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Last active November 8, 2023 10:10
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Print a table with enabled nginx modules
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Prints information about modules, whether these are enabled or not.
# The goal is to quickly find whether a module appears in some package
# variant for some distro version.
# Written for use in
# The resulting table should appear as:
# | || wheezy (1.2.x) || wheezy (1.6.x) |
# | || light | full || light | full | other |
# | mod1 || yes | no || yes | no | no |
# | mod2 || yes | no || yes | no | no |
# Copyright (c) 2015 Peter Wu <>
# License: MIT (compatible with BSD-2-Clause)
Generate ngx_modules.c files with auto/configure. On Debian packaging, use:
apt-get -t wheezy build-dep nginx
apt-get -t wheezy source nginx
debian/rules config.status.{light,full,extras,naxsi}
for i in light naxsi full extras; do grep -Po 'ngx_\K\S+(?=_module;)' debian/build-$i/objs/ngx_modules.c | sed "s/^/nginx-$i /"; done > modules-1.2
apt-get -t wheezy-backports build-dep nginx
apt-get -t wheezy-backports source nginx
debian/rules override_dh_auto_configure
for i in light full extras; do grep -Po 'ngx_\K\S+(?=_module;)' debian/build-$i/objs/ngx_modules.c | sed "s/^/nginx-$i /"; done > modules-1.6
Then generate the table output with:
./ modules-1.6 modules-1.2
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
# Internal modules
modules_ignore = [
'http_chunked_filter', # Replaces http_chunkin_filter
# variants for http_upstream (can disable with --without-..._module)
# paid modules (documented but not available, internal name might differ)
# Maps internal module names to "Friendly" human-readable names (overrides
# guessed names in module_to_displayname).
module_friendly_name = {
'http_gzip_static': 'Gzip Precompression',
'http_realip': 'Real IP',
'http_autoindex': 'Auto Index',
'http_fastcgi': 'FastCGI',
'http_upstream_fair': 'Upstream Fair Queue',
'http_geoip': 'GeoIP',
'http_limit_req': 'Limit Requests',
'http_limit_conn': 'Limit Connections',
'http_sub_filter': 'Substitution',
'http_dav': 'WebDAV',
'http_userid_filter': 'User ID',
'http_perl': 'Embedded Perl',
'mail_core': 'Mail Core',
# 3rd party modules
'http_subs_filter': 'HTTP Substitutions',
'http_fancyindex': 'Fancy Index',
'http_uploadprogress': 'Upload Progress',
'http_push': 'HTTP Push',
'http_lua': 'Embedded Lua',
'development-kit': 'Nginx Development Kit',
def module_to_displayname(name):
if name in module_friendly_name:
return module_friendly_name[name]
parts = name.split('_')
# Drop common prefix
if parts[0] in ('http', 'mail'):
parts = parts[1:]
# Drop "filter" suffix
if len(parts) and parts[-1] == 'filter' and name != 'http_image_filter':
parts = parts[:-1]
def fixword(word):
"""Returns the word in the most appropariate (capitalized) form."""
if word in ('http', 'dav', 'flv', 'mp4', 'scgi', 'ssi', 'uwsgi',
'xslt', 'gif',
'ssl', 'imap', 'pop3', 'smtp', 'pam'):
return word.upper()
return word.capitalize()
name = ' '.join(fixword(word) for word in parts)
return name
def main_module_to_url(name):
# Converts a name from modules_main to the name as used in the docs.
# The internal name differs from the doc name for some filter mods.
if name.endswith('_filter') and name != 'http_image_filter':
name = name.replace('_filter', '')
return '{}_module.html'.format(name)
# Documented modules (minus the paid modules in modules_ignore). Generated by:
# curl -s |
# grep -Po '^ngx_\K\S+(?=_module)' | sed "s/.*/ '&',/"
modules_main = OrderedDict([ (name, main_module_to_url(name)) for name in [
# additional external modules with documentation links
modules_additional = OrderedDict([
# Documentation links for external modules
('http_auth_pam', ''),
('http_cache_purge', ''),
# Note, chunkin is replaced by chunked core module
('http_chunkin_filter', ''),
('http_dav_ext', ''),
('http_echo', ''),
('http_fancyindex', ''),
('http_headers_more_filter', ''),
('http_lua', ''),
('http_naxsi', ''),
('http_push', ''),
('http_subs_filter', ''),
('http_upload', ''),
('http_uploadprogress', ''),
('http_upstream_fair', ''),
# Not a user-visible module, enabled for 'extras'
('development-kit', ''),
def print_modules(enabled_modules, title, registered_modules):
# Map from version to available package variants
versions = OrderedDict()
for versions_to_variants in enabled_modules.values():
# Print header (skip module name)
pkg_row = '||<|2> '
variants_row = ''
for version, variants in enabled_modules.items():
# +2 for package version and variant names
pkg_row += '||<|{}> '.format(2 + len(registered_modules.keys()))
# the package (distro) version
pkg_row += '||<-{}:> {} '.format(len(variants.keys()), version)
# The package variants (light, etc.)
for variant in variants.keys():
variants_row += '||<:> {} '.format(variant)
pkg_row += '||'
variants_row += '||'
cols_count = sum(1 + len(vs.keys()) for vs in enabled_modules.values())
print("||<:-{}> ''' {} ''' ||".format(cols_count, title))
for name, url in registered_modules.items():
# Add the module name to the table
display_name = module_to_displayname(name)
if url:
cell = '[[{}|{}]]'.format(url, display_name)
cell = display_name
row = '|| ' + cell + ' '
# Print enabled states for each variant
for variants in enabled_modules.values():
#row += '|| ' # already rowspanned
for variant in variants.values():
# Whether the module name is enabled in this variant
if name in variant:
row += '||<:#80FF80> OK '
row += '||<:#FF8080> NO '
row += '||'
# Names of all modules
modules_all = list(modules_main.keys()) + list(modules_additional.keys())
modules_all += modules_ignore
# Find all enabled modules
# Input format: variant [SPC] modname. Ex: light http_access
def parse_file(f):
modules_variants_enabled = OrderedDict()
for line in f:
variant, name = line.strip().split()
if not name in modules_all:
sys.stderr.write('Unknown name {}\n'.format(name))
# Maintain variant order in file, add a new set to hold enabled modules
if variant not in modules_variants_enabled:
modules_variants_enabled[variant] = set()
if 'extras' in modules_variants_enabled:
return modules_variants_enabled
def filename_to_version(filename):
"""Given a filename, tries to make a human-readable label."""
if filename == 'modules-1.2':
return 'squeeze-backports / wheezy (1.2.1-2.2)'
if filename == 'modules-1.6':
return 'wheezy-backports / jessie (1.6.2-5)'
if filename == 'modules-1.6.2-9':
return 'wheezy-backports / jessie (1.6.2-9)'
return filename
def main():
# Maps distro versions to a mapping from package variants to a set of
# modules enabled in that variant.
enabled_modules = OrderedDict()
for filename in sys.argv[1:]:
name = filename_to_version(filename)
# Do not overwrite existing entries...
if name in enabled_modules:
name = filename
with open(filename) as f:
enabled_modules[name] = parse_file(f)
#import pprintl; pprint.pprint(enabled_modules)
def filter_mods(d, prefix):
return OrderedDict([ (name, value)
for name, value in d.items()
if name.startswith(prefix)
print_modules(enabled_modules, 'HTTP Modules', filter_mods(modules_main, 'http_'))
print_modules(enabled_modules, 'Mail Modules', filter_mods(modules_main, 'mail_'))
print_modules(enabled_modules, 'Third Party Modules', modules_additional)
if __name__ == '__main__':
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Prints the human-readable names for various modules.
# Usage:
# ./ modules-file [package-name]
# modules-file is the same file as for
# Outputs data suitable for a control file.
# ./ modules-file package-name existing-file
# existing-file is a file with the names of existing human-readable text per
# line. The purpose of this mode is to find missing names in the control file.
# Copyright (c) 2015 Peter Wu <>
# License: MIT (compatible with BSD-2-Clause)
import sys, textwrap
from itertools import chain
from collections import OrderedDict
from modules import modules_main, modules_additional, \
parse_file, module_to_displayname
def print_table(rows):
format_string = ' '.join('{{:{}}}'.format(
max(1, max(len(str(c)) for c in cells))
) for cells in zip(*rows))
for row in rows:
print(format_string.format(*[str(c) for c in row]))
def filter_main_modules(fn):
return list(filter(fn, modules_main))
# Modules which are enabled by default
# auto/configure --help |
# grep -Poe '--without-\K(http|mail)[a-z0-9_]+(?=_module)' | sed "s/.*/'&',/"
modules_main_default = [
# not included with the grep output
'http_charset', 'http_gzip', 'http_ssi', 'http_userid', 'http_access',
'http_auth_basic', 'http_autoindex', 'http_geo', 'http_map',
'http_split_clients', 'http_referer', 'http_rewrite', 'http_proxy',
'http_fastcgi', 'http_uwsgi', 'http_scgi', 'http_memcached',
'http_limit_conn', 'http_limit_req', 'http_empty_gif', 'http_browser',
'http_upstream_hash', 'http_upstream_ip_hash', 'http_upstream_least_conn',
'http_upstream_keepalive', 'mail_pop3', 'mail_imap', 'mail_smtp',
cats = [
('Standard HTTP',
filter_main_modules(lambda name:
name.startswith('http_') and name in modules_main_default)),
('Optional HTTP',
filter_main_modules(lambda name:
name.startswith('http_') and name not in modules_main_default)),
filter_main_modules(lambda name: name.startswith('mail_'))),
('Third Party', modules_additional),
def print_control(mods):
wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(79, initial_indent=' ', subsequent_indent=' ')
for variant, enabled_modules in mods.items():
print('Package: {}'.format(variant))
for title, modules in cats:
if not any(name in enabled_modules for name in modules):
text = '{} modules: '.format(title).upper()
text += ', '.join(module_to_displayname(name)
for name in modules if name in enabled_modules)
text += '.'
text = '\n'.join(wrapper.wrap(text))
print(' .')
def print_for_type(names_filename, enabled_modules):
read_displaynames = []
with open(names_filename) as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
for title, modules in cats:
if not any(name in enabled_modules for name in modules):
print('{} modules:'.format(title).upper())
rows = []
for name in modules:
if name not in enabled_modules:
dname = module_to_displayname(name)
rname = dname in read_displaynames
if rname is True:
rname = ''
rows.append((name, dname, rname))
if __name__ == '__main__':
with open(sys.argv[1]) as f:
mods = parse_file(f)
limit_version = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else None
if len(sys.argv) <= 3:
if limit_version is not None:
mods = { k: v for k, v in mods.items() if k == limit_version }
assert limit_version in mods, '{} not found'.format(limit_version)
print_for_type(sys.argv[3], mods[limit_version])
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