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Created October 11, 2010 14:10
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Save LeeRJohnson/620560 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The good pieces from COL Library
var col['ui'] =
rotator: {
playing: false,
toolbar: function(settings) {
//TODO: Update to JQuery UI button
function createButton(config) {
var btn = $('<a />') // LinkButton
.attr('href', '#') // + config.label
.attr('rel', config.label) // .addClass(config.label) // old CSS support
.attr('title', config.label)
.append($('<span />')
.addClass('ui-icon ui-icon-' + config.icon)
return btn;
var config = {
label: 'next',
icon: 'seek-next'
var next = createButton(config);
config.label = 'prev';
config.icon = 'seek-prev';
var prev = createButton(config);
config.label = 'pause';
config.icon = 'pause';
var pause = createButton(config);
config.label = 'play';
config.icon = 'play';
var play = createButton(config);
var bar = $('<ul />')
.addClass('ui-rotator-nav ui-tabs-nav ui-helper-reset ui-helper-clearfix')
return bar;
defaults: {
delay: 2000,
autoStart: true,
showTabs: true,
showControls: true,
id: "ui-rotator"
init: function(tabs, settings) {
$root = $(tabs);
var config = jQuery.extend({}, col.ui.rotator.defaults, settings);
.data('rotator', config)
//Add Event Handlers
.bind('rotatorplay', function(event, ui) {, config.delay);
return false;
.bind('rotatorpause', function(event, ui) {
.bind('rotatornext', function(event, ui) {;
.bind('rotatorprev', function(event, ui) {
//init control events
.find('a[rel=prev]').bind('click', function(e) {
return false;
}).click(function() { return false; }).andSelf()
.find('a[rel=next]').bind('click', function(e) {
.find('a[rel=play]').bind('click', function(e) {
.find('a[rel=pause]').bind('click', function(e) {
//auto play
if (config.autoStart) { $root.trigger('rotatorplay', config.delay); }
play: function(target, delay) {
var $root = $(target);
$root.tabs('rotate', delay).addClass('ui-state-playing');
pause: function(target) {
var $root = $(target);
$root.tabs('rotate', 0).removeClass('ui-state-playing');
prev: function(target) {
var $root = $(target);
var i = colUtil.loopToIndex($root.tabs('option', 'selected'), -1, $root.tabs('length'));
$root.tabs('option', 'selected', i);
next: function(target) {
var $root = $(target);
var i = colUtil.loopToIndex($root.tabs('option', 'selected'), 1, $root.tabs('length'));
$root.tabs('option', 'selected', i);
* Created: 20090328
Updated: 2010-10-07
Authors: Lee R Johnson -
Created specifically for
to add parsing, importing, etc. utilites.
----------------------------------------------------------- */
var col['utils'] = {
* Parses the the CCC fiscal year Term Id from
* @param {int} tid The Learning Server Term Id or CCC Term Id.
* @returns A string representing the full Term Id
toTermCode: function(tid) {
return colUtil.toTermYear(tid) + parseInt(tid % 4.25 + 1) * 10;
* Parses the the Term label from...
* @param {int} tid The Learning Server Term Id or CCC Term Id.
* @returns A string representing the term label
toTermLabel: function(tid) {
switch (parseInt(tid % 4.25 + 1)) {
case 1: return 'summer'; break; ;
case 2: return 'fall'; break;
case 3: return 'winter'; break;
case 4: return 'spring'; break;
* Parses the the CCC fiscal year from
* @param {int} tid The Learning Server Term Id or CCC Term Id.
* @returns A string representing a year YYYY.
toTermYear: function(tid) {
return (tid < 1990)
? parseInt(tid / 4 + 1989.75).toString()//1989.75 = 198940
: tid.substr(0, 3);//Just the YEAR
* Find the next or prev index number:
* @param {int} from The starting index
* @param {int} by A positive for next or negative for prev
* @param {int} of a number of items
* @returns a int indicating the next index
loopToIndex: function(from, by, of) {
var i = from + by;
i = (i > from)
? (i % of)//make zero next after last
: ((i < 0) ? i + of : i); //takes negitive out of end
return i;
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