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Created March 13, 2015 00:14
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'use strict';
;(function(global) {
function SegmentTreeNode(left, right, reocrd) {
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
this.leftChild = null;
this.rightChild = null;
this.cover = false;
this.record = reocrd;
function buildTree(l, r, num, segmentTree, arr) {
var root = new SegmentTreeNode(l, r);
if (l+1<r) {
var mid = Math.floor((l+r)/2);
root.leftChild = buildTree(l, mid, 2*num, segmentTree, arr);
root.rightChild = buildTree(mid, r, 2*num+1, segmentTree, arr);
root.record = root.leftChild.record + root.rightChild.record;
} else {
root.record = arr[root.left];
segmentTree.nodes[num] = root;
return root;
function SegmentTree(arr, companionCallback) {
this.nodes = [];
this.array = arr;
this.N = arr.length;
buildTree(0, this.N, 1, this, this.array);
SegmentTree.prototype.getValue = function() {
SegmentTree.prototype.insert = function(l, r, num) {
if (this.nodes[num].left == l && this.nodes[num] == r) {
this.nodes[num].cover = true;
var mid = Math.floor((this.nodes[num].left+this.nodes[num].right)/2);
if (r < mid) {
this.insert(l, r, 2*num);
} else if (l >= mid) {
this.insert(l,r, 2*num+1);
} else {
this.insert(l, mid, 2*num);
this.insert(mid, r, 2*num+1);
SegmentTree.prototype.remove = function () {
SegmentTree.prototype.getSumUtil = function(start, end, index) {
if (start <= this.nodes[index].left && end >= this.nodes[index].right)
return this.nodes[index].record;
if (start >= this.nodes[index].right || end <= this.nodes[index].left)
return 0;
//var mid = Math.floor((this.nodes[index].left+this.nodes[index].right)/2);
return this.getSumUtil(start, end, 2*index) + this.getSumUtil(start, end, 2*index+1);
SegmentTree.prototype.getSum = function(start, end) {
if (start < 0 || end > this.N || start >= end) {
console.log("Invalid Input");
return this.getSumUtil(start, end, 1);
SegmentTree.prototype.updateValueUtil = function(left, right, index, diff, nodeIndex) {
if (index < left || index >= right)
this.nodes[nodeIndex].record += diff;
if (left+1<right) {
var mid = Math.floor((left+right)/2);
this.updateValueUtil(left, mid, index, diff, 2*nodeIndex);
this.updateValueUtil(mid, right, index, diff, 2*nodeIndex+1);
SegmentTree.prototype.update = function(index, newValue) {
if (index < 0 || index > this.N-1) {
console.log("Invalid Input");
var diff = newValue - this.array[index];
this.array[index] = newValue;
this.updateValueUtil(0, this.N, index, diff, 1)
//global.SegmentTree = SegmentTree;
if ( typeof module != 'undefined' && module.exports ) {
module.exports = SegmentTree;
//return SegmentTree;
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