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Created June 16, 2009 00:58
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-- Out of curiousity, a take on Igal's language comparison in Haskell
-- Goal: Turn Array `["foo", "bar", "baz"]` into String `"ordered: 1=foo 2=bar 3=baz"`.
-- Haskell
-- Read arguments from command line
-- (def argv *command-line-args*)
import Data.List(intercalate)
-- Fake command-line arguments for use in REPL
argv = words "foo bar baz"
result = intercalate " " $ "ordered:" : zipWith (\num word-> show num ++ "=" ++ word) [1..] argv
main = putStrLn result
--Solution 2: Mimic Ruby's each with index:
argv = words "foo bar baz"
map = (\_ _ _ func list -> func $ zip list [1..])
each = undefined
with = undefined
index = undefined
mapM_ putStr $ "ordered:": map each with index (\(word, i)->" " ++ show i ++ "=" ++word) argv
(: XQuery :)
('ordered:', for $item at $pos in ("foo","bar","baz") return concat($pos,'=',$item))
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