers who call it Reagan, saying ""Back in the old days..."" (Kidding. I don't admonish new drivers. Except for the one who took me to Nationals Park instead of National Airport.)"
Because that's what it was called while I was growing up and it's far more easy to say than the obvious alternative that anyone outside of the a area will call it.
Because I despise Reagan
"when I was an intern in DC in 2005, one of my supervisors who had lived in the area for a long time corrected me when I referred to the airport as Reagan National. She clued me in on a lot of the political unrest that surrounded the renaming of the airport. In a show of solidarity, and an attempt to not look like a tourist among locals, I consciously change the name that I called the airport"
Used to work at IAD
Congress has no statutory authority to name an airport in an independent city.
"RR fired Air Controllers, and he has an airport named after him? And he wasn't dead when they changed the name? WTF?"
"Used to call it Reagan when I lived in Northern Virginia, now I live in Colorado and call it DCA. I travel a lot more now too so airport codes mean more to me."
It was National for the first 20 years of my life. No need to call it anything else.
Dislike of Ronald Reagan
"That other name was foisted on the District and the area, the name change cost a ridiculous amount of money. And that person was the worst president in my lifetime and the worship of him continues to destroy our country. Further he was hostile to the District and to home rule. "
I call airports by their 3 letter code. Makes me sound like an aviation nerd badass.
Because Reagan is the most distinctive name possible.
"There's no mistaking it with other States with similar names, or other buildings named after the President who ordered all ATC controllers back to work. It's short. It's cool. "
"It was just a habit at first, but now I feel like I have reason to get all principled about it. "
It was National before it was Reagan National and old habits die hard.
It is a quick and specific identifier.
National is what it was called when I moved here and that's what it will always be.
"I alternate between ""National"" and ""DCA"". Naming an airport after Reagan after what he did to air traffic controllers was terrible."
Protest against everything being named after Reagan. Also don't care for Reagan.
The airport was already named after a president - George Washington. Taking on the branding slipped in by an out of town Republican is no different than referring to every winter storm by the made up names from the Weather Channel's marketing department - it's fake and insincere.
Not from DC but my mom is and my grandmother lived near the airport for years when I was growing up--saw no reason for the name change so we kept calling it National.
"Because it should not be attached to a single
"I won't honor President Reagan and just calling it ""National"" is specific enough for everyone to get the reference."
"My family, all democrats, insist on calling it National (half tongue-in-cheek, but half seriously) just because we're not big fans of President Reagan."
Reagan was a moron.
I don't like Reagan.
"One word name, and this is the historic original name"
"It's offensive to have the airport named after Ronald Reagan, especially because of his anti-union policies towards air traffic controllers."
it just seems right
"...because its straight bullshit to name ANY AIRPORT IN AMERICA after Ronald Reagan. It will always be National Airport to me, an outsider politician should have never had that power to change the name or build that freaky looking statue."
"Because that has always been its name and regrettably a few politifiabs that only 11 percent of the public like let alone respect continue to use it as a football. Shameful. Leave is natives alone. In fact, move back to whete you came from and make the town honorable again. "
I feel that's what I've always heard.
It's what my parents call it and what I first heard it called
"Because Ronald Reagan fired all the air traffic controllers, and was generally a monster in other ways, and it's a travesty and a joke that an airport be named after him. It's entirely a partisan political kneejerk reaction to the fact that so many Republicans see him as a God among Men, and I refuse to give them the pleasure of acknowledging their hack of a hero.
So it's National airport. Often I sub in ""DCA"" which feels like it's shorter (but at 3 syllables each, it's not) but sounds more official and cool.
My parents and grandparents lived in the DC area for decades (before I was born elsewhere) so it's just in the family lexicon that it's ""National"" because they are all also hardcore Democrats. When I was young, I'd get in more trouble with my parents for saying ""Reagan"" than saying ""shit"" or ""hell"" or ""damn"" or ""fuck"". Priorities, ya know?"
Because Reagan National is too long.
"I have lived in this area almost since I was born (1993). My parents (conservative/libertarian) have always called it Reagan, probably 99% of the time. So I'm accustomed to calling it that rather than National."
National os shorter and easier than Reagan National.
Not a Reagan fan.
Its what I always called it. Not sure how to fit Reagan in the name.
"Some out of town Republican who is no longer in office renaming the airport is no more authoritative than the Weather Channel's marketing department randomly naming winter storms. They can, but I don't."
US Airways / America Worst clusterf*ck...
"I call it Reagan or DCA 50/50.
Also, I think Howard County, MD should be DC area. I live here, and consider myself halfway between both."
"""Reagan National"" is the appropriate degree of abbreviation and what my family has called it all my life! Simply ""Reagan"" just doesn't do the trick."
"Reagan is named after Ronald Reagan, its not National - not in the nations capital. I do use a lot of airport codes though, so it is Reagan or DCA to me."
I wasn't in favor of naming it after Ronald Reagan
"Everyone I know calls it something different, and I suppose I've picked up several names for it."
Reagan doesn't need any more things named after him to prove he wasn't a really bad president.
It's all political!
It is a travesty to name an airport after Regan after what he did to the Air Traffic Controllers.
"I used to call it ""National,"" but DCA is just easier now that I'm in my 40s and travel so much. Also--I HATE the Republican-led trend to rename everything they possibly can after Reagan, as if he were one of our greatest leaders, not to mention the way he treated Air Traffic Controllers and the irony of having an airport in DC named for him. As if!"
Because just thinking about that man makes me ill
"Quite apart from the well-attested fact that it has no business being named after RR, you want it to have a one-word name when you're hopping into a taxi: ""Take me to National."""
That's always been the name as long as I've flown there. I used to fly to DC 3-4 times a year in my last job.
It was named after George Washington. How can you rename it?
That man was a monster and I refuse to associate his dumb name with such a convenient airport
"While I prefer saying ""Reagan,"" more often than not DCA comes out of my mouth, as it's the official FAA call sign for the airport."
"came from booking flights/scheduling pickups. it became part of a definition/way to distinguish. The other common usage is Regan.
But somehow i call Dulles, Dulles and not really IAD. Hm."
"I call it National because, frankly, Reagan ruined our country and I don't think he deserves an airport named after him."
Because that's what it is named....?
Work in the airline industry
"It's always been National. National sounds cool and has cache. Only a Washington DC airport can call itself National.
"My parents always alternate between calling it ""Reagan"" or ""Reagan National"", and I tend to abbreviate what I say anyway, so I stick with Reagan. "
I'm just so used to calling it National ... i was living in DC when the name was changed and i didn't think it was necessary so i never used it and never got out of the habit of calling it National
"Because my dad always thought it was a travesty to name the airport after President Reagan, due to the air traffic controllers strike. Thus, this airport was always called ""National"" in our family and the habit stuck."
I dislike Reagan.
Because I refuse to acknowledge Reagan. It gives me the ickies.
"1. It's always been National to me -- long before it was named after Reagan
2. naming the airport after Reagan was an insult to air traffic controllers
"I travel so much that airport codes are a lot clearer than just saying the city you're flying from, particularly when - as in DC - there are several airports to choose from. "
Because I worked in the travel industry and call all the airports by their airport code.
"I tend to use ""DCA"" in text communications (texting, email, etc), and ""Reagan"" in spoken conversations. Ease of use trumps all."
That is how my parents referred to the airport.
"Quite apart from the fact that the airport in question has no business being named after R.R., you need to have a one-word name for it when hopping into a taxi: ""Take me to National."""
Because it shouldn't be named after Reagan.
Enough with naming stuff after Reagan!
Washington National Airport
"Don't like the way Repubs tried to name everything Reagan.
Not a fan of Regan.
Not a fan of Repubs, except Teddy and Abe. ;-). Ike gets a pass too.
It's like a little, not so subtle code, to tell people I'm a Dem.
And sometimes I call it DCA. "
"After what Reagan did to PATCO in 1981,and to the rest of us, I will NEVER say the name Reagan and airport in the same breath!"
I call it Reagan National because that's the name of the airport and I think Reagan was a better president than the extreme conservatives who have hijacked his legacy would indicate.
"I call it National because Reagan was a fucking asshole who ruined Latin America, the Middle East, and inner cities in America. I hope he is burning in hell. "
I call it Reagan because that's just what I remember!
renaming it to Reagan was BS
"Because that is what I called it when we moved to Arlington, just outside Crystal City, in 1995, and that is what I continued to call it, despite the name change, when we left the area in 2001. I'll always call it that."
"Just easiest. Occasionally call it ""reagan,"" but most often just good ol' ""national"""
"Reagan National is a compromise for the 2 warring factions.
So it satisfies the right who insist it should only be called Reagan and left who insist it shouldn't be called Reagan.
DCA works too, but only for people who fly alot or work in the airline industry."
"Prior to the name change, I usually referred to it as DCA or National. "
"It was National Airport when I was a kid. That's what it'll always be to me. Short, sweet, nonpartisan."
I refuse to call the airport by a name that created policies that decimated poor and Black communities.
"It will never be Reagan to me. I grew up calling it Washington National and that's what it will always be.
Besides that, Reagan was a fraud perpetuated on the nation. He deserves no recognition and will never get any from me. "
It feels right.
Because that's what it's called!!!! National Airport. That's what it was called during my childhood and I feel no need to acknowledge the technical name change.
fuck reagan
I am grateful for Ronald Reagan's service.
"It sounds better than DCA.
Because that was the original name.
"Reagan is easier than saying ""Reagan International.""
Alternate name: ""The One on the Blue Line."""
"I have specific memories of my mother correcting my siblings and me if we called DCA ""Reagan""--""in this house we call it National!"""
"It seems idiotic to name the airport which is the gateway to the US government after one president, who's name is already splattered over a plethora of buildings in the capital. I doubt the legacy of Ronald Reagan will be much damaged if it loses an airport but keeps a hospital, an international trade and conference center and the national republican senatorial committee. Unfortunately, in order to be understood, you have to hearken to that legacy to describe an airport which frankly has little or nothing to do with him and was named after him near two decades after his presidency. It might as well be Millard Fillmore Washington National for the sake of teaching people history."
"it's the airport code. i used to call it National until i moved in 2012 to Kentucky...nobody here knows what National Airport is, so I reverted to DCA. I will never call it Reagan
I object to honoring Ronald Reagan.
"When talking to friends or co-workers I generally refer to it as DCA, but when talking to my family or those closest to me I call it ""Reagan""- My parents were here in the '80s and '90s, and that's what I grew up hearing. "
Short and quick to say (one syllable)
"I always have called it National Airport. Been in the Northern VA area since 1978 and it will always be National Airport or DCA to me.
Our DC airport should represent something more than just the memory of a divisive political figure.
Reagan fired air traffic controllers. Naming an airport after him is just an affront.
I was admonished for calling it Reagan in my Democratic office and by my alumni peers!
Because that's its name. And Reagan was an asshole.
"Seems easier, I guess. I also refer to it as DCA. "
I call the airport Reagan because it's what my parents called it.
That's the name used when you book and it's easier to say and remember.
"It always was, an always should be, ""National Airport."" The federal government should stay out of it. "
"My father always refused to call it Reagan after it was re-named, so I always heard it referred to as National. When I moved to the District, I continued to call it National. I've since left, but still refer to it as such. "
because I don't like calling it Reagan.
"I'm a pilot so I call most airports by their FAA identifier, BWI, FDK, IAD, JFK, etc. If someone does not know what I'm talking about, I call it ""National"". I never call airports by their pet names, like ""BWI Marshall"" ""Newark Liberty"" ""Regan National"" etc. "
That's the name.
It is the Washington National Airport the other name was politically charged
I choose not to honor Reagan
"Ronald Reagan did huge damage to the financial and social well-being of Americans, and even thinking his name makes me feel ill."
Loathe Reagan.
"National is the easiest name, or DCA. And it wasn't Washington Reagan National Airport until later, and that is a mouthful. And I hated Reagans politics. No one local says Reagan. We all say National from my experience. Lived in DC and Md."
"Partly due to the history of calling it that for decades as well as, not being a fan of the politician whose name it currently bares. "
I call it DCA to younger people and Reagan to older people
"Ronald Reagan may have been president once, but the airport in DCA will always be National to me!"
"I almost always call it Reagan, because that's what my parents call it. "
Because that's it's name.
I learned to just call it DCA because my family calls it Reagan but everyone I've met in DC either calls it National or DCA.
My parents lived in DC and call it National.
That's what it was called when I was growing up here.
"I used to work in a job that included booking flights for my coworkers as a recurring task, so I tend to call all airports by their call letters. But informally, I'd refer to it as ""National"" if ""DCA"" didn't make it clear what I mean. I don't particularly mind ""reagan"" except I was highly annoyed when Barr tried to force Metro to update their signs to suit his schedule instead of that money being used to keep Metro maintained. So I NEVER use that name."
"I either call it Reagan or DCA. If I'm talking to locals it's usually the prior, if I'm talking to people not from the DC area, I use the 3 letter code. "
"It is the airport closest to and most accessible to our National Government, museums, and monuments. I grew up knowing it simply as National or DCA. I think others named it after a former president, but that's not fair. We've had many former presidents. Just call it National. Thank you."
Because Regan was a racist.
Didn't and don't like the rename.
I hate Ronald Reagan.
I don't usually call things by their new name.
Because it is easier to say than Reagan National
Because that's what we always called it...
Because it's too nice an airport to be named after an incompetent old fart.
Because my parents yell at me when ever I call it Reagan.
Because that's what it's called.
I think I tend call airports by their three letter call name? This is so interesting. Now I'm questioning everything.
I think of it as National but I call it Reagan National because they changed the name. (I think they changed the name)
easiest way to refer to it
2 syllables. Easy.
I don't call it Reagan because I don't particularly like Reagan. I think of it as DCA in my head because that's what I use to search for flights. I call it National out loud because many people who don't travel regularly don't know which one DCA stands for.
Reagan sucks.
Can't bring myself to say I've ever relied on something named after a Republican.
Bc Reagan was awesome!!
I still can't believe they named it after him after the strike craziness!
I don't like Reagan (the actor).
"I actually use Reagan, National, or DCA but tend to use Reagan more"
It was originally named National and there was no reason to add Reagan's name to it.
"I grew up calling it ""National"" ... and I am old enough to remember when Ronald Reagan was the President (but not old enough to have voted for him). "
"Reagan was a terrible president, and DC is an overwhelmingly Democratic city. Naming National Airport after Reagan was an insult to the citizens of DC. Plus I object to naming things after (at the time) living people."
"Ronald Reagan is the greatest American, let alone President, who has ever lived. Period."
Because Ronald Reagan busted the Air Traffic Controllers Union and therefore it is a terrible shame to have an airport named after him.
Reagan busted the Air Traffic Controllers' union; it's an insult to turn around and name the DC airport after him.
It's what my parents have always called it
"I use reagan because it's short and identifying. Also, there's a giant statue of Ronald Reagan out there's that. "
As if I'm ever going to honor Ronald Reagan by uttering his name every time I get on a plane.
"i will never, ever, ever, ever call it reagan! not only is he repugnant in general, i find it particularly offensive that an AIRPORT, of all things, is named after him, given his destruction of PATCO. national national national! national 4-ever!!! :)"
The easiest way to spot someone not from around here is if they call it Reagan. Hurts my ears every time.
Ronald Reagan was a terrible president.
DCA or National. DCA is easier - the call letters. And distinct. National works too.
That's what my parents called it!
"Because that is its name, the airport of our nation's Capitol."
I'm used to seeing airport codes on reports at work.
Because people on have a fit if you call it anything else.
Reagan or DCA... I use them equally.
"I @ways thought that naming this airport after the President who notoriously broke the flight controllers union, was a huge slap in the face. It will always be National to me."
"because Washington, DC IS the NATION'S capitol."
"It is National airport to me, always will be. I'll never call it anything else. "
Two syllables
I refuse to call it Reagan. It's a Republican plot. DCA or National!
Because that's what I enter when searching for online tickets.
Because it will always be National airport
Because its name is National Airport.
"Because that is its ""true"" name."
DCA is easy to say at it has DC in it! Even though the airport itself is in VA.
I don't like Ronald Reagan's policies or legacy and I don't want to honor him more than I have to.
Because President Reagan was an embarassment who accelerated the decline in living standards for working families.
"It's always been National to me. I grew up within two miles of the DC border, and have lived in this area my whole life except for college. I sometimes correct my friends who are DC transplants when they call it ""Reagan."" "
It's what my family has always called it since the day they built it.
Because the R word isn't allowed in my house
Because Democrats call it DCA!
"Reagan was horrible to DC. The name ""Reagan National"" is (Republican) Congress's ultimate poke in the eye to the citizens of DC. A reminder that we are not in control of our city, our democracy.
I will never call it Reagan. As long as I live."
I refuse to call it Reagan. Reagan fired all the air traffic controllers and I support organized labor.
That's what I've always called it!
"Because it's not Dulles, it's not international, it's not national. It's has been and always will be Reagan to me. "
Dont know. I just do. Either National or dca.
"I used to call it Reagan but now I call it DCA because that is how it shows up on the ticket searches, so it's easier."
That was always it's name. Renaming was unnecessary and didn't make much difference to everyone I know.
That's what everyone else around me calls it
Because it was National growing up. I call it National verbally or DCA in written form.
It's an abomination to call it anything but National.
Because it is Washington National. The revisionist hypocrites that want to rename everything be damned.
"I call it both. More Reagan, but occasionally I'll call it National, but sometimes it sounds clunky to call it National. "
"I know the story and resent the treatment of the District, especially having now experienced shutdowns of civic facilities living here. "
I actually sometimes call it Reagan and sometimes Reagan National.
Because that's its name. Just because some pathetic Congressman wanted to change it doesn't make a difference. It's National Airport. It will always be National Airport. End of discussion.
Cause thats the swag way
"It's name was perfectly fine and most appropriate before Congress decided to assert its authority where it had no business doing so. (The hypocrisy of Congressional Republicans on the issue of government intrusion into local affairs is simply staggering, time and again.) "
"It was too much to name a new federal office building and rename an old but expanded airport after the same president, at roughly the same time. Plus, Ronald Reagan never comes to mind when I think of National. I can't picture him checking in at American Airlines, or ever spending much time there (always flying in an out of Andrews), although, the mid-century part of the airport, does kind of fit with his mid-century demeanor and hair. "
Democrats call it DCA.
"I call it National because my parents have always called it National, and they've lived in the DC area since well before I was born."
"I'm a Democrat, and I don't consider Ronald Reagan a great president by any means. However, I recognize that 65% of America does consider him a great President, and naming an airport after anyone that served 8 years as leader of the free world isn't so bad. If it were the Barack Obama Airport, I would want Republicans to respect that and call it such."
Fuck Reagan.
"Thus it was National, ever it shall be National..."
"Because screw Ronald Reagan, that's why. "
"It is the NATIONAL airport, closest to our nation's capital. We are a country of many different beliefs and at least ONE thing should be kept free of politics or corporate naming. I will always call it National, or DCA."
That is it's name and always will be.
it's what I type in when booking travel.
That's all I've heard it called.
It was on the metro stop.
"Washington National Airport was known by that name from its inception for decades. Then a bunch of Republican congressmen from all over the country who have no ties to the Washington area passed a law to change the airport's name without any consultation with the local population. They should not be able to dictate to us locals what we call our own airport. If they want to honor Ronald Reagan they can name the Republican National Committee building after him. But the airport belongs to everyone.
"Because it was built as Washington National Airport and the renaming was supposedly to call it after a president. Last time I checked my American history, George Washington was a president (the first one, too) and so it was already named for a president!"
Because that's the name.
Easy to remember and say with no political association.
"I fly to a lot of areas that have multiple airports in the same metropolitan area, so it's easiest for me to just remember the airport code. For me, it's common to travel between DCA, EWR, DTW and ORD."
That is the IATA code and I work at an airline
I tend to call a lot of airports by their airport code
"just what I've always called it... it's like BWI -- i haven't switched to Thurgood Marshall, it's just BWI."
Because it's called National Airport. Duh.
Why acknowledge a guy who fired a bunch of air traffic controllers?
"My extended family lives in Fairfax and we have always known it as National. I do not have much respect for Reagan's administration or his policies, so switching the name for National seemed anathema to my own political leanings. Besides, it just sounds funny to be called ""Reagan National"". Nope. Just National, or DCA"
I use call letters for all airports. It's just easier since many cities have multiple airports.
"It was always ""National"" growing up (even growing up Republican), and anything longer is cumbersome. I'll use ""DCA"" if I want to be snide. "
"I refer to it as National or DCA because I travel so much for work. In my personal interactions with my parents, we called it Reagan National. Hah!"
Reagan was a crook.
Because that's its name and I'm not so petty as to refuse to call it that just because I may not like the President who it was named after.
"I have occasionally referred to it as Reagan, but sticking with DCI mostly because it's recognizable and that's the code airlines use."
Everyone always called it that. And I'm not going to change what I call it.
"First, it was renamed 'Reagan' before Pres. Reagan has passed away--something even he wouldn't have liked had he been of sound mind.
Secondly, he decimated the Controllers union, so it's a slap in the face to name an airport after him."
"It's the shortest name by syllable. It's also an airport in our nation's capital named for a President, which I find rather fitting."
"It used to be called Washington airport, until they decided to change the president it was named after for no apparent reason."
Family that works for the airlines. it is easier to call it by its designator
"It was ridiculous that they named it after him before he died. In retrospect, he looks like a moderate compared to today's climate but I didn't agree with his politics and don't feel kindly to the name change. However, I'm not sure if it's mainly that or the fact that I lived here before the name change that keeps me calling it National (I don't call BWI Thurgood Marshall, either)."
Because National doesn't define it enough and To say REagan I'd have to say Reagan International airport. DCA is just easier.
The news/radio calls it that
Because there is no way I want to credit Ronald Reagan with that airport! The republicans shoved that name onto the sign in the mid-90's when they gained power.
I heard that's what the locals call it... Usually say National but also call it DCA pretty often.
Because Ronald Reagan was an AIDS denying fascist
Because Reagan fired the air traffic controllers.
It's called that on the metro.
Because adding Reagan to the airport name was ridiculous.
Because it's not f*cking Reagan.
Because the Reagan-worshiping needs to stop.
Because Coup Sauvage told me too..
Reagan has too many things named after him in this town.
"Because ""Reagan"" is the first word in the name and therefore the obvious candidate, and because the only people I've ever met who seem to care about the name were some old union mucky-mucks who are still bitter about the air traffic controllers."
"The airport should refer to the city it serves. We refer to Dulles as Washington-Dulles, so the other airport should follow suit. At the very least, call it Washington Reagan Natl. I prefer and often refer to it as Washington National. It sounds like it's the national airport - plus it sounds pretty prestigious that way."
I hate the president-who-will-not-be-named for too many reasons to itemize here.
"Often I say ""Reagan -- GAHHH National! DCA """
"Because its silly that they're trying to name everything after Ronal Reagan. National airport would've been fine, but since its Reagan I don't call it that. But I also grew up near LAX and I called Austin-Bergstrem airport AUS all the time when I lived in Texas."
"It was called National for a long time before it was called Reagan National. I am fine with the new name, but it's still ""National"" to me."
"I knew it as National growing up, the the change to Regean, I combine the two and sometimes I call it by the call letters KDCA or just DCA. "
Fewest syllables
"A DC native became infuriated when the airport was referred to as ""Reagan."""
I don't like Reagan.
"My boyfriend got mad that I called it Reagan and corrected my language to the proper term, ""National"". "
Because Reagan is actually a horrible person.
I refer to most airports by their code.
I dislike the president for whom it is named. A lot.
"Hate Regan and the other is called bwi, so why not dca?"
"My DC friends refuse to call it Reagan but I have fallen into calling it just that. I have recently starting traveling fairly frequently to DC and it was the name that just stuck. Most of the people I know that are not from DC call it that. I try to call it National, but it feels blah. Reagan is a unique name for an airport. I'd prefer Lincoln or Roosevelt but the Congress decided differently."
"Not a fan of Reagan.
Prefer Washington National.
But it seems most people understand Reagan National. "
I refuse to honor the memory of what I consider to be one of the worst presidents of recent American history.
I called the airport Washington National for years. It had the name of a President in it and I did not believe it should be changed. eventually it just became easier to refer to it as National or DCA.
"Because I too was always confused as to what it was called and if it was a different airport from Dulles, because everyone calls all three washington sometimes, and they all serve the national capital area, so reagan national is the most descriptive. "
It matches the name on my luggage tags.
I've lived in Fairfax Co for nearly 30 years. It's always been National to me. Even after the name change to Reagan National. Everyone I know uses National Airport.
That's its name.
"I was never found of how Congress threatened to pull funding if Metro didn't change the name to Ronald Reagan National Airport ASAP. They can't increase funding to Metro to help ease our lives, so the threat was infuriating. "
"It was ""National"" first!"
"""National"" is what everyone called it when I moved here. It stuck. Similarly, BWI is still BWI, not Thurgood Marshall International (nothing against the man)."
"The name of the airport is Reagan National so I just abbreviate and call it Reagan. It's actually the most logical name for the airport, seeing that is it's actual name."
Fewest number of syllables.
A capital airport should either not be named for an individual or be named for a significant historical figure that was universally regarded as such.
"It's the shortest version of the airport-that-shall-not-be-named's official name. No more information other than, ""I'm fling out of Reagan"" is needed. I also sometimes say DCA to people who don't know the airports, but most frequently call it Reagan. "
"I've always heard it referred to as Reagan/Reagan International, also, i think the metro stop is called Reagan Int."
"That's what people know it as, and Reagan National covers both terms."
"I've have grown up calling it ""Reagan,"" but I really wish it would be renamed after a better president."
Mostly because that's how I'd always known it before it became Reagan. Also because I don't like Reagan. My mother REFUSES to call it Reagan.
I book all of my tickets online - DCA is the acronym for Reagan National Airport
Everything else is too hard. No one know what I mean when I say National anymore.
friends from DC call it that
It is an insult to union workers everywhere to have an airport named after the man who destroyed PATCO.
Because naming an airport after the president who fired all the air traffic controllers is the height of tasteless irony.
"I've never flown there, that's just what I've heard."
Because !!!
My mom was a flight attendant for PanAm based out of the DC area. I remember picking her up from the old terminal at National Airport.
Because that's what it's called
I'd known the airport as National for more than 10 years and so it didn't make sense to me to adjust that especially when I disliked Ronald Reagan's political legacy.
That's what it was called when I first moved to the DC area for college.
I believe my family members call it Reagan as well.
It's what I called it while I was growing up
It sounds better to me.
"Reagan National because that is the name of the airport, you dumbfuck."
"Because that's it's name, damnit!"
That's the airport code!
"I use to call it National. But now, Reagan because it's just one less syllable :/"
ICAO identifier is KDCA and IATA is DCA. I work in the transportation industry and there's no way I'm calling it Reagan.
Because that's it's real name
"Because Republicans force-fed the name on the region before the former president named Reagan was dead.
I'm guessing that's what my parents called it.
Trained to call it Reagan National as an air traffic controller and pilot.
It had a solid descriptive name before. Why complicate it?
It's easier to use the IATA code!
"Because we need to honor the man who represents so much about the city. Barry did some great things. Also, the land that this airport sits on was taken from DC."
"When I first started flying, that is what it was called, and it automatic for me now."
"DCA is the airport code, but I commonly refer to it as that. Regan is the specific name if there is any confusion as to which ""DC"" airport I mean. However Washington National or Ronald Regan Washington National is my preferred all encompassing name, thus shortened to Washington National which combines Washington Metropolitan and Reagan National. "
"It was always National to me, but I would undoubtedly have been willing to call it by another name had it not been named after a President I strongly dislike, especially given the awfulness of his more vocal admirers. "
DCA -- what is says on my ticket
"Because Bob Barr should have been worrying about Georgia, not northern Virginia"
Because that was its name when I was growing up and because naming airports after people unrelated to aviation is silly. [Wait... wasn't the a.t.c. strike under Reagan? Ok... extra reasons not to name airports after him. Union busting is definitely not a contribution to aviation.]
"Some people deserve to have important places naked after them, others do not. Reagan is too devisive to have a place like this named after him."
It starts with Reagan...
That's what it was and Reagan of all people does not deserve an airport named after him (ATC buster...)
"The District never voted for that guy, and I reject Congress's forcibly imposed attempt to honor him at DC's expense."
It's always been National airport.
"Because that is its name, duh."
I thought that was the name now.....
I always refer to airports by their three letter abbreviations.
the metro PA
I used to call it National.. back when I flew more often.. then the last time I flew there it was Reagan.. so now I say Reagan National ..
"I call it either DCA (chosen on survey), National, or Washington National, for several reasons:
1. Reagan has too many things named after him already.
2. It's ridiculous to honor Reagan over George Washington, which is what I felt the renaming of the airport did.
3. It's offensive to name an airport after a man who destroyed the air traffic controllers' union."
"My dad gas a deep dislike for Reagan and his policies, and refused to stop calling it National out of protest.
I guess I inherited it."
"Blue line stop for the airport is named Ronald Reagan national airport. And, I've heard it called that most often, and could've sworn that's what I've heard at the airport over the speaker... "
"It's ""Reagan"" if I'm speaking with someone and it's ""DCA"" if I'm writing an email or searching Google. "
my mom calls it that
"Because that's how it was called in my formative years. If you rename Constitution Ave, I'll still call it Constitution Ave. however, I wouldn't mind a discussion of renaming certain Anglo-Royalty named counties after accomplished Americans. "
It's just what I've always called it.....
"Because our national capital's email should have a ""national"" airport, not one named after a politician who did very little for the district."
"Every now and then I call it Reagan, usually because of Metro signage. But it's National, it was always National, and while I don't deny Congress has the right to name something after the late President, why an airport that's not even in the Capital City? But, this battle is over, isn't it? "
Since i have come to know that airport it's been called Washington national airport why booty name it after the president in term when build? Enough places are named Reagan already.
It will forever be National or DCA to me.
I ain't calling it reagan! fuck reagan!
"I call it either DCA or National. Regan's legacy on social issues, like his response to the AIDS epidemic."
"I use ""Reagan"" and ""national""- but I call it Reagan more often and when I saw the question Reagan first popped into my head. "
Because that is its name.
"1. Because National was its name.
2. Because National is its name. Well, yes, I know it's the Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx Washington National Airport.
3. Because I prefer National, and everyone I know knows what airport I mean (and 90% of them prefer to use National, too).
4. Because I try never to utter the words Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx except when excoriating him.
5. Because whenever I hear the name Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx I get shivers up my spine.
6. I'll call it DCA occasionally, too, but never Xxxxxx.
The airport for our nation's capital
"It's the 3 letter airport designation. Baltimore is referred to as BWI, so I have always referred to National as DCA. "
"I'm not sure. But I will say in writing I almost always type DCA, but speaking, I call in ""Reagan.""
I actually use the three local airports about equally. "
I grew up knowing it by National. I have a habit now to call it Reagan or DCA because outsiders know it by the official names.
My mom hates Ronald Reagan.
I used to work there. I was instructed to say the full name.
Cause that's it's name.
"Started as ""National"", and the renaming was stupid and worth ignoring."
Saying Reagan is shorter than saying National.
Because its the freakin' name. What is this?
"Ronald Reagan, upon facing a strike from underpaid and overworked air traffic controllers, fired all the air traffic controllers, thereby undermining labor and making air travel less safe. Naming an airport after him is perverse. "
"I use Reagan, Reagan National and DCA interchangeably, but Reagan most often."
"That's what it was when I was born and raised...""Reagan"" is the new name, just like BWI will always be BWI instead of Thurgood Marshall. "
I didn't like the name change.
"Because if the name of the place is Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, its official abbreviation shold be changed to ALZ....for Alzheimers."
"National, because I really don't want to call it Reagan."
That's the name that I have called it for years. Airport code DCA name National.
The airport that best represents DC should be non partisan!
Because Reagan broke the air traffic controllers union and made Washington a bad word. He is the LAST person who our airport should be named after. It was already named after George Washington.
It is called National! It was already named for a president....Washington!
It's the airport code.
DCA or National -- always.
Because that is its real name!
Because that's what it is: NATIONAL AIRPORT! (Just like the Audrey Moore Rec center off Braddock Rd will ALWAYS be Wakefield)
"when I moved to DC it was called National, and I don't care for Ronald Reagan either"
Because a certain former president has waaaay too many things named after him.
"My dad always called it ""Reagan"" when I was growing up."
Because a senator from Arizona shouldn't get to choose the name of the airport in MY town (arlington)
"It was national airport for the early part of my life and then switched to Reagan when i was in high school (i think) so i kept national and just added Reagan. Plus i was able to go to president Reagan's funeral at the national cathedral, so out of respect to him i made a point of it"
"because people made condescending comments about me calling it ""reagan"" "
it's what it was and will always be -- National.
"Usually call it DCA. If people don't know what I'm talking about I say Reagan. In Los Angeles, everyone calls the main airport LAX, so I call the airport in question DCA."
Because that's the name is was and should STILL BE!
National Airport or DCA is the official airport for my world. Apparently some folks gave someone a lot of money to rename the airport in 1998 but I have no idea what they are talking about. Their money is no good to me.
"I call it Reagan, cause that's the first word in the full name."
"I call it Reagan, Reagan National, and National pretty equally. No particular reasoning behind each name, just depends on how I'm feeling in the moment."
"I'll concede that I truly use all of those names, but in different contexts. "
"My parents always called it National, plus I'm not the hugest Reagan fan. I mean come on... you're going to name the airport in one of the most liberal areas after one of the most conservative people?"
because it was national airport originally then later named after ronald reagan
The renaming to Reagan was rammed down everyone's throats. I still call it National for that reason.
"I would call it either Reagan or maybe Reagan National. I think that's what my parents called it so I grew up calling it that?
I lived in Anne Arundel county until I was 18, but I went to school in Montgomery County so there was a lot of that influence."
Because that's its name. :P
"DCA has DC in it, so seems intuitive"
That's what my parents always called it.
It's what my mom and dad called it.
Because we have too much stuff named after President Reagan. Republicans are much better than Democrats about getting their names on stuff.
2 syllables innit.
"I am a gay man living with HIV and given Reagan's refusal to address the AIDS crisis or even say the word AIDS until forced by Elizabeth Taylor, I simply choice not to honor his name to refer to an airport I fly into to visit members of Congress when I advocate for my community. "
"Because ""DCA"" is the code you use when looking up flights on airline websites. "
I call in National Airport because naming it after the President that busted the air traffic controller's union is a travesty.
"Saying ""Reagan"" makes me unhappy. "
Bc when I just call it Reagan people seem confused so I add the national
It was already named after a great president so I don't acknowledge renaming it after a terrible one.
"I got used to calling it National, back before they renamed it. I did not want to have to start calling it by a new name. Also I did not think Reagan was a good president. "
It's a shorter way of saying Reagan National Airport
"Because it's National airport, dammit. Reagan can kiss my ass."
I used to only call it Reagan then to avoid confusion with other people who call it DCA - because that's what the ticket says - I now say either one
I call it National because saying Ronald Reagan's name gives me heartburn.....
"I grew up knowing it as National, and was opposed to the change. I always grimace every time someone references the 40th president, especially in connection to our beloved National Airport"
"Because Ronald Reagan damaged the American economy, left an entire population to die from a modern day plague and continues to fuel the backwards form of fiscal ideology. Not to mention the fact that he fired everyone at that airport and in their place hired unqualified workers."
"Because that it its original name. It was given an additional name for political reason, and named for a person who I believe it is inappropriate to name an airport after. I prefer its original, inclusive and non political name. "
Republicans were too quick to name everything they could after their great white hope. And it continues today with the Silver Lak ed middle school named Reagan now. Reagan was anti-aviation so naming an airport for him is outrageous.
DCA is short and doesn't honor Reagan.
"I call it DCA because I'm not a fan of Ronald Reagan, and because I call many airports by their 3-letter code because it's more simple and precise. "
"Because fuck Reagan, that's why."
I use the airport code.
Too many things are named after Reagan - it's really just Republican trolling.
"I call it ""National"" because the name change to ""Reagan"" was yet another example of Congress trampling our rights to self-determination here in the District. It cost local institutions money to change their signs, and it was offensive to air traffic controllers, to boot! "
Reagan because that's what others called it when I moved to DC or DCA because that's what flight websites call it
That's what my co-workers called it when I first started traveling for my job.
"I call it ""National"" because that's what it was called when I moved here as a teen in 1978. Twenty years later Reagan's name was added for political reasons. It will always be ""National"" to me. Never ""Reagan."""
"Its official name is ""Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport"", and I like to shorten things. So Reagan it is."
No reason. Rolls off the tongue. Only time I see DCA is when I'm buying plane tickets. I call it Reagan national and cabs know what I mean. If you just say Reagan in the wrong spot (say 14th street near the Dept. of Commerce building) people might think you mean the International Trade Center.
Because it was always National.
Because that's how I've always known it. And I don't take well to name changes.
Because my mom was offended when the named it after Reagan. It should be DCA or National only.
"Grew up here in the 70s and 80s and that's what my parents called it, so that's what I've always called it. "
I call it National to differentiate it from the International Dulles Airport since only National fights arrive
"I call it (1) DCA; (2) National; (3) Reagan. In that order, probably due to the frequently I am booking travel and my liberal leanings :)"
Because Reagan sucks and is terrible and it should never have been name after him in the first place.
"Not sure. I use to call it Reagan, I remember when it was renamed ""Thurgood Marshall"", but now I just call it National"
"Because I refuse to honor the Congress-imposed name change. It's National, plain and simple and I correct people when they through Reagan into it."
Airports shouldn't be political.
Because that's what my dad taught me to call it.
I was an intern in the 80s and it was called national
"I think that the most proximate airport to the nation's Capital should be name-neutral for political affiliation. I went to American University from 97-01 and while I really love Ronald Reagan, I thought naming the airport after him was too partisian and clunky for our National port of entry.
Don't get me wrong, I think Reagan was one of our nation's most positive, inspiring, and accomplished presidents. Defeating the Soviet union was no minor accomplishment. But naming a boulevard would be more prestigious and fitting. This flying thing is still relatively new.
Then again, I just learned that Thurgood Marshall had an airport named after him. I'd rather see his name on a doorway he couldn't fit his head through."
Because that's its name.
Because that's the name (Short version) the comes up when you type it into the foeld for airports when checking flights. Sometimes I will also say DCA.
Because it is the national airport and I am opposed to renaming airports after people who have no claim to greatness. This was a purely political move.
It's short and sweet :)
My family is from DC and it's National.
"I don't hear too many folk call it Reagan, and when I do hear it called that it confuses me for a second."
Because that's what everyone else calls it.
I call it Reagan National because I believe that is what the signage calls it.
"While I did not live in the DC area before 1998, I have flown in and out of National since the 70s. Perhaps that influences my lexicon."
"Growing up, my mom refused to call the airport ""Reagan"" and adamantly pointed this out to me every time the topic was discussed."
"I use the first 4 terms really. But picked the one I use most.
Moved to DC area in 1985 at the age of 10. :)"
Because that's what it's called.
"""From National"" sounds so ambiguous. Otherwise I would give up calling it by that awful man's name."
Because I think renaming it to Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport was silly and gratuitous. Just like most of the Metro stop names. U St/African Amer Civil War Memorial/Cardozo? Really? It's just National Airport. Enough already.
Because the official name is way too cumbersome and National is the way it was referred to me when I first moved to the area 15 years ago and it seemed like a better option than Regan!
Airport codes are efficient
That is the name. Should never have been changed.
"First of all, I call it National because I was born in the 202 area code and it's always been National.
Second of all, I call it National because I think it's a slap in the face to air traffic controllers to name an airport after Reagan."
Reagan fired the air traffic controllers. It's an obscenity that they changed the name of the airport.
That's what it was called most of life. I liked Reagan as a President. DC Stadium is still DC Stadium to me.
Distaste for the Fortieth President
"The name is National Airport and that's what we native Washingtonians call it. It was especially offensive when Congress changed the name and the justification. Washington, DC was named after President George Washington. So the airport was already named for a president."
"Habit. I was born and raised in Fairfax - I am just used to calling it National. I will sometimes elaborate and call in Reagan National, but one word is just more succinct, especially when discussing with other life-long residents who also know it as National. I was not old enough to have any strong opinions about Reagan when he was in office or in 90s, so I don't think my choice is politic, at least not consciously."
"That is just what I have heard it called - lived in NOVA from 2005 to 2011 - worked in Falls Church (govt agency). It was always Reagan or Reagan National - but if someone said just ""national"" I knew what they were talking about. "
"Because the name was forced on the airport against the will of the local governments, and because of the shady moves congress pulled with metro funding regarding signage. "
"It was national when I moved here
I travel a lot
I like using airport codes
I also call dc, not washington
I refer to San Francisco as SF
And so on
And well Reagan was not my choice of president and it's not his airport
Nor is it ""washington's"
because...I refuse to utter the R word in front of it. ..I
Ronald Reagan does not deserve an airport named after him.
I do not utter the R word. Blech!
"That is what I grew up calling it, that is what most locals call it, and Reagan is a singularly inappropriate person for this (or any) airport to be named after. "
"I don't like Reagan, and I think naming important things after living people is bad. (As in, it was named that while he was alive)."
"It is National Airport (though I use DCA for online reservations), now and forever. I was offended by adding President Reagan's name (after the irony of his firing of Federal Air Traffic controllers) in part because the sign changes alone were (as I recall) more than $400K of MWAA money that could have been better spent on terminal improvements. It will always remain National to me, never Washington Reagan."
I love Reagan but I grew up calling it National.
Friends call it that way.
"I work for an airline, I call most of them by their IATA code."
"It's how I first learned of it. But I totally understand what others are talking of when they say Reagan. And, if I'm talking with airline personnel (or ticketing online), I often refer to it as DCA."
"I used to only say National, but transplants had no idea what airport that was, so I started adding Reagan in front of it. Reagan National is easily understood by newcomers and DC natives alike. "
"National was named national in the spirit of non-partisan, national unity. Then the Republicans renamed it in the spirit of partisanship. "
I named my daughter Reagan but grew up calling the airport National.
Because it's national. That's the name
"Because its name is ""Washington National Airport"""
"I hate that it was renamed after Reagan--that was wrong, wrong, wrong. "
"Because we call airports by their 3 letter designation. Jfk, bwi, lax...etc."
"Because that's it's name, and the Ronald Reagan's name was attached over the objections of the local community and its elected representatives. The transition from FAA to MWAA governance was about local control even though the land remains Federal."
I use DCA or national because I think it's incredibly insulting to name an airport after the man who broke the air traffic controllers' strike.
That is what people in DC call it. Call it Reagan and someone tells you off.
"Have always resented that Congress bulled regional airport authority to change the name, while new namesake was *still alive* (that bugs me in all cases, e.g., Pete Rose Way), and at a cost to the region - e.g. WMATA had to change all signs and maps. It already had a perfectly good name, and I continue to use the shortened version of that."
What I've heard people calling it since I moved here 2 years ago...
National Airport is what it was called for most of my life. Reagan is too polarizing of a figure to have something like a major airport named after him. Too many negatives associated with Reagan and too recent. I'm not against naming the airport after a Republican. Just not Reagan. I'd rather be flying into Eisenhower Airport...aka DCA
National - ita the loval vernacular
Because that's what it was originally called and I see no need to change it.
I don't like the congress.....who are usually temporary dc residents at best..naming places for the real locals.
"Worked as a network planning engineer for a telecom company. They have hubs all over the US named after the local airport, so I used DCA pretty often. Before that job I called it national airport. "
"I used to call it ""Reagan"" when I first moved here, about 7 years ago. But I noticed that, for friends who grew up here, it's always ""National"" or ""DCA."" I've sensed some resentment toward the ""Reagan"" moniker -- not sure if that's due to newness of the name, or the politics of the namesake, or something else..."
Because that's what all my NoVa friends call it.
"So many reasons -
1 it was named for George, not the District
2 Congress had already given it to VA before they decided to tell VA to rename it
3 Congress held Metro funding hostage until it spent way too much money to change the name on signs
4 Reagan has more than enough buildings and sites named for him; he didn't need another
5 Reagan wasn't that great of a President"
Always known it as DCA and the other DC airport as Dulles. Alternately i may refer to it on occasion as National.
Because Reagan was a unionbusting scumbag
"President Reagan allowed the HIV/AIDS epidemic to spread. First reported in the medical and mainstream press in 1981, it was not until October 1987 that Reagan publicly spoke about the AIDS epidemic in a major policy address. By the end of that year, 59,572 AIDS cases had been reported and 27,909 of those women and men had died. He and his administration did almost nothing during the first seven years of the epidemic. AIDS research was chronically underfunded. Community education and prevention programs were routinely denied federal funding. Disgraceful. From "
When i moved to the area a friend told me that people from DC call it national.
"Because thats the name, and throwing whiny partisan temper tantrums over something as irrelevant as the name of an airport is just another symptom of how this country has been divided by stubborn partisanship."
Because Ronald Reagan allowed a generation of gay men to die of AIDS so I will say his name as infrequently as possible to avoid the accompanying anger.
It was what I grew up with!
"While I find the zealotry of the Reagan Monuments movement pretty distasteful, it's not primarily because of politics, it's out of simplicity and familiarity. I would never use the words ""Thurgood Marshall"" in describing BWI, either."
"I've always known it as ""National"". "
"Because that's what it IS. Naming an airport after a president is ridiculous and pointless, and Ronald Reagan was supposed to be against big government...I seriously doubt he would have appreciated all the money and effort spent to name things after him. "
Reagan put down the traffic controllers strike and broke the union movement. Naming our National Airport after him is a travesty.
"That's what I heard it called for years. Also, naming an *airport* after Ronald Reagan? Seriously?"
It had a perfectly good name before and on principle I refuse to use the new name. What was wrong with naming it after our first president?
"It was National, but when it got renamed, Reagan National was what most people I know called the airport so that's why I call it Reagan National most of the time, although I consider Reagan and National interchangeable as well."
Reagan was a monster. I refuse to call an airport by his name. It was National all along and that's a fine name for an airport centered in the nation's capitol.
Calling it Ronald seemed too informal
"Because fuck Reagan. Would you name the ATL airport ""Sherman International Airport"" and then force them to pay for the sign changes?"
"I was a hardcore Reaganite back in the day, but hated the way Congress forced the name change. "
That's all I've known it by.
"Moved here three years ago, still not sure what it's called.
It seems like this is a surprisingly hot button issues, one that I try to stay well aware of in conversation."
That's what it's called isn't it?
because that is its name!
Because Reagan fired 90% of the air traffic controllers and deregulated the airline industry. He doesn't deserve an airport named after him.
"In addition to referring to it as Reagan, I also often call it DCA, especially when referring to it when typing (email or text) as it's a little easier and quicker."
Because that's what it is.
i call it National because it sounds the best
That seems to be what everyone calls it?
Because that is the name of the airport.
"DCA is a fast, easy name and everyone who matters knows what you're talking about. "
"Reagan is fewer syllables than any of the other names, it's also basically the actual name of the airport."
Sometimes I also call it DCA or Reagan National.... It's a true mystery.
Easiest to say
Ronald Reagan- ewwww
Reagan was a terrible president.
"I have no respect for Reagan, and will not give him the honor of having this airport named after him. It's DCA or National, not that president who shall not be named."
It's shorter than saying the full name of the airport and not everyone knows what DCA means
"The name change was forced upon us by outside influences and did not reflect local choice. (Also, I think Reagan was a terrible president.)"
"I grew up in Chevy Chase, MD in the 1980s (moving in 1989) and I have always and will always call the airport, National."
"My grandparents lived in Arlington and we visited them in the spring every year. My family has always called it National, it's just a habit now."
It has the fewest syllables.
? Because that's what it's called? Never heard it called anything else.
We've always called it National Airport. Why change?
"1) It is horribly insulting to call an airport, where air traffic controllers work, ""Reagan,"" and 2) DC is not really under local control and I object to Congress renaming an airport for a man for whom no one who has actually lived in the city for more than four years has any respect."
I refer it to both DCA (because that's what you always have to use when you book it) and Reagan which is what I tell cabbies and uber drivers on the airport i'm going to.
Because that's its name.
Hate Ronald Reagan.
"I learned it that way, and I have a particular distaste for naming an airport for TWO Presidents. One was duly sufficient, thank you very much. "
I do not identify as a male. I am a male.
Bc that's what the code is when I'm searching for flights or otherwise on the baggage tags. I also call it Reagan. I have flown into all 3 airports in the DC area at somepoint.
I can't refer to it by the name of a president I so thoroughly disliked.
Why would I call the airport Reagan when he cause so much upheaval with the air traffic controllers.
Because I don't like Ronald Reagan.
Too liberal to call it anything else.
"Refusing to call it ""Reagan"" because you didn't like his politics is just so petty and useless. I call it whatever has the fewest syllables which happens to be Reagan. "
It's short
"When I moved here it was called Washington National Airport. I also remember the controversy surrounding slapping ""Reagan"" in front of it.
I suspect that the people who call it Reagan are newer transplants as I've surveyed people I know before."
Reagen confuses a lot of people. I call it that sometimes because it was named that in the first few of my ten years in DC. But I'm an airport code traveler. So no room for error or accidentally offending someone still oddly attached to Ronald Reagan with DCA. If I'd actually thought about it though I might have switched to National. Subconsciously I knew that no true scottsman would call it Reagan.
Because that's how I look up flights.
The initials are easiest when jumping in a cab.
I refuse to recognize anything named in honor of America's worst President.
"Lived in NoVa since the 80s, so ""National"" was well-ingrained. I know the full current name, but it's a mouthful. ""Reagan National"" is what I usually hear on the radio weather reports."
"Because It's Washington National Airport. If memory serves, locals were pissed when it was renamed and dedicated to Reagan. Why not call it George Washington National Airport or something less offensive? "
Reagan was a dickhole.
"Because the name on the website is ""Reagan National Airport"" and it's easier to call it Reagan. Everyone knows what you're talking about. I've flown into or out of Reagan 30+ times this year. "
Cause that's what it's called.
It was a pointless waste of taxpayer dollars to re-name the airport when Ronald Reagan already had a Federal building named after him.
"I would prefer not to use Reagan's name for the airport. He really doesn't deserve it, especially in light of the 1981 strike that he broke and his action of firing more than 10,000 air traffic controllers."
I hated Ronald Reagan while he was in office and found the idea that he needed something named after him in every state to be horrifying. To politicize the nation's airport was despicable. I will never call it by that AIDS-denying asshole's name.
Because it's called Reagan national...
"Please see the killer mike song ""Reagan"""
Because that's its name...
Why does Reagan get an airport?
"I thought national was a pretty good name. Nice, clean, simple."
"Because I'm a local. At ten years old, I remember the Air Florida flight 90 like it was yesterday and it most certainly didn't fly out of Reagan. [Reagan was only in Office for a year at that point.]"
"I usually call it National, because that's what I remember my parents calling it when I was a child (and we sometimes used that airport to visit other family). I sometimes refer to it as DCA, too. I have no interest in honoring Ronald Reagan, and was disappointed when his name was added to the airport."
Because that's what it was called when I was a kid and I don't care for Ronald Reagan
"Naming the airport after Reagan doesn't really resonate with me. He's not the next-face-on-Mt.-Rushmore kind of figure that a lot of people make him out to be. Luckily London hasn't followed DC's example and renamed Heathrow, Gatwick, or Stansted for Margaret Thatcher. Fingers crossed on that one."
"I always use airport codes, it's just easier."
"Not a fan of Reagan, tried to keep calling it National, but Reagan eventually seeped into it in my subconscious, so now it's Reagan National to me."
DCA or Reagan - but most often DCA. Seems to be the most clear way to communicate when taking cabs and in conversation. Reagan due to metro.
"I call it DCA and Reagan, but depending on the audience: For my DC area friends, I call it DCA. But for my family in Puerto Rico, who have never lived in the area, it's always Reagan."
"Growing up in DC, my parents always called it National, so I did!"
It's Ronald Reagan National...what else do people call it??
"'Cause that's what it says on the front of the building! ""Washington National Airport"""
"The airport was called National when I was growing up, so that's what I call it now. Calling it ""Reagan"" marks you as either a millennial or a tourist. "
Because I was told not to call it Regan because it shouldn't be named for someone while they're still alive and DC people get testy about it.
It's what we've called it my entire life. Perhaps from my parents.
"Um, that's what they named it?"
I'm a Virginia native and that was the name I knew for it as a child so it stuck.
"The airport is already named after one president (Washington), so it's redundant and ridiculous to have named it after a second. "
That's why everyone in my professional network calls it! I guess I have just conformed and followed suit.
"Having been too young to care for issues that weren't my afternoon snack, I didn't pay attention to the naming. When I was old enough to take notice of such things, I was introduced to the airport as ""Reagan National""."
Because I'm an American!
"The airport serves the nation's capital and the name should reflect that. It should NOT reflect the name of a politician. I'm surprised the Republicans didn't rename DC ""Bushland"" when they had the chance. "
"I have been in the aviation industry since 1990. In my mind, DCA will always be pronounced ""National"" ;)"
"I couldn't imagine calling it anything else. I could never understand naming it after Reagan who fired some 11,000 air traffic controllers who went on very insulting but we are of course in the DMV and its politics as usual...It's completely disgraceful."
"Ronald Reagan was a terrible President for LGBT people, and ignored the AIDS crisis. I will never use his name with that airport. "
"Because I think it raises some important points of discussion - Why would we change the name from one president to another? What did Reagan do to deserve having his name attached to the airport? Why are ""we"" spending time worrying about changing the name of airport when we could/should be paying to more important things (like the national debt)? Plus, for some people, it is funny..."
"Because it's a travesty that the nation's airport should be named after a rich, selfish pos that has done more damage against working people, and for the 1%, than any one person I can imagine. "
1. habit. 2. dislike calling it Reagan.
I think the Dems should get theirs by adding President Clinton's name to it: Clinton-Reagan National Airport.
Because that's its name. Just because a pack of clowns want to name everything after that senile old fool doesn't mean I have to pay attention to it.
Because I also call the big international airport in NYC named after a Democrat JFK and not Idlewild.
Because Ronald Reagan was an asshole.
I absolutely refuse to acknowledge that we as a country recognize Reagan for anything other than being the nation's biggest scumbag. No way am I calling that airport by his name.
"Because Congress imposed the name of Ronald Reagan, a locally unpopular president, onto an airport that was already called National. And National is the name local people prefer."
"Reagan was a bad president and doesn't deserve to have anything, let alone an airport, named after him. "
I object strongly to using Reagan's name. It conjures angry political thoughts.
"not a fan of Reagan, call the airport in Houston IAH"
I put up with the Interim Terminal at National for years; that gives me the right to call it whatever I want.
It was named Reagan before he died.that is a Nono.
"I'm not sure, but my college friend from Bethesda always calls it National, and he probably talks about it more than anyone else I know."
That was the name of the airport when I moved there and how I fondly remember it.
Habit. That's what it was when I lived here in '60s and '70s
Who wrote this survey? Are you new to town? A worn out old topic.
That's what the travel agent calls it. That's what the flight attendants call it. I like that it's named for Three presidents. Ronald WILSON REAGAN WASHINGTON National Airport.
"In my family, we refuse to speak the name of He-Who-Must-Not-Named in any circumstance."
Not everything needs to be renamed for Saint Reagan.
I was annoyed when they changed the name to Reagan and made it a point to continue calling it National. And then it just stuck.
Because that was what it was and what the people I know from the area have always called it.
Because that's what my friends--who have lived here 10+ years or are dc natives--call it
"Not a fan of the former President, and how can our National airport be identified with one president, be so partisan, and so divisive?"
Because that's what it's called.
"Raises important questions: why did ""we"" change the name? What did Reagan do to deserve having the airport named after him? Why aren't ""we"" talking about more important things (like the national debt)? Plus, for some people, it is funny."
I do NOT call it Ronald Reagan or ever refer to it as anything related to Reagan because Reagan.
it's a toss-up between national and reagan. We never use more than one word.
"1. Because that's how the highway signs refer to it.
2. Because every time I think of it by that name, I think of RNA - which gets me really excited in the nerdiest of ways!"
I do not like Ronald Reagan
"The irony of naming an airport after the dude who broke the air traffic controllers union is just too great to bear. Grew up hearing ""National"", stuck with it. (But I _have_ gotten used to calling BWI ""Thurgood Marshall"" instead of ""Friendship"" -- that came easily.)"
Reagan or National
"That's what it says on the building. I only say it when I'm just trying to get someplace. I literally literally, never mention it in any other context."
Because i dont want to call it reagan because he fired the air traffic controller s
"National. Bob Barr, now the darling of the Libertarian Party, had a very non-libertarian moment when he introduced the bill to get National renamed. "
"My husband's family lives in Montgomery County and they call it ""National,"" so I followed suit."
I grew up in the airline industry and tend to refer to airports by their code.
"I will never, ever call it by the R word. It is a disgrace after what he did to the air traffic controllers."
"I was raised calling it ""National"" because that's what it was before they added ""Ronald Reagan"" to it. Out of habit, I can only call it ""National"" -- never ""Reagan"". Ick. I call BWI ""BWI"", too, and didn't know for years that it had the ""Thurgood Marshall"" appendage."
That's what it's called? ?
This airport was already named for a president -- Washington National Airport. George Washington. No room or need to add a second prez.
National. I don't approve of renaming things after presidents or dignitaries. Democrat or republican.
The call letters are DCA. The airport used to be called National. It's the nation's airport. It should not named after a be a partisan hero.
That's what my parents call it.
Force of habit
Because Reagan was a terrible influence on our country.
Because that is the name of it.
Ronald Reagan screwed the air traffic controllers big time. The last thing which should have his name is an airport.
"Because Reagan was racist, homophobic pig. "
I grew up calling in Reagan.
I call it Reagan or dca - depending on the context.
Because that is what it's called and because Reagan doesn't deserve an airport named after him.
"Born here, lived here forever. It will always be National to me. But, Reagan is pretty cool."
"I call it National Airport because, as I understand it, the airport's creation was to serve all the people of Washington, DC. and all members of the government regardless of party affiliation.And, therefore, the name should remain non partisan. "
It's really just the most convenient. Who cares what it's called.
Air Traffic-controller Union-busting president shouldn't have an airport named after him
"I call it DCA because it's the most concise option. I grew up flying out of BWI most of the time, and haven't called it ""Thurgood Marshall"" or ""BWI Marshall""."
"I don't know, I just do!"
"Because Ronald Reagan George Washington Airport is too long.
Because forcing locals to accept what was a costly change in name that we never wanted never made sense.
Because Bob Barr.
(BTW, why in gods name do you include fricking Charles County but you never include Howard County in your dc suburbs list. I was born and raised there, and Post newspaper boxes far outnumbered the Baltimore paper's, on my road, and apparently still do.)"
I call it National because I refuse to call it the name of that president who fired thousands of air traffic controllers.
"Because that is it's name, and I don't think refusing to call a place that memorializes a president by it's name is appropriate. I think calling it by its former name is an obnoxious and stupid thing done by certain arrogant people who feel compelled to make everything a political statement. Do Republicans call JFK ""Idlewild""?"
"Don't think much of Reagan's politics, and think it sounds so politically motivated to call it by a politicans name. National or DCA just sound more dignified."
It's brief. Has the least amount of syllables.
Don't want to refer to Roony without reason.
It is the National Airport as it was named. Simple as that.
It always struck me as the clearest name to those around me. Though I do hear people refer to it as Reagan with some frequency - National is not something that I ever hear anyone (except perhaps newscasters) call the airport.
Because reagan was a terrible president! And there are too manu existing institutions in dc named after him.
Because that's what I've always called it and Reagan's political philosophy was anti-government. The money use to build the airport was raised collectively - through the government.
That's just what I've most often heard it called.
Its the airport code and its called either DCA or National.
My mom calls it that
Seems like a slap in the face to name the chocolate cityv airport after a president who was terrible for low income and minority families.
"I call it DCA, Regan, and National interchangeably, but I use DCA most often because it seems shorter. "
I don't like the movement to name all this stuff in DC for Reagan when he did not care about DC as a city.
"I'd sooner vote Republican than call it ""Reagan"" as I know that none of the local political jurisdictions or people wanted to change the name. I usually refer to it as National or DCA."
Probably because my dad wasn't a fan of Regan. Also because of nostalgia.
Because that is the short way to say Reagan National airport. He was also a president.... soooo that's an easy way to remember it.
Never call it Reagan
That's how I've heard it
I have always known it as National and it will always be National to me.
"that's what is was called, and I attended Rock Against there is that."
"I will never call it Reagan. You didn't ask for race, but I will volunteer mine - African American. Not many Reagan fans in my community."
It's what I hear it called.. I've never used it. Didn't know there was a controversy
Because it's named after Reagan.
"The situation was unacceptably political, and I dislike Reagan anyway."
That's what it's called.
"I still think it is odd that it was renamed after a living president and that it wasn't unanimous. If they had waited until after he died, the renaming wouldn't have felt so capricious. "
"I call it Reagan because everyone else does. I'd prefer not to have to say that guy's name if avoidable.
Also your popup ads deleted my survey answers twice. Harsh. "
I grew up calling it National and never thought it a big deal to change.
Original name is best name
I hate Reagan. It's National
"As a child growing up in Maryland I once called it Reagan airport and without missing a beat my mother turned to me and said, ""Honey, we are Democrats, its National."" End of debate I guess! "
That's what I've always heard it called.
I refuse to call it by the name that was shoved down our throats by the same people who deny us home rule. I don't care if it's in VA they burdened WMATA with the name change cost. They can all go to Hell.
"Because I don't think it should have been named after someone when the someone was still alive, and still object."
That's its name.
That is what I grew up calling it!
"I Lived in the DC area from 1993 to 2013. I used the airport frequently while it was still ""Washington National"". I was never a fan of Ronald Reagan and found it annoying that it was re-named in his honor."
"National airport is simpler . Too many other buildings, ships, etc have been named after Reagan already ."
I think Reagan was lame. My job is to keep oil drilling out of the Arctic Refuge. When I lived in Anchorage in the late 90s and travel to DC sometimes on Continental the flights would go Anchorage to Houston to DC or Stevens to Bush to Reagan
"Reagan fired the air traffic controllers. The airport should not have been named for him. I used National before the name changed, and I refuse to call it Reagan. "
It was National airport whEn I took my first flight in the mid 80's.
Lived here all my life. Has always been National. No reason to change. Like the BW Parkway...not Gladys Spellman.
"I've heard it called DCA, Reagan National, Reagan and National lots."
"National shows pride in our Capital city. Ronald Reagan was not from this area, nor did he perform any outstanding service to our city. "
"Because my aunt and uncle who've lived in Bethesda since the 80s make fun of me for calling it ""Reagan"". They're like, ""you mean NATIONAL??"""
It has been and always be National Airport.
That's its name.
fewest syllables and because it was already called that when I moved here (not because I'm a fan of Ronald Reagan).
Airport code.
"Because that's it's name. And calling it after Ronald Reagan is an affront to air traffic controllers, among other things. If the name were switched to Tim Howard Airport, I would gladly call it that."
I refuse to call it Regan because he was an awful president.
It's what it was called before it was renamed.
just what i've heard others call it
"Washington (as in George) National is the historical name. I'm not for renaming our ""national"" airport for Reagen, Obama, or anyone else. "
The metro stop sign
That's what it was growing up
"It's always been, and will always be, ""National"" to me. "
"a) ""National Airport"" has a great, traditional, ring to it.
b) The beatification of Ronald Reagan - while still living, mind you - always struck me as distasteful, and the renaming effort a shameful waste of taxpayer money. "
500 places were named Reagan in 1-3 years. That's ridiculous and he wasn't even dead yet. It's the National airport. How many buildings really need to be named after him?
"Out of respect for the air traffic controllers union. Also, I'd prefer not to call it Reagan, as I have little respect for the man."
I heard it called Reagan National on the radio.
because calling it Reagan is ridiculous.
So as to avoid calling it Reagan
"That's what it was called. And they changed the name while he was still alive so that's kinda meh to me. Sometimes I'll call it DCA, and super rare occasionally it'll be National-Reagan. "
That is what it was called when I moved here in 95 - back when you could show up 10 minutes before takeoff and still easily get on your flight!
It's a travesty to name an airport after Reagan. I get that he was a two-term President and should certainly have something significant named after him but an Airport? In Washington??? No!
"It is outrageous that most people in the press and in the public still call the Baltimore Airport: BWI, and not Marshall, yet have stripped Washington National of its name and identity. Even this survey fails to give Mr. Marshall his due. This ""BWI or Reagan"" double standard of disrespect along race lines is yet another reminder that black lives matter less.
Now, I'm no fan of Reagan, and think it disrespectful to name our national airport after a man who broke the ATC union. And the naming movement was a fraud telling us it would name the airport after ""a great American President"" ... as if it wasn't already.
I always ask for the airport by name, Washington National, and sometimes the airline worker has no idea what I'm talking about. Shameful.
In practice the name Reagan has supplanted the name Washington on our airport. That's sad by any measure.
Bc that's what it's called.
"As a Philadelphia native, that's what I've always heard it referred to as in the press and in casual conversation."
"I either call it Reagan or DCA, depending on the context. But when I first saw this survey I instinctively thought to call it Reagan, so I guess that's what my subconscious calls it."
I call it either National or DCA. I don't like naming airports after people.
"National Airport is essentially named for two presidents, one being Washington. In addition, Reagan was a truly awful president who doesn't deserve anything being named after him."
I would never call an airport by the name of the person who had it in for air traffic controllers.
My parents called referred to it as Reagan
National airport... because it serves the national capital.
Easiest way to refer to it.
"Partly habit, but also to protest the forced, unwanted renaming. The man's acolytes must not be very secure about his legacy since they do things like this."
"Two things:
1) DCA is misleading because of the airport's location.
2) Reagan is not bipartisan. "
Bc I do not like Ronald Reagan
"Ronald Reagan can rot in hell, the economy destroying, AIDS-denying senile bastard."
Cuz it's old skool
"After he fired the air traffic controllers, why would I give him mention? "
I thought that was its name?
"If you're going to name an airport after a president, pick one who didn't have senile dementia in office. (Also, I just don't like Reagan.)"
It's the term we locals use.
Because Ronald Regan is horrible and it's just national airport. It always has been.
That's it's (shortened) name.
I worked for a rental car company so we had to know all the airport codes.
"Because that's its name, and Ronald Reagan doesn't need any more freakin' monuments."
"I went to college and go to law school in DC, so a lot of my friends then and now are out-of-towners as well. Not everyone knows the callsign DCA, calling it ""National"" is likewise pretty nondescript, and ""Reagan"" is a lot quicker to say than ""Reagan National"" or ""Ronald Reagan National Airport"" or whatnot. "
"1. dca is what is listed on my ticket
2. i also call it national
3. Reagan has other stuff named after him."
Because it was Natioal when I lived in the D.C. area and I do not and did not like Ronald Reagan.
Cuz it's DC and its Reagan
It's relationship to the nation's capitol
Because that is it's name.
"Reagan did more damage to economic progress in the United States, and especially to Central America, than any other president. He should not be honored with an airport. And since the Republicans now want to take away freedoms from DCers that the citizens voted for, we should take their esteemed leader's name off the airport permanently. "
"Because Ronald Reagan was a horrible president whose policies were terrible and destructive and still wreak havoc on our nation. He deserves no recognition, and I refuse to associate his name with my favorite airport."
It's National Airport because it most precisely serves the national capitol.
I called it both National and DCA .... just because that's what I heard it called more often.
"""National"" is the appropriate name for an airport that faces the heart of DC. "
can't bring myself to call it reagan.
Because good Democrats know that it's not called Reagan.
"Don't like retroactive change for bogus political reasons. And I call BWI BWI, so I'm consistent."
I was lectured on the subject when I first moved to dc
"My parents call it Reagan, National, or Reagan National, but we mostly refer to it as National. "
That's the name of the airport
"My dad traveled frequently out of this airport and called it ""National."""
I often use the 3 digit abbreviations. Alternatively I'll call it National.
"It rarely comes up, but I wouldn't have thought to call it anything else."
Because that's what it's called.
Refuse to call it Reagan
"Don't like taking a stand on the ""Reagan"" thing"
"It was ""Washington National Airport"" when I was growing up and I can't bring myself to call it ""Reagan"", especially after what he did to the air traffic controllers in 1981. It is such a DC thing to name something after a person who screwed the people working there(and elsewhere in the country) and typifies the contempt that the typical ""government worker"" is held in by those in power. "
Because I don't like partisan naming being forced on fliers. Just like I don't like corporate sponsorship on stadiums. Can't fight it - but I can call it whatever I want.
"National was its original name, and is an airport that FDR signed off. And it was DC's first. They should have named something else after President Reagan."
There were already enough buildings named after Reagan.
"Just because somebody donated a bunch of money doesn't mean I have to call it by any other name! It's still National Airport but with a ""fancy"" title, given to the airport for no apparent reason! "
"Because just ""Reagan,"" to me, suggests first the former president, not an airport. And just ""National"" suggests first the car rental company. It's not until you put them together that you get a name that's specific enough to be easily immediately understood yet shorter than ""Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport.""
Also, though you didn't ask whether we had a second runner up, or occasionally used name-- I find that I do occasionally call it ""DCA,"" though that's not my primary. "
"I am still very angry that we Washingtonians were forced by Congress to change the name of our local airport to something that the majority of us did not want. It was yet more evidence to us that the majority white, Republican congress at that time had NO REGARD for our local wishes. No other American citizens are treated in such a contemptuous manner as to have their wishes for their local laws and landmarks hijacked for partisan political purposes.
I want to go to Utah or Montana and tell those people what the hell to name their buildings and airports. And if they don't like it, tell them to go straight to hell. See how THEY like it. Sanctimonious jerks. "
Ronald Reagan is the liberal antichrist.
"Used to just call it National as that is what I've always called it, but when they changed it to Regan people new to the area had no idea what National was so had to use Regan National. I wish they would drop Regan all together. He was an awful President not worthy of an airport, let alone the title president. "
That's the original name of the airport
It has always been George Washington National Airport to me. I was always disgusted that we removed our first presidents name from the airport for a polarizing president.
Acronyms and multi-word names are annoying to use in everyday conversation.
It IS Washington National airport. Already named for one president- and the locale it serves- it did not need to be re-named
It was National for a long time and I don't approve of politicizing public facilities' names. It's propaganda.
"As an aviation buff, I always like referring to airports by their IATA code i.e. DCA or IAD. Unfortunately for me, not everyone knows what I'm talking about. If I don't call it DCA, I usually call it ""Washington National"". I like that. It has a nice, old-world, classic ring to it. Our airport is definitely a classic and should have a distinguished title and I think Washington National fits very well. Of course, I mean nothing against our beloved Ronald Reagan."
Statue of Reagan When you pull in. Also call it DCA sometimes.
Because it's our national airport. And Reagan has way too much shit named after him.
"I've had a few people look confused or correct me when using ""National"" or ""Reagan."" I think it's silly for people to have political opinions about the name of an airport, so in my head and verbally, I've taken to referring to it as ""DCA."" Thanks for polling on this; pretty interesting."
It's a cross between dca and reagan... Why? No clue
I alternate between Reagan and DCA depending on who I am talking to. Most cab drivers for example call it DCA so when telling them where I'm going I just say DCA. IN general conversation I say Reagan more.
"It's an easy form of protest. Of people who don't refer to the airport as Reagan, one of the other key distinctions (and one that marks the difference between the person you roll your eyes at and the person you want to smack) is whether someone pretends not to know what airport is being spoken of when it's referred to as Reagan."
"Because I hate Ronald Reagan. Dulles brothers were horrible too, but nobody uses an alternative (IAD)?"
eff reagan
"I call it what it was called when I moved to DC in 1976: National. Occasionally I think of it as Reagan, but more often my second thought is DCA. "
"I think because I grew up in the DC area and my parents always called it ""National."""
"There's no way in hell I'm calling it Reagan. I grew up next to a US Airways pilot, and heard stories about Reagan firing the air traffic controllers and trying to shut down that airport (note: I have never done my own research on this, have just based it off of personal stories. Irresponsible I know!)"
Fuck Reagan
"As a former pilot in the military, I just use the identifier vice the actual airport name..."
Either national or DCA. DCA is a little shorter and it helps me remember the airport code when searching for flights!
I like that it was named for george washington
Sometimes when I'm being tongue-in-cheek I'll give Grover due credit for the name change by calling it Reagn-Norquist.
Lived in NoVa since 67. That' s its name!
It had a name that never should have been changed. It was already named for the 1st potus.
"I have always called it ""National"" and my NOVA spouse has only reinforced this usage. Especially now that we have lived in Northern California for many years, I'm particularly disinclined to be fond of anything with the moniker ""Reagan"""
"Because it used to be called Reagan, but others (news agencies) call it National. I still think if it as Reagan, but call it Reagan National now so everyone knows which airport I'm talking sbout."
"When I first moved to DC I called it Reagan or DCA, but around the 2 or 3 year mark I switched to National. I think that most people know what national means for the airport but not everybody knows Reagan or DCA. "
"The firing of the air traffic controllers, as well as Bob Barr (R-Ga)'s renaming effort as forced on WMATA and Arlington County cemented desire not to use the now-official name."
"I've lived in DC area since 1985 and have always called it National. There are already plenty of things with Reagan's name, he wasn't that great of a President in light of his refusal to acknowledge AIDS before so many died. There are some great things he accomplished but there are others that he ignored. IMHO. "
That's what it says on my ticket.
"Nation's Capital, National Airport. Possibly false logic, but I never considered the airport before to know."
"""Reagan"" is the easiest name to use."
It's easy to say and not political!
"Ugh Reagan...I don't like thinking about him (or, more specifically, his economic policy). "
It was National when I lived in NOVA.
It's easier to default to a simple airport code than to become trapped in the linguistic minefield that's been created around That Airport.
Will never call it Reagan!
"I always heard it referred to as Reagan so that's what I called it, although I once got scolded for saying ""Reagan"" out loud."
Ronald Reagan deserves no such honor.
I don't think Ronald Reagan is anyone to be proud of.
I think I'm 80% national 20% DCA
Because I refuse to acknowledge Reagan's presidency.
Thats what everyone else calls it.
Because Reagan National is too long.
Don't like Reagan.
"I call it National, because it always been that way. Once it sticks, it sticks. You can't change greatness."
I grew up having it called Reagan by my parents and just call it national because of what people around me typically call it. It doesn't really matter but national is short and easy. It was a toss up between national and dca.
There's a statue of Reagan when you go to the airport
Because that's the name...
"Training by my old roommate and friend who is from the area, but I will slip up and call it dca from time to time."
Because I'm sure as hell not going to call it Reagan.
Because fuck Ronald Regan
Because that's its name.
It's the National airport. It shouldn't be named after a mediocre president.
Because that's what it is. And used to be National but no longer.
A combination of old habits being hard to die and annoyance at the worship of that man and the naming of stuff after him before he died.
Because that's what people called it when I lived in Alexandria.
"I wish I remembered to call it National, but I always forget. "
"It's the fastest way to call it, 2 syllables and people know what I'm talking about. "
"I call it DCA because as a frequent flyer I think in airport codes. However, when I'm talking to someone who might not know the code, I purposefully call it ""National"" because that's the original name and I refuse to acknowledge the president it was later named after. Other landmarks or buildings, I have no choice, but this one I do."
Names are easy to remember. Random letters are not.
That's its name
I never liked Reagan or his politics.
"It was always referred to as ""National"" when I was little, and those around me continue to call it ""National."" I also don't like that it was named after Reagan while he was still alive. I think this sort of honor should only be posthumous."
I fly so much that I think in airport codes.
"I call it Reagan or National usually, so I guess Reagan National. In writing/when booking flights it's DCA. Lived in DC/Baltimore area from age 11 till 24, just moved away for school."
That's it's callsign.
I grew up calling it National Airport. It's in the nation's capital (sort of) and the name makes sense. Naming it after the president whi was in office during an air traffic controller strike is improper.
"It's always been National. The name ""Reagan"" is just one more assertion of Congress's dominance over the District, and is super offensive, particularly given Reagan's role in breaking the PATCO strike."
"Ronald Reagan disrespected the people, and the democracy of the District of Columbia. It is an insult to the residents of the District of Columbia for NATIONAL AIRPORT to be named in his honor. "
"Hard to change names when you've been calling it one thing your whole life. Plus, Reagan hated air traffic controllers, so it seems an odd thing (both for him and for the airport) for it to be named after him. "
I either call it Reagan or DCA
Familiarity with airport codes keeps things straight.
"because I never recognized or wanted the name change. It's National. Period. I also call BWI BWI. Though Thurgood Marshall's contributions far outweighs those of R. Reagan. if you say Reagan, you're letting me know you're a not a real Washingtonion. "
That man does NOT deserve an airport. The irony...
Thats what it was called when I moved to dc in 1993.
Habit - that's what everyone I know who's lived here for a long time calls it. Kind of like the really old timers that still sometimes call the American Legion Bridge the Cabin John Bridge.
It is simple. Everyone knows what you are referring to.
Reagan is a pig.
"Because invoking the name ""Reagan"" makes me feel gross."
I call it rae rae's landing strip
I refer to all airports by their codes - it's easier.
"It seems to slip off the tongue most easily, although I really wish we named the airport after someone else."
I'm not a Ronald Reagan fan.
"Because I don't feel like President Reagan is someone I want to honor. I don't think he was a good President. I also like calling airports by their 3 letter abbreviations as a thing generally; I really like that Portland, OR goes by ""PDX"" as a nickname."
That is how I originally knew it
Because Reagan is an abomination
That's what it was called growing up.
"Because the official name is a a cynical mocking insult to workers, unions, and anyone with a conscience who has ever depended on a salary to support themselves and their family."
"Use DCA, Reagan and NatIonal interchangably. But probably use National in conversation most."
It's always been National Airport.
That is its name.
"It's the proper name, albeit abbreviated "
"My dad's a pilot, so mostly I use the airport codes."
"Fuck Ronald Reagan!"
"when I research flights, DCA is what I enter as my departure airport. and I knew as a kid that Reagan's financial policies were going to ruin this country."
"I grew up calling it National, and so does my dad's family who have lived in the DC area since 1965. Plus I really don't get the obsession with President Reagan. "
"Washington National Airport is used by those who fly into Washington, DC, the Nation's Capital. The addition of Ronald Reagan's name to the name of this airport seems odd and confusing, since Reagan was from California, not Washington, DC, and he did nothing special for this airport. He has been honored by having his name on the Emergency Medical Institute of GW University Hospital (where his life was saved), and on the Reagan International Trade Center Building near the White House (which he was instrumental in getting built). As president his statue, along with statues of a half-dozen other presidents, stands in the Rotunda of the US Capitol. All of these are appropriate ""memorials"" to Ronald Reagan. Adding Reagan's name on this airport (that was appropriately, already named for a president and the city where it is located) is awkward, difficult to say, and confusing, and wrong."
I didn't like Reagan's policies.
"DCA is clear, efficient, and doesn't praise a president who I strongly disagree with. I'd be open to a new name that celebrates a person important to the residents of the DC area. "
because I was raised in a household where the name of the individual was a curse word.
"I do not wish to call it ""Reagan"" because I do not believe it is right to honor a man whose policies were so harmful and in many cases, criminal. A friend who grew up in the area indicated his own objection to the name and I followed suit because I thought he made a good point. "
That was its name.
Because that's it's name :-)
"I always called it Reagan until a friend in college referred to it as ""TD"". A request for clarification yielded ""Trickle Down"". Still makes me laugh..."
That's what it is called.
Because I refuse to participate in the unnecessary tribute to the second worst president in US history.
"The official name change to ""Reagan National Airport"" was a politically-motivated stunt by former Rep. Bob Barr (R-GA). I don't subscribe to that ethos. "
DCA is the identifying code that airline ticketing websites use.
"That's the name when we moved here. Besides, having it named after two presidents is a little ridiculous. "
I refuse to call it the R word...
"Because National is its name, screw Reagan."
Its title smacks of petty congressional partisanship. Nothing particularly Reaganesque about it.
"It is the national airport. Not the airport of a controversial president who got support to name the airport after him shortly after his death.
We should call it Maddison, Adams, or Jefferson. Heck, call it Eisenhower."
Ronald Reagan fired the air traffic controllers and does not deserve to have an airport named after him.
Because reasons.
It's a political statement (against Reagan).
I work for an airline.
"I didn't even think twice: it's called Reagan. Reagan National if we're being detailed. But if you call it National, I know what you're talking about. DCA is only for out-of-towners."
It was National when I first used it and I was never a fan of Ronald Reagan
"That's just what I've heard it called by my parents in Baltimore, and my colleagues in College Park."
It will always be National to me and I would call it something else if it had been named something other then Reagan.
"It was already named after a US president. I wouldn't have a problem with the renaming had Mr. Reagan lived in the DC area prior to his becoming President, but this was a product of the ongoing Republican hagiography of Mr. Reagan."
"Because I don't want to call it Reagan but know that it's not really ""National"" anymore. "
"When I lived in DC, that is kind of what everyone called it, so I just followed suit. I sort of wish that was not the case. National has a better ring to it, to me, but I seem unable to break the ""Reagan"" habit."
"Adding ""Ronald Reagan"" is superfluous "
Because fuck Ronald Reagan
I refuse to use Reagan's name to refer to that airport because he fired and replaced striking air traffic controllers after using their union for an endorsement when he ran for president.
To avoid saying Reagan
"I've called it Reagan a lot because that's what is pushed by advertizing and the Metro stop, but older DC area residents have encouraged me to try to reclaim National especially considering Reagan's legacy. But for now I always have to think twice before coming up with National."
Its proper name is and should be Washington national airport named after our first president and the city In which it USE to reside in.
That's its name.
I call it DCA because that is the 3 letter name given to it when booking a flight. I will also occasionally refer to it as Reagan.
Parents call it that
It is Ronald Reagan National Airport because he deserves to be remembered!
Never really thought about it. I always heard it called National.
"I used to call it National exclusively, but switched to DCA because it's the code that comes up when I book flights. Just feels more natural now. "
"I normally call it Reagan, but sometimes DCA or Reagan-DCA. "
"Grew up in California, where several major airports are referred to by their IATA code (E.g., SFO and LAX). "
Because it was National Airport before they added the Reagan part.
"I refuse to call it Reagan. If his committee had its way, everything would be named Reagan. They even tried to rename 16th St. NW Reagan Blvd. In DC! They must be stopped!"
Because that's the name of the airport.
"Did you not learn your nation's airport codes in high school? -Kenneth, 30 Rock"
That's what is showed on my first ticket
"I'm new to the area, and I once called the airport Reagan in the company of a friend from DC. I was immediately schooled on how it is always called National and never Reagan. After all, who wants to be reminded of Reagan? Not me, and evidently not the majority of the population of DC. "
Isn't that the name of the Metro stop?
fuck Ronald Reagan
Reagan or DCA
"Washington National - that just makes the most sense, or National because that's what the airport used to be called. plus it's by our nation's capital."
Reagan ruined the country.
My parents and family all call it Reagan.
because the hell with reagan's fake legacy
Isn't that its name?
"It has always been ""National"". "
"I do not think Ronald Reagan should be honored in this way. In my opinion, his presidency is the root cause of many/most of the problems our country faces today. Therefore I actively refuse to call the airport by his name. "
"If not National, then DCA. "
"It's always been National--you can't just slap on a president's name (especially when said president is alive). Although I was only 5 when they put Reagan's name on the airport, my parents raised me well and I would never refer to it as anything other than National. It also just makes more sense: It's the airport for the nation's capital. Ronald Reagan is pretty random and non-intuitive in the way National is."
"I actually don't live in DC, but when I told a friend who does what airport I was flying into, he corrected me and told me what I should actually call the airport.
We share similar demographics."
"while a majority of the time i simply refer to the airport as DCA, from time to time i will call it National, Washington National or Reagan National----but mostly its just easier to say DCA"
He laid off the air traffic controllers and so it was moronic to name an airport after him.
I will never call it by the name of the president who destroyed the air controllers' union.
Reagan International
"First and foremost, it is extremely inappropriate to name an airport serving the Nation's capital after such a polarizing figure. Also, I'm not a big fan of retroactively naming buildings, wasting taxpayers' money re-doing hundreds of signs to satisfy a political whim, or giving buildings exceedingly long names. "
"I'm young but I have a soft spot for old names, especially for airports, since my family loves to fly. I occasionally have to avoid calling JFK in New York ""Idlewild."" I refuse to call Newark Airport ""Newark Liberty International Airport."" Also, Reagan didn't do enough good as President to deserve an airport. Name it after FDR and I'd call it FDR National or even just FDR."
"Because that's its name, isn't it?"
Reagan does not deserve this type of recognition. He was not a great president. Only the great presidents regardless of party deserve that distinction.
That's what I grew up calling it.
It's how I've always known it and I was a fan of Reagan's.
"It's a matter of pride. The airport was called National airport, and who from DC has any love for Reagan? "
"Reagan was lucky to escape impeachment over Iran-Contra. I have no desire to honor him, and certainly not with an airport when he's the guy who fired the air traffic controllers."
"It's the shortest, quickest name. Second choice would be Reagan National."
Reagan was an asshole.
"I flew into DCA regularly from 1985-2010 when I worked for the University of California System and occasionally visited DCA before then to photograph airliners (still my hobby - aircraft photography). The airport with the beautiful approach past The Capitol and over the Potomac was Washington National then and still is in my mind. Despite my political affiliation, I'm a Californian and like Ronald Reagan. Just never got used to DCA being Reagan. "
"Say what you want about his politics, you have to respect the office and role in history. Not a fan of Carter, Ford, HW Bush, or W Bush but if something was named after them then I would use that name."
I hate to admit that I sometimes call it Reagan National.
I call it National Airport because that is its name. It disgusted me when they renamed it in honor of the president who killed the economy and ignored AIDS just to name a few of his accomplishments. The name needs to be changed back to Washington National Airport.
"Because that is its name. Regardless how anyone feels about the man for whom it is now named, that is its name. Sometimes I do shorten to Reagan, or National, but usually I refer to it is Reagan National Airport. "
Well that's the original name and it was working just fine. Plus I was a bit over all the glorification of Reagan.
It quite literally says 'DCA' on boarding tickets.
It's always been National.
Because I'm a Democrat.
that's it's name
It was national growing up
That's what I heard others calling it when I grew up. Very rarely I'll use Reagan National.
"An airport named Reagan? Really? After what he did to the air traffic controllers, it seems like adding insult to injury. National is the best name."
Because that's its name.
What I'm used to calling it.
To tease my republican friends. It drives them nuts!
Shortened version of it's full name.
That's the name. That's why.
"Fuck Reagan, man."
I grew up in the DC area in the 80's and 90's. It was just called Washington National or just National Airport for short. I do not like nor aprive of the way the airport was renamed and I just to chose to use National.
Airline background
I flew in there once in High School and that's what I remember it being called.
Fly every week of the year and saying DCA is easier than saying National.
That is what everyone calls it. That or DCA.
Because that's what it's called. and Fuck reagan.
Because Reagan was a terrible president yet the GOP still venerate him as a saint.
"If I'm referring to the airport in the context of booking tickets then I always call it DCA. If I tell a cab driver to drive me to the airport, I usually call it National. If I'm talking in conversation I will usually use National by will sometimes cal it Reagan. "
"It is a travesty that it is named after a man who so upset the air traffic controllers, and who, in general, was a poor president."
"I actually rotate between national, Reagan and DCA and can't decide which one I use more frequently. I probably decide based on what people around me say. "
That's what others in my social circles called it.
Because to call that air port Reagan is a slap in the face to the PATCO Union that Reagan busted during his tenure as president. The fact the airport was named after him is a disgrace to the American worker's right to organize and negotiate.
Hard to change after so many years!
"As you are probably aware, Captain Antilles was a prominent leader in the Rebellion against the Galactic Empire, a once owner of the droids, R2-D2 and C-3PO, as well as the captain of Princess Leia Organa's blockade runner, the Tantive IV. He met his despise roughly 30 years after the fall of the Republic. He was an experienced pilot (both air and space), and his legacy will live on forever since National Airport's name was officially changed to ""Captain Antilles Sky-Boat Laboratory."" Viva La Rebel Alliance!"
That's what it was called before Reagans name was added.
My family raised me refusing to call the airport by the name of the man who fired the air traffic controllers. I also occasionally refer to it as DCA.
Always have. :-)
Because I learned it first as National and I don't want to call it Reagan. I don't know why the name was even changed.
Tradition and dislike of Ronald Reagan. Believe it's disgraceful to name an airport after a president that caused so much harm to the American public.
Because there's no reason to call it Reagan. He didn't do anything significant regarding that airport (creating or changing) nor did he utilize it particularly frequently. It's naming something after Reagan purely for the sake of naming something after him.
The Reagan era was a disgrace
"After Reagan busted PATCO, why in hell would I grace an airport with that man's name? It will always be National to me. "
"I grew up calling it National Airport and am not a huge fan of Ronald Reagan to begin with, so I'm going to keep calling it National. Sometimes DCA, but really only when I'm talking to airline people."
National was just fine. Reagan has a building and lord knows what else; he doesn't need an airport in a city he probably didn't even like. And attempts to compound the name just sound dumb.
My dad always called it DCA (he refers to all airports by their codes) but my mother always called it Reagan ... Guess that stuck.
"Unlike the other terms, ""DCA"" is unambiguous and unique. Like ""BWI,"" (and unlike IAD), it is fully accessible from Baltimore by rail/metro alone.
That, and I usually use the three-letter codes to refer to the airport, regardless of which airport is being discussed."
I have a strong dislike for reagan
"It should never have been named after Reagan because a) he was still alive, b) As Washington National it was already named for George Washington and c) naming any airport for Reagan is a bit of a kick in the teeth to ACT."
"Isn't that its name?
"It had a name before the Republicans decided to push for a name change. If you want something named after you, have it built don't just slap a name change on an already existing building."
"Because that is the Airport code, I call all airports by the airport code (e.g. LAX, ATL, BWI), except for Dulles because I don't know what that is."
the airport is named after 1 president it doesn't need to be named after another
I say Reagan because it's shorter than saying Reagan National Airport.
Why call it anything else?
"I call it DCA, because the name is District of Columbia Airport."
Reagan did nothing to deserve having anything named after him. The sooner the country forgets him and his pathetic legacy the better off we will be.
"For the same reason that I refer to ""BWI"" and not ""Thurgood Marshall"". "
Grew up calling it National.
"Just because some jerk on the Hill thinks ""God"" told him to name everything after the late president Ronald Reagan, does not mean that a, it should be so and b, everyone has to change their common place lexicon. "
Because that is its name.
That's what ppl have always called it
"Work for TSA HQ. Speak in airport codes
I'm not a fan of Reagan
It's its name. :)
That's what it was called while I was growing up.
Because that is its name. I was horrified when it was renamed for a president who fired traffic controllers. That was just so wrong.
I'm not even sure what airport you are talking about but I have heard of an airport called Reagan National so I just guessed that that is the name.
That is just always what I have called it.
Because my mom didn't like Reagan and called it national and im not a fan of his either
Refuse to call it Reagan. At least Presidents Kennedy and Bush were pilots.
Because everyone else does. Would rather not call it Reagan.
I refuse to embrace the irony of naming an airport after a President (who was not from the state) who through his actions with the air traffic controllers fostered the environment I had to suffer through for 7 years as an FAA contractor.
"It's simple, easy to say and everyone knows which airport you are talking about."
Refuse to call it after a terrible president.
"That's what it was called when I moved to the area in 1996, and although it changed shortly after, I was young and the adults around me continued to call it National, so that's what I grew up hearing and calling it."
Because that's what it is.
I thought that is what it is called.
I call it DCA because when I search to book flights online I type in DCA.
"I use Reagan, National, Reagan National and DCA."
"Convenience. I call it 'Washington National' when outside the DC area. ""Reagan National"" inside the DC area avoids this conversation."
It is called Washington National Airport. I don't know who decided to put that awful name on our perfectly good airport.
"I've tried to call it Reagan or National, and no one knows what I'm talking about. I've since started calling it DCA. Also it's easier and helpful to remember the code when booking flights online. "
"Anyone who travels frequently refers to most airports by their 3-letter code, DFW, LAX, JFK, some exceptions include O'hare, Dulles, Newark etc."
"If I can avoid using Reagan's name, I will."
Because that's its name...
That is it's name.
The name congress choose flies in the face of the chosen Namesake. Pres. Reagan believed in states and local rights and not federal mandates.
"I loved reading an article about the change to Reagan National. Some fool sad it was changed because they wanted to name the airport after a president. Uh, Washington? Washington National? Plus, RR doesn't exist for me, hence, it will be forever referred to as National Airport."
"The airport is formally called Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, thus Reagan for short."
Because I loathe Ronald Reagan and this ridiculous campaign to name everything after him.
ICAO phonetics for the win.
Because that's what it was before republicans made the forcible change.
"""Reagan"" has the fewest syllables, so I use that name when speaking. I generally use ""DCA"" when typing, because it has the fewest letters. Ease is the deciding factor."
"Reagan was a disaster for our country. Deregulation helped reduce the middle class, the phony budget savings became enormous debt. I think the name should be changed back to national airport."
I hated Ronald Reagan. He destroyed the country.
That's just what I heard. I've also called it DCA.
"It's National Aiport. I refuse to call it by the name of that lousy president and resent that a member of congress had a crusade to have something named for that president in every state and imposed it on DC's airport, as well as a huge building downtown!"
Reagan is such a polarizing name for D.C.'s airport. Most people I know--even the new transplants--call it National because that's still how it's generally referred as locally.
"It is and always shall be ""National""
Who is this ""Reagan"" of which you speak?"
"It's always been National. Plus, don't care for President Reagan."
Because I refer to all airports as their airport codes! Lol
Ronald Reagan National Airport
screw reagan. DCA cause its whats on the ticket
Calling it DCA is the least confusing choice because no one else can agree on a name.
I grew up knowing it by that name.
"I either call it Reagan or National, usually National. I call it this because it's how I've heard it been referred to as while growing up. "
"Reagan the person is overrated.
he harmed this country"
"Because this is DC. and the only way I am calling it anything else but National, is if it's Marion Barry/National."
Because that is the name of it. Just like JFK in New York.
I've done enough flying in my lifetime into and out of cities/regions with multiple airports - including planning and booking those flights - that I'm accustomed to referring to many of those airports by the initials that I have to type into booking websites.
It was National for most of the years I've known it. The Reagan addition is a relatively new thing.
"Highly irritating that they changed the name, that the District and Metro had to pick up the bill for changing all of the Metro signs and maps. There's plenty of things named after Reagan. My airport doesn't need to be one of them. Will never EVER call it Reagan or anything with that name in it. "
My parents always called it National. It will always be National and not He Who Shall Not Be Named.
That's what WMAA and my airline call it
I'm don't like Ronald Reagan!
Don't particularly care for Reagan
because Reagan sucks.
Seemed like the norm when I moved to DC about 9 years ago
Because Reagan was a hack and naming an airport after him is a deliberate insult to the air traffic controllers whose union he destroyed.
Ronald Reagan doesn't deserve his own airport.
"Enen though Ronald Reagan Washington (RRW) was an awesome dude, his name takes way too long to say to the cabbies! "
"Reagan was a horrible president. To call The airport by his name, after he fired tons of air traffic controllers, is a huge insult."
Grew up with it.
It was introduced to me as National. So that's what I call it.
"Reagan is how I heard it referred to when I first moved to the city in 2008, and it has a more specific meaning than National to me because of the baseball team. For the first couple years I didn't do much flying, so I didn't know the airport's initials. Now I use Reagan and DCA interchangeably, but I still probably use Reagan more often out of habit. I'm actually not a huge fan of the former President (l'm a lousy Republican, I know), but ever since I realized that liberals call it National as a form of protest, I utterly refuse to call it National on principle."
I can't bring myself to call it Reagan. He was a disgrace as a president.
He fired the striking air traffic controllers. Seriously.
Because it's named after the greatest president of the 20th century. And because it infuriates Dems to call it that.
Reagan is short and descriptive. I also refer to it as DCA.
"I refer to almost all airports by their code. O'Hare is the only one I can think of off the top of my head that I refer to by its proper ""name."""
Born and raised in DC it will forever be National!
"Never liked Reagan. It's a political thing for me. And force of habit.
I do know what people mean when they say ""Reagan National Airport.""
But I'm really liking the idea of calling it ""the airport in Nirthern Virginia that's not Dulles"""
It's what I type when looking for flights
"Washington National was already named after a president. It was unnecessary to add ""Reagan""."
"I say ""National"" or ""Washington National"" because that's its name to me, since that's how I grew up with it. Also, I prefer not to use a politically divisive name to describe a major service point of our nation's capital."
Well because it's National and The Ronnie is a tongue in cheek name.
Washington National or DCA.
That's the first name of the person that the airport was named after.
"Because it's not fucking ""Reagan"""
That was it's original name AND I can't stand the canonization of Ronald Reagan. He was a crappy president.
It's what I was told the name was.
DCA is the airport code and it's what I see every time I book a flight or look at my itinerary.
"Regan ""privatized"" it by leasing it to a special-purpose local public authority. It's the opposite of his. It's National. It was even named National in a Federal statute. It has literally nothing whatsoever to do with Reagan.
I feel that it is the most commonly used name. Promotes familiarity
"Because that's the name and when I learned the negative stigma, I had already developed the habit."
"Short, concise, to the point."
Refuse to call it Reagan.
Because Reagan was a moron and a crook and was against the air traffic controllers' union. Norhing related to aviation should ever be/have been named for him.
"That's what I've a,ways called it."
I worked for Congresswoman Andrea Seastrand (R-CA) who sponsored the legislation renaming it the Ronald Reagan National Airport.
"Because I thoroughly dislike Reagan. He doesn't deserve to have anything named after him, let alone an airport. "
"Because we shouldn't name buildings, airports, or facilities after assholes."
Because Ronald Reagan did awful things to this country and I was raised better than to call National airport after him.
"Prefer not to say ""Reagan"""
"Having never flown in or out of it, I call it Reagan because that's how I've heard it referred to on TV (West Wing, Covert Affairs, etc.)"
I go there almost every day to work picking people up and dropping people off. It's also the easiest thing to call it while imputing it into google maps - DCA.
It's easy and simple
"Frequent use of online websites for booking of flights, "
I thought Ronald Reagan was an awful president and I won't use his name. I would like the airport name to be changed.
"Because it was National when I arrived in DC in late 80s. Airports I began using after the advent of easy online booking I call by their acronyms. I would probably call National ""DCA"" if it hadn't been my home airport in late 80s, early 90s..."
"it was christened National, and this fetish to name everything ""Reagan"" annoys me. If they want to do that, then do it the whole way, label the bathrooms ""The Ronald Reagan Memorial Bathroom"" at the Ronald Reagan National Airport. See who calls the bathrooms by the full name :-)
Because Ronald Reagan was a Great POTUS!
I will never call DCA by the name of the man who single handedly set back air traffic control for a decade through his mean and petty crushing of PATCO.
3 minutes to midnight. War on drugs. Welfare queens.
"Washington was a better president than Reagan, so his name gets to stay on the airport"
"I would rather not call upon he, who should not be named. What great burdens he has caused us - then and now."
"As a union member and someone opposed to state murder of indigenous Guatemalans, I strongly feel that Ronald Reagan's name belongs in the dustbin of history, not adorning the workplaces of workers he attacked. I therefore refer to the airport as ""PATCO"" and will continue to do so until its name is changed."
Spending time with born and bread Maryland residents for four years at University of Maryland.
"I call it DCA when booking flights, and National when referring to the place."
"Pick a reason: How Gov. Reagan treated protesting students in the Bay Area as if they were wild dogs so he could establish his law & order bona fides with the national GOP. How crack happened in America on President Reagan's watch. Either way, that guy is nothing like the political deity some crazy ass conservatives wish to portray him as. "
"Reagan doesn't deserve the credit. Airports history is long and interesting, all without Reagan. Also, it's a domestic airport so National is also very accurate. "
"National is what I always knew it to be called.
I hate the racist who it's supposed to be now named for."
Traditionalist. What the founding fathers/mothers intended. Honest. Represents all.
I don't like Reagan and don't think he was much of a president. It's funny because I have no problem calling Bush (in Houston) by its current name. But then he wasn't so bad as a president.
To appease both sides!
"Probably because my wife, who's a local, calls it that."
"Because that's the name. Congress, as usual, meddled in local DC affairs in forcing the name change on us when we didn't want the name changed. And if we had wanted the name changed, I doubt we would have picked the name of the man who broke the air traffic controllers union. The renaming was just insulting."
"It's easy. It was National when I lived in DC years ago but Reagan is the easiest way to refer to it. National sounds like the rental car company. Funny because I don't call BWI ""Marshall"". I dunno. I lived in Baltimore 1980-1998, DC 1998-1999, Baltimore 1999-2010, NOVA 2010-present. Maybe that's why- I'm not a true DC native. "
Always and only National or DCA - NEVER ever Reagan
"Because that's it's name. By the way, the airport near Baltimore is Friendship. "
"I don't agree with the policy of enshrining leaders by naming things after them right after they leave office. And note, they named things after Bush and Reagan, but not Clinton, and probably not Obama either. It's just stupid."
Because it's our NATION'S airport... Not Reagan's airport
Because it is named national and I never liked Regan as president so I'm not calling it after him
It was and always has been National. Not International like the others. That alone makes its status NATIONAL.
That's the name of it!
"Efficiency. When speaking, ""Reagan"" has fewer syllables than any other option. If I'm typing, I'm more likely to write DCA."
Because it's an affront to air traffic controllers to call this airport by that cretin's name.
"Names change, but airport codes are forever. "
It seems quick to say?
"Don't want to call it reagan, but also it's call sign is the easiest to look it up on sites and refer to it when traveling. National is a close second."
I use it for flight searches online and prefer airport codes!
"Just another example of Congressional Republicans sticking it to Democratic DC and NoVa. Thankfully they didn't succeed in renaming 16th St. too.
Reminds me of how revealing it is to call a certain Irish town Derry or Londonderry.
My grandmother was a travel agent and used call letters for all airports so sometimes I resort to the more neutral DCA."
"Sometimes I catch myself calling it other names, so it's not an exclusive thing for me. But it SHOULD be ""National."""
'Reagan' was imposed as a name.
Because it is wrong that Congress changed the name of National Airport without the consent of DC residents.
because I've oly known it as bearing that name. Washington's National Airport!
Because that's the word code I enter when searching for a flight.
So there will be no confusion
It's what everyone called it when I moved here in 2000.
"Aside from Reagan's rather checkered history working with the airline industry, I found the naming to be more politically motivated than out of genuine appreciation for the person. I mean why an airport? The Ronald Reagan Film Studies center I could understand even if I didn't agree, but an airport?"
Reagan was a disaster for the country and so the airport should not be named after him.
DCA in writing and Reagan in speech.
That is what my parents called it...also I cringe when people call it Reagan.
Because that's the real name.
"In part because my dad always calls it that, and he grew up in Falls Church. Also, Reagan? No thanks."
National makes it sound more dignified and official.
Because I love Reagan. I also call it DCA fairly frequently.
Because its how I think of it. And I think it was silly and childish of the Republicans to name the airport after the guy who fired all of the air traffic controllers.
"I call it National because Ronald Reagan was a horrible man whose fiscal conservatism and foreign policy, particularly in relation to Latin America, took the lives and livelihoods of many, particularly those who are not white, wealthy, straight, American men. I do not think he deserves the honor of an airport named after him."
Official name on FAA docs is Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. Reagan is simply the first keyword.
Should be named for the Nation's Capital not individual presidentss
That's its name.
"I use all the options. Older locals say national, because they were here before it was Reagan. The news channel influences too. They call it Reagan National."
"I never felt that Reagan deserved to have the airport named after him any more than the Dulles brothers, authors of ruthless international politics, deserved to have one named after them. At least the naming criteria appears consistent: name airports after somewhat vile people. "
Because it was Washington National before politicians renamed it. The previous name was sufficient and not a mouthful to say.
"The need to rename everything is absurd. And despite believing Thurgood Marshall was an exceptional human being, I only call the Maryland airport BWI. Why should Reagan get different treatment?"
"I called it Reagan when I lived in DC, but now that I live in Michigan, I've begun calling in DCA because that's what I search for when booking. I wish I called it National, but can't seem to make that stick."
It's what my parents called it.
Reagan was a fraud and a bigot... Not the saint he's made out to be by the Political Right.
"It was already named after a President, and adding another President's name is shameful, especially given all the damage he did to this country."
Mostly because I'm so used to seeing it referred to DCA on online booking forms.
Because Ronald Reagan doesn't deserve anything named after him
"Naming things after Presidents for no reason is ... less than ideal. The airport's name is DCA and/or National. Any other name is a political stunt, akin to calling the Democratic Party the Democrat Party."
That's what it was called when I first learned of its existence.
Reagan was a horrible president/person and shouldn't have an airport named after him.
"1. The airport was already named after a president: Washington.
2. The fact that the airport was based in direct proximity to the nation's capital makes it the National Airport.
3. The naming of the airport after Ronald Reagan was a brazen political move that should not be attached to the National Airport by partisans of either party."
Cause Reagan was a d*ck!
It's named the Ronald Reagan National Airport. Calling it Reagan just makes sense.
Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport is a bit of a mouthful.
"Isn't it its name, ""National?"""
nothing should be named after the president who systematically dismantled the middle class from 1981 - 1989 and committed war crimes and so much more.
"Prefer National, I say Reagan cause it's shorter, even though I can't stand the name "
I use both Reagan and National together because then everyone knows what I'm taking about. Sometimes I also go with DCA if talking to someone who travels a lot.
"I use DCA, Reagan National, and Reagan interchangeably. DCA cane first to mind because I've traveled a lot this year and I use the airport code frequently. "
"just because someone decided on a name change, doesn't mean I'll follow along (nothing against Reagan himself); it's always been ""National Airport"" or more casually called ""National"" to me"
I will never refer to it by any name that makes reference to RR.
"It's short, and also has the benefit of being nonpartisan. "
It is what I grew up hearing.
Short and to the point. And I won't call it Regean
Love the idea that the airport closest to DC is called the nonpartisan name: NATIONAL!
"Shortest name primarily. Secondary reason is that I disliked the president the official name represents, though his party has declined in the subsequent decades."
"It's the easiest to say--it just rolls off the tongue, and it's not generic like ""National."" Blech."
Probably because that's what I heard other people call it
"As native from the metro area, I called it National growing up but took most family trips out of BWI. When I started college in DC in 2008, I couldn't understand why everyone called it Reagan, then learned it was renamed. I subsequently forgot which was the old name, and settled on calling it by the airport code to avoid confusion between newcomers and old timers. "
"People outside of the area don't know about the Ronald Reagan Legacy Project and how they worked to get things, such as DCA, named after Reagan. Most outside of DC also don't know it is also referred to as National. They just called it DC. I call most airports by their codes because it is how I remember when booking tickets. Lastly, I am not a fan of Reaganomics, so I wouldn't call it Reagan."
Because Reagan doesn't deserve it after what he did to the air traffic controllers
"The ""naming blitz"" was a textbook example of adolescent behavior; and naming things after, at best, mediocre politicians is just dumb."
"I lived in the D.C. area from 1973 to 1977, so it'll always be National to me."
I always called it National until I moved away. I never approved of the switch to Reagan. In recent years I've switched to dca because I work for an airline and I refer to most airports by their codes. Anything but Reagan. Our national airport shouldn't be divisive.
"Because the ""Nation's Capital's"" airport should have a politically neutral name."
As long as I can remember it was called National Airport. Short and simple. Why complicate things?
Anything but Reagan! Naming an airport after the guy who fired the people who made the airport work is just . . . indicative of everything that's wrong with the country.
"Because I REFUSE to acknowledge his name on anything.
Shortest number of syllables?
Because reagan sucks
"I use ""Reagan"" and ""DCA"" interchangeably, but multiple choices were not allowed."
"Because the people in the region and their congressional representatives, did not want the name change."
The name was forced on us by a congressman from Georgia. I will call it Reagan when they name the Atlanta airport after Jimmy Carter.
"It was National when I moved to DC in 1977 and I got used to calling it that. I'm no Reagan fan, so why change what I call the airport."
shorter version of what it's called on the metro
Knew it as National first; reaction to the late 90s/early aughts push to name every brick after Reagan; feeling that it's obscene to name an airport after the man who fired all the air traffic controllers.
Because using 3 letter airport codes is easier/faster/clearer/&c.
They should have never changed the name.
Because I did not care for the policies of the person in the name that some people use. Nothing personal.
"Because I didn't like the idea of them naming the airport after a man before he was deceased, particularly given that the air traffic controllers' strike took place under his leadership. "
"Because that was its name during my childhood. Heck, I still call the Verizon Center the ""MCI Center"". Old habits die hard."
"My mother grew up in Alexandria, VA and calls it National (refuses to call it Reagan, etc.). I also lived in Alexandria for a number of years after college."
"The way the airport got renamed was a joke. This was right about the time I realized that the republicans who pushed that thru were power crazy and behaving like a cult. I don't know any local people who wanted it or who call it Reagan to this day.
I also love how they left it up to metro to pay for changing the signs in the stations."
That's what it was. You either fly out of Dulles or National
Because Reagan doesnt care about airport quality. He showed that by firing all those Air Traffic Controllers!
It already was named for a President.
Reagan purportedly stood for a minimalist federal government and letting state and local governments administer as much as practical. Then the feds swept in and named the local airport after him over the objections of locals.
Most people I know remember it as National and we still refer to it as National. I have to stop and think to say Reagan or Reagan National.
Because that's its name.
"I'm from Connecticut, but my mother grew in Silver Spring. She always calls it ""National"" so I do too. Also, the fact that Congress forced the District to rename the airport offends me."
"I think that most of the crises that we are facing in this country...and it is a long list...have their roots in the ""Reagan"" years. I think he was a terrible President, he stands for values that are absolutely against mine, and I think history will agree with me. If you want to rename it ""Carter"" airport, I am on board. Otherwise, I will continue to call it National."
I lived in Crystal City right behind that airport for 3 years 2008-2011. I picked up calling it National from the neighbors :-)
I guess that's the official name although Reagan having screwed up our country does not deserve the airport (or anything else for that matter) called after him
"The official current name was forced by repbubican partisans and DC residents did not want this. I NEVER call it ""Reagan"" and always correct anyone who does."
"Honestly, I call it National sometimes as well. ""I'm flying out of Reagan,"" about 70% of the time, and ""I'm flying out of National."" 30% of the time. And I'm flying out of Dulles 0% of the time. Fuck Dulles"
Got sick of others telling me what it's called. So I go by the FAA's government name.
It was named for Ronald Ragan Ragan National airport
I call it National Airport because that's what it was called for most of my life and because I was not very supportive of Ronald Reagan's presidency.
It is the airport to the nation's capitol. It should not be named after a person.
I refuse to call it anything National.
Because that was its name.
Because that's its name.
Because its National Airport despite Congress' silly meddling
"It's Washington National airport. It was already named after our first President, George Washington.
Reagan had nothing to do with the airport. "
Because that's what everyone called it when I was growing up. I miss Presidential Air!
"I do some travel arranging for groups of volunteers, and thus I know airports best by their codes for the most part.
When I speak a name, I say National."
"It wasn't until I was a teenager when I realized that this airport had a longer/another name besides ""National."" I asked my mom why we only called it National and she said, ""Because we do not speak THAT name."""
Its the airport's official name...
"The people of Arlington County chose to call it Washington National and as a former resident of Falls Church so do I... Congress came in and mandated a change to Reagan without the approval of local residents and even charged nova taxpayers for the costs of changing the Metro signs. If Arlington County or even the Commonwealth had changed the name, I might have gone along with it. But since it was imposed without our consent, it will always be Washington National to me"
Not sure. Never really thought about it. This was what immediately came out of my mouth.
"It's always been just National airport to me. I lived in DC from 1996 through part of 1999, and during that time I flew out of/into National Airport at least 20 times. I think it might have even been renamed during that period. If you called it Reagan National I'd know what you were talking about, but I'd never call it that. Not for a political reason, I just only think of it as National Airport. "
"It's always been National, and I can't figure out the Reagan mystique (or why anything should be named after him)."
"That's the proper name, duh~"
That's what I grew up calling it
That's what it was called growing up. Why change a good thing?
"My democratic mother refuses to call it Ronald Reagan, Reagan, Reagan National, or anything with his name in it, its just something I was born into."
That's what I and everyone I knew while growing up always called it.
"Because it is and always has been NATIONAL. Plus, Reagan was a homophobic individual and a president who believed that making the rich richer would somehow make the poor richer - and hence not worthy of having an airport names after him"
"I lived through the Reagan years. I watched the Iran-Contra hearings. I not only saw but was personally affected as a HUD employee by the efforts the Reagan administration undertook in 1981 to destroy efforts to improve public housing, increase safety, and empower the people who live in public housing. I volunteered for soup kitchens that, during the Reagan administration, began seeing not only homeless individuals but ENTIRE FAMILIES standing in line in the Minnesota winters to get a warm meal and a place to sit for a while. I saw the Immigration and Naturalization Service (as it was called at the time) cut its staff and the number of its centers, making it virtually impossible for many people to get real-time information and assistance in processing their inquiries and needs. I witnessed President Reagan refusing to say the word ""AIDS"" or to direct funds and services to addressing, understanding, and treating AIDS and HIV patients. I was right there when President Reagan ordered air-traffic controllers fired, decimating the right of people to organize and strike for their right to a fair wage and fair working standards. Some of my family members have suffered from the loss of those rights to organize.
I have hundreds of more reasons, hundreds of examples of why I refuse to accept that President Reagan was a friend of air travelers, people who work for airlines, and millions of other people in the U.S. who were affected -- deeply, tangentially, or over and across time -- by his ""trickle-down"" economics, his entitled view toward his job as president, and his callous disregard for humanity.
Oh, yeah, and his convenient memory problems when he was called to question for all that. When exactly did those memory problems take effect, and why wasn't he ever -- even in his prime -- able to remember the people who were harmed and those who even died because of his presidency?"
"I call it National because I don't believe in naming important public places after people who are alive and/or people who have done awful thing, e.g. Ronald Reagan."
When I came to VA in 2004 people at work called it that.
Reagan already has a huge DC office bldg. named after him.
"I called it National for the longest time, but have gradually added the ""Reagan"" part. I gave in."
It's the easiest and most well know name.
My dad works for an airline
Because it is National!
That's just what I hear other people call it.
"I don't refer to this airport often but when I do, I avoid calling it Reagan. Most people who don't live in the area don't know it as Reagan airport. Plus, he was racist..."
"I thought it's name was ""Ronald Reagan National Airport,"" so I just shorten it to ""National"" or ""Reagan National"""
That's what I've always known it as the few times I've flown through it in my life.
I refuse to refer to it as Reagan who gutted air traffic control unions. He can have a library or anything else named after him but an airport is just disturbing.
It's what my parents do and always have called it.
"Because it is an insult to call an airport, where we are all kept safe by air traffic controllers, after the president that fired all of them. "
"Calling it Reagan sometes even brought discussions of what is the correct pronunciation. DCA is short, clear, and leaves no room for confusion. "
"For the same reason that I do not call BWI ""Thurgood Marshall"". It's known as national and BWI. Always has always will. "
"It is short for the official Ronald Reagan National Airport name. Not sure why one would call the airport in question any other name unless you politically disagreed with the president. I don't agree with OBAMA but I still call ""OBAMACARE"" the ""Affordable Care Act"". Though some including OBAMA himself have nicknamed the Act as OBAMACARE."
National -- I never cared that it had been renamed.
Bc it's offensive to call it Reagan.
I refuse to call it Reagan for political reasons.
I will not call it Reagan since I do not want him representing the DC airport.
"Sometimes I mispronounce it ""Reegan"" just to be annoying."
Washington was a better president than Reagan. What was so wrong with Washington National?
I hate Reagan! I was stationed in DC in 1979 - 1982.
"That's what I've always called it. Sometimes I call it Regan. But most time, National. "
There was no reason to change the name. Especially to that guy's name. Think of all the Metro signs & maps that had to be changed unnecessarily...remember when Metro used to give you a bonus 10% on your farecard for adding $20? I blame this name change on the reason they stopped. And the. Started hiking fares up the wazoo.
Because that is its name.
Because Reagan was a union busting bastard.
I purposely avoid calling it Reagan.
The airport code is the quickest and easiest way to clarify when talking to someone else. I never hear anyone say National.
"I was calling it National before it was Reagan. Most of the time when I swear I'll always call something by its original name, I end up caving eventually, but for some reason National has NEVER been anything but National in my mind...
My mother also worked for the airline pilots' union in the 80s and was disgusted by how Reagan treated the pilots during their strike. She refuses to call it Reagan for that reason alone."
"Would rather call it ""Washington National"" ... but forced to call it Reagan National. "
Because that's what it is. We were not given a choice in what to call it. That was a decision made by republican congressmen!
Cause Reagan's a union-buster.
"my mom called it that, and she hated reagan "
"Because ""Hinckley National"" isn't on the list."
"""Reagan"" has the least syllables and is therefore the quickest to say. "
"If I called it Reagan, people might mix it up with all of the other places in DC that were suddenly named Reagan around the same time.
Also, as someone else pointed out, I don't say Reagan for political reasons. It was a political decision to name an airport after a man famous for his anti-union standoff with air traffic controllers."
That is the way I remember hearing it.
"Sometimes I call it Regan or DCA. But most times, National. "
It the name of the airport.
Something about it being close to DC and calling it National seems to fit for me
"Everybody called it National growing up, and the renaming was a political stunt. "
I resented the change in name. It is the airport of Washington DC and should keep it's name as National--it serves the nation.
"National Airport is full of minimum-wage, poverty-level jobs. People work two jobs and barely survive in this region. This is a current tribute to Reagan's trickle-down theory but hopefully not a lasting one."
Because it was National first.
"I wasn't a fan of Reagan, but that really isn't why. I wouldn't like it if they renamed it Clinton or Obama, either. I just don't like politicians renaming things after politicians. I also think we ought to follow the rule that the Catholic Church used to follow for sainthood - you can't be considered until 50 years after you're dead. Let history prove your place in American history before we start renaming things after you."
I don't believe in renaming. Build something new to honor someone.
"Depends who I'm talking to. With my parents, I say National. With people not from the area, I say DCA."
That's its name
Not a Ronnie fan
"I've lived in DC for the last eight years, so I call it Reagan because that is what I heard it called most often when I first moved here. I feel people who call it National do so because they lived here before it was renamed. People who call it Reagan do so because it was renamed before they started living here."
That's what I always called it growing up; thought it odd that it was renamed for a living person when it changed.
It always was National. It always will be.
It was called National when I was growing up in the metro area. I saw no reason to change the name when Congress and President Clinton decided to do so.
I objected to the name change.
"I do not live locally but flew in and out of National frequently from EWR until I discovered Amtrak. I have adjusted to calling it Reagin instead of National. Now if I am flying out of the DC area, I drive to BWI,"
It's one word.
I hate that bastard.
The name should have never been changed. It was a huge over-reach.
It's National. President Reagan should never have had an airport named after him for what he did to the air traffic controllers union in the 80's. He was also still alive when the airport was named for him (big no no).
because reagan destroyed america
"National, I can't ever think of the other name"
It's shorter.
Because that is its real non political name
It's just what I've heard!
I heard it called that once.
"A. Not a fan of Ronald Reagan
B. National is what I've always called it.
C. Not a fan of Ronald Reagan."
"When I moved to the area, everyone said that the locals called it National and I wanted to fit in :)"
I have no idea why I've called it Reagan Airport rather than any of the formal names or other monikers.
Because that's what it's called you jackasses.
"National sounds more patriotic and indicative to DC. But I've used ""Reagan"" and ""National"" interchangeably when referencing that airport."
Because I don't acknowledge that it was named after Raegan. I think that's silly.
That's the name.
Was sternly told when I first moved to the city 4-5 years ago that no one calls it Reagan. And in my personal circles that was absolutely the case-- so it's been national ever since.
"When scheduling flights online, DCA is generally how it's listed. We lived near Braddock Rd. Metro and I always referred to that stop as DCA."
Because that's it's name.
It was National when I grew up. I don't associate it with Reagan at all.
I am a third generation DC native. Our airport already had the name of a President - Washington. Reagan belittled this town in word and deed. No way should it be besmirched with his name.
Local air port question does not apply to people outside of DC
I thought that National was the real name and that Reagan was some sort of honorary name.
Because I refuse to call it by the name of the guy who fired the air traffic controllers.
"National needs no other name. Why the sudden interest in renaming it?
(Answer to previous question = Green)"
There wasn't a need to change the name. It's Washington National Airport and it will always be.
because I hate Reagan and b/c all my friends in DC (columbia heights progressives) called it DCA from the moment I moved there
"I don't care that Reagan wasn't a great President. I don't care that he screwed over the air traffic controllers. But this airport was National for forever and there was no need to change it. Whether they'd changed it to Jeffrey Dahmer airport or Jesus Christ airport, I would still call it National."
"IIRC, the GOP renamed the airport as a slap in the face to union members and Democrats. Reagan broke the PATCO union.
Reagan Administration started the downward spiral of the middle class, and I feel he was on of the worst presidents since Herbert Hoover."
That's what we called it in my family.
"That's what it was called when I was growing up, so that's what stuck. Although I still call Verizon Center ""MCI"" so I may not be the best barometer."
"Because the jerk Republicans on the Hill tried to shove Reagan's. ""Legacy"" down our throats. I resist calling it Reagan because the whole thing sticks in my craw. "
"Renaming the airport after Reagan was a classic example of Congressional partisanship interfering with local affairs. So calling the airport ""National"" is my little form of protest and assertion of local pride. "
It's the analogue phrase to Washington Dulles
Bc Ronald Reagan was an awful person and a terrible president and I refuse to use his name for the airport.
"When I refer to this airport I prefer to use either ""National"" or ""Reagan."" Both are ""cool"" references, but since it is the nearest airport to the capital I prefer using ""National."" "
That was what it was always called. Naming the airport after the person who fired the striking air traffic controllers always seemed to be a mistake.
"I call it Washington National which is how I knew it growing up, I believe it was already named for a president and refuse the change. "
Because that's what it is called.
"I use ""Reagan National"" for clarity's sake. Airport confusion can lead to displeasure."
"I call it DCA or National, but never Reagan. I hate Ronald Reagan, and I don't want to honor him with having an airport named after him, especially when it already had a name that better reflected its geographic location and political importance. Just, fuck that guy. DC is still majority African American, and DCA primarily serves DC, and Reagan did nothing for them, and in fact made their lives more difficult, so fuck if they should have to read or hear his name if they ever want to fly."
"Reagan should never have an airport of all things, named after him. In1981, Reagan fired more than 11,000 striking air traffic controllers. The air traffic controllers were fired two days after their union, PATCO, declared a strike. They were demanding a pay raise, a shorter workweek, and better working conditions. It was a move that some historians say laid the groundwork for today's assault on labor."
"I do not call the airport in question a single name the same way I do not call the area referred to as Washington DC by a single name. I refer to Washington DC by saying ""D.C"", ""Washington"", and also ""Washington DC"". Similarly I refer to the airport in question by saying ""DCA"" or ""Reagan"". "
"I worked in the travel industry for 11 years. If I don't refer to it as DCA, I call it National, because I refuse to call it Reagan. (For exactly the same reason I refuse to refer to Houston Intercontinental as Bush Intercontinental.)"
Because the 40th President of the United States fired all the air traffic controllers.
Because I'm tired of all things named after Saint Ronnie.
I understand it's named for Reagan but National seems a better fit for the airport closest in proximity to the national capital.
That's the name
"Just easiest.
The call letters are what I see most often when searching for flights.
Because Reagan National IS ITS NAME! What is the point of this pseudo-survey?
"I have always objected to the renaming of National Airport. I'm not sure I ever would accept naming the airport after Reagan, but doing it so early (he wasn't even dead yet!) as a partisan statement really bothered me.
But don't ask me, ask the air traffic controllers what they think."
"I hate Reagan's legacy and think it's absurd to name an airport after someone who created mass incarceration of black men, massively increased economic inequality In the US, and created military policies we are still reeling from today. "
"Because I hated Ronald Reagan and think he's responsible for terrible things. Also, National was a really great name."
Tradition and it already was named after a president - Washington!
"That was its name. The change was unnecessary and offensive to many, so I saw no reason to change what I call it. "
I actually fly mostly out of Thurgood Marshall... and I call DCA Reagan National because that's what the name was changed to...
"I know that it was renamed Reagan, but my feelings about many of our (U.S.) economic challenges stem from his tax policies. From 1929 to 1980 the % of wealth concentrated in the wealthiest 1% steadily dropped to a reasobale 6%. Since then it has climbed back up to an astonishing 22%. Working class people across the country are facing an affordability crisis and it all status there. So I refuse to call it ""Reagan""!"
Don't want to remember Reagen
Why would you name an airport after a guy who fired air traffic controllers fighting for their jobs and safer airlines? Just can't respect that.
National sounds best as it is the nation's airport and offers no political conterversy.
So I don't have to commemorate the guy who broke the flight controllers union. Oh the irony!
That's what it was introduced to me as and all I've ever heard it called.
It's located in Manassas.
It's the best name.
"It's real name is Ronald Reagan, but I never liked him."
I've been going to Reagan National Airport since I was a kid. We would go to Gravelly Park and watch the planes as a family. Very fun :)
Because that is its name.
"The ironies abound:
* Reagan's followers at the Federal level, who supposedly want powers to be held as locally as possible, overrode the wishes of the locals and their elected officials by strong-arming the name change through;
* Reagan and air traffic controllers - not the most harmonius mix;
* naming this particular airport, with its embrace of contemporary art, for a president who was so hostile to artists is a bit hypocritical.
(Of course, naming the most expensive (at the time) Federal building project for him also seemed to miss the point of his supposed legacy.)"
"I call it Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport because that is it's official name. It was originally named after George Washington, just like the Parkway that runs along side it, just like the city, just like the two big monuments. The airport boundary is based on maps drawn when land was transferred to Virginia. The location of the airport and the location of the Pentagon was Washington D.C. then, and it still is today.
No Real Patriot would ever not continue to use George Washington's name when saying the name of this airport. He lived in the area, he surveyed land in this area, this was swamp when he lived. Why would any idiot try to remove his name from it?"
Reagan fired the striking air traffic controllers and endangered all of our lives with incompetent scabs. I will NEVER call it by his name.
"I hate the idolization of Reagan in general, but especially hate that it was named for someone who wasn't even dead yet."
I discuss it when talking with friends not from the area
I want as little as possible to do with Ronald Reagan.
It's easy to say - two syllables!
Sometimes I call it DCA - alternate between Reagan & DCA.
"It's the traditional name, plus appending Reagan's name to it is not something I'm particularly impressed by, considering that he broke the air-traffic controllers' union.
I book a lot of travel and DCA is the code to book it.
"I call it Reagan when talking about the airport itself.
When talking about flights I call it DCA. "
Because I don't like Ronald Reagan.
I don't like Reagan.
That's the name of it!
That's how I always hear it mentioned and what it was called when I last flew into it in 2012.
Reagan doesn't deserve the honor.
National Airport
I have no respect for Reagan other than for the fact that he was President.
"It's an easy, short, identifier. "
Because that is the name
Because it is. The National City = the National Airport.
Reagan doesn't deserve to have an airport named after him.
That's what I heard other people call it / what it says on tickets.
National -- it's the right name for the airport that serves those living in and near the nation's capital.
it is its name
Because that's the name of the airport.
DC National. How do you name an AIRPORT after a man who fired FLIGHT CONTROLLERS to bust their union? There are at least 2 other bldgs with his name on it in DC!! NATIONAL!!!!!!!!!!!
National Airport is its permanent name.
Too many things have been named after Ronald Reagan.
Since I was a child it was always called National. Still call BWI BWI. Not Marshall.
Because that the name it had for years and how I always knew it as being called.
"I refer to most airports by their 3 letter code: DCA, IAD, BWI, ..."
"It was National for most of my adult life, and I refused to acknowledge that it was renamed for Ronald Reagan."
"It was always national on the news and weather reports, them one day I heard it called reagan national and it stuck..."
"Bc I grew up with it as national, and for some reason they changed the name. "
St. Reagan gets enough attention without having an airport named after him.
"1) ""National"" is easy, clean & clear.
2) Fuck Reagan."
I call it Reagan or DCA. I lived at the crystal city stop from 2003- 2005 and that is what I always heard the airport called.
Because I refuse to call it by the name of a president who does not deserve the honor of having an airport named after him.
Everyone I know class it Regan National
"I am a DC native, and no one asked us what to call the airport. And Reagan hated this area, so he should have something else named after him."
I think that's how friends referred to it when I moved down here.
"I do occasionally call it Reagan National, but more often I call it National because I think that's how I was introduced to it."
Think the airport should not have ben named after Ronald Reagan.
"It's ridiculous that they changed the nane, and I refuse to countenance it."
No confusion or political leaning given or ignored
because I hate Reagan
That's its name?
That's what it was called when I began using it
The airport was named after George Washington and it sits on the George Washington Memorial Parkway. The airport should never had been renamed and I will never acknowledge the current name.
BecUse all my democratic friends yelled at me for calling it anything else.
It's always been National Airport
"I think it is stupid to rename airports - a big waste of money that Ronald Reagan would have hated. I loved Justice Thurgood Marshall, but I miss Friendship Airport."
That's what it was called when I moved to DC in 93 and I just got used to calling it.
Most familiar name
Reagan was a terrible man who was awful to air traffic controllers among other workers. This airport never should have been given his name.
"After how Reagan treated the air traffic controllers, I cannot use his name for an airport. "
"Washington National, duh. Reagan was a total world dick. "
I can't stomach calling it Reagan. Duh.
Named after a great president!
"Habit, although I generally use National, Reagan, and DCA interchangeably depending on the conversation."
That's the airport code for it.
"When I moved to DC that's what people called it. I sometimes call it DCA bc that's what I type in when buying airline tickets. I rarely, sometimes, yet rarely call it Reagan."
Because that is what it is named.
I'm a curmudgeon and insist on using the original names. The Sears Tower. The Pan Am Building.
"As a teenager my stepfather used that airport the most for business, as his company's DC office was the closest to that airport"
"Because that is what it was officially named. It is a political choice for others like when people call President Obama, Mr. Obama. "
Reagan was an enemy of the air traffic controllers.
Cause Reagan was a strike breaking authoritarian and naming an airport after someone who literally unilaterally dissolved an air traffic controllers democratic union is insulting and ahistorical.
"I dated a girl who told me that Republicans call it Reagan and Democrats call it National, so I call it DCA. "
Washington National
I always called it National until it was renamed Reagan National.
"It's not a conscious effort. Most 'natives' I know in the DC area refer to it as National, as do the majority of flight attendants and pilots in flight. "
Because the Reagan presidency was a disaster and evil.
"It still feels silly to call it ""Reagan"". But I use all of the options somewhat indiscriminately."
"It's its name, right? I also sometimes call it DCA, because that's its airport code."
Not sure why an airport in the Commonwealth of Virginia is named for a Californian.
He who shall not be named does not deserve to be so honored. He started us down the path of divisiveness. Things he did continue to hold down poor and minorities.
"That's what it's called, right?"
Because it is what I grew up knowing it as.. just Reagan.
Reagan is the last person an airport should be named after.
Disliked Reagan
Naming the airport after Reagan is a slap in the face to working people.
"It was Washington National when I was growing up, so it will always be so to me. Additionally, I'm no fan of Ronald Reagan. "
Airport code.
"As an air traffic controller, I don't agree with the choice to name an airport after he who shall not be named. "
"The first thing RR did when he got into office was to fire all of the air traffic controllers.
And this name was forced on us by Bob Barr who did not even live here! Carpetbagger from GA - Cingressman or not. "
"I catch myself every time I call it ""Reagan"" because I can't stand him, but it's so much easier to say than ""National"""
"It was National when I was a kid, and I don't love how everyone is so into glorifying Reagan. So I like to keep calling it National, although I occasionally do call it Reagan. "
"Because it didn't get the name of a terrible president until I was well into adulthood. And dammit, I took my first steps in that airport in 1975. They shoulda consulted me, but now all of their signs are wrong, is all I'm saying."
I think the names are equal.
Because that's what hip kids do.
"As an air traffic controller, I don't agree with the choice to name an airport after he who shall not be named. "
Because I thought it was a ridiculous political stunt
It's how I first heard it referenced.
That was the name before they changed it
Fuck Reagan!
That was its original name when I was growing up in Anne Arundel County. Why change it?
I refuse to call it Reagan because he was a really shitty President.
Reagan was an idiot.
"Think all airports and public locations should not be named or identified with any politician. They are self interested, power and money grabbers"
Reagan National is shorter than Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport.
"It's the original name of the airport. The Reagan prefix was added in a flurry of name changes and dedications that were performed when congress was concerned about losing power.
Also, one of Reagan's signature moves was to fire all the site traffic controllers. "
I've just always called it National since that's what it originally was. I call it DCA probably just as often but selecting two options wasn't an option.
"It was always National, and I have no partisan incentive to start glorifying Reagan."
"For the longest time I didn't even know there was an airport in northern Virginia besides Dulles, so the first time someone mentioned it they called it ""Reagan""."
"Because, to me, it is simply National Airport. Ronald Reagan has many ""monuments"" that can, and likely deserve, to bear his name - National Airport is not one of them. "
Reagan started the slide into the horrible mess we are in culturally and economically. I don't believe he deserves this honor.
Illegal renaming! The US Congress doesn't name airports! I remember the day after the Rethugs in Congress did the 'renaming' the WaPo had a little article that noted the DC Airports Authority had renamed National Airport. I'd love to know with what they were thteatened by the Rethugs.
Usually refer to them by Airport Code but Second choice would have been National.
Original names matter.
"National Airport
I call it Reagan and National interchangeably. Don't know why; that's just how I started hearing it I guess?
Mainly because Reagan and most of his policies don't need anymore attention. Also Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport is just stupidly long.
I'm not a fan of Ronald Reagan.
I refused to call it Reagan-horrible president!
Because I never thought it should be renamed.
"Reagan couldn't bother to help those dying from AIDs, I certainly can't be bothered calling National after that jerk. "
Air Traffic Controllers Strike.
Out of habit. Sometimes I call it Reagan.
Rolls of the tongue easiest
Reagan is the worst
I emphasize the National in order to diminish the use of Reagan but keep Reagan in the name to not confuse newer Washingtonians.
because thats what all my friends call it
Regan National well I usually hear that on the news sometimes
Because it's mind hogging to name the airport after someone who caused so McB harm to our country. I actually like to call the airport Nelson Martn Mandela Luther King airport.
To clarify to people which airport they should fly into when visiting. Clarifying that neither BWI nor Dulles (even NOW) are accessible by metro.
Hypocritical Republicans over riding local sentiment and rename an airport already named after a President after another......
Because that's its name
Because NOTHING should be named for that Republican idiot!
Ronald Reagan broke the air traffic controller union. It's ironically insulting to name an aiprot after him.
"Because as a federal employee, before I retired, I flew into Washington National many, many times. When you booked the flight, you booked it there if you could because it was so close."
"I call it National, but that confused my assistant when booking flights, so I added the Reagan to clarify and Reagan National stuck. "
Because naming an airport after Reagan is a slap in the face to all the ATC he canned.
Airport code easier to say
I grew up knowing it as National - now feel like I need to combine the 2 names for it.
"It's the airport code, and since I can't really call it national anymore, it's the easiest for me. Reagan just never did it for me. I called it national till I got older though!"
that's what I heard people call it.
"Because that's that airport code when making flight reservations -- ""DCA""."
"Many people don't know that the airport exists, and even less people know it as DCA."
Because I think the naming-everything-after-Ronald-Reagan spree that took place was ridiculous. He didn't do anything as president that was deserving of having things named after him. Or at least not enough to have his name plastered onto so many places.
"Because Ronald Reagan did nothing for aviation. He fired the controllers. And the ""National"" brand is iconic. "
They named the airport after Reagan before he died
"A combination of habit, brevity, and parental brainwashing...but in all seriousness, that man has enough named after him as it is."
Growing up I've always referred to that airport as National.
"I use Reagan and DCA semi-interchangeably, but I think Reagan is a little more frequent for me. I left DC to go work at UCLA Ronald Reagan Hospital (which is also just ""Reagan"" to me), and I am the son of two California Republicans, so ""Reagan"" is less a pejorative unto itself and almost a neutral descriptor. I never ever think about actual Ronald Reagan in either the airport or anywhere in the hospital except for the front entrance (where a portrait of Ronnie and Nancy is on display)."
it's short and descriptive
Because it is.
"National, always, dammit. Reagan, never. "
Ronald Reagan disgusts me.
I call it National when speaking with family and friends but refer to it as DCA when talking to booking agents. There is no legitimate reason that this airport should ever have been renamed for Reagan. Enough things have been and considering his role in deregulation - a complete travesty.
"I hate that Congress foists it's will on DC, where I have lived for the last 38 years. The Republicans do it."
I loved Ronald Reagan.
Tradition and little affection for Reagan
"Given President Reagan's actions against the air traffic controlers, this is the second most offensive regional mascot after the Washington Football Club. Then again, taking into account the Bullets, terrible names are kind of a DC institution. "
"My dad always flew out of ""National"" even after it was changed to Reagan."
I refuse to call it Reagan.
"the dipshit actor who fired the striking air traffic controllers doesn't deserve to have anything named after him, let alone an airport"
Hate everything Reagan stood for
"I will always call it National because I'm still mad at Reagan for breaking the air traffic controllers strike. Whatever you want to name in his honor, it should NOT have been the airport. Besides that, I'm not a big fan of renaming always smacks of the St.Petersburg/Leningrad/St.Petersburg syndrome to me. It's fine to build a new building or a new bridge and name it for someone, but leave the old names alone!"
I try to call airports by their three letter codes.
Cause calling it Reagan is a disgrace.
"It's really a toss up, I call it DCA as much as I do Reagan, but it seems people know and understand 'Reagan' more than DCA. "
That's what I have always called it and heard it called.
Because that's what most people around me called it.
It's the easiest to say.
It was National airport before the name changed to Reagan...old habits
"It the Nation's Capitol's airport, National, but obviously the District of Columbia's Airport (DCA). Frankly, it's a shame DC sold the land to Virginia. "
"National is a baseball team, it just doesn't sound like the name of an airport. DCA isn't distinctive enough either, unlike BWI, which is why we call it that and not ""Marshall"" airport. "
Because Reagan was terrible
Reagan was a piss poor excuse for a president.
just because it's short and convenient
It's insulting to connect an airport to Reagan in light of the PATCO strike.
It's the first thing I think of and I generally refuse to call It Reagan. I use DCA and National interchangeably though.
National is a better and simpler name.
"It is National Airport. Naming everything in the country after a president in the modern era is evidence of the control exerted by a Stalinist ""cult of personality""-worshipping sycophants. "
That's what I've always heard others say. Sometimes abbreviated to Reagan.
When I first started to fly into DC that's what it was called. It's short and how many things does Reagan really need named after him? Plus it's still sell and modern. Reagan makes it sound old and stodgy.
My parents refused to call it Reagan.
"I use both Reagan and DCA, but DCA only when referring to the code to get tix or check in"
Because it is named Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. Seems easy and appropriate to shorten to Reagan National
"Purely habit. I also still call an airport in Baltimore, BWI. Nothing to do with either men, just habit."
my parents who have lived in dc forever have always called it reagan which has rubbed off on me. although i know it's now fashionable (hipster) to call it national.
A foreign-born democrat and travel agent gave me a hard time for calling it Reagan.
That's what it says on Google Maps.
I call it that because that's what I've always heard it called.
"It's short for Reagan National, and no one knows what DCA stands for in reality. The airport is in VA, not DC. "
Because fuck Ronald Reagan.
I grew up calling it National and just can't bring myself to call it Reagan... sounds weird to me!
"Hey, sometimes I call BWI Friendship Airport. I like the old names. Also, I don't like naming airports or buildings after political figures. "
I call it National because that's the name I grew up with. I remember going there with my mom to pick up my grandparents when they would visit (back in the 70's). We would meet them right at the gate.
"Suppose I've always known it as Reagan National - sort of like saying the Roosevelt Bridge. Never debated the politics behind it.
Also, I grew up in Fauquier County (we are still considered Northern Virginia)."
Because Grover Norquist is an asshat.
There was no reason to rename it other than Republicans were renaming everything they could think of.
Because its name is Washington National Airport. I call it DCA when talking to other frequent travelers or airline people.
Because the irony that anyone named an airport Reagan after the debacle with the airtraffic controllers strike and him is too ironic for words.
My mother is from Nothern VA so I grew up flying in and out of NATIONAL AIRPORT to visit my grandmother. I remember when it changed over.
Because that's it's name!
"I don't like Ronald Reagan. He was a war criminal, and an asshole. "
Parents taught me it was pro-Reagan to call it Reagan
Arlington residents did not support the name change; we were blackmailed into accepting it under threat of losing Metro funding by someone who is not part of our community or state. I'd oppose any change made this way.
"That's the original name and there are a handful of places called ""Reagan"""
Not a fan of Reagan.
"It was always called National. I can't imagine why we would attach another name to it. I never liked Regan, but even if they called it Carter or Clinton, I'd still call it National."
"Because I sure as hell am not calling it ""Reagan."""
I used to be a travel agent. National is the name I learned.
It was wrong to name it after Reagan.
"Faster than the real name, and Reagan really had nothing to do with it!"
reagan's a douche.
My parents call it that.
"A former co-worker once told me ""Dems call it National, Republicans call it Reagan."" I'm 26, so too young to remember otherwise, but her advice always stuck! "
Ronald Reagan sucks.
"First, because that is what I've always known it by. Second, because I didn't think it should have been renamed ""Reagan National"". He was not that outstanding of a President to have that airport named for him. Other Presidents had more distinguished accomplishments!"
That's what my friends from DC call it.
Shortened version of Reagan National Airport
That's what it's always been called. It's the airport of the national capital. Congress' attempt to change the name was pure partisanship. And there are plenty of buildings named after Reagan to which I have no objection.
"It's really a split between Reagan and DCA, but Reagan is how I refer to it; DCA is how I search for flights. "
"I refuse to call it Reagan - I will call it DCA or National but never Reagan. I don't even like typing that man's name.
"I use National, Reagan, and Reagan-National fairly interchangeably, I just use National most often I think."
"Let's reserve naming airports after good, or at least semi-decent, presidents."
I don't want to call it after a president I do not like much.
"Because that's what my grandparents, parents and I call it. "
"I call it National most of the time, unless I'm talking to a Democrat who lives in/around DC. Then I call it Reagan, just to rile them up."
"Different topic, but who else hates the phonies who call the grocery store at 15th and P NW ""Fresh Fields"" even though it hasn't been called that for 10+ years?"
"It was stupid to rename it. We live in the Washington DC area, not the Reagan DC area!"
"Because I was scolded when I landed in D.C. the first time by a local who was my guide for the trip, they told me it was not Reagan National, it was just National. "
Because naming it after Reagan was partisan bs.
The other person whose name is attached to the airport fired all of the air traffic controllers and therefore should never have an airport named for him.
Because that's what I remember it being called from when I was growing up.
"Reagan deserves slums named after him, and cemeteries of dead gay men who had AIDS. Not airports.
Because that's its name. Reagan is a disrespect to the air traffic controllers who lost their jobs after Reagan fired them for lawfully striking.
"I couldn't stand Ronald Reagan. So I just kept calling the airport National, which was its name when I lived in the DC area."
Clearly identifies using both names
Because it is NATIONAL Airport!
Because that's what my mother in law called it.
That's what they call it on the news. I always known it to be Reagan National.
It is the code you type in to book the flight.
"Short for ""Reagan National"""
I am not aware of anything else to call it.
"Naming this airport after Reagan after what he did to thentraffic controllers is not only bad irony, but a painful bad joke."
Because I'm pretty sure that's what it's actually NAMED
"Grew up flying out of national long before Reagan was president. Hard to teach an old dog new tricks. Of course, I still call the top division of nascar Winston cup too"
I don't identify with President Reagan. President Reagan also has a building already named for him.
They renamed it and claimed it was only the 3rd airport named for a former US president. JFK in NY and Bush in Houston being the other two. I thought Washington National was named for our first president.
I am still irked that the airport was renamed after Reagan. He wasn't a very good president and didn't deserve all the buildings and stuff named after him.
Because I call Dulles IAD.
Because that's what it's always been called.
Its how you book flights!
why would we call an airport the name of a man who hated government? makes no sense.
Reagan hated government workers and fired air traffic controllers. How dare they name an airport after him.
"Because ""DCA"" is the official FAA call sign for the airport. "
I think I call it DCA because my mom and step dad work(ed) for an airline. I now call Ohare ORD for instance.
Reagan was a douche.
Calling it 'National' saves me from that nauseous feeling I get whenever I think of the man it was named after.
Because it is named after America's greatest president...George Washington.
"National Airport is the true name. Also, eff that Republican whose name shall not be spoken."
"Who likes Reagan? And I call it Thurgood Marshall airport, not BWI. "
It was called Washington National Airport before the Republican party canonized that asshole. He was anti-union and the airport was built by a New Deal program. It should never be associated with him.
"DCA is the clearest way to refer to it, though I do sometimes call it National."
Reagan is easier to say and remember. It's just a name
"Because Reagan was involved with a nasty fight with the air traffic controllers there at one point and it's the LAST place that should be named after him. Also, he's already got a building built and named after him. He wasn't that great a president, though he's loads better than the Republicans that followed him."
others call it reagan
Out of principal. Reagan was a terrible president.
"Shorter than Reagan National, and easy for everyone to recognize easily (DCA and National don't always click for some folks, including cabbies)."
Because nothing is more American than Reagan
"I heard that only out-of-towners call it ""Reagan."" Plus, I'm not a fan of Reagan. So I prefer to just call it ""National,"" because it's the national airport in DC."
i thought that was the name
Because that's what it was always called!
That's the name I've always known it by.
"If I'm talking about it, I call it national, but sometimes I slip and call it DCA. In this Internet age, in my head it is DCA. "
I don't like Reagan.
That's what it used to be called.
Because that's what it is called. It is a national (domestic) airport and it is named after a great man and president.
"The name is Reagan National Airport. Reagan for short. Avoiding calling it that is petty. You don't hear pacifists using BOS, or International Airport instead of Logan. You don't hear Republicans calling JFK something else like Memorial Airport. Hell, Dulles is all over this survey, and you don't see people calling it Washington International Airport. It's absurd that people have a hard time honoring one of our past presidents in avoiding the use of Reagan when referring to the airport in NOVA that's not Dulles. Regardless of whether you like(d) him or not, it's unpatriotic to not refer to the airport as Reagan."
Because I refuse to call it by THAT name
"It's just the short version of it. Sometimes I'll use DCA, but more often than not I'll say Reagan to abbreviate."
Naming it after Reagan was a dumb stunt.
That was the name when I moved in this area.
It is and will always be NATIONAL Airport!
"Out of stubborn resistance to the weird Reagan-idolatry of those Republicans in congress who pushed through the name change, which was just outrageous."
I use to work for a Democratic senator who flew out of DCA a lot and we were told not to refer to it by the name of the Republican former president.
because reagan is the worst.
"1. I was a flight attendant in the 90s.
2. I can't bring myself to say the R-word multiple times a day now."
"Because people call it that way. The name, ""Reagan national"" doesn't quite remind me of the president Ronald Reagan."
I used to call it Reagan but my husband (from Bethesda) let me know very early on that no one from DC calls it that!
Didn't like the name change.
It is National. It is just National.
Because that's its name...
"""National"" doesn't really uniquely identify it - there are several national airports - and, besides, it's an adjective, not a proper name by itself. In 2005, I didn't want the Expos to be renamed the Nationals for similar reasons (though I admit I preferred Grays).
I also make a point of referring to the one in Glen Burnie as ""Marshall""."
I alternate between DCA & Reagan National. I use DCA mostly since that's the airport code I use most often when I book my flights online.
That's its name.
Because I don't like the new name :)
Grew up calling it National Airport. And never liked President Reagan!
"Because fuck Reagan. Seriously.
What bothers me more than anything is when LOCALS who really ought to know don't understand me when I say ""National,"" and basically insist on me saying ""Reagan"" before they get it. I think it's about 25% partisan pigheadedness and 75% honest cluelessness, but it still bugs me."
"The only way I ever call it ""Reagan"" is if it's a negative, offensive, or sexual context. Like, ""Wow, Reagan smells horrible today. Must be from the people going in and out all day long. All I know is, Reagan really managed to screw me over!"" "
That is the name
I grew up knowing it by that name and I'm ashamed that it was named for a champion of social injustice.
It is an absolute disgrace that they named an airport--any airport--after Reagan.
Because he wasn't dead yet when they named it. Because National is its real name. Because I am not a Reagan fan. So many reasons!
Was always told that's what it was called. Moved here and continued to call it National since it is still in the name of the airport.
Fuck Reagan in his cold dead ear.
"Because I always knew it as National, then the name changed, and no one outside DC ever seemed to know that National and Reagan were the same place so I stated hypenting to ensure understanding. "
"The airport is already named after one president, Washington... Why add a second?"
"Picked it up from my dad, who hates Ronald Reagan."
"I dunno, it's what I've always called it. "
"Ugh, Reagan! Worst president ever. "
"I don't use the ""R"" word in polite company."
I have no idea. Sometimes I call it DCA. But I ALWAYS write DCA and never write/type Regan.
Air traffic controllers and Reagan do not mix.
It's a quick and straightforward way to describe it.
I try not to give accolades to people I don't respect...
I don't know why I call it that! Maybe that's what we called it growing up? I've never thought about it this much before now...
That's what I've heard waa renamed too. Can't remember what it was before.
"Honestly I call it all three. National, DCA or Reagan. "
Because that is the name of it.
"It makes sense. Also, I have no affinity for Reagan."
"At one point up to about 2003, I referred to the airport as DC National and I slowly changed to Reagan National."
"My chosen nomenclature reflects my admiration and love for one of my favorite American presidents. The choice is a conscious and intentional one; many of my coworkers (generally over the age of 40), call the airport National."
Because I don't use the R word
Because it is and always shall be National Airport.
"Don't remember how it started (and I'm not a Reagan fan, which makes it even more incomprehensible)"
Because that's the name of tha airport
It's what my parents and friends call it.
National. Always National. I'm not a Ronald Reagan fan. It's a Democratic curse if we have to fly from Washington Reagan to Houston's Bush International.
Because that's its' name. ;) And renaming it for that man? Before he was even dead? Harumph.
Isn't that the airport's name?
"I grew up calling it ""National"", though now I often interchange that name with ""Reagan""."
"If I have to call Idlewild JFK, Reagan National is going to be called Reagan National. "
It will always be National Airport to me!
I was introduced to it as National Airport. I don't think it should be called anything else whether they changed the name or not.
I call it National because I did not like Ronald Reagan and especially because he busted the air traffic controllers union.
I choose not to participate in the lionization of someone who did so much damage to our country and in whose name so much more damage is being done by those who exhault him.
Reagan was a douche and his foreign policy killed thousands of people. I also call it National.
My parents always called it National--they couldn't stand to hear it referred to as Reagan.
The real name is too lengthy
Because I hate baby Jesus.
"Because that's what everyone called it when I came to GW Freshman year.
However, my mom lived in DC for many years and still calls is National. I feel like I'm betraying her because she tells me all the time it's ""National,"" but Reagan just seems to still keep coming out!"
"currently not working, no budget for flights.
when I did fly east coast airport arrival/departures/changeovers would be out of Newark, Atlanta or JAX."
"If at all possible, I refuse to participate in the ridiculous attempt to glorify Ronald Reagan. "
I always knew it as Washington National.
I used to work as an air traffic controller at Boston Center. Never met anyone who used the R word when referring to the airport.
"I was a staunch Republican in the 80s and 90s and a supporter of Reagan. I no longer identify as Republican, but I still have affection for Reagan - as a person and as a leader. Most of my friends - particularly the ones in DC are ""yellow dog Denocrats"". So, when I am talking to them I tend to search for one of the other names - National or DCA! But I actually (secretly) like that I fly into Reagan for visits and I love seeing his statue outside!"
I didn't think it was right for the name to change to what it changed to so I don't say it that way.
That's what the name was when I first learned it.
"I did not vote for Reagan and I was and am morally opposed to his policies and politics, and i believe he set the country back by accelerating income inequality through bad tax policies"
Dca or national.. It's just its name
that's what everyone else seems to call it. it's also the fastest to say
"I search for flights online by designator, so I think of frequently used airports in terms of three letter designators. "
I always use DCA in online flight search engines.
I'm a Democrat
That's its name.
Because I do not like the idea of honoring Ronald Reagan
"Reagan (begrudgingly) because that's the official name, National because it's the right name. I'm sick of civic facilities named after people and companies. "
Prefer it's original name and don't care for Ronald Reagan.
That's just what we all call it.
"Its always been National and should have stayed that way - a bipartisan airport for everyone. But glad that the ""Congressional parking lot"" seems to have disappeared when they expanded 15 years ago."
I call it national because that's what it was called the first time I lived here and I just can't say the other thing!!
"Because I don't like Ronald Reagan. I do sometimes think of it as ""Reagan National"" but never anything besides ""National"" and ""Reagan National."" I always have to think a bit before searching for DCA on travel websites."
Because National is what it has been called since the dawn of time. You can't just change the name if a whole freaking airport!
"I like the name ""National"" and I loathe Ronald Reagan."
Because I've called it National my whole life.
It was called national when I moved here in 91. I work for a USAID contractor and often go to the Ronald Reagan building. One major bldg named for a prez I didn't even like is enough. The airport is National. :)
"Because some people don't know DCA vs IAD, and sometimes you say ""National"" and people look at you funny. Everyone knows Reagan. "
It's shorter!
"Because that's what it is. national. Even Ronald Reagan said, ""there's no limit to what a man can accomplish if he doesn't care who gets the credit"" !"
Because RR was never for air traffic controllers at National. And it's a slap in the face.
Simple and understood by everyone. No political statement.
"I never vote Republican, so I hate that I call it Reagan! I think my habit comes from option menus on websites or phone services where I buy plane tickets. I could be wrong, but don't they always say Washington - Dulles and Washington - Reagan as the options? The sites I use do, if I recall correctly."
That's its name:)
Because everyone else calls it National too. I have yet to meet anyone who doesnt call it National.
Because that's it's name
Because it is National Airport - not Reagan National Airport ... Like BWI is BWI
It was called National growing up and I'm not a member of the Cult of Reagan.
"Congress had no business renaming a local airport, and Reagan didn't deserve the honor."
Name I knew first
Because I lived in the DC area before the Ronald Regan was added to the airport's name.
That's what its always been
"It is National airport or Washington National Airport and should only be referred to as either of these, since it is the airport of the Capitol city.
I correct anyone who calls it ""Reagan""
Buying flights it's the easiest way to find it
I call it different names depending on the audience. But in my head it is DCA since it is the useful name when researching flights or telling others which airport to fly into.
"Don't like that it's named after Regan, but it is. So I call it Regan NAtional. Or sometimes just ""National."""
"When I first moved to DC, it was National airport - old habits die hard."
"I hate calling it Reagan...I want to call it National, but always catch myself too late and then kick myself."
"I just say both names ""Reagan National"" so there's no confusion. "
"It's always been National airport, long before it was named after a politician.
Because Reagan was an idiot.
"When I first started business travel, my colleagues called it National, and that is what I called it in deference to them."
What would Reagan do?
"Reagan was a disastrous president and I disagree with naming the main Washington, DC, airport for him."
"It's what I was used to calling it even though they added Reagan. No slight against him, just old habits die hard. Likewise, I don't call BWI airport Thurgood Marshall."
Bc that's the airport code dummy
"1) For years before its namechange, I drove by the signs on the interstate for National airport, 2) So when I tell friends in central Virginia and the rest of the world from where I am traveling, they know where I mean, 3) WA National is more logical than Reagan. Tell me, ""Where is an area named Reagan?"" Ditto for Dulles."
It's just a shortened version of the airport's name.
I guess because that's the first name I used for it.
"I correct people who call it anything other than National. I do so as a stand against meddling Congress that imposed the name on the DC area (and forced Metro and the airports authority to bear the cost of the change) and because renaming National after Reagan was a deliberate insult--to all union members, who remember his infamous PATCO firing as the start of Reagan's war on unions and to Democratic Northern Virginia."
I don't like reagan
That's what it was called when I was young.
"Because Bob Barr is a fucking hypocritical adulterous moron, and his push to rename the airport after the '94 ""Republican Revolution"" was totally unsupported and unnecessary, but pushed through only because the GOP had the ability to wield the legislative hammer of change at the time. Fuck anyone who calls it Reagan National -- it is, has been, and always will be ""National"" or ""DCA"" "
I call it National because that is its name. The action Congress took was total BS! It won't ever really get people to call the airport anything other than National.
"I call it Reagan or DCA depending on the context. I don't know why, but it may have something to do with the name of the metro stop and brevity."
I don't believe in the deification of that president. It will always be National to me.
The same reason I don't call BWI Thurgood Marshall. It's superfluous.
It is officially called Ronald Reagan washington national airport. Too long. National is a good nickname. Short.
Can't get me to say Reagan. Bad memories of that President.
Because it's always been known as Reagan to me.
It's the most standout word within the full name and what I heard my parents call it
"When I first moved here two years ago, I called it Reagan like most transplants. ""Reagan"" rolls off the tongue a little easier than ""National."" At some point I read an article about how native Washington residents say ""National,"" and it stuck with me."
Because that's it's name and always has been. Reagan has too many things named after him already.
Because it was Washington National and I dislike name changes
I don't want to call Reagan
"Because putting up countless statues of, and naming things after, the dear leader is what communists (used to) do. How do they not see the irony?"
The first time I flew there it was called National. I didn't see any reason to change it to Reagan.
I grew up here calling it National and refuse to call it by that other name!
Because screw the sycophants that insisted upon this ridiculous name change.
Because it's a travesty that the airport closest to our nation's capital is named after a man who destroyed the air traffic controller's union.
"I don't like saying ""Reagan""."
Not a fan of that president.
Because I just will not call it the name of that person...
Don't understand why Reagan has an airport and a building named after him
"I work in the aviation industry, and often airports are referred to the first word in the name - ""Reagan"" for DCA, ""McCarran"" for LAS, and ""Hartsfield"" for ATL. Has nothing to do with politics. But, BWI is known is ""BWI"" instead of Thurgood. "
Habit. I've lived in the area since 1987.
"Everyone I know seems to call it that. Also, isn't that what's it's called on Google Maps?"
So many people call it different things - if I use both names it is clear to which airport I am referring!
Because saying the name of a man who's legacy is destroying America makes me nauseous.
Because that's what it should be called.
I think it's what I've heard the flight attendants call it when I've flown through that airport. Curious to see the results!
National should never have been changed to include Reagan in its name.
"Because I usually use the airport code when I talk about airports and in the case of DCA, it's definitely the easiest thing to call it. "
Because the current name was thrust upon us by Republicans who wanted to poke their finger in our eye.
Worked For years in DC and it was called National before being called Reagan National. BWI used to be called Friendship. It's hard to call something by a different name.
I refer to all airports by their code
Reagan is bad mmmkay
"There is no other the time when I'll be talking about Reagan so it's not confusing, unless I'm talking about Reaganomics. Saying BWI is distinctive but IAD or DCA is not always as such. "
It is its name. The other name was enacted as a pure political gesture ... couldn't even wait til the man was dead.
"National on its own has too many other connotations for me, like national rent a car etc"
Because that's its name.
Because it's silly that Republicans named the airport after Reagan.
It's what my parents always called it!
I don't like the name Reagan.
Habit ingrained from childhood.
Fuck Reagan.
Cus Ronnie fucknuts ruined the middle class and saying that name makes me shart.
"My mom calls it National, so I grew up calling it National, too! She came to DC from Boston in 1973. Also, anyone who's not a local calls it Reagan. "
Because I don't think Reagan was a good president and DCA is just easy.
"Because it is our national president or other dignitary's name should ever be attached to it. It is part of our nation's capital...Ours, not His!"
It's always been National! My dad was a pilot for TWA and so I knew that airport very well as a kid.
I grew up in Fredericksburg and Regan was the closet airport that went the widest of places. My parents always referred to Ronald Regan as Regan so naturally that's what I ended up calling the airport.
'Cause that's what it was called when I was growing up!
"Always knew it as National, and I didn't like Reagan."
"My family and I don't use it frequently enough to have a shorter nickname for it, so Ronald Reagan it is."
"Reagan just felt like the natural thing to say. Sometimes I will say DCA, but only if I am trying give a friend the airport code so he/she knows what the best airport to fly into is."
That's the other major airport in the area.
Because of the airport code when booking
I moved here in 1961 and it was named National Airport. To me it will always be National!
"That's the shortest, distinguishing names. There are lots of ""national' airports; this one is ""Reagan National."""
"Because Reagan sucked... Iran Contra anyone? A public interest lobbyist group got National airport renamed in the honor of the first of a long series of ridiculous republican idols. It was National airport and she go back to being National, and yes I feel strongly about it."
Too many names and it's confusing
"It's the airport that's most securely attached to the Metro so it's the one I use and--I've never thought about it until now really, but--the shortest way to say, ""I'm flying into [Airport Name],"" in terms of syllables when you're flying into that particular airport is Reagan. "
"Because I don't hate referring to it as ""Reagan"" quite as much as I loathe referring to IAH/Houston as ""Bush."""
"Because that is its name. Not going to honor a lying, fraudulent hair-dyed actor by putting his wretched name on an important airport."
"Thurgood Marshall deserves an airport more than my second-least-favorite president, and no one calls BWI by its full name."
" National, because that's the real name. Reagan is a political add on. I will also refer to it as DCA. I know most of my airports by call sign."
Because it was called National way before Reagan was president and he did nothing to enhance the airport.
Because naming an airport after the man who threatened to fire all of the air traffic controllers who keep our airports safe makes me throw up in my mouth.
Because it was called National way before Reagan was president and he did nothing to enhance the airport.
Because Ronald Reagan was a jerk
"Because that's what it is, unless you've never been a local. "
"It's the best airport in (/near) DC, I don't want to affiliate it with Reagan!"
It is National Airport. RR was given to it bu GOP to increase their own ego. He was not great pres. So will always be National to me.
"Because Ronald Reagan was a disaster for America, and his name was added to the airport by Republicans solely for the purpose of insulting this area which hated Reagan.
It's the shortest response
I moved to DC when it was still National in 1999. A year or so later it was renamed Ronald Reagan National Airport. So I began calling it Reagan National. When telling friends to fly into it I call it DCA.
I refer to airports by their three letter code name.
I often swith between DCA and Reagan - can't commit to just one!
Point of pride. Newbies call it Reagan.
"With so many names, Airport code is easiest. And it's not a bad name."
"It's the real name, and yeah, the R-word makes me hurl."
"I'll start calling National ""Reagan"" when people start calling BWI ""Marshall."""
"We call it just Reagan. Why? Because it's the name of the airport. I'm not offended by a President's name on an airport, building, or whatever else. If people call it National because that's what it used to be called, fine. If they do it to be anti-Reagan...get over it."
"Because I grew up with it as National. Because Reagan broke the air traffic controllers' strike, and it's sick to name an airport after him. "
Its easier to find it on travel websites by just entering the airport code.
"It's a conscious choice for me. While most of my friends call it Reagan, I can't consciously call an airport the name of someone who was so vile to those who keep airports running. I make it a point to call it National."
It's not but they crammed it down our throat to add that Reagan on so. ..
"I deeply believe that Ronald Reagan was destructive to the democratic (small d) vision of America that I believe in, and set the stage for the enormous income disparities that we now live with. I consider him a traitor to the American dream, the vision that the founders contemplated, and I refuse to honor him by using his name for the airport that I frequently use."
Reagan Airport
"I have lived in DC for over 20 years, and I always called the airport ""National Airport"", so when they changed it, I could only still call it National, just like BWI is still BWI, not Thurgood Marshall, and the Wizards are still the Bullets to me :)"
"Because it was called National Airport when I moved here in 1986, and I think it's stupid that they renamed it Reagan National."
Reagan championed a set of economic and political beliefs that helped wreck the middle class.
"Well, it's always been National Airport but then it was renamed to Ronald Reagan so now I call it Reagan National"
That's what my dad calls it.
Because that's it's real name. It is really Washington national or DC Airport (DCA). The Ronald Regan stuff is just congress taking over DC.
"I probably use DCA 50% of the time, National 40%, and slip up and call it Regan no more than 10% when I'm in a conversation with older people..."
Its what I thought it was called most commonly every time I flew there about 6 times thays what it was referred to.
"When you say Reagan, some people don't know what it is. When you say National, some people say ""huh""? Reagan National is the best compromise. Who has ever said DCA?"
I grew up with it and Congress can't make me change even if it can force Metro to do so.
"I don't want to call it Reagan, but calling it National at this point just sounds bitter."
I mean... Reagan. Duh.
I tend to call all airports I use regularly by their call letters.
"Because ""Ronald"" is too chummy."
Used to say national but slowly have morphed into Reagan
I actually use both Reagan and DCA interchangeably.
"Washington National, as that's what it was known as prior to its renaming. "
Because I hate Ronald Reagan.
That is its name and it honors a great president!
"The airport was called Washington National Airport when I first used it, and I objected to the confusion, expense, and rationale for changing the name. Reagan has enough things named for him, and he was no particular friend to air travelers."
Habit I guess. I've never questioned it.
"I have a great disdain for Ronald Reagan. As someone who used to study political science, who used to work in policy, I believe he did a lot of harm. "
Reagan was a crappy guy
because that's it's name before they changed it and is oart of it's name now
Because that is the correct name. Simple.
Cause that's the name.
National is what it has always been called.
I'm a conservative and worked for an organization that lobbied to change the name :-)
That's the name
RR destroyed air traffic control union
Strict instructions from my parents when I moved here.
Reagan is the first name I heard. And it just sounds better and more unique than National.
I don't have enough room to count the ways Reagan destroyed America.
"I love that WP is doing this, my parents and I joke about it all the time. As a real Washingtonian, of course it's National! Always has been and always will be. "
Always called it National. Not a Reagan fan.
Don't think Reagan deserves an airport to be named after him.
Reagan was the anti-Christ.
Because I think it was really horrible that Congress named it Reagan after he fired the air traffic controllers.
It's always been National. Hated Reagan and he fired the striking air traffic controllers.
"They've already named the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center after him, and in 2005, they even proposed renaming 16th Street NW to Ronald Reagan Blvd!
Remember the cost of changing the Metro signs for this? ""The station retained its original name after the airport was renamed in 1998 from ""Washington National Airport"" to ""Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport"". In early 2001, a letter signed by 24 members of Congress requested WMATA rename the station to conform. However, according to a Metro policy adopted in 1987, groups seeking to rename a station were required to pay the cost of replacing signs and maps. The Arlington County government, which could have made the change, demurredthe price was estimated at $400,000and WMATA subsequently declined to rename the station on April 19, 2001. In response, Republican Congressman Bob Barr of Georgia threatened to withhold federal funding from the agency unless the station was renamed. Congress ultimately voted to require the renaming on November 30. According to then-General Manager Richard A. White, Metro paid to complete the renaming.""
Isn't it ironic that the party of ""small government"" used federal power to strong-arm Metro into violating its own policy to make IT pay for THEIR hero worship? Come to think of it, isn't it ironic that the party of ""small government"" named the largest federal building in DC after Reagan? ("
My mom remembers when the airport was just a big field and a blueprint and Ronald Reagan was just an actor. It's always Washington National Airport in our house.
Because that's its Name
"Because I believe in calling things by their proper, legal names. We all have to adjust to the times."
Because that's what you call it.
"The man who undermined the middle class and created a system to ensure the rich get get richer while the poor get poorer, does not deserve to have his name enshrined at all, let alone on our National Airport."
"Because I know it has two different names, it is easier to just refer to it as DCA."
Renaming infrastructure after Reagan is an annoying political pr ploy by the Republicans.
"I grew up calling it ""National."" Ronald Reagan was an awful president with great disdain for black people and the citizens of DC. So I resent that the airport was renamed in his honor so I refuse to use the designation."
"I've always called it National. It's sweet to name airports after people considered historically important, but if it takes me longer to say the full name of an airport than it takes me to get there? I'm shortening it. "
Ronnie Reagan tried to destroy the air traffic controllers -- therefore its National and will always be National
Because I'm usually telling my assistant which airport to book my flights from. I also call it National. I refuse to call it Reagan.
I love watching liberals squirm when I call it Reagan. I love watching liberal journalists in DC papers and blogs do verbal backflips to avoid calling it Reagan. I hope they put Reagan on the $20 one day.
I call it National Airport because that has always been it's name.
That's what I grew up hearing it called
"I'm a bit of an aviation geek, so I call a lot of airports by their 3-letter IATA codes. But I also didn't support the'98 rename."
"My parents flew to it often when I was a kid and called it ""DCA"" or ""National."""
Not going to call it after Pres Reagan.
"A - It's always been National.
B - A president who fires all the air traffic controllers should never have had an AIRPORT named after him."
That's the shortened version of its name.
because that's it's true name
Thats what my parents called it.
"I think my parents may refer to it as Reagan National, as both of them grew up and still live in the DC area. Also I think I may hear the news reporters say that on the local news. "
"Short for the longer name, Ronald Reagan National Airport"
"Usually Reagan until my DC-native roommate yells at me to say National. Trying to say National, now more often than not I just say DCA."
"You can't name an airport after a president when he or she is still alive. That's not honoring, it's pandering."
"Reagan is easier to say. Fewer syllables than ""National"" or ""DCA."" While I'm not a Ronald Reagan fan by any means, my adoption of the name is a testament to my status as a recent DC transplant for school. "
"Mostly would call it National but then think ""wait i think it is supposed to be ""Reagan"" so then i say ""Reagan National""."
"No idea. I may be the only intellegent person that doesn't call it national. My husband always says ""Where? Where are we flying to/from? I don't know that airport."""
"Everyone knows which airport you're talking about, immediately And without further clarification. "
It's just what I've always called it.
Moved here in 1986. It's wrong to call it anything besides National Airport.
"That's what other people call it...? Or because that's it's name, minus the ""airport"" part."
"My, now, husband went to Georgetown in the 90s. I flew into national all the time to visit him. It will always be National to me. "
I switch between National and DCA
Because I will not contribute to the worship of a terrible President whose policies continue to harm is to this day.
That's its name.
Congress let us locals name our airports!
Because that's what I'm used to hearing most of my life and I'm not a fan of Reagan
Pooblicans. All the damn pooblicans. But don't think I'm biased. Them femocrats is equally bad.
"Ronald Reagan wasn't just a bad President, he was a bad person. I know very few people who will ever call it Reagan, I call it National and DCA interchangeably. If I'm speaking with folks not from the area I'm more likely to call it National."
"When I was in the Navy and flew into National airport when I was on leave, I got used to all the tags saying DCA. Also when checking on a flight status most airlines ask for the airport code. "
Surprised that I have switched to Reagan as the short hand for what I used to call National.
It's what we say in the airlines as employees.
Same reason you call IAD Dulles and Boston Logan or New York JFK. It's the name of the airport
"Even though the name changed years ago, it will always be ""National"" to me!"
Because of what Reagan did to the air traffic controllers
Grew up calling it National.
"1) that was its name long before Congress decided to rename it. 2) Ronald Reagan said he did not want things to be named after him. 3) while Congress delayed other important decisions, they went back into session to appropriate funding for the local highway signs to be changed according to their vote (rather than waiting for the next budget cycle to accommodate the name change). Poor priorities that speak to political preferences and little care for what the area and Reagan want. "
Because that's its name.
"1. Congress changed the name without the consent of the residents of the District of Columbia.
2. Ronald Reagan busted the Air Traffic Controller's union and it is a slap in the face to organized labor to name an airport after him."
"Ronald Reagan's presidency was a net loss for America and the world. Additionally, his replacement of air traffic controllers makes him completely undeserving of an airport bearing his name"
It is what is on my flight ticket. I may call it regean national airport sometimes because it's what metrorail calls it.
"Because that's what it was called the first time I flew into it, and I don't care that it was renamed. Note that one question refers to BWI - not Thurgood Marshall BWI. "
It was National when I grew up and always will be to me.
Because that's what it's called.
Reagan? Seriously? Sometimes I do call it DCA though.
That is what I heard it was called last. It may have been a long time though.
It's what the locals say.
See previous question
"Used to call it Naional because that was its name. Then I was gone for a long time And because I never cared for Ronnie, even though my old man (Pop) thought he was great."
I also use DCA frequently. It was hard to decide which one I actually use the most. They are interchangeable for me.
"By calling it ""DCA,"" it makes it rather obvious that I'm going to/flying from D.C. two letters that are in the name I call airport."
"Much like I refuse to call the major airport in Houston by ""Bush"" and stick with ""Intercontinental,"" I just picked up a similar habit when I moved here for sentimental and snarky political reasons."
"Because it is National airport. And I think it's also rather telling that when BWI gets renamed after Thurgood Marshall, everyone still calls it BWI, but when National gets renamed nobody forgets that added name. (Also ""Reagan National"" is just as incomplete a name--yiu would be as correct to say ""Washington National."") And of course, the renaming was a ridiculous idea in the first place, considering how much Reagan screwed over the entire airlines industry, creating problems today with a huge percentage of air traffic controllers set to retire at the same time."
I love America and I love Ronald Reagan.
Because that's what it was originally called!
"The name of the airport I'd Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport its abbreviation is DCA which I take to mean, ""DC Area"" however, it isn't an international airport it is the only one out of the three area airports that strictly flies US only. The other two, Dulles and Baltimore Washington are both International Airports. That is the difference. "
"I keep meaning to call it Reagan, since people newer to the area tend to be less familiar with ""National"" (and I've even been corrected by some newbies...), but that just seems to be what I always unconsciously say. "
That weird bronze Of Regan is just weird."
It's short and unambiguous.
When I moved to DC that's what everyone called it.
I never understood why National was renamed after the second worst president ever. Ugh.
"For the first part of my life it was National, then when I started traveling a lot for work, I switched up where it was in search engine form (DCA), in convo locally (National) or out elsewhere (Reagan)."
Didn't like Reagan enough to want to glorify him
On principle
Tough to teach an old dog new tricks. Always been national to me.
"I call it Reagan because that's what my mother calls it. ""National"" always confuses me, because it seems like the word ""National: is part of many other airports' names."
Because naming it Reagan was a transparently political and silly move by congressional Republicans.
That's it's name?
I remember when it wasn't named Reagan National.
Because it's called National.
Imperialist congress overruled local rule and changed the airport name for no legitimate reason
"I do purposefully choose not to call it Reagan. I do sometimes call it National, but DCA is short and sweet and puts DC first :)"
"Oh let's see. Reagan fired all of the Air Traffic Controllers and we name an Airport after him, especially in Democratc Country? It's Washington National. "
Reagan can bite me
Regan was not a good Leader and especially did not deserve to have an airport named after him. It will be national as long as I live!
Because everyone knows your not a local if you call it Reagan
I don't like anything named Reagan."
Don't want to say Reagan! I call Houston Bush airport IAH!
because union busting war criminals ought not have airports named after them.
Because I refer to a lot of airports by their call signs
"When I was young and my family visited our grandparents in DC, it was called National."
Never forget those that served and were ditched by a corrupted government.
Because that is its name.....
It's disrespectful to name an airport after the president who destroyed an air traffic controllers union.
That's what it's called.
Shortest name
I don't care for Ronald Reagan.
I can't stand Reagan
hat's what it's called!
Reagan was a divisive and destructive force in American society and I refuse to participate in honoring his name.
"National Airport denotes pride. Calling it by a president's name reduces it to a venue, like the Verizon Center or Jiffy Lube Live. "
"Ronald Reagan was no friend to air traffic controllers who have a difficult job, as best."
Either Reagan National or National works for me.
Renaming the airport after a man who fired most of the people that worked for airlines is pouring salt in the wound.
That's what all the signs say when driving there. And that's what the all flight websites call it.
It was the first name I was told
"I refuse to use Reagan in National Airport's name, as he has had enough things & bldgs. named after him. DCA airport already had a name, & it was, & still is National Airport."
Shortest most identifiable name.
"I go to DC for work, my coworkers there usually called it National or ""Washington National""."
Because that's what it's called...
"I know it got named for President Reagan, but it just never resonated with me. Its airport code, DCA, did nothing to push any name forward."
"It's name is Washington National Airport.
Or DCA to airline personnel who insist on the ""R"" word.
I don't like to swear in public and don't think there should be signs with a swear word on it on local streets.
President Washington will ALWAYS be more important than the 39th Presidential mistake."
"I call it Reagan and national. My mom flew a lot when I was a kid, calling it both named as well. "
I usually call airports by their airport code
Never really felt like changing what I called it when they changed the name.
"a) it was always National
b) I always hated Ronald Reagan"
"I have been an Admin asst responsible for booking flights and a case assigner responsible to doing travel orders into and out of the DC area. I know BWI, IAD and DCA. "
"I work at a local hotel, so I typically find myself saying all of the above on a daily basis. Before I was a concierge and browsing up I'd refer to the airport as Reagan and if I had a counter and took tally I think I'd call it Reagan more than the others in a week. I know I'll be more aware from here on out. "
For the same reason they call it Bill and Hillary Clinton Airport in Little Rock.
Because Ronald Reagan is not a person we should be memorializing. (Although naming an airport after him is a touch hilarious all things considered- enough to make you wonder if the proponents were in on the joke.)
"National Airport is its name. Reagan, himself signed legislation not to name places after living persons."
Because that's what it's called...
Reagan National or DCA
I used to live in a different city with a 'national' airport. I like to distinguish in my own head.
"Because Regan is its name. Who wants to say ""Reagan National Airport"" all the time? Sensible folks will refer to it as Reagan (an abbreviation of its name) or DCA, its abbreviation. Why is this hard?"
That is what my parents called it. And I don't like calling it Reagan.
"Because calling it Reagan is an insult to workers everywhere, given that Reagan fired striking air traffic controllers. "
Because that's what everyone else calls it...or so I thought [eery music].
Airport code
That's what my mom calls it.
"Because I refuse to call it Reagan. Ugh, what a horrible president. And current republican veneration of him just makes it worse. "
"JFK is JFK, LaGuardia is LaGuardia, Dulles is Dulles, O'Hare is O'Hare, Logan is Logan, etc. All names."
"DCA or national, never Reagan because he was an asshole"
No way I'm calling it by the R-word.
"I don't want anything named fir Reagan, but especially not an airport (PATCO) that serves DC (federal workers, center of social programs)."
"Because I refuse to call the supposed ""D.C."" airport, or rather refuse to acknowledge/believe that it was ever renamed after, one of the worst presidents in the history of the United States. There are so many other individuals in the history of this country that could have been chosen to represent the airport attached to our nation's capital."
That's the name I grew up with.
"I worked for american airlines, we used the airport codes for each airport, instead of the name.
I love flying to MCO"
"Because that is what it was called, so that's what it is called."
That's what I've always called it.
Just because a republican controlled House needed new ways to recognize their hero (for something that has no linkage or meaning) doesn't mean I need to recognize it. Just as I would find it ridiculous for a Democratic attempt to name it after Clinton.
"From searching online, DCA, BWI, IAD, oh my. "
I feel that Ronald Reagan was one of the worst presidents this nation has had. The name offends me.
It's easy to say and remember and it's how you look it up for travel.
Because that's what it IS! Calling it after a modem president prople disagree about it divisive.
It is the nation's airport.
National - makes sense
"When booking flights to DC, I always search with the airport code. That translates into how I talk about the airports. "
Because that's it's name
It was always National until persons forced the name on the locals.
Airport code
"It's the name I was introduced to and have always called it. It's like calling CVS, People's Drug Store. It was the name brr which it was originally known."
I grew up calling it national and refuse to call it after the person for whom the Republicans in congress named it.
I'm not going to refer to it by any name that uses Reagan given what he did to the air industry. I genrly call it nation as default but am also ok with dca because I've had to enter it into my computer so many times
I can't stand to call it Reagan. I refuse.
It is what it was called when i was first introduced to its name.
They should have never named an airport after someone who illegally fired thousands of air traffic controllers putting the nation's air safety at risk.
There can only be one greatest president in the entire history of this country and Northern Virginia is blessed to have an establishment named after him. To call this establishment by any other name would tarnish this great man's accomplishments. God bless America.
"Because Congress steamrolls the will of DC residents repeatedly, and forcing WMATA to not only rename the airport, but incur the cost for its change is ridiculous. In reality, though, it's just a rallying call for residents to talk about the bigger issue - that despite paying federal and dc taxes, we are not only denied representation - our majority opinion is systematically overruled by a republican congress looking to appease some interest group (see: abortion, marijuana, etc)."
It's what I've always called it and what my sister (who lives in the area--I don't) calls it.
Ronald Reagan was a national embarrassment.
"I've been in and out of DC before National was renamed for Reagan. Also the renaming was the work of the Gingrich Congress, and I wasn't thrilled with seeing the Reagan name on an airport outside California - or something that rewards his firing of air traffic controllers."
That's what I most often hear it called among my friends in DC
It's the traditional name. I was not a fan of Ronald Reagan and his disastrous policies.
Naming it after Reagan was a political decision to honor a man whose policies led to many of the current crises in the US economy.
It used to be National. They added Reagan - Reagan National
because that's just what everyone in DC calls it
It's what it was and what it will always be.
Because it never should have been named after Reagan and it is the one thing that ticks me off about Clinton because he shouldn't have signed the bill.
"I've always called it Reagan... though now that I live far away (in CA) I sometimes hear myself referring to it as DCA, as that is what it is when booking a ticket. "
That's what I have always called it.
Because that's what it was called when I was growing up
My (older) coworkers yell at me if I call it Reagan.
"It is named Ronald Reagan National Airport, and similarly to the airport i am most familiar with (Logan international airport in boston) I call it by the name of the person it was named after. So, Reagan "
It's a better-sounding word than National and shorter than DCA.
Reagan dissolved the air traffic controller unions. His name has no place on an airport.
It's Washington National - the name already includes a president's name. Adding another president's name (especially a lousy one) is just stupid.
"It was originally Washington National, and of all people Reagan is the least deserving of having an airport named after him."
Because when I was a little kid in D.C. my parents always referred to it as 'National'.
"My parents have called it that, and it seemed like a good enough name to me."
It never should have been named after Reagan
Because that's what it's called and everyone needs to chill?
"Frank Underwood International Airport
"I grew up calling it National, but finally switched to Reagan National. I'm a realist - and I remember how awful it was having Reagan as president."
Cause that's what it is.
Ronald Reagan fired the air traffic controllers. He never deserved a major airport named after him.
"Because it was originally named Washington national, after our first president. Don't think they should have changed the name."
Reagan is easy to say and people know what I'm talking about
That's what my parents have always said!
"It's National Airport, because that's the only way I ever knew it when I lived in DC. "
Because Washington National is the name if that airport. You can't just change an airport's name.
I like airport codes because they are unambiguous and you don't have to say the word Reagan
Its what my parents called it and when I flew in there once it came up when I typed in Regan National on google flights. It is also referred to that on the metro line that leads there
The name changed from National to honor Reagan.
That's what we called it when I was growing up. And I'm not a fan of Reagan.
"After what Reagan did to the air traffic controllers, there should never have been an airport honoring him."
Reagan National
Because I can't bring myself to call it Reagan.
"I grew up with the airport being called National, and so it will always be for me. For what it's worth, I still call the Baltimore-Washington airport BWI too, Thurgood Marshall's legacy notwithstanding."
"bc reagan sucks, and he fired the friggin controllers and gets an airport named after him? i hate seeing that stupid statue of him there, ugh."
that's the name of the metro stop
because i don't like Reagan and it was hypercritical after he fired the air traffic controllers
Because it's always been National. And Reagan was not a friend of air traffic controllers.
"I grew up hearing it as ""National"" and BWI as BWI. I'm not going to start calling BWI ""Thurgood Marshall"" either. However, if I've been flying recently, I might call National ""DCA"" instead. "
"Because it was National Airport when I was growing up, and I'm a liberal."
"I think of it as Reagan national most often, but when speaking, especially among friends, I think I use DCA, especially when discussing transit. ""I took the metro from DCA"""
Fuck Reagan
Metro Cash it Reagan National
"I accidentally called it Reagan once. Yuk! Why not call it ""fire the traffic controllers and watch the planes fall out if the sky national airport"""
Because I hate that an airport I fly out of is named for one of the worst presidents
I'll call it National until they call BWI Thurgood Marshall on a regular basis. And probably even then. Calling it the other name was a big F@&$# You by Congress to democratic DC - the ultimate in taxation without representation. Frankly a little surprised I care this much.
How do you put the name of the prez who fired air traffic controllers for striking on an airport
I don't like Reagan so I say DCA
"Ronald Reagan was a terrible man. There are there presidents, republicans too, that are more worthy of the facility being named after them. It's an affront to everyone in that GLBT community and ethnic community in the area. "
"""Reagan"" sounds to me like a commercial endorsement that I refuse to get on board with, I don't know why. It was called National when I was growing up so it will always be National airport to me. I also refuse to use Starbucks terminology, so..."
"Because when I moved here and called it Reagan, the locals told me I sounded like a tourist and to never do that again. Now it's habit."
Parents call it Reagan
Because Reagan National Airport is its name.
"That's the name. Why they attempted to ""rename"" it after the actor turned president is beyond me."
I actually call it National or Regan about equally.
"When I moved to DC, my friend told me ""We're Democrats. We call it National."" "
"It's what it was called before, and Reagan was a shitbird."
Because it's National airport.
Because it should never have been renamed -- and certainly not for that guy
"It's a cruel joke, Reagan dissolved the PATCO in '81."
Because that's what it's always been called. That's all
Can't bear to say The R Word.
"Because when I moved to D.C. in 2007, that's how I heard most people call it. "
National speaks to everyone Reagan speaks to certain partisans. A person's name is not needed in a place dedicated to all.
Because it's bullshit that Congress changed the name of an airport without consult (nor payment) to the local jurisdiction.
"One of my parents is from the DC Metro area, and was living here when my parents met. I picked up my terminology from them, I think."
My parents call it that!
Because i don't like that it was renamed after Reagan.
"I resisted calling it Reagan for years after the official name change , but now I have so many friends who are newer to the area and have only known it as Reagan, that I find it uncomfortably easier to call it Reagan National. "
Because that is its name.
My parents called it that.
"I like to imagine my body flying into and destroying the Reagan political agenda (shorthand: ""Reagan"") every time I say I'm flying to DC."
Because I don't allow to steal my nomenclature! How long did RWR live in DC? Maybe 10 minutes.
"Because I refuse to honor that senile, union-busting, AIDS-denying, economy-destroying war criminal in any way, shape, or form."
Fuck Reagan
I know I'm not supposed to call it Reagan but I don't know what else to call it!
Cuz Reagan's a dick
never liked the decision to name an airport after a guy who fired all of the air traffic controllers.
Because that is its name.
Reagan National
I guess I call it National because I started referring to it before the Reagan part was added. I can't think of anyone calling it anything else.... Maybe Reagan National
"Thats what my parents called it. I would occasionally call it reagan national, but mostly just reagan"
Because it's always been National. Reagan did not need yet another building named after him. Besides it was already named after a president...Washington.
That's what I've been told. Although many of my peers at AU say DCA
"I usually call it Reagan, but sometimes I also refer to it as DCA."
"1) National sounds good.
2) Reagan was a fascist."
"It used to be ""National"" or ""Washington National."" It was renamed it Reagan National, but I saw no need to add an extra word, it's still ""National."" It's not like there is another National that requires a differentiation. Then I just started calling it DCA because that's the code you have to use when booking a flight. (BWI is not Thurgood Marshall, it's initials)"
Always referred to it this way in college and learned from locals who called it Regan
I will never call it Reagan.
can't abide Ronald Reagan dead or alive
It was originally a named Washington National!
That's the way I first knew it as
That's what it was called when I lived there before the name was changed.
Reagan is not worthy of having anything named after him!
Because fuck reagan
"I lived here for many years before it was renamed, so it's partly habit, but I also dislike Ronald Reagan, which is why I have chosen not to adapt. "
"It was introduced to me as ""Reagan"" by my parents (who are from NY and NJ, so they probably just called it that because they saw the official name somewhere on a sign or an airline ticket). I do know why it's ""supposed"" to be ""National"", and I probably should make an effort to switch to calling it that, but as a Republican from a Republican family I don't really mind calling it ""Reagan."""
"I know the ""full name,"" but just as I call John F. Kennedy International Airport ""JFK,"" and Baltimore Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport ""BWI,"" I call Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport ""National."""
In part bc I don't want to call it Reagan
"Out of respect for the man who loved and fought for the city more than any other in its history. I would also accept CHUCK BROWN NATIONAL AIRPORT, for similar reasons."
"Most of the time Reagan, sometimes DCA. Reagan because I thought that was the actual name and DCA sometimes because it's the abbreviation. "
"Because congress shouldn't get to name Virginia's airports, even if it is the one members use the most. "
"Protest! And,when I say it while stepping into a cab, it makes me feel glamorous in a Robert Redford in the 1970s kind of way."
"I was opposed to the addition of that predident's name to the airport from the start. While I call it National most, I do call it DCA as well. "
"Absolutely refuse to call it Reagan.
Proud to call BWI Thurgood Marshall airport."
That's the name.
"I go back and forth between calling it Reagan and DCA. I never call it Reagan National and only rarely, usually by mistake, call it National. "
Can't stand Ronald Reagan.
I hope I will never call it Reagan. As president he attacked the idea of HIV yet people want major govt affiliated edifices named after him in every state. I think it is hypocritical. And he already has that huge building in dc named after him- commerce? That is enough.
I don't like Ronald Reagan and don't find him worthy of getting a quite nice airport after him.
Reagan fired the air traffic controllers. Naming an airport after him is an insult to union employees everywhere.
"Reagan belived government is ""the problem"". He busted the Air Traffic Controllers Union. What an insult to name a government-funded, traffic-controller-dependent airport for him."
To not acknowledge the President who fired the air traffic controllers.
"It takes less time to call it ""national"" than any other of the choices, and it was called ""national"" long before it was Ronald Reagan."
It was National up until I was already an adult and find it ironic that it's now named after Reagan when Reagan himself was against naming things after politicians.
It was National Airport near the nations capital
Because spending money to change the name could have fed children-and done so many good things-don't see the point in this vanity
"""Reagan"" is how I was first introduced to it. Since I have only lived in DC for the past 5 years and do not fly at all, my relationship with the airport/its name is very cursory. "
"Because I didn't think it needed any other name, and certainly NOT that one! The airport was already named after one president, WASHINGTON, that's enough! I call it National and I always will!"
Because I never know whether to call it Reagan or National so DCA seems like a good middle ground.
"When it first switched names, I was adament about not calling it Reagan, but the name crept into my vocabulary over time. Now I almost always call it Reagan, unless I'm thinking about it and trying to show off my longevity in the area. Then I call it National."
Because that's what it's called
It's what it's called on the news.
"The call letters on my travel itinerary
"Reagan broke up the air traffic controllers union. Also, can't ell Reagan."
I book a lot of flights for my boss and it's the quickest way to discern it.
Plain and simple: don't want to call it Reagan.
Because it is the airport that serves the Nation's capital and the airport was named without any input from the local and national community that is served by airport. It was a shameful and spiteful process that I rejected then. It also is easier to remember than a dead politician's name. Wouldn't O'Hare be better called Chicago as Dallas/Fort Worth is called Dallas/Fort Worth?
It's always been National; I hated RR; and he broke the air traffic controllers union. It would betray them.
"For several years I lived in the district (SE Capitol Hill, Eastern Market) and while I heard the airport in question referred to many times I heard it called DCA a few times, or National from time to time, but predominantly s"
"On the day of his funeral, my pub trivia team's name was ""can we have our airport back now?""
We won free t-shirts for it from Fado.
This is serious business. "
I do not like RR and refuse to acknowledge the name change of National airport to the name of a person who started the elimination of the middle class
"I was not a fan of Ronald Reagan and was unhappy when the airport's name was changed. I also think it's kind of cool/insider-y to use the original names of things--in New York, I call the street 6th Avenue, not Avenue of the Americas."
Reagan is the worst
That's its name
States Rights. Virginia should not have been forced against its will to change the name of one of the airports in its boarders by an act of congress.
It's easiest. Reagan.
Because the original name was National and only changed by the republican .
I've always called it National Airport!
It will always be National to me. Our nation's capitol deserves an airport with a name that represents the entire nation.
It's quick & easy to say DCA. I also refer to it as Reagan.
"It was already named for a president, and I am not a Ronald Reagan fetishist."
"The prefix ""Ronald Reagan"" was added by Republican politicians within my lifetime. The name almost suggests that the former president somehow owns the country. As an aside: We aren't really a nation in the strictest of terms but only academics seem to make that distinction. And politicians certainly wouldn't sully themselves or their reputations with book learning... except to earn a J.D. Funny how that works."
"That airport was already named after a president, it's absurd to add a second. "
Because that's what it's called.
I grew up knowing it as Reagan but as an adult I call it dca dunno why maybe subconscious due to politics
"Because in conversation its shorter to say Regan than Reagan National and people still know what you are talking about. I don't think anyone calls it DCA.
Ex: I'm flyin outta DCA.
Which one is DCA again?
Oh yeah, that one."
It's Reagan man!
It's what everyone calls it.
"I actually call it Washington National. It was already named after a President when it was renamed. Nothing against President Reagan, but I wouldn't want to disrespect President Washington."
"""The republican airport"" should be known as national "
"Because I knew it that way for more years than since it was named after Reagan. But my daughter just landed at Thurgood Marshall this morning and my husband is heading there tomorrow, so maybe this old dog CAN learn a few new tricks!"
"I think I'm used to calling it Reagan National, but I'd rather leave out Reagan."
That's what the travel people at work call it. But it'll always be national to me
That is the name I grew up with. I don't think the man who fired the controllers and hated Washington should be honored by naming the Washington airport after him.
Hate Reagan
"I'm not sure how it started, but it's just what I heard most people calling it. At times I say Reagan National or DCA, but most days I just say National and most people from the area know what I'm referring to."
"The name of the person attached to the airport did not have anything to do with it. Built by Roosevelt, expanded by Clinton.
The airport is National Airport, the airport code was and is DCA. It is a National Airport, not internal airport. It is The National Airport. It needs no other names. "
I hate Reagan and refuse to call it by his name. National sounds so much nicer and more neutral.
"I called it Reagan until I learned from locals they still call it National, so I switched to National."
"I know the real name. People in the city called it National. Burbs, you heard Reagan more. "
Probably the first name I heard
Natives told me to call it National.
"I think before I moved to DC, I called it Reagan but when I got there noticed everyone called it National and it just stuck with me."
Because you cannot name the airport after the guy that fired all the air traffic controllers.
It's what I heard it called growing up.
I was there when the Repugnicans rammed through this honor to their saint over the wishes of the locals. Fuckers are still at it as seen in the marijuana initiatives.
"I still call ""avenue of the Americas"" 6th Avenue. And changing the name was another example of a Republican Congress asserting feudal control over the affairs of the District. Besides, who the hell was ""Ronald Reagan Washington""??? "
"Because I can't stand uttering the word ""Reagan"" :)"
"I call it DCA, but also call it National or Reagan National."
"Because that's what it was called, and because I refuse to call it by the name of that piece of shit that all the Republicans seem to mistakenly think was a competent, capable person. "
"Some relevant facts:
I like using proper names for airports in general, 'cause I think they're cool. Like, ""Charlotte Douglas,"" ""Montreal Trudeau,"" or ""Austin Bergstrom."" I'd probably call this airport ""Washington Reagan,"" but [a] everyone knows Reagan Airport is in Washington, [b] something sounds kind of wrong about that, phonetically.
I'm sorta Democrat-ish now, but I grew up in a Republican family. We never flew via that airport though.
I recently had a bad travel experience that spanned this airport and Dulles, so I'm not a big fan of either. RDU for life!"
That's what we always called it. It wasn't always Reagan.
"I did not like Ronald Reagan, but I don't think it should be named after any person, it was and is THE National airport. They should have left it alone."
I don't want to support the right wing agenda that lead to re-naming dca & federal buildings after Pres Reagan.
"I say National, Reagan National, or DCA interchangeably. It just takes longer to say Reagan National. Reagan or Ronald Reagan don't immediately make me think of the airport, I think of the Reagan Building. "
"It's National. I remember in the late 1990's when the House Republican majority forced the change in the name to the airport. As I recall even Republicans in Northern Virginia were against it because it included no funding for changing the signs and other displays that would be required statewide, in D.C. and Virginia.
This was a naked power grab by Republicans attempting to use public resources latent-ly and positively brand the memory of the presidency of America's 40th president.
It didn't work and wasted taxpayer dollars."
"It was always ""national"" to my mother, who also grew up in the dc area, so I first learned to call it that. When they changed the name, I thought it was painfully ironic that they named it after the president who caused the firing of a bunch of air traffic controllers so I have continued to call it ""national"" and I leave the Reagan name out of it"
"Because it's already named for a president, and because I have no desire to participate in Republican hydrant-pissing."
"That's what everyone I know calls it. It's short, easy, and what's on the metro map. "
"I thought Washington National, the name given it in 1942, was a perfectly good name. I saw no reason to name it after President Reagan, especially given the mass firings of air traffic controllers."
My mom called it that and worked in the airline business in the 80's.
Least number of syllables.
That's what it was called when I moved here in 1997
"I'm a flight attendant, that's the airport code. "
That's what it's called
"Childish, perhaps, dislike of Reagan."
"DCA is the official airport code I enter when I'm searching for flights, and it's fastest to say."
I do not with to identify the airport with the President.
I call it Reagan National or DCA because both of them are acceptable aliases for the airport in question.
"I know the airport was officially Washingon National, but no one local ever called it that when I was growing up. I left the area for college, lived here briefly in 1998, and then spent the next decade in North Carolina, so I rarely thought about said airport, and the change never made it into my lexicon. I admit I wasn't onboard with the whole renaming things after Ronald Regan craze but my calling it National is much more out of early-ingrained habit than protest. I've lived in Loudoun since 2008 so I usually use Dulles. Perhaps if I flew out of the airport in question more often, I would call it the new name, but my husband, who works in the air travel industry, always calls it DCA, so I would probably call it that if I were to call it something other than National."
Didn't see a reason the name needed to be changed
"""Reagan"" is just what I've heard most people refer to it as, and so I've gotten into the same habit.
I was actually surprised that you didn't have ""Washington"" or ""Washington Reagan"" as options in the questionnaire, because a lot of older people (older than me, anyway) who used it before the name change still call it that."
"Because it is National Airport. Ronald Reagan was an evil, senile hand puppet of the 1%, and does not deserve anything to be named after him."
Because washigton national was always the name and it should not have been changed.
I hate Ronald Reagan.
"Ronald Reagan was a model public servant, how more to honor the man's service and contributions to my country than reminding myself of his legacy every time I fly?"
That's its name!
It is our Nations NATIONAL airport !
Because I grew up during Reagan's presidency and have no desire to honor him by calling the airport after him.
Because that's its name.
"Reagan or Ronald Reagan airport, either one works for me. "
Because that's the airport code--I typically know airports by their code because it's easier. Usually less syllables.
"Because that's it's name. I don't care what ""they"" say. "
Cause it just is ...
"Because it's national airport, always has been, always will be. "
"I alternate between DCA and Reagan, but call it Reagan more often because of custom. It just seemed normal. Definitely only since living in Arlington where it is housed though."
Not out of any particular affinity for the former president. It's just the name I've always heard other people use.
I won't call it Reagan because I find it ironic that the President who fired the air traffic controllers has an airport named after him.
"Because when I moved to DC, that's what Washingtonians seemed to call it. "
"DCA is the airport code that pops up every time I book or look up a flight to and from, well, DCA. :)"
"I thought Reagan National was the name of it. And yes, I know it is DCA..."
Reagan has the fewest syllables. Otherwise I would probably say Reagan National or DCA. But just saying Reagan gets the point across.
Grown up calling it that. Ronald Reagan fired the air traffic controllers who went on strike and it is an insult to name an airport after him.
"Would prefer just National, but also want to honor President Reagan. "
Hate president Reagan.
Reagan is undeserving of being memorialized in such a grandiose way.
Because if you call it anything else the locals will laugh at you...duh.
"I refuse to call it Reagan because (a) President Reagan was an awful president who did much harm to the country (and airline workers), and (b) nobody else calls it ""Reagan"" unless you're new here."
It's called Reagan National on flight-booking websites. I think otherwise I would have said National.
"Why would I ever call an airport by the name of a man who broke the strike of air traffic controllers?!? (There are various other things I'm even more horrified that Reagan did, but this irony is too great!)"
I went to UMD for college (from and live in Suburban Philadelphia). I suppose I call it Reagan because others introduced it to me as such.
I do not respect Reagan and don't understand why anyone would name DC's nearest airport after him.
That's just what I heard the most frequently.
I refuse to call it Reagan - after what he did to break the unions the irony is ridiculous.
"As the daughter of a pilot and air traffic specialist, the airport was always and still is referred to as National. Think about it, how many New Yorkers call 6th Avenue the Avenue of the Americas?"
Metro conductor calls it regan national
Airport code - from searching flights via the net.
"Can't stand to call it Reagan
The statue in the front of Reagan so I'm sticking to Reagan
Came to the District for college and that's what everyone called it.
"It's what I've always known it as, and what my parents called it growing up"
"It's the original name. I sometimes refer to it as DCA now as well, just based on business travel. But both are more legitimate names that are not made up and forced upon us more recently."
People from the DC area get mad when I call it Reagan.
DCA is what is called online when booking tickets
"""Reagan"" is the easiest to say."
I go between DCA and Reagan National; it results from the influences of my traveling friends and my typical use of airport codes while traveling.
"I didn't fly much growing up. Now I do for work, and it's been Reagan National since that time."
"Because it's absurd that an airport, particularly the primary airport for the nation's capital, would be named for the President who fired the air traffic controller workforce."
"As a protest against Congress for having changed the name without consulting the citizens of the District, most of whom opposed the idea."
"Because how would a taxi driver know which ""Reagan"" to take me to?"
That's what it's always been to me.
Never reagan
Rolls off the tongue
"Given the dustup with the air traffic controllers, and even though I am foggy on the issues there, I don't think and airport is the right thing to name after Mr. Reagan."
Because that's what we call it. Majority rules!
That's what I've always called it
"It's complicated. Partly b/c that's what it was when I was growing up but also that's the name that the majority of people living in the DC metro region wanted it to remain. The name change was done purely for political reasons. Among friends, I call it National but when I'm speaking to people whom I do not know, I call it DCA."
"Sometimes I call it DCA, but I call it Reagan because it is the most recognizable name, most concise, and most clear."
"That is its name. It is the airport in our nation's capitol (or close enough), and thus is our National Airport. "
Because I'm a liberal democrat!
"I like calling airports by their people names. Dulles, Pearson, Heathrow. Makes flying a bit more personal. "
Because it was National growing up and the change of name is jus political stupidness.
I refuse to be a part of the cult of Reagan worship
Because e that's what it's called
"Im a pilot, so I call it DCA"
Habit. Old habits are hard to break.
So foolish to try to change the name of National foolish!
Because the name changed late enough in my life that I had already developed the habit of calling it its old name.
"It was always national. Then they changed it to Reagan, but it took me a while to call it that because I liked 'national' so much and frankly didn't see the need to turn it into Reagan, and why would we, is he a brand? Around that same time RFK died and we had to call a football stadium after the post man, which I never understood. Eventually I compromised to call it both, because I don't want to seem like I can't keep up with the times. I am a man of the moment."
I refuse to call it Reagan due to what Reagan did to the air traffic controllers.
No idea.
Fuck Reagan and all Republicans right in the butt.
"I actually refer to it as most of the terms listed, but mostly Reagan. It just rolls off the tongue easily."
I didn't know there was another name for it...
It's right there in DC. Why change it to the name of a president who didn't have a good rep with airport workers in the first place sick stick to dca.
Be3cause that is its name
I refuse to call the airport Reagan after he fired the air traffic controllers. It is an insult to have a major national airport named after him
Stay true to it's roots. My parents also weren't huge fans of Ronald Reagan either...
"Because National is too generic sounding. We don't say ""International"" for Dulles, we say Dulles. Same goes for Reagan."
"Partly habit, partly being self-consciously old-school, partly because I think it's too early to name something after Reagan (or any president who's been out of office/dead so short a time). It's not me being anti-Reagan (though I am at least moderately so); it's that I don't believe in naming anything after anyone so soon after their death, before their legacy is clear."
Always have and still do.
"Ronald Reagan was one of the worst presidents we have ever had. Among the many awful things he did, he showed corporate America how to destroy unions and begin the downward spiral of the working class. He did that with air traffic controllers. To name the closest airport to our nation's capital after him is a slap to working Americans, which Republicans fully intended. The only thing Reagan was good at was making Americans feel good about hating people who were not like themselves, and he showed them how to do it, with a grin and a twinkle, and by having frontmen do the dirtiest work. That, and that alone, is why he is so beloved."
Reagan broke the air traffic controllers' strike. I refuse to associate his name with an airport of all places.
Because fuck Reagan
I've always called it that. It's instinctive.
"Sometime ""DCA,"" too."
"Because Ronald Reagan's simplistic, anti-intellectual approach to governing, while certainly not unprecedented in American political history, legitimized the ongoing assault on reason that has, sadly, become a hallmark of our society and government "
That's what it was called when I moved here and I never should have been renamed.
"It was already named after a president. There was no need to name it after President Reagan, who had a serious beef with the air traffic controllers. It is THE NATIONAL AIRPORT because it is the major airport closest to the Nation's Capital. Period."
Reagan bc that's what it's called
Calling it Reagan is a slap in the face to airport workers after what he did to them.
I refuse to make any acknowledgement of that president that it was renamed after.
Because renaming it after Reagan was pointless and expensive overkill.
Shortest and easiest way to identify the airport in question.
"I oppose the nonprofit organization whose mission is to name a memorial after Ronald Reagan in every county of every state in the US. This includes their early victory in renaming National Airport. I can only call this airport National or DCA, and I let everyone I know about it."
Because I resent the idea of anything being named after Pres. Reagan
"I call the ""airport in question"" 'Reagan' because that's its name. I find it pathetic that some disgruntled liberals have taken to obfuscating its name. If this ""airport in question"" were named 'Clinton National Airport' would second-rate newspapers like this one and irate liberals be trying to pull the same maneuver? No. "
Quick way to identify the airport in question.
"always have, always will"
"National. That's it's name, isn't it? What else would you call it. "
It has the fewest syllables.
That's its real name
Because I'm not a queeny democrat. Everyone who lives in DC calls it Reagan. Everyone needs to stop being a bitch about it. It is and always has been called Reagan
"It just feels natural, it's what I grew up calling it."
"Reagan canned all the air traffic controllers when they went on strike. No matter your politics, it makes no sense to name an airport after that guy."
It is odious to everything I stand for to name anything greater than a garbage can after that man.
no reason to name it after a dude who wouldn't have funded it anyways
News casts
I thought Reagan was the official DC airport..? Dulles is the inconvenient one...
"I think Reagan was a damaging president in incalculably many ways, and ""National"" seems like the clearest alternative that does not involve honoring him by referring to the airport by his name. I am pretty intentional about it."
Please. Reagan was a moron. It is an embarrassment to have to fly through an airport named for him.
"The old name just stuck. Reagan was a nice guy, but there are lots of airports named after people that get called by their original name."
Reagan didn't deserve to have an airport or anything else named after him.
"I used to call it National. It took a few years for ""Reagan"" to sink in"
Because that's it's name.
"I do not stand with the legacy of the Reagan administration, so I choose to refer to buildings in his name with an alternative whenever possible."
Reagan was an ass.
Raised that way!
Thats what everybody calls it
"I used to call it National, but now everyone calls it Reagan so I switched."
"It is the domestic airport, used for national flights. "
"Ever since I came to this area it was called Washington National and for short, just National."
Because I remember they changed the name. It used to be just national airport.
My dad referred to it as Reagan National. I guess it just stuck!
"It was, is, and always will be National Airport. Adding the name of a (then) living person was ridiculous; when that name was the president who fired the air traffic controllers it was, and is, an affront to all labor."
Because I'm a democrat and that's what my friends called it when I lived there from 2002-2006.
"For years I stuck with calling in National, due to my dislike of Ronald Reagan, but have found myself being compelled to use his name in recent years just to be clear, especially to people who are not from the DC area. I wish they would officially drop Reagan from the name though. "
Reagan was an asshole
Partly because it was National when I flew into it growing up. But mostly because I can't swallow naming it after a man who sanctioned massacres of indigenous people in Central America
"That's why I hear other people say who are younger. Older people call it ""National."""
Airport codes are the easiest way to communicate without confusion. I'm a frequent traveler.
Fuck Reagan. Naming an airport after him is the sickest insult to workers. It's like naming an AIDS clinic after him (since he didn't do shit to help people with AIDS). GOP people who don't even live here don't deserve to name our airport. I don't go around naming things where they live...
I also call it Natty Ice as a joke. But seriously I have never heard it called by Reagan by anyone who lives in the dc area
"I refuse to call it Ronald Reagan Airport. Reagan's policies did great harm to the people of Washington and it seems wrong and unfair to attach his name to any major transportation project in or near DC. Also, I hear that Reagan despised Washington; airports should ideally be named for people who gave a crap about the cities they serve. "
I grew up in Howard County and always referred to the airport as National.
It's what it was called when I was growing up.
It's National. It will always be National.
Honestly I don't have a set name for it. I would probably say Reagan national just to be clear. But maybe sometimes just national. Or dca
That's what I've always heard it called.
That's what we as flight crews called it
That's what I've heard it called.
IATA codes. Nice and uncontroversial.
Because the ugliness of naming an airport after the person who fired all the air traffic controllers is just too much. Never mind everything else.
"Was never a big fan of Reagan and ""National"" is what it was called pre-Ronald Reagan. It just stuck with me, lol."
That's its name. A change of political will imposed on an area without agreement should not lead to wholesale adoption.
Because that's what it was called when I lived there. Nothing against Reagan - I admired and respected him when he was president - but I'm just not used to it being named after him.
Because pres. Reagan committed unforgivable and impeachable crimes when he was in office.
Came to DC In the fall of 1981 to attend GWU. Lived in Adams Morgan after graduation and a few years later to Cler in Silver Spring. Now in Takoma DC. VERY CONSCIOUSLY call it National. Refuse to play into the Republican idol worship / name something in every state after Reagan band wagon.
That's the logical short form of its name. (Reagan National.)
Despite not being a Reagan fan it's just easier because people know which you're talking about.
"The airport was not built originally to honor Ronald Reagan, it was built to serve the people of DC area and its visitors. It hailed Nation's Capitol whenever I heard the name, National Airport. Never did I feel this way after hearing ""Reagan National"" - the rebranding stole away the general populace identity thereafter."
"Because that's it's name. Abbreviated, of course, but ""Reagan"" is the key word that distinguishes it from Dulles. BWI is not a DC area airport."
"Because it was named National Airport when I grew up and largely served lawmakers, federal workers and the DC community, so it should be a non-partisan name. You wouldn't call the Capitol Building the ""Ronald Reagan"" Capitol Building, would you? "
"I refer to it as National for most purposes, but I'll call it DCA when I'm discussing booking flights with friends or family."
"Refuse to call it Reagan because I'm a Democrat. Also, don't we have enough things named after Reagan? It annoys me that the main DC airport isn't ""neutral"" ground. It should be. "
"Because I do it that way, son. "
"I suppose it's inherited: growing up, that's how my parents always referred to it."
"I call it both National and Regan. I use them interchangeably, so my answer to the first question is not entirely correct and I wanted to clarify it."
That was the name when I lived in Alexandria and Arlington.
Washingtonians were never consulted or approved the name Reagan for this airport. It's a small life-long protest.
"First, we called it National growing up. Second, who names an airport after the guy who fired the air traffic controllers - is that supposed to be some sort of sick joke?"
It's what I put in when I buy my tickets
That's its name.
Ronald Reagan was a dactor and as president he was at least an F
It's the name.
It was always called National Airport growing up.
It's what my parents (one of whom who grew up in Cabin John and went to Georgetown Visitation) call it.
I'm used to searching for flights online and it's faster to just use the abbreviation.
My father is a pilot so I grew up calling airports by their signs rather than their common names.
Because the election of Ronald Reagan was the single most enduring tragedy of our age.
"I moved to DC in 2000. It was National then and that's still how I think of it. I'm not big on change. Also, I remember how congress forced metro to immediately update system-wide maps to reflect name change, costing ridiculous amount of money that metro didn't have. That was the most lasting impression of name change to me: congressional demand of new signage. Congressional priorites are so infuriatingly out of whack. "
Because Reagan was a lousy president and the drive to name things after him offended me. He had no affinity for the area.
I don't celebrate Reagan
Cause that's what is called.
"Sorry, the ""new"" name they've tried to paste on National was never merited. Not that great a president, broke the air traffic controller union (how's that for irony?), and panders to one political party. National Airport is a unifying name, unlike the other. "
It's the most convenient airport to get to from DC.
Things shouldn't be named for people they die.
I refuse to say that man's name. I'm from Houston and I don't call one of those airports by name either.
I call it both Reagan National and occasionally just Reagan. Everyone I know also calls it this.
It's short and easy.
My astrologist was quite insistent...
I thought they should never have named it for Regan. I probably mostly call or DC because discussing with out of town guest they wouldn't know where it is based on the name
I do sometimes say DCA.
That's what I knew it as long before it was named after Reagan.
That what I have always called it from the beginning.
Because that is what I grew up calling it. .
That's what it was called when I was growing up in DC
"I actually call it both DCA and Reagan, but I use DCA more often. Probably because I see the airport code often when booking tickets? Or more likely it's because I often tell people I live in 'DC' so the airport name to me is associated with the city name and is only one more letter"
Cause it's named after a terrible president
I have no idea.
I'm a college student @ GW and everyone calls it Reagan because no one at GW is from DC and that's just what it says on the plane ticket. I don't want to say that it's stupid that people argue over the slang term for this airport but it's stupid.
"Because lawmakers are asses when they add extra names to long existing facilities. And because the pairing of the two presidents is hinky. It was a blantantly political maneuver and not a genuinely historical one. Plus the cost of changing the name on signs, etc. came at a time when that money should have been used for something else. Escalator care comes to mind. But instead, it's used as a partisan ego stroke to the lawmakers who wanted the name change. Calling it national is more of a personal mini protest against the dumbassery of politicians than a slight against Reagan. Half the people who idolize him these days have no memory of what his administration was like or that he wasn't as conservative as they think he was. "
"Short, quick and I think everyone knows what I mean when a say Reagan"
I usu just don't use the Reagan part because of the strike busting.
Couldn't stand the President. Most people I knew from the east coast called it that. And that's what it was called when I flew in on my eighth grade field trip to DC.
Don't like Ronald Reagan and simpler name
I call it DCA because I book a lot of flights & it's gotten stuck in my head that way. Everyone else in my family calls it Reagan.
Hate the man
Why in the world would anyone name an airport after a person who gutted the airline unions? It will always be DCA or National to me.
I call it National bc that's what it's called
Because it's one word. Because adding a personal name to a building or place comes across as vanity.
Reagan has his building. That was enough.
I think it was a waste of money and energy to rename the airport after one president when it's always been named after our 1st president.
that's what it's called
"Because it isn't Reagan. That's not its name. It had a name, and that name was fine. Someone decided to rename it Reagan, for reasons that are beyond me. I'll stick with its original, given name, thank you very much."
"You cannot rename an airport dedicated to our first president because of politics. Well, you can, but you don't get my cooperation."
Personally think its the real name of the airport regardless. Reagan fired air traffic controllers so to name an airport after him is an insult to the industry.
Reagan fired the controllers. I'm a controller so I do my best to avoid using his name in reference to the airport.
"Calling it ""Reagan"" does not make sense since it is already named after a president -- ""Washington."" And ""National"" is just shorter and cleaner. "
"1) that's what I've always called it
2) Congress shoved the name Reagan down our throat. President Reagan was never liked in this area. It is akin to calling an airport in Talledega, Alabama, Obama International. Particularly galling from group that talks about local control.
3) you know the airport is legally in the District of Columbia right?"
Most current naming of it. So it stuck. Like Hartsfield becoming Hartsfield-Jackson in Atlanta.
"I imagine it is because I knew the airport as National when I did the majority of my flying to DC when I was younger. It also seems to fit the nation's capital better than ""Reagan."""
National airport or Washington national airport
"Reagan, genial as he was, was actually a terrible president...."
Because that's what it was called when I was growing up.
It's how I search for it online
Been in Arlington since's just how I grew up knowing the airport.
Some things are not meant to be changed. DCA has ALWAYS been National... I shall not budge. Anyway how blatantly STUPID is it to name an AIRPORT after a person who almost brought air travel to it's knees by firing ALL ATC's? Shall we name our next Center for Peace Studies for al Qaeda? Maybe a Horticultural Center for Sustainable Agricultrrue... The Archer-Daniels-Midland / Monsanto School of Organic Farming?
More identifiable than National
"Its National Airport. That's why I call it ""National Airport."""
My father was an airline pilot & that was how he usually referred to it - I just picked it up from him.
Don't know
Because that is its name
I call it National or DCA pretty interchangeably
I have always heard it referred to as National. I may have occasionally called it Reagan National.
I don't like Ronald Reagan
Because that's it's true name and because Reagan screwed over the air traffic controllers
Because that's what it always was. I still call the Triborough bridge that. But I do call the river in Austin Lady Bird... Maybe it's just what sounds right?
Did not agree with the name change.
That's the way it's always been called. (I haven't changed! )
It is shorter.
Because that is the airport code. If I don't call it dca I call it national airport.
"Because I was here when the decision was made to rename it, along with half the office buildings for Reagan. I did not care for it then and I do not like it now. "
"Naming things after presidents happens after they die, not before. It should never have happened at that time. Besides, after firing the air traffic controllers during the PATCO strike, the LAST thing his name should be associated with is an airport!"
Because it's easy
"Because it was a crime that politicians rammed through naming the airport after a (then) living president, let alone a president who did more long-term damage to this country than any other in modern history. Plus, the airport had already been named for our first president."
What my parents called it. I may call it Reagan or national from time to time but Reagan national sounds more appropriate. DCA sounds like you're from out of town and just using the official airport acronym.
Because I refuse to memorialize that president.
I refuse to call it Regan after Ronald Regan.
"I did not agree to change the name from National to Reagan, and I don't think Reagan deserves an airport named after him"
Reagan or Reagan National because that's what I was told I moved to the area.I distinguish it as the Non-International Airport.
That is the name I first knew it by and I don't see a reason to change it.
Because WASHINGTON National airport is already named after a president.
I hate reagan
I find that I use different terminology based on the person I'm talking too. So I might use DCA when I talk to a frequent traveler or Reagan national when I am speaking with an older person.
That's its name.
Ronald Reagan was/is not a popular man around here for good reason.
Shorter than the full name.
I call it dca or Reagan national as that is what it was called when I moved here
Hated Reagan
"Fyi, my local airport is not represented in the question above. I was forced to pick a DC airport."
National is how I first knew it and it feels more authentic. And I wasn't fond of Reagan as president so I resisted accepting that new name all the more when it was renamed.
That's what it was called when I lived there (before I went away for college in 1994 and stopped living in the area).
Because Ronald Reagan National is a mouthful.
Because Reagan broke the air traffic controller's stroke and I can't stomach the irony. Also because Grover Norquist who is trying to put Reagan on Mount Rushmore is a fraud.
"I moved to DC in 2002, after it has been renamed. Before moving to DC, is never used the airport, so I've always known it as Reagan.
"To be honest, sometimes I slip up and say Reagan since most people I know call it that. But I really didn't like Reagan so I prefer to call it National. I also don't like the practice of renaming public venues, be they sports arenas or airports."
Was always National to me.
Air traffic controller firing.
Because its the national airport
"Because that's it's,actual identifier"
"My grandfather worked for American Airlines and corrected me when I called it ""Reagan"" growing up."
Not a Reagan-hater; they did slap his name on it...
"I went to college in dc, so I feel it was ingrained into me there. as if someone else called it that, and as a non-local, I just assumed that's what it was supposed to be called. "
I hated Regan
Reagan was one of our worst Presidents.
"I also use Reagan National (talking to parents) and DCA (talking to pilots) with some frequency, but it's plain ""Reagan"" more often than not."
Metro's influence
Friends in DC always called it that!
"Because when I was in college in 2004, my friends called it that. (It was the only one accessible by Metro, no expensive cab ride necessary.)"
its always been National to me and if I get into a cab and there is confusion (usually not) I clarify by saying Reagan National or I take the metro
National Airport is its name before politics caused a change
I used it before they named it Reagan and its a sign you live here to call it national. Just like not standing in the left of a metro escalator.
"I grew up with National and remember when they changed the name. A lot of the adults in my family were left-leaning and didn't like the addition of ""Reagan,"" however as a young conservative I loved it (and him). So I definitely include ""Reagan"" now when I reference the airport, but also say ""National"" to help clarify for the older generation and as a nod to my roots as a lifelong resident of the area. When I'm talking to people my age who are transplants from out of town I'm not sure they would know what I was talking about if I just called it ""National."""
"Did not support renaming when it happened, but spent first 3 years in area riding yellow line and hearing driver announce full name, so this is my unsatisfying mental compromise."
I can't stand that they renamed the airport after Reagan. What a waste of taxpayers money. About the same time they renamed the CIA. Similarly bad idea. Stop stroking politicians egos and promoting political parties.
"Airport was already affiliated with a President, the first one, George Washington, whose home, Mt Vernon is also a nice bike ride away from Washington National Airport. "
"Habit, mostly, a little out of stubbornness. "
Ronald Reagon was a terrible president
That's what it's name is!
Because that's its name.
HIV/AIDS. Will never forgive Reagan and certainly will never refer to our airport by his name.
I dislike most everything that Reagan did and stood for. Travel makes me anxious enough without thinking of the harm he did to domestic social policy.
I refuse to call it after the former president. The GOP high jacked the name when they controlled Congress in the 1990s. It'll forever be known as National Airport.
"First of all, I find your Virginia question insulting. Northern Virginia is the worst. I have actually never flown out of DCA, but I tend to call airports by their location identifier."
"""National"" is too generic. ""DCA""...I don't know, people just don't call it that. ""Reagan"" is a recognized name, and people tend to shorten names down to the quickest way to uniquely identify something. So I'm not going to bother to say ""Ronald Reagan"" or ""Reagan National"" "
"When I book my travel the airport code is DCA. So, I call it by it's code."
I call most airports by their call letters since I fly a lot. But to taxi drivers I call the airport National because they don't know DCA usually
"I was born and raised in DC, and it was always called National Airport or Washington National Airport"
Don't like saying the name of the 40th President of the United States.
I feel National Airport is a much more honorable name
That's easy...because it was called National and then they changed it to name it after President Reagan so now it is Reagan National...there should be no debate! Period...end of story!
I call it DCA because thats the airport code.
That's what I grew up with.
The most brief recognizable name that other people know when referring to it
"I don't think I've ever actually flown in/out of that airport, and I actually think I've been calling it Reagan INTERnational. Whoops."
"It was ""National"" when I got here in 1978 -- short for ""Washington National."" We had a President Washington; we had a President Reagan. We didn't have a President Washington Reagan. The official name sounds stupid."
I can't stand calling it after a President I despise.
It's what I've always called it and the irony of naming an airport after the President who busted PATCO is too mich for me.
"I call it ""National"" because I believe Reagan was one of our most destructive presidents and doesn't deserve the honor. That said, I think the airport should remain truly ""national"" and not named for any president. "
Because that was its name and it was silly to change it.
"Short, less syllables, more likely to sound authentic "
That's just what it's called....
"I'm a proud union member and it's galling to me that an airport, of all possible things, is now named after Ronald Reagan. A union organizer friend of mine started calling National PATCO Memorial, and I've adopted the name. When people are confused, it provides an opportunity to talk about Regan and the death of the labor movement. "
Because Ronald Reagan was not a good president and doesn't deserve all the memorials.
"It's the name I first knew it by, and I'm not a Reagan fan. "
I call all airports by their codes.
That's what it was called until I was in high school. My sister flew in and out 6 times a year so we were there a lot.
Because that's what people called it when I got here.
It most represents the area and it is not offensive
I actually also occasionally call it Reagan. Especially when raking with newcomers or people from out of town. But between locals it's almost considered a sin to call it that. (And by local I mean DC and not Northern Viriginia).
How my parents called it
"Free the DC 600,000"
"It was National Airport and DCA for 3 generations of my family, who used the airport since the start of World War II. Increasingly I and my family members call it DCA, because that is less political, and doesn't change its FAA 3 letter code name with every whim of the DC disenfranchising US Congress. "
"Sometimes I also say DCA because of the airport code, usually as clarification or because saying ""are you flying from BWI or DCA?"" has a balanced feel to it. But ""national"" is def what I call it first and foremost."
"short for ronald reagan national airport, thats what everyone around me calls it"
National is its name; Reagan was a monster.
What my parent s called it
When I moved up here to college park in 2012 that's what I heard it being called.
"That's what it was called when I was growing up, and I saw no need to change a personal habit because someone decided we needed a 483rd building named after Reagan. "
Bc that is what it was called before the GOP named yet something else for that terrible president
"Because Reagan an airport union-busting piece of trash. To add insult to injury, his polices help to create the huge homeless problem in DC and the rest of the country. "
Not a political thing....I use Reagan when talking to fellow locals and National Or DCA when talking to folks from out of town to make sure they know which airport I'm talking about!
Because it's quicker to put the airport codes when searching for flights than to write out the name
"Having worked in the airline industry most of my life, I just refer to it as National because when I started, that's what it was called. "
My aunt - who has lived here since 1970 - always calls it national. Sometimes I say DCA as well.
Reagan sucks!
"Because it's name is ""National"". The Reagan moniker was forced on the area by Congress against the wishes of local leaders. "
Old habits die hard.
Even Ronald Reagan said not to name things after him.
Reagan is the butcher of El Salvador.
I call it DCA when making reservations. Or National when speaking of it. Only drop Reagan if someone needs clarity or a laugh.
I hate that National was renamed for the president who fired all of the air traffic controllers.
It's just what I've always called it.
"I call the airport DCA or National to avoid calling it Reagan. It's an airport, not a political statement."
"It's always been National, and an illegal order from Reagan cultists doesn't get to decide otherwise."
"SImply put, it's what I always called it. For the same reason I call Miami's football stadium ""Joe Robbie,"" and San Francisco's ""Candlestick."" It's to not offer offense against the President, it's simply what it was always called."
"Same with BWI, which has also had a recent name change, I call it what it was called when I was growing up. "
It will always be national to me. Ronald Reagan national airport is way too long to say.
"Growing up, that's what my parents and everyone I went to school with called it. Hasn't changed since I moved out of state."
"Because it's always been ""National Airport"" and renaming it for Reagan was a stupid and cynical political stunt. "
"Outsiders (Congress) changed the name without asking anyone here. At least in Maryland the local legislature changed the name of BWI to add ""Marshall"" to it."
Because as a union supporter I could never call an airport by the name of a man who fired all of the air traffic controllers to bust a union.
No idea why. Just popped into my head.
"I call the airport National, because that is what it was called. I remember when they changed the name to Reagan National, I remember the hubbub about how much it cost to change the metro signs. Also, I guess because of my liberal politics, I am not such a fan of Ronald Reagan and don't support the conservative Reagan naming spree."
It's what my parents have always called it.
Always have known it as national.
That's what I've always heard from my family and the news
To pissed of my friends
I call it National because that's what my parents have always called it.
Because that's its name. Full stop.
"DCA may be located in Virginia, but it's our local DC airport. DC is a historically democratic city, any option but Reagan will work better. "
The name of it is the Ronald Reagan International airport so Reagan is just a shortening of the name.
I always have
Because that is its name. My husbands parents held hands and waited patiently for him for college holidays from SDSU SD in 1966. He was in DC when Kennedy's funeral occured
Do not wish to glorify Reagan
I rarely even reference it. BWI for me!
Easy to say.
Because I would never utter the name of that horrible president in polite company.
Congress shouldn't be allowed to force us to name an airport after a president most Dostrict residents didn't vote for.
I find it ironic that an airport is renamed after a president who fired all the air traffic controllers rather than working out the issues at hand. He took a big risk and put the nation's air travelers in danger. I never refer to this airport as Reagan National. What an insult!
"Ronald Reagan changed, much for the worse, our expectations of who should be president. He was a charismatic, shallow, despicable person. His response to the AIDS crisis alone means that he should never have a hot dog stand named after him."
Old habit.
I work in aviation support
"No reason to call it Reagan, or anything other than National. Is there some other ""national"" lurking out there? Would anyone be confused? No.
Mr. Reagan has plenty of other things bearing his name. One of my favorites is Gil Scott Heron's ""B Movie"".
It's National Airport. "
Friends don't let friends use the word Reagan. Not even when referring to airports.
"They really should have gone with Duke Ellington, not a recent & polarizing political figure."
I'm not a Reagan fan and I don't think he was a great president.
That's what it's always been to me.
I used to work in reservations for American Airlines. We lost points if we called it something besides Washington National airport when are calls were monitored. Then the airport was renamed to honor Ronny. Several of us complained so we given the option to call it Washington National or Reagan. I have a tendency to say national to my district friends and DCA to folks who are outside the beltway.
"According to a historical exhibit inside the airport (not sure if its still there), the original name of the airport was George Washington National Airport. The airports name included the first name George and honored the first US president (similar to George Washington Memorial Parkway). It was not a reference to the city of Washington. The airport was informally called Washington National Airport and just National Airport for decades. In 1998 for some reason *they* chose to officially drop the George Washington part (that honored the first US president) and replace it with Ronald Reagan. "
I will never use the name of a man who broke the air traffic controllers' union to refer to an airport.
it's what i remember this is what Uncle calling it when he travelled
Short and easy
I don't like Reagan.
"Because ""National"" is its name! :)"
"Because that's what I called it growing up, and there's no way I'm calling it Reagan."
Don't like the politics of the name. Would be equally upset if it were the Clinton airport.
Because it is a national airport and Reagan fired the airport controllers and thus doesn't deserve the name change!
It will always be National. Also I hated Reagan and don't think he deserves to have an airport names after him.
WTOP calls in Reagan National on the weather check and so I have made a habit of doing the same.
"Because I won't call it ""Reagan."""
"He was a terrible president and I refuse to use his name.
Like many frequent flyers, I also commonly refer to airports by their codes - DCA. "
It's the one constant name.
"I live in KC, Missouri, where we have a bridge named for frmr. Sen. Kit Bond. I can't call that the Bond Bridge, as I feel that, rather than representing me as a constituent he did as much as he could to end my dream of fair and transparent representative government. DC is far away. "
"Reagan killed the air traffic controllers' union. It is morally wrong to name an airport for him, one of the worst presidents the country has ever seen."
I think that is what it was called when I moved here.
National is a perfectly good name. When they start calling BWI Thurgood Marshall I'll reconsider.
"""National"" has a nicer ring to it. Plus, Reagan was a disaster of a president who, among other jerky things, fired the striking air traffic controllers. Seems wrong to name an airport after him. "
Because that's what it was called when I lived there.
I grew up hearing folks calling it Reagan.
It's original name was Washington National Airport. It's what I've always called it despite Congress renaming it.
"Reagan was a ""B"" actor and a ""C"" president. He does not warrant having National Airport renamed after him."
I really disliked Ronald Reagan. I supported the air traffic controller union in his era. I greatly dislike the Republican effort to name things after RR... Especially places that already hada name after our first Predident!!!
Naming things after Reagan is maybe 10% less offensive than naming them after Hitler.
It is the original name!
That is what I hear most often
"The name change was totally unwarranted. taxpayers money and was already named for a President, WASHINGTON National. "
Because I dislike Reagan so much.
Because that's it's name
To spite Republicans.
Because I think there are too many other buildings ships etc named after presidents. There was no reason to change the name. Reagan did nothing for this airport. Why is he the namesake?
"How could they name an airport after Reagan???
I say DCA now too..."
"I call it both Reagan and DCA, mainly call it Reagan but sometimes DCA if I've been looking up flights so am in the mode of calling it by the three letter code"
"Because I like legacy names, and to give the middle finger to Bob Barr."
"It started as a subconscious decision. The first time I flew was when I was 18 and it was from National. One of the TSA workers from my destination asked if I was going to Reagan and I replied ""No, I'm going to National."" But now it's just because I refuse to call it by that horrid president. "
I hate Ronald Reagan and will never use his name if I don't have to. DCA is also acceptable.
Ronald Regan is loathsome
I call it Reagan because it's the official name of the airport. But I think it's absurd that an airport has been named after a man who fired all of the air traffic controller in the US.
It was National to me long before it was renamed Ronald Reagan National and National rolls off the tongue easier than Ronald Reagan National. I also continue to refer to BWI as BWI even though it's name was changed to Thurgood Marshall.
"I call it ""National"" verbally because that's what I've heard most often and it's a nice shorthand. I also don't especially want to invoke a certain president's name any more than is absolutely necessary. When I search for airline tickets or talk to an airline rep, though, I always use ""DCA."""
I call it National Airport because that is what is was named when I would use it while in college at Marymount University from 1988-1992
National Airport is a more accurate description of what it is.
"I'm not going to participate in honoring Reagan, who declared war on the poor and set this country back decades."
Because it's what I've always called it and it's quick to say.
"It's ""National"" to me...always has been."
"People yell at me when I call it Reagan and say I'm clearly not from the area. When I call it National, some people don't know what I'm talking about. Reagan National used to be too long of a word to say so I just stick with DCA."
Not a Reagan fan
I actually use The terms DCA National and Reagan interchangeablely.
I've always called it national
Old habits are hard to change
"I don't like Reagan - The way he handled the aids crisis was unconscionable. However, Maybe it's not a political thing because I still call the RFK bridge in NYC the TriBoro, and RFK was a good guy, so who knows."
One word. It's easy.
Because that's the airport code.
"Don't like the way congress forced DCA to change name & signs to that man's name.
"1. Having grown up in the nation's capital, it seemed logical to have a national airport - thus: National Airport
2. In view of #1 above, this airport in Northern Virginia that's not Dulles was also the first airport serving the nation's capital
3. The name ""National Airport"" distinguished it from other airports - only one nation's capital - only one National Airport
4. Seems simple enough to me "
It's the airplane code when booking flights
That is just what seems to capture all of the name for me. First time I flew in was in 1990
You can't teach an old dog...
That's what family in the D.C. area calls it.
"I HATE Reagan, and refuse to utter the dog's name!"
Haven't the slightest.
Because that's what it is.
It will always be National!!!
its our national airport and shouldn't be politcized
"To be honest, I oscillate between all of the choices but end up referring to it by its code most often, probably because it's full name is a mouthful. Oh, and I don't much care for Regan or his legacy - not militantly so, just enough to occasionally consider calling it something else."
"Because Ronald Reagan doesn't deserve anything named after him. If Republicans want to idolize one of their own, they should do it somewhere else. Trickle-down economics, ha!"
I actually call it all of the names above and quit caring about the name switch about 10 years ago.
"Because, if it has no other name, it at least HAS to lay claim to DCA to book any flights from it on most online travel sites. "
Reagan has enough stuff. Amex after him.
It's in the nation's capital.
"In Greenville, SC, where I'm from, everyone refers to the airport as GSP, so I tend to use airport codes."
Because it's national airport.
"No air traffic controller in the country will clear an aircraft to ""Reagan"". "
"Comparable to Dulles, which is also named after a person. It just makes logical sense to call them by the same parts of their name that are unique/readily identifiable."
Because I don't think Reagan did anything for aviation and actually was hostile to airport workers.
"I'm an avid airline and airport enthusiast. I started collecting airline timetables when I was around 9 or 10 years old so even though I was living on the west coast in my youth I knew of the name 'National;. don't even think I flew in there for my first time until after the airport was re-named in honor of Reagan. Now it's my primary airport, I live one Metro stop away and I fly out of there once a month, typically."
"That's the name of the airport. It's BWI. No one calls it Thurgood Marshall.
As to National, Republican action tries to force a name on it for someone who did everything he could against air traffic controllers. "
"It was always Washington National to me. Then I cringed at re-naming it for Reagan, who I could never believe retained stature after the Iran-Contra affair."
I refuse to call it Reagan because I don't believe that man deserved to have much of anything named after him!
Because that was its proper name originally. And it still is.
It was named for George Washington.
"Because everybody knows what airport I'm talking about when I say, ""Are you flying in to/out of Reagan National?"""
Fewest syllables
"I called Reagan National because that's what I heard other people call it. I flew into it shortly after 9-11, which at the time seemed risky."
Because my mother gets mad when I say Reagan. It's definitely a political thing and now a habit.
"The Metro map lists it as Reagan, and my friends call it that as well."
That's what I've always called it and I refuse to call it Reagan - he has enough things named after him.
Reveal did not like washington so to name the airport after him doesn't make sense. Additionally congress unilaterally changed the name without going through an approval process
Habit & Reagan was an asshole. His firing air traffic controllers made it even more outrageous that an airport would be named after him.
Because its THE national airport and naming it after anyone was ridiculous.
"Someone may have named an airport after the guy who fired the entire workforce of air traffic controllers, but I am choosing to ignore that fact."
I call it National Airport because that is its name.
I dropped someone off there many years ago and that's what they called it. Possibly that's what the booking service called it.
Learned it from my parents
Because of Reagan and trickle down economics.
It is the old name and shortest
I've heard others call it that I think?
I want to call it national but most people say Reagan so I end up mushing it. Out of interminable wishywashyness.
Born in DC and raised in Arlington- that's just what it was called...and then they changed it and it never clicked with me.
Won't use an airport named for the man who broke the air traffic controllers union
"My father worked at National Airport when I was a small child as a meteorologist. When he'd work overnights sometimes he'd take my brother or I with him and I have many fond memories of walking with him through the terminals, and when he'd get to talk to Mr. Bob Ryan on the phone. It was, and will forever be, National Airport. "
"I got used to calling it ""National Airport"" when that was it's real name. I've never seen a need to change that because everyone knows it by that name. "
Because I can't call it Washington National. I resent the fact that a group who never really lived here changed a clearly identifiable name. The world can know it better by it's REAL name. Change it back!
Because that always was and should be its name.
That's what they call it on WTOP
I don't like the fact that it was named after Ronald Reagan.
Because I'm no Reagan fan
"I never liked the name Reagan national airport, National Airport was a great name for the airport "
Because that's it's name.
"I will never call it Reagan airport. It would be beyond insulting, especially considering what Reagan did to the FAA."
It's what they have on the websites to book a flight
Because fuck Reagan
"I use multiple names for it. Sometimes it's Reagan, sometimes it's DCA and sometimes it's National. They are used interchangeably "
Shortest and easiest thing to call it! Who is the statue of outside? Reagan!
"National doesn't sound right, and Reagan is hard for me to pronounce correctly."
"""National"" because it WAS National until some idiot renamed it after the guy who fired the Air Traffic Controllers. It was a slap in the face for those workers. NATIONAL. "
Mother and Father from Virginia.
"Because National is a perfect fully fine name for that airport and renaming it for some who didn't care much for DC was wrong. Plus, that creepy statue. "
Because that's is its name.
That's its name. It's on the sign and on the Metro maps. President Reagan was a fuckwit though.
"National was just fine, hate that it was named after Reagan."
Because Reagan was the Devil incarnate. And Newt and his gang shoved it down our throats. It will always be National to me even when the lady at the airline call center tries to correct me when I make a reservation.
Don't agree with naming an airport after a politician who had so shortly exited office. Total political stunt
"It's the Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. I've always heard it called ""Reagan"" for short. I've heard others say ""Ronald Reagan"" or just ""National"" sparingly but mostly ""Reagan""."
It's Ronald reagan national airport so for short it's Reagan
"DCA is more precise, but it's too technical and some people won't get it. National is simple and clear."
I don't think that Ronald Reagan's accomplishments merit naming things after him.
It's national airport.
Change was not needed
I've grown up and live in the dc area. It's always been a general rule and you always correct newcomers. It's dca or national not regan.
Don't wish to call it Reagan.
"There is a big sign on the front that says, ""Reagan"". So I call it Reagan."
"I was annoyed at the time both by the deliberate ""name everything after Reagan"" campaign as well as by the heavy-handed process used to rename it. "
"Because so much of te identity of the area is historically Black and Reagan was an absolute racist and as a child growing up during the Reagan era I saw my city go from a culturally rich, beautiful city to a hollow shell. The only combatant against this was job creating, Black mayor, Marion Barry."
That is what the youth call it
"Reagan was a pernicious ass, to be kind."
It was always just National well into my own adulthood!
"When I moved to DC I didn't know what to call it and someone told me, that's how you know someone is really from Washington, if they call the airport national. So from then on despite my friends calling it Reagan, I always called it national. From time to time I'll call it DCA when someone looks at me weirdly when I call it national."
The airport should not be named after Ronald Reagan.
I don't like calling it Reagan because it's lame that it's named after him.
Because the airport IS the National Airport!
My man works there.
It's what I was always told it was called.
I call it Reagan National because that is the name assigned to it. Pretty simple stuff.
DCA is hip and rolls right of the tongue.
Because that is what everyone else calls it!
"National Airport
(DCA is the official code: District of Columbia Airport? It is on landfill in DC's river, and that land was retroceded by Congress to VA for Tax/Income purposes I believe.)"
I actually switch between calling it Reagan and National but that wasn't an option so I had to pick just Reagan.
"It is what my parents called it. I didn't remember that 'National' was short for 'Reagan National' until I saw this survey. I know it, and colloquially refer to it, as 'National.' "
The ticket on my most recent flight some seven years ago said Reagan National.
Do you call the larger of New York's airports Idlewild?
Because tricksies Republicans
"When I moved to baltimore, I was talking to my DC friends, and they said ""never call it Reagan. Call it ""National"". No one here will say ""Reagan""."""
That's it's name.
"Because it is WASHINGTON National Airport. It was named after a president before the Republicans began to try to name everything after a certain president for ideological reasons. BTW, I voted for that president, and am not a hater of him, just the current day members of his party."
"That's its name. Real Washingtonians, not the I'm here two years for a job transients, call it National. You can add as many names as you like, to Washingtonians it is National.
Note, when I email, text, etc. I often use DCA because it is shorter and easy to use. But it's shorthand. "
Because that's its name regardless of what some others want to call it.
"Always have called it National. I grew up calling it that, and haven't changed."
It's what all my friends call it
"It always has and continues to have ""National"" in the name. It's not political, it's just familiar and easy to say."
A name change won't make me stop calling it national.
I remember when it was simply National and then was renamed. So calling Reagan National seemed like a logical step. Ronald Reagan National Airport would be too much of a mouthful for conversation.
I don't care for Ronald Reagan's legacy.
Because that's it's name!
"Once National, always National."
"I actually use Reagan, National, and DCA interchangeably. I know it is ""supposed"" to be National if you live here, but I struggle to break the habit! I end up using DCA to avoid the Reagan / National divide. "
"Because that's it's name, I grew up with the Sears Tower but now it's The Willis Tower. The Washington Bullets are now the Wizards. I don't like Reagan but they named the airport for him so why not use the name, God knows their are bigger jerks with thinks named after them (Columbus Ohio) for example. "
"Grew up here then moved back after 25 yrs elsewhere, during which the Reagan was added. I still refer to the Cabin John Bridge, too!"
I loathe Ronald Reagan so for me the airport will always be National Airport
It's what my parents call it and their parents both lived in the DC area my whole life.
"I lived in DC for only a year, but I only knew that airport as ""National."""
"25% habit, 75% protest against the new name it was given in 1998."
That's the name!
My parents called it that/ my dad always said why would you name an airport in Arlington VA(very liberal area) after Ronald Reagan
That seems to be the official name
It's raegan and national airport
"I have used National and Reagan interchangeably, but defer to National."
"I do not believe in naming anything after currently living politicians. Only dead ones. The airport was named after Reagan before he was dead, so I refuse to call it that."
Hate Reagan.
"I like DCA because it's simple and it sounds exactly like what it is: DCAirport. I intentionally avoid the Reagan moniker because a friend told me that liberal people who grew up in the area never use it, and I want to fit in. Plus fuck Ronnie."
Washington National represents its location.
Because it will always be National and I'm not a fan of the new name.
"Because that's what I remember it as growing up. I don't call BWI Thurgood Marshall either. It's just National, it's just BWI. "
"Before I lived here it was the airport code so when other people used other names and I wanted to be sure it was the right airport id say ""you mean DCA""... It isn't confusing bc it's the code. "
"Because while it was never ""George Washington"" National Airport, calling it ""Washington National"" had the implied association with the Father of our Country. Congress forcing the name change to Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, was a possibly not intended but effectively showed disrespect to the First President."
Because that's it's name as chosen by the people who live here.
I actually use both Reagan and National interchangeably
What I grew up hearing
"Sometime call it National, sometimes Reagan National, sometimes Reagan.... interchangable. Not a huge Ronald Reagan fan but respect the office and the man."
"Because that's its name, as not imposed by Congress."
Its the name of the President.
Reagan national is identifiable by both locals and people across the country.
Because Regan was a MONSTER.
"DCA is quick Ronal Reagan is accurate, Reagain National is accepted and works for both."
"I believe in states' rights, not the right of Congress to name things without the approval of local authorities. Plus it's an ironic name."
That's what I heard other people call it who were locals.
"Most people call it DCA or National in my circle of friends and family, so it just keeps things clear in conversation.
Also, I find it ironic that the man that strong armed the air traffic controllers union gets an airport named after him. It's right up there with ""No Child Left Behind"" and ""Clear Sky's Iniative."""
That's what my parents called it
"I use airport codes to identify most, if not all, airports to which I travel. It's simpler to communicate. "
I call it Reagan National because that's the airport's name...
"Because it was inappropriate and offensive for the Reublican Congress to unilaterally decide that it should be named after Ronald Reagan when he was so disliked in the area, with no local input or vote. And I think he was a terrible president and I was offended that they named it after him so soon after he left office. I might have accepted it if decades had passed. So I will never, ever, ever, call it Reagan and I am mad that the Democrats did not change it back when they had the chance. It WAS named after George Washington after all - a President we can all agree on! And a Virginian at that!"
"Because as a resident of the District of Columbia, the United States Congress continues to be a giant pain in my ass and the renaming of this airport was an expensive, painful, mistake. And I cannot bring myself to honor the guy who single-handedly screwed this country in the ass. "
It is National...for our nation's Capitol. PERIOD.
Because it's national airport.
"Because Reagan fired all of those air traffic controllers. Name something else after him, just not an airport"
"The airport was called ""National"" up until the name was changed to honor Ronald Reagan. Other politics aside, since Reagan fired the air traffic controllers who were striking for safer working conditions, I find it highly inappropriate to name an airport for him. It is an insult to the men and women who keep air travel safe."
Because Patco.
I refer to most airports by their code.
"I call it National because it was the original, intended name and adding Reagan's name to it was the work of out-of-town zealous who's sole purpose is to just name stuff after Reagan. It was a clown move (bro) so I ignore it."
"I used to call it National, but in recent years started calling it Reagan, since that's the official name. "
I intentionally do not refer to it as Reagan because of his connection to the AIDS epidemic. I interchangeably use National and DCA.
"That's what it was called when I first arrived in DC. Besides, the change seemed like a political ploy. I don't like political ploys."
Thats what I grew up with. Like Capital Centre vs. the airline name.
It was National when I learned its name as a child. It will always be national.
That's what it was called when I lived here as a child and it's shorter than some other options an everyone knows what I'm talking about when I say it.
Two syllables and doesn't confuse out-of-towners as much as the DCA term does.
"Efficiency, clarity and accuracy."
Isn't that its name?
Because it's named after Reagan.
I refuse to call it Reagan. The rest of my family feels the same.
"Because Reagan doesn't deserve to have a vacant warehouse named after him, let alone a major airport."
"I go to GWU and most of the students here call it Reagan, so I call it Reagan. I'm not fond of the man, but it's just a name I guess. :)
My parents both call it National airport though. "
National. Lately I've been using DCA as well.
Reagan was a war criminal.
Calling it Reagan is an insult to air traffic controllers and to the D.C. area. Galling.
That is the airport code when booking a flight!!
"Washington National Airport was its name before Reagan, and I don't call it Reagan in part because of political dislike and in part because Reagan doesn't have anything special to do with DC."
I work in the airline industry
"The Reagan name was imposed on the airport by outsiders- against the wishes- or even consultation- with our local community. So- it's still and will be National to me, and to most of my acquaintances."
It's the airport code
"Mainly because I was used to the name National for many years.
Also because I object to the manner in which congressional republicans defied traditions and rules in their zeal to get reagan's name on everything."
"I think that's its name, right? I don't call JFK airport Idlewild either. "
I use DCA so i don't confuse friends/family from out of town (not DC). On their tickets and flight info it will say DCA.
It had been National airport for so long that when they changed to Ronald Reagan it was more clarifying to say Reagan National.
Hate calling it Reagan.
Moved here in 2011 and saw the name so that's what I call it. Sometimes it's DCA but only when I get technical with frequent fliers who know where ORD is
"Because that's what it's always been called. And by the way, the airport in Maryland is not BWI, it's Friendship."
I despise the blatant partisanship in DC that led up to the Landgrab for naming rights by Congress so this is a personal form of civil disobedience
That is the airport's name and Reagan was a terrible president.
I was working in the Hill when it seemed there was a bill a week renaming something for Reagan. I almost felt Republicans were rubbing I the win by Bush and I decided DCA was as much as an official name so I have stuck with it.
"That's what I heard Others calling it as I grew up. Sometimes Reagan National, but Reagan was the understood moniker."
Ronald Reagan is its name.
That is what I have always called it. That is still its name. Why would I change.
"Back in 2000 - 2001 I traveled a lot. I lived in Rockville and Gaithersburg and my office was in Chantilly. Although BWI was a little cheaper I usually flew in and out of the Airport that is not Dulles (Dulles is a pain to get too) since I could take the Metro from where I lived, so I did not have to ask someone to help. It was easier to tell people it was the Airport by the Metro instead of National or Regan. I have heard and used both though. "
I just do.
I never liked Reagan when he was Pressentially or when he was California's governor.
It's easier and more to-the-point :)
Reagan's ideas seemed to create hardship for many when I was in HS. My mom was a teacher and got fired every year for a number of years. I always connected that to Reagan even if it wasn't directly his fault.
Naming DC's airport after a man who was awful to airport workers and DC residents alike seems like some kind of sick joke.
Because I know the locals prefer the term National and I've lived here for all of my post-college life (10 years) and I want to fit in. I sometimes say Reagan National by accident.
Reagan was a terrible president.
Because that's its name.
"It is the main airport in our nation's Capitol, so of course, it is National Airport. I don't understand this weird republican obsession with naming everything after RR... Of course, he did start this country on its current slide into third-world status, so I guess he is their hero..."
B/c growing up is was always Raegan National Airport. So I've always called it Raegan National. My son's father works there too and even he calls it that.
Because I refuse to acknowledge that my country would name an airport (or anything else) in honor of a man who was one of the worst presidents this country has ever had.
I don't like Reagan.
"When I moved to the area (actually outside of the DC area in the Shenandoah Valley), that's what I heard everyone else calling it. "
"I alternate between calling it Reagan and DCA and to a lesser extent ""Washington National"" which wasn't an option. As to why I usually call it Reagan? Well before I moved here I'm not even sure I knew it existed, despite having layovers in Dulles and BWI pretty regularly. I guess Reagan is just how I learned it, once I found out it existed. "
I'm a long-time aviation industry professional & that's what it was called in our system.
"I used to call it Reagan, but then stopped calling it that and started saying DCA or National to avoid being corrected by my friends and colleagues. "
That's what it's called.
Reagan? EW.
That's what it was call national.
Rings better given it's the main airport for the nation's Capitol.
I don't call BWI - Thurgood Marshall either. But National is National. I'm also annoyed that Republicans went through a phase of slapping Reagan's name on everything.
My uncle in Alexandria fervently calls it National to protest the naming of it as Reagan National. That's why I call it National.
That's it's real name.
The new name is offensive to me.
"I spent a lot of time in DC growing up and so it was always National, and still sometimes refer to it that way. However since I travel for work, IATA codes have become part of my normal vocabulary. Was NOT a fan of the name change. Change it back, please (any chance that's an option?)."
Because that's it's name.
"I call it DCA in print and National when speaking, because it's easier, and out of long habit, respectively. But they shouldn't have renamed it while he was alive, and they should have paid for changing all the signs in any event."
Not a Reagan fan.
"I don't want to call it Reagan. Also, used to hearing people call it National."
My family always uses the airport code
Effective and concise and i am a pilot
When they changed it to Reagan I didn't want to call it that and refused to. After time passed I felt I needed to include the Reagan for clarity.
"DCA is easy to say, and it's the airport code, so there's no concern of politics. "
"That's what it has always been called.
I don't like renaming existing places to meet someone's agenda. Yes I respect president Reagan. "
It's what we always used to call it before it got renamed and they put the Reagan statue up out front.
"I interchangeably use ""Reagan"" and ""National"", but lean more toward ""Reagan"" just because it seems more common."
People stopped knowing what National was. And Reagan Is an easy short name
"Disliked Reagan as a president, think he took the country down many wrong paths, blame him as much as anyone for the shameless selfishness of most conservatives, and don't like to honor his memory by uttering his name."
"Because the Reagan name was railroaded through Congress by, I think, The Reagan Legacy Project which coerced entities all over the country to name things after the 'beloved' president instead of them doing it how it's normally done, out of deep respect. Pathetic."
That's what it's called!
That's what my family always called it since I was young
That's what everyone called it when I moved to DC in 2000.
Because every time I go there I get lost on one turn and I made my uncles miss their flight.
Love Reagan
"I say ""Reagan National"" to clarify "
"My family always has. When they changed the name, we refused. It is Ronald Regan Washington NATIONAL Airport."
My dad calls it Reagan so I do as well
"Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers in a hugely symbolic showdown. I'd rather not call any building after him, but especially not an airport. I use National and DCA both at this point instead. "
It used to be just national airport. Somehow it just stuck as Reagan National
Because it's National Airport.
Can't bring myself to call it Reagan.
Because that's the name. The recent name doesn't count.
The name should never have been changed.
"I lived on the yellow-green line, I always used National airport the five years I lived in DC, and I just always have called it national airport! It's a great airport!"
"Too many things named after Reagan. The airport that is the closest to the nation's Capitol should not be named after a politician, it is divisive. "
Least syllables to say. I may write DCA.
"I will always call it National. I don't want to celebrate Ronald Reagan, whose politics I strongly disagreed with. But even more, I don't want to honor the hypocritical way that Republicans, who supposedly revere local control, used their power in Congress to force this change over strong local opposition. It was an exercise in propaganda that I won't go along with. "
"It was National Airport when I was growing up, and I refuse to call it ""Reagan"" just because a group of people decided to name something after him in every state. "
"Given Ronald Reagan's criminal lack of response at the beginning of the AIDS crisis, I don't care to honor him by saying his name in relation to an airport. National Airport it shall remain."
I call it National because Ronald Reagan was an evil man.
Because it's what I was most used to - and because I objected (object) to the renaming of an airport to commemmeorate the president who broke the air traffic controllers.
"I intermittently call it National or Washington National since it was originally named after the first President of the United States, George Washington."
"For clarity, to make sure I am referencing the airport closet to DC."
Bernie Sanders National
"I refuse to call it ""Reagan"" or ""Ronald Reagan"" because of what he did to the air traffic controllers, and to the labor movement in general."
"I grew up with it being called National. Renaming it to ""Reagan"" was a demonstration of authority and cost taxpayer dollars, with no return on investment. It's still my favorite airport, despite the name."
"Calling an airport Reagan is a bit like calling a coal mine Gore. We should honor all our past Presidents, but not by means of insulting the people who work in the facilities so named."
"It is only for domestic flights, so I call it National or DCA interchangeably.
"Seems like a reasonable shortened name for the airport, since it doesn't have a clever and common acronym that is known outside of the DC area."
That's what it was called growing up!
That's what I recall what it was referred to.
"I know the official name is Reagan National, but it's shorter just to say Reagan "
Reagan was an awesome president.
"I grew up in Kentucky, but my mother traveled frequently to DC on business. I would travel with her sometimes and the options were always Dulles, ""National"", or BWI. I eventually learned that the airport was officially ""Ronald Reagan National,"" but the old moniker stuck. "
"My dad worked there before and after the name change. National sticks. The Reagan part isn't necessary for me to know what someone's talking about. I only add ""Reagan"" if speaking to an out of towner."
My dad is a reporter for the NY times on aviation so I know most of the 3 letter acronyms for US airports.
I cannot stand the thought of calling it Ronald Reagan Airport
It's the first word and has the fewest syllables!
"It's an airline's online locator code for the airport, therefore, everyone more people should call it that."
Reagan is the shortest and clearest. DCA and IAD share two of the same letters which can be confusing so I stick with a short version of the name. Sometimes it depends on who you are talking to.
"I just see and hear ""Reagan International Airport"" -- including the ""transfer here for the Blue Line and Reagan International Airport"" from the orange-line Metro conductor every day -- that it stuck. I dislike the name and prefer to call it ""National"" (does anyone call BWI the ""Thurgood Marshall airport?"") but the branding has worked. "
Because Ronald Reagan was a homophobic dumbass.
I'd rather not use the R-word.
That's what it's called
That's the name of the airport before Reagan was President. Same with BWI. That was that airport's too.
Boo Reagan and his policies.
Because Reagan was a goddamned war criminal.
The airport code is DCA and that's what I use to book my flights.
"1) That's what it was called when I started flying in and out of DCA as a child. 2) Im opposed to the Reagan-mania; first, it's crass, and second, I don't think public facilities should memorialize political figures who represent the beginning of the end of the middle class."
"Didn't even know the other ones (e.g. National) were options, but maybe now I'll say National cause fuck Reagan (due to role in AIDS crisis)"
That's what it's called.
"Because it was named National Airport, and for much of the time I knew BWI had international flights (I never used Dulles) and National had only domestic flights, so ""National"" made sense."
"I don't like how everything has gotten named after a man who was clearly just a figurehead. Also, he fired all the air traffic controllers and broke down other unions. Ronald Reagan began the end of the middle class. He's not worthy of this honor. "
"Travels agents use ""Reagan National"""
Cause that's what it was called before any of the other names came about.
Riding the Yellow and Blue lines into work for many years just got used to hearing it being called that by the train operators. Other than that it's known as DCA.
Why would MWAA allow it to be named after a man who fired the air traffic controllers.
"It's name was Washington National Airport. I did not agree with it being renamed ""Reagan"" because it was already named after a president -- Washington."
Reagan fired the air traffic controllers. I won't call an airport Reagan- name a firing range or something like that after him.
I do not think Ronald Reagan should be so honored.
cos that is the name of it
I call it both Reagan and National because it would confuse people coming to visit me when I just called it National and I got tired of explaining the two names.
That is the proper name. The political shenanigans that forced the Reagan name on our airport were shameful.
"Calling the airport after Reagan is as bad as the EPA being in the ""Ronald Reagan Building"""
I don't want to honor Ronald Reagan!
"When I moved to DC, my friend who grew up in the area called the airport DCA, so I started calling it that as well."
"I used to take bike rides with my dad and end up at the park next to Reagan National. We would love to watch the planes take off and land (My dad especially as he was a former Marine navigator/weapons specialist during Vietnam who flew over 80 missions in Vietnam.) We only ever called it Reagan National, Reagan National Airport or Reagan for short. One time my family flew into Reagan during a blizzard and we landed 10 minutes before the airport had to close the runway! It was a bit of a scary, bumpy landing! "
Because I refuse to call it by it's newer name.
It's what they used to call it; I don't like Reagan
"Airport codes are the easiest way to describe an airport, I call it Reagan second most "
We already have the Reagan Bdg in immediate DC to honor the former president.
"I'll never be able to call it Reagan anything, partly because I called it National growing up, and partly because the D.C. airport shouldn't be partisan!"
Just seems like the common way to refer to it
It is atrocious to name an airport after a man who endangered air traffic throughout the country for a generation in order to bust a union.
"Because that is its name! 'Ronald Reagan' smacks of trying to rub the Great Rename in liberals' faces, while 'National' runs the risk of being mistaken by non-DC types as an area modifier (a la 'International,' 'Regional,' or 'Municipal' at other airports). 'DCA' is my second-most-commonly used name, but that's usually with folks who work for the airlines or are married to them. There are three options in DC: BWI, Dulles, and Reagan!"
It's either Reagan or DCA!
"I call it National and Reagan National interchangeably, because that's what my parents have always done. Ask them!"
Reagan? That's just eww. The man wasn't even dead yet.
I am an air traffic controller.
"I usted to just call it National, but when they added Reagan to its name, I added it to my vocabulary too.
I grew up in Maryland, Howard County, and lived there until I was 18. I was surprised to not see Howard on your list of counties.
Fun survey! Thank you!"
I was there this year and I think that is what it was called
"My mother refuses to call it Reagan (staunch democrat), so I learned from her to call it National."
Because I don't like Ronald Reagan and his wife's determination to name ever edifice after him.
"Don't like to use the R word, be it the president or the waft'ies (washington area football team)."
Habit. Plus I hate Reagan.
"Because that's it's name! We don't call BWI Thurgood Marshall, do we? Even the Post doesn't call it Marshall BaltImore."
Call most airports by letters.
"My mother works for American Airlines and had my whole life so I have a tendency to use airport codes instead of their actual names. But I also say ""National"" as well."
"That's its name, dummy!"
"I just can't bring myself to say ""Reagan."" "
The Reagan naming project is silly. And no one calls BWI Thurgood Marshall airport.
"When booking online I select DCA, but I refer to the airport as National. Reagan was against the air traffic controllers in the 80s, so I never supported naming an airport after him."
I choose not to call it by the other name.
I'll never call it Regan because it's a giant smack in the face to all the controllers he canned.
Because that was the name growing up. I was pretty shocked they named an airport after a guy who fired the ACTCs en masse.
It's the name I first heard it called
Reagan left a legacy of crap.
"Out of habit -- plus, when booking, that's the code!"
That's the name of it. Isn't it? It's settled now.
"The only alternative to ""National"" is ""Asshole,"" and my mother taught me not to swear."
It's what the signs say
"I refuse to call it ""Reagan"" airport--for three reasons. 1--the airport is already named after a president--""Washington National Airport""--there's no need to add in another President. 2--the addition of ""Reagan"" to the airport was foisted upon us by Congress. 3--DCA is the easiest way to refer to it in writing, and National is the easiest way to refer to it while speaking, using the fewest syllables and conserving the language. "
"in all seriousness, the name of that airport needs to change. Reagan has absolutely nothing to do with the District of Columbia or it's residents, it's a complete embarrassment and slap in the face to have his name on our airport. There are literally hundreds of more deserving public figures that could take his place. Half of my immediate and extended family has lived in DC since the early 70s and we and everyone we know refuse to call it Reagan. That jerk and his backwards drug policies just came back from the grave to take pot away from us. Dude has got to go.
It's just National AP
"Natives call it national.
But to be proper and PC, I just say Reagan National"
I grew up in DC. It'll always be national airport not whatever name Congress forces on DC residents.
Because it's the name of the metro stop on my commute
Influence from DC friends
I fly 100K miles/year so I refer to almost all airports by their code.
"Just seems the most concise name, because DCA is unwieldy"
I never even knew it had another name...
"I hate that I call it Reagan, but for some reason I can't help it. Probably because the giant statue of him in the front of the airport. "
I hate that they tacked onto National Airport the name of a president who fired all of the air traffic controllers. I will never call it by his lastname!
"1. I hate Ronald Reagan.
2. I also always called it the Cap Center until they moved downtown."
"I switch between DCA, Reagan, and National. Generally however I am conscious of what I'm saying and tailor it to the people I am speaking to. None of my democrat friends call it ""Reagan"" so I use ""national"" when speaking to them just to make it an easier conversation."
That's just the name I've always heard and used.
"National is easier to remember. When someone says Reagan, I a person not an airport. "
"With online ticket purchasing - it's easier to type ""DCA""... and saying it follows. Reagan by itself doesn't describe the airport (there are too many things in DC that are ""Reagan""), so you need to say Regan National - which is too many syllables."
Because that's it's name!
National is its name!
"Ick, Reagan."
Reagan sucked
The Washington National Airport is already named after a president.
"I originally called it DCA because that's what the travel sites (Expedia, etc...) call it. Some people didn't know what I meant so I settled on Reagan. It's funny that I referenced Reagan to my Dad and his response was, ""What? Are you talking about National?"""
"No idea. Sometimes say dca but when I hop in a cab in the morning before my flight I always say ""I'm going to Reagan"""
Because that's what I've always called it.
Cause it's called Washington National.
I don't much care for President Reagan's legacy.
I still hate Reagan. Always will.
I'm a flight attendant. The airport code is standard nomenclature.
cause reagan sucks
That's what I've always heard it called.
"Didn't particularly care for Reagan's presidency and his attitude toward Washington. It is ironic that they named the largest federal building after him and ironic that they named the airport after the man who fired the striking air traffic controllers. I don't like to be forced to say his name when referring to the airport, and for what it's worth, I still refer to BWI as BWI, not Marshall International."
Maybe typing DCA into the flight search engines too many times has conditioned me to call it that.
I flip flop between Reagan and Reagan National
Not a fan of Mr. Reagan.
I refuse to call it Reagan.
Parents did as well
My father is from Washington and he has always called it National.
Because it is the name of the airport
Anything but Reagan
"Ronald Reagan is the most overrated president ever, and I find it a tad peculiar that we would name the city's airport after a polarizing figure when there are so many more deserving people. "
"I travel for work so every airport is known to me by it's airport code. When I take a cab to DCA, I usually say ""Reagan"" to the driver however. "
"I'm going to call it DCA until they rename BWI ""Clinton Airport"""
I'm a Meteorologist...
"Because it doesn't matter how many dead presidents names you add to it, it's still National Airport."
Because I hated Reagan. Asshole.
It's what Priceline calls it
"Aside from the fact that Reagan was a racist, classist jerk on a whole host of topics, the Republican Congressional strong-arming of the Metro system by cutting funding until they changed all the signage (which they didn't have the money to do all at once) was proto-tea party shenanigans. I'm sick of Congress running DC without actually understanding DC."
"I still refer to 395 as Shirley Highway and Dulles is not ""welcome to Washington DC"""
"Reagan was a horrible person who did more damage, both economic and social, to this country than anyone in history. "
Because that's its rightful name
That's what we called it when I was growing up. I wasn't compelled enough when it was named after Reagan to start thinking if it as something else.
"Because a) Reagan has a building in DC named after him, b) there was absolutely no reason to rename the airport, it was purely politicking and a waste of Metro funding that could have been much better spent. Herbert Hoover was a dumb name for it too. Besides, ""National Airport"" rolls off the tongue easier than ""Reagan National"", ""The National Airport"", ""Ronald Reagan (anything)"", or ""DCA"" (though, to be fair, I call BWI ""BWI"" and I don't call Dulles ""IAD"")..."
Because it's immature and petty to call it anything other than its official name.
D.C. Is our nation's capital. It's fitting to call it National airport. Let's not name it after a politician.
Because that's it's name
"Out loud I call it Reagan, but in referring to it if one is looking up flights I write DCA."
"Because it is the airport's historic moniker, and because no one was given any say in renaming the airport (that decision was forced upon us)"
"I was always taught to call it DCA or Reagan. I think this view had a lot to do with the location and the Metro Stop, as I always passed it when we would go into DC. I call it DCA because I know that's the Airport code. "
It's national airport. The airport that serves DC and NOVA should not have a political affiliation.
It's what my parents call it. Sometimes we also call it Reagan.
Love connection to President Reagan! Love that it is in our Nation's Capital! Love DCA--means DC Airport to me!
I don't think Reagan deserves the honor!
Because I refuse to even say the name of the b-movie actor that right wing fanatics have named it after
"Always has been National, always will be. No particular opinion about Mr. Reagan. :)"
"I use DCA with colleagues, National with strangers, and Reagan National with taxi drivers. I have no idea why, but that's usually how it breaks down. "
Anything but Reagan.
"When I was younger my only knowledge of it was from the news (specifically, weather reports) and it was always called Reagan National. I just started calling it Reagan for short (because we're close like that)."
Life is to short to be obnoxious about an airport name. So it's named after a president you didn't care for. That's the name. Move on.
"My dad's hardcore republican and it's what he called it, so I've had a hard time switching to National."
Because I absolutely refuse to call it Reagan
"The name was National airport before they changed it to Reagan National. I believe the notion that no one man should put himself before a Nation in this country dates back to the days of Washington and Jefferson. What are we telling our citizens when we spit in the face of this notion, even in a symbolic manner, to honor a man best known for his work on the silver screen?"
That's what was on my ticket.
"I have never understood how Congress (esp many Dems) approved the name change to Reagan. He was not from the DC area, campaigned against Washington in 80 and 84, fired the Controllers in 81 after saying he would get them a better contract/working conditions. While he was an affable individual who got along with both sides of the aisle, he had no real aviation tie nor any tie to the DC area. I have learned while living in DC area that he improved the DC nightlife and culture in what was a sleepy city, but that's not enough to rename the main airport for him. Renaming a facility in N Illinois (where he grew up) or S California (where he lived for more than 65 yrs) is one thing but renaming DCA was inappropriate (IMHO). I make it a point to never refer to DCA as ""Reagan"".
"That's what it was when I was a kid. It already has a name, and I sure don't want to change it from something perfectly good to a new name honoring a republican politician. "
No airport should ever be named for the man who fired the air traffic controllers. He set aviation back a decade.
My now husband corrected me ever time I said the R word.
That's what it was when I moved to DC. And I'm not a Reagan fan.
"I it was national when I movef to DC. I never liked the name Regan, it was no deserved and it did not roll well off of the tongue."
"It's what it was called as I was growing up mostly, but a little because Ronald Reagan did nothing for the District when he was in office so I'm unsure why so many things in the area have been named after him."
That's what my parents call it. I've never used it myself.
I may occasionally call it Reagan National too. But 95% of the time I call it DCA. Because 1) it's shorter and catchier 2) it's the airport code so that's the fastest way to look it up and what's most committed to memory.
My husband is 3rd generation DC-er and that's what he calls it. Also Reagan sucks and he did DC no favors. Why this area is stuck with stuff named after someone who devastated the federal budget I will never know.
Thats what I've always heard it referred to as.
Because that was it's name for many years and I don't see any reason to change it.
National airport just comes first to mind. I know it is Reagan National. It's my favorite of the three.
"National as it represents the nation's capital, and I think its insulting to name it Reagan after what he did to the air traffic controllers."
Because that is a better name than the official one.
I'm a DC resident born and bred. I don't want anyone associated with the collapse of DX associated with my airport!
Don't wish to honor Reagan.
Because Reagan was an asshole.
Why would I call it Reagan anything?
I make a point to call it National to not promote Reagan worship
"It irks me that it was a federal government decision to change the name, and that the gov threatened to withhold funds from the city unless the city changed all of its highway signs."
"That's the name it was, is now and ever shall be. I dislike naming every park/building/airport/whatever etc., after politicians because of the divisive animosity they often engender."
that's its name
"Switched calling it national and Reagan, but national comes more naturally, so I use that more"
Because Reagan's policies impacting airport personnel deemed him unworthy of having an airport named after him.
"Who uses a full name for airports? Everything is shortened. Non-travelers don't know airport codes, though, so using them would be akin to jargon. National is the logical shortening of the full name, especially it is in the national capitol AND there are other DC buildings with Reagan in the name. The point of communication is clarity, so either the full name (too long) or one that conveys the location clearly is the reasonable choice. "
There have been over 40 US presidents. Who decided that this one gets his name on an airport? Nobody ever asked me for my opinion.
I don't think Reagan deserves an airport in DC named for him. California can have him back.
I refuse to call the airport whic was re-named in a partisan fashion after a man who aggresively sought to punish public employees at airports across the US and failed to acknowledge the life saving and stressful work in which they engage for the public benefit.
Because of how much it must drive air traffic controllers crazy
"Re publications went crazy naming airports, streets and buildings after RR. Too much. "
"I have nothing against Pres. Reagan, but come on, there were so many ""things"" named after him, I thought it was too much!"
My Dad has lived in DC since the 70s and he has always insisted that I call it National and only National.
I call it National like any other red-blooded American.
Isn't National it's name?
Bc that is the actual name
Because that's its name.
The airport in question has always been National to me and friends who use it.
"National is my favorite airport in the world--from the moment I step off the aircraft, it takes me 30 minutes to get to my apartment via metro.
Ronald Reagan is one of my least favorite presidents. Calling my favorite airport ""Reagan"" is an insult to my favorite airport."
Because nothing should be named Reagan anything.
That's the code to use when you want to book flight into or out of there.
That's what it was called when I lived and DC.
I have no wish to honor Ronald reagan
Because it's called National
"because ""National Airport"" sounds nice"
"It's what I knew it as first, and I didn't particularly agree with Congressional meddling to rename it. "
That's what it was called when i grew up there.
"It's always been National. I was a kid when Reagan was a president, and I'm sure history will determine how fine of a president he was.....but why rename an airport after a president who fired air traffic controllers?"
Because we hate Reagan.
cause thats its name
To name an airport after the man who ruined the lives of so many air traffic controllers and the travelers they spoke up to protect is the worst kind of synical pandering ever. I won't say Regan when referring to the airport because of his decision to replace the striking PATCO members.
My parents called it Reagan
I call it both National and DCA because I don't want to give any legacy cred to Regan.
To avoid using Reagan's name
I call it Washington national. It is inappropriate to name an airport in a place that is majority non-republican after a divisive partisan figure. It is even more galling that it was done by congressional fiat onto people with no real avenue of redress through voting because of the lack of a meaningful representative in Congress. (Well now you done got me started...)
"Because Ronald Reagan was a union-buster, and not just any union-buster but the guy who broke the air traffic controllers strike. He does not deserve to have an airport -- of all things -- named after him."
It annoyed me when they changed it to Reagan National. I don't like Reagan.
I know it from booking flights more than going there myself.
Because I don't like the fact it is named after that IDIOT President Reagan!
No idea. Didn't know there was more than one in DC area.
"My dad is a retired airline employee, I refer to a lot of airports by the 3 letter code just because of habit and I'm from the Bay Area and we fefer to San Francisco Airport Intl Airport as SFO and Los Angeles Intl Airport as LAX.
However I went to college in DC and lived in DC afterwards (84-96) and then a couple of short stints since then (2000, 2013-2014).AS A FORMAL NAME IT IS AND WILL ALWAYS BE NATIONAL AIRPORT. :-)
Also I would say I use DCA and IAD equally as much. It just depends on where I'm traveling to. "
"Reagan was president as my political conscious was forming as a child. My parents, staunch liberals, hated him, so I simply can't bring myself to recognize anything named after him. "
"I used to call it Reagan pretty exclusively, but when I learned that it was renamed after one of the literal worst people the American presidency has ever seen, I've been making the effort to not call it that and use the generic airport code instead."
I believe naming an airport after someone who harmed air safety by destroying PATCO is wrong
"I have always known it as Reagan, conversationally, or Reagan national, if I'm saying it to someone unfamiliar with it."
It's just what people called t before it was renamed.
Fuck Ronald Reagan
"I use airport codes for most airports. I'm not a fan of the Dulles brothers or Reagan, and I don't entirely feel the need to name an airport after anyone, not even Thurgood Marshall."
"I simply refuse to call the airport ""Reagan"" and DCA is the easiest to type on a phone so it stuck for me."
Reagan was a divisive figure who fired all of the air traffic controllers. Naming an airport after him is like naming a gym after Delta Burke.
Ronald Reagan was a disaster for our country and I refuse to honor him!
Because Reagan sucked.
"i use a mix of the above terms. DCA is common, Reagan National also, but i guess i mostly call it just Reagan. not sure why..."
It combines both accepted names so it eliminates confusion.
Because Reagan was an asshole.
For a pragmatic reason: I think that most people would recognize this name than the others.
"I know that's not it's full name, but that's what I call it. "
"I have NEVER called it ""Reagan National"" and will never do so. It sounds so ridiculous."
I prefer to call airports by their original names.
It's what i've always heard it referred to as growing up.
"The change to Reagan happened when I was a very young child, well before I was intelligent enough to question it, and because I used to fly between DC and Miami using this airport every summer in my childhood, it became ingrained. I have been working on calling it National instead, but it's taking some work. I think it an absolute travesty that our nation's capital's most convenient airport is named after a bigoted right wing failure of a president, and I wish my response in this poll were not going to strengthen the numbers in favor of it."
"The airport was always called National during my years living in DC (1986 - 92) and that is what I am used to calling it. Reagan feels forced, and not because I'm a Democrat. For what it's worth, I live in NYC and refer to our local crossings as the Triboro, the Queensboro and the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel, never the RFK, Ed Koch or Hugh Carey, Dems all."
Because I choose not to refer to That President. Even though 43 was more like Voldemort
"I got used to calling it National when I first moved here. I also think it's appropriate given its location. Also, I may be mistaken but I thought the land where it is located is technically part of DC not Northern Virginia. It was annexed specifically for the airport. I also accept the term Ronald Reagan National Airport which airlines often use when making airport announcements but was not on the list above. "
"I mostly say National, but will use ""DCA"" on occasion when people use that term. "
"I call it Reagan, or DCA because of the metro stop, I believe..."
I have no clue why I call this airport what I call it.
"Just because the Republican Party wants to name everything after Ronald Reagan, that doesn't mean I have to go along with that."
"If I remember correctly, it was usually called Washington National Airport - already named after our first president, and our city. I feel that is much more appropriate for the airport of our nation's capital than a person whose politics we all remember (especially one who dissolved the air traffic controllers' union). Are we really going to say that Reagan, who already has buildings in DC named after him, was a better president than one of our nation's founders? And was changing all those signs really an appropriate use of tax dollars?"
"I've lived on either the blue or yellow line for the whole time since 1998, and I feel like the conductors generally say all the whole thing or at least ""Reagan National"" and it's sunk into my head that way."
Air traffic controller strike 1981.
No idea!
I cant ever remember what it's called. Reagan is the first name I recall when trying to remember haha
Washington National. Never should have been named for a lousy president who did not support the unions who worked there.
"It's the best out of the three and is right by all of the monuments in DC. ""National"" therefore just sounds right. "
not a fan of the name change
"It's always been National airport, despite other things they call it
How I first heard it called.
"I was calling it National for so long before it changed, it was just what I was used to. Occasionally I'll call it ""Reagan National"" but rarely."
I hate Reagan.
Why would I say Reagan ?
"Two reasons: 1) I grew up in Arlington and got used to calling it National. 2) More importantly, I think that Reagan was a terrible president and I don't think the airport should have been named after him."
I'm a Washington native.
It's what I use to book tickets
"Because that's what it's named. I call the NY area airport JFK. It is quite petty not to be able to utter the name of an airport because you don't like a political party. It's creepy, actually."
"Regandid nothing to support the growth of the DC. He and v his Republican lawmakers actually implented legiskation that hurt DC. I will Never call National ""Regan."" "
"One of the worst Presidents in U.S. history doesn't need an airport named after him.
(Okay, I'm an old fogy. I remember when Kennedy was Idyllwild."
Keep on switching the name. Don't even know what it is now
It was built on land that was owned by George Washington. It is/was the national airport because the founder of our country chose this spot to have our nation's capital. It was Washington National be cause it was Close to George Washington's Home.
"It's like forcibly renaming a rape clinic after Bill Cosby, and then making them pay for the new signs, even though you've got the money."
"I was unaware that he laid of air traffic controllers until just now, my bad. sry"
"One: habit. Two: principal.
What Reagan did to the air traffic controllers was awful. And that is usually the justification for why the overwhelmingly liberal DC population refuses to call it Reagan. Plus even if you loved Reagan, you have to admit that way too many things/places now bear his name. So it's the Reagan building and National airport. Period.
But it's more than that. No one calls BWI airport ""Marshall."" No one calls small-city airports named for politicians by their surname either (anyone call Erie, Pennsylvania's airport ""Ridge"" airport, since it was renamed years ago for Tom Ridge? Nope). It's just not how it's done. Though sadly, come to think of it, they do call it LaGuardia, so that whole argument is specious. "
"Growing up i was discouraged from calling it ""Reagan"". "
"Because no building, public utility, or earthly phenomenon of any kind should be named after Ronald Reagan."
"Reagan is an inspiration to actors suffering from dementia everywhere, but his air traffic control strike breaking scabs endangered every air traveler in the American skies. Flying is scary enough without him."
"Because my mother is a travel agent and when I went to college win Maryland I would fly from ""DC Reagan"" according to her ha. "
Because of union busting
Because that's what my parents call it
Because that's what everyone calls it
"Surrounded by coworkers, many who are area natives, who call it ""National"" - started to be habit."
used to it. like it better.
"As a Democrat, I just don't like saying Reagan."
'Cause that's what it's called.
One word is better.
I refuse to call it Reagan for political reasons.
It's easy to say/abbreviate. I will also sometimes say Reagan
"My parents refer to as that, and they've lived near DC before it was named Reagan. "
I don't need to be reminded of Ronald Reagan like this.
"I call it DCA and Reagan interchangeably, but probably use DCA slightly more often because it feels easier to say."
"I call it DCA or Reagan, but mostly DCA. I call most airports by their airport code. "
Because screw Reagan
"I used to fly out of Natonal weekly. Reagan hated government workers, it is too ironic to call the airport Reagan."
My parents and almost everyone I know calls it National. It would take effort to learn to call it anything else and why would I put forth effort to honor a president who was a shame to the country?
I call it national because that's what it was during my childhood. I grew up as the kid of am American diplomat and spent much of my life flying in and out of National and Dulles. I now use DCA as well to communicate about which ticket to buy.
That is what it was for so so many years and changing the name seemed not necessary. ....National just seems to connect it better with the capitol.
I find it appalling that they would name an airport after the man who fired the air traffic controllers on strike.
Because that is the name that I grew up with AND I hate Ronald Reagan and lived through his presidency. I profoundly disagree with the renaming and will never call that airport anything other than national.
"Because Ronald Reagan set the country on its current downward path and rising inequality, and particularly because airports played an important role in that course, through Reagan's destruction of PATCO, the air traffic controllers' union. "
The city that is named after our first president and one of the Founding Fathers should have one of the closest airports still named after it. Plus it is a slap in the face for an airport to be named after Reagan after his actions against air traffic controllers.
I hate Ronald Ragan and do not believe this airport should have the named for him.
I used to call it national and when it changed names a called it DcA
Don't want to call it Reagan.
"It is the national airport, I don't care who it's named after."
Sometimes I call it Reagan sometimes I call it DCA. Never really realized I did that until now
"It seems that's what everyone at my university calls it, but I wish I didn't have to say that president's name every time I flew from there"
"When, my family and I first came to America in 1991, we had a stopover in Detroit. But it was at National Airport where we finally came home."
II refuse to call anything named after RR by his name.
It's succinct and recognizable
"I lived in northern Virginia from 1989 to 2003. For a long time after the renaming I just called it ""National."" But in the last few years, the ""Reagan"" has slowly crept in on me just because, well, it is the formal name of the place. "
"I feel weird calling it Reagan or National. I know it's called both, but I feel like DCA comes out more naturally. Does that make sense?"
Because nothing should be named after Reagan.
It's short. Don't need the Washington. Def don't need the Reagan.
"Just grew up with as National, can't change. "
"It's called Reagan, or occasionally DCA if we're comparing it to BWI. "
Call it DCA or Reagan National
That's what my mother always called it.
Another attempt by Republicans to normalize inhumane behavior
Because National is the name!
My brother who lives in Arlington calls it Reagan.
That's what I've always called it.
It depends on who I'm talking to.
"Because fuck Ronald Reagan, that's why. "
I thought that was its name
I call it National or DCA; because it's easier.
Cause that's it's name. Not that other name they changed it to.
I actually usually call it DCA in written communication but I find most people I know call it Reagan so in conversation I typically say Reagan.
"i always heard it called Reagan, but I'm not a fan of his, so I give it the Lord Voldemort treatment. "
"Because it will always be National! And because yes, I remember the Congressional decision to name it after a President they loved without consulting the population of DC or Virginia. And the protests of the Virginia delegation And, yes, I'm a Democrat! :) "
I go both ways
I didn't know what it was but my whole office called it that so I started- it makes my parents nuts
"It was Washington National Airport on June 16, 1941, and that's what it is today ... is now and ever shall be. This, in spite of that (former) clown congressman from Georgia who insisted that Metro had to change the name of the stop there (which no one in Arlington County wanted)."
In general I call airports by either the city name or the 3 letter abbreviation.
It was supposed to be for national flights rather than international flights.
George Washington National Airport.
Just how I know it
That's it's name.
DCA is the most official name as the airport code.
"That's its name now. I find people who still call it National to be such a bore. We don't call cars ""horseless carriages"" anymore either. "
It's what my parents call it
It's the quickest to say; only two syllables.
"My mother grew up in DC in the 50s and 60s, so it's always been National or DCA in our family.
Additionally, I'm just not a fan of Reagan. "
"That's what my mom calls it, she went to Georgetown and lived in DC for eight years "
I thought It was renamed to Ronald Reagan National Airport.
All my DC friends who grew up in the area called it National.
That's basically what everyone in the State Department calls it.
It's DCA or National.
"That is the original name I learned. I think it is fine to build something and name it after someone, but I disagree with changing the name of an existing thing to honor someone."
"Call it DCA interchangeably with simply ""Reagan""."
National/ DCA
"We hate Reagan. He is always being forced on us. We are treated as though we don't exist. Though we are a productive, self sustaining city."
"I put DCA, but I also will call this airport Reagan. I think I've become more used to calling it DCA because of searching for flights online and typing in ""DCA"" so often. "
"I used to call it Reagan, but heard it called National more often so I switched. I do call it DCA sometimes."
It should never have been renamed. It IS Washington National Airport.
Ronald Reagan was a dirtbag.
I call it National because I do not believe in naming airports after people and I am not nor have ever been a Reagan fan.
"When talking to people who travel frequently I often refer to it as DCA because it is quicker and shorter to do so. But not everyone knows what that is, so I probably end up using the term ""Reagan"" more frequently than ""DCA"" but still use the latter pretty frequently. "
Learned from my parents
"It was National when I grew up and it makes sense. It's the airport for our nation's capital. Plus, I'm not a fan of naming airports after politicians. "
My mother told me to never call it Reagan. Ever.
That's how I book flights.
I make frequent travel arrangments for my boss. I call airports by their codes.
"If I'm typing the name of the airport, I always use DCA. If I'm speaking the name out loud, I'll say DCA, National, or Reagan National."
That is what I believe it's name is.
That's the name written on the terminal building
I don't want to call it Reagan. I believe that Republicans' forcing a name onto an airport in a predominantly Democratic and liberal area is bad form.
It's DCA. Reagan was forced on us. We hate him. We are a self sustaining city treated like we are nothing.
That's it's airport code
'Cause calling it DCA makes you sound like a tool
"That's what it was called when I grew up in maryland. Also, no one calls BWI ""marshall"" airport, so why should Reagan be any different?"
Because fuck Reagan.
My dad won't let me call it Reagan...
Because that's what it was called growing up and renaming it after Reagan was stupid because he was a terrible president and not many people in this liberal town would have supported that name change had they been given a choice.
Because thats it's name and Reagan was a douchebag.
"I go back an forth among Reagan, National, and Reagan National because that's what it's been called in my house. Those are the terms I grew up with, am used to, and adopted myself."
"Not a Reagan fan, and it was National years ago, so haven't changed name."
Two syllables.
"Cab drivers seem to respond most quickly when I say ""Reagan National"" but if I'm having a conversation with someone I will usually just say ""I'm flying out of Reagan tomorrow"". I only use DCA when searching flights online or trying to tell someone who's not from DC which airport I'm flying into (for example, when traveling from Los Angeles to a conference in DC, I tell colleagues that I prefer flying into DCA - because I know that's the name they will see when they are looking at flights online)."
I will never call National Airport Anything else. Reagan did not deserve it have an airport named after him. A building is plenty. He did nothing to help the people of DC. Especially the poor folks in the city.
"DCA, or National Airport had a good, long standing name. There was no need to add Reagan's name to it. He already has too many things & buildings named after him. It's ridiculous."
It was simply the name I heard others call it when I moved here.
"Because airports are frustrating and awful, and so was Reagan. "
"Ronald Reagan was a terrible president with harmful policies and DC is 80 percent democrat, so I refuse to use that name. And most of my friends do too. "
Because that's the name! Despite the statue out front ....
"That's the traditional name that I'm used to everyone calling it, and it ""fits.""
In addition, as a Democrat I can't stand the crazy Republican obsession with naming everything after Reagan. "
Reagan. My family is working-class and union.
National airport was already named after a president: Washington.
Because Reagan is the antithesis of public infrastructure
"I don't like saying, ""I'm flying into Reagan."" That's just gross, who flies into a person? lol"
It is National Airport. Period.
"Because it is Washington National Airport. I don't care what anyone else calls it or names it, that is its name. I would still call it National Airport even if they named it FDR airport, or Clinton or Obama airport."
Cusnthats it name
"National/DCA doesn't belong to any specific president, especially ones that had outright disdain for the District, urban areas, and air traffic controllers."
Cause no one in DC likes Ronald Reagan. Fuck Ronald Reagan.
Because Ronald Reagan destroyed the Air Traffic Controllers union and has no business being memorialized with an airport name.
"I used National on a regular basis when I was in boarding school in the late 1980sand that's what it was called then. Can't remember when they changed the name, but afterwards, of course.... "
I travel so much I call airports by their airport code. So...DCA. Or IAD.
It was already named after a president - Washington - and naming an airport after someone (President Reagan) who hated the air industry is nonsensical.
I lived in DC before it was renamed Ronald Reagan.
"Reagan National's ICAO is KDCA. I'm a meteorologist, I refer to all major airports by their ICAO. "
"Primary reasoon is that National is it's original name and it is easier to identify it in one word, The name National also links it instantly to the Capital City of the USA. "
It was convenient. Just seemed like that was its name.
"Because I didn't like Reagan, because when he fired the flight controllers he deeply impacted the right of workers to negotiation and to better salaries and thus hurt the middle class."
It was named National Airport when I was young and it is an atrocity that an airport is named after a man that fired thousands of air traffic controllers and other airport staff.
"It's generally between ""Reagan"" and ""National."" But ""Reagan/Dulles"" is simply easier than ""National/International"" "
"National is the informal name, although I know that the norm is Reagan National."
That's what I have known it add the longest.
Isn't that what it's called? Reagan National Airport?
"It's shorter than Reagan National, and that's what it was called around me when it was referenced. "
"Went by the new name when it changed. Kept saying ""National"" to reinforce that I was referring to the airport previously known as Washington National"
fuck Reagan
My parents call it National.
"Because I do not want to honor Reagan, specifically how he handled the strike. "
Because it's the first word in the full name of the airport
b/c calling it reagan airport is an insult to air traffic controllers!
Went to GW. Always called it Reagan National. Everyone there did the same.
"Because, while I do not like President Reagan AT ALL, I recognize that it is called Reagan National, and so I grind my teeth every time I need to say its name."
"My dad was a traffic controller at national in the late 70s/early80s, that's why!"
"While I admire a sense of humor, naming the airport after a guy who fired all the air traffic controllers is a pretty sick joke."
"I don't like saying ""Reagan"" on its own because I'm not a Republican. But National is too vague."
"No self-respecting liberal should ever refer to it as ""Reagan."" ""National"" isn't quite specific enough. ""DCA"" leaves no room for ambiguity."
Because that's it's name!
It's the letters on my baggage.
"It'll always be ""Washington National"" to me."
Shortest and easiest way to say it
Because I don't like Reagan.
My grandfather was Fire Chief at National Airport and retired from there in the late 1970's.
You shouldn't name an airport after a president that fired striking air traffic controllers.
Reagan did nothing to warrant an airport naming.
"National is its proper name. Congress just changed it willy-nilly even though it already had a name--and was already named after a president, if indirectly (WASHINGTON National). "
"Because it's National Airport. The idea of naming it after the man who fired all the air traffic controllers (and naming it after him while he was still alive, which is just weird) is ludicrous."
"I always thought the name National Airport was the perfect name for an airport that was in the Nation's Capital area.
Why rename it after Ronald Reagan? He wasn't from this area. "
"I believe that it is the DCA airport. I like Ronald Reagan, but it's the DCA!"
"I either call it Reagan or National. My Dad calls it Reagan and my mall calls it National, but most of my friends (also between 19-21) call it National, so I do too. "
"The airport didn't have a proper name during many of the years that I lived in the DC area. Reagan is easy to say and ""sticky"" despite the fact that the man's leadership will go down in history as having one of the most lasting, detrimental economic outcomes on the poor and urban people of color in America."
My mother hates when it's called Reagan.
It's what I've always heard other people refer to it as
Quick to say and no confusion
I will never call it Reagan.
My mom always refers to it that way
I don't believe in naming an airport after someone who fired the air traffic controllers. I also don't understand why everyone so easily switched to calling it Reagan Airport when no one refers to BWI as Thurgood Marshall Airport.
Because only gross old republicans call it Reagan.
"I first used Washington National Airport in 1968 arriving for my next duty assignment while in the Navy. It's airport code was and remains DCA. Congress forced the name change down our throats and made us pay for all the sign and other changes necessary for the name change. There were already too many other buildings, highways, etc., named for Reagan to justify taking the name from D.C."
"Living in DC, that's what everyone called it. "
George Washington national airport
"Why would I use the devil, Re***n's name?"
"I call it DCA because that's the airport code, which is used to look for flights, etc. Also, it's shorter than saying ""Reagan Airport."""
"I call it ""Reagan"" because... that's its name?"
"To avoid using the ""R"" word."
"If asked by a non-local I might call it by what I understand is its ""full name"", Reagan National, but if I were talking to local friends I would just call it ""National""."
"That's how I was first introduced to it by a friend. However this was followed by my other friend calling it national, and I got very confused. "
"What local airport do you use most frequently does not offer my actual choice. .. I've used them all, rarely. "
I hate Ronald Reagan
That's what it was called growing up and I choose to ignore that it was named after Reagan
"That's what my parents call it, so I grew up hearing that."
Reagan is evil.
Because that's what it is called.
Because nothing should be named after Ronald Reagan
"1. That's the name I first knew it by.
2. I'm anti-Reagan, or at least used to be until by today's standards he became centrist."
"My father would always call it Reagan or Ronald Reagan, so I just picked it up off of him."
"National Airport was named after our first President, hence Washington National. It shouldn't have been usurped by fervent ideologues intent on naming everything in DC after Reagan. "
"Shortest, and what I was told the name was!"
My understanding is that most democrats prefer calling it National and most republicans prefer calling it Reagan. I like to be a little diplomatic.
That is its name
"I don't think we should name an airport after a guy who fired 11,000 striking air traffic controllers. :P"
Will never call it Reagan.
"Interchange Reagan and DCA, using both all the time"
Reagan is awful.
DCA or National... DCA when I want to sound cool
"Because naming an airport after Ronald Reagan is offensive, and the entire process was f-ed up. "
"Not a fan of St. Reagan
"It is convenient to say, I guess I have picked it up from hearing other people say it."
"I thought the official name was ""Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport"" - and apparently I'm incorrect?
I call it a mix of the choices above however I never call it ""Ronald Reagan"" (just Reagan) nor ""Reagan National"" (redundant)."
I refuse to call it Reagan.
Reagan airport is an offensive name to me. He did not help the country and Washington National seems a much more fitting name.
"I have grown up hearing my parents call the airport ""Washington National,"" while hearing my friends call it ""Reagan."" At some point, I seem to have mixed the two and just picked ""Reagan National"" as the easiest name. I have argued with others about its name before, originally preferring ""Washington National,"" but now I have found myself slipping into ""Reagan National"" as simply the most convenient way to refer to it. It seems to be the most popular name for others to understand today."
I think that's what the news calls it or what the metro calls.
"It's what I've heard others call it. ""National"" is a close second."
Because that is its name.
Too many things in DC named Reagan!
"Because, that's its name!!! :-)"
my parents call it that
Fewest syllables
thats what its called on the metro
"Because that's what my parents and older brother have always said, so that what I call it."
It was built for congress and should be nonpartisan.
Because that's what smart people call it.
"Reagan. Short and sweet. Everyone knows what I'm talking about because the former President is no longer alive. ""I'm flying into/out of Reagan""."
"Because, Reagan ugh
Our conference room theme on my floor at work is presidents and I also call the Reagan room National. "
Because that's what my parents called it and I am not a fan of Ronald Reagan.
I usually refer to airports by their airport code
Fuck Ronald Reagan
Three reasons. 1) It's the name I was used to calling before the official name change. 2) It's what the cabbies call it. 3) It's an insult to name an airport after the president who fired thousands of air traffic controllers and busted their union.
Because that's what it was called when I was a kid. I try to call it Reagan but to no avail. Only frequent travelers know what DCA is.
"Because it will always be National, Reagen was a jackass and I will never call it that."
That's it name but you can also call it Reagan / Ronald Reagan
Airport codes just make sense ...
"Because I will not honor the man who broke the air traffic controller strike by naming an airport after him. Frankly, I wouldn't honor him for anything, but this seems particularly egregious."
"It what my parents called it when I was growing up, and now I refuse to change what I call it because I don't want to recognize Reagan in any way. "
Sometimes we'll call it Carter Int'l Airport but everyone gets stressed about travel so.....
Because my parents call it that.
The news always called it Regan National.
"I object to the naming of public institutions after controversial politicians, long before history has come to any conclusion on their legacy. I object to naming any prominent institution after any politician until we have a few named after FDR. "
"I go back and forth between Reagan and National. Typically, I'm saying Reagan. My husband, who is 33, lived here most of his life except for stints in Maine and Tokyo, calls it National."
I call it Reagan bc that's what the cab drivers call it! Before I moved here I called it National.
"I starting flying into Reagan in 2000. By then, It seemed strange to reference it as National Airport. I also refer to it as DCA. For me, it's not a political thing, although I sense that it is for some native Washingtonians."
Because 'Murica.
that's what my parents call it.
"My mom grew up in the D.C./Maryland area, and she has always called it the Reagan National Airport, so I just picked it up. "
Naming it after one president (the first one...) was plenty.
I prefer national. And technically it was Washington's National Airport before the name change. So from my perspective it was already named after a president--George Washington.
"80% of the time Reagan, 20% of the time DCA. Not really sure why"
Not Reagan.
"My family always called it that, so I thought that's what it was. Recently, my boyfriend has been telling me I'm crazy, and that everyone calls it ""National."" I'm eager to see the results of this poll."
High handed power play over stiff local opposition. I suspect Ronnie would have been appalled.
"idk, I just do."
National is national. Reagan has a gigantic federal office building already. Why my airport too?
"Reagan has no strong connection to DC- it's not a fitting name, and I suspect it was bestowed out of partisanship and spite."
"It's always been called National. It's already named for a President... GEORGE WASHINGTON. Finally, didn't Reagan fire all the air traffic controllers when he first came into office? Renaming the WASHINGTON National Airport is typical Republican hero worship and revisionist history. "
"I've always called it National because that's what my parents and their friends always called it. (My dad is a DC native, fwiw, and my mom's been here for ~40 years.)"
Ronald Reagan does not deserve the honor.
"I use both names to avoid confusion and sound like the announcers and pilots, so I sound as neutral as possible. When I moved here in 2010 I heard right away that long-time residents NEVER call it ""Reagan."""
Because Reagan was a piece of shit.
"Because of the 1981 strike. It's insulting. - Signed, an independent / anti-Republican who votes Democrat 99.9 % of the time."
It was National all the time I lived near it. It existed before anyone in Virginia had heard of Reagan.
"Almost all of my friends and coworkers simply call it ""Reagan"" so I do the same."
Short and sweet
That's the real name now. And I'm a proud Democrat.
Reagan was a bad president & doesn't deserve an aiport in his name.
"Probably for the same reason that many people called JFK ""Idlewild"" for decades after it was renamed. I actually voted for Reagan, although I am definitely not a Republican, but National is National!"
Because Reagan was a prick
Not a fan of Mr. Reagan.
I can't believe an airport would be named after Reagan after what he did to air traffic controllers.
"Reagan just feels the most normal. I also call it DCA, but that's more in writing. It's always a bit strange to say airport codes out loud. Wouldn't say IAD. Or LGA. Or EWR. "
Not a Reagan fam
"It's what my parents have always called it. I usually call it National, but I'll also call it Reagan from time to time."
"My parents call it National... my mom grew up in the DC area and was not pleased with how Reagan fired air traffic controllers on strike. For this reason she doesn't feel comfortable calling an airport after Reagan, and she passed that tendency on to me."
"It's National, or Washington National, or DCA if needed. That dude's name has no business anywhere near it. "
It's its name.
I've always called it Reagan until my (older) girlfriend told me Democrats just don't do I've had to change my ways.
"I grew up calling it National, and all my family and friends are the same. "
I thought that's what everyone else called it :P
"If I don't call it ""national"" I call it DCA.
It was a total waste of money to change the metro signs to Reagan. "
"I grew up knowing it as National, and I dislike that it was renamed after Reagan."
"Always have, always will. "
That's what I've heard it been called
That's what it was called when I lived on Boling AFB from 81-83
"It's name is National . . . the ""change"" was silly pandering"
People from DC who seem to be in the know call it National. Tourists call it Reagan. And I never want to look like a tourist.
"Two reasons: It was National the first time few times I used it, and I don't feel like honoring Ronald Reagan."
no airport should be named after Reagan
It's National because that is what it was called when I was born. In addition Ronald Reagan did not do anything for DC and was an extremely unpopular president to the citizens of DC
My mom calls it that
i dont know its just what i heard it called
... I call in Reagan mostly but I also know it as dca or Ronald Reagan.. Also everyone I know knows this airports name. I think its weird to assume that people dont know it. I've flown a lot of Reagan and BWI and Dulles. Also different people call Dulles different names too but we all know what airport we are talking about.
That's what my parents call it.
It's how my family from VA always referred to it.
"Don't want to identify my politics. Republicans say ""Reagan"" Democrats say ""national"". I'm a very frequent flier so DCA suits me nicely And keeps me a political enigma. "
Fuck Reagan
"I don't understand, are there people who don't call it Reagan?"
Because I think Ronald Reagan was a dreadful president and I refuse to honor him by calling an and import after him. Isn't it ironic that the man who broke PATCO gets an airport named after him?
It's either DCA or politician's airport because only the politicians seem to use it
"Not sure, I don't think about it too much. When I opened this survey though I thought ""huh, are they thinking of Reagan? Is that the one?"" so I guess Reagan was my first thought."
I call it 'National' because we all know that's its actual name!
"I've always thought its full name was ""Reagan National Airport"" (national = domestic flights only as opposed to the national airport of the U.S.). I've heard it called Reagan, National, and even DCA, but I assumed those were nicknames."
That's what it's called!
"Because it's not named Reagan National, damnit! (Yes, I know that's the ""official"" name, but who cares!)"
"My parents refuse to call in Reagan so I've always grown up calling it national and getting scolded if I accidentally called it Reagan. Also now that I'm older I don't want to call it Reagan based on my political beliefs, so I've stuck with national. "
Public places shouldn't be named after Politicians.
I've never thought much about it. It's easy to say.
"I don't think the name should have been changed from National, especially renaming it for a president I didn't support at the time and see no reason to honor."
"Culturally, the airport is simply known as National. That's what people call it. The decision to change the official name to Ronald Reagan was made against the wishes of DC's citizens and misrepresents our historical attitude towards that president. I cringe when I hear people refer the airport in anyway other than ""National"""
"If there's an airport named in honor of a person, it seems I generally call it by just the last name. The airports in NY are Laguardia and Kennedy. Chicago is O'Hare. Houston's airports are Hobby and Bush. Even when I lived in St. Louis for school I called it Lambert. Hence, the airport that's not Dulles (rule applies) or BWI (probably an exception) is Reagan. "
Because naming an airport after the president who broke the Air Traffic Controllers strike is too ridiculous for me to acknowledge that it actually happened or justify the choice in name by calling the airport...that.
"Partly because I grew up calling it National but mostly as a political statement. I wouldn't wear a Nationals' hat with just a ""W"" on it while Bush was in the White House either. "
that's what my parents call it
That is the airport's name....
Because it says DCA on the tickets.
Because that is its name.
That's what my parents always called it!
That's its name
"Ronald Reagan doesn't deserve to have an airport named after him, especially the one into which most congressmen fly considering with him started the polarization of the parties."
Because it has been National for a very long time.
"I call it ""the airport"" because it is the close airport that I've been to most often. Dulles is far away, not on a Metro line (yet), so I call it ""Dulles"". As in ""that inconvenient Dulles place, not the airport I usually use""."
"Because it's the airport that serves our nation's capital and therefore should have a name that reflects that. Additionally, we're forced to remember Ronald Reagan in many ways (including the economic turmoil and Republican Party he created, that now, we have to live with) so why give him this, too? Do we really want the airport that serves our nation's capital to be named after a man that half the population considers destructive, evil, and perhaps the worst president our nation has ever had? "
What my parents called it.
"Because it's been called National since I was a kid well before the terminals were added. And, who the hell is Ronald Reagan Washington? That's what the metro stop is called which is completely ridiculous. "
Always was always will be. And Reagan gets nothing from our city.
Airport codes are universally understood
"That's how I've always heard it referred to. Also, I answered no to the DC area question since it listed specific counties but I live in Howard County and I would consider that to be the DC area considering both of my parents live here and work in DC"
"It was called National when I was growing up. And I think Reagan was a jerk who put the country into recession. He gets all the credit for ""defeating communism"" when 1) it was defeated by people in their own country and 2) he wasn't even president when communism fell. I also don't like things named for people who are alive (he was alive at the time they renamed it). He kept bigotry alive by messing up Americas response to AIDS, tried to roll back civil rights for women and blacks, and was a bigger flip flopped than any president since. His top down economics was a failure and he left us Scalia and Thomas. His ""legacy"" has been rewritten by the right wing and everyone is too scared to challenge it. Sorry...this question struck a nerve. "
"Because naming the airport closest to DC ""Ronald Reagan"" is like renaming FedEx Field ""Jerry Jones Stadium."""
"I interchangeably use ""National"" and ""Reagan National"""
I call it National or Washington National because that is its correct name. The fact that the odious Rove and vile Norquist & their ilk decided that every public property in the nation had to be named for the absurdly overrated Reagan means nothing.
"Because fuck Reagan. The Congress can call it whatever they want, to me it will always be National. Once again, it's the Congress trying to run DC."
I don't recognize that name change. It was already named after our first president george Washington!
"My parents refuse to call it Reagan, so I can't figure out why I call it Reagan. They call it Washington National."
It's dca or national. It was that when I moved here 21 years ago. The name change to Reagan was stupid.
Because Ronald Reagan was all about shrinking DC's economy so why should we be celebrating him?
Because Ronald Reagan's presidency doesn't deserve the honor.
"It used to be Washington National Airport before the name was changed to Rewas a terrible mistake to rename the airport after what Reagan did to the air traffic controllers. So continuing to call it National is easy, and allows me to avoid saying Reagan's name."
That's what I heard from my parents growing up.
I don't trust people who call it reagan
My parents do.
Because that's what it's called.
"The renaming of National Airport was promised to not cost any money, but it cost District taxpayers to change the name of the airport in signage on the Metro. In addition, the name change was done by Congress without local input and Reagan broke up the air traffic control union, thus I do not believe he should have an airport named for him."
Because no airport should be named after a man who fired air traffic controllers.
Ronald Reagan was an asshole.
Reagan did not support the citizens of DC and therefore we should not have his name foisted on us.
Ronald Reagan was the devil incarnate.
Because it's always National to me.
"simply and melodic and conforms to simplistic metronomic tic tic. "" cabbie! get me to RandPaul right away"" ""Kruggerrand? can i take a car to Krugger....what?""no Randpaul airport, dummy. will I pay in what...... Rubles? no to Rand Paul, i will pay with dollars. and pay now when i get there. "" what metre do yoiu have here. and is that a picture of you?"
"I never thought regan's name should be associated with an airport in ""DC"" or should I say VA. He has a building in DC. If an airport should be named after him should be international since he really did a lot for foreign affairs"
That's what my parents call it.
Because that's it's name but I shorten it.
I don't like Reagan.
Its what it is
That's what the majority of people I knew called it when I first moved to Baltimore!
"Because it's easier to say Reagan than ""Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport."" Reagan's name is on it, though, so I use it instead of National."
"I call it DCA because when I book flights that's the name I see and it's easier and faster to say. I also get mixed up with names and locations of Dulles and DCA, so it's easier for me to remember."
"Because it's National Airport, or Washington National Airport. Always will be, no matter what extra names Congress wants to add to it."
I was born in '98 and my parents who have also grown up here all their lives call it Reagan or Reagan National
"My (Democrat) parents made it clear that the airport is called National, not Reagan."
Because that's what everyone I knew in NoVa called it when I lived there (2001-2005).
I would never say Reagan - he sucks!!!
I'm a flight attendant DCA= Reagan IAD=Dulles BWI= Baltimore
Third generation Washingtonian! My dad tells me about Reagan before it even was Reagan
Don't like Reagan
Air traffic controllers... our lives depend on them...
It's the airport code. I also call it Reagan.
"My mother declined to call it Reagan and, understanding her reasons, I followed suit. "
"I don't call bwi by thur good Marshall either.
Ditto for the new EPA building. I do not call it the Clinton building. And various sports stadia.
This whole naming thing is stupid "
"I call it Reagan because that is what the name of the airport is. I call the Boston airport Logan, not BOS. I call the Providence airport Green, not PVD."
"Reagan was a terrible president (AIDS, Iran Contra, homelessness, union busting, drug war, poverty, etc.) and does not represent the District. They had no right to rename our airport. So we stick with the old name."
Because there was no reason to name an airport after Reagan and National is a great name to represent the DC area.
I will never call it the R name
I also say DCA but Reagan is majority of the time.
I call it National because I'm a Democrat.
We used to visit DC a lot when I was growing up. My parents always called it National as that's what it was called when they were growing up (and neither is much of a fan of Reagan). What they called it just stuck with me when I moved to DC for college.
I know it was named after him.
that's what my parents always called so that's why I call it that.
Because it was National Airport when I moved here. And I think there are probably enough things named after Ronald Reagan.
It's historic name and aversion to its new name.
I don't even live here anymore and it's still National
Reagan already has a building in DC named after him.
"It's what I hear on the radio and tv, although it did take me a while to stop calling it national."
Naming an airport after the President who busted the air traffic controllers' union is unconscionable.
Because that's what it should be called.
Fuck Ronald Reagan. Second. Worst. President. Ever. Looking at you GWB.
I think that's what they call it on the radio
I would honestly rather call it Ronald McDonald airport than Ronald Reagan. Then it would at least be named after a real human rather than a scary clown.
I find it easiest to refer to airports by their three-letter code. Fast and concise.
That's what my whole family calls it. I just grew up that way...
"I know it's Reagan National, but it will always be National to me .. First airport I ever flew to."
"Common name here. Implants will call it national, but not natives."
that's its name
"Out of respect for the air traffic controllers who had their strike broken by Reagan. And just because I didn't like him, and think too much stuff is named for him."
Because that is its name
Because I'm not a tourist.
A strong belief that public infrastructure isn't to be named after ideologically corrupt presidents.
Habit. I wish I called it National
"Reagan was a saboteur.
"It was national airport when we moved here. Shortly after it was renamed Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport...we say National most of the time....sometimes DCA. never the whole name or Reagan.
I will never call National Airport by the name of the man who dealt so poorly with the air traffic controllers.
I'm also likely to call it DCA.
"After firing over 1000 air traffic controllers, he should have never gotten an airport in his name. "
"We, the DMV area residents, always used to the name National. Only out of towners and the new generation knows it as Reagan National!!!"
"Just used to calling it that, 'cause that was its proper name for many years. "
Cause Ronald Reagan was one of the worst presidents in modern history and we do not want to honor him in that way
Because I don't like that they named it after Reagan.
It's what most other people seem to call it in my experience
"I used to call it Reagan- everyone would correct me and say ""IT'S NATIONAL."" I'm trying train myself into saying ""National"" by saying ""Reagan National"" so I won't get yelled at anymore. Though sometimes I call it DCA."
I refer to most airports by their three-letter codes. It's fast and concise.
"Because its the airport that's closest to the NATION'S capitol, so it should be either ""National"" or ""Washington National"""
"Like most airports, I call the airport by the last name of the figure it's named after. After taking this survey, however, I will probably choose to consciously call the airport National instead of Reagan. "
Anything but Reagan...
"Because National is too generic. Regardless of your politics it's named after a president. New Yorkers don't try to change the name of LaGuardia, named after the mayor, or JFK, named after the president, because they don't like their political affiliation. It's Reagan. DCites need to stop being whiny little bitches about it. "
Because Ronald Reagan was not worthy of having a major airport named after him.
I have a gag reflex every time I see the statue of Reagan in front of the airport. Calling it George W Bush airport would be the only thing worse.
It seems absurd to name an airport after the guy that fired the air traffic controllers.
It's what my parents have always called it.
"I call it Reagan because that's the most ubiquitous name, they same reason I call a New York airport JFK."
It's Ronald Reagan national airport but I don't feel like saying that whole thing when I talk about so I just shorten it to Reagan.
What I hear it called on traffic reports.
What I remember it being called.
because that's what expedia calls it...
I don't like that the name was changed for partisan purposes.
Because that is its name.
"I book my travel online so I have gotten used to referring to it by its airport code--DCA. Otherwise I call it National. I don't think that Ronald Reagan deserves an airport, especially after the PATCO strike of 1981."
I worked for United Airlines
It's always been called that amongst my family and friends and everyone that I grew up with.
Because calling it anything with Reagan in it is a human rights violation (mine).
Because that's the name of it.
Honestly because my mother thought it was ridiculous that they named an airport after Regan so she always called it national.
"I'd go with National but no one really knows what I'm talking about, Reagan National covers all the bases. But I refuse to call it just Reagan, that's just silly. "
That's what I've heard my dad call it.
"So many reasons. It was already essentially named after a president and George Washington should not be deminished. It is not afterall actually in the District of Columbia. There is prestige in the name ""National"". It's what everyone from the area around the airport actually calls it including myself growing up and still. Ronald Reagan was a terrible president. He hated Washington DC she ridiculed it constantly and was likewise despised by Washingtonians. His legacy has crippled the federal bureaucracy, which is the heart of our local culture. He hated government enterprises, like airports, and perhaps most insulting about the name change, he destroyed the air traffic controllers union and initiated an era of anti union efforts that have harmed all the other workers at the airport as well. "
Because I dislike Ronald Reagan...
"""Because my parents are democrats, ""Reagan"" is just not allowed in my household."""
When I was in the military stationed in the DC area in the early 1980s that was the name.
"Calling it ""DCA"" means that I don't have to call it Reagan but by calling it DCA instead of National I feel like I'm less likely to tick off people who like Reagan. "
Many people - young and old - do not call it Reagan. It's National and will always be NATIONAL!!!
"It's what I have always called it, and what everyone around me calls it."
People tell me not to call it Reagan but I forget to call it National. So DCA is easiest!
I've started using the 3-letter codes for all the airports I use.
That is the shortcut used for this airport in websites while looking for deals and booking the ticket.
That is it's name.
Unfunded mandate by republinuts
Not every damned thing in the planet needs to be named after Reagan.
"DCA is the code used by airports, so you know they'll be no confusion. "
I call it National because it's National Airport.
Fuck Reagan.
It's what I learned yrs ago
Don't wish to honor Reagan.
"Because, why not. "
That's its name and it's easy
"Because that's how it's referred to by airlines, the Metro -- and the occasional GOP politician trying to score points with the hard-core conservative base. "
"I consider the rename to be republican triumphalism, similar to the Hindu nationalists' renaming of cities to suit their political tastes. "
Don't care for the other name.
"I used to call it national but because of the name change and the George W. Bush Era, I now call it Regan National "
"While I have been told it is a faux pas to call it Reagan and that locals should refer to it as National, to me, who grew up in the vicinity of BWI, it's a long name and needs to be shortened. It's just easier to say Reagan and that's the first word on all the signs! "
"There was no good reason to rename National, particularly after that president. Plenty of other ways to honor him, short of adding insult to injury. Also, shorter is better, and it's not as if we need to differentiate it from somebody else's National Airport. (Oh, you meant _Harding_ National Airport, not Reagan National Airport.)"
"Washington National is the name I learned when I first started using it. It already has the name of a President, Washington, and doesn't need to be named after two."
National because that is what we always called it.
It's called National. Why add more words?
My whole family calls it that.
"Because I never liked Ronald Reagan, and nobody in my family did, so none of us uses that name for National Airport."
Cuz that's what others called it.
"Because REAGAN, that's why.
Even in Canadian airports (for example, the terminal in Trudeau), it is listed everywhere as ""Reagan National"", not ""Washington National"" or ""National"" or any alternate name."
"I used to call it Reagan until I realized it was originally National. Now I prefer to call it Reagan National, but if I'm short on time I call it Reagan since it's fewer syllables."
I call it National Airport because that is its name. Also call it DCA.
Because saying Ronald Reagan's name makes me gag. And I call the airport in Northern VA that is not DCA IAD. Having another airport named after John Foster Dulles is just as bad.
Its just what we call it.
Because it's only other airport in Northern Virginia I could think of.
That's what my parents call it. I have always thought of it as Reagan National.
Because I'm right.
I call it National because that's what it was always called in my house.
"Because that's what the people around me at gw called it. Also, it's the shortest name other than ""national"", which sounds weird. "
I've literally never heard anyone else call it anything else in my 25 years on Earth. The fact there is even a survey regarding this is completely baffling to me.
I hate that I always call it Reagan
Ronald Reagan is the entire cause of trickle down economics which lead to the destruction of the middle class and the current economic inequality that plagues this nation.
Because Reagan either knew his minions were helping sell crack in black neighborhoods nationwide or was willfully ignorant. Either airport for him.
Because it is for national rather than international flights.
I am a senior undergraduate at American University in NW DC and that's just what everyone I know - many of whom often have flights out of it - call it.
"National is its name. Adding the names of (dead) famous people doesn't add value for anybody.
Similarly, the bridge that connects Manhattan, Queens, and the Bronx is still the Triborough Bridge. And the bridge that connects Manhattan and Queens across Roosevelt Island is still the Queensborough Bridge, or if you're describing local traffic, the 59th Street Bridge."
"It was called Washington National and renaming it for a president after it already had a name makes no sense. Plus, never bought into the Reagan mystic. I think he harmed more than helped this country."
Reagan destroyed PATCO.
Because that's its name. Also fuck the Republicans.
To honor President Reagan
You know why
Because Ronald Reagan was a dick to air traffic controllers and I think it's perverse to name an airport after him.
It's the name of the airport. Callinig it just National or Reagat
"I would much rather call it National, simply because I really am not the biggest fan of President Reagan, but unfortunately when I was younger my father flew out of the airport a lot and called in Reagan and so now that's what I say on reflex. I'm trying to re-correct to National whenever I can"
"Because it was named Washington National first, and you can't just rename an airport. It was already named for a president. "
Republicans went on a naming craze- if it was just the airport I might be ok with it but they want to name every mailbox and office building after a mid-tier president. No thanks"
My parents say not to call it Regan.
I also sometimes call it National.
I don't want to call it Reagan.
"Because Ronald Reagan or Ronald Reagan National is too long, and Reagan just slides off the tounge better than National "
Because thats its name
National is the original name.
It's what I first heard it called.
I'm a libertarian so I don't like Reagan. Don't care for Dulles either. Marshall is good though.
I am always very careful to refer to that airport as DC Airport because I think it's insanity that it was renamed Reagan.
"I remember when the name changed. My parents and I were annoyed about it. I've been trying to be more respectful of other people's political perspectives, so generally I say ""Reagan National."" But depending on my mood, sometimes I'll just call it ""National."" "
Same reason the one in New York is called JFK...they named it after we call it Reagan...
"I think of ""the Washington airport"" as Dulles. "
It's what my dad who grew up in that area calls it.
I think the fact that I'm a lifeblood Democrat pretty much answers that question.
That's what I've always said
Historical basis for the airport doesn't not support the name it has been assigned.
Reagan? NEVER!
"GOP president? No thanks, National for me!"
Because the people of DC did not want an airport named after the architect of neoliberalism. There couldn't be a city in the US more opposed to the politics of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher than DC.
"Don't think the US National Airport should be named after a partisan leader, especially not Reagan."
"I refuse to call National by its new name of ""You know who"". "
I call airports by their codes. DCA is what it's called
The person it is nominally named after was a horrible actor and a more horrible governor in my home state. Then he launched a campaign of political divisiveness that will take generations to unravel.
You can't name an airport after the man who fired all the air traffic controllers. It's just mean spirited! Name a bridge or tunnel after him instead.
"I hate Ronald Reagan, and it is ridiculous that an AIRPORT is named after him, given the air traffic controllers strike during his tenure. Most people in the D.C. area do not share the political and economic philosophy that surrounds Reagan (I doubt he believed much of anything but certainly his handlers had an ideology). In total, I am resentful that it was renamed, and so I will forever call it ""National Airport"" as I continue to use its convenient location."
"This airport was Washington National before they changed the name. Washington is a perfectly good presidential name, especially as his residence was right up the road, but they had to commemorate a more recent president whose beneficial impact is questionable at best. So, as the airport is closest to the nation's capital, it makes sense to continue calling it 'National' rather than by anything else."
"Because it was ""National"" until the Republicans re-named it when they had control of the government."
My parents aren't big fans of Reagan so I grew up with it never being referred to with Reagan in the name
Quicker to say and easier to input into travel sites.
My parents call it Reagan
I call it National because I refuse to call it the R word.
Possibly my parents influence. They've lived in the DC area since the 70s
Who cares? Transit and confusing highways at Dulles and bizarre flight routes at DCA are far more important issues.
It was already Washington National - adding a second presidential name is cumbersome and silly
That's the name I prefer
Reagan was not my friend.
"Because ""National"" was the name of it when we lived there and used it and it seemed right because of how close it is to our National Capitol. Plus, Reagan didn't have anything to do with it other than use it like we did. Oh, except maybe he was a president or something once. :-)"
"Because that's what it was originally named. Adding ""Reagan"" is just a sop to Republicans winning Congress."
That asshole has enough crap named for him
It's the code that ticket companies use.
Old habit
"I grew up with it being called National, then it was renamed to honor Reagan so I combine the two!"
"Because I call most airports by their three letter code, unless that sounds stupid like with MIA. DCA seems fine. I'm probably wrong."
Because it's National Airport
I don't want to associate my travel with reagan
Because that is its name.
"Because it is wrong to name an airport after someone who tried to break the air traffic controllers. Plus, National is a perfectly good name describing where it is."
"Used to call it ""National"" when I was young. When the name changed I guess I was used to a one name."
I don't think Reagan deserves an airport.
To avoid getting yelled at for calling it Reagan from the national group. And to avoid getting yelled at for calling it national from the Reagan group.
"So as not to honor what's his name, Saint Ron Somebody."
"That's what I've always called it. Also, I don't like renaming things after people or corporations."
"Reagan himself felt that nothing should be named after a politician until at least 25 years following that person's death. Congress, in an attempt to honor Reagan, mandated a name change less than 10 years after his death. "
that's what the plane ticket says
Reagan was a terrible president who is largely responsible for terrible state of the country
Airports should not be named for politicians - any politicians
"I have always tended to DCA or National, but in the last 4-5 years have caught myself saying ""Reagan"" a lot more than the latter. Maybe it is finally catching on?"
I'm not a Reagan fan; it will always be National to me.
My parents
Its the most practical/efficient for ticket buying and quick identification.
Before it was rededicated.
"I purposely refer to the Airport as ""Washington National"" because I thought it was inappropriate and unethical to rename the airport when it already existed and was named after our firat president. this happened during a period when the republican party was trying to rename many longstanding monuments including the dime. if they wanted to build a new airport then great, but renaming it was just tacky and small minded."
Ronald Reagan was a half torn plastic bag full of dog shit.
"I have often in the past called it Reagan National, but only because the bastard's name sticks in my head so easily. National may be the vaguest word in the English language, so I felt silly calling it that. Unfortunately, almost every time I used the name ""Reagan"", someone would chastise me, so recently I've been sticking to DCA."
Not sure
Because Reagan was awful.
Because Reagan was awful.
"The flight attendants used to say ""welcome to Washington Reagan National Airport."""
That is how it is known to me and will always be that. Sometimes I do shorten it to National.
I call it National because it was already named after a president - Washington. No need to add Reagan to it.
Because its called reagan?
I prefer not to acknowledge that it is named in honor of such a terrible president.
"I won't call it Reagan because of the air traffic controller showdown and because (like Dulles) it does not convey a clear location. And I worked in the Reagan administration, so I have nothing against him, just that the Reagan airport name is incongruous with its history. And laughable."
"I still call it National, but I more frequently call it Reagan. My mother was very opposed to calling it that in the beginning, but over time, everyone calls it Reagan, so we call it Reagan."
My parents do
My parents call it National
Cause that's what it is? Lol
It was the first name I heard others call it and for me it stuck.
I won't call it Reagan
"I have had far too many DC-based friends enter into a beserker, bloodlust rage from Valhalla over the years upon mention of ""R*****"" to have not learned my lesson."
"Because that's what I grew up with. And it gets on my nerves when we rename airports, street names, etc. Besides, I remember Reagan. And I wasn't a fan. But mostly because I don't like change and I think it's a stupid change. "
"I usually say ""Reagan"" aloud, but DCA is shorter and easier to spell. "
That's what I was told it is
"Because Reagan was probably a lizard person from outer space. How else do you explain Iran contra, his neoliberal radicalism, his support for Latin American fascism, etc.?"
It's what my family and friends have always called it.
"Well, everything in DC is an acronym or abbreviated."
"It's shorter and easy to remember. Also, Reagan was a highly overrated president. "
"cause thats what it's called, what."
Don't like Reagan.
Why would you honor a man with an airport title who fired air traffic control ?
I book around 40 flights to the Washington area a year for my company. I refer to it as DCA or Reagan National. I know locals call it National.
It's offensive to call it Reagan. Obviously the air controller issue is the foremost offense.
That's what it's called!
"Ronald Reagan has enough things blindly named after himself, and I choose not to join in the Reagan loving or celebrating for personal reasons. "
I call it national because it was national the entire time I was growing up. Adding Reagan in front of it didn't change the name for me.
I call it National is sounds good and this is the National Capital area
"My dad was a commercial pilot who flew into National regularly. He often mentioned the ""hairy"" approach to the south, with its late, low altitude, low airspeed right turn over the river. In his telling, this challenging approach was into National. Period. "
I hate the way the damn Republicans keep renaming airports after their heroes. The airports already had names that were appropriate. I would feel just as strongly if the Democrats were to start playing this ridiculous game
"Praise be to His Howardness, may he protect us from goals Amen"
I travel a lot - I call almost all airports by their call letters.
My Now wife went to Georgetown from 1998 to 2002.
BWI Marshall is called BWI by the media--why should National Reagan not follow the same and be called National? The BWI and National monikers denote location much better to non-locals than the names of a person.
What I always heard it called growing up!
Because President Reagan was a putz who helped to destroy organized labor in this country.
I believe it is insulting to have named (co-named? Renamed?) the airport after Reagan after what he did to the air traffic controllers in 1981. Jackass.
"As a Native Washingtonian, I have always called it National Airport. "
I call it National bc that's what its name is. If they tried to name it Carter or Clinton I wod still call it National. I think you have to be dead a looooong time or give a looooooot of money before you have a building named after you.
That is the name!
Has history of my experience.
"I almost always call it National, it's what I was raised to call it. From time to time I do call it Reagan for fun, but only because I like the face my very liberal father makes when I do. "
"Reagan was a monster by most objective measures, so like fuck am I going to call an airport after him."
Everyone I knew called it National or DCA
"Because I'm sick of hearing everyone talk about how great Reagan was, and because that is its original name."
"I called it National growing up so it will always be National to me. Also, the 40th President wasn't from DC. "
"Because it was called National when we first arrived in 1984. So I tend to still say National but then will clarify and also say Reagan too! I never appreciated why ""they"" thought they needed to change the airport's name to Regan anyway! "
"It's short, and part of the old and new names."
"Moved here when it was National, visited DC as a teen when it was National. It's National. Get confused when people say ""Reagan"" and usually have to be reminded. (Also: Reagan! ack!!)"
That's the name
I think that's what I first heard it called.
Because Reagan is cool.
Because that's what my parents called it (they're both California natives who moved to the DC area in the 80s and have been there pretty much ever since).
"I will never ever call an AIRPORT for that horrible president who treated the air traffic controllers so badly. To me, that is one of two ""r-words"" associated with the DC area that I refuse to utter. (The other one is sports related.)"
That's what I've heard most people call it.
Easiest for making reservations
It has the least amount of syllables
Because that's its name.
"It's the airport of the Nation. Or, named after the first president like most things in Washington D.C., it's Washington National Airport. And for that matter Howard Hughes Airport is still Howard Hughes airport."
"Same reason I don't say Bush for IAH. Just kidding, kind of. I dislike the trend to name infrastructure with full names of recent figures.
I also sometimes call the airport in question DCA or Reagan National, but I prefer National or DCA."
Ronald Reagan was a terrible President and there was no reason to rename the airport.
Because I hated Reagan.
I call it Reagan national out of habit. I wish there was another acronym or name I could comfortablely call it because ewww
Ain't gonna call it Reagan
"If I have the option of honoring Ronald Reagan or not honoring Ronald Reagan, I'll choose the latter."
It's an insult to call it Reagan.
"I grew up calling it National, and can't stand calling it ""Reagan"" after a politician with a legacy I will never believe in."
Regan has enough things banned after him. Let's keep it apolitical.
"Reagan is short, to the point, and more distinct than National. Plus it honors the former president."
"I'm not an asshole, so I don't refuse to say Ronald Reagan's name."
National is kind of ambiguous. And Reagan National takes too long.
That's the correct name
I call it DCA or National. I prefer to not call it after a past president.
"I like standards. I write my dates in ISO 8601. I refer to countries using their ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 codes. As a frequent airline passenger, I use the IATA code DCA. If I were a pilot, I would presumably use the ICAO code KDCA."
"My parents always called it National airport, and I never questioned it until I learned the real name of the airport and realized why my parents did this. It's all political."
"I call it Reagan because that's what is most recognizable to people in DC, but I wish that when I said ""National,"" people had some idea of what I was talking about."
No airport should be named after anybody that fired the air traffic controllers
Because regan screwed the airline strikers. He does not deserve an airport named for him.
It sets me apart from people who haven't lived here as long.
Parents either call it regean or regean national
Because it is National Airport.
It was National during my younger adulthood and I was not a fan of Ronald Reagan so chose not to adapt.
'Cause that's its name.
"Because it was called National in 1983. And because I find it an affront to Labor that Reagan tried to destroy PATCO, and then over zealous Republicans decided that Reagan's name belonged on an airport that had been none political. "
I Just can't call it Reagan.
National or's the airport closest to dc and the abbreviation is what airlines use.
I call it National for the same reason you said BWI and not thurgood Marshall!
"I'm not a fan of President Ronald Reagan, but calling the airport ""National"" doesn't quite sound right to me (always sounds like we're omitting the adjective ""Reagan""). The three-letter airport code works best for my airport-naming needs."
"Because I lived in DC before it was named Reagan, so that's tge 1st name I have known it, still calling it that way. This airport sucks though"
Ronald Reagan airport is too long
For the same reason it was called BWI and not Thurgood Marshall in this survey.
Grew up calling it National before it was renamed Reagan
"I worked there when it was National, before the Ronald Reagan name change."
Be Reagan dismantled liberal capitalism
That's what it was called when I first moved here.
I call it National or DCA usually because I don't want to associate it with Reagan.
That's what they called it around Catholic University in Brookland.
"Because it was called National when I was a kid, and I do not agree with the views of President Reagan."
That's what it was always called
Don't think it's right to name an airport after someone who fired striking air traffic controllers.
"I don't use it very often, but that's what my parents call it."
"Because that's what it's called, and Reagan was an asshole."
Because that is my impression of what locals call the airport.
"It should ""National"" because it's for all travelers, not just Republicans. "
Its the airport code!
So both people who know it as national and people who know it as Reagan will know what I'm talking about.
I call it Washington National because that is what is what named before it was changed to Reagan National and Ronald Reagan was evil and republicans have no buisness naming things in a place where they don't live
Because that's what I grew up calling it and I think it's silly to rename an airport after a president when it has a perfectly good name already: National.
Reagan screwed air traffic controllers. It's an insult to name an airport after him.
Because that's what it's called
"Because I certainly would not dishonor that charming airport by calling it after Reagan. It's a great airport, worthy of being a 'national' airport. And that is what it was originally called, even if that was before I lived here. So it feels like a tiny bit of resistance against the awful reagan hagiography that so many allow to go unchecked and unstopped."
Thats what i know it to be called.
"That us what it was called when I moved here and I see no reason to change it, especially given what went on with the air traffic controllers."
Because RR is a war criminal and not deserving of the honor.
I say either Reagan or DCA. Most of the old-timers seem to call it national.
It was National when I first started flying to DC. I think it is an insult to the dedicated air traffic controllers to name it after a man who had such disregard for them. I have never and will never refer to it as Regan
National is the name of the airport. The other name was forced upon us. I don't acknowledge it.
Just easy
"Some airline I took once listed the two DC-area airports as ""Washington-National"" and ""Washington-Dulles"" and the expression stuck with me. I do call it ""DCA"" in type, though."
My parents always have called it Reagan but more recently I have heard it called DCA.
As a kid that was the airport my sad always flew in and out of
The true name is Washington National Airport. Always has and always will be. Reagan should be memorialized elsewhere.
"I don't call it ""Reagan"" because it's been National Airport since I knew it, before he passed. He also wasn't assassinated, his death was not a national tragedy and he doesn't carry the cultural weight and prestige that we associate with our greatest leaders. At least he doesn't in my personal estimation. National Airport it is!"
All solidarity with the PATCO Strikers!
Isn't that it's name?
Because that's the call letters I type into Orbitz.
"When talking to someone I know is a Republican, I call it Reagan. When talking to a known Democrat, I call it National. I'd I don't know someone's political affiliation, I call it National."
Because it's easiest and shortest to say.
I call it National because that was what the airport was called when I moved here. I also don't support it being named after Ronald Reagan and resented the additional costs imposed upon DC area entities for changing the name.
I call it National because fuck Ronald Reagan that guy was a twat
That's what my parents call it.
"The name change from Reagan to National happened before I started regularly flying. My parents still call it ""Reagan,"" though."
"Isn't that its name, officially?"
"Because it was National when I first knew of it. I used to avoid calling it ""Reagan"" because Ronald Reagan himself seemed like such a right wing nut job. By comparison to the Tea Partiers of today he's relatively moderate, I guess. Maybe because of that I'll call it ""Reagan"" occasionally, but still mostly ""National."""
My mom always calls it National because she doesn't like Reagan so I picked up on it.
"All my family refers to it as ""National"""
I call it either DCA or National but I refuse to acknowledge its affiliation with that horrible president. It's totally political for me.
"That was the name when I moved here and for as long as I can remember. Seems ridiculous to change it. I think BWI also changed its name and everyone calls it BWI anyway, also ridiculous. "
"It's been called National by everyone I know since I moved here in 1995 to go to college and it will always be National to me. Politics aside, I found the rename, to any name, silly."
It is National Airport. I wonder why we don't call BWI Marshall?
"Because ""Reagan National"" is its name!"
Because the name includes Ronald Reagan's name
My family always called it National. And I never knew it had another name until I grew up.
Because it's ridiculous to name an airport after someone who fired the entire flight traffic controller workforce.
I will never call it Reagan as he fired all of those air traffic controllers
"Mom calls it Reagan - boyfriend calls it DCA he grew up in DC.
DCA is easier to say and its up there with ""LAX""or ""JFK"""
"Reagan was a terrible president, who slashed budgets on the backs of the the poor and who misled the country about the severity of his dementia."
"I'm 22 and from Howard County, Maryland. I always called it Reagan until my one DC friend told me that: ""it's national and will always be national."" I haven't made THAT mistake again haha."
"It is overseen by MWAA and the name by they go by is Washington National Airport. It was changed by congress which has no official authority over the airport, therefore the name Reagan should not appear on the airport."
National sounds weird. Regan sounds right.
I call it Reagan unless talking to visitors and the I use the whole offical name!
"You don't name an airport after a President who is still alive. What an insult. He had Alzheimer's, he wasn't dead."
"Born and raised in Rockville, it's always been National to me. Nothing political--it just didn't seem necessary to add another word. I often say you can always spot a non local by asking what the airport is called. "
"When I grew up, it was called National Airport. It wasn't called Reagan National AIrport until later. Seems like too long a name to use on a regular basis. National or DCA are the easiest. "
"Some people call it Reagan, some people call it National, I figure with Reagan National you have both covered. Of course some people still only know it as DCA and they get confused."
Because it's named Reagan you pompous cunts.
"Most of the time I call it Reagan but sometimes DCA too.
I guess that's just how I've heard it called in the 12 years I've lived here. "
I don't appreciate what Reagan did during his term as POTUS. I choose NOT to honor his legacy of increasing the wealth gap by regarding the other DC airport as National.
Naming an airport after the person who fired all the air traffic controllers is ironic at best.
"No particular reason, its just what my father (who is a frequent flyer) calls it, and so it just rubbed off on me."
Because I am not ever going to give Ronald Reagan the honour of using his name more than I absolutely have to.
I was not for the change when it was made. Still don't.
"Its name is Reagan, which is why I also call it A**hole Airport."
ronald reagan was not dead when they named it after him.
National - as it is nearest to the NATIONS capitol
"I hate(d) Reagan, and heard most long-time locals still call it National. Regardless, why would you name an airport in an area full of government employees after a man who was so decidedly anti-government? "
Because I do.
that's what my parents called it
Because I assumed that was it's name
Moved to the area from Baltimore in 1998. I call it National because because it's quicker to say that than Reagan National.
"It will always be national to me. I did not like when they slapped on the R-word prefix. I choose to ignore it. I don't think an airport should be named after a president, especially a recent one whose ideology I did not agree with. "
I prefer to use the original name because I have negative associations with the man whose name was tacked on.
Also known as The Airport That Is Actually Metro Accessible
That's what I've heard just about everyone else call it
"I refer to most airports by their airport code, especially ones I frequent. DCA, rsw, srq..."
That's what I've heard it referred to By other people.
Can't stand Reagan - disagree with his economics.
That's what it is called.
Short and simple. I know it more as DCA but don't use that terminology in conversation.
I alternate between DCA and Reagan National.
"Because it was always National and that's what I grew up calling it. Also Reagan is not my favorite, so I had no compelling reason to change my ways. "
When I have equal representation in Congress I'll tolerate them renaming local airports that are build to serve the area not represented.
It represents the nation.
Because that's what one does in my line of work.
I will never call it Reagan.
"Because I grew up knowing it to be being named after Ronald Reagan. I hear National a lot too, but it's more natural for me to say Reagan. "
That's what my family calls it so I continued the trend.
thats just what i call it
That's its name
"That's what I've heard other people call it, so it just stuck. It's also the quickest way to say it and feels more natural (kind of like calling Dunkin Donuts ""Dunks"" - which I do because I'm from New England)."
"Because that was what was on all the signs, maps, and airline company web sites when I first moved to DC 3 years ago."
Because it is National Airport. Or DCA by its call letters
I'm not a fan of Ronald Reagan and I think the country went overboard trying to name things after him.
I call it something different every time
"It had always been called National for so long, it feels natural to keep calling it that. It's the airport closest to the nation's capital. I'm not a fan of Reagan, but I didn't want it named after a politician I do like, either."
Because that is its name. People from outside the area shold not get that take an airport from one president Washingles and change it to another Reagan.
Originally knew it as national airport and didn't want to call it Regan at first but after hearing it so much started calling it Regan Bational
"DCA, of course. It's the easiest and most accurate. I refer to cities by their airport code."
"Shortest name, not Reagan"
"It's Washington D.C.'s main airport, and the city is named after George Washington. It's In Virginia, which was George Washington's home state. "
Its easier for me to call it Reagan
Fuck Reagan
Why would you ever call an airport after someone who tried to cut air traffic controllers' jobs. And it was called National when I lived there.
who the fuck cares what i call the airport there are way more pressing issues than a fucking airport
Because fuck Ronald Reagan
Fuck Reagan.
"National it was and National it shall stay, no matter what those Republicans rename it to. Don't forget, they tried to turn 16th Street into Ronald Reagan Boulevard in 2005. ("
I am not a fan of Reagan. It was inappropriate to rename the airport as such when he was so anti-government worker.
Regan doesn't deserve an airport after he had air traffic controllers fired after going on strike.
Shortest number of syllables of the options you hear it commonly called.
I grew up calling it National. Also not a fan of Ronald Reagan.
"That's just what I call it...and what most ppl I know cal it, so that's how we know what we're talking about..."
I can't refer to it as Reagan after what he did to the air traffic controllers.
Thats's what my mother calles it.
"I don't know what the listener thinks the name is, so I use as many of its names as possible so they can easily figure it out."
That's what my mother calls it
Refuse to call it Reagan.
"I lived in the DC area before 1998, but I never flew out of the airport in question until many years after the name changed. So to me, it's ""Reagan,"" not ""National"" (or ""Reagan National"" for that matter)."
Because my parents get offended when I call it anything other than National
"It was National when I was growing up and it will always be called National, just like I'll still call BWI BWI."
"National is - and always will be - it's name. Regardless of what some dipshit partisan GOP congressman convinced his fellow dipshit congressmen to vote on - instead of, you know, fixing actual problems in the country. Infuriating. I jump down the throat if anyone who uses the R word."
weather channel
"I would prefer to call it National as that is how I knew it growing up. My first flight was with Eastern airlines out of National when they would take off, cruise around the sights and then land again to get kids acquainted with flying. We also got to earn our wings visiting the cockpit! But alas, I still live in the area and believe news reports using Reagan in the name has affected me."
Because it's in the Nation's capital and Reagan was over-rated.
"First there's the fact that I hate Reagan, then there's the input I've had from longtime residents who seem to look at the Reagan renaming as an offense."
"DCA in part to avoid the partisanship, and in part because I call all other airports by their airport codes (yes, even ORD and SNA)."
"Because the name is National. I also never deviated from ""French"" fries. The other guy has an enormous building that I call the Reagan Building and that is more than enough."
National is the True and Correct bname of this Airport. That is all.
That's what it was while I was growing up. I never liked that it was re-named for RR. Never stopped calling it National Airport.
The other two are international...
I don't respect Reagan so refuse to affiliate his name with my airport.
I call most airports by their tag names.
"I knew it as national growing up, I didn't live here as a kid or when it was renamed, so it didn't have an effect on me. I've flown there a few times since it was renamed, but I think of it as a combination of being like a Luddite regarding the name, and also I didn't really like Reagan. But even if it were renamed Clinton, whom I did like, I'd probably call it national. "
"I am not a big fan of Reagan so I prefer to call the airport by its original name, National."
"Not a Reagan fan, and ""National"" is classic."
It's what's on the ticket
That's what it was called when I was growing up
"Definitely not a fan of Ronald Reagan or his policies, but ""National"" is not a good name for an airport. Sounds like a car rental company. It is just not a recognizable name outside of Washington-Arlington. Air Traffic Controllers need to get over it. It's called Reagan."
"My family moved to Bethesda in 1999. Everyone told me real DC natives said National, so I said it, too."
Oppose Republicans dictating local decision making by local government.
Because a republican congress inflicted the name Reagan on NATIONAL airport
That is its most appropriate name. I also married a NoVa'n who would not tolerate any other name for it.
"I either say Reagan National, or just Reagan"
Because Reagan was a shitty conservative douchebag
"Regan National is what I hear most often, although I've heard a number of people also call it Ronald Regan. I switch between the two."
Idk my bff Jill
It's shorter than Reagan National; although I use that sometimes as well.
Because that's its name
That's it name.
"That's just what comes quickliest to mind when I'm getting into a taxi. I occasionally call it DCA, too, just not as often. "
I call it DCA because that's the airport code. If I don't call it DCA then I use national/Reagan interchangeabley
"My husband is a Republican, and I'm a left-leaning Independent. My mom was a flight attendant for Eastern Airlines in the late '60s out of ""National."" We never discussed it, but we both call it DCA. It's our own little demilitarized zone."
I think it might be what my parents called it. I'm not sure though.
"People's names are partisan, so National not Reagan.
(I'd be ok with MLK though!) Notice we use only initials for BWI, not Thurgood Marshall.
"Usually I'm updating people via e-mail/text/status update, so I will say DCA because it's what's on an itinerary and is most clear. If I'm talking to a cab driver, I'd probably say National."
Because when I'm booking travel that is the quickest way to select that airport.
I have no respect for Reagan. He was a bad president for working America.
Because Reagan should not be remember it !! He is responsible for the crash of the American Middle class family
I'm used to calling it national
That's its name.
"1. It's what I'm used to calling it.
2. I'm not thrilled with it being named after Reagan."
Reagan is not a hero. He destroyed the economies of Latin America and put our nation on a destructive path toward wealth inequality.
"Though I'm a newcomer to DC (2010), I try to call it by its traditional name. I do catch myself calling it Reagan more than I would like to admit."
I thought Reagan was a terrible president
Just do
It was Washington National before, they stripped one President's name to replace it with another - it will always be National for me!"
Dislike Regan.
To anyone born and raised in DC this airport is Reagan to us at home. I attend GW and I always laugh when my friends say they're flying in and out of National. No. It's Reagan.
"I lived in DC as a kid and we called it National, so when I moved back as an adult that was the name I still called it."
"It's the proper name. Sometimes I hear it as National, but I call things by the proper name."
"I did not think the name change was a good one, considering the history between Reagan and the air traffic controllers."
"Reagan ruined our economy, it's an insult to name anything after him"
It's what my mother called it. She travels _ of every month for work since I've been born.
"Even to this day, I cannot bring myself to call it anything to do with Reagan. I think it is fine to have named the commerce center in downtown DC after him but it is wrong to associate him with anything to do with the airline industry since he fired the PATCO air traffic controllers"
My parents always called it that and that's what I heard on the local news as well.
Because that's it's name.
I think that is the new name
When I moved here in 2003 I learned that National is what the locals call it. When in DC....
Because I never saw any reason not to
I refuse to honor Reagan
"It was called National when I came to know if it. It was forced to accept an additional name to honor someone who had not died, and the D.C. area Metro system was forced to spend a great deal of money to quickly change all it's relevant signage. I feel it was all just a political move handled poorly."
Not a regan fan
"To describe it to other people. ""Reagan National"" covers both common names. "
I find it annoying how everything is named after Reagan.
"There was no reason to rename it -- Washington, our first president, was a very fitting person to name it after. Regan was not a great president -- he was divisive and extremely partisan (although compromised way more than his Republican progeny today -- and many would argue he was harmful to our country. And the Republican members of Congress required the District and other municipalities fund the replacement of maps and signs in the Metro with the new name for the airport. It was like the way a conquering army changes the street names to drive home who is in power. I am still bitter about this, in case you cannot tell.
Original Name. Not fond of Reagan
Refuse to call it by the name of an imbecile racist who doesn't deserve anything being named after him!!
"Reagan: because calling the airport ""National"" is like calling LAX ""International."" "
Because that was and still is its name. Reagan has enough.
That's the name - isn't it?
"Because that is what I called it before the name was changed. I was never a big fan of Reagan the president but that is not the reason I don't use that name for the airport. Rather, I prefer it when authorities wait until people are dead before naming public facilities after them. In this case, naming National Airport, a facility used on a weekly basis by most members of Congress after a living Republican icon was a political statement that presaged much of today's hyper-partisanship. For those reasons, I will continue to call it National or DCA. "
I lived near Disneyland growing up and its companion park is DCA (Disney's California Adventure) so calling it that makes me feel like home.
Because....eff Reagan. I'm not willing to grace a republican with all that praise. I've always called it National and will continue to do so.
Family and friends always have called it that.
"It's called Ronald Reagan National Airport, so Reagan National seems like an appropriate shorthand."
Because it would be weird to call it Ronald and pretentious to use its airport code.
Reagan was an idiot
"Because President Reagan was a nightmare generally, but a nightmare for airport employees specifically! Naming an airport after President Reagan is like naming menu items at McDonalds after Michelle Obama."
It's pointless to debate whether or not the name is appropriate due to political reasons. There are plently of regions in the U.S. named after political figures.
It should be called by its original name.
Because it's National airport.
"National is what people call the airport when they want to pretend they've lived in DC for a long time, or want to complain about kids these days."
"""Reagan"" just doesn't sound right as the name of an airport. "
"It's what I grew up with, and can't call it anything else!"
Never liked the man.
The man who Congress named it for does not deserve an airport.
"I guess I associate 'DCA' with the airport code and so it doesn't qualify for this question of what I call it, as I assume that means verbally and in conversation. And perhaps I disregard National because it reads so standard for the area; 'national' is ubiquitous in titles around DC and in my mind becomes something like a variable. "
"It was called National when I was a child visiting my father who lived in the DC area. Despite being a Conservative Republican, he refused to call it Reagan and didn't like the renaming. And as I am not a fan of Reagan, I see no reason to differ. In fact, it's one of the few things about which my father and I agree."
"They can't just keep naming things ""Reagan""--it's ridiculous. "
"1. that's it's name afai am concerned
2. i don't understand the veneration of ronald reagan
3. i resent the veneration of reagan"
Reagan was a C- president at best. It was named for him WAY TOO SOON after leaving office. He fired the ATC's.
that's the name
Because I'm not a Reagan supporter
That's what I always called it
I've flown in/out of National 3k-4k times. Not sure I'll fly out of Reagan airport that many times!
"It's name is national, it's insulting to everyone to call it Reagan considering how horribly he treated the air workers union"
"It is the fewest syllables to definitively identify the airport (e.g., without significant context clues). "
"When I moved here in 1974 at age 7 it was National Airport......sometimes I remember to call it Reagan National, but usually just National"
used to it
"Nothing named after Ronald Reagan is named after him for any reason other than that there is a lobbying organization for naming things after Ronald Reagan. Plus, air traffic control strike, anyone? Who thought naming an airport after that president was a good idea?
I vacillate between ""DCA"" and ""National"" but I'm finding DCA is coming out more and more. "
I don't honor people who trade arms for hostages.
"To be honest, I switch between saying ""National"" and ""Reagan."" My parents said ""National"" around me growing up but for some reason I randomly finding myself saying ""Reagan,"" so there it is."
"Fittingly, it's a pit of American Hell."
That's what people told me it was called when I moved to Northern Virginia back in 7th grade and it's the name of the stop on the Metro.
Because renaming an airport for DC after Reagan is asinine.
"The full name is too much of a mouthful, but I want to get President Reagan's name in there."
That's how I knew it before it was r/natl
"My mother works in the airport. Growing up, I used to go there and see the directions for the airport. The word ""national"" stood out and I've referred to it as ""national airport"" since. "
"I'm lazy and ""Reagan"" is the shortest unambiguous reference. JFK is ""JFK,"" LGA is just ""La Guardia,"" EWR is just ""Newark"" (instead of ""Newark Liberty""), etc."
"Airport codes in general are convenient, unambiguous (both which airport, and I'm talking about the airport), easy to remember, and make websites bring up the airport I want. DCA is easy to say (some codes, like LGA for Laguardia, are a bit more difficult). Any chance to cut down on the cult of Reagan is also welcome."
Because that's what he was.
"I used to work at DCA -- Gate 35A.
We never called it Reagan.
It's official name in airline parlance is DCA.
And among airline employees it will always be DCA."
Not a fan of Reagan.
"When I moved to the District in 2008 I referred to it as Reagan, but was told by longer-tenured locals that the proper name is National, which I now prefer. DCA is also decent lingo, but only with people who fly a lot and understand callsigns. I view it less as a political statement and more a sign of being a ""local,"" as much as anyone can be here in the DMV."
It's original name is fine. The rename was done illegally.
The Reagan name was foisted upon it by politicians. Bad taste.
We really should call it Trickle-down Plane Rendezvous
I've head it called Reagan and called National. Reagan National means everyone will understand what airport you are referring to.
"I usually say, ""That's what I've always called it."" But yeah, I didn't like Reagan and I don't know any good reason for naming the airport after him."
It's shorter than the actual name.
"I've always called it ""National."" I grew up in Baltimore - I was born there in 1980 and lived there until 1998. I then moved out-of-state for five years, and then moved to DC in 2003. From 2003 until now I have lived in DC and Montgomery County, MD, but I have always called that airport ""National."""
It's the actual name of the airport.
Worked with air traffic controllers for 10 years...need I say more. It will always be National Airport to me.
"Because that is what is was called back in the 1970's when I used it frequently. I like airports named for PLACE, since that is what they are about. Now I live in California. Yes, there is a Bob Hope Airport, but I still call it Burbank Airport. Cause that's where it is, silly!"
"""only old farts and republicans call it Reagan"" -an attorney I worked with "
Habit plus dislike of Reagan obsession
Because that's its name!
I call it DCA because my dad was a pilot and that's what he called it.
Cuz that the only other major airport.
It's shortest and easiest to say.
"That's what I heard people call it while I was in DC for a summer; but they sometimes called it other names on your list too, which was confusing."
Reagan is not a friend of air traffic controllers
"That's its long name, and I won't call an airport by someone who lied to the American people"
"One, I grew up here so it's always been National. Two, I am not a fan of the reganification of public places across the country. He was not that special. He was one of our a presidents. "
"I used to say ""National"" but have been corrected by colleagues who call it ""Reagan."" So I started saying both. "
That's its name.
fuck fuck shit fuck damn cock shit fuck hat.
"I don't see it as a political airport. In fact, I have seen Obama merchandise sold there. I don't use it to praise Reagan, I use it to get out of Virginia as fast as I can."
"It's what I'm used to and what most people seem to understand best. If they don't, often relative newcomers or those from out of town, I use ""Reagan"""
because that is its name
I became used to that name. That's what everyone else called it when I was in DC.
"Fuck Reagan, that's why"
Because that's the code
"Parents called it ""Reagan"", local news would call it ""national"" growing up."
"I grew up with it as National, and it acquired an additional name, that was shared by a person I don't have much respect for, so tacking on the additional name makes no sense to me. If it's not National, it's Washington National, or when I'm feeling weird, DCA."
I call it national because that is what it was called. For the same reason I call BWI by that acronym and not BWI Thurgood Marshall.
I call it Reagan National because.......isn't that what it's called?
My father is pretty passionate about calling it national and not Ronald Reagan. That's just what I grew up calling it.
"Because my parents called it Washington National, and always referred to it as National, even after it was renamed with Reagan."
"It's what my parent's call it; they were both in DC in when Reagan was president, and as bleeding heart liberals they weren't his biggest fans. In my household no one calls it Reagan unless they want some serious side eye."
My dad grew up in PG/DC and is a retired federal police officer. He always called in Ronald Reagan
That is its name
Because I grew up with it as National and hated when it was renamed (pure politics...and I didn't like Reagan anyway.)
Because that is its proper name.
"I will not use the ""R-word"""
Ease/simplicity; preferring to avoid referencing Ronald Reagan.
"Because I can't stand former president Reagan.
"Original name was Washington National, locals called it just national. I've always objected to adding Reagan's name to it."
"Same reason I don't call BWI ""Thurgood Marshall"" - it's clunky. And I'm not sure Reagan would really want all these government facilities named after him."
No reason
That's what I was told the name was.
reagan has enough things named after him alrady
"I'm mostly familiar with it from vacations to DC and I believe the subway stop is called Reagan National. I have never been to the airport, but I've spent lots of time on the subway."
I refuse to call it Reagan because I don't believe airports should be hijacked by political parties.
Not a fan of Reagan & National is it's original name.
fuck Regan dude
Because that's its' name; Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. I'm canceling my subscription to this publication.
Roll tide!
Bc thats who it's named after. Thought it was international but guess it's not
Because fuck Ronald Reagan.
I call it National because that's what it was called from the time I can remember
Because no true DC person would ever call it anything but national--anything else is wrong & offensive
"Because I used to fly in and out of there 3-4 times a week from 1993-1996, and that's what it was called then."
"Because that's what it's called, not some arbitrary additional name that got added by a Congress that doesn't even live here."
Because that's its name.
I also sometimes call it DCA
"- I don't object to naming something after Reagan, but it seems the big building near the White House is sufficient for the area.
- I object to the Reagan-worshipping cult that seems to want to name everything after him.
"That's what my aunt calls it. She was born in 1960, grew up in North Carolina, has lived in DC for the past 30 years, takes 1-5 flights a year, almost always flies in and out of Dulles or Reagan National, and is a Democrat. So maybe I wont quite fit with your statistical averages, but I just inherited what I call the airport."
"Obama For your MoMmA!!! I will make sure when I am elected and win a majority in the US Senate, the airport will be named after President Barack H. Obama."
"Reagan is the worst president in living memory, except W. who wasn't even properly elected."
Can't get myself to memorialize Reagan.
"Funnier than Reagan
"Because that is what ""people who live in DC call it"". Only visitors and tourists call it Reagan. Clearest way to tell if you are talking to someone whose lived in DC for a while"
That is its original name. And Reagan began the dismantling of a unified America.
Grew up calling it that.
Because that's it's name - Reagan. Deal with it Leftie rag
Fuck you.
Ronald Reagan 's Personal homophobia and failure in leadership for years during the AIDS crisis undoubtedly contributed to the deaths of many men and women W who might have been saved if critical national resources and political push had been applied earlier. That deserves a monument of shame.
"I'm not sure when, but in the last 5 years I switched from adamantly calling it National to calling to Reagan. This is around the same time as I moved closer to that airport and started using it more often than Dulles. "
Reagan was a nightmare as President
"Because DC should have the right to naming conventions, and only congress' meddling is why we have the signs in dc "
Reagan National
my parents call it that so I started to also
It's right on the facade of the old terminal: Washington National Airport.
I refuse to call it that new name.
"The presidency of Reagan was marred by poor approval ratings, the Iran Contra Scandal, economic downfall, and sky rocketing debt. It was Reaganomics that created the wider split between the rich and the poor and the one of the main causes for the socioeconomic inequalities we still see today. In short, his presidency was rather unsuccessful. The Heritage Foundation through the years had embarked on a campaign to overstate (perhaps falsify) the success of the presidency, including the renaming of several prominent federal landmarks after Reagan. The sad reality is that this ploy had worked; watch Fox News for 10 seconds and watch how many time Reagan is idolized. So no, I will not follow blindly this spin doctor tale of Reagan's idealized legacy and no, I will not refer to National Airport anything other than National Airport. "
BC I don't want to call it Reagan and bc DCA is short and sweet.
Because the rat bastard they named it after fired all the air traffic controllers.
The name I learned at 5 years of age is what stuck. Might say regan national but only after thought. My kids who fly in and out call it regan
I call it National because I book travel for my law firm and it's the easiest way to identify the airport to lawyers who are barely listening to what I say when I tell them where they are flying from. Sometimes I say Reagan National as well.
Always was National
"I call it Dulles because that what name is supposed to be. If you want to call an airport ""Reagan,"" then build one. Don't try to repurpose another. "
It's what I've always called it
"A. I use DCA and National pretty interchangeably.
B. National was a fine name...why change it?"
Don't believe the person for whom the airport was renamed is deserving of having the honor.
"Reagan National is too long. DCA is fine and I use that often. National is what I grew up with, you go up Shirley Highway to get there."
Easiest to say even though I'm not a fan of Reagan
"I call it ""national"" when speaking. I call it ""DCA"" in email or text. I don't travel much these days, but did travel a lot for work when I first lived in this area. "
National or the call letters DCA are it's name. I dislike tacking on a president's name.
It was called national when I moved to DC and I liked that its name was bipartisan. I did not like the way the name change was brought about by people who don't live in the area even though it was opposed by most local residents.
It's National Airport because that's what it always was before the Republican Congress in the '90s felt the need to change everything and rename it after a not so great President.
"That's what it's called.
Though we really just call it Natiional. Reagan National is One word too long! "
That's what my dad calls it!
"I wish I could honestly say I called it National, but I call it Reagan. "
Because I once had to pick up a friend there in 2012 and that's what the internet told me it was called. Before that I didn't know it existed.
That's what it was called when I was a kid
Because my parents refused to call it Reagan after they changed it because they didn't like Reagan.
Because I am not an idiot.
"because it was *already* named after a president :: WASHINGTON National Airport.
no earthly reason we needed to switch presidents. "
Not a Reagan fan.
That's it's NAME
That was it's name.
I picked it up from my parents.
Everyone does
"Because of Reagan's awful legacy, including his destruction of unions."
The airport was named after the most despised American in my lifetime. Even more than the Bushes. The name Chang e was railroaded through Congress and I don't be leave that the Gipper ever used the airport. No locals were asked if we wanted the name change. And the biggest slap in the face is that the locals had to pay for the name change with our taxes.
Always have called in National or DCA and can't imagine what Reagan did that deserves having that airport named after him.
That is the name my family always used to identify the airport. I also often call it DCA but National is the most common name that I use.
It already has a presudent's name attached to it. No need to add another.
My mom calls it Reagan and she grew up in the area
Reagan did terrible things to the country and doesn't deserve to have an airport named after him.
Technically it's not in Northern Virginia. The land that the airport is on belongs to DC.
"At first I thought I'd still call it National because I disliked the Reagan presidency. Then I thought the name is just too long. I fluctuated. Then they renamed BWI for Justice Marshall. I liked his work. That was when I realized that the name was even longer than National's, so I can say definitively that Ronald Reagan blah blah Airport is just too much energy to expend on an airport name."
I loved Reagan
I use Reagan and national and Reagan national. Sometimes DCA. No reason why
It's a DC in-joke to call it National.
"Because I knew this airport before it was renamed for that useless, senile criminal, Ronald Reagan. "
"Note: when talking to airline people, I call it DCA.
I call it National because I think it is offensive and disrespectful to name an airport in honor of the president who union busted the air controllers."
"While I know the airport is, in fact, located in VA, it's more like an appendage of DC. So really I consider it DC National. Kind of like how the NY Giants played for years in NJ. No one would call them the NJ Giants.... And whatever Reagan's merits may have been, no one should have named an airport after him. "
Airport codes are easier to remember for most airports over the mouthful of a name most are or are becoming.
"It seems some people recognize reagan and others recognize national, so if I say ""Reagan national"" then it seems most people know what I'm talking about. "
"That is how it was known from the beginning... DC is the Nations Capitol, National Airport is the National Airport. It has nothing to do with any man woman or especially polititian. It was a stupid move."
"Because it's what I grew up calling it - I was born and raised in Montgomery County before moving to Oxford, England in 1996. Also, what Reagan did during the air controllers' strike was unconscionable - he made flying more dangerous and you name an AIRPORT after him? WTH? Even as a child - I flew longhaul from when I was 18 months to visit relatives in Pakistan - I hated National and would always prefer Dulles: National was a pain to get to, a pain to get through, and a pain to get out of. Hate it. Would rather dental floss an army of cats than use it. Seriously."
A combination of tradition and politics.
"It's across the river from the U.S. Capitol and White House. I see it as another national landmark for our country. It has a rich history and I always love ""Washington National Airport""."
"Growing up its always been National airport, not Reagan. I probably consciously still call it National because I now refuse to include Reagan. Didnt like his politics.
However, I'd like to note that I dont refer to BWI as Thurgood Marshall either and I am an African American lawyer. No reason for that other than im still not accustomed to do that."
I am conscious of not wanting to call it Reagan and I respect the local official who tried to stave off the relabeling as long as possible.
Because lawmakers from other jurisdictions shouldn't be naming airports or anything else in the DC area.
Because it was National airport before some politicians decided to rename everything in the country using Reagan! Metro and the state of Virginia wasted a lot of money creating new signs! It causes confusion for travelers! It should have remained Washington National Airport.
I want to acknowledge both the old and new name so everyone knows what I'm talking about. Hard to drop the National part!
"That's what I've always heard others call it, both when I was a flight attendant and moved to the DC area a few months ago."
"When I say Reagan, people know exactly which airport I'm referring to. I hear National and have to think which airport they're talking about. "
"As a labor union activist, I find the naming of the airport after President Reagan unconscionable, given his role in breaking the PATCO strike in 1981; it's a slap in the face not only to the unionized air traffic controllers who work at the airport now, but also to any supporter of working people who passes through. I use the term ""National,"" instead, supplemented with ""DCA"" for efficiency."
I refuse to call it Reagan anything because he was not good to air travel during his tenure. He should not have an airport named after him.
I have pilot friends
"National to locals, Reagan National to others, DCA when looking up fares online"
National because it is in our nation's capital.
Because Reagan fired the air traffic controllers.
"I first flew into DC in 2000, and the airport was already named after Reagan by then, but to avoid confusion since the metro stop is National, I say both. I also sometimes say DCA."
It's absurd to name it after the president who did a great deal to harm air transportation and the safety of the flying public.
I like airport codes and my dad had serious issues with Reagan
Grew up calling it National
Because that's it's name...
That's what it was called prior to renaming it.
Why on earth would I utter the name of a Republican without having to do so?
That is what real Washingtonians call it.
"Lived in the area 2008-11. I remember before I lived there when it was only called National, but never used it then. Plus it also felt vaguely eastern-European to call it that. And never felt right calling it Reagan, especially as I learned more about its history. DCA is specifically naming the airport, whereas ""National"" could be any number of things, and lots of things are named after Reagan. "
It is a concentration camp full of evil guards.
"In '81, there was a strike by the air traffic controllers' union and Reagan said they were breaking the law, so he ordered them back to work or risk losing their jobs. When they didn't return, he fired them all and the FAA had to hire and train a whole bunch of new air traffic controllers all at once (apparently that usually takes a while) and was a bit of a mess for the air community. I use just ""National"" because with a little history like that, it seems like we should've considered naming something else after him, not an airport."
Because it's simple to remember and everyone knows what I mean.
It should never have been named for one of the worst presidents in US history. I refuse to go along with that political stunt.
Because that's it's name. Why be so stubborn and resist the change?
"Because I think it's an outrage that they renamed an airport, of all things, when Reagan busted the air traffic controllers union, after him. I think it's an affront to them and to DC. "
Who is John Galt?
"Because I do not support the deification of politicians and attempts to ""force"" us to honor one party's favorite son through the renaming of a historic airport. "
"That's what I first heard it referred to. I also do not call BWI ""Thurgood Marshall"" although I admire him. "
Ronald Reagan was a rotten president.
I think Reagan is the worst president to associate an airport with.
National is its original name. I sometimes call it DCA but don't think people who fly infrequently easily understand that reference. I'm not a huge fan of Reagan the president and I work in the Reagan International Trade Building. That's enough Reagan for me.
That's what I have heard and what I have seen written on the Web.
It had always been National to me.
Airport code
"that's what its called, duh"
It's already named for a president.
Because that's it's name whether you strip George Washington's name from it or not
Because that is what it was always called!
I call it both Reagan and National - but usually National - depending on who I'm talking to.
Because that's what it is.
"I never know what to call that airport, so i call it DCA because there's no doubting the airport code."
Because I worked for a Democrat in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Because that's what other people called it
I booked a lot of tickets for work for many years and I learned the airport codes so I use those to identify airports on an everyday basis.
Because Ronald Reagan didn't like DC. So why in the world should the airport in VA that services DC be named after him?? I would be better with it being Bob Dole Airport because he loved DC he stuck around after his political career.
Ronald Reagan fired air traffic controllers! It's obscene to name an airport after him!
I hate Reagan.
I hated Reagan
"I call it both Reagan and National, depending on the person I'm talking to."
"Most people don't know what DCA is. Also, National just sounds silly. "
Book a lot of flights through there.
Name most used by media when I first arrived in DC
Classic name and I think naming stuff after people like that is silly
I feel the name of air port proposed was Washington national. I fough it disrespectful to drop the father of our nation and add Reagan. So I continue calling it National.
Worked in aviation. Call all airports by call names.
"I use the name that people tend to recognize it the most. If I'm talking to a friend I'll Reagan. If I look at it online to book a flight I'm more expecting to see DCA.
Since it's so close to the Potomac, I think we should call it Potomac Airport. "
"Because really, naming an airport after that president after the air controller strikes? And DC""s airport after the way he increased the homeless population of DC?"
Because that's what the airport in the nation's capital is and should be called.
I actually use Reagan and National quite interchangeably.
Always what I knew it as growing up
That's just what I've heard it called. I fucking detest Ronald Reagan. I've never used that airport.
I interchangeably call it DCA or Reagan because that's what I heard referred to by people around me so it stuck
You know why.
I use three letter airport codes because my brother was a pilot and you need to use them to distinguish airports in the area on online booking services quickly.
"I like calling it National because it is the capital of the United States of America, so therefore the Airport should have a regal, important name and not be politicized into a person's name. Thus, ""Washington-National Airport"""
Reagan? UGH.
No idea. Probably because it's the shortest name and it's the first word in the full name.
I think I do it because I often refer to airports by their call signs.
"I've always known it as National, and I don't like Reagan, so why would I suddenly change what I call it?"
"National Airport is that airport's name, and it reflects its status as the capital of the United States national airport. Naming it after Reagan was a mistake. "
"That's it's name, in short form..."
My parents called it that.
Regan was horrible and didn't support the air traffic controller strike and was not good for DC and the airport should not be named for him.
Didn't vote for Reagan and can't forgive him for his silence during the AIDS plague
Why should Reagan get a monopoly on the whole country's National Airport?
Reagan or DCA
"it's usually how I hear it referred to in the news, and it's the quickest way to distinguish between the three."
"This is because that's short form of the name of the airport, not only that, there's a damn statue of the man in the front. By the way, this survey is stupidly political, there are events going on in this world that actually constitute as ""news"" "
I've just always called it Reagan.
"Because that's it's name and I'm sick of Congress pushing their partisan idol worshipping on us.
What was especially appalling was the fact that they named it after a controversial president even before he died."
That's its' name.
that is the code that comes up when you are booking tickets and I worked for INS- got used to calling airports by their 3 letter code
"It will always be National Airport. Also, it never made sense to name an airport after a man who did what he did to air traffic controllers."
"Not a Reagan fan and he didn't even like DC! Calling it ""Natio
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