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Forked from pchiusano/machines.hs
Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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-- Type-aligned sequence catenable queue supporting O(1) append, snoc, uncons
-- Don't need it to be a dequeue (unsnoc not needed)
data TCQueue c a b -- c is the category, a is starting type, b is ending type
type Channel f a b = TCQueue (Transition f) a b
type Process f b = Channel f () b
data Transition f a b where
Bind :: (a -> Process f b) -> Transition f a b
OnHalt :: (Cause -> Process f b) -> Transition f a b
Emit :: b -> Transition f a b
Await :: f b -> Transition f a (Either Cause b)
Halt :: Cause -> Transition f a b
data Cause = Normal | Error String
onHalt :: Channel f a b -> (Cause -> Process f b) -> Channel f a b
onHalt h t = h |> OnHalt t
append :: Channel f a b -> Process f b -> Channel f a b
append a b = onHalt a go where
go Normal = b
go cause = singleton (Halt cause)
through :: Channel f a b -> Channel f b c -> Channel f a c
through = ><
instance Monad (Process f b) where
return a = singleton (Emit a)
(>>=) p f = p |> Bind f
step :: Cause -> a -> Channel f a b -> Process f (Either Cause (b, Channel f a b))
step = ...
// Type-aligned sequence catenable queue supporting O(1) append, snoc, uncons
// Don't need it to be a dequeue (unsnoc not needed)
abstract class TCQueue[c, a, b] // c is the category, a is starting type, b is ending type
type Channel[f, a, b] = TCQueue[({ type l[x, y] = Transition[f, x, y] })#l, a, b]
type Process[f, b] = Channel[f, Unit, b]
sealed abstract class Transition[f, a, b]
case class Bind[f, a, b](get: a => Process[f, b]) extends Transition[f, a, b]
case class OnHalt[f, a, b](get: Cause => Process[f, b]) extends Transition[f, a, b]
case class Emit[f, a, b](get: b) extends Transition[f, a, b]
case class Await[f, a, b](get: f[b]) extends Transition[f, a, Either[Cause, b]]
case class Halt[f, a, b](get: Cause) extends Transition[f, a, b]
sealed abstract trait Cause
case object Normal extends Cause
case class Error(msg: String) extends Cause
def onHalt[f, a, b](h: Channel[f, a, b], t: Cause => Process[f, b]): Channel[f, a, b] = h |> OnHalt t
def append[f, a, b](a: Channel[f, a, b], b: Process[f, b]): Channel[f, a, b] = {
def go(x: Cause) = x match {
case Normal => b
case cause => singleton(Halt(cause))
onHalt(a, go)
through :: Channel f a b -> Channel f b c -> Channel f a c
through = ><
implicit def processInstance[f] = new Monad[({ type l[a] = Process[f, a] })#l] {
def pure[t](a: t) = singleton(Emit(a))
def flatMap[t, u](p: Process[f, t], f: t => Process[f, u]) = p |> Bind(f)
step :: Cause -> a -> Channel f a b -> Process f (Either Cause (b, Channel f a b))
step = ...
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