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Forked from aamiaa/
Last active June 20, 2024 18:30
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Auto Start & Complete Recent Discord Quest

Auto Start & Complete Recent Discord Quest

This is not my original project, special thanks to aamiaa.

aamiaa, if you are reading this, I am completely sorry for confusing you with my original script

So what's different from the original script? Practially nothing, all that I have added is the Auto Redeem portion. Oh, and if you encounter any errors, report them here instead of @aamiaa's gist, it's most likely to be my additions that broke something.

If you want to see the changes to automatically start quests, click the summary below:

What's different?
let wpRequire;
window.webpackChunkdiscord_app.push([[ Math.random() ], {}, (req) => { wpRequire = req; }]);

let ApplicationStreamingStore, RunningGameStore, QuestsStore, ExperimentStore, FluxDispatcher, api
if(window.GLOBAL_ENV.SENTRY_TAGS.buildId === "366c746173a6ca0a801e9f4a4d7b6745e6de45d4") {
	ApplicationStreamingStore = Object.values(wpRequire.c).find(x => x?.exports?.default?.getStreamerActiveStreamMetadata).exports.default;
	RunningGameStore = Object.values(wpRequire.c).find(x => x?.exports?.default?.getRunningGames).exports.default;
	QuestsStore = Object.values(wpRequire.c).find(x => x?.exports?.default?.getQuest).exports.default;
	ExperimentStore = Object.values(wpRequire.c).find(x => x?.exports?.default?.getGuildExperiments).exports.default;
	FluxDispatcher = Object.values(wpRequire.c).find(x => x?.exports?.default?.flushWaitQueue).exports.default;
	api = Object.values(wpRequire.c).find(x => x?.exports?.getAPIBaseURL).exports.HTTP;
} else {
	ApplicationStreamingStore = Object.values(wpRequire.c).find(x => x?.exports?.Z?.getStreamerActiveStreamMetadata).exports.Z;
	RunningGameStore = Object.values(wpRequire.c).find(x => x?.exports?.ZP?.getRunningGames).exports.ZP;
	QuestsStore = Object.values(wpRequire.c).find(x => x?.exports?.Z?.getQuest).exports.Z;
	ExperimentStore = Object.values(wpRequire.c).find(x => x?.exports?.Z?.getGuildExperiments).exports.Z;
	FluxDispatcher = Object.values(wpRequire.c).find(x => x?.exports?.Z?.flushWaitQueue).exports.Z;
	api = Object.values(wpRequire.c).find(x => x?.exports?.tn?.get);

-- let quest = [...QuestsStore.quests.values()].find(x => !quest.userStatus?.enrolledAt && !x.userStatus?.completedAt && new Date(x.config.expiresAt).getTime() >
++ let quest = [...QuestsStore.quests.values()].find(x => !x.userStatus?.completedAt && new Date(x.config.expiresAt).getTime() >
let isApp = navigator.userAgent.includes("Electron/")
if(!isApp) {
	console.log("This no longer works in browser. Use the desktop app!")
} else if(!quest) {
	console.log("You don't have any uncompleted quests!")
-- else {
++ } else if (!quest.userStatus?.enrolledAt) {
++{ url: `/quests/${}/enroll`, body: { location: 9 } }).then(res => {
++ 		quest = [...QuestsStore.quests.values()].find(x => ! ==
++ 		console.log("Accepted quest!")
++ 		startQuest(quest)
++ 	})
++ } else startQuest(quest);
++ function startQuest(quest) {
	const pid = Math.floor(Math.random() * 30000) + 1000
	let applicationId, applicationName, secondsNeeded, secondsDone, canPlay
	if(quest.config.configVersion === 1) {
		applicationId = quest.config.applicationId
		applicationName = quest.config.applicationName
		secondsNeeded = quest.config.streamDurationRequirementMinutes * 60
		secondsDone = quest.userStatus?.streamProgressSeconds ?? 0
		canPlay = quest.config.variants.includes(2)
	} else if(quest.config.configVersion === 2) {
		applicationId =
		applicationName =
		canPlay = ExperimentStore.getUserExperimentBucket("2024-04_quest_playtime_task") > 0 && quest.config.taskConfig.tasks["PLAY_ON_DESKTOP"]
		const taskName = canPlay ? "PLAY_ON_DESKTOP" : "STREAM_ON_DESKTOP"
		secondsNeeded = quest.config.taskConfig.tasks[taskName].target
		secondsDone = quest.userStatus?.progress?.[taskName]?.value ?? 0

	if(canPlay) {
		api.get({url: `/applications/public?application_ids=${applicationId}`}).then(res => {
			const appData = res.body[0]
			const exeName = appData.executables.find(x => x.os === "win32").name.replace(">","")
			const games = RunningGameStore.getRunningGames()
			const fakeGame = {
				cmdLine: `C:\\Program Files\\${}\\${exeName}`,
				exePath: `c:/program files/${}/${exeName}`,
				hidden: false,
				isLauncher: false,
				id: applicationId,
				pid: pid,
				pidPath: [pid],
			FluxDispatcher.dispatch({type: "RUNNING_GAMES_CHANGE", removed: [], added: [fakeGame], games: games})
			let fn = data => {
				let progress = quest.config.configVersion === 1 ? data.userStatus.streamProgressSeconds : Math.floor(data.userStatus.progress.PLAY_ON_DESKTOP.value)
				console.log(`Quest progress: ${progress}/${secondsNeeded}`)
				if(progress >= secondsNeeded) {
					console.log("Quest completed!")
					const idx = games.indexOf(fakeGame)
					if(idx > -1) {
						games.splice(idx, 1)
						FluxDispatcher.dispatch({type: "RUNNING_GAMES_CHANGE", removed: [fakeGame], added: [], games: []})
					FluxDispatcher.unsubscribe("QUESTS_SEND_HEARTBEAT_SUCCESS", fn)
			FluxDispatcher.subscribe("QUESTS_SEND_HEARTBEAT_SUCCESS", fn)
			console.log(`Spoofed your game to ${applicationName}. Wait for ${Math.ceil((secondsNeeded - secondsDone) / 60)} more minutes.`)
	} else {
		let realFunc = ApplicationStreamingStore.getStreamerActiveStreamMetadata
		ApplicationStreamingStore.getStreamerActiveStreamMetadata = () => ({
			id: applicationId,
			sourceName: null
		let fn = data => {
			let progress = quest.config.configVersion === 1 ? data.userStatus.streamProgressSeconds : Math.floor(data.userStatus.progress.STREAM_ON_DESKTOP.value)
			console.log(`Quest progress: ${progress}/${secondsNeeded}`)
			if(progress >= secondsNeeded) {
				console.log("Quest completed!")
				ApplicationStreamingStore.getStreamerActiveStreamMetadata = realFunc
				FluxDispatcher.unsubscribe("QUESTS_SEND_HEARTBEAT_SUCCESS", fn)
		FluxDispatcher.subscribe("QUESTS_SEND_HEARTBEAT_SUCCESS", fn)
		console.log(`Spoofed your stream to ${applicationName}. Stream any window in vc for ${Math.ceil((secondsNeeded - secondsDone) / 60)} more minutes.`)
		console.log("Remember that you need at least 1 other person to be in the vc!")

Will I provide the script (for ease of access)?

Long story short, no. I want aamiaa to take all the credit. This was her original project, I am here to show what to change IF you want to auto accept the quests. But that also means if there is any new changes, this example may be slow to update. This also means, if she ever adds auto accept, this example becomes useless.

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