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Created December 16, 2010 00:34
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Save LeeRJohnson/742842 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
HTML5 Presentation Bits
Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
Original slides: Marcin Wichary (
Modifications: Ernest Delgado (
Alex Russell (
Brad Neuberg
(function() {
var doc = document;
var disableBuilds = true;
var ctr = 0;
var spaces = /\s+/, a1 = [''];
var toArray = function(list) {
return || [], 0);
var byId = function(id) {
if (typeof id == 'string') { return doc.getElementById(id); }
return id;
var query = function(query, root) {
if (!query) { return []; }
if (typeof query != 'string') { return toArray(query); }
if (typeof root == 'string') {
root = byId(root);
if(!root){ return []; }
root = root || document;
var rootIsDoc = (root.nodeType == 9);
var doc = rootIsDoc ? root : (root.ownerDocument || document);
// rewrite the query to be ID rooted
if (!rootIsDoc || ('>~+'.indexOf(query.charAt(0)) >= 0)) { = || ('qUnique' + (ctr++));
query = '#' + + ' ' + query;
// don't choke on something like ".yada.yada >"
if ('>~+'.indexOf(query.slice(-1)) >= 0) { query += ' *'; }
return toArray(doc.querySelectorAll(query));
var strToArray = function(s) {
if (typeof s == 'string' || s instanceof String) {
if (s.indexOf(' ') < 0) {
a1[0] = s;
return a1;
} else {
return s.split(spaces);
return s;
var addClass = function(node, classStr) {
classStr = strToArray(classStr);
var cls = ' ' + node.className + ' ';
for (var i = 0, len = classStr.length, c; i < len; ++i) {
c = classStr[i];
if (c && cls.indexOf(' ' + c + ' ') < 0) {
cls += c + ' ';
node.className = cls.trim();
var removeClass = function(node, classStr) {
var cls;
if (classStr !== undefined) {
classStr = strToArray(classStr);
cls = ' ' + node.className + ' ';
for (var i = 0, len = classStr.length; i < len; ++i) {
cls = cls.replace(' ' + classStr[i] + ' ', ' ');
cls = cls.trim();
} else {
cls = '';
if (node.className != cls) {
node.className = cls;
var toggleClass = function(node, classStr) {
var cls = ' ' + node.className + ' ';
if (cls.indexOf(' ' + classStr.trim() + ' ') >= 0) {
removeClass(node, classStr);
} else {
addClass(node, classStr);
var ua = navigator.userAgent;
var isFF = parseFloat(ua.split('Firefox/')[1]) || undefined;
var isWK = parseFloat(ua.split('WebKit/')[1]) || undefined;
var isOpera = parseFloat(ua.split('Opera/')[1]) || undefined;
var canTransition = (function() {
var ver = parseFloat(ua.split('Version/')[1]) || undefined;
// test to determine if this browser can handle CSS transitions.
var cachedCanTransition =
(isWK || (isFF && isFF > 3.6 ) || (isOpera && ver >= 10.5));
return function() { return cachedCanTransition; }
// Slide class
var Slide = function(node, idx) {
this._node = node;
if (idx >= 0) {
this._count = idx + 1;
if (this._node) {
addClass(this._node, 'slide distant-slide');
Slide.prototype = {
_node: null,
_count: 0,
_buildList: [],
_visited: false,
_currentState: '',
_states: [ 'distant-slide', 'far-past',
'past', 'current', 'future',
'far-future', 'distant-slide' ],
setState: function(state) {
if (typeof state != 'string') {
state = this._states[state];
if (state == 'current' && !this._visited) {
this._visited = true;
removeClass(this._node, this._states);
addClass(this._node, state);
this._currentState = state;
// delay first auto run. Really wish this were in CSS.
var _t = this;
setTimeout(function(){ _t._runAutos(); } , 400);
_makeCounter: function() {
if(!this._count || !this._node) { return; }
var c = doc.createElement('span');
c.innerHTML = this._count;
c.className = 'counter';
_makeBuildList: function() {
this._buildList = [];
if (disableBuilds) { return; }
if (this._node) {
this._buildList = query('[data-build] > *', this._node);
this._buildList.forEach(function(el) {
addClass(el, 'to-build');
_runAutos: function() {
if (this._currentState != 'current') {
// find the next auto, slice it out of the list, and run it
var idx = -1;
this._buildList.some(function(n, i) {
if (n.hasAttribute('data-auto')) {
idx = i;
return true;
return false;
if (idx >= 0) {
var elem = this._buildList.splice(idx, 1)[0];
var transitionEnd = isWK ? 'webkitTransitionEnd' : (isFF ? 'mozTransitionEnd' : 'oTransitionEnd');
var _t = this;
if (canTransition()) {
var l = function(evt) {
elem.parentNode.removeEventListener(transitionEnd, l, false);
elem.parentNode.addEventListener(transitionEnd, l, false);
removeClass(elem, 'to-build');
} else {
setTimeout(function() {
removeClass(elem, 'to-build');
}, 400);
buildNext: function() {
if (!this._buildList.length) {
return false;
removeClass(this._buildList.shift(), 'to-build');
return true;
// SlideShow class
var SlideShow = function(slides) {
this._slides = (slides || []).map(function(el, idx) {
return new Slide(el, idx);
var h = window.location.hash;
try {
this.current = parseInt(h.split('#slide')[1], 10);
}catch (e) { /* squeltch */ }
this.current = isNaN(this.current) ? 1 : this.current;
var _t = this;
function(e) { _t.handleKeys(e); }, false);
function(e) { _t.handleWheel(e); }, false);
function(e) { _t.handleWheel(e); }, false);
function(e) { _t.handleTouchStart(e); }, false);
function(e) { _t.handleTouchEnd(e); }, false);
function(e) { _t.go(e.state); }, false);
SlideShow.prototype = {
_slides: [],
_update: function(dontPush) {
document.querySelector('#presentation-counter').innerText = this.current;
if (history.pushState) {
if (!dontPush) {
history.pushState(this.current, 'Slide ' + this.current, '#slide' + this.current);
} else {
window.location.hash = 'slide' + this.current;
for (var x = this.current-1; x < this.current + 7; x++) {
if (this._slides[x-4]) {
this._slides[x-4].setState(Math.max(0, x-this.current));
current: 0,
next: function() {
if (!this._slides[this.current-1].buildNext()) {
this.current = Math.min(this.current + 1, this._slides.length);
prev: function() {
this.current = Math.max(this.current-1, 1);
go: function(num) {
if (history.pushState && this.current != num) {
history.replaceState(this.current, 'Slide ' + this.current, '#slide' + this.current);
this.current = num;
_notesOn: false,
showNotes: function() {
var isOn = this._notesOn = !this._notesOn;
query('.notes').forEach(function(el) { = (notesOn) ? 'block' : 'none';
switch3D: function() {
toggleClass(document.body, 'three-d');
handleWheel: function(e) {
var delta = 0;
if (e.wheelDelta) {
delta = e.wheelDelta/120;
if (isOpera) {
delta = -delta;
} else if (e.detail) {
delta = -e.detail/3;
if (delta > 0 ) {
if (delta < 0 ) {;
handleKeys: function(e) {
if (/^(input|textarea)$/i.test( return;
switch (e.keyCode) {
case 37: // left arrow
this.prev(); break;
case 39: // right arrow
case 32: // space; break;
case 50: // 2
this.showNotes(); break;
case 51: // 3
this.switch3D(); break;
_touchStartX: 0,
handleTouchStart: function(e) {
this._touchStartX = e.touches[0].pageX;
handleTouchEnd: function(e) {
var delta = this._touchStartX - e.changedTouches[0].pageX;
var SWIPE_SIZE = 150;
if (delta > SWIPE_SIZE) {;
} else if (delta< -SWIPE_SIZE) {
// Initialize
var slideshow = new SlideShow(query('.slide'));
document.querySelector('#toggle-counter').addEventListener('click', toggleCounter, false);
document.querySelector('#toggle-size').addEventListener('click', toggleSize, false);
document.querySelector('#toggle-transitions').addEventListener('click', toggleTransitions, false);
document.querySelector('#toggle-gradients').addEventListener('click', toggleGradients, false);
var counters = document.querySelectorAll('.counter');
var slides = document.querySelectorAll('.slide');
function toggleCounter() {
toArray(counters).forEach(function(el) { = (el.offsetHeight) ? 'none' : 'block';
function toggleSize() {
toArray(slides).forEach(function(el) {
if (!/reduced/.test(el.className)) {
addClass(el, 'reduced');
else {
removeClass(el, 'reduced');
function toggleTransitions() {
toArray(slides).forEach(function(el) {
if (!/no-transitions/.test(el.className)) {
addClass(el, 'no-transitions');
else {
removeClass(el, 'no-transitions');
function toggleGradients() {
toArray(slides).forEach(function(el) {
if (!/no-gradients/.test(el.className)) {
addClass(el, 'no-gradients');
else {
removeClass(el, 'no-gradients');
<div class="presentation">
<div id="presentation-counter">1</div>
<div class="slides">
<div class="slide reduced no-transitions current">
<section class="middle">
<h2>Slides template</h2>
<p>Click here, Press <span class="key">→</span> key to advance.</p>
<span class="counter">1</span></div>
<div class="slide reduced no-transitions future">
<section class="middle">
Attached Events
<li>[arrow keys] to go next and previous<p></p></li>
<li>[mouse scroll wheel] to go next and previous<p></p></li>
<li>[Ctrl or Command] + [+/-] to zoom in and out<p></p></li>
<li>[touch gestures] for mobile devices<p></p></li>
<span class="counter">2</span></div>
<div class="slide reduced no-transitions far-future">
<section class="middle">
<li><input type="checkbox" id="toggle-size"><label for="toggle-size"><span>Grow</span></label></li>
<li><input type="checkbox" id="toggle-transitions" checked=""><label for="toggle-transitions"><span>Transitions</span></label></li>
<li><input type="checkbox" id="toggle-gradients" checked=""><label for="toggle-gradients"><span>Gradients</span></label></li>
<li><input type="checkbox" id="toggle-counter" checked=""><label for="toggle-counter"><span>Slide numbers</span></label></li>
<span class="counter">3</span></div>
<div class="slide reduced no-transitions distant-slide">
<h2>Placeholder content</h2>
<pre>// some sample code
&lt;canvas id="canvas" width="838" height="220"&gt;&lt;/canvas&gt;
var canvasContext = document.getElementById("canvas").<b>getContext</b>("2d");
canvasContext.<b>fillRect</b>(250, 25, 150, 100);
canvasContext.<b>arc</b>(450, 110, 100, Math.PI * 1/2, Math.PI * 3/2);
canvasContext.<b>lineWidth</b> = 15;
canvasContext.<b>lineCap</b> = 'round';
canvasContext.<b>strokeStyle</b> = 'rgba(255, 127, 0, 0.5)';
<ul class="bulleted">
<li>point 1</li>
<li>point 2</li>
<li>point 3</li>
<span class="counter">4</span></div>
</div> <!-- slides -->
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