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Last active March 30, 2017 17:25
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Get timezones for a bunch of latitudes and longitudes
* Using Google's Google Maps Time Zone API, get the timezones for a bunch of locations which have latitudes and longitudes.
* Output the timezones to a file.
* Note that this WILL NOT APPEND if the file already exists. It WILL OVERWRITE.
* The API returns the following output:
* {
* "dstOffset" : 3600,
* "rawOffset" : -28800,
* "status" : "OK",
* "timeZoneId" : "America/Vancouver",
* "timeZoneName" : "Pacific Daylight Time"
* }
* In this gist, we are only using the timeZoneId.
* Access the API and get your key here:
// Populate this with your list of latitudes and longitudes:
// I am using the key as an ID.
$places = [
1 => ['lat' => 14.000000, 'lng' => -14.000000],
2 => ['lat' => 50.000000, 'lng' => -114.000000],
// as many as you like...
// Google Maps Time Zone API key:
$key = 'abc123';
// The file you want the results saved to:
$file = fopen("/somewhere/yourfile.txt", "w");
// If we want to rate limit by count:
// 0 for unlimited. The Google enforced hard limit for a free account is 2500.
$limit = 0;
// Just keeping track of how many we've processed:
$count = 0;
// If we want to rate limit by time:
$timeBetweenCurls = 0;
$curl = curl_init();
foreach ($places as $id => $place) {
$url = "" . $place['lat'] . "," . $place['lng'] . "&timestamp=" . time() . "&key=" . $key;
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$response = json_decode(curl_exec($curl), true);
// Customize this to whatever format you want:
$output = "\nTimezone is " . $response['timeZoneId'] . " for " . $id . ".";
// If we want to see the results as we're getting them:
// print($output);
fwrite($file, $output);
if ($limit > 0 && $count >= $limit) {
} else {
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