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Last active April 10, 2018 04:05
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Seperate single tweets into an individual collection, combine threaded Tweets / Tweet replies into combined collection.
* Seperate single tweets into an individual collection, combine threaded
* Tweets / Tweet replies into combined collection.
* Application-only authentication Tweets from a designated user timeline.
* Twitter offers applications the ability to issue authenticated requests on
* behalf of the application itself (as opposed to on behalf of a specific user).
* Twitter’s implementation is based on the Client Credentials Grant flow of
* the OAuth 2 specification. Note that OAuth 1.0a is still required to issue
* requests on behalf of users.
* With Application-only authentication you don’t have the context of an
* authenticated user and this means that any request to API for endpoints that
* require user context, such as posting Tweets, will not work. However, the
* set of endpoints that will still be available can have a higher rate limit.
* @author Sunil Boodram <>
* @link
* Retrieve Bearer Token
$tokens = api_twitter_connect();
* Make request to Twitter
$result = api_twitter_request($tokens);
* Get Tweets
$tweets = get_tweets($result);
* Dump/Display Tweets
* Application-only authentication
* Application-only authentication is a form of authentication where an
* application makes API requests on its own behalf, without the user context.
* This method is for developers that just need to access public information.
function api_twitter_connect()
* Consumer Keys & Secret
$key = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$sec = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
* Encode keys according to RFC 1738
$enc_key = urlencode($key);
$enc_sec = urlencode($sec);
* Base64 encoded bearer token credentials
$credential = base64_encode($enc_key.':'.$enc_sec);
* Create cURL session to Twitter oauth2/token URL & return cURL handle
$ch = curl_init('');
* Set cURL options & create header request
* The request must be a HTTP POST request.
* The request must include an Authorization header with the value of
* Basic <base64 encoded value>.
* The request must include a Content-Type header with the value of
* application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8.
* The body of the request must be grant_type=client_credentials.
curl_setopt_array($ch, [
//set curl timeout
//set a custom user-agent
CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'MyAwesome Twitter App 1.0',
//create the header request with credentials
'Authorization: Basic '.$credential,
'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8',
'Accept-Encoding: gzip'
//set body of the request
CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => 'grant_type=client_credentials',
//return transfer as string, instead of outputting directly
//leaving CURLOPT_ENCODING empty allows uncompressing
* Return false if error
if (!$request = curl_exec($ch)) {
return false;
* Decode the JSON response
$token = json_decode($request);
* free request data
* close cURL resource
* use token to make request
return $token;
* Authenticate API requests with the bearer token
* The bearer token may be used to issue requests to API endpoints which
* support application-only auth. To use the bearer token, construct a normal
* HTTPS request and include an Authorization header with the value of
* Bearer <base64 bearer token value>. Signing is not required.
function api_twitter_request($token)
* Check if token_type is bearer
if ($token === false || !isset($token->token_type)
|| $token->token_type != 'bearer') {
return false;
* GET statuses/user_timeline using bearer token to make request
* Resource Url: Twitter URL to retrieve tweets
* screen_name=TTPoliceService: Screen name of user we want results from.
* count=25: Retrieve 25 tweets
* trim_user=1: Do not include user object with tweets
* tweet_mode=extended: Return full text tweets
$res = ''
. '?screen_name=TTPoliceService'
. '&count=25&trim_user=1&tweet_mode=extended';
* Create cURL session to Twitter Resource URL & return cURL handle
$ch = curl_init($res);
* set appropriate options
curl_setopt_array($ch, [
CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'MyAwesome Twitter App 1.0',
'Authorization: Bearer '.$token->access_token,
'Accept-Encoding: gzip'
* Return false if error
if (!$result = curl_exec($ch)) {
return false;
* close cURL resource
* Decode results
$data = json_decode($result);
* Write results to file
return $data;
* Seperate single tweets into an individual collection.
* Combine threaded Tweets / Tweet replies into combined collection.
function get_tweets($data)
if ($data === false) {
return 'Cannot view tweets';
//array contaning tweet data
$tweets = [];
//replied tweet id
$rid = null;
//index increment to group tweets
$idx = 1;
//loop over tweets
foreach ($data as $key => $tw) {
//Successive tweets in thread
if (!is_null($tw->in_reply_to_status_id) && is_null($rid)) {
$tweets[$idx][$tw->id] = $tw->full_text;
//First tweet in thread
if (is_null($tw->in_reply_to_status_id) && is_null($rid)) {
$tweets[$idx][$tw->id] = $tw->full_text;
//Store replied tweet id
$rid = $tw->in_reply_to_status_id;
//Index increment to group tweets
//return tweets
return $tweets;
* Sample Output.
* array (size=14)
* 1 =>
* array (size=1)
* 983041985819938816 => string 'Southern Division...' (length=116)
* 2 =>
* array (size=2)
* 982963241600110594 => string 'During...connectionfind.' (length=239)
* 982963240220135424 => string 'A Taurus pistol...' (length=262)
* 3 =>
* array (size=2)
* 982957764673712128 => string 'During the...illegally.' (length=196)
* 982957763616796672 => string 'Twenty-four...07.04.18.' (length=212)
* 4 =>
* array (size=3)
* 982952341396652032 => string 'A...being discovered.' (length=145)
* 982952340310364160 => string 'During exercise...' (length=195)
* 982952339307925504 => string 'One man ...07.04.18.' (length=203)
* 5 =>
* array (size=1)
* 982742338459131904 => string 'Come out and support' (length=129)
* 6 =>
* array (size=1)
* 982656873538162688 => string 'to rank of Corporal' (length=90)
* 7 =>
* array (size=3)
* 982632889232908288 => string 'The...with the find.' (length=59)
* 982632887752314880 => string 'Officers...' (length=278)
* 982632886561099776 => string 'Two...' (length=203)
* 8 =>
* array (size=2)
* 982626267173457920 => string 'The ...find.' (length=187)
* 982626265994809344 => string '' (length=280)
* 9 =>
* array (size=1)
* 982625319206227968 => string 'Traffic Act...' (length=113)
* 10 =>
* array (size=1)
* 982624080284266496 => string 'upcoming amendments...' (length=113)
* 11 =>
* array (size=1)
* 982622837038043141 => string 'Are you...' (length=113)
* 12 =>
* array (size=2)
* 982618568767438848 => string 'During...#iRoadSafe' (length=164)
* 982618567760891904 => string 'Two...07.04.18.' (length=200)
* 13 =>
* array (size=4)
* 982611558420434945 => string 'Four men wh...incident.' (length=112)
* 982611557141139458 => string 'A report wa...cage.' (length=216)
* 982611555933179904 => string 'A 61yo man ...vehicle.' (length=263)
* 982611554632912896 => string 'Four ...yesterday.' (length=232)
* 14 =>
* array (size=1)
* 982604235954118658 => string 'EXAM...' (length=90)
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