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Lemmings19 /
Last active April 12, 2017 22:46
Generating an updated PHP translation file using gettext

Simple Instructions:

Run the command.


  1. xgettext will parse a file and look for strings which are wrapped in _(). It will output those strings to a .po file for translations (default filename = messages.po).
  2. The find command will cause xgettext to parse all of the files which find returns rather than just parsing a single file.
  3. --join-existing will merge the results to an existing message.po file in the same output directory.
Lemmings19 / LaravelRecursiveBlade.php
Last active October 15, 2022 09:59
How to create a recursive list in a Blade. (Laravel)
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class TestController extends Controller
* This is just a quick example of how to create a recursive list of items
Lemmings19 / getTimezonesForLocations.php
Last active March 30, 2017 17:25
Get timezones for a bunch of latitudes and longitudes
* Using Google's Google Maps Time Zone API, get the timezones for a bunch of locations which have latitudes and longitudes.
* Output the timezones to a file.
* Note that this WILL NOT APPEND if the file already exists. It WILL OVERWRITE.
* The API returns the following output:
* {
Lemmings19 /
Created February 12, 2017 06:36
How to share a folder between Ubuntu inside VirtualBox (the guest) and Windows (the host)

For example:

I have a folder on my Windows installation named C:/shared_stuff.

I have Ubuntu running inside VirtualBox on my Windows installation.

I want to access that folder inside Ubuntu under the path /mnt/shared_stuff (this could be anything you like; it doesn't have to match the name of the folder in Windows).

  • Inside settings for the VM, go to Shared Folders.
  • Add a Machine Folder (or check Make Permanent).
Lemmings19 /
Last active June 20, 2019 09:03
Set up Laravel 5.4 in an Ubuntu VM on Windows

To setup Laravel inside an Ubuntu virtual machine on Windows

Tested on Windows 10. Probably works in 7 and 8. I wrote this after I went through all of it, so let me know if I forgot a step.

In this guide:

  • VirtualBox (allows you to run a Linux operating system such as Ubuntu while you are running Windows)
  • Ubuntu 16.04 64 (a user friendly Linux installation that will be supported for many years)
  • LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP - all of the things that you will run your web application on)
  • Composer (this just manages your PHP dependencies, such as Laravel)
Lemmings19 /
Last active January 9, 2022 23:05
Working Linux Terminal Prompt
# Example Prompt using this gist:
# 2022-01-09 23:00:50 user@host: ~/my-folder $
# Sets the scheme for the terminal prompt. Note that '##m' constitutes a colour code.
# Avoids several bugs, including the terminal input line-wrapping over the prompt.
# Includes the full date and time.
# In Ubuntu, add this to '~/.bashrc', then run 'source ~/.bashrc' and start a new terminal
# to apply the new prompt.
PS1='\D{%F %T} \[\033[01;32m\]\u\[\033[00m\]@\[\033[01;36m\]\h\[\033[00m\]: \[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\] $ '
Lemmings19 /
Last active May 26, 2016 22:35
Add newline to end of files without them.
echo "Adding newlines to files that don't have them."
echo "Each dot represents a file that has had a line added."
# Loop through files in the given directory with the given extensions
for f in $(find /var/www/project-name/ -name "*.php" -or -name "*.phtml" -or -name "*.js"); do
# If the file doesn't end in a new line, add one.
if [ "$(tail -c1 "$f"; echo x)" != $'\nx' ]; then
echo "" >>"$f"