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Created January 4, 2018 00:48
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#lang racket
(require racket/gui/base)
(require file/convertible)
(require net/base64)
(require stepper/private/xml-snip-helpers)
(require framework)
(require racket/string)
(provide render)
(define count 0)
(define (next-count)
(set! count (+ 1 count))
(define patches '())
(define (encomment s)
(let* ((lines (regexp-split #rx"\n" s))
(line-lengths (map string-length lines))
(max-len (apply max line-lengths))
(border (string-append "#| " (make-string max-len #\#) " |#\n"))
(lines (map (λ(l len)
(string-append l (make-string (- max-len len) #\ )))
lines line-lengths)))
(apply string-append
(map (lambda (s) (string-append "#| " s " |#"))
"\n" border)))
(define (escape-tildes s)
(string-replace s "~" "~tilde;" #:all? #t))
(define (unescape-tildes s)
(string-replace s "~tilde;" "~" #:all? #t))
(define (escape-newlines s)
(string-replace s "\n" "~n" #:all? #t))
(define (add-patch type)
(let* ((contents (if (bytes? contents)
(bytes->string/utf-8 contents)
(serial (next-count))
(contents (escape-newlines (escape-tildes contents))))
(set! patches
(format "~~embed:~a:~a:s~~~a~~embed:~a:e~~"
type serial contents serial)
(format "~~embed:~a~~" serial))))
(define add-comment (add-patch "comment"))
(define add-xml (add-patch "xml"))
(define add-text (add-patch "text"))
(define add-number (add-patch "number"))
(define add-racket (add-patch "racket"))
(define add-splice (add-patch "splice"))
(define add-image
(let ((img-cache (make-hash))
(cache-count 0))
(let ((cached (hash-ref img-cache contents #f)))
[cached ((add-patch "image-file") cached)]
(set! cache-count (+ 1 cache-count))
(let ((filename (build-path (extracted-dir)
(format "embed~a.png" cache-count))))
(display-to-file contents filename #:exists 'replace)
(hash-set! img-cache contents (path->string filename))
((add-patch "image-file") (path->string filename)))]))]
((add-patch "image-data") (base64-encode contents ""))]))))
(define (display-all snip out #:verbose? [verbose? #t])
(if (not snip)
(let ((snip-name (send (send snip get-snipclass) get-classname)))
[(is-a? snip string-snip%)
(display (escape-tildes (send snip get-text 0 (send snip get-count)))
[(is-a? snip comment-box:snip%)
(let* ((comment (open-output-bytes))
(contents (display-all (send (send snip get-editor)
#:verbose? verbose?)))
(display (add-comment (get-output-string comment)) out))]
[(equal? snip-name
"(lib \"\" \"drscheme\" \"private\")")
(display (add-number (number->string (send snip get-number))) out)]
[(or (is-a? snip xml-snip<%>)
(equal? snip-name "(lib \"\" \"xml\")")
(equal? snip-name "(lib \"xml-snipclass.rkt\" \"xml\")")
(equal? snip-name "(lib \"\" \"wxme\")"))
(let* ((xml (open-output-bytes))
(contents (display-all (send (send snip get-editor)
(display (add-xml (get-output-string xml)) out))]
[(or (equal? snip-name "(lib \"\" \"xml\")")
(equal? snip-name "(lib \"text-snipclass.rkt\" \"xml\")")
(equal? snip-name "(lib \"\" \"wxme\")"))
(let* ((text (open-output-bytes))
(contents (display-all (send (send snip get-editor)
(display (add-text (get-output-string text)) out))]
;; [(equal? (send (send snip get-snipclass) get-classname)
;; "wxmedia")
;; (displayln "WXMEDIA")
;; (display-all (send (send snip get-editor) find-first-snip) out)]
[(or (is-a? snip scheme-snip<%>)
(equal? snip-name "(lib \"\" \"xml\")")
(equal? snip-name "(lib \"scheme-snipclass.rkt\" \"xml\")")
(equal? snip-name "(lib \"\" \"wxme\")"))
(let* ((rkt (open-output-bytes))
(contents (display-all (send (send snip get-editor)
(if (send snip get-splice?)
(display (add-splice (get-output-string rkt)) out)
(display (add-racket (get-output-string rkt)) out)))]
;; [(is-a? snip editor-snip%)
;; (displayln snip-name (current-error-port))
;; (display-all (send (send snip get-editor) find-first-snip) out
;; #:verbose? verbose?)]
[(convertible? snip)
(display (add-image (convert snip 'png-bytes))
[(syntax? snip)
(display (syntax->datum snip) out)]
(display (format ">?>~a<?<" snip-name) out)
(display (format ">>>~a<<<" snip) out)]
(display-all (send snip next) out #:verbose? verbose?))))
(define (drop-header lines)
(if (and (cons? lines)
";; The first three lines of this file were inserted by DrRacket."
(first lines)))
(drop lines 3)
(define (render file #:verbose? [verbose? #t])
(let* ((dummy (new text%))
(_ (send dummy load-file file))
(first (send dummy find-first-snip))
(out (open-output-bytes))
(contents (display-all first out #:verbose? verbose?))
(_ (when (and verbose? (cons? patches))
(displayln "~~~~~EMBEDS~~~~~" out)))
(_ (when verbose? (map (λ(p) (displayln p out)) (reverse patches))))
(text (get-output-string out))
(text (if verbose? text (unescape-tildes text)))
(apply bytes-append
(add-between (drop-header (regexp-split #rx#"\n" text))
(define output-filename (make-parameter #f))
(define extracted-dir (make-parameter #f))
(module+ main
(define file-to-compile
#:program "render-racket"
[("-o") outfile
"Output filename (optional)"
(output-filename outfile)]
[("-e" "--extracted") extract
"Extracted directory for images (optional)"
(extracted-dir extract)]
#:args (filename)
(define rendered (render file-to-compile))
(if (output-filename)
(with-output-to-file (output-filename) #:exists 'replace
(λ() (display rendered)))
(display rendered)))
#lang racket
;; Read in a source file and tabify it according to the following two tabbing styles:
;; 1. Untabbed (as writen directly in the file
;; 2. Standard DrRacket tabbing excluding the big-bang default.
;; big-bang indents as:
;; (big-bang a
;; b)
;; 3. Standard DrRacket tabbing including the big-bang default.
;; big-bang indents as:
;; (big-bang a
;; b)
;; (-> path-string? (values string? string? string?))
;; WARNING!!! This function likely has effects based on the framework library. It should NOT touch
;; your filesystem. However, this module should not be instantiated alongside
;; other DrRacket preferences.
(provide tabify-file)
(require racket/gui/base
(define (load-file source)
(define f-orig (new frame% [label ""]))
(define t-orig (new racket:text%))
(define ec-orig (new editor-canvas% [parent f-orig] [editor t-orig]))
(define text (bytes->string/utf-8 (render source #:verbose? #f)))
(send t-orig insert text)
(define (tabify-file file)
(parameterize* ([preferences:low-level-put-preferences
(λ _ (void))]
(λ _ #f)])
(define t (load-file file))
(define untabbed (send t get-text))
(define tabbed
(let ()
(match-define (list table rx1 rx2 rx3 rx4)
(preferences:get 'framework:tabify))
(hash-remove! table 'big-bang)
(preferences:set 'framework:tabify
(list table rx1 rx2 rx3 rx4))
(send t tabify-all)
(send t get-text)))
(define lambda-tabbed
(let ()
(match-define (list table rx1 rx2 rx3 rx4)
(preferences:get 'framework:tabify))
(hash-set! table 'big-bang 'lambda)
(preferences:set 'framework:tabify
(list table rx1 rx2 rx3 rx4))
(send t tabify-all)
(send t get-text)))
(values untabbed tabbed lambda-tabbed)))
#| TODO, turn these examples into proper tests
(module+ test
(tabify-file "big.rkt")
(tabify-file "retab.rkt"))
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